首页 机动车违章类型及扣分、罚款额度



机动车违章类型及扣分、罚款额度机动车违章类型及扣分、罚款额度 违法代码 罚款 扣分 违法内容 1001A 1000 0 A 驾驶拼装的非汽车类机动车上道路行驶的 1001B 1500 0 B 驾驶拼装的汽车上道路行驶的 1002A 1000 0 A 驾驶已达报废标准的非汽车类机动车上道路行驶的 1002B 1500 0 B 驾驶已达报废标准的汽车上道路行驶的 1003A 吊销 0 造成交通事故后逃逸,构成犯罪的,持有机动车驾驶证 1003B 吊销 0 造成交通事故后逃逸,构成犯罪的,未取得机动车驾驶证 1004 吊销 0 违反道路交通安全...

机动车违章类型及扣分、罚款额度 违法代码 罚款 扣分 违法内容 1001A 1000 0 A 驾驶拼装的非汽车类机动车上道路行驶的 1001B 1500 0 B 驾驶拼装的汽车上道路行驶的 1002A 1000 0 A 驾驶已达报废标准的非汽车类机动车上道路行驶的 1002B 1500 0 B 驾驶已达报废标准的汽车上道路行驶的 1003A 吊销 0 造成交通事故后逃逸,构成犯罪的,持有机动车驾驶证 1003B 吊销 0 造成交通事故后逃逸,构成犯罪的,未取得机动车驾驶证 1004 吊销 0 违反道路交通安全法律、法规的规定,发生重大事故,构成犯罪的 1005A 1000 0 A 未取得驾驶证驾驶非汽车类机动车的 1005B 1500 0 B 未取得驾驶证驾驶汽车的 1006A 1000 0 A 驾驶证被吊销期间驾驶非汽车类机动车的 1006B 1500 0 B 驾驶证被吊销期间驾驶汽车的 1007 1500 0 把机动车交给未取得机动车驾驶证的人驾驶的 1008 1500 0 把机动车交给机动车驾驶证被吊销的人驾驶的 1009 1500 0 把机动车交给机动车驾驶证被暂扣的人驾驶的 1010A 1000 0 A 驾驶人在驾驶证超过有效期仍驾驶非汽车类机动车的 1010B 1500 0 B 驾驶人在驾驶证超过有效期仍驾驶汽车的 1011 1000 0 非法安装警报器的 1012 1000 0 非法安装标志灯具的 1013 200 0 驾驶证丢失期间仍驾驶机动车的 1014 200 0 驾驶证损毁期间仍驾驶机动车的 1015 200 0 驾驶证被依法扣留期间仍驾驶机动车的 1016 200 0 违法记分达到12分仍驾驶机动车的 1017 150 0 不按规定投保机动车第三者责任险的 1018 150 0 机动车不在机动车道内行驶的 1019 150 0 机动车违反规定使用专用车道的 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 1020 200 0 机动车驾驶人不服从交警指挥的 1021 200 0 遇前方机动车停车排队等候或者缓慢行驶时,从前方车辆两侧穿插行驶的 1022 200 0 遇前方机动车停车排队等候或者缓慢行驶时,从前方车辆两侧超越行驶的 1023 100 0 遇前方机动车停车排队等候或者缓慢行驶时,未依次交替驶入车道减少后的路口、路段的 1024 100 0 在没有交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线或交警指挥的交叉路口遇到停车排队等候或者缓慢行驶时,机动车未依次交替通行的 1025 100 0 遇前方机动车停车排队等候或者缓慢行驶时,在人行横道、网状线区域内停车等候的 1026 50 0 行经铁路道口,不按规定通行的 1027 150 0 机动车载货长度、宽度、高度超过规定的 1028 150 0 机动车载物行驶时遗洒、飘散载运物的 1029 150 0 运载超限物品时不按规定的时间、路线、速度行驶的 1030 150 0 运载超限物品时未悬挂明显标志的 1031 200 0 运载危险物品未经批准的 1032 200 0 运载危险物品时不按规定的时间、路线、速度行驶的 1033 200 0 运载危险物品时未悬挂警示标志的 1034 200 0 运载危险物品时未采取必要的安全措施的 1035 100 0 载客汽车载货违反规定的 1036 100 0 货运机动车违反规定载人的 1037 200 0 未将故障车辆移到不妨碍交通的地方停放的 1038 50 0 不避让正在作业的道路养护车、工程作业车的 1039 200 0 机动车违反规定停放、临时停车,妨碍其它车辆、行人通行的 1040 100 0 机动车喷涂、粘贴标识或者车身广告影响安全驾驶的 1041 200 0 道路养护施工作业车辆、机械作业时未开启示警灯和危险报警闪光灯的 1042 200 0 机动车不按规定车道行驶的 1043 200 0 变更车道时影响正常行驶的机动车的 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semifinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect -the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -inished and semition f. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construcstruction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purificationnd the construction site. Three, civilized con12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, compreh----ward. ection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, refocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface prot----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs2 1044 200 0 在禁止掉头或者禁止左转弯标志、标线的地点掉头的 1045 200 0 在容易发生危险的路段掉头的 1046 200 0 掉头时妨碍正常行驶的车辆和行人通行的 1047 50 0 机动车未按规定鸣喇叭示意的 1048 150 0 在禁止鸣喇叭的区域或者路段鸣喇叭的 1049 50 0 在机动车驾驶室的前后窗范围内悬挂、放置妨碍驾驶人视线的物品的 1050 50 0 机动车行经漫水路或漫水桥时未低速通过的 1051 100 0 机动车载运超限物品行经铁路道口时不按指定的道口通过的 1052 100 0 机动车载运超限物品行经铁路道口时不按指定的时间通过的 1053 50 0 机动车行经渡口,不服从渡口管理人员指挥,不依次待渡的 1054 50 0 上下渡船时,不低速慢行的 1055 200 0 特种车辆违反规定使用警报器的 1056 200 0 特种车辆违反规定使用标志灯具的 1057 100 0 机动车在单位院内居民居住区内不低速行驶的 1058 100 0 机动车在单位院内居民居住区内不避让行人的 1059 150 0 驾驶摩托车手离车把的 1060 150 0 驾驶摩托车在车把上悬挂物品的 1061 150 0 拖拉机驶入大中城市中心城区内道路的 1062 150 0 拖拉机驶入高速公路、城市快速路或其它禁止通行道路的 1063 200 0 拖拉机违反规定载人的 1064 150 0 拖拉机牵引多辆挂车的 1065 100 0 学习驾驶人不按指定路线上道路学习驾驶的 1066 100 0 学习驾驶人不按指定时间上道路学习驾驶的 1067 100 0 学习驾驶人使用非教练车上道路驾驶的 1068 100 0 学习驾驶人在教练不随车指导下上道路驾驶车辆的 1069 100 0 使用教练车时有与教学无关的人员乘坐的 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-and partially completed finished or semifinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for -the protection of all the construction finished and semining, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing gree construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, blic relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the12, pu----ve progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----lar inspection, timely scoring, reward. truction, "score", regular or not regufocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs3 1070 200 0 实习期内未粘贴或悬挂实习标志的 1071 100 0 上道路行驶的机动车未放置检验合格标志的 1072 100 0 驾驶安全设施不全的机动车的 1073 100 0 驾驶机件不符合技术标准的机动车的 1101 200 1 驾驶人或者乘坐人员未按规定使用安全带的 1102 200 1 不按规定使用灯光的 1103 100 1 不按规定会车的 1104 100 1 不按规定倒车的 1105 100 1 摩托车后座乘坐不满十二周岁未成年人的 1106 100 1 驾驶轻便摩托车载人的 1107 50 1 在车门、车厢没有关好时行车的 1108 100 1 上道路行驶的机动车未放置保险标志的 1109 100 1 未随车携带行驶证的 1110 100 1 未随车携带驾驶证的 1201 200 2 机动车载物超过核定载质量未达30%的 1202 500 2 公路客运车辆载客超过核定载客人数未达20%的 1203 50 2 机动车在没有划分机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的道路上,不在道路中间通行的 1204 200 2 行经人行横道,未减速行驶的 1205 200 2 遇行人正在通过人行横道时未停车让行的 1206 200 2 行经没有交通信号的道路时,遇行人横过道路未避让的 1207 200 2 驾驶摩托车时驾驶人未按规定戴安全头盔的或者乘坐人员未按规定戴安全头盔的 1208 100 2 机动车通过有灯控路口时,不按所需行进方向驶入导向车道的 1209 100 2 左转弯时,未靠路口中心点左侧转弯的 1210 100 0 通过路口遇放行信号不依次通过的 1211 100 2 通过路口遇停止信号时,停在停止线以内或路口内的 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semifinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect -the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -inished and semition f. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construcstruction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purificationnd the construction site. Three, civilized con12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, compreh----ward. ection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, refocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface prot----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs4 1212 100 2 通过路口向右转弯遇同车道内有车等候放行信号时,不依次停车等候的 1213 200 2 牵引故障机动车时,被牵引的机动车除驾驶人外载人的 1214 100 2 牵引故障机动车时,被牵引的机动车拖带挂车的 1215 100 2 牵引故障机动车时,被牵引的机动车宽度大于牵引的机动车的 1216 100 2 使用软连接装置牵引故障机动车时,牵引车与被牵引车之间未保持安全距离的 1217 100 2 牵引制动失效的被牵引车,未使用硬连接牵引装置的 1218 100 2 使用汽车吊车牵引车辆的 1219 100 2 使用轮式专用机械牵引车辆的 1220 100 2 使用摩托车牵引车辆的 1221 100 2 牵引摩托车的 1222 100 2 未使用专用清障车拖曳转向或照明、信号装置失效的机动车的 1223 100 2 驾驶时拨打接听手持电话的 1224 100 2 驾驶时观看电视的 1225 100 2 驾车时有其他妨碍安全行车的行为的 1226 200 2 连续驾驶机动车超过4小时未停车休息或停车休息时间少于20分钟的 1227 200 2 在同车道行驶中,不按规定与前车保持必要的安全距离的 1228 100 2 路口遇有交通阻塞时未依次等候的 1229 200 2 机动车违反禁令标志指示的 1230 200 2 机动车违反禁止标线指示的 1231 50 2 机动车违反警告标志指示的 1232 50 2 机动车违反警告标线指示的 1233 200 2 实习期内驾驶公共汽车的 1234 200 2 实习期内驾驶营运客车的 1235 200 2 实习期内驾驶执行任务的特种车辆的 1236 200 2 实习期内驾驶载有危险物品的机动车的 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-and partially completed finished or semifinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for -the protection of all the construction finished and semining, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing gree construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, blic relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the12, pu----ve progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----lar inspection, timely scoring, reward. truction, "score", regular or not regufocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs5 1237 200 2 实习期内驾驶的机动车牵引挂车的 1238 200 2 机动车载人超过核定人数的 1301 200 3 机动车逆向行驶的 1302 200 3 机动车不按交通信号灯规定通行的 1303 150 3 机动车行驶超过规定时速50%以下的 1304 200 3 从前车右侧超车的 1305 200 3 前车左转弯时超车的 1306 200 3 前车掉头时超车的 1307 200 3 前车超车时超车的 1308 200 3 与对面来车有会车可能时超车的 1309 200 3 超越执行紧急任务的警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车的 1310 200 3 在铁路道口、路口、窄桥、弯道、陡坡、隧道、人行横道、交通流量大的路段等地点超车的 1311 200 3 车辆在道路上发生故障或事故后,妨碍交通又难以移动的,不按规定设置警告标志或未按规定使用警示灯光的 1312 100 3 准备进入环形路口不让已在路口内的机动车先行的 1313 100 3 转弯的机动车未让直行的车辆、行人先行的 1314 100 3 相对方向行驶的右转弯机动车不让左转弯车辆先行的 1315 100 3 机动车通过无灯控或交警指挥的路口,不按交通标志、标线指示让优先通行的一方先行的 1316 100 3 机动车通过无灯控、交警指挥、交通标志标线控制的路口,不让右方道路的来车先行的 1317 150 3 载货汽车牵引多辆挂车的 1318 150 3 半挂牵引车牵引多辆挂车的 1319 150 3 挂车的灯光信号、制动、连接、安全防护等装置不符合国家标准的 1320 150 3 小型载客汽车牵引旅居挂车以外的且总质量700千克以上挂车的 1321 150 3 挂车载人的 1322 150 3 载货汽车牵引挂车的载质量超过汽车本身的载质量的 finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semifinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect -the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -inished and semition f. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construcstruction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purificationnd the construction site. Three, civilized con12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, compreh----ward. ection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, refocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface prot----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs6 1323 150 3大型载客汽车牵引挂车的 1324 150 3 中型载客汽车牵引挂车的 1325 150 3 低速载货汽车牵引挂车的 1326 150 3 三轮机动车汽车牵引挂车的 1327 200 3 机动车在发生故障或事故后,不按规定使用灯光的 1328 200 3 驾驶机动车下陡坡时熄火、空档滑行的 1329 200 3 故意遮挡机动车号牌的 1330 200 3 故意污损机动车号牌的 1331 200 3 不按规定安装机动车号牌的 1332 100 3 上道路行驶的机动车未悬挂机动车号牌的 1333 200 3 不避让执行任务的特种车辆的 1334 150 3 机动车不避让盲人的 1339 200 3 运输剧毒化学品机动车超过规定时速50%以下的 1601A 1000 6 公路客运车辆载客,超过额定乘员20%以上不足50%的 1601B 1500 6 公路客运车辆载客超过额定乘员50%以上不足100% 1601C 2000 6 公路客运车辆载客超过额定乘员100%以上的 1602A 1000 6 机动车载物超过核定载质量30%以上不足100%的 1602B 2000 6 机动车载物超过核定载质量100%以上的 1603A 1000 6 机动车行驶超过规定时速50%以上不足100%的 1603B 2000 6 机动车行驶超过规定时速100%以上 1604 300 6 饮酒后驾驶机动车的 1605 500 6 饮酒后驾驶营运机动车的 1606 1000 6 公路客运车辆违反规定载货的 1607A 500 6 货运机动车违反规定载客3人以下的 1607B 1500 6 货运机动车违反规定载客3人以上的 1609 2000 6 运输剧毒化学品机动车超过规定时速50%以上的 construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, blic relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the12, pu----ve progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensi----lar inspection, timely scoring, reward. truction, "score", regular or not regufocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of cons----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-and partially completed finished or semifinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed -moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for -the protection of all the construction finished and semining, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing gree7 1701 200 12 使用他人机动车驾驶证驾驶机动车的 1702 1500 12 醉酒后驾驶机动车的 1703 2000 12 醉酒后驾驶营运机动车的 1704A 1000 12 A在驾驶证暂扣期间仍驾驶非汽车类机动车的 1704B 1500 12 B在驾驶证暂扣期间仍驾驶汽车的 1705 2000 12 造成交通事故后逃逸,尚不构成犯罪 1706 2000 12 违反交通管制规定强行通行,不听劝阻的 1709A 1000 12 驾驶与驾驶证载明的准驾车型不相符合的车辆的 A驾驶非汽车类 1709B 1500 12 驾驶与驾驶证载明的准驾车型不相符合的车辆的 B驾驶汽车类 . (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construcstruction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purificationnd the construction site. Three, civilized con12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR arou----ensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, compreh----ward. ection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, refocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface prot----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsfinished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules-other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semifinished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect -the protection of the finished and semifinished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and -inished and semition f8
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