首页 BEC考试中的商务知识考点



BEC考试中的商务知识考点BEC考试中的商务知识考点 BEC考试作为目前国外考试中实用性非常强的考试之一,和众多其他英语类考试一样,是对考生听说读写能力的一个阶段性测试。但BEC又有其独特的特点,根据BEC考试的理念,它考查的既不是纯商务英语(Business Background),也不是公共英语(General English),而是考查考生在商务情境中的语言运用能力和问题处理能力,所以要想完全抛开商务背景谈BEC考试是没有意义的。 根据笔者多年的教学经验及对BEC考试的研究发现,BEC考试主要从以下三个方面考查和测试考生对商务英语...

BEC考试中的商务知识考点 BEC考试作为目前国外考试中实用性非常强的考试之一,和众多其他英语类考试一样,是对考生听说读写能力的一个阶段性测试。但BEC又有其独特的特点,根据BEC考试的理念,它考查的既不是纯商务英语(Business Background),也不是公共英语(General English),而是考查考生在商务情境中的语言运用能力和问题处理能力,所以要想完全抛开商务背景谈BEC考试是没有意义的。 根据笔者多年的教学经验及对BEC考试的研究发现,BEC考试主要从以下三个方面考查和测试考生对商务英语的掌握情况:?对商务词汇的考查;?对商务背景知识的考查;?对商务思维的考查。下面笔者就来具体分析这三方面内容,并提出相应的备考 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 商务词汇 从考试性质来看,BEC考试不仅要求考生掌握大量的常用词汇,还要求考生掌握一些常用词汇在商务语境下的特定含义。下面我们就来了解一下BEC考试对商务词汇的考查形式以及考生如何备考商务词汇。 1. 对商务词汇的考查 笔者在平时与学生的接触中了解到,很多参加BEC考试的考生都是英语专业,听说能力都不错,语法和词汇也都能过关,但在BEC考试中却未能取得理想的成绩。究其原因,大部分可归咎于不能准确理解词汇的商务含义。其实,很多大家平时常见的词汇,在BEC考试中都有其特定的商务含义。例如,在BEC阅读中有这样几个高频词汇:proof、books和range。这几个词的基本含义大家都很熟悉,但在商务的语境下,proof不再表示"证据,证明",而是表示"样本";books并非"图书"之意,而是表示"公司账目";range也不再表示"范围,射程",而是表示"产品组合、产品系列"。此外,在BEC听力中也经常会考查常见词汇的特定商务含义。以BEC听力真题中的一句话为例:"I'm often charged 18% interest per month on my outstanding balance."这句话的理解重点在于outstanding和balance两个词:outstanding是CET中的高频词汇,常表示"杰出、优秀";balance常作"平衡"之意。但这里如果按照常用的含义来理解这两个词,"outstanding balance"就变成了"杰出的平衡",这个意思是说不通的。其实,这句话中有三个词都具有商务英语的特征: interest在这里表示 "利息";outstanding表示"未偿付的";而balance for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 表示"余额"。所以这句话的意思是:"我每个月总是为了未偿还的余额而支付18%的利息。"由此看来,考生只有理解词汇在商务背景中的特定意思,才能准确解题。 2. 如何备考商务词汇, (1) 辨别日常英语词汇和商务英语词汇 对于BEC考生来说,要想突破词汇这一关,首先是要辨别某个词是日常英语词汇还是商务英语词汇。同一个词根据使用场景的不同,含义会发生很大的变化。例如,discount一词在日常英语中的含义为"打折",但它同时还是一个商务专用词,意为"贴现,贴现率";再如,turnover一词的常用含义为"营业额",但在商务英语中则表示"员工离职率";又如,close一词在商务英语中不再表示"关闭",而是指"股票收盘"。这些词汇的商务含义都是在平常的课程中学不到的,属于商务英语特有的表达,也是BEC考试的理解重点。所以,对于这些词汇,考生要首先理解其基本含义,然后要特别注意这些单词在商务环境中表达的特定含义。 (2) 注意积累商务短语 在商务英语中,有许多日常英语中的词汇通过搭配形成了具有商务英语特征的短语。例如,debit note (借项通知单)、credit note (贷项通知单) 、unsocial hours (非正常工作时间)、 flexitime system (弹性工作 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ) 、living out of a suitcase (经常出差在外)等。对于这些常见的商务短语, BEC考生不仅要知其意,还要做到在听力题目中听到这些词汇时,能立刻反应出它们的含义,这就需要各位考生在平时多注意积累这类短语。 (3) 建立不同话题的词汇库 BEC考试常会涉及不同的话题,包括公司结构、商务环境、产品与服务、跨国交易、客户娱乐、旅游与会议、员工与客户的关系等。考生在平时的备考过程中,应该有意识地针对不同的话题建立相应的词汇库。以针对跨国交易这一话题为例,考生可以积累一些主要港口和城市的名称以及一些常见的流通货币名称,如Won (圆,朝鲜和韩国的货币单位)、Rupiah (卢比,印度尼西亚的货币单位)、Baht (铢,泰国货币单位)、Peso (比索,拉丁美洲一些国家和菲律宾的货币单位)、Dong(盾,越南货币单位)等。这样进行归类记忆,有利于考生理清思路,缩小范围,方便记忆。通过这样的日积月累,考生的词汇量就能不断扩大了。 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 请关注新浪微博:BEC商务英语 商务背景知识 BEC考试是一种实用性非常强的考试,它注重考查考生在实际工作环境中用英语解决问题的能力,同时会涉及到一些对商务背景知识的考查。如果考生对商务背景知识有一定的了解,解题时就会更加顺利。下面我们就来了解一下BEC考试对商务背景知识的考查形式以及考生增加商务背景知识的方法。 1. 对商务背景知识的考查 BEC考试对商务背景知识的考查在阅读和写作中都有所体现,但最明显的还是体现在口语上。以口语考试中的第二部分Mini-Presentation为例,该部分要求考生在给定的三个主题中任选一个主题,然后就此主题发表一分钟的演讲。而另一名考生则会聆听并 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 该考生的演讲,然后针对他的演讲进行提问。假如考生抽到关于"公司结构"的话题,另一个考生可以针对此话题提问如下的问题:请说明你愿意为哪种结构的公司工作,并给出具体理由;具体的公司结构包括:hierarchical pyramid structure (层级制金字塔结构)、flat management structure (扁平化管理结构)、flexible company with project-based teams (由项目小组构成的灵活公司体系)。考生若想流畅地回答这道题目,就必须具备一定的商务背景知识,对三种公司结构有一定程度的了解,知道每种结构的优缺点,并能简洁明了地用英文陈述自己的观点。因此,对于这一考查方向而言,已经参加工作的考生占据一定的优势。但在中国,很大一部分参加BEC考试的考生都是未踏出校门的学生,对于他们而言,务必要通过一定的途径增加自己的商务背景知识。 2. 如何增加商务背景知识, (1) 抓住重点,浅尝辄止 BEC考试是将商务英语与公共英语结合起来的一种考试形式,对于商务知识确有涵盖,但一般而言,涉及的考查点不会太过深入,所以考生在备考时切勿钻牛角尖,切忌去探究一些深入细致却和考试无关的主题,抓住重点、浅尝辄止即可。 以BEC教材《新编剑桥商务英语同步辅导》(高级)中的第一单元为例。此单元分为两部分:公司职责与公司结构。考生在此单元需要了解的内容就是公司的基本经营模式、各部门的具体职责以及各部门之间的关系。文章中出现了公司的各个部门的名称,以财务部为例,文章在提到这个部门时提及了一些财务方面的词汇,例如purchasing ledger (购货分类帐)、 sales ledger (销货帐)等,考生只需在看到这些财务方面的基本词汇时,能知其意,for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 并能根据这些词来判断这个人属于什么部门以及这个部门的职责是什么既可,无需了解所有的财务英语词汇和表达。 (2) 广泛阅读,扩展知识 在横向广度上,考生要通过广泛阅读来扩大自己的知识面。考生在平时一定要多涉猎商务类篇章,诸如金融、财务、商务接待、商务交际、商务管理等方面的文章,对一些重要的商务常识必须了解,例如The Nikkei 225 Stock Average (日经225平均指数,由日本产经新闻推出的东京证券交易所的225个品种的股价指数,是日本乃至全亚洲最重要的股市指标之一)、Goldman Sachs (高盛集团有限公司)等。这些常识都是商务英语中出现率极高的,打开任何一家外媒的商业版,几乎每天都会遇到这些词,其属于基本的商务知识范畴。此外,考生也要多关注国外金融类网站,诸如彭博社(Bloomberg)、《金融时报》(Financial Times)、《经济学人》Economists等的官方网站,浏览一些原汁原味的商业 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,从中积累商务背景知识。 商务思维 BEC考试既是一门语言考试,同时又是一门商务思维考试。以BEC听力题为例,其中所选的听力材料一般都是真实的商务活动片断,如总经理给各部门经理开会,讨论公司发展前景;人事部经理给应聘者讲解应聘事项;销售部人员讨论下期的营销战略等。在这些特定的工作场景中,交流的主体都是商务人士,而商务人士的说话语气和交流思维,特别是英美人士的商务思维和普通人在日常生活中的思维是完全不同的。下面我们就来看一下BEC考试对商务思维的考查形式以及考生如何培养自己的商务思维。 1. 对商务思维的考查 BEC考试对商务思维的考查主要体现在口语和写作两大题型上。先以口语为例,BEC口语考查的是一些工作场合的基本常识。以商务人士出差住宿的这一话题为例,如果针对此话题考生只能想到省钱这一个方面,显然就不具备商务人士应该具备的细致和严谨的思维。针对这一话题,考生还应根据商务考虑到需要酒店的位置、酒店附近的交通状况等。再以写作为例,假如BEC写作的话题是要求考生处理一位客户因被多收费而投诉的问题,那么应从哪些方面来考虑写作内容呢,据笔者观察,基本所有的考生都能想到要向客户道歉,并且告知客户将退还多收的费用。但除此之外,拉开考生之间分数差距的关键却在于考生有没有展现出自己的商务思维,即进一步提出还款的方式以及还款的时间等,这样才能充分体现出考生严谨的商务思维以及解决实际问题的能力。 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 请关注新浪微博:BEC商务英语 2. 如何培养商务思维, (1) 学会从商务角度看问题 怎样才能从商务的角度看问题,以BEC中级教材中的一篇课文为例。这篇课文讲述各国不同的风俗、文化以及各国之间的商务沟通所产生的影响。课文中涉及这样一个问题:"Your first day at office, what kind of face do you want to see,"很多同学在回答这一问题时,给出的答案是:"I would expect a beautiful face."从这样的回答中就可以看出,考生并没有运用商务思维来解题。大家可以想象一下,大多数人在第一天参加工作时都会感觉紧张和陌生,在这种心情下,你一定期待看到一张乐于助人的友善脸庞,也就是"a face of helpful and friendly"。答案就这么简单。其实,从商务角度看问题,就是要求考生将自己置身于真实的工作环境中,身临其境地去感受和思考,而非按照平常惯有的思维来解题。 (2) 通过泛读培养商务思维 由于文化背景的差异,英美人士的商务思维与很多考生的惯常思维是截然不同的。对于那些没有任何职场经验的考生来说,这种差异会更显著。这导致很多考生在做题时不能会其意,对于作者或者说话人真正想要表达的意思无法准确把握。要想克服这一点,考生必须要有意识地培养自己的商务思维,平时多关注和浏览一些原版的商务类文章。只要考生能够持之以恒地阅读,经过一段时间的积累,自然会对不同文化背景下的商务语言风格有一定的认识,也就能在潜移默化中成功培养起自己的商务思维和逻辑。 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted
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