首页 新永村贫困户基本情况



新永村贫困户基本情况新永村贫困户基本情况 甄孝祥家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村湾脑社农村低保户甄孝祥家有6口人~户主甄孝祥现年58岁~一直在家务农~妻子刘桂兰现年49岁~长期有病~长子甄雪平、次子甄雪军、长媳王燕均在上海务工~孙子甄彪现年9岁~正在新永小学上二年级。 甄孝祥家有7间土木结构的房屋~建设于1985年~早已成危房~有15亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。家里养着1头牛。家庭年收入12000元~种植业是主要收入~大概9000元左右~务工收入3000元~人均纯收入1500元。本户最大的原望是通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~然后发展...

新永村贫困户基本情况 甄孝祥家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村湾脑社农村低保户甄孝祥家有6口人~户主甄孝祥现年58岁~一直在家务农~妻子刘桂兰现年49岁~长期有病~长子甄雪平、次子甄雪军、长媳王燕均在上海务工~孙子甄彪现年9岁~正在新永小学上二年级。 甄孝祥家有7间土木结构的房屋~建设于1985年~早已成危房~有15亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。家里养着1头牛。家庭年收入12000元~种植业是主要收入~大概9000元左右~务工收入3000元~人均纯收入1500元。本户最大的原望是通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~然后发展养殖业。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 郑存玉家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村上阳洼社农村低保郑存玉家有5口人~户主郑存玉现年34岁~一直在家务农~丈夫张水军现年40岁~要家务农~儿子张永强今年14岁~现在塔湾中学上初一~女儿张晓娟刚满1岁~婆婆王淑秀71岁~年老体弱又多病~无劳动能力。 郑存玉家有7间土木结构的房屋~建于1988年~已成危房~有8亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。养着1头牛、2只羊。家庭年收入10000元~种植业是主要收入~大概10000元左右~人均纯收入2000元。原望也是通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~再然后发展养殖业。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 张世海家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村上阳洼社农村低保张世海家有3口人~户主张世海现年39岁~一直在家务农~妻子出走多年~长子张国强19岁、在家务农~次子张福强17岁~缀学后在县城饭馆务工、 张世海家有7间土木结构的房屋~建设于1980年~早已成危房~有20亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、小麦。养着1头牛、3只羊。家庭年收入6000元~种植业是主要收入~大概6000元左右~人均纯收入2000元。年前父母因病相继去世~借的外债多~无力进行危房改造~只是希望通过国家帮扶发展养殖业和种植业业致富。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 蒲永成家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村湾脑社农村低保蒲永成家有3口人~户主蒲永成现年47岁~一直在家务农~兄弟蒲永文是智力残疾人~女儿蒲晓娟10岁~正在新永小学上三年级。 蒲永成家有5间土木结构的房屋~建设于1985年~早已成危房~有14亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、小麦。养着1头牛、2只羊。家庭年收入4500元~种植业是主要收入~人均纯收入15009元左右~本户两年内父母、妻子相继因病去世~本人年前又因意外受伤~虽然希望能够通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~但无力改造~只希望通过发展养殖业和种植业来改变当前的家庭现状。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 魏得科家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村马家湾社农村低保魏得科家有2口人~户主魏得科现年75岁~年老体弱~妻子陈淑芳现年74岁~也是年老体弱。 魏得科家有5间土木结构的房屋~建设于1987年~早已成危房~有9亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。养着1头驴、3只羊。家庭年收入3000~种植业是主要收入~人均纯收入1500元。本户再无能力进行危房改造~最大的原望是通过国家帮扶发展养殖业和种植业致富~安度晚年。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 张如林家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村上阳洼社农村低保户张如林家有4口人~户主张如林现年50岁~一直在家务农~妻子黄惠玲现年36岁~是智力残疾人~生活几乎不能自立~儿子张天亮今年11岁~正在新永小学上四年级~母亲李菊芳年过80~瘫痪在床多年,生活也不能自理。 张如林家有3间土坏结构的房屋~建设于1968年~早已成危房~有13亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。养着1头牛、2只羊。家庭年收入7000元~种植业是主要收入~人均纯收入1500元。本户最大的原望是通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~解决住房问题~然后发展养殖业和种植业来发家致富。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 蔡学林家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村蔡家岭社农村低保户蔡学林家2口人~户主蔡学林现年46岁~一直在家务农~母亲潘芸兰现年68岁~长期有病~无劳动能力。 蔡学林家有5间土木结构的房屋~建设于1972年~早已成危房~有只有5亩耕地~主要种植洋芋。养着1头牛。家庭年收入3600元~种植业是主要收入~人均纯收入1615元。本户虽然希望通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~但无能为力~只能暂时依靠扶持发展种植业和养殖业来改变家里的贫困状况。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 陈国忠家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村李家湾社农村低保户陈国忠家有5口人~户主陈国忠现年64岁~腿部残疾~无劳动能力~妻子张琴芳现年59岁~长期有病~长子陈建平39岁~一直在家务农、次子陈建东29岁在县城务工~孙子陈鑫现年7岁~正在新永小学上二年级。 陈国忠家有7间土木结构的房屋~建设于1991年~早已成危房~有12亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。养着1头牛。家庭年收入10000元~种植业是主要收入~大概6000元左右~人均纯收入2082元。本户的原望是通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~但无力改建~当前只能依靠扶持发展种植业和养殖业~来脱贫致富~以后再进行危房改造。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 陈爱英家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村大地沿社农村低保户陈爱英家有1口人~户主陈爱英本人长期有病~劳动时间少。 陈爱英家有5间土木结构的房屋~建设于1978年~早已成危房~有8亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。家庭年收入2480~种植业是主要收入~人均纯收入2096元。 本户因儿子读书花去大量钱财~而公婆又在近一年内相继去世~更是给困难家庭加大了负担。最大的原望是上级政府出面给儿子安排工作~然后发展种植业脱贫致富。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 陈玉仓家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村大地沿社农村低保户陈玉仓家有4口人~户主陈玉仓现年51岁~一直在家务农~妻子张琴今年41岁~是智力残疾人~长子陈小鹏刚满18岁~缀学后现在县城饭馆务工、次子陈小强13岁~正在新永小学上六年级。 陈玉仓家有3间土木结构的房屋~建设于1976年~早成危房~有11亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。养着1头牛。家庭年收入6000元~种植业是主要收入~人均纯收入1500元。本户最大的原望是通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~然后发展养殖业~养殖蝎子。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 刘军辉家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村马家湾社农村低保户刘军辉家有4口人~户主刘军辉现年33岁~一直在家务农~妻子牟冬莲现年37岁~长期有病~长女刘亚芬8岁~正在新永小学上二年级,次女刘亚明3岁~还未上学。 刘军辉家有7间土木结构的房屋~建设于1979年~早已成危房~有2亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参。家里养着1头牛。家庭年收入4000元~种植业是主要收入~人均纯收入1000元。本户最大的愿望是通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~但今年还没有能力~要等到明年,然后发展种植业和养殖业来发家致富。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 张荣家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村马家湾社农村低保户张荣家有6口人~户主张荣现年61岁~一直在家务农~妻子蔡兰英现年49岁~长期有病~女婿子蒲永刚在县城务工、女儿张彦琴在家务农~孙子张玉杰现年8岁~正在新永小学上二年级~孙女张玉卓1岁~还未上学。 张荣家有7间土木结构的房屋~建设于1986年~已成危房~有2亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参。家里养着1头牛、2只羊。家庭年收入9000元~种植业是主要收入~大概6000元左右~务工收入3000元~人均纯收入1500元。本户最大的原望是通过国家帮扶进行危房改造~然后发展种植业和养殖业来发家致富。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 魏得雄家庭情况简介 龙门镇新永村马家湾社农村低保魏得雄家有2口人~户主魏得科现年60岁~年老体弱~妻子苏桃现年58岁~长期有病。 魏得雄家有7间前砖后土的土木结构的房屋~建设于1992年~有10亩耕地~主要种植洋芋、党参、小麦。养着3只羊。家庭年收入2000~种植业是主要收入~人均纯收入1000元。本户不打算进行危房改造~最大的原望是通过国家帮扶发展养殖业和种植业致富~安度晚年。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions
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