首页 英语才艺大赛主持稿



英语才艺大赛主持稿英语才艺大赛主持稿 篇一:英语才艺比赛主持稿 英语才艺比赛 开场白: Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Talent Show Competition. (All) 主持人自我介绍 First, let me introduce myself. I am 何诗琪 I am 严天烯. I am (莫茵怡). I am (潘远杭)Good evening !(All) 1. Today 18 contestants or tea...

英语才艺大赛主持稿 篇一:英语才艺比赛主持稿 英语才艺比赛 开场白 家长会主持人开场白和结束语会议主持开场白晨会开场白元旦晚会串词开场白婚礼开场白 : Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Talent Show Competition. (All) 主持人自我介绍 First, let me introduce myself. I am 何诗琪 I am 严天烯. I am (莫茵怡). I am (潘远杭)Good evening !(All) 1. Today 18 contestants or teams will take part in this competition. They are from diffident classes in junior high school. They will show off their skills in singing, speeches and English plays. (何诗琪) 2. Well, it?s great honor for us to have 6 judges. They are_______.We are very glad to have the distinguished guests. Let?s give them a warm welcome. And welcome all of you! (严天烯) 3. Your attention, please. The judges will give scores on the spot. After 2 contestants finish the show, the score will be 1 announced together.(莫茵怡) 4. My friends, it?s time for our players to give their performance. (潘远杭) 过程中: 1. Let?s welcome Contestant NO.1. 莫斯涛,from class 3 , grade 8, he will bring us a song – ―summer train‖ . Contestant NO.2 please get ready. (何诗琪) 2. Thank you for the beautiful song. Now, let?s welcome Contestant No.2 ,李海锋,卢戬, 蔡洪洺,覃楚轩. They will also bring us a song- ―Take me to your heart‖. Contestant NO.3 please get ready. (严天烯) 3.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 1 is________Let?s give big hands for Contestant No.3, from class 2, grade 7. They will bring us a short play. Contestant NO.4 please get ready. (何诗琪) 4. Thank you for your performance. Let?s welcome contestant No.4. From class 3, grade 7, she will sing a song ―Drenched‖ for us. Contestant NO.5 please get ready. (莫茵 怡) 5. Wonderful, right? Let?s welcome contestant No.5. From class 3, grade 8, they will sing a song ,‖Heart beats‖. Contestant NO.6 please get ready. (潘远杭) 2 6.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 2 is________ Contestant NO.3 is ___________,the score of Contestant No. 4 is ______ Let?s welcome contestant No.6. Contestant NO.7 please get ready. (严天烯) 7. And next. Let?s welcome Contestant NO.7 Contestant NO .8 please get ready. (莫茵怡) 8. Thank you for the beautiful song. Now, let?s welcome Contestants No.8 ,these two girls will sing a beautiful song :―God is a god‖. Welcome! Contestant NO .9 please get ready. (潘远杭) 9. Thank you for your wonderful performance. ContestantNo.6 is ______ Contestant No.7is ______Now, let?s welcome Contestants No.9.Contestant NO .10 please get ready. (何诗琪) All: Wow, now it is game time!!! (猜谜语) 10. It is great. Now, the contestants 10 from class 3, grade 8, Let?s give them a warm welcome Contestant NO.11 please get ready.. (莫茵怡) 11. Thank you. Let?s welcome contestant No.11. From class 1, grade 7, they will put on a play ―three little pigs‖ for us. Contestant NO.12 please get ready. (潘远杭) 3 12. Thank you for your wonderful performance. Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 8 is ________ , ContestantNo.9 is ______, ContestantNo.10 is ______Now, let?s welcome Contestants No.12 Contestant NO .13 please get ready. (严天烯) 13. Thank you. Now it?s time for Contestant No.13. Contestant NO .14 please get ready. (何诗琪) 14. Thank you. Let?s welcome contestant No.14. From class 2, grade 7, Contestants NO.15 please get ready. (莫茵怡) 15.Thank you for the beautiful song. ContestantNo.12 is ______, ContestantNo.13 is ______, Now, let?s welcome Contestant No.15 From class 3, grade 8. Contestant NO .17 please get ready. (何诗琪) 16. Great! Now, the contestant No.16 from class 1, grade 8 will give us a performance. Let?s give them a warm welcome. Contestant NO.17 please get ready. (潘远杭) 17. Great! Now, the contestant No.17 from class 3, grade 7 will give us a performance. Let?s give her a warm welcome. Contestant NO.18 please get ready. (莫茵怡) 18.Thank you for the beautiful song. Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , 4 ContestantNo.15 is ______, ContestantNo.16 is ______ ContestantNo.13 is ______, Now, let?s welcome Contestant No.18 From class 4, grade7. (严天烯) 19. Thank the last contestant?s wonderful performance. You really did a good job. I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , ContestantNo.15 is ______, ContestantNo.16 is ______ ContestantNo.13 is ______, Next Let?s welcome the judges to give us some comments on our contestants? performance. Thank you for your wonderful comments. (何诗琪) 20. I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 16 is________, ContestantNo.17 is ______, and ContestantNo.18 is ______ (严天烯) 21. Let?s play a game. (绕口令)(all) 22. Well, thank you all the contestants. Thank you for your excellent performance. Let?s enjoy the song ―Auld Lang Syne‖ (潘远杭) 颁奖部分: A:Let me announce the list of third prize_________________(三等奖名单). Each recipient will be presented with a certificate. Congratulations. 中文译一 次大意: 5 B:Let’s welcome ________ to present the awards to the recipients. Thank you Mr.Chen. (莫茵怡) A:Allow me to announce the list of second prize _________________ (二等奖名单) Congratulations. B:Let’s welcome _______to award prize for these winners.Thank you ______(严天烯) A: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky persons are________. Congratulations! B:Let’s welcome ______ to present the awards to the recipients. Thank you. (何诗琪) A: Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor!Today is your day,you deserve this award for your wonderful performance. (潘远杭) 篇二:2013英语才艺大赛主持稿 2013 English Talent Show Of Chencun Junior High School 主持稿 A:Don't stop, (不要停顿,) (一边走一边说) B:never give up, (永不放弃,) (一边走一边说) C:Hold your head high,(高昂起头,) (一边走一边说) D:Reach the top. (到达顶峰。) (一边走一边说) 6 A:Let the world see what you have got, (让世界看见你 的收获,) B:Bring it all back to you. (找回自己。) C:Hold on what you try to be, (坚持自己想达到的境 地,) D:Your dreams will come true. (梦想就会成真。) A:Good afternoon, everyone! B:Good afternoon! C:Welcome to the 2013 English Talent Show of Chencun Junior High School! D:欢迎大家来到2013年第三届英语才艺表演活动现场~ (带头鼓掌) A:I’m the compere …… B:I’m the compere …… C:I’m the compere …… D:I’m the compere …… A:To start with, we’d like to briefly introduce the whole process of the competition. B:At the beginning of this term, 32 classes have participated in this competition, of those, we have 12 outstanding classes to compete in the final round today. C:At first, with great honor, we’d like to introduce the 7 guests at present. D:首先请允许我们隆重介绍莅临本次活动的领导和嘉宾。 他们分别是: C:We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today! D:Next, let’s introduce the judges of today’s contest. 下面,让我们来介绍一下出席本次活动的评委老师。他们 分别是: C:Thank you for being a part of the competition! 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎领导、嘉宾和评委老师的到来, 感谢他们百忙之中来参加我们此次活动~(带头鼓掌) D:At this moment, all the contestants are getting ready for their performance. I’m sure all of you look forward to the wonderful performance, and let’s wish them the best of luck. A:Now , the 2013 English Talent Show of Chencun Junior High School formally starts! 下面我宣布:2013年第三届英语才艺表演活动 合:正式开始~(带头鼓掌) ? B:At first, please enjoy the first performance—— Wu 8 Song beats tigers from Class 13, Grade 7. Let’s welcome! C:掌声有请初一13班为我们带来《武松打虎》~(带头鼓掌,后退一步,鞠躬下场) ? A:Oh, I like this tiger, it’s very cute! B:I love Wu Song, I think he is a brave man. A:En, maybe the next Wu Song is braver and more handsome. B:Really? Where is he? (四处张望) A:They’re coming! (手掌指向后台)有请初二1班《武 松打虎》闪亮登场,掌声欢迎~ ? C:欣赏完两段精彩刺激的《武松打虎》,真是意犹未尽啊~ D:They’re exciting adventures, but I prefer to make friends with animals. I’ll take them to the seaside. C:去海 边,What would you like to do? D:Take a walk, play with water or swim, 说不定还能看 见美人鱼呢~ C:看美人鱼,不用去海边~我现在就可以满足你的愿望~ 请欣赏初二6班带来的话剧《海的女儿》~掌声有请~ ? A:Summary is so poor and her father—— the king is so 9 cold!(可怜)But the next emperor is so stupid!(嫌弃) D:Why? What did the emperor do?(好奇)口说无凭哦~ A:那眼见为实,看一看不就知道喽~掌声欢迎由初一2班表演的话剧《皇帝的新装》~ ? C:Haha, that’s funny! 同学们,认人和做事都一定要多动脑筋,学会擦亮自己的双眼,明辨是非哦~ B:Yes, 我就知道这么一位美丽的公主,因为这个原因而上了恶毒皇后的当~大家说是哪位公主呀,(问场下) C:So easy! We know she is Snow White! 赶快请她上场吧~ B:请欣赏来自初二4班的节目《白雪公主》,掌声有请~ ? D:Snow White is kind, and we should learn from her! A:所以说呢,做人要善良,善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到~ D:In fact, besides kind, we should be smart as well. A:那么接下来就让我们期待聪明能干的孙悟空如何战胜恶有恶报的白骨精吧~ D:有请初一12班为大家带来《三打白骨精》~掌声在哪里, ? 10 A:孙大圣一出手,果然非同凡响~I like him so so much! C:Me too! 很希望哪位独具慧眼的导演能够将美猴王搬上荧屏呢~ A:Good idea! 说到看电影,你猜我至今最难忘的第一部3D电影是哪部,(对江豪) C:En, (思索一下),I got it!(打响指) It’s also my favourite film! I bet it’s ―Avatar‖! (拍胸脯) A:Bingo! You are clever as the Monkey King!(竖拇指) C:那接下来我们要看―阿凡达‖吗, A:No!(摇手指)我们来偷师,学习一下阿凡达导演挑选演员的成功经验吧~ C:掌声欢迎初二14班带来―Competition‖《试镜》~ ? B:Wa, the girl is successful and lucky! D:You’re right, but I think hard-working is the most important! B:En, (点头),that’s true. 女孩为了实现自己的梦想,一定付出了许多的努力和汗水~ D:同样地,也有一群人敢于秀出自己的梦想,让梦想飞翔~ B:I can’t wait to watch it!(兴奋)下面请欣赏由初二10班带来的职业梦翔秀―Dream flying‖~掌声再热烈一点~ 11 ? B:I can’t believe it! (夸张)这简直是一场赏心悦目的 视听盛宴哪~ C:哇哦~They’re magic! I love them!(两眼放光) B:I agree with you! I have a little love! C:Just a little? B:A little is just good! C:OK,接下来一首动听的歌曲献给大家,掌声有请初一4 班―A little love‖~ ? D:How beautiful! 这首小清新的曲子让我们感受到母爱 的深沉~ A:The older I grow up, the more I love my mum, and my mum’s mum! D:Your grandma! She must be very kind and warm. A:Yes, you’re right, and she is just like little red riding hood’s grandma. D:So what are we waiting for? 让我们掌声欢迎来自初一 3班的节目《小红帽》~ 十一 A:小红帽好可爱,大灰狼弱爆了,猎人简直帅呆了,真 想找他要签名~ 12 B:You can have a try, but I’m afraid it’s difficult to get the signature! A:此话怎讲, B:有一个女孩是某明星的粉丝,找那个明星要了三次签 名都没要到呢~ A:啊哦~是哪个明星这么大牌,我们拭目以待喽~掌声 有请初一6班为大家带来的话剧《我想要签名》~ 十二 D:刚才的话剧为我们留下了一个悬念,女孩的梦想最终 实现了吗,联想到自己,你从小的梦想现在实现了吗,如果 没有实现,你准备努力去实现它吗, C:As we know, everyone has dream and happiness, for example, our parents hope we can study very hard and happily ! D:And our teachers hope we can be successful with their help! C:Now, let's welcome the last performance最后一 个节目,来自初二12班 ―Our dream and happiness‖~掌声 有请~ A:Let’s wish all of your dreams will come true! OK, all contestants have finished their performance. Before we announce the final result, please welcome our teacher Mr. 13 Jiang to comment on the contest. B:欢迎科长为同学们的表演做精彩点评~掌声有请~(带头鼓掌) …… C:Thank you, Mr. Jiang. OK, now let’s welcome our director Li to announce the winners! D:下面是激动人心的时刻~掌声有请主任为我们宣布本次活动的获奖班级、优秀指导老师和最佳啦啦队~(带头鼓掌) …… A:Congratulations! 祝贺以上获奖班级~(带头鼓掌) B:首先请获得最佳拉拉队的班级上主席台领奖~请……为他们颁奖~掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢…~ C:下面先请荣获三等奖的班级上主席台领奖~请___……主任,……主任___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢…主任、谢谢…主任~ D:下面请荣获二等奖的班级上主席台领奖~请___……主任,……主任___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢…主任、谢谢…主任~ A:下面有请荣获一等奖的班级上主席台领奖~请___梁兆伦副校长___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后) 14 请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢梁校长~ B:下面有请荣获特等奖的班级上主席台领奖~请___李 日和副校长___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌) (颁完奖后)请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢李校长~ C:As we all know, without the teachers’ help, we can’ t have so many wonderful performances. So, let’s welcome our English teachers and express our gratefulness to them! D:掌声有请我们的优秀指导老师上主席台领奖~请___ 校长___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合 影留念~(照完相)谢谢校长~ A:Congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges! B:让我们再次用最热烈的掌声祝贺以上获奖班级,同时 对我们的领导、嘉宾和评委老师给予最诚挚的感谢~(带头 鼓掌) C:Thank you for coming! D:Oh, dear girls and boys, I’m certain that you got a fantastic time here. Do you enjoy yourselves? A:It’s our great honor to share this beautiful afternoon with you. B:Let’s look forward to the next year’s competition! C:Thanks again! 合:Bye! 15 D:掌声欢送领导、嘉宾和评委老师先行退场。请各班按顺序退场。 篇三:2012英语才艺大赛主持稿全 2013 English Talent Show Of Chencun Junior High School 主持稿 A:Never give up, (永不放弃,) B:Never lose hope. (永不心灰意冷。) C:Always have faith, (永存信念,) D:It allows you to cope. (它会使你应付自如。) A:Trying times will pass, (难捱的时光终将过去,) B:As they always do. (一如既往。) C:Just have patience, (只要有耐心,) D:Your dreams will come true. (梦想就会成真。) A:Good afternoon, everyone! B:Good afternoon! C:Welcome to the 2013 English Talent Show of Chencun Junior High School! D:欢迎大家来到2013年陈村镇中学第二届英语才艺表演活动现场~(带头鼓掌) A:I’m the compere…… B:I’m the compere…… 16 C:I’m the compere…… D:I’m the compere…… A:To start with, we’d like to briefly introduce the whole process of the competition. B:At the beginning of this term, 32 classes have participated in this competition, of those, we have 12 outstanding classes to compete in the final round today. C:At first, with great honor, we’d like to introduce the guests at present. D:首先请允许我们隆重介绍莅临本次活动的领导和嘉宾。 他们分别是: C:We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today! D:Next, let’s introduce the judges of today’s contest. 下面,让我们来介绍一下出席本次活动的评委老师。他们 分别是: C:Thank you for being a part of the competition! 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎领导、嘉宾和评委老师的到来, 感谢他们百忙之中来参加我们此次活动~(带头鼓掌) D:At this moment, all the contestants are getting ready for their performance. I’m sure all of you look forward to the wonderful performance, and let’s wish them the best of 17 luck. A:Now, the 2013 English Talent Show of Chencun Junior High School formally starts! 下面我宣布:2013年第二届英语才艺表演活动 合:正式开始~(带头鼓掌) ? A:2013年4月20日,我国四川雅安发生了7级地震, 迄今为止190余人丧生,有许多母亲失去了自己的孩子,也 有许多孩子失去了自己的母亲。(悲伤)让我们一起为雅安 人祈福。雅安,加油~(励志) B:Today our first performance tells us a story about a girl who lost her mother when she was very young. C:小女孩失去了她的妈妈,她的妈妈是去天堂了吗, D:Let’s enjoy ―Another day in paradise ‖ from Class 3, Grade 2. A:掌声有请初二3班为我们带来―天堂的另一天‖~ ? A:The girl is lovely and sad, but the pig is clever and happy. B:What? The pig? Haha, I think the pig is foolish.(轻蔑) A:No No No, you don’t believe me!(生气)Hn,那我请 出《三只小猪》来证明给你们看他们的实力~ B:那我们拭 18 目以待喽~有请初一1班《三只小猪》哼哼出场,掌声欢迎~ ? B:Now I’m sure three pigs are very smart. I’m sorry (抱 拳), little pig!(对)Oh no, you are a big bad wolf! C:Hn, Hn! 我是大灰狼,我为自己代言! (趾高气扬,挥拳出去,突然泄 气) But I can’t catch three pigs! I’m so hungry,(捂肚子, 可怜兮兮) I want to eat something delicious. B:(勾勾手指) Would you like to have some rabbies for dinner? C:Wa! I’d love to, where are they?(四处张望) B:They’re coming! 请欣赏初一6班带来的话剧―新守 株待兔‖~掌声有请~ ? A:The rabbits are so poor!(可怜)Yes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. D:讲得太好了,患难见真情~那你说主公刘备和他的军 师诸葛亮之间算不算共患难,有真情呢, A:哇! 玩穿越 呀,我觉得吧,若是从刘备三顾茅庐开始说起,那便是极好 的~ D:Ok, Let’s welcome comtestant Class 10 Grade 2 ―Three visits to the cottage‖! A:掌声有请初二10班为我们带来《三顾茅庐》~ 19 ? A:哇,好想穿越回古代体验生活过把瘾~ B:你就做梦吧~ A:不用这么打击我吧~ B:我是叫你向Alice学习,做个梦就进入了仙境~ A:Really? I must go home now!(作势准备下台) B:What are you going to do? (拉住李琦峰) A:(挣脱)Go to bed, fall asleep, and, come into my dream,ha ha!(边哈哈边下场) B:I bet you will have a daydream! All right, 下面请欣赏 初二14班的话剧《爱丽丝梦游仙境》~掌声欢迎~ ? C:This rabbit is magic, but some others are unlucky. D:Why? What do you want to say?(好奇) C:They will be caught by a modern farmer. D:What happened to them? Let’s go on enjoying―the farmer and the rabbits‖ C:掌声有请初二6班为大家带来《守株待兔》~ ? C:I love the rabbits , but I hate the farmer! B:Me too! I think we should protect all of the animals. C:Yes, 我们要爱护所有的动物~当然,也要保护好我们 20 自己~ B:我就知道这么一位美丽的白雪公主,因为不会保护自己而上了恶毒皇后的当~ C:Oh, I know! She is Snow White!下面让我们掌声欢迎由初一16班表演的话剧《白雪公主》~ ? D:Snow White is kind, and we should learn from her~ A:所以说呢,做人要善良,善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到~ D:In fact, besides kind, we should be honest as well. A:那么接下来的话剧将要把诚实的种子撒向我们每位同学的心灵。 D:请欣赏来自初一5班的节目《做人要诚实》~掌声有请~ ? C:那么我认为呢,做人不仅要善良,要诚实,还应该做到坚持和执着! D:没错,刘备正是凭着这股持之以恒,锲而不舍的精神,在经历了两次失败之后,终于在第三次将诸葛亮请出山~ C:En, that’s why there is a story called ―three visits to the cottage‖! D:掌声欢迎初二9班带来《三顾茅庐》~ ? 21 A:一看到孔明先生,我就不禁想起他一句名言:万事俱备,只欠东风~ B:那我也想到一句~东风吹,战鼓擂,我和你到底who怕who~ A:Of course you are afraid of me! Because I ’m Grey Wolf! (作势要捉韵怡) B:Oh my god, 我好怕哦~Help, help, red wolf!(指台下)你等着~(指李琦峰)我找红太狼来收拾你~(跑下台) A:Oh no, 我一定会回来的~(从另一边下台) B:(在台下说)请欣赏由初一14班表演的话剧《喜羊羊与灰太狼》~掌声有请~ 十一 C:喜羊羊与灰太狼的战争仍在继续~而人们对于生活也有着许许多多的抗争~ B:I agree with you~下面将要上场的班级要为大家带来一首让人惊艳的英文歌曲哦~ C:它前奏有激情锣鼓,背后有侗族山歌,亦古亦今,中西结合~Tell me,tell me,what’s its name,谁能告诉我这首歌的名字, B:I know! 掌声有请初二1班《Love Warrior 战》~ 十二 A:这首侗族神曲真是既洋气又有新鲜感的战斗之歌呢~ 22 D:Certainly, people are fighting for love! A:它让我想起,在中国的抗日战争时期,也有一大批战 士们和同胞们在与小鬼子的战斗中壮烈牺牲~ D:Yes,他 们不惜失去一切甚至丢掉性命都要英勇保卫我们的祖国~请 大家勿忘国耻,抵制日货~ A:Ok,let’s welcome the last performance最后一个节目,来自初一12班《难忘的1937》! 掌声有请~ A:OK, all contestants have finished their performance. Before we announce the final result, please welcome our teacher Mr. Wu to comment on the contest. B:欢迎科长为同学们的表演做精彩点评~掌声有请~(带 头鼓掌) …… C:Thank you, Mr. Wu. Next, our art master Mr. Peng will bring us an improvisational show, let’s welcome! D:接下来,我们学校的艺术大师科长要为大家带来一段 精彩绝伦的即兴表演~究竟是什么表演呢,就让我们一起拭 目以待,洗耳恭听吧~掌声欢迎~ …… A:Thank you, Mr. Peng. Thanks for making us enjoy so excellent sound! B:感谢大师绘声绘色的模仿和惟妙惟肖的声音~真是余 23 音绕梁,三日不绝呀~(鼓掌) A:OK, now let’s welcome our director Li to announce the winners! B:下面是激动人心的时刻~掌声有请主任为我们宣布本次活动的获奖班级、优秀指导老师和最佳啦啦队~(带头鼓掌) …… D:Congratulations! 祝贺以上获奖班级~(带头鼓掌) A:首先请获得最佳拉拉队的班级上主席台领奖~请书记为他们颁奖~掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢书记~ B:下面先请荣获三等奖的班级上主席台领奖~请___……主任,……主任___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢…主任、谢谢…主任~ C:下面请荣获二等奖的班级上主席台领奖~请___……主任,……主任___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢…主任、谢谢…主任~ D:下面有请荣获一等奖的班级上主席台领奖~请___副校长___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合影留念~(照完相)谢谢校长~ A:下面有请荣获特等奖的班级上主席台领奖~请___副 24 校长___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合 影留念~(照完相)谢谢校长~ B:As we all know, without the teachers’ help, we can’ t have so many wonderful performances. So, let’s welcome our English teachers and express our gratefulness to them! C:掌声有请我们的优秀指导老师上主席台领奖~请___ 校长___为他们颁奖。掌声鼓励~(鼓掌)(颁完奖后)请合 影留念~(照完相)谢谢校长~ D:Thank you very much. A:Congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges! B:让我们再次用最热烈的掌声祝贺以上获奖班级,同时 对我们的领导、嘉宾和评委老师给予最诚挚的感谢~(带头 鼓掌) C:Thank you for coming! D:Oh, dear girls and boys, I’m certain that you got a fantastic time here. Do you enjoy yourselves? A:It’s our great honor to share this beautiful afternoon with you. B:Let’s look forward to the next year’s competition! C:Thanks again! 合:Bye! D:掌声欢送领导、嘉宾和评委老师先行退场。请各班按 25 顺序退场。 26
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