首页 初高中教师化学教材教法考试试题及答案



初高中教师化学教材教法考试试题及答案初高中教师化学教材教法考试试题及答案 化学教材教法试题及答案 第一部分 判断题 : 1. 化学教学论是一门研究中学化学教材及教法的重要学科,也叫化学教学。( × ) 2. 化学教科书要依据化学课程标准由国家教育行政部门统一组织编制。(× ) 3. 化学课程目标突出强调对学生“双基”的培养。( × ) 4. 新课程的“内容标准”是对某一主题下所列内容应达到的最高学习要求。( × ) 5. 化学教学论是化学与教育学、教学论、教育心理学等学科的一门交叉学科。 ( ? ) 6. 化学课程中,科学探究既是一种重要...

初高中教师化学教材教法考试试题及答案 化学教材教法试题及答案 第一部分 判断题 : 1. 化学教学论是一门研究中学化学教材及教法的重要学科,也叫化学教学。( × ) 2. 化学教科书要依据化学课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 由国家教育行政部门统一组织编制。(× ) 3. 化学课程目标突出强调对学生“双基”的培养。( × ) 4. 新课程的“内容标准”是对某一主题下所列内容应达到的最高学习要求。( × ) 5. 化学教学论是化学与教育学、教学论、教育心理学等学科的一门交叉学科。 ( ? ) 6. 化学课程中,科学探究既是一种重要的学习方式也是化学课程的重要内容。 ( ? ) 7. 化学课程标准采用国家、地方、校本三级管理模式。( × ) 8. 化学教学评价加强对学生化学学习的质性评价,逐渐淡化量化评价。( × ) 9. 教师是知识的化身,决定着学生学习的内容、进度和方向。 ( × ) 10. 化学教学中的“教为主导”就是教学中学生要按教师的安排和意图进行学习。( × ) 11. 研究性学习是一门选修课,各学校根据实际需要开设。 ( × ) 12. 化学教学论是随着化学科学的产生而形成、发展的。 ( × ) 13、 “知识支柱”是学会认知的同义语。 ( × ) ) 14、化学课程就是指课程标准与教材。 ( × 15、科学教育的目标就是发展学生关于科学概念的知识。 ( × ) 16、教材栏目的设置目的之一是为了使学生体验各种不同的学习方式。 (? ) 17、化学课程目标的核心是知识技能目标。 ( × ) 18、科学探究的活动内容就是进行实验设计与操作。 ( × ) 19、教学情境是指“教学的情感环境”。 ( × ) organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 20、转变学习方式就是重视学习过程,淡化学习结果。 ( × ) 21. 使学生懂得“是什么”和“为什么”,就实践了对某一化学命题的学习。( × ) 22. 国际上调查公民科学素养主要考察对三方面内容的了解程度:科学术语和概念;科学研究过程和方法;科学、技术与社会的相互关系。 ( ? ) 23. 化学课程新标准的基本理念是提高学生的认知能力。 ( × ) 24. 新课程的“内容标准”是对某一主题下所列内容应达到的最高学习要求。( × ) 25. 化学教学论是教育学的分支学科。 ( × ) 26. 化学学习策略可以解释为化学学习方式。 ( × ) 27. 21世纪初化学新教材的内容特别体现化学与社会、科学、技术和环境的联系。( ? ) 28. 从科学教育的功能考察,其广域目标是知识、技能和方法。 ( × ) 29. 中学化学新课程标准提出的课程目标有三方面,知识、技能和情感 。 ( × ) ( × ) 30 化学学习能力是指学生在解题过程中表现出的熟练程度和准确性。 31.化学问题解决就是学习与某一化学命题相关内容的知识。 ( × ) 32. 化学教学改革中关于课堂教学过程的本质论述正确的是教师起主导作用。( × ) 第二部分 简答题及答案 1. 教科书的编写常映射相应的课程编制理论,我国现行的高中化学教科书的编制体系体现的是哪种理论,简单分析其利弊。 答:学科中心课程编制理论。逻辑性好,有利于学生系统地掌握化学学科知识结构,有利于学生逻辑思维能力的发展。 但理论性强,学术性强,难度大,内容抽象、枯燥,学生的认识顺序和心理发展顺序关注不够,难以激发学生学习兴趣,不利于学生的自主建构。 2. 从多个角度简述化学教学过程的本质。 答:化学教学过程是学生在教师指导下,以实验为基础的特殊认识过程;以育人为本、促进organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 学生全面发展的过程;是在教师指导下,学生主动建构知识意义和认知结构的过程;是师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程;是预设与生成、封闭与开放统一的过程。 3. 结合具体例子,说明化学概念的两种主要学习形式及相应教学方法。 答:上位学习,下位学习。 有具体例;比较、归纳,分析、演绎。 4. 绘制硫及其化合物的相互转化关系图,并尝试运用所学的有关理论知识解释化学教学中使用知识结构关系图的重要意义。 答:画出硫及其化合物相互转化关系图,正确,且涵盖硫的重要化合物。 恰当引用相关理论(如知识结构化,建构主义,主体性发挥,遗忘规律等),且解释合理。 5. 说说化学教科书编制坚持“三序”结合的意义。 答:说出教科书编制“三序”结合原则的内涵(学科知识的逻辑顺序、学生的认识顺序、学生心理发展顺序在教科书编制时的有机结合)。 每个“序”简要做说明解释。 6. “发现学习是意义学习,接受学习是机械学习”观点辨析。 答:这一表述是不正确的。 发现学习不一定就是意义学习,也有可能是机械,如果是盲目的试误式发现学习,就有可能是机械的;接受学习不一定是机械学习,如果教师教授得法,也有可能是有意义的。 判断一种学生是意义的还是机械的学习,关键在于新学知识是否与已有知识建立非人为、实质性的联系。意义学习有两个先决条件:一是学生表现出意义学习的心向,即在新学内容与自己已有知识之间建立联系的倾向;二是学习内容对学生具有潜在意义,既能与学生已有的知识结构联系起来。 7. 即将实施的高中化学新课程的结构及如此设置的意义。 答案要点:(1)高中化学课程结构:模块化设置,分必修、选修两类,必修包括化学1、化学2两个模块,选修包括化学与生活、化学与技术、物质结构与性质、化学反应原理、有organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 机化学基础、实验化学(选修模块不能说出具体名称也可) (2)意义 :从体现基础性、选择性、时代性、主体性、体验性等几个方面展开阐述。 8. 简述观察能力的结构特征。 答:选择力、 程序力、敏感力、准确力,每一要素适当加以展开说明。 9(2003年教育部颁布的《普通化学高中课程标准(实验)》,在课程目标、课程结构、课程内容等方面进行了全新的改革,使“不同学生学习不同化学”的目标得以实现。请分析该标准的基本结构与特色。 新的高中化学课程有必修课程模块和选修课程模块构成 答:2个必修模块:化学1(2学分,36课时);化学2(2学分,36课时); 6个选修模块:(每个模块均为2学分,36课时)化学与生活;化学与技术;物质的结构与性质;化学反应原理;有机化学基础,实验化学 学生在学完必修课时化学1和化学2后,至少要在6个选修模块中任选一个模块进行学习,并获得相应学分。 必修课程较好地体现了初、高中阶段化学知识与技能的衔接,不仅为学生学习其他化学课程模块提供了基础,而且在过程与方法,情感态度与价值观方面对高中学生提出了具体的要求。 选修课程则在提高了学生科学素养的总目标下功能有所侧重。设置了模块内容的体系有所不同,有的着力反应现代化学的基本原理,有的则充分体现了化学对学生生活和社会发展的主要影响。 10(pH=6.0的盐酸用水稀释100倍pH值是否会变化为8.0,为什么,试对中学生做出解释。 答:PH=6.0的稀盐酸大量用水稀释(100倍),PH不会变为8.0。由 +- 于水的大量存在,谁的 电离程度加剧,HOH + OH由于产生的H+将抑制溶液中[H+]2 的进一步降低,近似溶液的PH无限接近于7.0,而不会降到8.0。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 11. 这是现行的A、B两本初中化学教材中对于相对原子质量概念的定义。请对这两组化学概念的不同表述方式做一评注。 教材A 教材B 相对 一种碳原子质量的1/12作为标准,以一种碳原子的质量的1/12作为基准,其它原原子 其它原子质量跟它比较所得的值,子的质量与这一基准的比值,称为这种原子的相质量 就是这种原子的相对原子质量。 对原子质量。 附图 : 碳原子 碳原子的1/12 氧原子 ? 16 氧的相对原子质量= ~ ~ 答:教材A对相对原子质量的表达 科学性,但对初中生而言较难理解,可读性较差。 教材B,对相对原子质量的定义从抽象和复杂中摆脱出来,用图式的方法,使概念具体化,降低了知识学习的难度。 12(某学生在区九年级的三次化学测验的得分均为85分,其全区化学测验分数的平均分和标准差分别为85、5;83、5;80、5。根据这些数据,你认为该学生的学业成绩是否有所进步,为什么, 85,8585,83z1,,0z2,,0.4答:(10分) 55 85,80z3,,1 5 T1 =10Z1 +50 =50 T2= 10Z2 +50 =54 T3 =10Z3 + 50 =60 T3>T2>T1 ,说明学生成绩进步提高 13(2001年教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育化学课程标准(实验稿)》体现了国家对21世纪初我国义务教育化学课程的基本要求。请分析该标准的基本结构与特色。 答:义务教育化学课程标准由4个部分构成,前言,课程目标,内容标准和实施建议。 课程理念 以提高学生的科学素养为主旨 科学素养 课程目标 知识与技能 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 科学探究 身边的化学物质 内容标准 物质构成的奥秘 物质的化学变化 化学与社会发展 14(这是现行的A、B两本初中化学教材中对于元素化合价概念的定义。请对这两组化学概念的不同表述方式做一评注。 教材A 教材B 元素 一种元素一定数目的原子跟其它元素化学家在研究大量化合物中不同元素原子的化 一定数目的原子化合的性质,叫做这种数目比值关系的基础上,总结出了体现这合价 元素的化合价。 种关系的数值—元素化合价。 答:、教材A关于元素化合物的定义表达过份强调科学性,对于初中生的理解,太抽象。 教材关于元素化合物的定义从根本上改变初中生的认知水平,既注重科学性,又易学生理解。 15.联合国教科文组织发表的《教育——财富蕴藏其中》一书中提出四种“知识支柱”,请用英文和中文分别表达这四种“知识支柱” 。 答:该书提出的四种知识支柱是: 学会认知(learning to know) 学会做事(learning to do) 学会共同生活(learning to live together) 学会生存(learning to be) 16. 简述21世纪初的全国高中化学必修课程的内容主题。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 答:课程: 化学1 化学2 认识化学科学 物质结构基础 化学实践基础 化学反应与能量 常见无机物及其应用 化学与可持续发展 17. 初中化学教学大纲(A)与新制定的义务教育化学课程标准(B)建构的内容体系分别如下: A B 化学基本概念和原理 科学探究 元素化合物知识 身边的化学物质 化学基本计算 物质构成的奥秘 化学实验 物质的化学变化 化学与社会发展 试通过分析比较,阐述两者的特点。 答:A:内容体现传统的教学观念,偏重化学学科知识,重视化学基础知识和基本技能。 B:以提高学生的科学素养为宗旨,突出学习方式的转变(科学探究),提倡与生活实际 相联系,激发学生探索物质世界的兴趣,揭示化学与社会可持续发展的关系。 (评分的标准是以学生的语句含义考虑) 18. 以“分子”为例具体说明概念图的制作过程。 答: 在绘制概念图时,首先要抓住核心概念的定义及其直接相关的中心内容,其次要抓住其它的性质特征,然后再抓住它与其它知识的联系。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 物质 微粒 ? 特征 ? 分子 构成 原子 ? ?保持 小,运动,间隔 化学性质 种类改变? ,种类不变 化学变化 物理变化 上图的制作过程:“分子”这个核心概念是与微粒和“化学性质”这两个概念联成了概念图的中心内容。 然后,再去完善“微粒”和“化学性质”这两个相关概念。 “微粒的上位概念是”物质”,“化学性质”的下位概念是“化学变化”和“物理变化”。 此外,也不能忽略“分子”这一核心概念直接体现的性质特征:如“质量很小”,“不断运动”,“有间隔”等。 19.某青年教师按照本校著名化学特级教师“苯的结构和性质”的课堂教学过程,模仿他的内容和方法进行教学,但实际教学效果并不佳。请你从理论上分析可能导致这一结果的原因。 答:可能性分析:没有了解学生已有的生活经验 ;对教材的地位和内容不熟悉,不会应用教学策略与方法 ;缺乏教学经验,教师应变能力差 ;师生互动少,学生主动探究活动少。 20. 以“电解质”为例具体说明概念图的制作过程。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 上图的制作过程,“电解质”这个核心概念是与“溶液”和“电离”逐个两个概念形成了概念图的中心内容。 然后再去完善“溶液”和“电离”相关的概念,“溶液”的上位概念是“分散系”,而溶液还包括非电解质。电解质根据电离情况的不同分为强弱电解质。 此外,也要关注“电解质”的直接的特征,并注意在概念下面加上实例,以形成较为完善的概念图。 21. 以钠与水为例,说明如何运用多种感官协同策略学习钠与水反应的化学性质。 答:运用多种感官协同策略,将实验、观察与思维结合,学生的思维的参与更深刻,更主动,学生的主体性得以充分发挥,学生通过亲身经历和体验科学探究过程,使结论的获得与具体的情景、过程有机结合,增进了对知识的记忆和理解。 钠与水反应的化学方程式:2Na+2HO=2NaOH+H学生首先观察钠与水反应的实验现22 象,(浮、熔、游、红、嘶),尝试根据反应现象解释原因,并对该反应的产物作出推测,即提出假说,然后运用已有知识设计实验方案,收集证据,验证假说,从而获得正确的实验结论。 验证实验方案:反应后向溶液中滴加酚酞溶液变红;收集的气体能被点燃。 第三部分 教学设计 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 1(教学设计 内容:高一化学第六章第三节《硫酸》(第一课时即“一、硫酸”部分内容) )设计本节的教学目标 问题:(1 (2)确定本节的教学重点、难点,并简要说明理由 (3)拟定本节的教学方法,并说明选择的依据及使用于哪些具体知识点 (4)根据探究性实验教学一般步骤及演示技能的构成要素,简单设计“浓((((硫酸强氧化性”的探究性演示实验教学过程,若有必要则画出实验装置草图 ((((( (1)“教学目标”参考:了解浓硫酸的物理性质;通过实验探究浓硫酸的化学性质,增强观察能力、思维能力;了解浓硫酸的保存和用途;结合浓硫酸的强氧化性,逐步树立安全意识;通过对比稀、浓硫酸的性质逐步树立内因外因、量变质变的辩证唯物主义思想。 (2)教学重点:浓硫酸的化学性质 教学难点:浓硫酸的强氧化性,浓硫酸的脱水性和吸水性的区别 理由 (3)教学方法:实验探究法(演示法)、指导阅读法、讨论法等 ;使用的知识点及依据 (4)教学过程:体现实验探究教学过程 体现演示技能构成要素 时间、语言、书写、页面等因素 2(材料分析设计题 。 材料:,《2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试》第28题。, organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 水蒸气通过灼热的焦碳后~流出气体的主要成分是CO和H~还有CO和水蒸气22等。请用下图中提供的仪器~选择必要的试剂~设计一个实验~证明上述混合气体中有CO和H。,加热装置和导管等在图中略去, 2 焦炭 g h i j k l m a b A c d B 水和沸石 浓HSO NaOH溶液 澄清石灰水 24e f C 回答下列问题: ,1,盛浓HSO的装置用途是 ~ 24 盛NaOH溶液的装置用途是 。 ,2,仪器B中需要加入试剂的名称,或化学式,是: ~ 所发生反应的化学方程式是: 。 ,3,仪器C中需加入试剂的名称,或化学式,是: ~ 其目的是: 。 ,4,按气流方向连接各仪器~用字母表示接口的连接顺序: g—ab— 。 ,5,能证明混合气体中含有CO的实验依据是 。 ,6,能证明混合气体中含有H的实验依据是 2 。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 问题: (1)请在原题空格上填写相应的答案; (2)请分析该试题的命题意图; (3)据试题质量分析,该题相关质量指标:P=0.578 ,D=0.822,请作简要评价。 (4)你认为学生若要顺利完成这一实验需要具备哪些必备的基础知识; (5)你认为学生在作答时,容易出现哪些错误,试分析其原因; 6)若要求你以“水蒸气通过灼热焦碳后形成的混合气体成分探究”为课题进( 行一次探究教学,请进行教学设计,并写出一份微型 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 (实验药品、仪器、装(( 置及方案可不受限于原题提供的素材,必要时可画实验草图) 解答 :(1)除去水蒸气;除去CO。 氧化铜(CuO),CuO+H= Cu+HO,222CuO+CO= Cu+CO 。 无水硫酸铜(CuSO),检验HO 。 g—ab—kj242 —hi—cd (或dc)—fe—lm 或g—ab—kj —lm—hi—fe—cd(或dc)—fe—lm或g—ab—lm—hi—fe—cd(或dc)—fe—lm。 原混合气中的CO2已被除去,其中CO与CuO反应生成的CO使澄清石灰水变浑浊。 原混合气中的HO已22被除去,其中H与CuO反应生成的HO使澄清石灰水变浑浊。 22 (2)考查仪器药品的选择、实验原理、实验方案的设计、收集证据及推理等。 (3)难度中等,稍微偏易。 区分度很好。 (4)相关物质如CO、H、浓HSO、CO、NaOH、无水硫酸铜(CuSO)、22424澄清石灰水等的性质和用途,相关仪器设备如干燥管、洗气装置的正确使用,除杂方法,等等。说出三点以上 (5)说出两点以上学生可能出现的错误(尤其是学生的错误观念或模糊观念)。2分 合理解释相应的原因。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and (6)教学思路较好地体现探究教学的思想。 实验方案合理、可行,各探究环节得以较好的体现和实施。 教案的格式、书写规范。 (探究性实验演示的一般过程是什么,请你根据上述活动程序设计一个“过氧3 化钠与水反应”的探究性实验演示教学微型教案(5分钟左右),同时注意体现(((( 实验演示教学的基本构成要素。 答:探究性演示的一般过程:提出问题——实验探究——收集证据——科学抽象——结论 。探究教案 。教学时间、语言组织、书写等因素 。 4(为高中教材“二氧化硫的性质和作用”一节内容编写出教学目标,制定本节课的教学思路。 2、(1)教学目标:合理、准确、多样。 (2)教学思路:安排合理,充分兼顾教学过程的多个要素,能够运用一些较为新意的一些思路、方法 5、请设计一学习活动方案,探究水与酒精混合后的现象。 1、体积变化 温度变化 ?实证操作方案 预测结果 测量结果 预测结果 测量结果 ? 50ml水与50ml水混合 ? 50ml水与50ml酒精混合 ? 50ml酒精与50ml水混合 ?选题 反思 总结() 2、 单元 初级会计实务单元训练题天津单元检测卷六年级下册数学单元教学设计框架单元教学设计的基本步骤主题单元教学设计 教学方案 6按给出的教材内容(《溶液的酸碱性》上海教育出版社,初三化学)完成下列要求:(1). 编写一节课的教学方案; organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and (2).设计引入新课的情景片断。 1本单元的地位、作用和前后联系 ,本单元内容体系的重点、难点分析 ,学生的学习基础和发展可能性分析 ,本单元的教学目的,任务和要求 ,本单元的教学策略和主要措施(思路、程序) 前几单元中学生所学的化学用语、物质组成与结构、物质分类、物质的性质与变化、溶液、金属活动性顺序的运用规律等知识为本单元学习奠定了基础,所以本单元是前几个单元学习的继续和总结。同时通过本单元的学习可以进一步帮助学生更好地理解和学习第十一单元的知识,使学生对所学的无机物有一个比较完整的认识。 [教学目标] 、识溶液的酸碱性,会用酸碱指示剂定性地检验溶液的酸碱性;会用PH试纸1 定量地测定溶液的酸碱度; 2、知道酸碱性溶液对生命活动及作物生长的重要性及其影响; 3、通过指示剂的使用,了解化学测量在化学研究和生产、生活中的重要作用; 4、会用溶液酸碱性的知识解释生活中的一些有关现象。 [重点难点] 重点:1.理解溶液的酸碱性; 2.掌握几种常用酸碱指示剂的显色情况及操作方法; 3.了解pH与溶液酸碱性的关系,初步学会pH试纸的使用方法。 难点:pH与溶液酸碱性的关系 [单元学情分析] 学生在前几个单元已初步认识了一些常见酸、碱的名称、化学式,接触了organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 金属氧化物与酸反应,酸和盐的反应,初步认识金属活动性顺序并以此规律来判断金属与酸的反应,所以通过本单元的学习,有利于学生对酸、碱知识的系统化,但由于本单元涉及物质种类及名称较多,物质的化学式较前几单元复杂,化学反应方程式及反应类型较多,这给学生的学习带来了一定的困难。教师在备课过程中,要想方设法帮助学生树立信心,充分利用好实验来激发学生学习化学的兴趣。 [教学策略] (1)学生初学酸碱知识时既有兴奋之情,又有畏惧心理(知道酸和碱都有腐蚀性),教师在教学时既要鼓励学生大胆、细心地做实验,又要善于引导学生从实验现象中认识酸碱的性质。研究化学性质时,可以将实验现象与反应的化学方程式相联系,做到具体形象与符号抽象结合。 (2)本节教材采用分组学习、对比的编排形式,因此教学时要充分理解和利用这一意图。 (3)从学生熟悉的酸入手引入课题,让学生初步认识酸和碱。播放录像:创设情境激发学生利用和开发身边的物质进行科学探究——寻找指示剂,利用自制的指示剂测定生活中常见物质的酸碱性。 2情景导入:导入的过程和方法 ,趣味性与科学性,真实性 ,学生的可接受性。 [情境导入]利用生活中有酸味的食品,如:食醋、酸奶及一些常见的水果等,引出“酸”的知识。 (1)生活中还知道哪些物质有“酸”味, (2)你能否结合前面所学知识设计实验证明这些物质的溶液是否呈酸性, 7、请设计一学习活动方案,探究鸡蛋壳的主要成分。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 答 :1、 ? ?实证方案 。方案?:洗净鸡蛋、碾碎,分别加入试管A、B中, A+水并气球套住管口,B+稀HCl 也用气球套住管口;现象,解释,结论 方案?:烧杯A和烧杯B同时放一支蜡烛,点燃。B中放入少量洗净并研碎 的鸡蛋壳,加少量食醋或稀盐酸。 2、单元教学方案 8按给出的教材内容(《奇妙的二氧化碳》上海教育出版社,初三化学)完成下列要求: (1). 编写两节课的教学方案; (2).设计引入新课的情景片断。 8(1本单元的地位、作用和前后联系 ,本单元内容体系的重点、难点分析 ,学生的学习基础和发展可能性分析 ,本单元的教学目的,任务和要求 ,本单元的教学策略和主要措施(思路、程序) (一)教材分析:本节课是在学习探究了氧气之后又一重要的物质,对于学生学会怎样探究一种新物质,了解掌握该物质的性质、在现实生活和实际生产过程中的作用有非常重要的意义。 (二)教学重点难点: 教学重点:二氧化碳的性质与用途 教学难点:二氧化碳与灭火 (三)教学目标: 1(知识目标:认识二氧化碳的主要物理和化学性质;了解二氧化碳在自然界碳循环中的作用以及对人类生活和生产的意义。 2(能力目标:初步学会运用观察、实验等方法获取信息;初步学会用归纳、organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 概括等方法对获取的信息进行加工; 3(情感目标:激发学生的好奇心和探究欲;发扬善于合作、勤于思考、勇于创新和实践的精神。 本节课采用投影演示与讲述、指导相结合的方法。先简要介绍一下二氧化碳的物理性质,然后重点讲解二氧化碳的化学性质,同时结合适当的课堂练习,让学生参与到教学中来,从已知到未知,从感性到理性,循序渐进,使知识得以巩固和落实。 通过启发-探究式的教学策略等等 8(2情景导入:导入的过程和方法 ,趣味性与科学性,真实性 ,学生的可接受性。 [引入] 播放“死狗洞”的录像。 [提问] 1、狗走进洞后就会死亡,是因为洞中的“屠狗妖”是二氧化碳。那么, 二氧化碳是否有毒,它是怎样使狗死亡的呢,(无毒,但浓度高时可导 致窒息死亡)2、二氧化碳浓度高时,对人也会有危害。(给出投影表) 可用什么方法可检验洞中二氧化碳浓度对人无害呢,(利用二氧化碳不 帮助燃烧的性质)3、为什么火把要拿低一点(火把能否高举入洞) 9(为高中教材“氯气的性质”一节内容(见附页)编写出教学目标,并设计一段教学情景,引入新课。 答:本题探究性学习活动方案包含五个步骤:提出问题、提出假设、验证假设、得出结论、交流与应用。每个步骤答案合理就给3分。参考下列方案: 【问题的提出】炎热的夏天同学们都喜欢喝碳酸饮料,当打开碳酸饮料时,我们可以看到有大量的气泡产生,你们知道这气体有怎样的性质呢, 【提出假设】假设:二氧化碳既不能燃烧也不支持燃烧。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 【验证假设】打开一瓶汽水,用一个塑料袋罩住汽水瓶口,手机适量的气体。再把收集的气体倾倒到燃着的蜡烛上,观察实验现象。 【得出结论】打开一瓶汽水,用一个塑料袋罩住汽水瓶口,手机适量的气体。再把收集的气体倾倒到燃着的蜡烛上,可以看到燃着的蜡烛熄灭了。此实验说明二氧化碳既不能燃烧也不支持燃烧。 【交流与应用】由于二氧化碳具有不能燃烧也不支持燃烧的性质,因此我们可用二氧化碳气体灭火。 10.为高中教材“氯气的性质”一节内容(见附页)设计学习任务和学习活动,并说明设计意图。 答:【教学目标】 (1)知识与技能 (1) 掌握氯气的化学性质和实验室中提取氯气的原理和方法。 (2) 了解氯气的物理性质和掌握氯离子的检验方法。 (2)过程与方法 (1) 掌握科学探究实验的方法,提高观察和分析、解决问题的能力。 (2) 学会实验设计方法,体验探究过程。 (3)情感态度和价值观 (1) 通过实验,激发学习兴趣。 (2) 培养学生科学态度和科学精神。 【教学情景】 写出一种方法且描述合理、清晰并具有一定的可操作性即可给分,本题参考答案如下: organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and A:化学事件导入法:通过多媒体展示再网上有这样二则新闻报道:南昌某游泳馆发生氯气中毒事件;吉林乾安发生氯气泄漏事故2万群众被紧急疏散。通过两个事件引起同学思考为什么氯气会引起人们中毒,那么氯气有怎样的性质呢, B:直接导入法:前面我们学习了碱金属元素的有关知识,了解到碱金属是几种在原子结构和元素性质上都有一定相似性的一类非金属元素,卤族元素,简称卤素,它包括氟、氯、溴、碘、砹五种元素。 C:化学史导入法:舍勒发现氯气是在1774年,当时他正在研究软锰矿(二氧化锰),当他使软锰矿与浓盐酸混合并加热时,产生了一种黄绿色的气体,这种气体的强烈的刺激性气味使舍勒感到极为难受,但是当他确信自己制得了一种新的气体后,他又感到由衷的快乐。 舍勒制备出氯气以后,把它溶解在水里,发现这种水溶液对纸张、蔬菜和花都具有永久性的漂泊作用;他还发现氯气能与金发生反应。直到1810年,戴维经过大量实验研究,才确认这种气体是由一种化学元素组成或金属氧化物发生化学反应。从1774年舍勒发现氯气以后,到1810年,许多科学家先后对这种气体的性质进行了研究。这期间,氯气一直被当作一种化合物的物质。他将这种元素命名为chlorine,这个名称来自希腊文,有“绿色”的意思。我国早年的译文将其译作“绿气”,后改为氯气。 3(高中教材“氯气的性质”一节内容(见附页)设计学习任务和学习活动,并说明设计意图。 评分标准:下列三点叙述合理的给满分。教学任务 学习活动 设计意图 。参考以下方案。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 学习任务与学习活动 设计意图 学习任务:了解氯气的物理性质,掌握 氯气的化学性质和氯水的性质及其用 途及会写相关的反应方程式。 学习活动内容:(1)回忆原有相关知识培养学习的迁移能力和探究能力。 的学习或者谈论和思考教师提出的问 题。 (2)阅读课本,归纳出氯气的物理性培养学生提取信息的能力。 质。 (3)观察教师做氯气燃烧化学性质实激起学生探究的能力及实验设计能力验。 和团结协作精神及让学生在探究实验(4)学生根据自己提出的假设,设计过程中体验学习化学的快乐。 实验方案探究氯水的化学性质。 培养学社国内整理、归纳、概括信息的(5)小节氯气的性质。 能力。 11.通过“铁钉在不同环境下的锈蚀情况”的活动为主题,设计简要的探究性学习活动方案。 答:[创设情景]学生查阅资料,了解我国每年因钢铁生锈造成的经济损失。 [提出问题]铁为什么会生锈,在不同条件下对铁的生锈产生哪些影响, [提出假设] 1与空气接触;2与水蒸汽接触;3与空气和水同时接触。 [实验验证] 实验1:取一只干燥试管,放入一根铁钉,用橡皮塞塞紧试管口。 实验2:取一只试管,放入一根铁钉,加入刚煮沸过的蒸馏水至浸没铁钉,然后organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 在水面上注入一层植物油,使铁钉只与水接触。 实验3:取一只试管,放入一根铁钉,然后注入蒸馏水,不要浸没铁钉,使铁钉与空气和水同时接触。 [结论]常温下,铁在干燥的空气或隔离空气只与水反应都不生锈,当铁同时与空气和水接触时才会生锈。因此铁生锈的原因是水和空气共同作用的结果。 12.为高中教材“二氧化硫的性质和作用”一节内容(见附页)编写出教学目标,并设计一段教学情景,引入新课。 (1)教学目标: [知识和技能] 了解二氧化硫的性质和作用,掌握证明二氧化硫性质的实验方法;了解酸雨的形成、危害及防治方法。 [过程与方法] 通过实验、讨论、探究方法等学习过程,初步学会运用所学知识分析和解决问题的方法。 [态度情感与价值观] 通过防治酸雨和环境污染的学习和教育,增强环保意识、社会责任感、参与意识,形成牢固的“可持续发展”观。通过与同学共同合作、探究学习,学会倾听、欣赏、分享,增强团队精神。 (2) 新课引入 [投影展示]雕像、森林受酸雨毁坏的图片:公园里的大理石雕像、寺院里古塔上的美丽的图案都变得模糊了、森林里的树木枯死了、源泊里的鱼死了。 [提出问题]是什么使雕像模糊、树木枯死, organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and [过渡]酸雨造成了今天这么多严重的环境问题。那么什么是酸雨,是什么化学物质使雨水变酸性,今天的学习会带领我们从学习活动中寻找答案。 3.请你根据所给的教材内容“二氧化硫的性质和作用”(见附页)设计学习任务和学习活动,并说明设计意图。 评分:二氧化硫的酸性 ,(其中教学活动设计 ,设计意图 。) 二氧化硫的氧化还原性 (其中教学活动设计 ,设计意图 。) 二氧化硫的漂白性 ,(其中教学活动设计 ,设计意图 。) 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 展示一瓶二氧化硫气体。 观察并推测二氧利用所学知识来 提问:根据二氧化硫的化学式推测二氧化硫可能化硫的物理性分析问题,并回具有哪些化学性质, 质。学生相互讨忆酸性氧化物有 论。二氧化硫可关知识。 能是酸性氧化 物。 提示:二氧化硫中的硫元素是中间价,化合价既既有氧化性又有巩固氧化还原知可以升高,也可以下降。可能有什么性质, 还原性。 识。 上面二氧化硫的性质仅是我们的推测,还需要用前后桌四位同学在思考过程中体实验加以验证。下面请同学们设计实验方案来验相互讨论。学生验探究过程,利证我们的推测。 按表要求回答。 用所学知识解决投影:提供下列试剂:石蕊试液、酚酞试液、澄问题。 清石灰水、氢氧化钡溶液、溴水、气体封存在医 用葡萄糖瓶中、氯化钡溶液、稀盐酸,若干试管 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 的气体,大针筒中储有气体。 教师及时评价,并演示实验,与学生一起描述实讨论、尝试写出进一步巩固氧化验现象和逐一书写化学方程式。 化学方程式并用还原知识。 [讲解]二氧化硫可以被氯水、溴水、碘水等氧化双线表示电子转 剂氧化,表现出二氧化硫的强还原性,还可以被移的方向和数 空气中的氧气氧化。教师点评。 目,分析氧化剂 [总结]二氧化硫主要化学性质和检验二氧化硫和还原剂。 气体的方法。 漂白性 观察材料以化学激发学生学习兴[投影]展示画面:银耳用燃烧着的硫磺熏;工商的角度思考分析趣。将 化学知识部门在媒体上曝光银耳、粉丝等二氧化硫超标的问题。 与现实生活实际报道。 观察实验积极思相联系。 [演示实验]将盛二氧化硫的注射器慢慢注入品考。 红溶液中,红色褪去,再加热后,试管里的无色 溶液又恢复了红色,套在试管口的气球膨胀,约 后试管冷却,气球变瘪了,溶液又变为无色。 指导学生比较二氧化硫、氯水、过氧化钠的漂白 性和活性炭的脱色作用。 酸雨 学生思考回答问 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and [投影]公园里的大理石雕像变得模糊了、森林里题。 的树木枯死了。是什么原因, 取一份雨水,用 什么是酸雨,是什么化学物质使雨水变酸性,试纸测定或石蕊 怎样测定雨水的酸度, 试液测定。 对学生的回答给予评定,适当讲解。 [投影]根据资料查得通过计测定,有雨水样品一运用所学知识,学会用已学知识份,每隔一段时间测定该雨水样 根据表中数据分去分析实际问品的,所得数据如下:析雨水PH变化原题,培养知识迁 因。 移能力,增强图 表分析能力。 为什么雨水的PH随时间而发生变化, [提问]在火力发电厂燃烧煤的废气中往往含有学生讨论、选择、通过防治酸雨和SO、O、N、CO等,如何 设计方案 关于薪酬设计方案通用技术作品设计方案停车场设计方案多媒体教室设计方案农贸市场设计方案 除去有害气体解释,并比较各环境污染的学习2222 SO变废为宝, 种方法的优劣。 和教育,增强环2 介绍防治酸雨的不同途径。 保意识、社会责 任感、参与意识, 形成牢固的“可 持续发展”观。 小结:二氧化硫性质和作用以及检验方法,酸雨回忆积极思考。 巩固本节内容。 形成和防治。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 第一讲 化学教学的目标与原则 一、化学教学的目标 1(了解化学知识与技能,并学习这些知识技能在生活、生产中的应用,关注科学技术的现 状与发展趋势。 2(学习科学探究方法,发展自主学习能力,养成良好的思维习惯,能运用化学知识和科学 探究方法解决一些问题。 3(激发好奇心与求知欲,以及科学探索兴趣,有坚持真理、勇于创新、实事求是的科学态 度与科学精神,有振兴中华,将科学服务人类社会的责任感。 4(了解科学与技术、经济和社会的互动作用,认识人与自然、社会的关系,有可持续发展 意识和全球观念。 二、化学教学的原则 (一)自主性原则 现代教学论有一个非常重要的观点,就是知识结论和学习过程同样重要。保证学生有效自主 的学习活动,其要点是要保证化学教学过程为师生互相联系、互相影响的双边活动过程,让 教的过程和学的过程统一起来,改变由教师一味主宰课堂教学的情况。自主学习,强调的是 自主,即教师不能包办代替,教师的责任是创设问题情景,提供学习材料和背景, 兴趣,强调学生自己去思考、议论、尝试、总结、验证等等。一句话,不要让学激发学习 生完全被动 地去接受,而是要主动地去寻求,不要让学生完全地被告知,而是要让学生主动地去发现、 去理解、去把握。 (二)探究性原则 教学过程既要传授知识,又要培养能力。在学习的阶段,知识的把握是有限的,而能力的提 高是学生持续发展的根本。过去,一般认为能力包括记忆、理解、运用等,而现代教育学理 论认为,学生的能力还包括动手实践能力、创造和发散思维能力、获取信息和交流信息能力 等等。所以探究性原则在化学教学中日益显现出其重要性 (四)实践性原则 化学是一门基础自然科学,它与人们的生产生活实际联系紧密,因此,注重化学教学的实践 性,加强化学知识的应用性,是化学教学的一个重要方面。新教材教学内容中增加了许多联 系实际的内容,并补充有“阅读材料”“生活中小实验”等;随着新科技的发展,联系实际 的教学内容也在不断增加,包括有环境保护、新能源、新材料、食物、保健等;在化学实验 教学中,更可以让学生联系生活实际,开展organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 实验。如,在金属铝的教学中,让学生收集生活 中的铝制品,开展一定的社会调查,来熟悉铝的性质和用途。而对废弃铝制品的回收和处理, 是当今社会一个非常现实的问题,让学生充分开展讨论,提出积极建议,让废气铝制品能加 以重新利用,对环保作出有益的推动。在教材中,联系实际的内容举不胜举,可以说,每一 段内容都是联系实际的好教材,关键看教师是否有联系实际的能力,还化学于生活中的真面 目。实践性原则注重的是实践,在实践中化学知识得以有效的应用,而同时也可增加各学科 知识的交叉和渗透的机会,是学生将知识综合运用,得到分析解决问题的实践锻炼。 (五)层次性原则 素质教育的主要渠道是课堂教学,素质教育的主体是全体学生。面向全体学生,使每一个学 生都得到不同程度的发展、使每一个学生素质都得到提高也是化学教学的主要任务。由于心 理、生理、家庭、社会等条件的不同,学生的个性差异是客观存在的。在教学中,教师应在 层次性原则的指导下,充分理解学生的差异性,加强教育的针对性、有效性,对不同层次学 生的实际 教育。 第情况,提出切实有效的教学方法和途径,对每一个学生负责,使每一个学生都得到 二讲 化学教学的基本方法 一、自学指导,变被动接受为主动探索 自学指导教学模式是由教师列出自学提纲,提出目标要求,经过学生力所能及的探索(阅读 教材、分析、总结、概括等)自主地获得知识、运用知识。从心理学角度看,这种学习的过 程是学生知、情、意、行有机结合,共同投入的心理操作过程。 二、讨论评议,变单向传授为多向传输 讨论评议能最大限度地活跃学习气氛,调动群体学习的积极性和主动性。教师是讨论的策划 者和组织者,要精心地安排讨论的全过程,巧妙设疑,提出论点。即从知识的重点、难点、 疑点出发,找到讨论的契机。可以让学生与教师争论:教师提出论点,由学生思考,反驳, 教师与学生一起不断地改进、引申、深化,使学生的思维不断地发展、深入。也可让学生之 间产生争论:教师提出问题,由学生设想结论或解法,在学生间出现不同意见时,讨论自然 地展开了。教师再在各种观organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 点间进行沟通、比较,择优汰劣,去伪存真。这种讨论的过程能 使师生、学生之间的思维不断地趋于同步,但要处理好独立思考与讨论的关系,每个论点的 提出都尽可能是深思熟虑的结果,切不可信口开河,不假思索,思考与讨论要相互结合,相 互促进。 三、设境质疑,变“正确无误"为顺乎自然 化学的发生、发展过程是动态的、探索性的。化学教学也是如此,教师应注重引导学生深入 到他们自己的学习过程中去,鼓励他们探索、争论、发明、创造。要把公理化编写的教材还 原为生动活泼的化学创造思维活动,因此不必追求思维的一次成功。有些教师备课认真,在 课堂上告诉学生的往往是最佳的思维途径,最简捷的思维方法,学生听得津津有味,就是不 能形成自己的思维能力,因为我们告诉学生的只是成功的思维。如果我们向学生介绍成功的 路是怎样走来的,将会破除学生对化学思维的神秘感,更能启迪学生的智慧,教会学生思维 方法。若要如此,就要允许出现思维的歧误,有时甚至可由教师创设问题情境,引导学生进 行各种探索,对各种可能的思路进行研究、辨 面事物的理解。允许犯错误也是对学生求异析,对正、反两方面相互比较,从而加深对正 思维的保护和对创造性思维的培养,符合思维规 律的教学过程应该是:设疑一起疑一思疑一释疑的过程,而从思疑到释疑不是一帆风顺的。 实际上,对失败思路的分析过程不仅仅是为了找到舍弃的依据,而且有着更深层的作用:其 一,它是正确思路得以产生的“母机”,错误根源的暴露往往伴随着正确认识的产生,导致 正确思路的出现;其二,对各种可能思路的研究充分暴露了学生的思维过程,在此过程中引 导学生进行全方位、多角度的思维,可使解题方法不断优化,在培养发散思维的同时增强了 思维的深刻性。通过失败原因的探讨、失败思维过程的反思,提高了思维的监控能力。长期 坚持,对提高思维的准确性和灵活性,学会合理地调整思维方向都是很有作用的。当然,借 助歧路分析还可有效地锻炼学生的意志品质,优化心理素质,这也应引起重视。 四、尝试发现,变灌输结论为暴露过程 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 发现学习是美国心理学家布鲁纳倡导的,发现学习是发现者运用本人的智慧或物质材料获得 知识的学习,即学习者对信息进行操作、组织和转化,以得到新信息时所发生的学习。发现 学习是由学生参与探索、参与发现的学习过程,对激发热情、激活思维,强化创造力有显著 的作用,要进行发现学习,就需要创设发现的情境,也就是将基本概念、基本原理等化学问 题的提出和发现的过程进行合理、科学的处理(并不是机械重复当年科学家的发现过程,而 是选择最符合认识规律、适应学生认知结构和思维能力的发现过程)后展示给学生,使其亲 身经历科学发现过程,体验研究成功的喜悦,我们常可用下列方法设计发现过程: 第一,设计猜想过程,从特殊到一般。通过对特例的观察促使对一般情形下的结论的猜测, 进而获得发现。如对每个主族元素性质或每类有机物性质的学习,教材都是采用让学生由个 别物质进行研究从其性质去猜想该类物质所具有的共性。学习碱金属一族的性质,是先抓住 了对钠的仔细研究;学习卤素的性质,是先抓住对氯的研究;在学习烷烃、烯烃、炔烃等这 类物质的共性时,分别是从甲烷、乙烯、乙炔着手进行深入细致地研究,从而引导学生猜想 结构的特点与这类物质个性、共性的关系。 第二,设计实验过程,从感性到理性。以实验操作获得的结果为感性材料,通过理性、逻辑 的再认识,激发起科学的猜想。 第三,设计逻辑推理过程,从旧知到新知。运用知识间的内在联系设计发现过程,使新旧知 识得到顺利的同化。 第四,设计类比情境,从熟悉到陌生。所谓类比是由研究对象 A 联想到与它有某种类似或 相关的对象B 的思维过程。类比情境的设置可有效地激发学生的思维活动,诱发其创造性 的发现。 第五,设计运动过程,从静态到动态。运动是物质的固有属性,是永恒的,绝对的,静止是 暂时的,相对的,是物质运动的一种形式。因此,教学中要善于引导学生从错综复杂的运动、 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 变化中抓住暂时的、静止的瞬间,去发现量与量之间的关系,探求规律,在变化中实现联系、 转化。 第六,设计矛盾冲突,化疑惑为顿悟。物质世界的矛盾现象是普遍存在的,正是矛盾的不断 产生才致科学的不断发展,化学教学也是如此,新知识往往是在解决原有认知结构与新问题 的矛盾冲突中产的。如参加化学反应的是分子、原子、离子等一些微粒,单个的分子、原子、 离子极其微小,肉眼看不见,平称不出,但是我们研究化学反应时,所取用的物质常常是多 少克或多少毫升。物质的克数和毫升数数量庞大的微粒集体。怎样把单个的、肉眼看不见的 微粒跟很大数量的微粒集体、可称量的物质之间系起来呢?于是摩尔——物质的量的单位就 应运而生,让学生又掌握了一种新的物理量。 五、归类总结,变零星积累为“整体集装” 平时教学总是以单个知识点逐步进行的,因而学生也就以零星积累的方式接受和存贮知识, 致遗忘率高、教学效率低。教学实践证明,沟通知识间的内在联系,形成知识的板块结构, 从而以“整集装”的方式存储于记忆之中,可极大地提高教学效果。比如,用类比的方法, 由一例到一类,再由一类到多类,进而将多类加以统一,并尽可能地扩大类的外延,使有内 在关系的内容归类于统一的模式之中。又如,对系列问题进行归纳、概括,提取共同的、本 质的特征,用方法和思想加以统摄,使学生方法论的高度加以掌握。也可用图表建立知识的 立体结构网络,或运用变式教学形成知识的链式结构,等等。 附:经典教案 试管知识及实验操作 【教学目标】 1(掌握有关试管实验的基本操作。 2(能熟练掌握中学有关试管的实验题型及解答技巧。 【教学重点】 熟练掌握有关试管实验的基本操作。 【教学难点】 对试管的使用操作熟练掌握。更要掌握涉及试管的综合实验题的分析与作答技巧。 【复习指导】 一、试管的规格 试管的大小一般是用管外径与管长的乘积来规定,常用的主要有 10mm×100mm、12mm× 100;organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 15mm×150mm、18mm×180mm、20mm×200 mm以及32mm×200mm 等。因此,试 管的大小并不是固定的。 【练习1】先选择填空?再简要说明作此选择的理由。 (1)某试管内装有约占其容积 1,10的溶液,则溶液的体积是( )。 A(约 1mL B(约3mL C(无法判断 【答案】C。因为题目并没有指明试管的大小规格(mL)。 (2)拟在烧杯中于加热条件下配制某溶液 50mL,应选择的烧杯是( )。 A(400mL 烧杯 B(250mL 烧杯 C(100mL 烧杯 D(50mL 烧杯 【答案】C。因为加热时,选用烧杯的容积应比所配溶液的体积大一倍为最佳选择。 二、试管的主要用途有 1(可用于少量物质的溶解(可振荡促溶); 2(可组装成除杂用的洗气瓶(图1); 3(做少量物质的反应器(图2 左、图3 左、及图4); 4(收集少量气体(图2 右、图3 右); 5(与长颈漏斗组装成简易的启普发生器(图5)。 三、使用试管时的注意事项 1(试管可直接在火焰上加热,但加热前要保持外壁干燥。且加热后不能骤冷,以防试管炸 裂。 2(手拿试管要用拇指、食指和中指(另外两指握成拳)。三指应捏持在距离试管口大约 1,3 处。 (给试管里的固振荡试管时,要用腕力甩动试管,使得试管底部振动。但手臂不得摇动。 3体或者液体加热时,均应先对试管进行预热。待试管均匀受热后,再把灯 焰(外焰部分)固定在盛有固体的部位加热。这样能够使固体药品充分受热,以利于反应的顺 利进行。而对于液体,则要小心加热试管里液体的中下部,并不时地上下移动试管,以防止 暴沸(也可加入沸石或碎瓷片)。 4(凡加热试管的实验,为避免试管里液体沸腾喷出伤人,试管口切不可朝向自己或他人。 5(夹持试管时,试管夹应从试管底部套入并夹持在离管口约 1,3处(或中上部),这样在加 热时可防止烧坏试管夹。手握试管夹长柄,短柄在上,大拇指不要捏短柄,防止不小心拇指 按动短柄,打开试管夹,致使试管脱落而打破。在整个加热过程中,不要使试管跟灯芯接触, 以免试管炸裂。实验结束后,仍要从试管底部取出试管夹。 6(加热盛有液体的试管时,试管应与实验桌面成 4?角,以使试管受热面积增大。但加热 的时候,需要注意的是:试管中液体的体积不得超过试管容积的1,3。 7(加热盛有固体的试organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 管(图 3),试管口应略向下倾斜。这样做可以防止试管口处的冷凝水回 流至加热的试管底部而使其炸裂。 8(在实验室制取并用排水法收集气体时,当气体收集完毕后,一定要先撤导气管,然后再 撤酒精灯。否则,会使冷水沿着导气管进入到热的试管内,引起试管炸裂。 9(实验完毕后,应及时地将试管刷洗干净,并放在试管架或者其他指定的地方。 10(向试管内加入液体时,可以用滴取法或倾倒法。 (1)滴取法:向试管内滴加液体时,要用到胶头滴管。胶头滴管有常用滴管(图6)和胖肚滴管 (图7,这种滴管为滴瓶专用,滴瓶如图 8)两种。 使用常用滴管吸取试液时,应先捏瘪橡胶帽,挤出其中的空气,再把滴管伸入试液中吸取。 使用胖肚滴管吸取试液时,要先将滴管提出液面,挤出胶头中的空气,再把滴管伸入试液中 吸取。滴加液体时,胶头滴管均应垂直悬空地放在试管口上方(图 9),胶头滴管的管口绝对 不能伸入试管内,防止滴管碰到试管内壁,沾上其他试剂而被污染。常用滴管使用后要及时 用水洗净。滴瓶上的滴管与 (2)倾倒法:?液瓶配套使用,滴液后应立即插入原瓶内,不得弄脏,也不必用水 冲洗。 体药品通常盛在细口瓶里。取用的时候,要先把瓶塞拿下,倒放在桌上。 然后一手拿起瓶子,标签向着手心。以免倒完药品后,残留在瓶口的药液流下来腐蚀标签(图 10)。 ?试管略倾斜,瓶口要紧挨试管口,把液体缓缓地倒入试管。 ?试管内加入固体时,可以用药匙或镊子。 a(往试管里装入固体粉末时,为避免药品沾在管口和管壁上,应先使试管倾斜,把盛有药 品的药匙小心地送入试管底部,然后使试管直立起来,让药品全部落到底部。或将试管水平 放置,把固体粉末放在折叠成槽状的纸条上,然后送入试管管底,将试管直立起来后,取出 纸条。 b(往试管里装入块状固体药品(如大理石、锌粒等)时,需先用镊子取出。把这些块状的药 品或密度较大的金属颗粒放入试管中时,应该先把试管横放,把药品或金属颗粒放入试管。 然后,再把试管慢慢地竖立起来,使药品或金属颗粒缓缓地滑到容器的底部,以免打破试管。 强调:取用药品应严格按照实验说明规定的用量,如果实验organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 里没有说明用量,就应该用最少 量:液体通常用1—2mL,固体只要盖满试管底部。 【练习2】下列图示的化学实验基本操作中,不正确的是( )。 【答案】A 【练习3】下列关于试管的使用及操作中错误的是( )。 A(给试管里的固体或液体加热时,试管外壁的水都必须擦干 B(为方便起见,最好手拿试管放在灯焰上对试管中的药品进行加热 C(给试管里的液体加热时,应不时地移动试管或加入碎瓷片,以免暴沸伤人 D(实验室加热氯酸钾制氧气并用排水法收集,发生倒吸时,立即松开试管口处的橡胶塞 【答案】B 【练习4】下列实验基本操作正确的是( )。 【答案】AD 【练习5】用胶头滴管吸取和滴加少量试剂,下列操作中错误的是( )。 A(将胶头滴管伸人到试剂瓶中,然后用手指捏紧胶头滴管的橡胶帽,赶走滴管中的空气 B(向试管中滴加试剂时,将滴管悬空垂直放在试管口的正上方,将试剂滴下 C(取液后的滴管要保持橡胶帽在上,不可以平放或倒置 D(除滴瓶上的滴管外,用过的滴管要立即用清水冲洗干净 【答案】A 【练习6】下列实验操作中,仪器需插入液面下 )。 ?制备Fe(OH)2,用胶头滴管将 NaOH 溶液滴入FeSO4溶液中; ?制备氢气的的有( 简易装置的长颈漏斗; ?分馏石油时控制温度所用的温度计; ?用水吸收氨气时的导管口; ?向试管中的BaCl2 溶液中滴加稀硫酸。 A(??? B(?? C(?? D(????? 【答案】C 【练习7】下面是实验室制取氨气的装置和选用的试剂,其中错误的是( )。 【答案】AC 【练习8】下列有关实验操作错误的是( )。 A(用药匙取用粉末状或小颗粒状固体 B(用胶头滴管滴加少量液体 C(给盛有 2,3体积液体的试管加热 D(倾倒液体时试剂瓶标签朝向手心 【答案】C 【练习9】下列实验操作与事故处理中错误的是( )。 A(使用水银温度计测量烧杯中水浴温度时,不慎打破水银球,用滴管将水银吸出放入水封 的小瓶中,残余的温度计插入装有硫粉的广口瓶中 B(用试管夹从试管底由下往上夹住距试管口约 1,3处,手持试管夹长柄末端加热 C(制备乙酸乙酯时,将乙醇和乙酸依次加入到浓硫酸中 D(把玻璃管插入橡胶塞孔时,用厚布护organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 手,紧握用水湿润的玻管插人端,缓慢旋进孔中 【答案】C 经典真题回顾 一、名词解释 化学教学方法 【答案】 化学教学方法是指为达到中学化学教学目的,实现教学内容,遵循教学规律,通过一整套方 式组成的并运用教学手段进行的师生相互作用的活动方式。 二、简答题 启发式教学的本质特征是什么?运用启发式教学有哪些要点? 【答案】 启发式教学的本质特征是要学生主动进行认识和训练活动,并要求这种活动过程是符合学生 认知和能力的发展规律的。运用要点有:(1)使学生具有最佳学习心理,即孔子所说的“愤 悱”,也就是要充分调动学生的主动性和积极性;(2)教师要选用最佳教学方式,即孔子说的 “启发”,也就是要充分发挥教师的主导作用;(3)要达到最佳教学效果,即孔子的“举一反 三”,也就是要发展学生的创造性智力。高分同步强化训练 高分同步强化训练 一、单项选择题 以直观感知为主的教学方法是( )。 A(实验法 B(讨论法 C(演示法 D(练习法 【答案】C 【解析】 在本题的解答过程中,有的考生容易错选 法是教师在课堂上通过展示各种实物、为实验法,因此要特别注意区分二者的含义。演示 直观教具,进行当堂示范或采用现代化视听手段,指 导学生通过观察获得感性认识的教学方法。实验法是指人们根据一定的科学研究目的,利用 科学仪器设备,在人为控制或模拟的特定条件下,排除各种干扰,对研究对象进行观察的方 法。 二、多项选择题 在初中化学实验教学中注意使学生养成良好的实验习惯,是培养学生科学态度的重要措施。 就实验教学而言,主要是培养和发展学生的( )。 A(观察能力 B(动手实验能力 C(抽象识记能力 D(对实验问题的思维分析能力 【答案】ABD 【解析】抽象识记能力不是初中化学实验教学主要培养的能力,实验有利于提高形象识记能 力。因此C 项不正确。 三、论述题 化学教学中如何设计教法? 【答案】教法的设计,是指在教学设计中,应根据学科的不同领域、专题或单元、章节的难 易、学生水平的高低、知识内容而选择恰当的教学方法。根据新课标的要求,教师在设计教 法时,应注重体现下列思路: (1)要突organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 出学生的主体地位。教师要转变观点,变“指挥者”为“引导者”。从学生的角度, 采用多种教法,引导学生积极主动地参与到学习过程中去,进行自主的学习活动。一般可作 如下设计:1(引导学生自我定向。思考如何由学生自己确定学习目标,安排学习程序,制 订学习 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。2(引导学生自我探究。思考如何让学生通过独立思考、讨论、交流,去探究 知识。让学生按照自己的基础、习惯和能力,去读、想、做、说、议、操作等自主活动,独 立搜索问题、发现问题、解决问题、整合知识、信息等,进而得到科学结论。3(引导学生 自我调控。思考如何让学生对照学习目标,寻找学习差距,考虑如何改进自己的学习目标和 方法,以促进目标的达成。4(引导学生自我激励。思考怎样引导学生在学习过程中,不断 地激励自己战胜困难,使自己始终处于积极、活跃的学习状态。 (2)要重视学生的层次性差异。如何使班级不同层次的学生都能通过课堂教学活动有所提高, 最基本的一条准则,就是要面向全体学生,正视学生的差异性,因材施教。课堂教学的准确 定位是保障不同层次学生 生都能积极主动参与的都能学好的关键。在设计教学过程中,要想办法积极创设让所有学 学习机会,如设计集体活动、小组活动、个别活动的环节,以便有针 对性地加强对不同层次学生的学习指导;设计分层次的问题练习和作业,从不同层次学生的 实际出发,安排难易适中,梯度明显的问题、练习或作业;对不同层次的学生采用不同的学 业成就评价方法,以增强不同类型学生的学习信心。 (3)要注重联系实际。在教学设计中,以教材知识为线索,加强更直观的实验教学,联系社 会各方面实际内容,特别是以学生身边的实际材料或学生熟知的或感兴趣的材料来引导、启 发学生,不仅有利于解决、理解书面知识,也极大地调动了学生的积极性,激发了学生探究, 解决实际问题的欲望。例如:讲解元素化合物知识时,从元素及其化合物在生产生活中的应 用实例入手,如以探究“葡萄糖酸亚铁糖浆”中是否含有 Fe2+为明线,Fe2+ 、Fe3+的性 质及相互转化为暗线。着力设置层次不同的教学问题,引发学生的探究欲望,引导学生大胆 推测、自主设计、相互探讨、动手体验、合作organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 分享,从而激发学生学习化学、思考化学的积 极性,促使学生学习方法的改变,提高课堂教学的实效性。 一、单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 1、中学化 学教学法是什么 和什么之间的边缘 科学 ( ) A、教学科学与化学科学 B、教育科学与化学教学 C、教育科学与化学科学 D、教学科学与化学科学 2、建国至今(1949—1999),国家教育部共颁布了几套中学化学教学大纲 ( ) A、五 B、六 C、七 D、八 3、我国著名课程论专家陈侠把课程的流派分为三大类,即( ) A、儿童中心论、学问中心论和问题中心论 B、儿童中心论、经验主义论和社会中心论 C、学问中心论、知识中心论和社会中心论 D、实用主义论、问题中心论和社会中心论 4、波义耳认为“实验是最好的教师”。他的一部名著是( ) A、《化学基本教程》 B、《现代化学导论》 C、《怀疑派化学家》 D、《怎样教化学》 5、我国哪年颁布了义务教育法。根据义务教学法的精神,国家教育部于哪年颁 布《九年义务教育全日制初级中学化学教学大纲(初审稿)》, ( ) A、1986,1988 B、1985,1987 C、1986,1987 D、1985,1986 6、当代教学改革的中心环节是( ) A、提高教师的水平 B、狠抓实验教学 C、实行多媒体教学 D、加强基础,发展智能 7、下列说法正确的是( ) A、调查表明,随着年级的升高,学生学习化学的兴趣由化学教师的素质转移 到化学实验上。 B、调查表明,大多数学生学习化学附属的内驱力较大。 C、化学学习质量与化学学习动机水平成正比。 D、化学学习有法,但无定法,贵在得法。 8、下列考试属于常模参照考试的是( ) ?单元测验 ?期末测验 ?高考 ?初中化学竞赛 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and ?初中毕业会考 ?高中毕业会考 A、???? B、?? C、??? D、全部都是 9、粉碎“四人帮”后,中央教育部于何年何月颁布了《全日制十年制中小学教 学计划试行草案》, ( ) A、1976 年 12 月 B、1978 年 1 月 C、1981 年 12 月 D、1986 年 6 月 10、学生化学成绩考核的方式方法有( ) A、以教学大纲为标准,用发展的观点来考核学生成绩 B、要提高成绩考核的客观性,认真及时做好成绩的分析工作 C、考核有期中、学期或学年等考试 D、经常性的考查、阶段性的平时测验考查和总结性的定期考试 11、“非金属氧化物”和“酸性氧化物”两个概念间的关系是 ( ) A、重合关系 B、从属关系 C、对立关系 D、交叉关系 12、化学教学研究的一般方法,主要包括( ) ?文献法 ?观察法 ?调查法 ?实验法 A、 B、??? C、???? D、??? ??? 13、根据实验在教学中的作用分类,可分为( ) ?演示实验 ?并进实验 ?学生实验 ?描述实验 ?实验习题 ?投影实验 A、???? B、???? C、???? D、全部都是 14、上海育才中学提出的一种行之有效的启发式教学方法是( ) A、“读读、议议、练练、讲讲”教学法 B、单元结构教学法 C、程序教学法 D、“边实验、边观察、边讨论”教学法 15、在课上,教师不仅描述化学事实,而且加以深入分析和论证,从而得出科 学的结论。这种方法是( ) A、讲述法 B、讲解法 C、讲演法 D、谈话法 二、填空题(共 30 分) 1、教学法是师生为了达到而开展的教学活动的一切办法的总和。它既包括教学目的。教师的教法,学生的学法 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 三、简述题(每小题 5 分,共 20 分) 1、化学课堂教学应注意哪些基本要求, (1) 要有明确的教学目的; (2)加强直观教 学,调动学生的各种感官; (3)要善于把各种教学原则联系起来, 全面贯彻; (4)灵活的选择和运用各种教学方法; (5)新旧知识有 机结合,师生双方密切协作; (6)认真对待课题提问;(7)重视教 课书的作用; (8)正确使用教学语言;(9)精心设计板书;(10)合 理的课堂组织,严谨的治学态度。 2、你认为现代中学化学教师必须具备哪些教学技能, (1)精心设计技能(2)导入新课技能(3) 课堂提问技能(4)组织讨论技能(5)语言表达技能(6)课堂管理 技能(7)实验教学技能(8)教具使用技能(9)板书板画技能 (10)结束新课技能。 3、简述化学基本理论的教学要求,(1)要准确地把握基础理论的深、广度,不超纲; (2)要使学生明确化学基本理论的指导作用;(3)充分运用实验,加强直观教学,引出基础理论 4、中学化学教研论文的选题范围有哪些,)(1)化学科技知识,社会生活中的化学知 识介绍; (2)教学理论介绍与研究;(3)化学课程、教材分析与研 究;(4)化学教学改革与化学实验、教具改进; (5)教学体会与优秀教学经验介绍; (6)学习指导、复习指导、解题指导和试题研究; (7)化学史和化学史教育;(8)调查报告 四、论述题(共 20 分) 1、试述现行高中化学必选修教材的编排特点及优缺点分析。 必修教材的编排方式是,无机物在前面,有机物在后面,原因是无机物比有机物相对简单一些,放在前面,符合由简单到复杂的认识顺序。其中无机物部分,在讲物质结构、元素周期律以前,系统的介绍了?A、?A、和?A三个自然族,目的是为讲物质结构和元素周 期律铺路搭桥。在物质结构、元素周期律之后再讲?A、?A和?A 的铝、?A的镁和?族过渡元素铁,这样便于应用物质结构和元素周期律的理论指导这些元素化合物的学习,加深对知识organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 的理解。 有机化合物部分,基本按官能团的分类编排,即从烃到烃的衍生物,并简单介绍了煤的加工、石油化工等方面的知识。分科性选修课安排在高三。此时学生经过初三、高一和高二化学课的学习,已掌握了一定数量的化学理论概念和元素化合物知识。 在这个基础上继续学习化学反应速率、化学平衡、电解质溶液、胶体等理论知识和糖类、蛋白质等高分子化合物知识,可以使整个中学化学所学到的知识更为系统、完整,使理论和元素化合物的联系更为紧密,使对所学知识的理解更为深刻。但是这样安排也有缺点,即高中必修课缺乏有关化学反应速率、化学平衡和电解质溶液的必要的理论知识,造成一方面一些元素化合物性质用途得不到理论解释,只好死记硬背,不利于学生学习;另一方面像化学电源(原电池) 、电解、电镀、金属的电化学锈蚀和防锈等与社会生产、生活密切相关的知识,也因缺乏理论基础而不能讲,这对于大多数不选分科性选修课的学生来说,是一个重 要的知识缺陷。高中理论课由于理论过于集中,难度相对较大,不利于激发学生的学习兴趣 2、在化学教学中,实验教学尤为重要,,试论如何培养学生的化学实验技能, (1)创造条件,使学生有更多的练习机会; (2)要有循序渐近的训练计划;(3)要严格要求学生准确的掌握化学实验操作技术; organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and
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