首页 新目标英语七年级下册英语练习题



新目标英语七年级下册英语练习题根据汉语意思完成句子(100分) Unit 7 1.他长什么样?does he ? 2.你的朋友长什么样? ___ does your ? 3.她中等身材。She is ? 4.他留着短发。He 5.你知道我有一个五班的新朋友吗? your __I have a in . 6.我妈妈中等个子。 My mother is . 7.王林是篮球队队长 Wang lin is the _____of the _____ _____. 8.他很高,中等身材。 He’s____ and he’s ...

根据汉语意思完成句子(100分) Unit 7 1.他长什么样?does he ? 2.你的朋友长什么样? ___ does your ? 3.她中等身材。She is ? 4.他留着短发。He 5.你知道我有一个五班的新朋友吗? your __I have a in . 6.我妈妈中等个子。 My mother is . 7.王林是篮球队队长 Wang lin is the _____of the _____ _____. 8.他很高,中等身材。 He’s____ and he’s _____ _____ ______. 9.她很受欢迎She is _____ ______. 10.她有点文静。 She’s _____ _____ ______ _____. 11.玛丽喜欢读书和下棋。 Mary _____ _____and _____ _____ . 12.汤姆有点胖。 Tom is _____ _____ _____ _____. 13.你还记得那个戴眼镜的人吗? Do you _____the man _____ _____. 14.他不戴眼镜. He _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 15.有些人不喜欢他的新面孔。 Some people _____ _____ his _____ _____ 16.我认为它并不年轻。 I _____ _____ he is _____. 17.我可以去购物,没人认识我。 I can _____ _____ , and _____ _____ me. 18.这条裙子有点大。 This skirt is _____ _____ _____ large. 19.谁是足球队的领队? Who is the _____ of the ____ ____. 20.我们的英语老师喜欢说笑话。 Our English teacher loves to _____ _____. 21.他的叔叔是一位个子高高的、头发金黄色的 人。 His uncle is a _____ man _____blonde hair. 22.她看上去像她的妈妈。 She _____ _____ her mother . Unit 8 23.我想吃些面条。I _____ _____ some noodles. 24.我能帮你忙吗?_____ I ____ you . 25.你有哪种面条? _____ _____ _____ noodles do you _____? 26.我喜欢水饺、鱼和橙汁。 I like _____ , _____ and _____ _____. 27.我不喜欢洋葱、绿茶和稀饭。 I don’t _____ _____ , _____ _____ or _____. 28.我们有一些极有特色饺子。 We _____ some great _____ . 29.饺子配汤的特色午餐为10元人民币。 The _____and _____lunch special is 10 RMB. 30.你想要什么样的甜品? _____ _____ of _____ would you like? 31.你想要多大碗的面? What _____ _____ of _____would you like? 32.今天就来吃你的饺子吧! Come and _____ your _____ today! Unit 9 33.你的周末过得如何?好极了! _____ was _____ _____? —It _____ _____. 34.上周末你做了什么? 我去看我妹妹了。 —_____ _____ you _____ _____ weekend ? —I _____ my sister. 35.我在星期六早上踢足球了。 I_____ _____ _____ Saturday morning . 36.她上周末做家庭作业了. She _____ her _____ last weekend. 37.他们去海滩了。They _____ _____ the _____ . 38.你什么时候弹吉他的?昨天晚上。 —_____ _____ you _____ the _____ ? —Last night. 1 39.你是怎样度过周末的? _____ _____ you _____the _____ ? 40周六下午,十个孩子做作业了。 _____ Saturday afternoon , ten _____ _____ their _____ . 41.昨天晚上,我看了一部有趣的访谈节目。 I _____ an _____ _____ _____ last night . 42.上周,他读了一篇关于历史的书。 He _____ a book _____ _____ last week . 43.我上周末很忙。I _____ _____ last week . Unit 10 44.天气一直很晴朗,很热。 It was _____ and _____ _____ _____ . 45.我们在水里玩得很愉快。 We _____ _____ _____ in the water . 46.我发现一个小男孩在一个角落里哭。 I _____ a small boy _____ in the _____ . 47.他迷路了,我帮他找到了他的父亲。 He _____ _____ and I _____ him ____ his father . 48.我们决定打网球。 We _____ _____ play _____ . 49.你去哪里度假了?我去爬山了。 —_____ did you ____ ____ ____? —I ____ to the ____ . 50.汤姆去夏令营了。Tom ____ to ____ ____ . 51.他昨天去看望他叔叔了。 He ____ his ____ yesterday . 52.我父亲去海滩了。 My father ____ ____ the ____ . 53.天气怎么样?很热,很潮湿。 —____ was the ____ ? —It was ____ and ____ . 54.那里的人怎么样?他们很友好。 —____ were the ____ there ? —They were ____ . 55.他们去了哪里?他们去爬山了。 —____ did they ____ ? —They ____ to the ____ . 56.玛丽喜欢他的假期吗? Did Mary ____ her ____ ? 57.你的假期过得怎么样?____ was your ____? 58.他们去过北京了吗? ____ they ____ to Beijing? Unit 11 59.你觉得游戏节目怎么样? ____ ____ you ____ ____ ____ ____ ? 60..我受不了他们。I ____ ____ them . 61..你对肥皂剧有什么看法? ____ ____ you ____ ____ ____ ____ ? 62..我不在意他们。I ____ ____ them . 63.他们对安娜怎么看?他们喜欢她。 —____ ____ they ____ ____ Anna ? —They ____ ____ . 64..欢迎看九点钟的周末谈话节目。 ____ to 9 o’clock ____ ____ . 65..我们将与十三岁的男孩阿伦谈话。 We’re ____ ____ Alan , a ____ boy . 66.烹饪是妈妈们干的。____ is ____ moms ! 67..谢谢你参加我们的节目。____ ____ ____ us . 68.你认为“实话实说”怎么样? What ____ you ____ ____ Tell it like it is ? 69..我有一只表,,一条头巾和一副太阳镜。 I have a ____ , a ____ and ____ . 70.我就流行时尚问了同学们。 I ____ students ____ ____ . 71.下面就是他们喜欢的和不喜欢的。 Here are their ____ and ____ . 72..杰瑞也喜欢太阳镜。 Jerry ____ ____ the ____ . 73.你能把我的信发表在下月杂志上吗? ____ you please ____ my letter ____ ____ ____ ____ . 74.对于老年人不能讲究漂亮的观点我无法忍 受。 I can’t ____ the ____ that old people ____ be ____ . 75..我衣着靓丽,因为我希望自己年轻漂亮。 2 I ____ ____ clothes because I ____ to ____ young and ____ . Unit 12. 76.不要在课上吃东西。____ ____ in ____ . 77.不要在走廊里跑。____ ____ in the ____ . 78..不要在教室里或走廊里听音乐。 ____ ____ ____ ____ in the ____ or the ____ . 79.你必须做什么? ____ ____ do you ____ ____ ____ ? 80.我们必须打扫教室。 We ____ ____ ____ the ____ . 81..在你们学校的规章制度是什么? ____ are the ____at your ____ ? 82.上体操课你必须穿运动鞋。 You ____ ____ wear ____ ____ ____ ____ class . 83.我们必须穿校服吗? ____ we ____ ____ ____ a ____ ? 84.放学后不要看电视。 ____ ____ TV after school . 85..在上学的晚上不要出去。 ____ ____ ____ on ____ ____ . 86.放学后做你的作业。 ___ your ____ ____ ____ . 87..每天练习你的吉他。 ____ your ____ every day . 88.我在家里有太多的规章制度。 I have ____ ____ ____ in my house . 89.我每天早上必须在6点钟起床。 I ____ ____ ____ ____ at six o’clock every morning . 90.在上课的晚上我不能看电视。 I ____ watch TV ____ ____ ____ . 91..在周末,我必须打扫房间,洗衣服。 ____ ____ , I ____ ____ clean the room and ____ my ____ . 92..我必须帮我妈妈做饭。 I ____ ____ help my mom ____ ____ . 93..稍后我必须去少年宫学习钢琴。 ____ I ____ ____ go to the ____ ____ to ____ the ____ . 94.我怎么办?____ can I ____ ? 95.你还去过别什么地方?____ ____ ____ you go ? 96..玛丽上学期间的晚上从未出去。 Mary ____ ____ ____ ____ school nights . 97.他的学校的规章制度是什么? ____ are the ____ ____ his school ? 98..我今天有很多工作要做。 I have ____ ____ work ____ ____ . 99.他不得不在周日工作。 He ____ ____ work ____ ____ . 100.我们能听音乐吗? ____ we ____ ____ ____ ? 句型转换(100分) Unit 7 1.My daughter is very thin .(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ your daughter ____ ____ ? 2.She is very tall(改为一般疑问句) ____ ____ very tall ? 3.My father has long curly hair .(改为否定句) My father ____ ____ long curly hair . 4.They are of medium build .(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ they ____ ____ ? 5.I know you have a new friend here . (改为一 般疑问句) ____ you ____ ____ have a new friend here ? 6.He looks like his father .(改为否定句) He ____ ____ like his father . 7.I have an interesting look .(改为一般疑问句) ____ you ____ an interesting look ? 8.She is tall and thin .(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ she ____ ____ ? 9.The girl never stops talking .(改为同义句) The girl ____ too ____ . 10.I know the pop singer . He wears glasses and has long curly hair .(合为一句) 3 I know the pop singer____ glasses ____ long curly hair . 11.She is a little bit quiet .(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ she ____ ____ ? 12.Jim has brown hair . (就划线部分提问) ____ ____ hair ____ Jim ____ ? 13.She wears glasses every day .(改为一般疑问句) ____ she ____ glasses every day ? 14.The man with funny glasses is my math teacher . (就划线部分提问) ____ ____ is your math teacher ? 15.What is your teacher like ?(同义句) What ____ your teacher ____ ____ 16.I think she can help me .(改为否定句) I ____ think she ____ help me . 17.Johnny has blond hair . (就划线部分提问) ____ ____ hair ____ Johnny have ? Unit 8 18.I’d like a medium bowl of rice .(划线提问) ____ ____ ____ of rice would you like ? 19.He’d like beef and tomato noodles . (就划线部分提问) ____ ____ ____ noodles would he like ? 20.Tom would like to play football .(改为一般疑问句) ____ Tom ____ to play football ? 21.I’d like to go with you .(改为同义句) I ____ ____ go with you . 22.He’d like 3 bottles of water.(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ bottles of water ____ he ____ ? 23.He’d like noodles with beef and tomatoes . (划线提问) ____ ____ ____ noodles ____ he ____ ? 24.They’d like a cup of tea .(改为一般疑问句) ____ they ____ a cup of tea ? 25.Bill would like a medium cake . (就划线部分提问) ____ ____ cake ____ Bill like ? 26.I like green tea and hot dogs .(改为选择疑问 句) ____ you like green tea ____ hot dogs ? 27.He wants to stay in Beijing .(改为同义句) He ____ ____ ____ stay in Beijing . 28.Do you want to have some water ?(改为同义 句) ____ you like to ____ some water ? 29.I’d like two glasses of milk.(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ glasses of milk ____ you like ? 30.Would you like some coffee ?(做否定回答) ____ ,____ . 31.I have no time to go home for lunch .(同义句) I ____ ____ ____ time to go home for lunch . 32.She wants a small bowl of rice . (就划线部分 提问) ____ ____ ____ of rice ____ she want ? 33.I like pizza , juice and iced tea .(改为否定句) I ____ ____ pizza , juice ____ iced tea . 34.He ‘d like a medium pizza .(改为否定句) ____ ____ ____ a medium pizza . Unit 9 35..I played tennis last weekend . (划线提问) What ____ you ____ last weekend ? 36..Did she go to the park on weekend(肯定回答) Yes , ____ ____ . 37..She cleaned her room yesterday .(改为一般疑 问句) ____ she ____ her room yesterday ? 38..They went to the beach last Sunday .(就划线 部分提问) ____ ____ they ____ last Sunday ? 39..He played computer games last night .(划线部 分提问) ____ ____ he ____ computer games ? 40..I was at home .(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ you ? 41..The museum was boring and crowed .(划线部 分提问) ____ ____ the museum ? 42.She bought a dictionary for herself .(改为否定 4 句) She ____ ____ a dictionary for herself . 43.He says he’s leaving for Hong Kong next week . (用last week改写) He ____ he ____ ____ Hong Kong last week . 44..Vera visited some friends last Friday .(同义句) Vera ____ ____ ____ some friends last Friday . 45..Tom did his homework last night .(改为否定句) Tom ____ ____ his homework last night . 46..My weekend was great .(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ your weekend ? 47..He cleaned his room yesterday afternoon .(划线提问) ____ ____ he ____ yesterday afternoon . 48.Her hair isn’t short .(反义词)It’s _____ 49..She got up very early last Sunday . (就划线部分提问) ____ ____ she ____ up early ? 50..Tom went to the park yesterday morning .(改为否定句) Tom ____ ____ to the park yesterday morning . 51.I cleaned my house last weekend .(改为一般疑问句) ____ you ____ ____ house last weekend . 52.They cleaned the classroom yesterday .(划线部分提问) ____ ____ they ____ yesterday . Unit 10 53.I was at home this morning .(改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答) ____ ____ at home this morning . No , ____ ____ . 54.went , Nancy , to , on , New York City , vacation (连句) _________________________________________ 55.He went to London on vacation .(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ he ____ on vacation . 56.Scott came back home on foot .(同义句) Scott ____ back home . 57.His father had lunch in his factory .(改为否定 句) His father ____ ____ lunch in his factory . 58.We had some delicious food this evening。(改 一般疑问) ____ you ____ ____ delicious food this evening ? 59.He went to the movies last night .(就划线部分 提问) ____ ____ he ____ last night ? 60.How was the weather yesterday ?(改为同义 句) _____ _____ the weather _____ yesterday ? 61.He did his homework last night .(改为一般疑 问句) _____ he _____ his homework last night ? 62.The beaches were very beautiful .(就划线部分 提问) _____ _____ the beaches ? 63.I got up at seven o’clock this morning .(就划线 部分提问) _____ _____ you _____ _____ this morning . Unit 11 64.Tom can’t stand the film .(同义句转换) Tom _____ like the film _____ all . 65.Can you show me the shoes ?(同上) Can you _____ the shoes _____ me . 66.I like sitcoms very much .(就划线部分提问) _____ do you _____ _____ sitcoms ? 67.He likes English .(改为否定句) He _____ _____ English . 68.My teacher likes watching TV .(改为一般疑问 句) _____ your teacher _____ watching TV ? 69.agree , can’t , I , him , with (连词成句) _________________________ 70.talk , Let’s , CCTV , these , shows , about (连 词成句) ____________________________________ 5 继续阅读
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