首页 2010年全国高考四川文综地理试题及答案



2010年全国高考四川文综地理试题及答案2010年全国高考四川文综地理试题及答案 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 文科综合能力测试(四川卷?地理) 第I卷 注:本卷为单项选择题,每小题4分,共44分。 图1是2004年河北、甘肃、四川、黑龙江四省能源生产结构图。读图1~回答1-2题。 图1 1.与四省能源生产结构相关的叙述,正确的是 A.以可再生能源为主 B.清洁能源的比重大 C.不利于减排温室气体 D.有利于降低酸雨危害 2.制约?省进一步开发水能的地理条件,正确的是 A.水能资源蕴藏量小 B.水能资源分布分散 C.水能...

2010年全国高考四川文综地理试题及答案 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 文科综合能力测试(四川卷?地理) 第I卷 注:本卷为单项选择题,每小题4分,共44分。 图1是2004年河北、甘肃、四川、黑龙江四省能源生产结构图。读图1~回答1-2题。 图1 1.与四省能源生产结构相关的叙述,正确的是 A.以可再生能源为主 B.清洁能源的比重大 C.不利于减排温室气体 D.有利于降低酸雨危害 2.制约?省进一步开发水能的地理条件,正确的是 A.水能资源蕴藏量小 B.水能资源分布分散 C.水能富集地人口分布稀疏 D.水能富集地地质条件复杂 图2中各城市的大气最大降温高度,距地面高度,~是连续三年中最强的15次冷空气影响的统计平均值。读图回答3-4题。 图2 infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 3.据图2反映的变化趋势,对下列各地最大降温高度的推断,正确的是 A.合肥小于南宁 B.株洲大于石家庄 C.辽河平原大于洞庭湖平原 D.长江三角洲小于珠江三角洲 4.形成图示趋势的主要影响因素是 A.获得太阳辐射多少 B.距冬季风源地远近 C.下垫面性质的差异 D.对流层厚度的不同 图3是我国某省部分地区水系分布图。读图回答5-7题。 5.图中虚线范围内的地貌是 A.风蚀谷 B.冰蚀谷 C.张裂谷 D.断层谷 6.虚线范围内的地势特征,从图中可推测出的是 A.花莲溪西侧平缓、东侧陡峻 B.花莲溪西侧陡峻、东侧平缓 .大富以南,北部高、南部低 C D.大富以南,北部低、南部高 7.下列关于图示地区的叙述,正确的是 A.河流众多,内河航运便利 B.暖流流经,渔业资源丰富 C.海岸平直,建港条件优越 图3 D.地处低纬,利于海盐晒制 图4是某地气温、降水、潜水水位,潜水面海拔,年内变化图。读图回答8-9题。 8.图4所示这类气候条件容易诱发的地理现象是 A.寒潮 B.泥石流 C.凌汛 D.沙尘暴 djusteer forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: anitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Centtemperature heat is closely mo-rom happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, highty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents fon du immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency,y for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, making, Project Manager Project Manager on dut-arly treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decisionshould wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and e infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport2ecurity and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds,d the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel s 9.下列城市所在地域,与图4所示气候类型相同、海拔相近的是 A.天津 B.昆明 C.新奥尔良 D.加尔各答 图5是某日同一经线日出时刻,地方时,随纬度变化图。图内三条曲线~其中一条是 正确的。请阅读正确曲线~回答10-11题。 纬70? 度60? ) 度 50? ) 40? 30? 20? 10? 0? 0 2 3 6 1 4 5 日出时刻(时) 10.若图5表示6月22日状况,则南纬40?-50?地区的夜长约为 图5 .15小时-16小时20分 B.17小时-19小时20分 A C.19小时20分-21小时20分 D.22小时40分-23小时20分 11.若图5表示南半球的状况,当北京时间12点时,下列四图中与之相符的是 图6 3adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds,sary, ogress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necesncy response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction prprovincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergetemperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the -ent weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, highInclemstaff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. oliday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the en, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the hmaking, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts op-easures during the holidays and holidays company decisionncy meliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emerge d be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask toinfected animals shoul 第II卷 36.(36分)读以下两幅区域图,完成下列要求。 图10 图11 )图10中?河流与图11中?河流补给的差异是:?河流 ,?河流 ,(1 与?河流域相比,?河流域农业气候资源条件的明显优势是 。(8分) (2)图10为某月等温线分布图,简述130?经线以东地区气温空间分布的显著特点,并运用大气运动的相关知识,解释甲地等温线沿虚线方向弯曲的原因。(10分) (3) 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 图10中乙地的湿地形成原因,并指出湿地对改善和保护生态环境的作用。(8分) 4ecurity and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds,d the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel sdjusteer forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: anitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Centtemperature heat is closely mo-rom happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, highty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents fon du immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency,y for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, making, Project Manager Project Manager on dut-arly treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decisionshould wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and e infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport (4)七月,当你乘坐热气球在图11中的丙地上空遨游时,请把可以俯瞰到的主要自然景观描述出来。(6分) (5)请在图12模式图中选择两条竖线,画上箭头并注明水循环环节名称,以正确表示图11中丙地区大气与地面之 间的水分交换。(4分) 图12 39.城市是社会发展的产物,也对社会产生了多方面影响。阅读 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 ,回答问题。 材料一 城市职能是指一个城市在国家和区域中所起的作用。随着社会经济的发展~区位条件的变化~城市的职能是可变的。如著名旅游城市杭州~在历史上曾是南宋的都城,临安,。 材料二 南宋时期临安地理位置图 图16 5adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds,sary, ogress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necesncy response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction prprovincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergetemperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the -ent weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, highInclemstaff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. oliday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the en, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the hmaking, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts op-easures during the holidays and holidays company decisionncy meliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emerge d be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask toinfected animals shoul (1)分析杭州历史上成为都城的区位优势,并评价杭州作为现代旅游城市的旅游资源集群状况和铁路交通条件。(10分) 材料三 某城市热中心与郊区下午4时的气温差表 时间 1月 4月 7月 10月 全年 气温差,?, 5.2 6.0 5.4 6.0 5.5 (2)据表中数据,分析该城市城、郊之间污染物迁移的原因与方向,并提出改善城区空气质量,在郊区应采取的有效 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。(10分) 6ecurity and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds,d the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel sdjusteer forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: anitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Centtemperature heat is closely mo-rom happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, highty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents fon du immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency,y for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, making, Project Manager Project Manager on dut-arly treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decisionshould wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and e infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport 参考答案: 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 36.(1)差异:?河流夏季以雨水补给为主,(2分)?河流夏季以冰川融水补给为主。(2分)优势:光照充足(或太阳辐射强),(2分)气温日较差大(2分) (2)气温分布特点:气温由东南向西北(或由南向北)递减,(2分)单位距离气温差沿海大于内陆(或东南部大于西北部),(2分)低温中心位于图示区域的东北角。(2分) 等温线弯曲的原因:甲地位于大兴安岭东侧,冬季风越过大兴安岭,下沉(或背风坡)增温。(2分)甲地气温高于同纬度两侧,(2分)致使等温线向北弯曲。 (3)形成原因:气温低,地表水蒸发弱;(2分)地势低平,排水不畅;(2分)冻土阻隔,水分下渗少。(2分)故地面长期潮湿、积水。 作用:调节气候(或调节河、湖水量),保护生物多样性(或保护生态系统)。(2分) (4)平原广阔,地形坦荡;(2分)河流纵横,沼泽广布;(2分)亚寒带针叶林绵延不断(或狐、熊穿行)。(2分) (5)所画箭头与环节名称注记如下所示,每画正确一个箭头给1分,注记正确一个给1分。画两个以上箭头者,该题不给分。 39.(1)都城的区位优势:位于太湖平原地区,气候温暖湿润,农业发达;(2分)位于京杭运河南端,水运方便,利于对外联系;北部大江(或长江)天堑,有利于安全防卫。(2分)旅游资源集群状况:西湖山水、钱塘江大潮、古运河(或众多的历史文化古迹)和现代都市风光,(2分)构成了自然与人文和谐的景观群,集群状况好。(2分)铁路交通条件:位于沪杭、浙赣铁路交会处,交通便捷,旅游通达性好。(2分) (2)原因与方向:城、郊气温差产生了城、郊之间的热力环流(或城市热岛效应);(2分)上空污染物由城市向郊区扩散,(2分)近地面污染物由郊区流向城市。(2分)措施:在郊区布局有大气污染的工业时,应布局在热力环流下沉气流之外的区域;(2分)提高郊区绿化率。(2分) provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergetemperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the -ent weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, highInclemstaff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. oliday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the en, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the hmaking, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts op-easures during the holidays and holidays company decisionncy meliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emerge d be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask toinfected animals shoul7adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds,sary, ogress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necesncy response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction pr
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