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油墩一中音乐特色学校申报材料油墩一中音乐特色学校申报材料 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and...

油墩一中音乐特色学校申报材料 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 油墩街一中音乐特色学校申报材料 一、学校基本情况概述 油墩街一中创办于1987年,坐落在油墩街镇清幽的罗家山上,空气清新,环境幽雅,景致宜人,是壮乡学子求学问道的理想摇篮。学校的办学宗旨是致力于创办最“精至”的寄宿制农村初级中学。学校占地28亩,建筑面积4420平方米,其中教学面积2170平方米,教职工宿舍790平方米,学生宿舍780平方米。拥有四层综合楼2幢、宿舍楼3幢等基础设施,语音室、电脑房、音乐专用教室、食堂、实验室、多媒体、会议室、两个蓝球场和多个乒乓球台等先进的教育教学配套设施一应俱全。更可喜的是我校又将投资35万建造一幢公寓式学生公寓。 现有10个教学班,共650名学生。现有在编教职工40人,其中在编教师36人,在岗职工4人,学历达标率100%,本科及本科以上学历占70%;高、中级教师占76%,其中高级教师1人,中学一级教师20人。去年,国家为解决大学生的就业问题出台了特岗教师这一政策,鼓励优秀的大学毕业生到各农村中小学进行支教。特岗教师的到来在一定程度上为我校的教学资源注入了新的血液,带来了新的活力,充实了我校的教学力量。 学校充分利用了镇重点中学的丰富教育资源,坚持“以学生发展为本”,经过全校师生的共同努力,在23年的发展过程中以科学领路、管理见长、质量取胜,已经形成了“自信、自律、求实、创新”的优良校风和“忠诚、勤奋、敬业”的教风、“博学、严谨、思辨”的学风,形成了卓有成效的办学特色。近年来,学校与时俱进,大力推行素质教育,不断探索教育规律,在教育教学上捷报频传,取得了骄人的社会效益,成为油墩街最受老百姓欢迎的学校之一。 二、学校艺术特色教育的总体情况 艺术教育是学校教育的重要组成部分,具有其他学科教育所不能替代的作用,是我校全面推进素质教育的重要手段。 为了促进学校艺术特色教育的深入发展,我校自98年以来,先后开设了合唱、武术、美术、书法等艺术类课余小组,超过50%以上学生参加了活动。近几年随着师资力量的充实,教学基础的改进,我校也陆陆续续开设了合唱、舞蹈、器乐等各种艺术课程。未来三年,还要开发更多的充分体现学生个性 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 的模块化艺术课程,鼓励学生选择符合自己个性发展的课程模块,按照课程模块对学生 1ical design of civil construction2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-50334gn GBts: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system desitender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requiremen ctstructured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the proje related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-ryindustn based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 desiguding ttention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, incloject, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay aport and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the prsystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical sup 进行分班教学与管理。每年都举行校园文化艺术节或元旦文艺汇演,进行了阶段成果汇报演出。学生们精湛的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演,受到了与会者和有关领导一致好评。合唱队在街镇或县区的文艺比赛中获得了骄人的成绩。编排的各类舞蹈在参加文艺汇演中都受到了观众的一致好评。 目前,我校正逐步向建设一所具有音乐特色的学校发展。今年增开了器乐班,校园里器乐声、歌声此起彼伏,校园的艺术氛围是一片朝气蓬勃的景象。学校希望学生们在丰富的艺术的活动中得到全面、生动、活泼、主动的发展并受到了艺术的熏陶,从而塑造了美的心灵,培养了美的行为,提高了学生表现美与创造美的能力,促进了他们全面发展。 在音乐教学中,我们采用简易的器乐——葫芦丝引进课堂,使学生整体音乐素质得到了提高;通过集中音乐特长生训练的方式培训同学在葫芦丝等器乐、合唱、舞蹈才能,挖掘了学生的音乐才华,获得了可观的效果。 学校为师生搭建艺术特长展示的平台。我校大型的艺术特色展示活动,有庆国庆大型文艺汇演,让师生通过自己参与活动的方式体会爱国主义情怀;有元旦文艺活动,让学生尽情展示自己的才能;有冬季趣味运动会,培养学生的意志品质和合作能力;有红歌合唱比赛活动,缅怀革命先烈的光荣历史。 三、学校艺术教育的师资情况 我校现有专任音乐教师三人,其基本情况如下: 段斌,副校长,负责音乐特色教学全面工作。 李福军,音乐教师,毕业于江西科技师范学院音乐学院,主要从事声乐、器乐教育。课余主抓合唱队的训练和葫芦丝教学。 彭鹏,音乐教师,本科毕业于上饶师范学院音乐系,主要从事舞蹈和音乐教育。课余主抓声乐教学和舞蹈训练。 四、学校艺术教育的专用教室及设备等情况。 我校用于音乐教育的专用音乐教室,共有两间,均配备了电子琴和多媒体教学设备,教室宽敞明亮;学校把操场作为露天舞台,有音响设备,可以进行文艺演出活动,所有这些,为学校开展艺术特色教学、训练和常规的演出活动提供了保障。 五、学校建设学生艺术团队的情况。 ildingent design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil bustandardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender documstructured and related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry e weakment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on thurity and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishhe secign and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to ttechnical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in dessystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for f civil constructionical design o2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334 2 现在活跃在学校的学生艺术团队主要有:合唱队、器乐(葫芦丝)队、舞蹈队。 六、学校师生参加各类演出活动的情况及比赛的情况。 近年来,我校艺术教育工作取得了较为丰硕的成果,而艺术学校课程的优势和成果也不断显现,我校艺术团队参加各类演出和比赛取得了可喜的成绩: 2008年1月,在油墩街镇元旦晚会上,我校取得舞蹈比赛“一等奖”; 2009年6月在全镇举行的合唱比赛中,我校合唱团荣获“一等奖”; 2009年10月在全县举行的“祝福祖国、赞美鄱阳”大型合唱比赛中,由我校青年教师李福军指导的油墩街合唱队取得了全县“二等奖”的好成绩; 2010年10月,在全县的“校歌校操”选拔比赛中,我校也取得了第一名的好成绩,将代表全镇去县里参加比赛?????? 七、学校开展艺术特色教育工作的下一步打算。 我校艺术教育坚持以素质教育的目的要求为准绳,紧紧围绕“培养学生的艺术兴趣爱好”为出发点,以“丰富情感体验,培养审美意识和情趣为手段”,以“促进个性和谐发展,扩大文化视野”为目的,开展丰富多彩的课内外艺术活动。 (一)成立艺术特色项目领导小组。加强对艺术教育的管理,定期开展听评课活动。 组 长:吴继峰(校长) 副组长:段斌(副校长) 音乐组长:李福军 (二)解放思想,更新观念,营造实施艺术教育的良好内部环境。 近年来,随着人民生活水平的提高,家长对孩子所受的教育日益关注,为学校实施艺术教育提供了难得的发展机遇,素质教育的推行也为学校审美教育的发展开辟了广阔的前景。但由于人们对学校艺术教育还缺乏应有的认识,存在这方面或那方面的思想误区,面对种种疑虑,我们将从三方面抓好教师认识的统一和提高。首先,组织全体教师学习《教育法》、《未成年人保护法》、《学校艺术教育工作条例》等法规、文件,使大家认识到艺术教育作为一种国民素质教育,面对的是全体学生,不管他是否具备天赋,都有接受艺术教育的权利;其次,运用现代教育理论中关于人的全面发展的理论,引导教师对基础教育的性质、任务 -50334gn GBts: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system desitender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requiremen ctstructured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the proje related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-ryindustn based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 desiguding ttention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, incloject, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay aport and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the prsystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical sup3ical design of civil construction2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr 进行再认识,使大家体会到,在育人成才的各个环节中,艺术教育占有重要地位,没有艺术教育是不完整的教育;第三,让学校具有艺术特长的优秀学生和毕业生进行学习经验介绍,让大家深切地感受到艺术教育对于全面提高学生素质具有不可替代的作用。由于我们重视从解决深层次的思想问题入手,抓认识的统一,从而逐步形成了人人重视、关心艺术教育,积极参与艺术教育的良好内部环境。 (三)遵循原则,突出重点,循序渐进地推进艺术教育。 艺术教育是学校实施美育的主要内容和途径。我们感到,要卓有成效地开展艺术教育,除了要转变办学思想之外,还要体现四个原则:一是基础性原则。以课堂教学为基础,保证艺术教育的相关课程开齐、开足、上好;二是全员性原则。教师必须全员参与艺术教育,艺术课程教学和艺术教育活动的开展要面向全体学生;三是目标性原则。按照学校艺术教育总体目标,安排落实各阶段的工作任务;按照阶段工作目标,组织好检查、考核工作;四是层次性原则。对不同阶段、不同层次的学生明确不同要求,使学生在初等教育过程中,自始至终受到艺术教育的熏陶,初步形成良好的审美情趣。 在实施艺术教育的过程中,我们努力做到三个结合,以增强工作的有效性。一是总体规划与分步实施相结合。几年来,我校艺术教育按照总体规划扎扎实实地迈出三大步:第一步落实常规,所有艺术教育学科课程全部开齐、开足、上好;第二步开发艺术教育活动课程,做到班班有活动,人人都参与。同时组建音乐、舞蹈、器乐等兴趣小组;第三步建成一支代表我校艺术教育最高水平的艺术团体,训练水平上高标准、严要求;二是普及与提高相结合。在普及的基础上抓提高,通过抓提高巩固和扩大普及的成果。创造条件让校艺术团参加县、镇重大活动和各类比赛,让一批特长生在活动和比赛中经受锻炼,提高素质。再以特长生取得的成绩激励全体学生,增强学生参加艺术训练的积极性,培养荣誉感和进取心。三是课内与课外相结合。全校以艺术课程的开设和校内外艺术活动的开展为重点,初步建成艺术教育管理网络。我们坚持寓教育于丰富多彩的艺术活动之中。每年定期举办校园艺术节。同时不定期举办音乐、舞蹈、器乐等单项比赛活动,使艺术教育实现经常化、持久化。 (四)立足课堂,狠抓落实,充分发挥艺术教育在教学中的作用。 f civil constructionical design o2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334 ildingent design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil bustandardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender documstructured and related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry e weakment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on thurity and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishhe secign and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to ttechnical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in dessystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for 4 课堂是学校实施育人的主阵地,我们坚持“五育”并举,把美育融入到课堂教学的各个环节中,以美育人,以艺促教,从 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 建设、课程设置、教学管理、教学研究、师资培训等方面狠抓落实,实施艺术教育。 ?加强 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 的建设。我们清醒地认识到,长期实行的“应试教育”具有很强的顽固性,要克服这种惯性,顺利推进艺术教育,就必须加强相关管理制度的建设和落实。为此,学校建立了一整套行之有效的管理规章,狠抓落实。通过激励机制的建立和运行,调动全体教师投身艺术教育工作的积极性。 ?规范课程设置。一是开足上好艺术课程。严格执行课程计划,不挤占音、体、美等课程,不布置超量的、机械的、重复的作业,挤占学生活动时间。将艺术课程教育情况列为对各年级教育教学工作的督导检查重要内容之一,作为每年对自身办学质量、办学水平评估的重要内容之一。利用多媒体,开设艺术欣赏课,组织学生观看和欣赏经典音乐、戏剧等作品,配合课堂艺术教育,增强了学生的审美能力。 ?加强教学管理。美的事物对人的影响是潜移默化的,它要求教师根据学科特点和审美规律,有意识地对学生进行美的熏陶。我们要求教师在备课时除遵循一般的教学常规以外,还必须做到“三个把握”,即把握教材中蕴含的美育因素, 三个带进”:把握学生审美心理特点,把握美感的表达方式。在上课时必须做到“一是把情趣带进课堂。采用多种艺术教学形式,激发学生感受美,从而主动去学习知识;二是把激情带进课堂。要求教师必须以饱满的热情和良好的心态上好每一节课,感染带动学生融入到知识的殿堂中去感受艺术的真谛,探寻无穷的奥秘;三是把情感交流带进课堂。要求教师在课堂教学中与学生交流情感,引导学生加强合作,融洽师生关系,使师生情、生生情、艺术情融为一体,形成以情感相融为基础的人际关系。在这种和谐的人际氛围中感受到人情美。同时,我们还要求教师上课时要体现出语言美、姿态美,让学生在领会知识、掌握技能的同时,受到美的感染和熏陶。 ?开展课题研究。为了把艺术教育推向更高层次,学校拟组建老、中、青相结合的教研队伍,积极开展艺术教育课题研究,有力推动了学校美育工作的开展。 ?加强艺术教育师资队伍建设。首先,提高全校教师的艺术素养。要求根据个人自身的爱好特长,确定发展提高方向,并逐一落实培训计划;其次,向艺术 5ical design of civil construction2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-50334gn GBts: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system desitender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requiremen ctstructured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the proje related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-ryindustn based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 desiguding ttention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, incloject, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay aport and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the prsystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical sup 专业教师落实传、帮、带任务,明确目标要求,定期检查考核;第三,让部分优秀教师接受再教育,强化自己的专业水平。 (五)精心筹划,统一安排,创设良好育人环境。 古语说“情随境迁”,环境对人的成长具有至关重要的影响,校园的育人环境对学生的影响至关重要。因此,我们把创设优美和谐的育人环境作为学校工作的一个重要环节,予以实施。 一方面,加强艺术教育设施设备建设。为学校艺术教育提供实施场所。另一方面,注重营造校园文化艺术氛围。充分利用多媒体和广播系统,为同学们播出各种节目,兄弟学校艺术团体来我校参加校园文化艺术节,引领、提高节目质量。 实施艺术教育是一项系统 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 ,以美育人,以艺促教,是一条通向素质教育的捷径。我校将适应时代的召唤和知识经济对人才的要求,把艺术教育工作进一步落实到面向全体学生,全面提高学生素质上来,为培养全面发展的一代新人作出新贡献。 附一:油墩街一中合唱队2011-2012年度下学期活动计划 附二:油墩街一中器乐队2011-2012年度下学期活动计划 附三:油墩街一中舞蹈队2011-2012年度下学期活动计划 2012年2月16日 electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334 ildingent design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil bustandardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender documstructured and related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry e weakment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on thurity and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishhe secign and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to ttechnical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in dessystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for f civil constructionical design o2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-6 附一: 油一中合唱兴趣小组活动计划 2011—2012年学年度下学期 一、指导思想 音乐兴趣活动是贯彻艺术教育需要的途径和方式;是提高学生音乐学习的有效方法;是培养学生艺术能力的重要课堂;是课堂教学的补充,具有促进音乐课堂教学与课堂教育,是音乐教学的延伸与补充,是培养学生能力的一个有效场所,是学校音乐活动的有机组成部分。 二、具体要求 本学期具体教学内容有:音乐基本理论、音乐语言的基本要素、识谱、视唱能力、歌曲的艺术处理,特别是对二声部合唱的学习与运用。要求学生学会:识谱、视唱,正确的呼吸方法以及基本的演唱技巧。 三、组成成员 八年级学生,以多元化的形式去充实和丰富校文艺队的艺术文化。 四、活动时间 每周二下午活动课(加课排练时间,另行通知) 五、活动地点 多媒体教室 六、活动内容安排 1(正确呼吸方法的训练。(科学的呼吸方法) ctstructured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the proje related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-ryindustn based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 desiguding ttention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, incloject, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay aport and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the prsystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical sup7ical design of civil construction2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-50334gn GBts: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system desitender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requiremen 2(识谱、视唱的训练。(音高、音准的练习) 3、基本歌唱技巧。(倚音、滑音、颤音等装饰音的演唱) 4(歌曲演唱的情感处理。(乐句、气息、感情处理训练) 5(对整首歌曲的完整度进行训练。(避免出现一些不必要的错误) 6、学生小小演唱会。(观看交流,谈自己的看法) 六、学唱曲目 按学生的接受水平和歌曲的难度,遵循从易到难的原则,特选择 如下学唱歌曲: 1、《油一中校歌》 2、《同一首歌》 、《七子之歌——澳门》 3 4、《感恩的心》 5、《保卫黄河》 ...... 七、音乐会 对一个学期的学习情况进行一次汇报演出,请学校领导、老师、 同学们观赏。 油墩街镇第一初级中学 指导教师:李福军 2012 . 0 2. 2 0 . -electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334 ildingent design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil bustandardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender documstructured and related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry e weakment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on thurity and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishhe secign and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to ttechnical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in dessystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for f civil constructionical design o2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr8 附二: 油一中器乐(葫芦丝)兴趣小组活动计划 2011—2012年学年度下学期 一、指导思想 器乐教学不仅仅是技术教育,从本质上说,它是一种情感教育,旨在提高学生的审美修养,而器乐合奏教学能更好地实现这一目的,有利地培养了学生的团结合作能力,廖乃雄先生曾经说过:“音乐首先是一门集体艺术,集体唱奏、表演,能感人至深,影响力大”。 根据学校要求,特制定器乐(葫芦丝)教学计划如下: 二、教学内容 本学期具体教学内容有:音乐基本理论、识谱、视唱能力、乐器演奏方法、演奏技巧、能熟练演奏一些简单的曲子。 三、组成成员 七年级学生,以多元化的形式去充实和丰富校文艺队的艺术文化。 四、活动时间 每周二下午活动课(加课排练时间,另行通知) 五、活动地点 多媒体教室 六、教学要求 1、定时训练。训练的内容有:发声呼吸的练习、音符的讲解、 ctstructured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the proje related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-ryindustn based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 desiguding ttention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, incloject, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay aport and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the prsystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical sup9ical design of civil construction2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-50334gn GBts: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system desitender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requiremen 节奏的讲解、队列队形的训练、演奏表情的练习等。训练时,必须注意训练内容的联系,不能盲目的去练习,要注意乐器的谐调发音。每次练习要注意训练不能超过半小时,以保护学生的嗓子。 2、讲悟结合。指导老师讲解乐理要通俗易懂,符合中学生的认知规律和心理特点,谱子和节奏知识必须创设情景,使学生进入具体的音乐情景,通过一些音乐表演和音乐游戏来获取知识。 3、示范规范。要求演奏的乐器,指导教师必须都能熟练,这样才能给学生起到真正的示范作用。如果教师不会演奏,专门讲理论的东西,学生还是得不到要领的。作为一名指导教师,学好知识的同时更应该注重实践。指导教师最好在指导之前,把曲谱多练几遍,做到心中有数。 4、组织有续。训练器乐队时,指导教师要注意有续组织进行;分别训练好每一位学生,又要把所有学生结合起来练习,做到乐器演奏的和谐统一。 5、严格要求,精益求精。在练习过程中,失败是在所难免的。我们必须认真分析失败的原因,善于在失败中找到自己的缺点,不断总结经验教训。这时,队员们会出现意志消除、灰心丧气的情绪。指导教师更应该认真分析,认真总结,更要给队员鼓气,使队员从失败中重新树立信心。使他们加紧练习,进一步把基本功打扎实,直指下次的成功训练演出。 七、训练进度: 1—3周:学习正确的呼吸方法、发音、音准; f civil constructionical design o2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334 ildingent design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil bustandardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender documstructured and related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry e weakment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on thurity and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishhe secign and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to ttechnical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in dessystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for 10 4—7周:长音、音阶练习、常用的演奏技巧; 8—11周:学习一些练习曲; 12—15周:学习《婚誓》、《军港之夜》; 16—18周:加强训练,熟练演奏《婚誓》、《军港之夜》。 八、注意事项 1、爱护乐器,做到轻拿轻放,训练结束后放于指定位置。 2、不迟到、不早退、不无故缺席,有病有事要向老师请假。组长每天进行点名,并做好出勤记载。 3、认真训练,不开小差,不懂的地方虚心请教。 油墩街镇第一初级中学 指导教师:李福军 2012.05.20 gn GBts: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system desitender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requiremen ctstructured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the proje related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-ryindustn based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 desiguding ttention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, incloject, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay aport and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the prsystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical sup11ical design of civil construction2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-50334 附三: 油一中舞蹈兴趣小组活动计划 2011—2012年学年度下学期 一、指导思想 舞蹈是八大艺术之一,是于三度空间中以身体为语言作“心智交流”现象之人体的运动表达艺术,一般有音乐伴奏,以有节奏的动作为主要表现手段的艺术形式。舞蹈能够激发学生的学习热情,培养学生对音乐的兴趣,能够让学生轻松记住歌曲,并激发学生的表演和创造热情,更好地感受歌曲的内涵和意境。因此,学习舞蹈中学生也很有必要。根据学校要求,特制定舞蹈教学如下: 二、教学内容 本学期具体教学内容有:基本功训练、舞蹈基本步伐、舞蹈基本节奏、对乐感的培养、学习一些基本的舞蹈。 三、组成成员 七、八年级学生,以多元化的形式去充实和丰富校文艺队的艺术文化。 四、活动时间 每周二下午活动课(加课排练时间,另行通知) 五、活动地点 多媒体教室 ildingent design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil bustandardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender documstructured and related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry e weakment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on thurity and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishhe secign and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to ttechnical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in dessystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for f civil constructionical design o2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB5033412 六、教学进度 1、基本功的训练 2、掌握一些基本舞蹈步伐 3、熟悉舞蹈的一些基本节奏(培养乐感) 4、学习一些基本舞蹈 5、学习王心灵舞蹈《爱你》、《校园集体舞》 6、熟练掌握《爱你》、《校园集体舞》 七、注意事项 1、不迟到、不早退、不无故缺席,有病有事要向老师请假。组 长每天进行点名,并做好出勤记载。 2、认真训练,不开小差,不懂的地方虚心请教。 油墩街镇第一初级中学 指导教师:彭 鹏 2012.06 . 2 0 . tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requiremen ctstructured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the proje related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a-ryindustn based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 desiguding ttention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, incloject, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay aport and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the prsystem to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical sup13ical design of civil construction2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electr-50334gn GBts: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system desi
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