首页 酒店(服务员级别)员工绩效工资管理体系



酒店(服务员级别)员工绩效工资管理体系酒店(服务员级别)员工绩效工资管理体系 酒店(服务员级别)员工绩效工资管理体系计划2008年9月1日开始执行 职位级别 薪资级别 标准工资 考核时间 月绩效标准 考核内容 工种类型 特级 服务员 A 3个月 100 1、 服务技能2、 礼为一线基层服务工作人员如下:1、 客 节(服务意识)3、 业房部楼层服务员2、 桑拿部楼面服务高级 服务员 B 3个月 100 务知识4、 管理服从员3、 KTV部传送员4、 各部门卫生普通 服务员 C 3个月 100 5、 出勤考核6、 责工及PA员5、 厨房帮工6、宿...

酒店(服务员级别)员工绩效工资管理体系 酒店(服务员级别)员工绩效工资管理体系 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 2008年9月1日开始执行 职位级别 薪资级别 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 工资 考核时间 月绩效标准 考核内容 工种类型 特级 服务员 A 3个月 100 1、 服务技能2、 礼为一线基层服务工作人员如下:1、 客 节(服务意识)3、 业房部楼层服务员2、 桑拿部楼面服务高级 服务员 B 3个月 100 务知识4、 管理服从员3、 KTV部传送员4、 各部门卫生普通 服务员 C 3个月 100 5、 出勤考核6、 责工及PA员5、 厨房帮工6、宿舍管理试用期服务员 D 1-2个月 无 任考核7、 节能降耗员 1、 本岗位为不脱岗管理职位2、 工资计算为:标准工资(基本工资+其它项目补贴) 8、 工作态度 +绩效工资+其它福利+业绩奖金+工龄 一般员工考核标准 服务技能 礼节(服务意识) 业务知识 管理服从(执行力)出勤考核 责任考核 节能降耗 工作态度 1、(15分) 2、(15分) 3、(10分) 4、(20分) 5、(10分) 7、(10分) 8、(10分) 9、(10分) 备注:部门必须细化考核标准的内容,并以操作与理论相结合考核方式执行;绩效考核说明(当月不做绩效考核表说明的员工,扣发当月绩效工资):1、绩效工资和基本工资统一为每月10日发放;(正常办理手续的离职人员, 工资可在离职手续办理完整后发放,绩效工资根据实际情况要求,统一定在10日 )2、当月的考核工资按实际的考核分数百分比给予,考核程序为员工自评、部门主管技能操作考核、部门经理理论考核并给予考评、行政部审核、发放 总经理审批;3、每月的考核分数将作为工资涨幅依据;当月的考核及格分数为60分,优秀为85分,总分100分;85分以上可领全额考核金,85分以下按百分比领取;4、员工的工资涨幅将按每月的考核分数(6个月统计一次),若其中有三个月连续平均分在95分以上的给升一级工资,平均分在60分the piping installation (1) the conditions of piping before installation a. of civil or steel and pipe installation works have been inspected, meet the installation requirement, as dealt with in the transfer procedure; B. connect to pipe device is looking for qualified, finished fixed; C. internal cleanliness has been checked, have special requirements for pipe shall conform to the design of pipelines the quality documentation requirements; D. Design need to be modified and holes on the pipeline should be completed prior to installation. 1.3.6 Installing (1) flange connections pipelines installation a. with piping connected to the device, flange connection, additional stress is not allowed, nozzles apply a thin steel or asbestos for isolation; B. non-metallic pipes when pipe installation above, measures should be taken to protect, prevent quilts from damaging; C. when the valve is installed, should pay attention to the direction and flow marking is consistent; D. flange sealing surfaces should be smooth, if the seal is damaged, shall be amended or replaced when bolt, flange concentricity and parallelism should be maintained, ensure that the gasket evenly. (2) design of threaded pipe installation if there is a threaded pipe, concrete methods for the construction of construction should be strictly according to the corresponding specifications. (3) the steam tube installation a. with heat pipe should be installed parallel to the competent and should expel liquid; B. level with heat pipe should be installed in charge of below or close to the side of the bracket. Plumb Light color, by supervising inspection confirmed as eligible. 1.5 pipe pressure test 1.5.1 pipe pressure test conditions (1) complete construction information a. materials quality certificate; B. Piping component, testing of materials for welding inspection or test records; C. Pipeline Welding records, single layout, radiographic inspection plan; 以下的给降一级工资处理;5、在实行本工资体系期间;中途不管是何种原因凡是个人提出离职且不按正常离职时间办理的,一律不给予绩效工资发放6、原则上工资上涨最高标准不超过A级,若能持续一年的A级,可以考虑晋升为上一职能岗位的最低级别工资;7、运行过程中,员工工资若在D级持续6个月,将考虑给予辞退处理。考核规则:1、员工当月每被 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面表扬通告一次,可增加10分的考核分数,通报批评一次扣20分;2、当月请事假超过4天的,当月无绩效工资(病假另定);制定部门: 审核部 门 : 审批总经理:金柏酒店(技能岗位)员工绩效工资管理体系计划2008年9月1日开始执行 职位级别 薪资级别 基本工资 考核时间 月绩效标准 考核内容 工种类型 A 3个月 150 9、 服务技能 6、 客房部前台服务员、房务文员7、 财 10、礼节(微笑服务)务部收银员、吧员、会计、审计算仓库管B 3个月 150 行业专业工种 11、 业务知识 理员、采购员8、 工程人员、网络管理C 3个月 150 12、 管理服从 员9、 KTV音控、迎宾D 1-2个月 无 13、出勤考核 10、 人事文员、行政秘书3、 本岗位为不脱岗管理职位4、 工资计算为:标准工资(基本工资+其它项目补贴) 14、责任考核 11、 PA组长 +绩效工资+其它福利+业绩奖金+工龄 15、节能降耗 16、工作态度 技能岗位员工考核标准 服务技能 礼节微笑服务 业务知识 管理服从 出勤考核 责任考核 节能降耗 工作态度 the piping installation (1) the conditions of piping before installation a. of civil or steel and pipe installation works have been inspected, meet the installation requirement, as dealt with in the transfer procedure; B. connect to pipe device is looking for qualified, finished fixed; C. internal cleanliness has been checked, have special requirements for pipe shall conform to the design of pipelines the quality documentation requirements; D. Design need to be modified and holes on the pipeline should be completed prior to installation. 1.3.6 Installing (1) flange connections pipelines installation a. with piping connected to the device, flange connection, additional stress is not allowed, nozzles apply a thin steel or asbestos for isolation; B. non-metallic pipes when pipe installation above, measures should be taken to protect, prevent quilts from damaging; C. when the valve is installed, should pay attention to the direction and flow marking is consistent; D. flange sealing surfaces should be smooth, if the seal is damaged, shall be amended or replaced when bolt, flange concentricity and parallelism should be maintained, ensure that the gasket evenly. (2) design of threaded pipe installation if there is a threaded pipe, concrete methods for the construction of construction should be strictly according to the corresponding specifications. (3) the steam tube installation a. with heat pipe should be installed parallel to the competent and should expel liquid; B. level with heat pipe should be installed in charge of below or close to the side of the bracket. Plumb Light color, by supervising inspection confirmed as eligible. 1.5 pipe pressure test 1.5.1 pipe pressure test conditions (1) complete construction information a. materials quality certificate; B. Piping component, testing of materials for welding inspection or test records; C. Pipeline Welding records, single layout, radiographic inspection plan; 1、(15分) 2、(15分) 3、(10分) 4、(20分) 5、(10分) 7、(10分) 8、(10分) 9、(10分) 备注:部门必须细化考核标准的内容,并以操作与理论相结合考核方式执行;绩效考核说明(当月不做绩效考核表说明的员工,扣发当月绩效工资):1、绩效工资和基本工资统一为每月10日发放;(正常办理手续的离职人员, 工资可在离职手续办理完整后发放,绩效工资根据实际情况要求,统一定在10日发放)2、当月的考核工资按实际的考核分数百分比给予,考核程序为员工自评、部门主管技能操作考核、部门经理理论考核并给予考评、行政部审核、总经理审批;3、每月的考核分数将作为工资涨幅依据;当月的考核及格分数为60分,优秀为85分,总分100分;85分以上可领全额考核金,85分以下按百分比领取; 4、员工的工资涨幅将按每月的考核分数(6个月统计一次),若其中有三个月连续平均分在95分以上的给升一级工资,平均分在60分以下的给降一级工资处理;5、在实行本工资体系期间;中途不管是何种原因凡是个人提出离职且不按正常离职时间办理的,一律不给予绩效工资发放6、原则上工资上涨最高标准不超过A级,若能持续一年的A级,可以考虑晋升为上一职能岗位的最低级别工资;7、运行过程中,员工工资若在D级持续6个月,将考虑给予辞退处理。考核规则:1、员工当月每被书面表扬通告一次,可增加10分的考核分数,通报批评一次扣20分;2、当月请事假超过4天的,当月无绩效工资(病假另定);制定部门: 审核部门 : 审批总经 项目考核内容记分得分评分标准仪表仪容10分1、工服、个人卫生5(1)外表清洁整齐(2)着黑皮鞋、深色袜(3)女发不得过肩,不得染指甲,不化浓妆(4)男发不过耳2、综合印象5(1)落落大方,干净利落(2)整体感觉好,衣着合适(3)发式与着装相适应行为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 20分1、出勤率4(1)无迟到、早退、旷工现象(2)有事能够按规定请假(3)请假次数相对较少2、站态、行姿3(1)挺胸收腹,两眼目视前方(2)男两手后备,两脚成30?the piping installation (1) the conditions of piping before installation a. of civil or steel and pipe installation works have been inspected, meet the installation requirement, as dealt with in the transfer procedure; B. connect to pipe device is looking for qualified, finished fixed; C. internal cleanliness has been checked, have special requirements for pipe shall conform to the design of pipelines the quality documentation requirements; D. Design need to be modified and holes on the pipeline should be completed prior to installation. 1.3.6 Installing (1) flange connections pipelines installation a. with piping connected to the device, flange connection, additional stress is not allowed, nozzles apply a thin steel or asbestos for isolation; B. non-metallic pipes when pipe installation above, measures should be taken to protect, prevent quilts from damaging; C. when the valve is installed, should pay attention to the direction and flow marking is consistent; D. flange sealing surfaces should be smooth, if the seal is damaged, shall be amended or replaced when bolt, flange concentricity and parallelism should be maintained, ensure that the gasket evenly. (2) design of threaded pipe installation if there is a threaded pipe, concrete methods for the construction of construction should be strictly according to the corresponding specifications. (3) the steam tube installation a. with heat pipe should be installed parallel to the competent and should expel liquid; B. level with heat pipe should be installed in charge of below or close to the side of the bracket. Plumb Light color, by supervising inspection confirmed as eligible. 1.5 pipe pressure test 1.5.1 pipe pressure test conditions (1) complete construction information a. materials quality certificate; B. Piping component, testing of materials for welding inspection or test records; C. Pipeline Welding records, single layout, radiographic inspection plan; 分开与肩相平。(3)女两手交叉腹前,两脚成30?站立姿势。(2)行走目视前方,两手自然下垂。3、劳动纪律6(1)用《员工手册》来规范自己。(2)用规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 来制约自己。(3)按规章制度办事。4、工作态度4(1)认真、严谨、一丝不苟。(2)当日工作当日完成。(3)谦虚、谨慎、不骄不躁。5、言谈语态3(1)礼貌待客,不骂人、不讲脏话,文明礼貌。(2)同客人谈话不急不躁、不卑不亢。(3)语气适中,言谈适度,讲话不过火。业务技能50分1、铺台布、折口布花5(1)铺台手法正确,台布正面朝上。(2)台布中心与餐桌中心正对,桌布四角下垂,中线吻合。(3)能折叠20种以上口布花,并掌握技巧。2、中西餐摆台5(1)摆台规范、快速、准确(2)所用餐具正确、无破损、无污迹、手印。(3)各种餐具定位与规定相符。3、托盘5(1)五指自然分开,与托盘6点相接。(2)小臂与身体成90?(3)右手自然摆动左手托盘可随身体自然晃动。(4)两眼目视前方。4、斟酒5(1)右腿在前,站立客人右侧。(2)酒瓶标签朝向客人(3)瓶口与杯口相距1cm,缓慢斟倒。(4)斟完酒后瓶口旋转45度。(5)红葡萄酒斟1/3,白葡萄酒斟2/3,啤酒斟8分满。5、分菜5(1)站立于客人左侧,左腿在前,左手捧菜盘,右手执刀叉。(2)按先女宾后男宾,先客人、后主人的顺序,按顺时针方向为客人分菜。(3)分菜盘与客人骨碟相接,避免汤汁落出。(4)分菜要求均匀,手法正确,动作迅速。1、备餐准备情况5(1)个人仪表仪容。(2)按要求摆台。(3)备好开餐所用物品。(4)备好所用的酒水饮料。(5)了解当日特色、品种、数量、价格风味。(6)做好所属卫生工作。2、席间服务情况5(1)向客人微笑致意并问好。(2)拉椅让座,送茶上毛巾。(3)站立一侧为客人介绍菜品并为客人点菜。(4)席间酒水服务,撤换烟缸服务,虾蟹服务,上菜服务,果盘服务。(5)结账服务。(6)传菜服务。(7)推销服务。(8)拉椅送客服务。3、餐后收拾情况5(1)餐桌、桌椅卫生。(2)是否有客人遗留物品。(3)先收拾布草,后玻璃器皿、瓷器、银器。(4)退还多余酒水。(5)清理地面卫生。(6)按要求摆放桌椅及台面。4、点菜推销技能5(1)向客人问好。(2)介绍餐厅特色、风味特点。(3)了解客人需求(4)察言观色,先介绍中档菜,再根据客人谈吐、表情介绍名贵菜。10、外语5(1)能简单的用英文对话。(2)能够听懂客人意图。(3)能够简单的向客人解释。团体协作能力10分1、尊重领the piping installation (1) the conditions of piping before installation a. of civil or steel and pipe installation works have been inspected, meet the installation requirement, as dealt with in the transfer procedure; B. connect to pipe device is looking for qualified, finished fixed; C. internal cleanliness has been checked, have special requirements for pipe shall conform to the design of pipelines the quality documentation requirements; D. Design need to be modified and holes on the pipeline should be completed prior to installation. 1.3.6 Installing (1) flange connections pipelines installation a. with piping connected to the device, flange connection, additional stress is not allowed, nozzles apply a thin steel or asbestos for isolation; B. non-metallic pipes when pipe installation above, measures should be taken to protect, prevent quilts from damaging; C. when the valve is installed, should pay attention to the direction and flow marking is consistent; D. flange sealing surfaces should be smooth, if the seal is damaged, shall be amended or replaced when bolt, flange concentricity and parallelism should be maintained, ensure that the gasket evenly. (2) design of threaded pipe installation if there is a threaded pipe, concrete methods for the construction of construction should be strictly according to the corresponding specifications. (3) the steam tube installation a. with heat pipe should be installed parallel to the competent and should expel liquid; B. level with heat pipe should be installed in charge of below or close to the side of the bracket. Plumb Light color, by supervising inspection confirmed as eligible. 1.5 pipe pressure test 1.5.1 pipe pressure test conditions (1) complete construction information a. materials quality certificate; B. Piping component, testing of materials for welding inspection or test records; C. Pipeline Welding records, single layout, radiographic inspection plan; 导4(1)见领导主动微笑、打招呼、问好。(2)与领导对面相遇,主动为领导让道。2、团结同事3(1)见同事能够微笑、打招呼、问好。(2)和同 事关系融洽。(3)和同事互帮互助。3、集体活动参加情况3(1)积极参加集体活动。(2)为集体活动献计献策。1、酒店及部门培训参加情况5(1) 能按时参加酒店及部门组织的培训。(2)培训之后能够顺利通过考核。2、评先进及受表扬情况5(1)被评为年度先进。(2)受宾客表扬。(3)由总 办下发的表扬及表彰。 the piping installation (1) the conditions of piping before installation a. of civil or steel and pipe installation works have been inspected, meet the installation requirement, as dealt with in the transfer procedure; B. connect to pipe device is looking for qualified, finished fixed; C. internal cleanliness has been checked, have special requirements for pipe shall conform to the design of pipelines the quality documentation requirements; D. Design need to be modified and holes on the pipeline should be completed prior to installation. 1.3.6 Installing (1) flange connections pipelines installation a. with piping connected to the device, flange connection, additional stress is not allowed, nozzles apply a thin steel or asbestos for isolation; B. non-metallic pipes when pipe installation above, measures should be taken to protect, prevent quilts from damaging; C. when the valve is installed, should pay attention to the direction and flow marking is consistent; D. flange sealing surfaces should be smooth, if the seal is damaged, shall be amended or replaced when bolt, flange concentricity and parallelism should be maintained, ensure that the gasket evenly. (2) design of threaded pipe installation if there is a threaded pipe, concrete methods for the construction of construction should be strictly according to the corresponding specifications. (3) the steam tube installation a. with heat pipe should be installed parallel to the competent and should expel liquid; B. level with heat pipe should be installed in charge of below or close to the side of the bracket. Plumb Light color, by supervising inspection confirmed as eligible. 1.5 pipe pressure test 1.5.1 pipe pressure test conditions (1) complete construction information a. materials quality certificate; B. Piping component, testing of materials for welding inspection or test records; C. Pipeline Welding records, single layout, radiographic inspection plan;
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