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快乐英语六上Unit 1 第一单元 Whose umbrella is it? 这是谁的伞? 1 Listen and say 听一听,说一说 School is over. 放学了。 Linda and Bob are sweeping the floor. 琳达和鲍勃在扫地。 Look! There is an umbrella. 看!这儿有一把伞。Where? 哪里? On the chair. 在椅子上。 Whose umbrella is it? 这是谁的伞? I'm not sure. 我不确定。...

Unit 1 第一单元 Whose umbrella is it? 这是谁的伞? 1 Listen and say 听一听,说一说 School is over. 放学了。 Linda and Bob are sweeping the floor. 琳达和鲍勃在扫地。 Look! There is an umbrella. 看!这儿有一把伞。Where? 哪里? On the chair. 在椅子上。 Whose umbrella is it? 这是谁的伞? I'm not sure. 我不确定。 Maybe it's Xiao Hui's. 可能是小惠的。 She has a purple umbrella. 她有一把紫色的伞。Hi,Xiao Hui! 嗨,小惠! Is this your umbrella? 这是你的伞吗? Oh,yes! 哦,是的! Thank you very umch. 非常感谢你。 You're welcome. 不客气 umbrella 雨伞 camera 照相机 watch 手 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf raincoat 雨衣 card 卡片 3.Check,match and read 4,.Read,think and number 读一读,想一想并排序Whose car is it? 这是谁的车? Is it your? 是你的吗? No,it's not mine. 不,这不是我的, Maybe it's Mr Cat's. 它可能是猫先生的。Excuse me.Is that car yours? 打扰一下,那辆车是你的吗? No,it isn't.My car is red. 不是我的车是红色的。Excuse me.Is that car yours? 打扰一下,那辆车是你的吗? Err..... 额...... Whose car is it? 这是谁的车? Excuse me.Is that car yours? 打扰一下,那辆车是你的吗? No.It's Jolly's. 不是,是乔利的。 Hi,Jolly.This is your ticket. 嗨,乔利。这是你的票吗? Oh,no! 哦,不是! Unit 2 第二单元 They are Li Ming's 他们是李明的。 1.Listen and say 听一听,说一说It's a weekend. 这是一个周末。 The children are playing on the beach. 孩子们在沙滩上玩耍。 Whose towel is it? 这是谁的毛巾? I think it's Li Ming's. 我想它是李明的。Whose sandals are these? 这是谁的凉鞋? They are Li Ming's,too. 它们也是李明的。 Li Ming! Li Ming! 李明!李明! Yes? 什么事? Is this your towel? 这是你的毛巾吗? No.My towel is yellow and red. 不,我的毛巾是红黄相间的。 What about these sandals? 那这双凉鞋呢? Are they yours? 是你的吗? Oh,yes.They're mine. 哦,是的。他们是我的。Thank you. 谢谢你。 towel 毛巾 sandals 凉鞋 slippers 拖鞋 sneakers 运动鞋 glasses 眼镜 3.Check,match and read 检查,配对并读一读 4.Read,think and answer 读一读想一想回答 It is Sunday aftermoon. 这是星期天下午。The children are playing in Billy's home. 孩子们在比利的家里玩。 Now they are watching TV in the living room. 现在他们在客厅看电视。 The kids are playing in the yard now. 孩子们现在在院子里玩。 They are having a lot of fun. 他们很开心。Look at the living room! 看客厅! Can you find the owners of these things? 你能找到这些物品的主人吗? 5.Listen,match and write 听录音并写一写Unit 3 第三单元 She is my e-pal 她是我的网友 1.Listen and say 听一听,说一说 It is Saturday afternoon. 这是星期六的下午。Shelley is talking about her e-pal with Sandy in their study. 在他们的书房里,雪莉正对桑迪谈论她的网友。 Who's she,Shelley? 她是谁,雪莉? She's my e-pal. 她是我的网友。 Her name's Judy. 她叫朱迪。 Where is she from? 她来自哪里? She's from New Zealand. 他来自新西兰。Does she like music? 她喜欢音乐吗? Yes,she does. 是的,她喜欢。 She plays the guitar well. 她弹吉他弹的很好。And the likes singing. 而且她喜欢唱歌。Does she like sports? 她喜欢运动吗? Yes.She jumps high and runs fast. 是的,她跳得很高,跑得很快。 Great! I want to meet her some day. 太棒了!我想某天能见到她。 likes singing 喜欢唱歌 plays the guitar 弹吉他 jump high 跳得高 runs fast 跑得快 dances well 舞跳得好 3.Check,match and read 核对,匹配并读一读(听力练习) 4.Read,think and match 阅读,思考并匹配Sarah works at home. 萨拉在家工作。 She writes books for kids. 她为孩子们写书。Children love her books very much. 孩子们非常喜欢她的书。 Peter likes animals. 彼得喜欢动物。 He works in a zoo. 他在动物园上班。 He looks after the animals. 他照顾动物。Frank is tall and strong. 弗兰克高大又强壮。He often plays ball games with his friends after school. 他放学后经常和朋友一起打球。He play basketball well. 他篮球打的很好。May likes music. 梅喜欢音乐。 She can play the violin and the piano. 她会拉小提琴和弹钢琴。 She can play the violin very well. 她小提琴拉得很好。 Joe is tall. 乔很高。 He is very good at sports. 他很擅长运动。 He runs very fast and jumps very high. 他跑得很快,跳得很高。 Unit 4 第四单元 Judy's brother has a special hobby. 朱迪的哥哥有一个特别的爱好。 1.Listen and say 听一听,说一说 It's Sunday. 这是星期天。 Shelley and Judy are chatting on the Internet. 雪莉和朱迪在网上聊天。 My brother has a special hobby. 我哥哥有一个特别的爱好。 What's his hobby? 他的爱好是什么? Guess. 你猜。 Does he go camping? 他去野营吗? No,he doesn't. 不,他不是。 Does he go fishing? 他去钓鱼吗? No,he doesn't. 不,不是。 Does he collect something? 他收集一些东西吗? Yes,he does. 是的,他是。 He collects stones! 他收集石头。 That's interesting. 那真有趣。 goes camping 去野营 goes fishing 去钓鱼 collects stamps 集邮 goes boating 去划船 goes hiking 去远足 3.Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读 4.Read,think and answer 阅读思考回答问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 What's your mother's hobby,Liu Gang? 你妈妈的爱好是什么,刘刚? She collects interesting things. 她收集有趣的东西。 Does she collect stamps? 她收集邮票吗? No,she doesn't. 不,她不是。 What does she collect then? 那她收集了什么? Bottles. 瓶子。 What? They're garbage! 什么?它们是垃圾。No.They are beautiful. 不,它们很漂亮, Come with me!I'll show you. 跟我来!我带你你看。 Wow! How beautiful they are! 哇!它们真漂亮! Unit 5 第五单元 My mother is busy 我妈妈很忙 1.Listen and say 听一听,说一说 Shelley is sending some family photos to Judy. 雪莉正在发送一些家庭照片给朱迪。Judy,this is my mother. 朱迪,这是我的妈妈。She's the busiest person in my family. 她是我家最忙的人。 Oh,is she? What's her job? 哦,是吗?她是做什么工作的? She's an editor. 他是一名编辑。 She works in a TV station. 她在一家电视台上班。Does she go to work very early? 她很早就去上班吗? Yes. She gets up before 6:00. 是的。她六点之前起床。 She goes to work before 7:00. 七点之前去上班。What does she do after work? 她下班后做什么? She does all the cooking and deaning. 她做所有的做饭和打扫的事情。 Sometimes she write articles for her work at night. 有时在晚上,她为她的工作写文章。 Wow! She's really busy. 哇!她真的很忙。goes to work 去上班 does cleaning 做清洁 cooks meals 做饭 watches TV 看电视 washes clothes 洗衣服 3.Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读(听力练习) 4.Read, think and answar 阅读思考回答问题 Li Wei's father is a teacher. 李伟的爸爸是一名教师。 He teacher Chinese in a primary school. 他在一所 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 教语文。 He is loving and patient. 他有爱心和耐心。Every student loves him. 每个学生都爱他。 On weekends,he plays basketball with Li Wei, 周末他和李伟一起打篮球, and helps him with his homework. 辅导他做作业。 He also likes to go to the park with his family. 他也喜欢和他的家人一起去公园。 Sometimes he helps Li Wei's mother cook dinner for the family. 有时他帮助李伟的妈妈为家人做饭。 He is a good cook,too. 他的饭也做的很好。 Li Wei is very proud of his fatner. 李伟为他的父亲感到骄傲。 Unit 6 第六单元 She likes singing 她喜欢唱歌 1.Listen and say 听一听,说一说 Shelley is writing something about her e-pal on her blog. 雪莉正在她的博客上写一些关于她网友的事情。 Judy has brown hair and blue eyes. 朱迪有着棕色的头发和蓝色的眼睛。 She and I have the same interests. 她和我有同样的兴趣。 She likes singing and I like singing,too. 她喜欢唱歌,我也喜欢唱歌。 I like sports and she likes sports,too. 我喜欢体育,她也喜欢体育。 On weekends,she often draws pictures and does exercise. 在周末她经常画画和运动。Sometimes she visits a farm or has a picnic with her family. 有时她参观农场或者和她的家人野餐。 She often writes emails to me. 她经常给我写电子邮件。 draws pictures 画画 does exercise 做运动 writes an email 写电子邮件 has a picnic 去野餐 surfs the Intemet 上网 3.Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读 4.Read,think and answer 阅读思考回答问题Emily is a pretty girl. 艾米丽是一个漂亮的女孩。She is very friendly. 她很友好。 She spends a lot of time with her friends. 地花很多时间与她的朋友在一起。 She likes to go to parties,too. 她也喜欢去派对She is very active at school. 她在学校很活跃。She plays basketball and volleyball. 她打篮球和排球。 She's also a ping-pong team member. 她也是一个乒乓球队成员。 Everybody in her school knows Emily. 她在学校里的每个人都知道艾米丽。 She is very popular. 她很受欢迎。 He teachers and friends all like her. 她的老师和朋友都喜欢她。 Review 1 复习一 8. Fun story 趣味故事 May I Offer You My Seat? 需要我让座吗? It is Sunnday. 这是星期天。 Jimmy and his father are going to the museum by bus. 杰米和他的父亲乘公共汽车去博物馆。 There are many people at the bus stop. 有许多人在公共汽车站。 Jimmy and his father are waiting in line. 杰米和他的父亲在排队等着。 Soon the bus comes. 很快,公共汽车来了。People get on the bus one by one. 人们一个一个地上了公共汽车。 Luckily they find a seat. 很幸运他们找到了一个座位。 Jimmy is very happy. 他很高兴。 He sits on his father's lap. 他坐在她父亲的腿上。 An old lady gets on the bus. 一位老太太上了车。 "Let me help her,"Jimmy says to his father. “让我帮帮她”,杰米对他父亲说 Jimmy jumps down and says to her, 杰米跳下来对她说, "May I offer you my seat?" “需要我让座吗?”Everyone on the bus laughs. 公共汽车上的所有人都笑了。 Jimmy's father stand up. 杰米的父亲站了起来。 He offers his seat to the old lady. 他向老太太让了座位。 Unit 7 第七单元 What are you going to do? 你们打算做什么? 1.Listen and say 听一听,说一说 It is break time 现在是休息时间。 Li Ming and his friends are talking in the classroom. 李明和他的朋友们在教室里聊天。Hi,guys.We're free this afternoon. 嗨,伙计们,我们下午有空。 What are you going to do? 你们打算做什么? I'm going to visit my grandparents. 我要去看望我的祖父母。 I'm going to read a storybook. 我要读一本故事书 We are going to see a film. 我们去看电影。 Do you want to go with us,Li Ming? 你要和我们一起去吗? Well,maybe next time. 哦,可能要下次了。What are you going to do? 你打算干什么? I'm going to the sicence museum. 我要去科学博物馆。 I want to know more about the sun and the moon. 我想了解更多关于太阳和月亮的事情。visit grandparents 拜访祖父母 read a storybook 读故事书 see a film 看电影 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 3.Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读 4.Read,think and answer 阅读,思考并回答Where are you going this vacation? 这个假期你要去哪里? Shandong. 山东。 I'm going to climb Mount Tai. 我要去爬泰山。I'm going to see the sunrise there. 我要去那里看日出。 I don't think you can see the sunrise. 我认为你可能看不了日出。 Why not? 为什么不能呢? The sun rises at about 5:00 am. 日出在五点左右。 You never get up that early. 你不可能起那么早。 But this time I'm going to get up early! 但这次我要早起。 Unit 8 第八单元 My mom is going to plant vegetables 我妈妈要去种蔬菜 1 Listen and say 听一听,说一说 Linda and Billy are talking about their weekend plan on their wey home. 在回家的路上,琳达和贝利正在谈论他们的周末计划。 Where are you going this wekend? 这个周末你要去哪里? I'm going to vist a farm with my family. 我要和我的家人去参观一个农场。 That's great. 太棒了。 What are you going to do there? 你要在那做什么? My mom is going to plant vegetables. 我妈妈要种蔬菜。 My dad is going to ride a horse. 我爸爸要骑马。What about you? 你呢? I'm gong to pick fruit and feed chickens. 我要去摘水果和喂鸡。 Where are you going? 你要去哪里? I'm going to the food expo. 我打算去美食节, I'm going to enjoy the delicious food there! 我想去吃那里美味的食物。 visit a farm 参观农场 plant vegetables 种蔬菜 ride a horse 骑马 pick fruit 摘水果 feed chickens 喂鸡 3.Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读 4. Read,think and answer 阅读思考回答问题Sam and Tom are brothers. 山姆和汤姆是兄弟。 They like sports very much. 他们非常喜欢体育运动。 This winter vacation, 今年寒假, they are going to Harbin. 他们要去哈尔滨。Sam is going to skate and Tom is going to ski. 山姆是去滑冰,汤姆要去滑雪。 They are also going to see the ice-lanterns. 他们也要去看冰灯。 The weather forecast says, 天气预报说, "It's going to be colder this winter, “今年冬天要冷些, and it's going to snow for some days." 要下几天雪。” Sam and Tom are glad. 山姆和汤姆很高兴。The weather is going to be good for skating and skiing. 天气将会很适合滑冰和滑雪。 They are going to have a good time. 他们会玩的很开心。 5.Listen,write and say 听一听,写一写,说一说 Unit 9 第九单元 How can I get to the art museum?我怎么去艺术博物馆? 1 Listen and say 听一听,说一说 It's Sunday morning. 这是星期天的早晨。Henry is going to the art museum. 亨利要去艺术博物馆。 He's asking the way. 他正在问路。 Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。 How can I get to the art museum? 我要怎么去美术馆? You can go there by bus. 你可以乘公共汽车去那里。 Which bus? 哪路公汽? You can take a No.9 or a No.14 bus. 你可以乘坐9路车或14路车。 Umm....Let me see. 额...让我想想。 Oh! You can take a No.16 bus,too. 哦!你还可以乘坐16路车。 Where is the bus stop? 公共汽车站在哪里? It's over there. 在那边。 Can I go by subway? 我可以乘地铁去吗? I'm afraid you can't. 恐怕你不能。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 museum 博物馆 hospital 医院 bookstore 书店 by subway 乘地铁 by train 乘火车 by plane 乘飞机 3.Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读(听力练习) 4. Read,think and answer 阅读,思考并回答问题 Ann is a schoolgirl. 安是个学生, She has many friends at school. 她在学校有许多朋友。 Some of them go to school by bike. 一些人骑自行车去上学。 Some go to school on foot. 一些步行去上学。Ann can't walk. 安不能走路。 How can she go to school every day? 她每天怎么去上学呢? Like some friends, 像一些朋友, she goes to school by bus. 她乘公共汽车去上学。 She takes the bus in a diferent way. 她用不同的方式乘公交。 The bus driver lowers the bus door steps. 公交车司机降低了门口的台阶, Ann can get into the bus now. 安能够进入公交车了。 She is very happy. 她很高兴。 She enjoys the special bus ride to school every day. 她很喜欢这种公交车去学校的特殊方式。Unit 10 第十单元让我们在网上查找地图 1 Listen and say 听一听,说一说 Grandma wants to buy some flower seeds. 奶奶想买一些花种子。 David is helping her. 戴维正在帮助她。 David,I'm going to buy some flower seeds. 戴维,我要买一些花种子。 Where is the nearest flower shop? 最近的花店在哪里? I don't know. 我不知道。 Let me check the map online. 让我们在网上查找地图 Can you? 真的吗? Look,Grandma. 看,奶奶。 The flower shop is here. 花店在这儿。 But how can I get there? 但我怎么到那? See? We are here. 看,我们在这里, Go along this street. 沿着这条街道一直走。Tum right on the second street. 在第二条街道上向右转, The flower shop is next to the bank. 花店就在银行旁边。 It's not far. 它不远。 Oh,I see. Thank you,David. 哦,我知道了。谢谢你,戴维。 You are my good helper. 你真是我的好帮手。go along 沿着......走 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 next to 挨着 near 在附近 3. Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读 4.Read,think and answer 阅读思考回答问题Hi,Linda. 你好,琳达。 This is Xiao Hui. 我是小慧。 Let's go to the museum and see the dinosaur. 让我们去博物馆看恐龙吧。 Great! 太好了! I'll wait for you at the gate of the museum. 我在博物馆的大门等你。 How can I get there? 我怎么去那? You can take Bus No.4. 你可以乘4路公共汽车。 Get off at Renmin Cinema. 在人民电影院下车。Then go one block and turn left. 走一个街区然后左转。 You'll see the museum. 你会看到博物馆。OK.See you there. 好的。那里见。 See you. 再见。 7. A joke 一个笑话Dad,how can I read the map? 爸爸,我怎么看地图? Look at me! My head is north. 看我!我的头是北方。 My feet are south. 脚是南方。 My right hand is east. 右手是东方。 My left hand is west. 左手是西方。 Are you clear? 你清楚了吗? Oh,that's funny. 哦,这真有趣。 OK,Tell me, where is Shanghai? 好吧,告诉我,哪里是上海? I know.It's on your right hand! 我知道。它在你的右手边。 Unit 11 第十一单元 My brithday is in April 我的生日在四月份 1. Listen and say 听一听,说一说 After lunch,David is talking with Xiao Hui in the classroom. 午饭后,戴维和小慧在教室里交谈。 David,when's your birthday? 戴维,你的生日是什么时候? My birthday is in April. 我的生日是在四月。When is yours? 你呢? My birthday is in February. 我的生日是在二月。 What do you usually do on your birthday? 你生日时通常做什么? I eat noodles and eggs. 我吃面条和鸡蛋。How about you? 你呢? Well,I usually have a small party 我通常有一个小聚会, and eat a birthday cake. 吃一个生日蛋糕。 I see. 我知道了。 Do you put some candles on the cake, 你在蛋糕上插些蜡烛, light the candles,then make a wish? 点亮蜡烛,然后许愿吗? You are right! 你是对的! You know,I eat noodles and eggs, 你知道,我吃面条和鸡蛋, and a birthday cake,too. 也吃生日蛋糕。January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 2.Listen,match and say 听录音,匹配并说一说When is Pig's birthday? 小猪的生日是什么时候? Her birthday is in March. 她的生日在三月。 3.Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读 4.Read,think and answer 阅读,思考回答问题Why are you so happy today? 你今天为什么这么开心? Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。 I'm going to have a birthday party. 我要有一个生日聚会。 You're lucky. 你真幸运。 Why do you say so? 你为什么这么说? My birthday comes every four years. 我的生日每四年一次。 Really? When is your birthday? 真的吗?你的生日什么时候? Guess! 猜猜!Oh! I know! 哦!我知道了! Unit 12 第十二单元 你最喜欢哪个月?听一听,说一说 It's snowing outside. 外面在下雪。 Annie and Liu Gang are chatting on their way home. 安妮和刘刚的在回家的路上聊天。What's your favorite month? 你最喜欢哪个月? October.It's nice and cool. 十月。它很凉爽。We can play outside. 我们可以在外面玩 I like December. 我喜欢十二月。Why? 为什么? Christmas is in December. 圣诞节在十二月。It's an important holiday in your country.Right? 在你的国家这是个很重要的节日。对吗? Yes.We have a two-week vacation. 是的,我们有两周的假期。 What do you usually do? 你通常做什么? We decorate a Christmas tree. 我们装饰圣诞树, We buy gifts,write Christmas cards, 我们买礼物,写圣诞贺卡 and play Christmas music. 和弹奏圣诞歌曲。Wow!That sounds great! 哇!听起来很棒! July 七月August 八月 September 九月October 十月 November 十一月December 十二月 3. Check,match and read 检查,匹配并读一读 4.Read,think and write 阅读,思考并写一写Chinese New Year usually comes in January or February. 中国农历新年通常是在一月或二月。People also call it Spring Festival. 人们也称它为春节。People clean their houses 人们打扫自己的房子, and buy a lot of food before the festival. 节日之前买很多的食物。 They go home and get together with their family. 他们回家和家人团聚。 During this festival, 在这个节日期间, People wear new clothes and visit their friends. 人们穿新衣服,拜访他们的朋友。 They cook delicious food. 他们做美味的食物。You can see lion dances and dragon dances,too. 你也可以看到舞狮子和舞龙。Children love this festival because they can get lucky money. 孩子们喜欢这个节日,因为他们可以得到压岁钱。 Review 2 复习二 8. fun story 趣味故事 The Power of a Foreign Language 外语的作用Christmas is coming. 圣诞节快到了。 The mice are very happy. 老鼠们很开心。They are going to decorate their house. 它们打算装饰它们的房子。 They are going to buy a Christmas tree, 他们要买一棵圣诞树, some presents,and some nice food,too! 一些礼物和一些好吃的食物。 On their way to the supermarket, 在去超市的路上, they see a big cat. 他们看见一只大猫, They are scared and want to run away. 他们很害怕,想逃跑。 "Stop,everyone,"a smart mouse says calmly. “各位,停下,”一只聪明的老鼠镇定地说, "Don't be afraid! I have a good idea." “别害怕!我有个好主意。” The smart mouse walks to the big cat and shouts, 这只聪明的小老鼠走到大猫身边,叫道: "Woof! Woof! Woof!" “汪汪汪!” The big cat is scared and runs away. 那只大猫被吓得跑掉了。 "See? This is the power of a foreign language."“看到了吗?这就是一门外语的作用。”
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