首页 VI设计报价单



VI设计报价单VI设计报价单 标志+名片、信封信纸、光盘封面、画册、海报,只是设计费 一般整体要3万。 VI基础设计系统(费用明细) ,:企业标志设计 5000元 ? 企业标志及标志创意说明 1000元 ? 标志墨稿 500元 ? 标志反白效果图 500元 ? 标志标准化制图 800元 ? 标志方格坐标制图 800元 ? 标志预留空间与最小比例限定 400元 ? 标志特定色彩效果展示 1000元 ,:企业标准字体 5000元 ? 企业全称中文字体 500元 ? 企业简称中文字体 500元 ? 企业全...

VI 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 报价单 标志+名片、信封信纸、光盘封面、画册、海报,只是设计费 一般整体要3万。 VI基础设计系统(费用明细) ,:企业标志设计 5000元 ? 企业标志及标志创意说明 1000元 ? 标志墨稿 500元 ? 标志反白效果图 500元 ? 标志 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化制图 800元 ? 标志方格坐标制图 800元 ? 标志预留空间与最小比例限定 400元 ? 标志特定色彩效果展示 1000元 ,:企业标准字体 5000元 ? 企业全称中文字体 500元 ? 企业简称中文字体 500元 ? 企业全称中文字体方格坐标制图 1000元 ? 企业简称中文字体方格坐标制图 1000元 ? 企业全称英文字体 500元 ? 企业简称英文字体 500元 ? 企业全称英文字体方格坐标制图 500元 ? 企业简称英文字体方格坐标制图 500元 ,:企业标准色(色彩 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ) 3500元 ? 企业标准色(印刷色) 1000元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 辅助色系列 500元 ? 下属产业色彩识别 500元 ? 背景色使用规定 200元 ? 色彩搭配组合专用表 800元 ? 背景色色度、色相 500元 ,:企业造型(吉祥物) 10000元 ? 吉祥物彩色稿及造型说明 4500元 ? 吉祥物立体效果图 1000元 ? 吉祥物基本动态造型 1000元 ? 企业吉祥物造型单色印刷规范 1500元 ? 吉祥物展开使用规范 2000元 ,:企业象征图形 3000元 ? 象征图形彩色稿(单元图形) 600元 ? 象征图形延展效果稿 1000元 ? 象征图形使用规范 700元 ? 象征图形组合规范 700元 ,:企业专用印刷字体 2000元 ? 企业专用印刷字体 2000元 ,:基本要素组合规范 2500元 ? 标志与标准字组合多种模式 500元 ? 标志与象征图形组合多种模式 500元 ? 标志吉祥物组合多种模式 500元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 标志与标准字、象征图形、吉祥物组合多种模式 500元 ? 基本要素禁止组合多种模式 500元 VI应用设计系统(费用明细) 1:办公事物用品设计 25200元 ? 高级主管名片 100元 ? 中级主管名片 100元 ? 员工名片 100元 ? 信封 100元 ? 国内信封 150元 ? 国际信封 200元 ? 大信封 100元 ? 信纸 100元 ? 国内信纸 150元 ? 国际信纸 150元 ? 特种信纸 200元 ? 便笺 100元 ? 传真纸 100元 ? 票据夹 100元 ? 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 夹 100元 ? 合同书规范格式 150元 ? 档案盒 100元 ? 薪资袋 100元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 识别卡(工作证) 50元 ? 临时工作证 50元 ? 出入证 50元 ? 工作记事簿 100元 ? 文件夹 150元 ? 文件袋 250元 ? 档案袋 200元 ? 卷宗纸 150元 ? 公函信纸 150元 ? 备忘录 150元 ? 简报 150元 ? 签呈 200元 ? 文件 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 头 150元 ? 直式、横式表格规范 250元 ? 电话记录 250元 ? 办公文具 1500元 ? 聘书 300元 ? 岗位聘用书 200元 ? 奖状 200元 ? 公告 150元 ? 维修网点名址封面及内页版式 1500元 ? 产品说明书封面及内页版式 5000元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 考勤卡 150元 ? 请假单 100元 ? 名片盒 100元 ? 名片台 100元 ? 办公桌标识牌 500元 ? 及时贴标签 150元 ? 意见箱 600元 ? 稿件箱 500元 ? 企业徽章 200元 ? 纸杯 200元 ? 茶杯、杯垫 1000元 ? 办公用笔、笔架 500元 ? 笔记本 300元 ? 记事本 300元 ? 公文包 500元 ? 通讯录 150元 ? 财产编号牌 150元 ? 培训证书 150元 ? 国旗、企业旗、吉祥物旗旗座造型 2500元 ? 挂旗 1000元 ? 屋喜欢你的作品,向你学习吊旗 1200元 ? 竖旗 1000元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 桌旗 500元 2:公共关系赠品设计 8100元 ? 贺卡 200元 ? 专用请柬 250元 ? 邀请函及信封 500元 ? 手提袋 800元 ? 包装纸 500元 ? 钥匙牌 200元 ? 鼠标垫 250元 ? 挂历版式规范 500元 ? 台历版式规范 500元 ? 日历卡版式规范 500元 ? 明信片版式规范 300元 ? 小型礼品盒 1500元 ? 礼赠用品 600元 ? 标识伞 1000元 3:员工服装、服饰规范 13300元 ? 管理人员男装(西服礼装\白领\领带\领带夹) 1500元 ? 管理人员女装(裙装\西式礼装\领花\胸饰) 1500元 ? 春秋装衬衣(短袖) 800元 ? 春秋装衬衣(长袖) 800元 ? 员工男装(西装\蓝领衬衣\马甲) 1500元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 员工女装(裙装\西装\领花\胸饰) 1500元 ? 冬季防寒工作服 1000元 ? 运动服外套 1000元 ? 运动服、运动帽、,恤(文化衫) 1500元 ? 外勤人员服装 1500元 ? 安全盔 200元 ? 工作帽 500元 4:企业车体外观设计 7100元 ? 公务车 800元 ? 面包车 700元 ? 班车 1000元 ? 大型运输货车 1100元 ? 小型运输货车 1000元 ? 集装箱运输车 1200元 ? 特殊车型 1300元 5:标志符号指示系统 49600元——54100元 ? 企业大门外观 2000元——3500元 ? 企业厂房外观 2000元——5000元 ? 办公大楼体示意效果图 1500元 ? 大楼户外招牌 500元 ? 公司名称标识牌 1000元 ? 公司名称大理石坡面处理 1500元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 活动式招牌 500元 ? 公司机构平面图 1000元 ? 大门入口指示 100元 ? 玻璃门 1000元 ? 楼层标识牌 1000元 ? 方向指引标识牌 500元 ? 公共设施标识 600元 ? 布告栏 500元 ? 生产区楼房标志设置规范 1000元 ? 立地式道路导向牌 1000元 ? 立地式道路指示牌 1000元 ? 立地式标识牌 1500元 ? 欢迎标语牌 1000元 ? 户外立地式灯箱 1000元 ? 停车场区域指示牌 1500元 ? 立地式道路导向牌 1500元 ? 车间标识牌与地面导向线 1500元 ? 车间标识牌与地面导向线 1200元 ? 生产车间门牌规范 2000元 ? 分公司及工厂竖式门牌 2500元 ? 门牌 1500元 ? 生产区平面指示图 2500元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 生产区指示牌 2500元 ? 接待台及背景板 2500元 ? 室内企业精神口号标牌 500元 ? 玻璃门窗醒示性装饰带 1500元 ? 车间室内标识牌 2000元 ? 警示标识牌 1500元 ? 公共区域指示性功能符号 1200元 ? 公司内部参观指示 1300元 ? 各部门工作组别指示 2500元 ? 内部作业流程指示 1500元 ? 各营业处出口,通路规划 1200元 6:销售店面标识系统 20000元 ? 小型销售店面 2000元 ? 大型销售店面 2500元 ? 店面横、竖、方招牌 2000元 ? 导购流程图版式规范 1500元 ? 店内背景板(形象墙) 2000元 ? 店内展台 2000元 ? 配件柜及货架 2500元 ? 店面灯箱 2000元 ? 立墙灯箱 2500元 ? 资料架 1500元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 垃圾筒 500元 ? 室内环境 3000元 7:企业商品包装识别系统 37000元 ? 大件商品运输包装 5000元 ? 外包装箱(木质、纸质) 5000元 ? 商品系列包装 10000元 ? 礼品盒包装 6000元 ? 包装纸 2000元 ? 配件包装纸箱 5000元 ? 合格证 500元 ? 产品标识卡 1000元 ? 存放卡 500元 ? 保修卡 200元 ? 质量通知书版式规 300元 ? 说明书版式规范 1000元 ? 封箱胶 800元 ? 会议事务用品 1500元 8:企业广告宣传规范 109500元 ? 电视广告标志定格 5000元 ? 报纸广告系列版式规范(整版、半版、通栏) 10000元 ? 杂志广告规范 10000元 ? 海报版式规范 5000元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 系列主题海报 12000元 ? 大型路牌版式规范 8000元 ? 灯箱广告规范 1000元 ? 公交车体广告规范 1000元 ? 双层车体车身广告规范 2000元 ? ,恤衫广告 1000元 ? 横竖条幅广告规范 2000元 ? 大型氢气球广告规范 2000元 ? 霓红灯标志表现效果 1000元 ? 直邮,,宣传页版式 1000元 ? 广告促销用纸杯 500元 ? 直邮宣传三折页版式规范 1000元 ? 企业宣传册封面、版式规范 5000元 ? 年度报告书封面版式规范 3000元 ? 宣传折页封面及封底版式规范 3000元 ? 产品单页说明书规范 1000元 ? 对折式宣传卡规范7 1000元 ? 网络主页版式规范 500元 ? 分类网页版式规范 1000元 ? 光盘封面规范 1000元 ? 擎天拄灯箱广告规范 2000元 ? 墙体广告 2500元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 楼喜欢你的作品,向你学习灯箱广告规范 1000元 ? 户外标识夜间效果 2000元 ? 展板陈列规范 3000元 ? 柜台立式,,,广告规范 2000元 ? 立地式,,,规范 2000元 ? 悬挂式,,,规范 1500元 ? 产品技术资料说明版式规范 2000元 ? 产品说明书 500元 ? 路牌广告版式 1000元 9:展览指示系统 9650元 ? 标准展台、展板形式 1000元 ? 特装展位示意规范 1500元 ? 标准展位规范 1000元 ? 样品展台 1500元 ? 样品展板 1500元 ? 产品说明牌 2500元 ? 资料架 150元 ? 会议事务用品 1000元 10:再生工具 19500元 ? 色票样本标准色 5000元 ? 色票样本辅助色 5000元 ? 标准组合形式 1000元 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact ? 象征图案样本 3500元 ? 吉祥物造型样本 5000元 设计费,客户实力,设计师水平 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact
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