首页 2碧桂园集团云贵区域法律服务方案



2碧桂园集团云贵区域法律服务方案2碧桂园集团云贵区域法律服务方案 碧桂园集团云贵区域法律服务工作方案 贵州中创联律师事务所(以下简称“乙方”)根据碧桂园集团云贵区域(以下简称“甲方”)法务部发出的《碧桂园集团云贵区域外聘律所要求及服务范围》文件的要求,委派律师张林林、朱小波、张前康,实习律师黄佳、郎荣昌组成律师团队,其中朱小波律师担任团队负责人,其在贵州省内的公、检、法机关以及环保、建设等部门都具有良好的人脉资源,具有良好的沟通、协作能力,夯实的法律功底。针对贵集团提出的法律服务范围及要求,我所作出本次法律服务工作的方案如下: 一、 本所法...

2碧桂园集团云贵区域法律服务 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 碧桂园集团云贵区域法律服务工作方案 贵州中创联律师事务所(以下简称“乙方”)根据碧桂园集团云贵区域(以下简称“甲方”)法务部发出的《碧桂园集团云贵区域外聘律所要求及服务范围》文件的要求,委派律师张林林、朱小波、张前康,实习律师黄佳、郎荣昌组成律师团队,其中朱小波律师担任团队负责人,其在贵州省内的公、检、法机关以及环保、建设等部门都具有良好的人脉资源,具有良好的沟通、协作能力,夯实的法律功底。针对贵集团提出的法律服务范围及要求,我所作出本次法律服务工作的方案如下: 一、 本所法律顾问服务原则: 1、 通过 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 化的法律服务工作,促进甲方与乙方的沟 通和融合。 2、 通过本所提供的法律服务,及时解决甲方在云贵区 域内面临的相关法律事务。 3、 通过本所律师工作小组团队的共同作业模式,保障 在区域内对甲方提供法律服务的专业性和及时性。 二、 本所法律顾问服务方式: 乙方为甲方提供法律服务过程中将充分发挥我所 在本地方的品牌大所优势,以法律服务团队为骨干, 结合全所力量为甲方提供优质、高效、专业的法律服 务。具体包括: 1、 定期由乙方指派顾问小组律师到甲方提供法律服happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 务。 2、 甲方可根据具体工作需要,随时约请顾问小组律师 到公司进行法律事务探讨及研究。 3、 甲方亦可随时通过电话、传真、电子邮件等形式, 向顾问小组律师征询法律意见。 在服务过程中,恳请甲方提出宝贵意见,以利于本 所提高和改进法律服务质量。 三、 具体服务范围: 1、 按甲方需求及要求发出律师函。(基础数量为250 份,超出部分的收费详见报价函) 2、 针对甲方经营中出现的债权追偿,提出具体的可操 作意见,协助甲方建立、健全债权债务规避的有关 常规制度。 3、 为甲方及关联公司的日常管理经营业务提供法律咨 询。 4、 协助审查甲方及关联公司的有关法律事务方面的文 书。 5、 协助审查甲方及关联公司与其他单位签订的 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。 6、 根据甲方的具体业务、修改相关合同版本,并视实 际情况,协助甲方建立规范化、标注化的合同(协 议)版本。 7、 根据甲方法律工作中的实际需要,原则上每两个月 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 安排对甲方及关联公司职员进行法律培训,若甲方 认为确有必要,双方经协商后,可根据实际情况相 应增加培训次数。 8、 参与甲方具体项目的谈判、草拟相关的 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 。 9、 就甲方及关联公司已发生的具体事项出具法律意见 书。(基础数量为15份,超出部分或单份工作量较 大的具体收费详见报价函) 四、代理仲裁和诉讼业务 1、代理诉讼、非诉讼、仲裁业务。(律师费需另行收取,收取标准详见报价函) 2、根据案件具体情况,接受甲方委托的其他事项。(涉及的相关律师费收取双方具体商议) 五、法律服务工作步骤方案及保证措施: 1、由本所组成律师专家团队,团队负责人统筹安排法律服务具体工作的律师; 2、指定团队负责联络人(律师),与甲方指定联系人保持对接; 3、工作团队进行摸底调查,用合理时间了解基本情况; 4、会同工作流程对法律服务内容进行分类。编制目录,初步分析后建档; happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 5、针对相关具体法律服务工作,制订的工作方案,落实人员安排; 6、根据工作安排,主要负责人安排团队律师负责具体工作; 7、对于有特别要求的项目,可召开临时会议研讨; 8、对提供法律服务进行跟踪服务; 9、工作调整,针对工作中不时发现的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,提出调整及解决方法; 10、建立单独文书档案管理,保存完整的工作记录,及时汇总并存档。 11、对需代理甲方或甲方指定公司诉讼(仲裁)案件,采用主办律师负责制,协办律师协助办理。工作团队律师对诉讼(仲裁)案件采取的法律措施及对策提出可行意见,对诉讼代理律师的工作提供支持。 贵州中创联律师事务所 二零一五年六月二十二日 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party
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