首页 高考英语陷阱题总结归纳—状语从句(附详解)(A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses (with detailed explanation))

高考英语陷阱题总结归纳—状语从句(附详解)(A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses (with detailed explanation))


高考英语陷阱题总结归纳—状语从句(附详解)(A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses (with detailed explanation))高考英语陷阱题总结归纳—状语从句(附详解)(A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses (with detailed explanation)) 高考英语陷阱题总结归纳—状语从句(附详解)(A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses (with detailed explanation...

高考英语陷阱题总结归纳—状语从句(附详解)(A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses (with detailed explanation))
高考英语陷阱 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 总结归纳—状语从句(附详解)(A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses (with detailed explanation)) 高考英语陷阱题总结归纳—状语从句(附详解)(A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses (with detailed explanation)) A summary of the pitfalls in college entrance examination -- adverbial clauses ? The typical problem analysis of the trap? 1. "May I go and play with Dick this afternoon Mum?" "No, you" t go can out your work is being done. _______" A. before B. until C., as, D., the, moment Traps easily mistake B, mistakenly think this is to test not... Until... Structure. [analysis] the best answer, choose C. The your work is being done in the sentence indicates that you are doing your homework, and choose the reason for the as table. 2. "I" m going to the post office. "you" re "_______ there, can you get me some stamps?" A. As B. While C. Because D. If Traps easily miss A. [analysis] the best answer, choose B. Although both as and while can be used as subordinate conjunctions, they lead the temporal adverbial clause to mean "when"...... But there is an important difference between the two, that is, the predicate of the as clause can not be a status verb. Of course, if as does not mean "when"...... "The predicate is entirely in the form of a state verb.". Such as: I, went, to, bed, early, as, I, was, exhausted., I was so tired, so I went to bed early. (as) in this sentence means "cause", "because" and "because" Please do the following two questions, the answer is selected while, do not choose as: (1) _______ you are at home alone please don t leave the door open. " A. While B. As C. Before D. How (2) _______ you are alone with her, tell her that you like her. A. While B. As C. After D. How 3. After the war, a new school building was put up there had once been a theatre. ______ A. that B. when C. which D. where [trap] several interfering items are likely to be erroneously chosen. [analysis] the best answer, choose D. Where where the adverbial clause is the guide, which means "(in)...... Place". Please make the following similar questions (answers are chosen where): (1) The famous scientist grew up he was born and _______ in 1930 he came to Shanghai. A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever (2) She found her calculator she lost it. _______ A. where B. while C., in, which, D., that (3) You should make it a rule to leave things you can find them again. _______ A. when B. where C. then D. which (4) When you read the book, you d better make a "mark you have any questions. _____ A., at, which, B., at, where C., the, place, where, D., where (5) You should let your children play you can see them. ______ A. where B. when C., in, which, D., that (6) Now he works in the factory his father used to work. ______ A. where B. when C., in, which, D., that 4. The visitor asked to have his picture taken stood the famous tower. _______ A., that, B., at, which C. when D. where [trap] several interfering items are likely to be erroneously chosen. [analysis] the best answer, choose D. This question is somewhat similar to the one above, but different, "Where" means "in"...... Place ", are used to guide the adverbial; the difference is, this problem also relates to flip, namely the subject is the famous tower, the predicate is stood, where the famous tower normal word order is stood, use the flip is to keep the balance of sentence, avoid top-heavy. 4. They kept trying they must have known it was _____ hopeless. A. if B. because C. when D. where [trap] several interfering items are likely to be erroneously chosen. [analysis] the best answer, choose C. "When" does not mean "when"...... "But" although "although", "although" means. As well as: He walks when he might take a taxi., although he can take a taxi, he walks. He stopped trying when he might have succeeded next time., although he could have succeeded next time, he stopped working. The boy was restless when he should have listened to the teacher carefully. the boy should have listened to the teacher, but he was on pins and needles. Many students only know that "when" means "when"...... When it comes to saying "although" and "though", when can also mean "since" and "take into account"". Please make the following question (answer D): Why do you want a new job you ve got such ______ 'a good one already? A. that B. where C. which D. when 5. He was about to tell me the secret someone patted him on the shoulder. ______ A. as B. until C. when D. while [trap] several interfering items are likely to be erroneously chosen. [analysis] the best answer, choose C. "When" means "at this time", used primarily for an action that occurs suddenly or when another action is occurring or just about to occur. At this point the when can be used in conjunction with the adverb suddenly, or you can not use it, but it is worth noting that the students can not use suddenly instead of when alone, such as the following questions answer, choose A, do not choose B: (1) I was about to go out the telephone rang. ______ A. when B. suddenly C., as, soon, as, D., directly (2) We were swimming in the lake the storm started. _______ A. when B. suddenly C. until D. before (3) She was walking down the road she heard someone shouting for help. _______ A. when B. suddenly C. until D. before 6. The fire went on for quite some time it was brought under control. _______ A. when B. since C. after D. before [trap] several interfering items are likely to be erroneously chosen. [analysis] the best answer, choose D. "Before" means "in"...... Before the fire was brought under control, the fire burned for quite some time". Similarly, the following two questions are also selected before: (1) He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation it got worse. _______ A. until B. when C. before D. as (2) Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up I could answer the phone. ________ A. as B. since C. until D. before (3) She, is, getting, better, by, degrees, 但这将是一段时间_____她完全好了。 那是B.吗, C. D.以前 (4)他们坐下来互相对立,但这是一______他们说话的时刻。 答:B.之前 C.自D时 7。妈妈问我要更多的钱_______意想不到的事情要发生。 以防B.那样 C.为了D.当 【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。 在 案例 全员育人导师制案例信息技术应用案例心得信息技术教学案例综合实践活动案例我余额宝案例 【分析】最佳答案选起连词作用,用以引导状语从句,主要有两种意思:一是 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示条件,意为”如果”、”万一”;二是表示”目的”,意为”以防”、”免得如以下各题也都选案例”: (1)________我忘了,请提醒我一下。 万一B,所以 C.为了D.当 (2)带上你的雨伞,________下雨。 以防B.那样 C.为了D.当 (3)安静_______你吵醒婴儿。 以防B.那样 C.为了D.当 (4)你把帽子戴上以防太阳很热。 以防B.那样 C.为了D.当 (5)。我会把他的地址_____我需要它。 所以B。 万一D.什么时候 8。_______你的作文,一些拼写错误是可以避免的。 检查过B检查 如果你检查D检查 【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选,尤其可能误选A. 【分析】最佳答案选C.前面一个分句为条件状语从句,后面一个分句为主语。现分析几个干扰项:选项一和D均为非谓语动词,根据英语语法习惯,非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句子主语一致,而此句的一些拼写错误显然不能用作检查过或检查的逻辑主语,故不能选为答案;若选B,则两个句子之间缺少必要的连词,也不对请做类似试题(答案均选C): (1)________更细心,工作可能做得更好。 A. Being B.已经 如果你曾经是D。 (2)_______饮食,很容易降低。 看着B在看。 如果你看D就看了。 (3)_______圆规,很容易画一个圆。 A. Having B.曾有过 如果你有D如果有 (4)_______东西,收据给你。 A. Paying B.已付 当你付了D要支付。 (5)_______太阳从东方冉冉升起,场景是一个完美的梦。 A. Seeing B.要看 当你看到D看到 9。“玛丽来玩电脑游戏好吗,”“不,_______她做完作业了。 “ B.什么时候开始, 除非D尽快 【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。 【分析】最佳答案选C.此句为省略句,答句句首的没有表明其后省略的是一个否定句,全句补充完整为:她不能玩电脑游戏,除非她已经完成她的作业。请做类似试题(答案均选B): (1)“你介意我坐在这里吗,“不,______你不太吵了。” 当B. 除非D尽快 (2)“他会同意来参加我们的工作,“不,_______我们答应给他更多的钱。” 除非B. 除非D尽快 (3)“你能及时完成这项工作吗,”“不,_______我们不要整个晚上的睡眠。” 10。“他什么时候离开教室的,“他离开_______你转身在黑板上写字。” 现在是B时刻。 直到D. 【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。 【分析】最佳答案选b.时刻用作连词,意为”一......就......”, 相当于尽快。类似地,分钟,即时也可用作连词,表示”一...... 就......”的意思如以下试题也选B: (1)“你记得把欠玛丽的钱了吗,“是的,我给了她________我看 见她了。” 此时此刻 突然,直到 (2)门卫发出了警报_______他看到烟。 而B的瞬间 突然间 (3)我报了警_______我看到烟。 B分钟 突然D.从那时起 ?,精编陷阱题训练? 1。不要害怕寻求帮助_______需要。 除非B. 虽然D.当 2。一个好的讲 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt 的人一定能抓住听众的好奇心________故事讲完。 除非B. 直到公元后 三._______我知道钱是安全的,我就不担心了。 即使B除非 只要D 4你最终会成功____你半途而废。 即使B.像 只要D.,除非 5。“是他父亲对他要求严格,当他在学校吗,“是的。他从来没有 表扬他_______在他成为 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 的尖子生。” A. afterb。除非 C. untild。什么时候 6。_____我建议,他总是不同意。 A. HoweverB。无论什么 C. WhicheverD。无论是谁 7。你应该通知所有的人可能会看到他们的______。 A.使得。在哪儿 C. ATD。他们 8。_____她去, 有成群的人等着见她。 然而无论何处。 无论谁 9。玛丽用手捂住了她的嘴_______她意识到她说的话。 A:B。 突然,然后 10。________她的缺点,她是阿诺德的母亲。别对她那么粗鲁。 A. Whatever B.什么 无论何时D 11。____你得到一个机会,你要充分利用它。 现在是B.之后 C.虽然D尽快 12。我以为她就是我要娶的那个女孩_______我遇见她。 第一次,第一次。 第一次D.第一次 13。不要在河边玩耍_______你掉到河里淹死~ 以防B.那样 C.为了D.当 14。你为什么想要一个新的工作____你已经有了这么好的, 那个B.在哪里, C.什么时候 15。他比我上次去他_______。 当B.那样 D.是怎样的, 16。_______的惩罚是不公平的,他接受了毫无怨言。 只要B,即使 C. Since D. 17。________祖父母们都爱他们的孩子,他们也严格要求。 而B.是 C. Since D.因为 18。_______我能看到的,只有一种可能的方法远离危险。 只要B尽可能远。 就像D一样,即使 19。_______丰富可总有一些人要。 A. Whatever B.每当 然而无论何处 20。约翰把所有人都赶出了厨房_______他可以为宴会准备的大惊喜。 什么时候, C.使D.如是 21。张先生性格温和。他从不叫____他很生气。 如果B.甚至 即使D 22。“你认为这是_______日本离开他吗,“不超过半个月。” B.以前 C. D.之后 23。在一些国家,_______叫做“公立学校”并不是国有的。 那个B. C.什么, ?答案与解析? 1。选年意为”在(当)......时候”。其余三项填入空格处,句意不通。 2。选到意为”直到”,句意为”一位优秀的故事讲述者必须能够让听众在故事结束前一直保持好奇心”。 三.“只要选意为”只要”,全句意为”只要我知道这钱是安全的,我就不会担心了”。类似地,下面一题也选只要: “你今天下午打算干什么,”“我可能会去散步,后来____就好。” A.到ASB。只要 C.即使IFD。犹如 4。选d.unless意为”如果不”、”除非”,用以引导一个条件状语从句。 5。选C.考查不„直到„句式,其意为”直到......才......”。 6。选b.whatever引导的是让步状语从句,相当于不管。注意不能选,因为建议是及物动词,它应带自己的宾语,而然而不能用作宾语。 7。在选指”在......的地方”,用以引导地点状语从句。 8。选,无论意为”无论什么地方”。 9。选B.根据语境可推知如下面一题也选尽快: _______他变得富有,他抛弃了一切的老朋友给了他一些帮助。 A. WhileB。只要 C. SuddenlyD。然后 10。选a.whatever为让步状语从句句末省略了谓语动词是她的缺点。 11。选a.now,为连词,用以引导原因状语从句,其意为”既然”以来,与同义。其中的不妨意为”不妨”。全句意为”既然你得到一个机会,你不妨充分利用它”。 12。选C.第一次在此用作连词,用以引导状语从句句意为”我第一次见到她就认为她很诚实”。 13。在选案例意为”以防”。 14。选年不表示”当......的时候”,而表示”既然”,相当于以来,用以引导原因状语从句。全句意为:你既然已经有了这么好的工作,干吗还要找新的工作呢,请再两例: 我不能告诉你什么时候你不听。既然你不想听,我就不告诉你了。 为什么可以使用木材当你可以使用塑料,既然能用塑料,为什么还要用木料, 15。选比后省略了他,假若补充完整,全句即为他比他当我最后一次去拜访他。 16。选B.比较四个选项:只要(只要),即使(即使),因为(自从,既然),而(当......时候),其中只有B的意思最合适,全句意为”即使处罚不公平,他毫无怨言地接受”。 17。选时在此不表示”当......的时候”,而表示”尽管”。 18。因为选到意为”尽,就,至于”,常用于据我所知(据我所知),就可以看到(在某人看来),尽可能(某人尽力),至于某物/某人而言(就某事/某人来说)等结构。 19。选c.however在此引导让步状语从句,意义上相当于现在怎么。 20。选C.so,引导目的状语从句,其意为”为了”。 21。选D.根据句子语境,选B或D较适合,但甚至是副词,不是连词,不能引导状语从句,故选D. 22。选D.问句的基本结构是“很+时间段+自从句”,其原句型是我 想自从他离开日本是不超过半个月。假若对此句中的不超过半个月提问,则可得到提问句。 23。选D.what引导的是主语从句, 其中的什么相当于学校。
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