首页 东井煤矿防突管理规定



东井煤矿防突管理规定东井煤矿防突管理规定 东井煤矿防突管理规定 一、区域突出危险性预测 所有采、掘工作面进行采、掘作业前,必须对该工作面施工范围进行区域突出危险性预测。所有经区域突出危险性预测有突出危险性的采、掘工作面,必须严格执行“四位一体”综合防突措施。 1、区域突出危险性预测必须采用实测煤层残余瓦斯压力或煤层残余瓦斯含量的方法进行。当实测煤层残余瓦斯压力小于0.74MPa或实测煤层残余瓦斯含量小于7m?/t时,该工作面无突出危险性,反之则该工作面有突出危险性。 2、所有经区域突出危险性预测有突出危险性的采、掘工作面,必须...

东井煤矿防突管理规定 东井煤矿防突管理规定 一、区域突出危险性预测 所有采、掘工作面进行采、掘作业前,必须对该工作面施工范围进行区域突出危险性预测。所有经区域突出危险性预测有突出危险性的采、掘工作面,必须严格执行“四位一体”综合防突措施。 1、区域突出危险性预测必须采用实测煤层残余瓦斯压力或煤层残余瓦斯含量的方法进行。当实测煤层残余瓦斯压力小于0.74MPa或实测煤层残余瓦斯含量小于7m?/t时,该工作面无突出危险性,反之则该工作面有突出危险性。 2、所有经区域突出危险性预测有突出危险性的采、掘工作面,必须编制《专项防突 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 》,经审批后严格执行。 二、区域防突措施 所有经区域突出危险性预测有突出危险性的采、掘工作面,必须对该采、掘工作面采取区域防突措施。 1、采煤工作面区域防突措施采用本煤层钻孔或穿层钻孔预抽本煤层瓦斯的方法,钻孔必须控制整个回采块段。 2、煤巷、半煤岩巷掘进工作面区域防突措施采用本煤层钻孔或穿层钻孔预抽煤巷条带区域瓦斯的方法。钻孔必须aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 控制掘进方向至少60m,同时控制巷道轮廓线外煤层上下山方向各15m。 3、石门揭煤掘进工作面区域防突措施采用穿层钻孔预抽揭过煤层区域瓦斯的方法。钻孔必须控制巷道轮廓线外煤层走向方向及上山方向各20m,控制巷道轮廓线外煤层下山方向12m。 三、区域防突措施效果检验 所有采、掘工作面采取区域防突措施后,必须按规定对区域防突措施进行效果检验。 1、采煤工作面实施区域防突措施后,必须对工作面回采区域防突措施进行效果检验,沿综采工作面推进方向每间隔30米,至少布置2个检验测试点,执行取样测试,当煤 3层残余瓦斯含量小于7m/t,且未发现其它异常情况,则该区域防突措施有效。 2、煤巷、半煤岩巷掘进工作面实施区域防突措施后,必须采取测定煤体残余瓦斯含量的方法进行区域防突措施效果检验,检验时,沿工作面走向方向每间隔20米布置1个检验测试点,且每个检验区域不得少于3个检验测试点, 3执行取样测试,当煤层残余瓦斯含量小于7m/t,且未发现其它异常情况,则该工作面为无突出危险工作面。 3、石门揭煤工作面实施区域防突措施后,采取测定煤aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 体残余瓦斯含量进行区域防突措施效果检验,检验时,必须在工作面上、中、下部和两侧采用φ89mm的钻杆,施工5个效果检验钻孔,并且至少有1个检验测试点位于抽采钻孔控制边缘不大于2米的范围,测定煤层揭煤区域的残余瓦斯含量,只有检验残余瓦斯含量小于7m?/t,区域防突措施有效,否则,区域防突措施无效,必须重新补充防突措施,补充防突措施设计另报,并再次进行措施效果检验。 四、区域验证 采、掘工作面在实施区域防突措施、经区域防突措施效果检验无突出危险后,在工作面施工前及施工过程中采用钻屑瓦斯解释指标法进行连续区域验证。具体为: 1、采煤工作面 (1)每循环验证距离为10m,经区域验证证明无突出危险后,允许工作面推进8米后进行下一循环区域验证。若经区域验证证明工作面有突出危险性,必须停止回采,实施局部防突措施。 (2)采用钻屑瓦斯解析指标法进行区域验证时,沿工作面每隔10-15米布置1个验证钻孔,孔深10米,直径42mm,钻孔每钻进2米测定1次钻屑解吸指标K1值,每打1米测定一次钻销量,只有钻屑解吸指标K1值小于0.5mL/(g.min1/2) 和最大钻屑量小于6kg/m时,则措施有效该工作面为无突出aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 危险。反之则工作面有突出危险。 2、煤巷、半煤岩巷掘进工作面 (1)掘进工作面在实施区域防突措施、区域措施效果检验无突出危险后, 在掘进过程中必须采用钻屑瓦斯解释指标法进行连续区域验证。每循环区域验证证明无突出危险后,允许工作面掘进7.5米后进行下一循环区域验证。若区域验证证明工作面有突出危险性,必须停止掘进,补充防突措施。 (2)采用钻屑瓦斯解释指标法进行区域验证时,在掘进工作面施工至少3个孔深10米,钻孔直径42mm的区域验证钻孔(一个钻孔位于掘进巷道断面中部,并平行于巷道掘进方向,其他钻孔的终孔点应位于巷道断面两侧轮廓线外2,4m处)。并保证每次验证钻孔前方留有不少于2m的超前距。钻孔每打2m测定1次钻屑瓦斯解吸指标K1值,每打1m测定一次钻屑量,只有钻屑瓦斯解析指标K1值小于0.5mL/(g.min1/2)、最大钻屑量小于6kg/m,则该工作面为无突出危险工作面。若任何一次验证钻屑瓦斯解析指标K1值大于0.5mL/(g.min1/2)或钻屑量大于6kg/m时,则掘进工作面必须补充防突措施。 3、石门揭煤工作面 揭煤工作面在实施揭煤区域防突措施后,经区域措施效果检验无突出危险后,必须采用钻屑瓦斯解析指标法在巷道aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 顶板距离煤层法向距离1.5米的位置处以及巷道揭开煤层和穿过煤层时进行区域验证。施工5个区域验证钻孔,分别位于工作面上、中、下部和两侧,用直径42mm的钎子,钻孔每打2米测定1次钻屑解吸指标K1值,每打1米测定1次钻屑量,只有钻屑解吸指标K1值小于0.5 ml/gmin?,最大钻屑量小于6kg/m时,则为无突出危险,否则,即为有突出危险,必须补充防突措施,并经效果检验有效,采取安全防护措施后方可掘进。 局部防突措施 采、掘工作面经区域防突措施效果检验无突出危险后,当钻屑瓦斯解释指标超限,必须采取局部防突措施。 (一)防突考察 1、施工单位每次防突考察前,必须准备好考察所需器具(采煤工作面:钻机2台,钻杆不少于24根,钻头不少于4个;掘进工作面:钻机1台,钻杆不少于12根,钻头不少于2个)。如考察工到达现场后发现施工单位材料准备不齐的每次对施工单位处罚200元,并拒绝进行考察。 2、每次考察前,施工单位必须将考察地点的浮货清理干净,因未清理浮货造成考察孔孔深达不到设计要求的每次对施工单位处罚200元。 3、考察工在接到考察通知之后必须在规定时间(1小时)aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 内到现场进行考察。如未在规定时间内到达现场的对当班考察工处罚100元,如接到通知后拒不入井考察的,对当班考察工处罚200元。 4、每次考察时,施工单位打钻人员必须按照考察工的要求施工考察孔,考察孔必须采用直径42mm的钻头施工,考察孔施工深度不得低于10米(石门揭煤除外)。如不按考察工要求施钻每次对施工单位处罚200元。 5、施工单位必须按照经总工程师审批签字的考察 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 单严格控制准掘(推)距离,严禁超掘(推)。考察工每次考察前必须对上一循环准掘(推)距离进行核查,每发现一次超掘(推)对施工单位按100元/分米进行处罚。如考察工未对上一循环准掘(推)距离进行核查或经核查超掘(推)后未进行汇报、处罚的,每次对考察工处罚500元。 二、排放孔施工、验收 1、每次考察后,如考察指标超限(K1值?0.5,钻屑量?6kg/m),防突考察工必须在现场将排放孔开孔位置标定。如考察工未标定排放孔开孔位置,每次对考察工处罚100元。 2、考察指标超限后,施工单位必须严格按照标定的开孔位置施工排放孔,且每个排放孔孔深不得低于10m。如施工单位未按标定的排放孔开孔位置施工或排放孔孔深不足10m,对施工单位按100元/孔进行处罚。 3、每次施工完成排放孔后,必须由通防科验收人员进aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 行验收,排放孔验收单必须由施工单位班组长及通防科验收人员共同签字方可做为计量依据。排放孔验收单统一由通防科保管、统计。如无通防科验收人员签字验收的排放孔一律按废孔处理。 4、每次施工完成排放孔后,通防科验收人员必须对排放孔进行验收。如通防科验收人员无正当理由(所施工的排放孔不合格或正在另一处打钻地点验收钻孔)拒不进行验收的,每次对通防科验收人员处罚200元。 5、排放孔验收单统一由通防科制作电子版发至各施工单位邮箱,施工单位打印后带至现场使用。施工单位不得私自篡改验收单内容,如发现私自篡改验收单内容或弄虚作假的,每次对施工单位处罚500元,如通防科验收人员参与作假的每次处罚500元。 本规定自2013年元月1日夜班开始执行。 附件:东井煤矿排放钻孔验收单(样单) 东井煤矿通防科 2012年12月28日 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and
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