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品牌效应 论文广告效应论文品牌效应 论文广告效应论文 论海尔事件营销传播的品牌效应 摘要:1985年,张瑞敏砸下了海尔事件营销的第一锤,这一砸唤醒了海尔人的质量意识,奠定了海尔品牌发展的基础。从那以后,海尔事件营销的报道经常见诸媒体之中,它给海尔的品牌建设带来了持续的传播效应,对海尔打造强势品牌起到了巨大的推动作用。由此带给我们如下启示:作为一个企业,一方面要学会运用事件营销这个有力武器,打造品牌知名度;另一方面也需要苦练内功,造就品牌可信度、成就品牌美誉度和培育消费者对品牌的忠诚度。这样,才能发展成为一流的企业,建设成为一流的品牌。 ...

品牌效应 论文广告效应论文
品牌效应 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 广告效应论文 论海尔事件营销传播的品牌效应 摘要:1985年,张瑞敏砸下了海尔事件营销的第一锤,这一砸唤醒了海尔人的质量意识,奠定了海尔品牌发展的基础。从那以后,海尔事件营销的报道经常见诸媒体之中,它给海尔的品牌建设带来了持续的传播效应,对海尔打造强势品牌起到了巨大的推动作用。由此带给我们如下启示:作为一个企业,一方面要学会运用事件营销这个有力武器,打造品牌知名度;另一方面也需要苦练内功,造就品牌可信度、成就品牌美誉度和培育消费者对品牌的忠诚度。这样,才能发展成为一流的企业,建设成为一流的品牌。 关键词:事件营销 传播 品牌效应 事件营销及其相关案例 什么是事件营销?所谓“事件营销”(Event Marketing),是指企 业通过策划、组织和利用具有名人效应、新闻价值以及社会影响的人物或事件,吸引媒体、社会团体和消费者的注意与关注,以求提升企业或产品的知名度、美誉度,塑造良好的品牌形象,并最终促成产品或服务销售的目的、手段和方式。? 事件营销相关案例。“事件营销”是近年来国内外流行的一种市场推广手段,它在企业营销传播中,多次被证明是一种强有力的措施。早在1985年,海尔的前身——青岛电冰箱总厂生产的76台“瑞雪”customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 牌冰箱经过检验不合格,张瑞敏亲手砸下了第一锤,并命令责任者当众砸毁了这些不合格冰箱,引起了新闻轰动效应,这是中国较早的事件营销。后来又有武汉野生动物园的砸奔驰事件、吉利汽车的柯受良飞车布达拉宫、富亚涂料的老总喝涂料、红塔集团的皇马中国行、宝洁激爽的美女当街洗澡秀等,在国外则有IBM的“人机大战”等著名事件营销案例,这些事件都引起了或大或小的轰动效应,成为各大媒体播报的热点,而相关企业则通过事件营销取得了超预期的传播效果。 事件营销的传播优势 从本质上和传播效果来讲,事件营销应该是一种广告,而从形式上和传播内容上来说,不管是有意策划还是无意行为,事件营销最终却是以新闻的面目出现,因而具有一般广告所不具有的优势。具体地说,事件营销的优势主要有以下四个方面: 传播成本低。商品广告是一种付费的宣传,根据媒体传播面、影响力、播发时间等不同情况,收费多少有所区别。越是强势媒体,收费越高。以央视为例,每年广告营业额逐年增长,2002年至2009年广告招标总额依次为26.26亿元、33.15亿元、44.12亿元、52.48亿元、58.69亿元、67.96亿元、80.28亿元、92亿元。?2010年则一举超过百亿元,达到了109.66亿元,创16年来的新高,增长18.47%。?这一事实说明,广告传播成本非常昂贵,许多中小企业都难以承受。而事customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 件营销则有所不同,它需要的成本一般相对比较低,能为企业节约大量的资金。 传播范围广。根据传播学原理,信息在传播过程中,噪音干扰越小,传播效果越好。事实证明:有创意的事件营销无论是在投入还是在知名度的提升方面,回报率都超过其他广告形式。一个事件如果成了热点,会成为人们互相传递的话 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,传播层次不仅仅限于看到这条新闻的读者或观众,可以形成多次传播和全方位传播,传播范围非常广泛。 传播时间久。事件营销中的事件往往是特别事件,使人印象十分深刻,让人久久难以忘怀,一些媒体也会不时地加以报道,形成延续持久的传播。例如,海尔砸毁不合格冰箱的事件,已经过去25年了,但是其传播效应却一直持续下来。2009年4月25日,《半岛都市报》以新闻的形式,用《砸冰箱大锤进了博物馆——海尔砸毁76台不合格冰箱的大锤成为国家文物,为后来企业树立了典范》做标题进行了报道。我们不曾见到任何一个商品广告的免费传播时间如此之长。? 传播效果好。事件营销具有很强的新闻性,因为事件营销中的“事件”是个别的,一般是通过新闻媒体发布出去的,因而具有较大的新闻性——真实的、及时的,能引起社会的广泛关注,消费者对于其中内容的信任程度要远远高于广告。有关研究资料表明,企业运用事件营销的手段取得的传播投资回报率,约为一般传统广告的3倍。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 大卫?奥格威曾经指出,阅读普通文章的读者数量是阅读普通广告读者的6倍。记者、编辑传达信息的能力比广告人还强。而能让记者、编辑传达企业或者产品信息的方式,使得广告信息传播成本低、范围广、时间久、效果好,这是一般的广告传播所达不到的,而这正是事件营销所要追求的。 海尔事件营销传播的启示 事件营销是许多企业所追求的,回顾和分析海尔事件营销及其发展历程,我们可以得到一些有益的启示。事实上,一个企业的成功通过事件营销可以打造知名度,但是只有知名度是不够的,还需要有企业品牌信任度、美誉度和忠诚度。这样,企业才能持续发展,才能造就品牌,使企业立于不败之地。总结海尔事件营销发展策略和打造中国第一品牌的发展过程,我们可以得到以下启示: 事件营销,打造品牌知名度。如前所述,企业通过事件营销能够以较少的投入换取巨大的回报,迅速提高企业知名度。这里不再赘述。但是要注意,企业不要为追求一时的轰动而哗众取宠,从而毁坏了自己的名声。有一个“思薇尔”内衣,耍弄“玩”与“完”谐音的文字把戏,将本来挺好的一句广告语“完美女人”改成了“玩美女人”,招摇于上海闹市,意图造成新闻效应。其“玩弄女人”的文字暗示之意确实引起了轰动的新闻效应,但事与愿违的是,这次“事件营销”没有为“思薇尔”带来销售上的拉动力,反而招来上海有关部门的处罚。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 顺势而上,造就品牌可信度。企业通过事件营销,能够在短时间内打造品牌知名度,在此基础上还要顺势而上,造就品牌可信度,企业才能成为最终的赢家。海尔在事件营销上采取一系列措施,狠抓产品质量,使企业发展上了一个新台阶,在全国冰箱评比中连续多年获得最高分。 从本质上讲,“事件”只是一种炒作的载体和手段,而“营销”才是真正的目的。而要达到营销的目的,就必须有一切为消费者着想的真心。因为归根结底,市场是做出来的,不是炒出来的。追求“产品质量零缺陷”、服务“真诚到永远”使海尔赢得了更多消费者的信任。 不断创新,成就品牌美誉度。创新是一个企业发展的根本动力,海尔人真正认识到了这一点,一直致力于创造、创新,无论在产品生产、企业管理还是在售后服务方面都力求创新。 海尔在自己所涉及的产品领域都有创新,省电智能冰箱、聪明风空调、双动力洗衣机、追时彩电、润眼速启电脑等,最近海尔又推出了世界上首款先进的冰箱——“物联网”冰箱。?在这里难以一一列举。有一个统计数字足以说明海尔的创新成果,近些年来,海尔集团的创新成果增长迅速,截至2008年,海尔集团自主创新的专利申请达到8795项。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 正是由于海尔致力于不断创新,使得海尔经常成为国内外媒体关注的热点,除了它的广告宣传以外,从新闻的角度对其报道的文章也很多,而这种报道则更具有可信性和称赞性,从而使海尔的品牌美誉度大大提高。 整合传播,培育品牌忠诚度。事件营销只是企业造就品牌的一种手段,如果没有其他实质性措施相配合,其影响往往是短暂的、单一的,要想真正造就名牌,培育消费者对企业的品牌忠诚度,还必须进行整合营销传播,培育消费者对自己品牌的忠诚度。 海尔的事件营销无疑是一部成功之作,也让我们领略到了事件营销的魅力。然而,事件营销绝不等同于单纯的炒作,事件营销只是形式而不是内容,企业要想发展,还要靠真本领。海尔当年砸了不合格冰箱,但是如果没有“真诚到永远”的服务意识,没有报效国家的企业理念,没有“零缺陷”的产品质量,没有永不停止的创新精神,就不会有今天的海尔。海尔事件营销策略的背后,显示出海尔人“真诚到永远”的企业理念,在成就知名度的前提下,逐步使其品牌获得了可信度、美誉度和忠诚度。 综上所述,海尔集团从事件营销起步,用了25年的时间,一步一个脚印地走到今天,造就了中国第一品牌。从其整个发展过程来看,是海尔追求“真诚到永远”企业理念并不断实现这一理念的结果。所以,我们学习海尔,既要学习它善于运用事件营销的策略,更要学习它本质的东西,就是实实在在的质量意识、无微不至的服务意识和永创customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 新高的创新意识等。这样,我国的企业才能不断发展壮大,也才能打造 一流的品牌,最终走出国门,走向世界,真正成为世界一流的品牌企 业。 注 释: ?李安平:《事件营销中的企业广告传播》,《当代传播》,2007(4)。 ?朴晶:《中央电视台2009年黄金资源广告招标总额突破90亿, 再创新高》,《电视研究》,2008(12)。 ?新华网:《央视2010年黄金广告招标创16年来新 高》, 2487803.htm ?娄花:《砸冰箱大锤进了博物馆》,《半岛都市报》,2009年4 月25日,A11版。 ?吴迪:《海尔物联网冰箱5月份上市 欲引入iPhone理念》(2010 年3月26日14:47腾讯科 技)》, customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single
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