首页 [中学教育]现代商务汉英大词典n



[中学教育]现代商务汉英大词典n[中学教育]现代商务汉英大词典n 现代商务汉英大词典n 拿到工作许可证证||receipt of a work permit 拿到健康证明书||receive a medical certificate 拿到许可证||obtaining a permit 拿高工资||get good wages 拿摩温||Number One 拿破仑法典||Code de Napoléon 拿样品卖货的人||tally man 那波里银行,意大利,||Banco di Napoli 纳||rendered 纳宾...

[中学教育]现代商务汉英大词典n 现代商务汉英大词典n 拿到工作许可证证||receipt of a work permit 拿到健康证明书||receive a medical certificate 拿到许可证||obtaining a permit 拿高工资||get good wages 拿摩温||Number One 拿破仑法典||Code de Napoléon 拿样品卖货的人||tally man 那波里银行,意大利,||Banco di Napoli 纳||rendered 纳宾丁纳税则分类||Nabandina Tariff Nomenclature 纳地方税人,英国,||rate payer 纳费贷款||premium loan 纳费 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 ||premium note 纳入轨道||direct ... into the orbit of; bring ... into the orbit of 纳入国家计划||incorportate (all economic operations) in the country in a unified plan; include ... in the state plan; bring ... under a unified state plan; bring ... into line with the state plan 纳纱制品||petit-point articles 纳税||pay taxes; pay duty 纳税保证金||security of tax payment 纳税差别的非收入基准||nonincome base for tax discrimination 纳税单位||tax unit; unit of taxation 纳税单位分列计税制||separate entity system 纳税的支付能力原则||ability-to-pay principle of taxation 纳税登记工作||tax registration 纳税地点||tax payment place; place of tax payment 纳税对象||object of taxation 纳税额||ratal 纳税辅导||taxpayers consultant 纳税负担||burden of paying tax; incidence of taxation 纳税公平||equitable tax; tax equity 纳税公平原则||equity principle of taxation 纳税横向均等||horizontal equity 纳税后个人可用收入||disposable income; disposable personal income 纳税后价格||price after tax 纳税后净收入||net income after tax (NIAT) 纳税后扣除||after-tax deduction 纳税后利润||post-taxation profit; after-tax profits; profit after tax 纳税后利润留存率||tax retention ratio 纳税后利润率||after-tax profit rate 纳税后收入,纳税后所得额||after-tax income 纳税后收益||return after all taxes 纳税基础||base of taxation 纳税检查||tax inspection 纳税鉴定||tax appraisal 纳税均等||tax equalization 纳税扣除,纳税时可扣除的项目||tax deduction; tax credit 纳税留置,纳税扣押||lien for taxes 纳税能力||taxable capacity; tax ability 纳税年度||tax year 纳税抛售||tax selling 纳税平等||equality of taxation; equalization of tax payment 纳税凭证,纳税收据||tax payment receipt; duty receipt 纳税起征线||taxable limit 纳税前||before tax 纳税前净利润||net profit before tax 纳税前净收益,纳税指纳所得税,||net income before tax 纳税前利润||profit before tax 纳税前收益额||earnings before tax 纳税清册||tax roll 纳税饶让||tax sparing 纳税人||taxpayer; rate payer; tax bearer 纳税人分级||class of taxpayer 纳税人抗税||taxpayer revolt 纳税人认为付税越少越晚越好的习惯||least and latest rule 纳税人申报的税额||taxes assessed by taxpayers' report 纳税人身份||status of taxpayers 纳税日期||date of tax levied 纳税申报||tax declaration 纳税申报表格||tax forms 纳税申报单||tax returns 纳税时不能扣除的支出项目||expenditure not deductible 纳税时的股息扣除或抵免||dividend credit 纳税时的养老金基金扣除额||pension fund deductions 纳税时的医疗费用扣除||medical expenses deduction 纳税时各项费用的冲销||tax write-off for all the expenditures 纳税时亏损结转||tax-loss carryfoward 纳税时亏损转回||tax-loss carryback 纳税时四舍五入计去的金额||rounding off dollars 纳税通知书||notice of tax payment; tax paper 纳税义务||tax obligation; tax liability; obligation to pay tax; rateability 纳税隐藏所||tax shelter; tax haven; tax paradise 纳税证明书||certificate of tax payment 纳税住所||tax home 纳税准备存款||deposit for tax payments 纳税准备金||earmarked deposits for taxes; tax reserve 纳税准备证书||tax reserve certificates 奶产品||dairy products 奶场||dairy farm 奶场场主,奶品商||dairy man 奶农||dairy farmer 奶品制造业||dairying 耐高温钢||high-temperature steel 耐航包装||seaworthy packing 耐航力||seaworthiness 耐火材料||refractory material; flame-proof material; heat-resistant material; fire-brick 耐久性有形资产||permanent tangible property 耐劳津贴||fatigue allowance 耐力限度||endurance limit 耐疲劳性||fatigue durability 耐水作物||crops which are resistant to water-rot 耐洗涂料||water-repellent paint 耐用的手工棉织品||everlasting cotton homespun 耐用率||serviceability ratio 耐用年限||service life; serviceable life; period of depreciation; durable years 耐用年限表||life table 耐用品||durable goods; hard goods; durables 耐用品价格||durable goods price 耐用品新订货量||new orders for durable goods 耐用期||durability period 耐用设备||durable facility 耐用生产资料||producers' durable goods 耐用消费财及其他工程用品进出口之买卖一般条款||General Conditions of Sale for the Import and Export of Durable Consumer Goods and of Other Engineering Stock Articles 耐用消费品||consumer durables; hard goods; consumer durable goods; durable consumer goods 耐用消费品社会持有量||amount of durable consumer goods available in society 耐用性||maintainability; durability 南北对话||North-South Dialogue 南北贸易||South-North trade; vertical trade 南北美航路||North America-South America route 南北谈判||North-South negotiations 南北问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ||North-South problems 南部非洲发展协调会议||Southern African Development Coordination Conference 南部天然气公司,美国,||Southern Natural Gas Co. (SNG) 南朝鲜钢铁公司||South Korea Iron And Steel Corporation 南大西洋航路||South Atlantic route 南方公司,美国,||Southern Co. 南方铁路公司,美国,||Southern Railway Company 南非镑||South African pound 南非储备银行||South African Reserve Bank 南非钢铁公司||South African Iron and Steel Corporation 南非公司的股票,南非股票交易所||Kaffirs 南非航路程||South African route 南非英美公司||Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa Ltd. 南光(集团)有限公司||Nam Kwong (Group) Company Limited 南海泡沫,南海投资泡沫,英国十八世纪初殖民公司进行的股票投机 活动,||South Sea Bubble 南海投资热||South Sea mania 南极长城站||Antarctic Great Wall Station 南极考察||Antarctic survey 南南合作||South-South cooperation 南南会议||South-South Conference 南南贸易||South-South trade 南南问题||South to South problems 南斯拉夫国家银行,南斯拉夫人民银行||Narodna Banka Jugoslavijia 南斯拉夫贸易一般惯例||Yugoslav General Usage of Trade 南太平洋公司,美国,||Southern Pacific Co. 南太平洋航路||South Pacific route 南太平洋论坛||South Pacific Forum 南太平洋贸易经济合作协定||South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement (SPARTECA) 南太平洋委员会||South Pacific Commission (SPC) 南太平洋运输公司,美国,||Southern Pacific Transportation Company 南亚和东南亚经济发合作科伦坡计划||Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and South-East Asia 南亚区域合作联盟||Union of Regional Cooperation for South Asia 男女店员||salesclerk 男女同工同酬||men and women get equal pay for equal work; men and women get the same pay for equal work; equal remuneration for men and women for equal work 男推销员||salesmanoportion; masculinity proportion sex ratio; masculinity ratio 难船救助人员||salvor 难题||hard nut (standing in the healthy development in the long run) 难以取得的数据||hard-to-get data 难以确定的风险||border-line risk 难以维持温饱生活的工资||starvation wages 难以预料的事件||unforeseen event 脑力冲击,脑力激发||brain storming 脑力反应||mental reaction 脑力工业||brain industry 脑力劳动||mental labor; brain work 脑力劳动与体力劳动之间的差别||difference between mental and manual labor 脑力劳动者||mental worker; brain worker; white-collar worker 呢绒布匹商||cloth merchant 内包装||internal packing; inner packing 内表面加工||internal operation 内布拉斯加州工程学会,美国,||Nebraska Engineering Society (NES) 内部包装||packing interior 内部保留数准备||reserve for interdepartmental encumbrance 内部报酬率,内部回收率,内部收益率||internal rate of return (IRR) 内部报告||internal reporting 内部报告会计||accounting for internal reporting 内部报告 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ||internal report system 内部比例关系||(readjusting the) proportions between its different branches 内部比率||internal ratio 内部财源||internal source of revenue 内部差异||internal diversity 内部成本||internal cost 内部筹款||internal financing; self-finance 内部刺激机制||internal incentive mechanism 内部的不经济||internal diseconomy 内部的节约||internal economy 内部调拨定价||transfer pricing 内部调拨价格,内部转移价格||transfer price 内部董事||inside director 内部分工专业化||specialization and division of labor in terms of internal management 内部分析||internal analysis 内部工会||inside union 内部工资差别||internal wage differentials 内部估价||internal valuation 内部顾问师||internal consultants 内部管理||inner management 内部管理报告||internal reports for management 内部管理控制||internal administrative control 内部管理制度||internal control system 内部环境||internal environment 内部会计控制||internal accounting control 内部会计事项||internal transactions 内部会议||private conference 内部汇票||house bill; house paper 内部货币||inside money 内部稽核||internal audit 内部加工车间||closed job-shop 内部奖励||internal rewards 内部交易||intratransaction 内部教育||internal education 内部结算价格||internal settlement price 内部禁运||civil embargo 内部刊物||in-house literature 内部控制||internal controls 内部控制报告||internal control report 内部控制标准||internal control standard 内部控制点||internal control point 内部控制调查表||internal control questionnaire 内部控制制度||internal control system 内部劳动力市场||internal labor market 内部利率法||internal rate of return method 内部利润所得税||income tax on intercompany profit 内部流失||internal drain 内部贸易||intratrade 内部平衡||internal equilibrium 内部牵制||internal check 内部牵制制度||internal check system; system of internal check 内部牵制组织||internal mutual-checking organization; internal restraint organization 内部情报||internal information; confidential information 内部缺陷||inherent vice; internal defect 内部人员短线交易,内线短线交易,期货或股票市场,||insider short-swing trading 内部融资,内部资助||internal financing 内部商店||capitive shop 内部审计||internal audit; management audit 内部审计标准||internal auditing standard 内部审计处||internal audit service 内部审计规程||internal auditing manual 内部审计员||internal auditor 内部审计制度||internal audit system 内部审计组织||organization of internal audit 内部时滞||inside lag 内部市场||inside market 内部收益率||internal rate of return 内部收益率计算法||yield method; internal rate of return method 内部往来||intrabranch 内部协调||internal coordination 内部信息||confidential information 内部信息处理系统||internal information processing system 内部运输系统||internal transportation system 内部招标||closed bidding; sealed bid; negotiated bidding 内部政策||policy for internal observance 内部质量||internal soundness 内部转让价格||intratransfer price; internal transfer price 内部转让利润||internal transfer profit 内部装修||interior decoration 内部准备对净利润比率||ratio of internal reserves to net profits 内部资金,收益留存加折旧,||internal finance 内部资金提供||internal financing 内部资金效应||cash flow effect 内部资料||inside information 内部自动审计制度||system of automatic internal audit 内部组织经济学||economics of internal organization 内插||interpolate 内插法,内推法||interpolation 内插式 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ||interpolation design 内地保税货站,内地验关站||inland clearance depot (ICD) 内地工业||industry in the interior 内地海关||inland custom-house 内地货站,内地货运站,内陆货柜站,内陆运输保税站||inland depot 内地集装箱站栈||inland container depot 内地经济||interior economy 内地市场||market in the interior 内地水运||inland water-borne transport 内地税||inland duty; internal revenue tax 内股公司,股票不对外公开,||close corporation 内海||inland sea; continental sea 内海航运线||barge line 内含成本||implicit costs 内含利率||implied rate of interest 内含利息||implicit interest 内含利息的开支||implicit interest charge 内含利息的收入||implicit interest revenue 内含量||intensive amount 内含增长率公式||implied growth rate equation 内涵价格||hedonic price 内涵扩大再生产||intensive expanded reproduction; intensive enlarged reproduction 内河船舶保险||river hull insurance 内河港||river port 内河航行||inland navigation 内河航行权||inland navigation rights 内河航运工程||inland navigation projects 内河航运提单,内河水运提单||inland waterway bill of lading 内河税||river dues 内河提单||river bill of lading; river BL 内河通航水域||navigable internal waterways in use 内河运输||inland water transport; transport over inland waterways 内河运输保险||river transportation insurance 内化作用||internalization 内回归||internal regression 内汇||internal exchange; domestic exchange 内汇市场||domestic exchange market 内联企业||domestically associated enterprise 内六国,指法国、原西德、意大利、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡,||Inner Six 内陆钢铁公司,美国,||Inland Steel 内陆共同点||overland common point (OCP) 内陆国家||land-locked country 内陆交货价格||inland delivery price 内陆商港,英国,||close port 内陆水道||inland waterways 内陆水上运输保险||inland marine insurance 内陆水域||land-locked waters 内陆水运||inland water-borne transport 内陆水运保险||inland marine insurance 内陆损害,海上货物保险附加险,||country damage 内陆提单||inland bill of lading; inland BL 内陆提单条款||inland bill of lading clause 内陆通关基地||inland clearance depot (ICD) 内陆卸货地点||inland place of discharge 内陆运费用||inland forwarding expenses; inland freight; inland transportation charges; inland haulage 内陆运输||inland shipment; inland transport 内陆运送保险||inland marine insurance 内陆转运附属费||local freight charges; overland common point charges; OCPcharges 内贸口岸||port of domestic trade 内幕串谋集团,证券市场,||insider collusion pool 内勤人员||back office force 内情通报,股票等,||tip sheet 内燃机厂||internal-combustion engine plant 内燃机船||motor ship (MS); motor vessel (MV) 内燃机公司,美国,||Combustion Engineering Inc. (CE) 内容不详条款||contents unknown clause 内容据发货人申报||said by shipper to contain 内容明细表||specification of contents 内生经济周期论||endogenous theory of business cycles 内生收入假设||endogenous income hypothesis 内生投资||endogenous investment 内生一体论,公有制与商品经济的,||theory of intrinsic integrity (of public ownership and commodity economy) 内生滞后变量||endogenous lagged variable 内水||internal water 内外差异费率||in and out rates 内外平衡||internal and external equilibrium 内外销关系三原则||three principles on the relationship between export commodities and those for domestic market 内务软件||house keeping software 内线交易||insider trading 内线性化||inner linearization 内线性模型||intrinsically linear model 内向代收||inward collection 内向开发政策||inward-looking development policies 内向型的封闭经济||internally-oriented and closed economy 内销||market products inside China; domestic sales; sold inside the country; for the domestic market; market domestically; sale on domestic market 内销商品||commodities for the home market 内行||expert in; professionals; adept; one who knows how; people who know the ropes; turn oneself into an expert 内行鉴定人||surveyor; appraiser 内运过境||inward transit 内在包装性能||latent properties of packing 内在保证||implied warranty 内在报酬||intrinsic rewards 内在陈旧性||built-in obsolescence 内在成本||implicit cost 内在的经济动力||built-in economic mechanism for making advances 内在付现成本||implied cash cost 内在关系||internal relation 内在管理界限||inner control limits 内在化为关系||internalized as relations 内在价值||intrinsic value; intrinsic worth 内在精度||intrinsic accuracy 内在利息||implicit interest 内在利益||intrinsic interest 内在伸缩性||built-in flexibility 内在时间差滞||inside lag 内在稳定器,内在稳定因素||built-in stabilizer 内在稳定作用||built-in stabilization 内在效用||intrinsic utility 内在信托||implied trust 内在需要||innate need (of the economy) 内在要素汇集||convergence of inner demands 内在增长率||intrinsic growth rate 内在自然增长率||intrinsic rate of natural increase 内债||domestic debt; internal debt; domestic borrowing; domestic loans; internal loan 内柱式集装箱||interior post type container 能动的财产||(labor is man's) active possession 能动的有机体||dynamic organism 能动关系||active relation 能动投资||active investment 能动性||dynamic role; theory of conscious activity; activity; initiative 能接受的最低收益率||cut-off rate of return; lowest acceptable rate of return 能进不能出、能升不能降||(employees) can be hired but not fired, and they can be promoted but not demoted 能进能出、能上能下||people can be transferred to other jobs or go to a higher or a lower post as required 能开发可转让支付命令的活期存款帐户||negotiable order of withdrawal account; NOW account 能力||ability; capacity; capability 能力不同||differ in capacity 能力测验||ability test 能力差异||capacity variance 能力工资制||wage system based on ability 能力交换||exchange of abilities 能力开发||development of faculty 能力利用,能量利用||utilization of capacity 能力型测验||power test 能力研究||capacity study 能力与负荷分析||analysis of capacity and load 能力与收入||ability and earnings 能量||energy; capacity ,指生产能量,; power 能量变换,能量转换||energy conversion 能量传递||energy transfer 能量代谢率||relative metabolic ratio 能量单位||energy unit 能量法||energy method 能量供应,能源供应||power supply; energy supply 能量管理||energy management 能量核算,能量收支||energy budget 能量基准因素||energy guideline factor 能量交换||energy exchange 能量决策||capacity decision 能量扩充投资||capacity expansion investment 能量平衡表,能源平衡表||energy balance sheet; power balance 能量生产成本||cost of power production 能量吸收能力||energy absorption capability 能量系统||energy system 能量消耗||consumption of energy; energy expenditure 能量转化||conversion of energy 能流改向||change of energy flow 能流图||energy flow chart; energy flow diagrams 能率试验||capacity test 能使用…时间的零部件||spare parts sufficient for… operation 能迅速变现的资产||quick assets 能迅速还本生利的投资||self-liquidating investment 能源||energy; power resources; power 能源成本,能源费用||energy cost 能源储备||energy reserves 能源弹性系数||energy elasticity coefficient 能源当量||energy equivalent 能源的经济节约||economy of energy 能源的需求与供给||demand and supply of energy 能源地理||geography of energy 能源短缺||energy shortage 能源法规||laws and regulations of energy 能源分布||energy distribution 能源工业||energy industry 能源供需平衡||balanced supply and demand of energy 能源管理||energy management; energy control 能源管理技术员||energy technician 能源和原材料消耗低的产品||products that are produced with an efficient use of energy and raw and semi-finished materials 能源合作||cooperation in the field of energy 能源集约度高的,能源消耗量大的||energy-intensive 能源技术经济学||technological economics of energy 能源计划||energy plan; energy program 能源价格||utility costs 能源价格研究||energy pricing study 能源交通基金||energy and transportation fund 能源交通重点建设资金||funds to build key energy and transport projects; funds for the key energy and transport projects 能源节约||energy conservation; energy saving 能源经济||economy of energy 能源经济学||energy economics 能源经济学家||energy economist 能源开发||energy development 能源勘探||energy exploration; energy resource survey 能源利用率||energy utilization 能源利用效果||utilization results of energy 能源利用者||energy users 能源密集的技术||energy-intensive technology 能源贫乏||energy poor 能源设备实验||energy systems laboratory 能源生产结构||energy production structure 能源生产能力||energy production capacity 能源生产与消耗量||energy production and consumption 能源使用管理||energy utility management 能源数据系统||energy resources data system 能源梯级利用||graded use of energy 能源统计||energy statistics 能源危机||energy crisis 能源消费弹性系数||energy consumption elasticity coefficient 能源消费结构||structure of energy consumption; energy consumption structure 能源消费总量||total energy consumed 能源消耗||energy consumption; expenditure of energy 能源消耗定额管理||quota control of energy consumption 能源消耗管理||management of energy consumption 能源消耗奖惩制||reward and penalty system of energy consumption 能源消耗增长系数||energy consumption growth coefficient 能源效应||energy efficiency 能源需求趋势||energy demand trend 能源需要||energy needs 能源有效利用率||effective utilization rate of energy 能源预算||energy budget 能源种类,运用于施工现场的,||utilities 能源转换||energy transfer 能源资源||energy source 霓虹灯广告||neon 霓虹招牌||neon sign 泥水业||bricklaying 尼泊尔国家银行,尼泊尔拉斯特拉银行||Nepal Rastra Bank 尼尔逊调查公司,美国,||Nielsen, A.C. Company 尼尔有限公司,澳大利亚,||Barry Neal & Associates Pty Ltd. 尼古拉斯国际有限公司,澳大利亚,||Nicholas International Ltd. 尼加拉瓜中央银行||Banco Central de Nicaragua 尼克松回合||Nixon Round 尼曼,马库斯公司,美国,||Neiman-Marcus Co. 尼日尔河办公室,马里,||Office du Niger 尼日利亚国家石油公司||Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation 尼日利亚壳牌石油开发有限公司||Shell Petroleum Development Co. of Nigeria Ltd. 尼日利亚中央银行||Central Bank of Nigeria 拟定财务计划实施后的资产负债表,拟定理财计划实施后的资产负债 表||balance sheet giving effect to proposed financing 拟定合理的项目||generate sound projects 拟定建设||schedule for construction 拟定预算||drafted budget 拟定总预算||drafted general budget 拟订机器和设备技术条件||specifying machines and equipment 拟订相同价格的行动||conscious parallel action 拟合优度检验||goodness of fit test; testing goodness of fit 拟季节波动||quasi-seasonal fluctuation 拟渐近稳定||quasi-asymptotical stability 拟紧聚集||quasi-compact cluster 拟静态过程||quasi-static process 拟拉格朗日极小化问题||quasi-Lagrangean minimization problem 拟连续过程||quasi-continous process 拟马尔可夫链||quasi-Markov chain 拟蒙特卡罗法||quasi-Monte Carlo 拟派股利||proposed dividend 拟期望值||quasi-expectation 拟实验分析的有效性||validity of quasi-experimental analysis 拟实验设计||quasi-experimental design 你方结余,你方受益||balance in your favor 你方帐户,国际汇兑,||vostro account; due to balance 你死我活的竞争||cut-throat competition 匿报所得额||concealing the amount of income 匿存||conceal 匿名股东||silent partner 匿名广告||blind advertisement 匿名合伙人,商业,||dormant partner 匿名控制股票||warehousing 逆插直法||inverse in terpolation 逆查||backward process 逆差||unfavorable balance; passive balance; adverse balance; trade deficit; adverse balance of trade; deficit; unfavorable trade balance; negative balance; import surplus 逆差的数额,国际收支,||outturn 逆差国||deficit-ridden nation; deficit country 逆差价,证券,||back spread 逆差异||unfavorable variance 逆抽样||inverse sampling 逆调节效应||counter-regulatory effect 逆反价格体系||adverse pricing system; adverse pricing structure 逆反效应||snob effect 逆分布||inverse distribution 逆概率,逆机率||inverse probability 逆高斯分布||inverse Gaussian distribution 逆估计||inverse estimation 逆回购协议||reverse repos 逆回归||inverse regression 逆汇||reverse remittance; bill by negotiation; draft by negotiation; adverseexchange 逆汇股票汇票||reverse stock draft 逆进供应||regressive supply 逆经济系列||inverted economic series 逆利率||negative interest 逆联系||inverse relations 逆流效应||back-setting effect; backward effect 逆倾销||reverse dumping 逆收益差额||reverse yield gap 逆梯度发展||inverting stratified development 逆向变换成本||inversely varying cost 逆向成本法||reversal cost method 逆向剪刀差||negative price scissors 逆向倾销||reverse dumping 逆向销售||back-selling 逆序||inverted sequence 逆序列相关||inverse serial correlation 逆优惠||reverse preference 逆指标||inverse indicators; inverse index 逆中介||disintermediation 逆重购协议||reverse repurchase agreement 逆转嫁||backward shifting 逆转票据||redraft 年百分利率||annual percentage rate (APR) 年保证工资||guaranteed annual wage 年报||annual report 年变差,年变异||year variation 年变化率,年变化率,年定差||annual gradient 年波动||annual oscillations 年产出,年产量||annual output; yearly capacity; yearly production; annualproduction; yearly output 年成本比较法||annual-cost method of comparison 年初||beginning of year (BOY) 年初数额||amount at the beginning of current year 年储存成本,年储存费用||annual holding cost 年代增长模型||vintage growth models 年代资本模型,技术进步,||vintage capital model 年底||year-end 年底调整||year-end adjustment 年订货成本||annual ordering cost 年度保费净额||net annual premium 年度保险费||annual premium 年度报表||annual statement 年度报告||annual report (AR); yearly report; annual returns; annual bulletin 年度报告制度||annual reporting system 年度拨款||annual appropriation 年度拨款计划||annual funding program 年度财务报表||annual financial statement 年度财务报告||annual report 年度财务报告公布事项||annual report disclosure 年度财务会计报告||annual financial report 年度产业调查||annual industrial inquiry 年度成本,年度费用||annual cost 年度初步报告||preliminary annual report 年度贷款计划||annual borrowing plan 年度调查||annual inquiry; annual survey 年度定额||annual quota 年度分季分月计划||seasonal and monthly plan in a year 年度分配额||yearly installments 年度复查,年度复审,年度审查||annual review 年度工资基金||annual wage fund 年度工资协议||annual wage agreement 年度 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 ||annual working program 年度工作量||yearly working volume 年度股东大会||annual general meeting 年度观测值||annual observation 年度国别指标||annual country target 年度环境监控报告||annual environmental monitoring report 年度基准||annual basis 年度计划||annual plan 年度计划利润额||planned annual profit 年度计算||annual reckoning 年度假||annual leave 年度价格审计||annual price review 年度间税收分配||interperiod tax allocation 年度检修||annual overhaul 年度结帐||annual closing 年度津贴,年度折旧减免||annual allowance 年度决算||annual accounting; annual accounts; annual report; annual closing 年度决算表,年度决算书||annual balance sheet; annual statement 年度决算法||annual reporting law 年度决算要求||annual accounting requirement 年度亏损||losses in a year 年度利润率||annual rate of profit 年度末,财政或会计,||end of fiscal year; end of year (EOY) 年度平衡,年度余额||yearly balance 年度平衡预算||annually balanced budget 年度平均数||yearly average 年度确定经费||annual appropriation 年度人口统计||annual population statistics 年度认捐会议||annual pledging conference 年度社会生产价值||annual social productive value 年度审计||annual audit 年度审计报告书,年度审计及检查报告书||annual report on auditing and inspecting 年度收入||annual receipt; yearly income 年度收入分配数||allotted annual receipts 年度收支决算书||annual statement of receipt and expenditure 年度数据,年度资料||annual data 年度数字||annual figures 年度所得税申报表||annual income tax return; annual return 年度维修费||annual maintenance charge 年度相混的收入||bunched income 年度需要量||annual requirement 年度循环||annual cycle 年度应收销货款百分率,占销售总额,||percent of year's sales uncollected 年度预算||annual budget 年度预算余缺||annual budgetary surplus or deficit 年度帐,年度帐单||annual account 年度支出||annual expenditure 年度支出分配数||allotment for annual expenditures 年度资产负债表||annual balance sheet 年度综合计划||annual overall plan 年度总报告,年度总决算||general annual reports 年度总产值||gross annual value 年费用法||annual cost method 年工资计划||an
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