首页 2013年1-10月份全国规模以上工业企业利润总额情况



2013年1-10月份全国规模以上工业企业利润总额情况2013年1-10月份全国规模以上工业企业利润总额情况 2013年1-10月份,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润总额46263.2亿元,比去年同期增长13.7%,增速比1-9月份提高0.2个百分点, [1]其中,主营活动利润46884.2亿元,比去年同期增长5.4%,增速比1-9月份提高0.1个百分点。 10月份,规模以上工业企业实现利润总额5810.4亿元,比去年同期增长15.1%,增速比9月份回落3.3个百分点,其中,主营活动利润5669亿元,比去年同期增长6%,增速比9月份回落1.5个百分点。 1-10月份...

2013年1-10月份全国规模以上工业企业利润总额情况 2013年1-10月份,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润总额46263.2亿元,比去年同期增长13.7%,增速比1-9月份提高0.2个百分点, [1]其中,主营活动利润46884.2亿元,比去年同期增长5.4%,增速比1-9月份提高0.1个百分点。 10月份,规模以上工业企业实现利润总额5810.4亿元,比去年同期增长15.1%,增速比9月份回落3.3个百分点,其中,主营活动利润5669亿元,比去年同期增长6%,增速比9月份回落1.5个百分点。 1-10月份,在规模以上工业企业中,国有及国有控股企业实现利润总额12386.1亿元,比去年同期增长9.1%,其中,主营活动利润10631.3亿元,比去年同期增长4.2%;集体企业实现利润总额640.2亿元,增长0.5%,其中,主营活动利润689.7亿元,下降7.2%;股份制企业实现利润总额27058.4亿元,增长12.2%,其中,主营活动利润27542.6亿元,增长3%;外商及港澳台商投资企业实现利润总额10701亿元,增长16.4%,其中,主营活动利润10316.7亿元,增长14.5%;私营企业实现利润总额14852.3亿元,增长17.5%,其中,主营活动利润16967.4亿元,增长3.9%。 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 1-10月份,在41个工业大类行业中,26个行业主营活动利润比去年同期增长,13个行业主营活动利润比去年同期减少,2个行业由去年同期主营活动亏损转为盈利。 1-10月份,规模以上工业企业实现主营业务收入827734.7亿元,比去年同期增长11.1%。每百元主营业务收入中的成本为85.81元,以利润总额计算的利润率为5.59%,以主营活动利润计算的利润率为5.66%。 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 1-10月份,在规模以上工业企业中,国有及国有控股企业实现主 营业务收入209375.2亿元,比去年同期增长6.2%,每百元主营业务 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 收入中的成本为82.87元,利润率(按主营活动利润计算,下同)为5.08%;集体企业实现主营业务收入9450.9亿元,增长5%,每百元主营业务收入中的成本为85.92元,利润率为7.3%;股份制企业实现主营业务收入487885.5亿元,增长12.5%,每百元主营业务收入中的成本为85.72元,利润率为5.65%;外商及港澳台商投资企业实现主营业务收入195950.3亿元,增长8.8%,每百元主营业务收入中的成本为86.24元,利润率为5.26%;私营企业实现主营业务收入263346.5亿元,增长15.4%,每百元主营业务收入中的成本为87.2元,利润率为6.44%。 10月末,规模以上工业企业应收账款95232亿元,比去年同期增长12.5%。产成品存货32519.5亿元,比去年同期增长6.2%。 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 2013年1-10月规模以上工业企业主要财务指标 主营业务收入 利润总额 主营活动利润 本月止累同比增本月止累同比增本月止累同比增分组名称 计 长 计 长 计 长 (亿元) (%) (亿元) (%) (亿元) (%) 规模以上工业企业 827734.7 11.1 46263.2 13.7 46884.2 5.4 1分经济类型 国有及国有控股企业 209375.2 6.2 12386.1 9.1 10631.3 4.2 私营企业 263346.5 15.4 14852.3 17.5 16967.4 3.9 集体企业 9450.9 5.0 640.2 0.5 689.7 -7.2 股份制企业 487885.5 12.5 27058.4 12.2 27542.6 3.0 外商及港澳台商投资企业 195950.3 8.8 10701.0 16.4 10316.7 14.5 分行业 煤炭开采和洗选业 26491.6 -1.6 1705.3 -38.8 1713.0 -41.3 石油和天然气开采业 9537.7 0.4 3257.2 -6.1 3411.9 -8.8 黑色金属矿采选业 7915.5 12.8 764.1 0.5 806.5 -1.1 有色金属矿采选业 4867.3 8.8 502.2 -11.7 536.2 -14.7 非金属矿采选业 3840.4 14.3 273.7 11.0 331.2 -7.3 农副食品加工业 47649.8 14.7 2135.5 13.2 2467.8 2.7 食品制造业 14536.2 15.6 1159.1 19.6 1190.9 9.4 酒、饮料和精制茶制造业 12269.2 11.8 1279.5 8.2 1292.0 (注2) 烟草制品业 7182.5 9.8 1115.1 15.7 1078.7 13.5 纺织业 29158.5 12.6 1451.6 21.5 1572.1 3.9 纺织服装、服饰业 15386.2 11.0 815.8 11.6 872.5 -5.4 皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品10134.6 11.0 606.4 14.4 671.5 0.9 和制鞋业 木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、9592.4 17.7 584.5 25.6 655.6 6.1 草制品业 家具制造业 5117.3 13.9 279.6 18.3 306.1 3.7 造纸和纸制品业 10980.6 8.5 532.3 15.3 540.6 8.0 印刷和记录媒介复制业 4169.3 13.9 303.3 14.1 303.7 5.0 文教、工美、体育和娱乐用9605.0 15.2 439.4 16.5 466.7 3.2 品制造业 石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加33317.9 3.9 309.9 (注3) 318.1 (注4) 工业 化学原料和化学制品制造61295.3 12.5 2916.7 9.2 3002.0 -0.1 业 医药制造业 16416.9 18.2 1582.5 17.4 1570.0 12.4 化学纤维制造业 5947.5 10.0 170.8 26.3 147.5 31.0 橡胶和塑料制品业 21896.2 12.8 1258.1 22.2 1355.3 10.9 非金属矿物制品业 40975.7 15.7 2735.1 22.0 2984.9 10.6 黑色金属冶炼和压延加工62761.6 7.6 966.2 77.2 1066.0 48.4 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 业 有色金属冶炼和压延加工37546.9 13.2 935.9 1.4 1025.6 -6.0 业 金属制品业 26243.5 13.3 1300.1 18.2 1415.7 1.7 通用设备制造业 34267.7 11.4 2129.2 14.1 2287.5 8.2 专用设备制造业 25412.6 11.1 1591.6 6.8 1590.4 0.3 汽车制造业 48483.0 16.9 3970.8 22.4 3262.7 12.4 铁路、船舶、航空航天和其12611.5 2.2 614.5 7.0 547.4 -5.7 他运输设备制造业 电气机械和器材制造业 48562.4 12.5 2409.5 14.3 2485.9 10.6 计算机、通信和其他电子设61632.0 10.3 2111.1 21.3 2071.3 19.2 备制造业 仪器仪 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 制造业 6074.7 15.5 461.4 12.0 435.0 6.8 电力、热力生产和供应业 44927.1 8.3 2989.2 55.5 2654.8 64.0 燃气生产和供应业 3199.8 21.1 285.7 24.0 208.4 22.8 水的生产和供应业 1176.9 13.4 92.6 133.2 8.5 (注5) 注:1、经济类型分组之间存在交叉,合计大于规上工业总计。 2、酒、饮料和精制茶制造业主营活动利润同比增速为-0.02%。 3、石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业去年同期利润总额为-226.6亿元。 4、石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业去年同期主营活动利润为-170.1亿元。 5、水的生产和供应业去年同期主营活动利润为-8.6亿元。 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to
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