首页 VISIA常见问题(中英对照)20110218



VISIA常见问题(中英对照)20110218VISIA Complexion Analysis Frequently Asked Questions 1.What are the definitions of the various skin features and how are the features detected? 1。各种特皮肤征的定义和如何检测? Surface Spots:Surface Spots are typically brown or red skin lesions including freckles, acne ...

VISIA Complexion Analysis Frequently Asked Questions 1.What are the definitions of the various skin features and how are the features detected? 1。各种特皮肤征的定义和如何检测? Surface Spots:Surface Spots are typically brown or red skin lesions including freckles, acne scars, hyper-pigmentation and vascular lesions. Spots are distinguishable by their distinct color and contrast from the background skin tone. They vary in size and shape, and are normally visible to the naked eye. Surface Spots are represented in VISIA’s “white light” image. 表面斑点:斑点是棕色或红色的皮损,包括雀斑,痤疮疤痕,色素沉着及血管病变。由其独特的颜色可以识别出来,而且和皮肤底色有着明显的区别。斑点大小不等,肉眼观察可以看到。表面斑点在VISIA的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 白光图像中显示。 UV Spots: UV spots occur when melanin is accumulated just below the skin surface as a result of sun damage. UV spots may not be visible under normal lighting conditions. The selective absorption of the UV light by the epidermal melanin enhances its display and detection by VISIA. 紫外线色斑:黑色素在表皮下的凝集就会紫外线色斑,是皮肤受太阳损伤的结果。紫外线色斑在普通光照条件下可能是不可见的。表皮黑色素选择性吸收紫外线,紫外线会增强其显现,被VISIA检测到。 Brown spots: Brown Spots are lesions on and deeper within the skin such as hyper-pigmentation, freckles, lentigines, and melasma. Brown Spots occur from an excess of Melanin. Melanin is produced by melanocytes in the bottom layer of the epidermis. Brown Spots produce an uneven appearance to the skin, and are detected in VISIA by RBX 棕色斑点:棕色斑点反映皮表和深层如色素沉着、雀斑、雀斑样痣、黄褐斑等皮损。当黑色素无节制分泌(过量分泌)时会出现棕色斑点。黑色素是由皮肤基底层黑色素细胞产生。棕色斑点在皮肤上表现为不均匀的分布,被使用RBX技术的VISIA检测到。 Red Areas:Red Areas can represent a variety of conditions, such as acne, inflammation, Rosacea or spider veins. Blood vessels and hemoglobin contained in the papillary dermis, a sub-layer of skin, give these structures their red color, which is detected by the RBX Technology in VISIA. Acne spots and inflammation vary in size but are generally round in shape. Rosacea is usually larger and diffuse compared to acne, and spider veins usually are short, thin and can be interconnected in a dense network. 红色区域:红色区域代表一系列的状况,如痤疮,炎症,酒渣鼻或蜘蛛痣。血管和血红素存在于皮肤真皮乳头层中,赋予这些组织红颜色。血管和血红素被VISIA的RBX技术检测到。痤疮斑点和炎症通常表现为圆形,但大小不同。与 痤疮相比,酒渣鼻通常较大和扩散;蜘蛛痣则通常表现为短、细小,相互连结成一个密集的网状物。 Wrinkles:Wrinkles are furrows, folds or creases in the skin, which increase in occurrence as a result of sun exposure, and are associated with decreasing skin elasticity. This skin feature has the greatest variability from image to image as it is highly dependent upon the facial expression of the client. Wrinkles are identified by their characteristic long, narrow shape. 皱纹:皱纹是皮肤上的犁沟、折叠或皱褶,日晒会引起其增多,并与皮肤弹性降低有关。这种皮肤特征在图像上会有很大的变化,因为它是高度依赖于顾客的面部表情。皱纹的判别是依据其长而窄的形状。 Texture: Texture is primarily an analysis of skin smoothness. Texture measures skin color and smoothness by identifying gradations in color from the surrounding skin tone, as well as peaks (shown in yellow) and valleys (shown in blue) on the skin surface that indicate variations in the surface texture. 纹理:纹理主要是分析皮肤的平滑度。纹理是衡量肤色均匀度和平滑度的指标。依据肤色的渐变以及皮肤表面的峰(显示为黄色)和谷(蓝色显示),从而作出判断。 Pores:Pores are the circular surface openings of sweat gland ducts. Due to shadowing, pores appear darker than the surrounding skin tone and are identified by their darker color and circular shape. The VISIA system distinguishes pores from spots based on size; by definition, the area of a pore is much smaller than a spot. 毛孔:毛孔是汗腺导管在皮表的圆形开口。由于阴影,毛孔的颜色看起来比周围的肤色深,根据它们较深的颜色和圆形的形状,而被识别。VISIA系统依据面积的大小来区分开毛孔与斑点;更准确的说,一个毛孔的面积比一个斑点的面积要小得多。 Porphyrins: Porphyrins are bacterial excretions that can become lodged in pores and lead to acne. Porphyrins fluoresce in UV light and exhibit circular white spot characteristics. 卟啉:卟啉是细菌的代谢物,会堵塞毛孔导致痤疮。卟啉在紫外线下会发出荧光,表现为白色圆点的特征。 2. What factors influence the results of the image session? 2. 哪些因素会影响图像的分析结果? A number of factors contribute to the actual scores generated by the VISIA complexion analysis algorithms, including the condition of the skin (cleaned vs. fresh make-up, old make-up, time-of-day), head registration(position)within the booth, facial expression (particularly for wrinkles), stray hair, glare areas resulting from oily skin, etc. Percentile scores were generated for subjects whose skin was cleaned just prior imaging session. Results may vary if make-up is NOT removed prior to a client's VISIA session. See Canfield Imaging Systems' application notes 3.5, Improving the Quality and Reproducibility of Captured Images. 很多因素会影响到VISIA对皮肤实际评分,包括皮肤的状态(已清洁与刚化妆、长时间的妆、化妆次数),头部在拍照小室的定位,面部表情(特别是测量皱纹),杂散头发,油性皮肤造成的眩光区,等等。 百分位数都是已经清洁后采集的图像数据。如果在拍照前不进行卸妆,可能会影响分析结果。参考Canfield图像系统应用提示3.5,提高拍摄图像的质量和可重复性。 3. What is the definition for each of the three types of skin conditions? How does VISIA use this information? 3. 如何定义三种皮肤状态?VISIA如何使用这些信息? "Clean" is defined as skin that has been recently cleansed and without make-up or skin conditioners applied, "Fresh Make-up" is defined as make-up recently applied (roughly within the past hour), "Other" covers all other cases. The skin condition selected does not alter the image capture or analysis proess. Skin Condition is recorded in the client's record for each session and allows scores to be properly interpreted if images were captured under different conditions session-to-session (i.e., one time with clean skin, the next time with make-up). Also, images that are "clean" can be considered as valid input to further build the database. “已清洁”定义是皮肤刚刚做了清洗、不化妆、不使用护肤品,“刚化妆”定义是新化的妆(大约一小时内),“其他”包括所有其他情况。 选择不同的皮肤状态不会对拍照或分析结果造成影响。皮肤状态信息被记录在顾客的档案中,如果每次拍照选择了不同的皮肤状态(例如一次选择了“已清洁”,下一次选择了“化妆”),便于对评分作出合理的诠释。此外,选择皮肤状态为“已清洁”的图像资料数据将会添加到数据库里。 4. Which data display option is best for our practice to use? 4。哪个数据显示最适合我们的实践使用? Three data display options are available depending upon the needs and preferences of the practice, and can either be selected from within VISIA's Session Options tab or by right clicking on any data display bar or graph. 三个数据都是有用的,具体的应用取决于实际的需求和实践的偏好。可以从VISIA的会话选项卡或通过右键点击任何数据图形或图表,选择使用哪个数据来表达分析结果。 Percentiles:provide a context to evaluate a client's complexion analysis results by presenting a comparison of the individual's Absolute Scores to those of people with the same sex, age, and skin type.Percentiles are useful in providing a baseline assessment of the overall condition of the client's complexion. Percentile scoring was developed using a database of several hundred thousand individuals, and allows patients to understand how their complexion ranks compared to others in their peer group. 百分位数:模拟患者目前的肌肤水平在相同条件(同龄同性别同种皮肤类型)的人群中的排名,基于个体分析结果的分值。百分位数有利于提供一个群体肤色的整体状况基线评估。百分位数使用了数十万人的资料数据库,可以让消费客户了解自己的肌肤水平在相同条件人群中所处的位置。 Feature Counts: Feature Counts provide a count of the number of discrete instances of the feature being evaluated, without regard to the size or intensity of each instance. Feature Counts can be used to track treatment progress when a reduction in the number of discrete instances of a particular feature is desired. 特征计数:提供了特定皮肤特征的总数量,不考虑每个离散皮损的大小或强度。需要应用离散皮损个数的减少来说明情况好转时,特征计数可用于追踪治疗进展。 Absolute Scores:Absolute Scores provide a comprehensive measurement of the impact that the feature has on the client's complexion. Absolute Scores factor in the total size and area as well as intensity of detected instances of the feature being analyzed. Absolute Scores can be used to track treatment progress when the size and intensity of instances of a feature are the most relevant indicator of treatment effectiveness. 分值:是一个综合考察指标,对客户特定皮损进行全面的衡量,把皮损的总面积、密度,以及强度作为考察因素。分值可以用于追踪治疗进展,是说明疗效最相关的指标。 5. What clinical methods were used to validate VISIA? VISIA得到哪些临床方法验证? The complexion analysis software used in VISIA was developed initially by Procter & Gamble in the late 1990s as an analytical tool for their research and development programs. Since 1998, the complexion analysis software has undergone extensive lab and field-testing. P&G licensed the technology exclusively to Canfield in 2001, and since then Canfield has made significant investments to continuously improve and expand its application. The VISIA complexion analysis algorithms themselves are supported by an extensive set of research papers describing the analysis techniques and results across various skin types. VISIA皮肤分析软件最初是宝洁公司在20世纪90年代后期开发出来的,作为宝洁公司产品研发的分析工具。1998年起,这套分析软件经历了广泛的实验室和实地测试。2001年宝洁公司将专利权授予Canfield公司,Canfield公司自得到专利授权后,投入了巨大的资源用于继续完善和扩大这套软件的功能。对于VISIA 分析算法本身,大量的研究 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 描述了这种分析技术在各种皮肤类型的人群中应用,认可VISIA皮肤分析技术。 6. What is the wavelength used for the UV photography? 什么是紫外线摄影所使用的波长? The wavelength used by the UV flashes is 365 nm (peak). 紫外线闪光灯所使用的波长为365纳米(峰值)。 7 Why isn’t the porphyrin count reduced after cleansing? There are several reasons why the porphyrin count for a particular client may not be reduced, or may even increase, after cleansing her skin. Some types of paper used to dry the face after cleaning have a high content of lint particles. Lint will actually fluoresce under UV light. In some situations, the true porphyrin fluorescence of an initial image could be quenched by something that the subject had on her face and then, after removal of this interfering agent, a higher level of fluorescence could be observed. Cleansing the skin with a normal everyday facial cleanser is probably not going to change the true number of pores that show porphyrin fluorescence. It has been reported that washing with a cleanser containing benzoyl peroxide will, over time, reduce the number of pores. Using strips or other devices to physically remove the contents of the pores will help to reduce the fluorescence as well. 临床用户的卟啉在皮肤清洁后没有减少,甚至会有增加,有几个原因。皮肤擦干时使用了某些含有大量棉绒颗粒的纸张。棉绒在紫外线下会发出荧光。在某些情况下,实际存在的卟啉荧光因脸部存在的某种物质影响而发生荧光猝灭,在排除了这些干扰因素后,大量的荧光将重新真实呈现出来。使用日常普通洗面奶洗脸不会减少发出卟啉荧光的毛孔数量。据报道,使用含有过氧化苯甲酰清洁剂清洗,随着时间的推移,会减少毛孔荧光数量。使用物理方式清除毛孔内容物,也会将有助于减少毛孔的荧光。 8 Is there correlation between porphyrins and sun damage? 卟啉和日晒损伤有没有相互关系? According to Greg Hillebrand, Ph.D., a recognized subject matter expert at P&G on the subject, there may be a real correlation between the amount of porphyrins and skin aging as described in the following technical excerpt that offers the best understanding we have today on the matter: In pilosebaceous follicles, porphyrins are produced by propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) that are normal inhabitants of the human skin and the pilosebaceous ducts. Porphyrins are highly fluorescent pores containing P. acnes and the associated porphyrins appear red-orange when facial skin is illuminated with long wavelength UV A radiation. The intensity of the follicular fluorescence and its extent of facial involvement is known to be proportional to the density of P. acnes. 继续阅读
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