首页 录入员岗位工作流程



录入员岗位工作流程录入员岗位工作流程 主要工作职责: 1、录入前准备工作 ; 2、单据审核;3、业务单据的录入; 4、单据的打印、整理及传递 ;5、条码打印; 6、电子称信息发送。 一、录入前的准备工作 (一)录入单据来源:录入员录入的所有单据均由柜组填制,通过理货区或柜组传递到录入科,录入员不得私自改动单据。 (二)单据录入前,录入员应将所有的单据根据部门、业务类型等进行分类,如××商场的《门店自采验收单》、《门店自采退厂单》等。 二、单据审核 录入员对分类后的单据认真审核,审核流程见“核算员岗位工作流程”,对不符合...

录入员岗位工作流程 主要工作职责: 1、录入前准备工作 ; 2、单据审核;3、业务单据的录入; 4、单据的打印、整理及传递 ;5、条码打印; 6、电子称信息发送。 一、录入前的准备工作 (一)录入单据来源:录入员录入的所有单据均由柜组填制,通过理货区或柜组传递到录入科,录入员不得私自改动单据。 (二)单据录入前,录入员应将所有的单据根据部门、业务类型等进行分类,如××商场的《门店自采验收单》、《门店自采退厂单》等。 二、单据审核 录入员对分类后的单据认真审核,审核流程见“核算员岗位工作流程”,对不符合要求的应予退回。 三、单据的录入 录入员凭自已的工号和密码登录富基系统,对不同的单据分别选择不同的界面进行录入。 (一)门店自采购订单:登录富基系统?订货补货?订货?,3314,门店自采购订单?点新增键,如图3-1所示界面: respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti-Japanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write anti-Japanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantime 单据功能说明:门店对供应商的订货计划,超市商品和卖场经销商品都必须 填制门店自采购订单。 录入流程: 录入供应商 选择经营方式 表头录入 收货部门 选择 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 号、结算依据 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 录入 录入商品编码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 订货件数 核对无误后点保存再点审核 存盘审核 系统自动发送至银座网站 如图3-2所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti2 1、签批流程:制单人?柜组长?商场经理。 2、注意事项: (1)在录入过程中注意商品的进项税率不得为零税率或低税率(计生用品、农产品除外)、倒扣毛利率不得为零或负数。 (2)供应商在网页中打印订单,在送货前核对订单与清单的商品进价。 (3)赠品的录入,赠品在录入时必须有正价商品跟随,录入员在订单的右边 ,在表体的下方自动生成录入赠品的表格,点击“增行”键,框,点击赠品键 录入商品编码和数量并“存盘”。该赠品只显示该商品的售价和进价为零。 (4)核对《门店自采购订单》的商品进价与供应商清单的进价进行核对,以保证价格一致。 通用工具栏功能说明(其他单据相同): 【新增】点新增键张新的单据; 【复制】点复制键对当前单据复制一张相同的单据; 【修改】点修改键对已保存的单据进行修改; 【删除】点删除键对当前单据进行删除; 【保存】点保存键对保存当前单据数据; ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti3 【审核】点审核键对保存后的单据进行审核,单据标志变为“已审核”,审核后的单据不能在进行修改; 【批打】在单据列表中选中需打印单据,点批打键进行单据的批量打印; 【取消】点取消键对已审核的单据进行取消,只对分期促销单、满减促销单、供应商降抽单起作用; 【查询】点查询键根据查询条件,查找单据; 【打印】点打印键对当前单据进行打印操作; (二)门店自采验收单:登录富基系统?库存管理?入库管理?,3414,门店自采验收单?点新增键,如图3-3所示界面: 单据功能说明:门店采购商品验收入库的原始单据,审核《门店自采购订单》后,系统将自动生成《门店自采验收单》。门店自采验收单审核后,系统自动将商品数量记入相应的子库存系统。分为手工《门店自采验收单》的录入与《门店自采购订单》引入两种方式。 录入流程: 1、手工录入方式 ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti4 保存后系统自动生成或手工录入单据号、选择子库存 录入供应商编码 表头录入 选择经营方式(鼠标选择和方向键两种选择方式) 到货地点(如不填系统默认为“柜组”) 选择合同号 点击右侧工具栏增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格录入 录入商品编码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 根据“交货件数”录入数量,核对商品进价 在入库单的右边框,点击“赠品”键,在表体下方自 动生成赠品表格。 赠品的录入 点击“增行”键 录入商品编码和数量 核对无误后点保存键、再点审核键 存盘审核 系统自动发送至银座网站 2、自动引入方式: 《门店自采验收单》?点查询键,设置查询条件(订单号,××)?点确认键?打开验收单?点修改键?选择“子库存”、录入“交货件数”?点保存键?点审核键,引入完成。(实收数量应不大于订单的数量。如实收数量未变化,录入员直接点击“保存”、“审核”键,审核后库存增加)。 注:必须先保存后审核,否则修改无效。 如图3-4所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti5 1、签批流程:收货人?送货人?柜组长?商场经理(理货区)。 2、注意事项: (1)选定子库存后,赠品同入库商品一起记入子库存,赠品数量不得修改; (2)入库商品的进项税率不得为零税率或低税率(计生用品、农产品除外)、倒扣毛利率不得为零或负数。 (三)门店自采退厂单:登录富基系统?库存管理?入库管理?,3424,门店自采退厂单?点新增键,如图3-5所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti6 单据功能说明:用于商品的退厂。 录入流程:(1)指定批次退厂 保存后系统自动生成或手工录入单据号、选择子库存 录入供应商编码 表头录入 选择经营方式(鼠标选择和方向键两种选择方式) 收货部门(如不填系统默认为“柜组”) 选择合同号 点击右侧工具栏增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 录入商品编码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 表格录入 根据手工单据价格选择库存批次号 退货单价:退货时,系统自动取门店例外价。如 退货单价和例外价不一致时,应指定批次退厂。 根据“退货件数”录入数量。 核对无误后点保存键再点审核键 存盘审核 系统自动发送至银座网站 如图3-6所示界面: (2)不指定批次退厂:在批次进价完全一致的情况下,可不指定批次退厂,不用选择批次号,但应注意核对进价。 (3)指定入库单据退厂:新增一张退厂单,将指定退厂的入库单据的电脑单号录入到“原电脑单号”中,按“回车”键,调出原入库单,然后将采购部门、收货柜组录入、存盘,无误后审核,即将该入库单退出。 ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti7 1、签批流程:退货人?收货人?柜组长?商场主管(理货区)?会计。 2、注意事项: (1)盘点溢余商品、赠品、零进价商品不得进行退厂,只能进行前台销售。 (2)在录入商品条码后,系统自动会把当前的例外进项税率、例外含税进价、例外不含税进价显示出来。(没有例外价取基本价)在选择批次以后,会把当前显示的三个数据改成批次数据。 (3)退厂商品应遵循高批次进价优先、先进先出的原则退厂。 (4)如果退货涉及多个批次,且批次进价不一致时,退货件数不得超过每个批次的数量,否则存盘时系统会提示“库存不足”。 (四)门店商品例外售价变动单(例外调价变动单):登录富基系统?物价管理?商品调价?,2813,例外调价变动单?点新增键,如图3-7所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti8 单据功能说明:主要用于门店调整商品的例外价,根据实际需要也可用来调 整商品的VIP扣率、会员最大折扣率等项目。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (根据手工单据填写,如未提供,可任选) 表头录入 输入供应商和柜组代码系统提示“选择柜组后,是否自 动生成商品明细”,一般情况下,选择“否” 生效日期(单据审核后,按该日期生效) 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格录入 录入商品条码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 根据手工单据录入调整项目 核对无误后点存盘、点审核 存盘审核 生效后,物价信息发生变化。 如图3-8所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti9 1、签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部(价核)。 2、注意事项: (1)注意区分录入日期与生效日期。 (2)同一单品在生效期内存在多次变价,应以最后一张审核的单据为准。 (五)门店商品未来例外进价调整:登录富基系统?物价管理?数据调整?,3024,门店商品未来例外进价?点新增键,如图3-9所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti10 单据功能说明:指定门店未来例外进项税、未来例外进价的调整。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 表头录入 调价位置:根据手工单据录入调价部门 生效日期(单据审核后,按该日期生效) 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 录入商品编码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 表格录入 调整项目(根据手工单据在“新进项税率”和“新 含税进价”栏次中录入) 核对无误后点存盘键、点审核键 存盘审核 生效后,物价信息中门店例外进价发生变化。 如图3-10所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti11 签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部(价核)。 (六)正规连锁库存调整单(库存商品进价调整单):登录富基系统?物价管理?数据调整?,3016,正规连锁库存调整单?点新增键,如图3-11所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti12 单据功能说明:用于商品库存进价的调整,根据调整的方式分:仅调库存和 同时调销售两种。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 录入供应商编号 表头录入 选择经营方式 录入收货位置:即调价部门 调整方式(A指仅调整库存商品进价;B不仅调 整库存商品进价,还可以调整已售商品的进价 生效日期,如调整方式为B,此项为必填项 点击右边框增行图标 增加录入行(点删除行) 录入商品编码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 表格录入 根据手工单据在“新含税进价”栏中录入信息 根据手工单据价格选择库存批次号 核对含税进价等内容,无误后存盘、审核。 存盘审核 系统按当前账面数量和批次进价计算调整金额 如图3-12所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti13 1、签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部(价核)?财务部。 2、注意事项: (1)只针对经销、成本代销的商品进价进行调整。 (2)涉及到的调整包括库存调整、销售调整。 (3)商品子库存存在负批次时,该商品的调整不能使用库存调整。 (4)赠品不参与调整。 (七)正规连锁销售调整单(已售商品进价调整单):登录富基系统?物价管理?数据调整?,3018,正规连锁销售调整单?点新增键,如图3-13所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti14 单据功能说明:用于调整门店指定时段内已销售商品的进价。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 主题(根据手工单据填写,如未提供,可任选) 表头录入 生效日期(单据审核后,按该日期生效) 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 录入商品编码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 表格录入 调整项目(根据手工单据录入调整进价) 存盘审核 核对无误后存盘并审核 如图3-14所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti15 1、签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部(价核)?财务部。 2、注意事项: (1)针对已售商品的成本进行调整。 (2)只调整指定时间段内销售的数量。 (3)时间段内销售的商品存在负批次,那么该商品的销售调整不能使用。 (八)门店商品分期促销单:登录富基系统?物价管理?商品促销?,2912,商品分期促销?点新增键,如图3-15所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti16 单据功能说明:用于定义本门店商品的各类分期促销。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 根据手工单据选择“促销方式” 申请部门(即录入相应柜组编号)系统提示“选择柜组表头录入 后,系统是否自动产生明细”一般情况下选择“否” 点击“促销主题”下拉框选相应主题,此项目为必填项 输入商家折扣分担(小于等于1),选择是否积分,录入 供应商编码。 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 录入商品编码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 表格录入 选择是否积分择是否积分 录入“促销售价” 录入“生效和截止日期” 存盘审核 核对无误后存盘并审核 如图3-16所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti17 1、签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部(价核)。 2、分期促销单商品促销折扣方式分为以下四种: (1)在商品促销打折时,应选择“按物价”、“按点”组合方式,同时在“折扣”中录入打折数,如商品打七折,录入0.7即可。 (2)如商品在原售价的基础上降价一定金额的,应选择“按物价”、“按价格”组合方式,同时在“折扣”中录入降价金额数。 (3)如商品降价无规律时,应根据手工单据列明的商品促销价,录入“促销售价”。 (4)如商品进价与商品售价相同,即毛利为零时,应选择按价格、按进价组合方式。 3、录入供应商编号,系统提示“供应商确定后,系统是否自动产生明细”应根据不同情况进行选择: (1)如促销方式为“商品促销”,且该供应商下只有个别商品不打折,应选择“是”,系统列出该供应商商品明细,录入员应将不打折商品剔除。 (2)如促销方式为“商品促销”,但该供应商下只有个别商品打折,应选择“否”,将打折的商品按商品编码直接录入。 (3)如促销方式为“柜组品牌促销”,则只需录入柜组与品牌代码即可。 ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti18 4、注意事项: (1)同一时间段内,相同商品的分期促销单,以最后一张审核单据的促销价为准。 (2)商品促销售价只能等于或低于商品例外售价,否则系统不予支持。 (3)扣率代销及管价的联营商品“商家折扣分担”一项,应低于或等于商品物价信息中的商品毛利率。 (4)供应商在变更合同信息、更名、移柜后,在有效期内的促销信息同时失效。 (5)关于促销单取消和复制键的使用。 取消:如促销活动提前结束,可选择取消键将“商品分期促销单”取消。 复制:如活动需延期,根据手工单据先将机制“商品分期促销单”调出, ”,打开“新单据1”,该单据为“未审核”然后点“复制”,系统生成“新单据1 状态,对该单据促销时间进行修改,核对无误后存盘、审核,促销单继续生效。 (九)供应商降抽单(商品扣率调整单):登录富基系统?物价管理?商品促销?,2921,供应商降抽?点新增键,如图3-17所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti19 单据功能说明:指定时间段和商品,进行扣率的调整。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 点击“主题”下拉框,任选主题 调整方式(分“按柜组、按供应商”两种) 表头录入 录入调整柜组和供应商代码 输入调价幅度【调价幅度,(新扣率,原扣率)/原扣率 ×100,】 选择经营方式,系统提示“选择供应商后,系统是否自 动产生明细”.,应根据不同情况选择。 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 录入商品编码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 表格录入 系统自动计算“新扣率” 录入“生效和截止日期” 存盘审核 核对无误后存盘 、审核。 如图3-18所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti20 1、签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部(价核)。 2、注意事项: (1)同一时间段内,相同商品的降抽单,以最后一张审核单据的扣率为准。 (2)须先录入"调价幅度",后录入"经营方式"。 (3)调价幅度:利用公式“(新扣率-原扣率)/原扣率×100%”计算,调价幅度由系统自动计算生成。 (4)对于《供应商降抽单》 “取消”和“复制”键的使用参照《门店商品分期促销单》的注意事项。 (十)门店促销进价调整单:登录富基系统?物价管理?商品促销?,2943,门店促销进价调整单?点新增键,如图3-19所示界面: 单据功能说明:根据录入的促销信息,审核生效后,促销期间做订单、入库单时系统优先取促销进价。 ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti21 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 表头录入 录入柜组代码 录入“开始和结束日期” 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格录入 录入商品编码 在“含税进价”一栏录入促销价 存盘审核 核对无误后存盘并审核 如图3-20所示界面: 1、签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部(价核)。 2、注意事项: (1)商品的促销进价不得高于基本信息进价。 ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti22 (2)录入门店促销进价调整单后,只是在该单据规定的时间段内进货单价为该单据规定的促销进价,而不是在该单据规定的时间段内销售时取促销进价。 (3)促销价格的执行日期应比录入的“结束日期”提前一天结束。 (十一)商品满减促销单:登录富基系统?物价管理?商品促销?,2916,商品满减促销?点新增键,如图3-21所示界面: 单据功能说明:根据录入的促销信息,审核生效后,前台收款时系统能够自动计算满减金额。系统将会自动将满减金额分摊到参加活动的各个商品;同时根据分担比例计算商家承担部分。 ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti23 录入流程: 选择促销方式 录入申请部门、供应商编号 表头录入 录入促销主题 录入活动细则及让利额商家分担比例 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格录入 录入商品条码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 录入新扣率、生效日期、截止日期(时间) 核对无误后点保存再点审核 存盘审核 如图3-22所示界面: 柜组品牌促销还需选择“是否允许组合促销”,即当前柜组品牌是否允许与其它品牌组合参加满减活动。 1、签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部(价核)?财务部。 ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti24 2、注意事项: (1)同一时间段内不允许多个“活动细则”存在。 (2)允许组合柜组品牌促销和不允许组合柜组品牌促销在同一时段不能同时存在。 (3)满减促销:只适用于扣率代销或联营商品。 (4)有多张满减单据的情况下,以最后一张审核的单据扣率为准。 (5)同时存在满减和降抽的情况下,商品扣率以满减扣率为准。 (6)商品销售时达到满金额,则不能再同时参与授权折扣和分期促销,满减优先。且促销折扣分担和是否参与积分也是满减优先。 (7)同时存在不组合柜组品牌促销(组合柜组品牌促销)和单品促销情况下,以单品促销为优先。 (十二)满减特价码定义:登录富基系统?物价管理?商品促销?,2917,满减特价码定义?点新增键,如图3-23所示界面: 单据功能说明:用来指定某一时间段内不参与满减活动的商品。 录入流程: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti25 表头录入 录入申请部门、供应商编号 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格录入 录入商品条码,按“回车”键商品信息自动生成 录入生效日期、截止日期(时间) 核对无误后点保存再点审核键 存盘审核 如图3-24所示界面: 签批流程:制单人?商场经理?业务部。 (十三)商品移柜管理:登录富基系统?库存管理?调拨管理?,3711, 移柜管理?点新增键,如图3-25所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti26 单据功能说明:用于商品所在门店内部柜组之间调拔时所使用的单据,可 将指定商品的信息从调出柜组转移到调入柜组。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 录入“是否管库存商品” 表头录入 录入“调出部门”柜组代码 录入“调入部门”柜组代码 输入“调出、调入日期” 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格录入 录入商品编码 存盘审核 核对无误后存盘并审核 如图3-26所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti27 1、签批流程:调出柜组签字?调出商场经理签字?调入柜组签字?调入商场经理签字?业务部。 2、注意事项: (1)移柜之后调出柜组对应商品的每个子库存商品数量会减为零,原有的数量会加到调入部门对应的子库存中。 (2)移柜单生效后不得再作反向移柜。 (3)负库存商品不允许移柜。 (4)商品移柜必须在营业开始之前录入。 (十四)商品移库单:登录富基系统?库存管理?调拨管理?,3725,商品移库单?点新增键,如图3-27所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti28 单据功能说明:用于在柜组内部的各子库存之间调拨商品。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 录入“调出部门”柜组代码 表头录入 录入调出子库存 录入调入子库存 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格录入 录入商品条码、件数 核对无误后存盘并审核 存盘审核 如图3-28所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti29 签批流程:柜组长?提货人?调出仓库?调入仓库?商场经理。 (十五)盘点单管理:登录富基系统?盘点损溢?商品盘点?,4214,盘点单管理?点新增键,如图3-29所示界面: 单据功能说明:商品盘点数据的录入用来录入盘点结果,以为正确体现损溢提供相关数据。 ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti30 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 录入盘点日期、供应商、柜组和经营方式 表头录入 排序:对“盘点数据录入表”中的商品编号进行排序, 使该表与柜组传来的商品盘点表上的顺序一致。 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 录入商品条码、在“件数”栏中录入并保存实盘数 点击生成键,将“盘点数据录入”生成“盘点单管理”。 表格录入 系统生成“漏、错盘商品清单”,录入员打印出漏、错 盘商品明细,由柜组进行复查 根据柜组复查结果,对“漏、错盘商品清单”的商品编 码在“盘点单管理”中点击修改键,核对无误后保存。 在修改有关数据时,可用“快速定位”功能快速查找到 相应的编码。 核对无误后左双击(4215)“盘点审核”,选定盘点日与 柜组,点击审核键,系统提示“审核成功”。 存盘审核 审核完毕,系统生成“商品报损(报溢)清单”,由财务 人员对盘点结果进行处理。由门店信息科对盘点结果进 行“结束”操作。 如图3-30所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti31 签批流程:柜组长?商场经理?业务部?财务部?总经理 (十六)商品报损(溢)单:登录富基系统?盘点损溢?商品损溢?,4311(4312),商品报损(溢)单?点新增键,如图3-31所示界面(商品报损单): 单据功能说明:《商品报损(溢)单》是用来做商品报损(溢)的单据。录入并审核商品报损(溢)单后,系统将按照报损(溢)单上的记录减去(或增加) ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti32 相应的库存。 录入流程: 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 输入供应商和柜组代码 表头录入 选择报损(溢)地点 选择“经营方式” 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 表格录入 在“商品条码”录入报损(溢)商品编码 输入“报损(溢)数量”(报损数量?库存数量) 存盘审核 核对无误后存盘并审核 如图3-32所示界面: 1、签批流程:柜组长?商场经理?业务部?财务部?总经理 2、注意事项: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti33 (1)报损单应分批次逐行填写,报损数量不得大于实存数量。 (2)报损单选择批次后,系统会根据批次数据自动改写商品的进项税率、含税进价、不含税进价。 (3)报损单不选择批次,系统默认显示为当前商品的例外价(没有例外取基本价)。审核之后,系统会根据先进先出的原则,扣减对应的柜组子库存下批次的数量。且报损商品的实际数据也会以实际扣减的批次数据为准。 (4)报溢后会单独形成一个批次记录。且批次的进项税率、含税进价、不含税进价以当前的例外进项税率、例外含税进价、例外不含税进价为准。没有例外则取基本价。 (十七)商品削价单:登录富基系统?盘点损溢?商品损溢?,4322,商品削价单?点新增键,如图3-33所示界面: 单据功能说明:是对商品做削价处理的单据,一般用于将门店的指定商品的售价低于进价,并生成新的商品编码,削价部分的差额体现为商品的损溢。 录入流程: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti34 手工录入单据号(电脑号存盘后系统自动生成) 输入柜组代码 表头录入 录入“生效日期” 点击右边框增行图标增加录入行(点删除行) 录入商品编码 表格录入 在“新售价”栏中录入“削价价格” 在“削价数量”栏中录入“削价件数” 核对无误后存盘并审核 存盘审核 审核后,削价商品生成新的商品编码,柜组应根 据新的商品编码销售。 如图3-34所示界面: 1、签批流程:柜组长?商场经理?业务部?财务部?总经理。 2、注意事项: (1)商品削价仅限经销商品; ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti35 (2)若单件商品削价损失超过1000元(含1000元)或每次削价损失总金额超过10000元(含10000元)的,需报股份公司总经理审批。 四、单据的打印、整理及传递 1、单据录入完毕,打印出机制单据。 2、录入员在录入完单据后要及时分类整理,在整理时应做到存放有序,保证各环节单据传递的协调性及完整性。 3、晚上下班前在微机中查询当天审核的各种单据数量,清点手工单据数量是否与之相符,如有不符应查明原因,在“单据交接表”登记手工单据数量。 4、单据的传递应参照银座财字[2004]11号《商品进销调存手续 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 (试行)》中具体的传递流程,将单据分别传柜组、理货区及财务,交接时应根据单据的种类分别清点张数,在“单据交接簿”上签字。 五、条码打印 录入科应建立打印领取条码登记簿,要求柜组做好登记交接工作,以便进行供应商的费用分摊。 操作流程:登录富基系统?条码与标签?,2512,打印商品条码?点右键选择查询功能,选择查询条件“商品编码”,××,如图5-1所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti36 点击确认键进入以下界面,如图5-2所示界面: 点击全选键?录入打印数量(实际数量的一半)?打印?选择端口(lpt1)?点击确定键后生成商品条码。 六、电子称信息发送流程 登录富基系统?商品信息查询?,2411,商品综合查询,如图6-1所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti37 点右键选择查询功能,选择查询条件(按供应商或商品编码设置查询条件),如图6-2所示界面: 点击确认键?导出键?录入保存文件夹及文件名?保存?关闭,保存完毕,如图6-3所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti38 登录电子称发送系统?选择已保存文件夹名称?PLU数据?部分PLU数据下传,如图6-4所示界面: 信息数据传送成功, 如图6-5所示界面: ides, attract the masses to watch. In the meantimeJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bulletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple s-n tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, write antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organizatio-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti39 点击全部添加?下传键?录入称号?点击发送键?显示是否发送成功,如 图6-6所示界面: ntimelletin of the justice, news of the Tomb, supplemented by comic posted on Maple sides, attract the masses to watch. In the meaJapanese songs and publishing mimeographed Bu-e antiJapanese campaign. They were founded progressive youth organization tomb "Youth Club", writing of the literacy textbook, writ-respectively in the Tomb area, a series of anti40
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