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Quality of Commodity


Quality of CommodityQuality of Commodity商品质量 This chapter mainly deals with the details related to the quality of commodities in international trade. It is self-evident of commodity with superior quality always enjoys good market. On the other hand, the buyer or importer would ...

Quality  of  Commodity
Quality of Commodity商品质量 This chapter mainly deals with the details related to the quality of commodities in international trade. It is self-evident of commodity with superior quality always enjoys good market. On the other hand, the buyer or importer would only purchase those commodities of certain quality in which he is particularly interested. Therefore, both the seller and the buyer express deep concern at the quality of commodity. 这一章节主要详细的阐述国际贸易中的商品质量。很显然优质的商品的就能赢得好市场。换言之,消费者或者进口商只会采购那些他们感兴趣的并具有一定质量的商品。因此,销售商跟消费者都非常关注商品质量。 Commodities are indispensable to international trade. No matter whether they are visibles or invisibles, generally, commodities have their own qualities, and the quality of a certain kind of goods determines to a great extent its market and price. Thus, the quality of the goods is among the main terms upon which a sales contract is based and constructed. In international trade, the quality clause in the contract is the cornerstone and basis of commodity delivery. In case the quality of commodities is not in conformity with the stipulation of the contract, the seller should undertake the relevant legal responsibility, the buyer will be entitled to file a claim against the seller or even cancel the contract. 商品是国际贸易中不可缺少的一部分。无论他们是否有形,一般来讲,商品具有自身的特性,一种商品的质量在很大程度上决定了其市场和价格。因此,商品的质量是销售 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 主要条款的基础。在国际贸易中,合同中的质量条款是基石和商品交付的基础。如商品质量不符合合同规定的,销售商应当承担相应的法律责任,买方将有权运用有关法律向卖方索赔,甚至取消合同。 1.The Definition of Commodity’s Quality 商品质量的定义 The quality of commodities refers to the outward appearance and the essential quality of the commodities, such as shape, structure, color, flavor as well as chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties, biological feature, etc. In another sense, a certain kind of commodities possesses both natural and social attributes. From a narrow point of view, it possesses natural attributes, while from a broad point of view, it also includes its social attributes, that is, how it meets the subjective requirements and different tastes of its clients or customers. 商品的质量是指外观和形状,结构,颜色,味道以及化学成分,物理力学性能,生物学特性等的基本要素。在另一个意义上说,某种商品具有自然和社会属性。从狭隘的观点来看,它具有自然属性,而从广义的角度来看,它也包括其社会属性,即它如何满足的主观要求和其客户或客户的不同口味。 In international trade, the quality of the commodities not only concerns the value in use and price of commodities, but also concerns the sales of the commodities and credit standing of the manufacturer. 在国际贸易中,商品的质量不仅关系到商品的使用价值和价格,而且还关系到商品的销售和制造商的信贷支持。 Generally speaking, exported commodities should not only possess good natural attributes, but also good social ones. Good natural attributes are shown by good serviceability, endurability, hygiene and safety. 一般来说,出口的商品不仅要具备良好的自然属性,而且要具备良好的社会属性。良好的自然属性会表现出良好的适用性,耐用性,卫生和安全性。 As we know, good serviceability can guarantee good market shares, and a good commodity should be able to serve various customers in different countries. On the other hand, endurability is vital to a commodity. Right now, a number of ways have been especially food hygiene, is a main concern of the customers and businesspeople. Normally, some commodities need to be disinfected and even to be quarantined. In fact, many countries have already promulgated relevant laws and regulations which must be paid attention to in international practice. Finally, the safety of commodities, especially for electronic and electric commodities, must be guaranteed. 正如我们所知,良好的可维护性能保证良好的市场份额,良好的商品要满足不同国家的不同客户的需求。另一方面,耐用性是非常重要的。现在,特别是食品卫生一直是一个客户和商人共同关注的方面之一。通常情况下,一些商品需要进行消毒,甚至被隔离。事实上,许多国家已经颁布的有关法律,必须注意符合国际惯例支付的规定。最后,商品安全,尤其是电子和电器商品,必须得到保证。 There is no doubt that good marketability also requires commodities to have good social attributes. The commodities should be able to serve customers of different ages, different professions, and in different countries and districts. In the meantime, the sellers must have a good sense of seasons so that they can not miss the opportunities of good sales seasons, and try their best to innovate the design, modeling, and color of their products to meet the demand and development of customers’ tastes. 毫无疑问,良好的销路也要求商品具有良好的社会属性。不同的国家和地区商品应能满足不同年龄不同职业的客户的需求。在此期间,销售商必须有一个良好的季节感,使他们不会错过销售季节的良好机遇,尽最大努力创新设计,建模,使其产品和颜色,满足客户的需求及发展的口味。 As a result, it is not difficult to find that on business negotiation and conclusion of the contract, the quality clause shall be stipulated clearly in order to avoid any dispute related to the quality of commodities. 因此,我们不难发现,关于商务谈判和合同签订,质量条款应当明确规定,以避免相关的商品质量有关的争端。 2. Methods of Stipulating Quality of Commodity商品质量的相关规定 In foreign trade, the sellers and buyers are located of in different countries. The buyers are usually unable to see the commodities until they arrive at the port of destination. Then how could the buyers get to know the quality of the commodities? Now there are two ways to indicate the quality of the commodities for such a purpose, either by description or by sample. 在对外贸易中,卖方和买方都位于不同的国家。买方通常是看不到商品的,直到他们在抵达目的港。这样的话又怎能让买房了解商品质量如何呢?现在有两种方法可以达到说明商品质量的这个目的,通过描述或样本。 2.1 Sale by Description依照说明销售 In international trade, most commodities are suitable for sale by description which can be subdivided into four kinds. 在国际贸易中,大部分商品都是通过描述性销售具体可细分为四种。 2.1.1. sale by specification 依照商品规格销售 The specifications of the commodities refer to certain indicates which indicate the quality of the commodities, such as composition, content, purity, size, length, etc. 商品的规格是指某些表明商品质量,如成分,含量,纯度,大小,长度等。 The way of determining the quality of the commodities by specifications is called sale by specification, which is comparatively convenient and accurate. Therefore, it is the most widely used method in international trade. 在确定了商品的规格质量的方法是所谓的出售规格,这是比较方便,准确。因此,它是国际贸易中最广泛使用的方法。 The same kind of commodities might also be classified into different grades, such as large, medium, or small; Grade A, Grade B, Grade C. Every grade has its own specifications. These grades are given by commercial chambers or relevant government agencies or informally by the manufacturer or businesspeople themselves. There are uniform international grades for commodities, and they are not so formal as standards. 同种商品也可能会分为不同等级,如大,中,小;A级,B级,C级。各级都有它自己的规格。这些等级都是通过商会或相关政府机构由制造商或商人自己制定的。有统一的国际商品档次,他们并非为正式标准。 Standards are the specifications or grades officially recognized by the government agencies or commercial organizations of a country. They have legal effects and are binding upon both the buyers and sellers. If the commodities are not in conformity with the requirements demanded by the standards, they are not to be put into the market. 标准是规范或正式的政府机构或商业机构的国家出具的认可。他们具有法律效力,是对买卖双方具有约束力的。如果商品不符合规定的标准要求,他们是不能被投入市场的。 In international agricultural and by-product market, there is a commonly adopted standard, i.e. fair average quality (short for F. A. Q.) According to the explanation of some countries, F. A. Q. refers to the average quality level of export commodity within a certain period of time. F. A. Q. is rather sweeping. From a technical point of view, it indicates the average quality of the current corp. When adopting this kind of method, we should stipulate the main specifications indexes as well in the sales contract. 在国际农产品和副产品市场,有一个普遍采用的标准,即良好平均品质(简称F. A. Q.) 根据一些国家的解释,良好平均品质指的是商品出口的在一定时间内的平均质量水平。良好平均品质是相当笼统的。从技术角度来看,它表明目前公司的平均质量。 当采用这种方法时,我们应在销售合同中规定主要规格指标。 e.g. Chinese Peanut 2003 Crop, F.A.Q.例如中国花生2003作物,良好平均品质 Moisture (max.) 13%水份(最高)13% Admixture (max.) 5%添加剂(最大)5% Oil content (min.)44%含油量(最小)44% For the trading of wood and aquatic products, G. M. Q.(good merchantable quality) is used to indicate the quality. G. M. Q. means that the commodities are free from defects and are good enough for use or consumption. Actually, G. M. Q. is even more unclear disputes arise due to the quality of the commodities, the seller may have to be invited to make the arbitration. GMQ(商品质量)是用来表示木材和水产品的质量。 GMQ意味着商品无缺陷,是足以满足使用和消费的。其实,由于该商品的质量GMQ不能被清楚区分,卖方可能被邀请作 出仲裁。 2.1.2. Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark依照品牌名称或商标出售 Brand refers to the name, term, symbol, or design or a combination of these to identify a product. It has a narrow meaning in which an enterprise means to distinguish its products from the products of other enterprises. Trade mark is a legal term. It included all those words, symbols or marks that are legally registered for use by single company. It is a symbol or ornamental printed on a commodity or its packing. As to the commodities whose quality is stable, reputation is sound and with which the consumers or customers are familiar, the seller may sell them by brand name or trade mark. 品牌指的是名称,术语,符号,或设计用这些的组合来识别产品。它在企业中有一个狭窄的意义,是指区别于其他销售其产品的企业产品。 商标是一个法律术语。它包括所有的文字,符号,在法律上由单一公司使用注册商标。它在商品或者其包装印刷上是一个符号或装饰。 由于商品的质量稳定,信誉良好,为该消费者或客户所熟悉的,销售商用出售的品牌名称标注它们。 2.1.3 Sale by Name of Origin依据产地名称出售 Some products, especially native products, are often very famous and well-known by the name of origin, e.g. the sweet oranges from Huangyan, pears from Dangshan. As to these products, the origins may well indicate their quality. Thus, the place of origin may signify the quality of a product. When concluding a sales contract, both the buyer and seller like to mention the name or place of origin of these products to indicate their qualities. 有些产品,特别是土特产,往往很出名,原产地享誉盛名,如黄岩橘子,砀山梨。至于这些产品的起源表明其质量。因此,原产地可能意味着一个产品的质量。当订立销售合同,无论是买方和卖方都要提到它们的名称或这些产品的原产地用来表明他们的优点。 2.1.4 Sale by Description依据说明描述销售 The quality of some commodities, such as technological instruments, electric machines, etc. can not be simply indicated by quality indexes. Indeed, it is essential to explain in detail the structure, material, performance as well as methods of operation. Thus, the specific description of commodities are required to demonstrate the quality. Sometimes pictures, photos, charts, drawings, etc. must also be provided. 技术仪器,电气机械等部分商品的质量,不能简单地表示质量指标。事实上,对它们的结构,材料,性能以及操作方法的详细解释是必不可少的。因此,商品的具体描述是需要证明质量。有时候也必须提供图片,照片,图表,图画等。 2.2 Sale by Sample依据样本销售 A sample is a product, often taken out from a whole lot of consignment or specially designed and processed. Normally, the sample is provided for potential customers to see and buy the commodity or set aside as the quality standard of the whole consignment. As we know, garments, shoes, light industry commodities, and agricultural native products are often sold by samples. 一个样品是一个产品,往往从一大堆的货物采取特别设计和加工。通常情况下,样品提供给潜客户看,全部货物的质量标准一边。我们知道,服装,鞋,轻工品,农产品土特产往往出售样品。 2.2.1 Sale by the Seller’s Sample 依据卖方的样品 In this case, the seller shall provide a representative sample which will possess the moderate quality among a large quantity of the actual commodities and in the meantime keep a duplicate sample, which must be in quality on the whole as same as the standard sample. Generally, the sample dispatched and the duplicate sample kept should have the same item code or article number in order to deal with delivery, verification when both the buyer and the seller are handling quality disputes or future transactions. 在这种情况下,卖方应提供有代表性的样品,要保存一定量商品的实际数量,同时保持样品在整体的质量与标准样品中的等质量。一般来说,样品样本要保存有同一编码的一定数量,以便处理交货,核查时,以便是买方和卖方都能处理质量纠纷或未来的交易。 2.2.2 Sale by the Buyer’s Sample 依据买方的样品 Samples can also be provided by the buyer. They are given as the quality standard for the commodities to be provided and shipped by the seller. (1) In this case, the seller shall firstly consider the availability of the new material and possibility of providing the processing technology. (2) In order to take the initiative, the seller may reproduce the buyer’s sample, i.e. counter sample, and send it back to the buyer as a type sample. After the buyer has confirmed the counter sample, sale by the buyer’s sample is changed into sale by the seller’s counter sample. (3) The buyer and seller should stipulate clearly that in case the buyer’s sample results in any disputes of infringement of industrial property, the seller will have nothing to do with it. Under such circumstance, the buyer should be responsible for tackling the disputes arising from property right. 可由买方提供样品。他们指定提供的商品的质量标准然后卖方发货。 (1)在这种情况下,卖方应首先考虑新材料和加工技术的可用性。 (2)为了采取主动,买方可以复制卖方的样本,即等样品,并把它送回作为一种参考样品类型。然后,买方已确认等样品,由按照买方样品买卖改为由卖方出售的样品为准。 (3)买方和卖方应明确规定,若发生工业产权侵权纠纷时任何买家的抽样结果卖方将与它无关。在这种情况下,买方应为解决产权纠纷产生承担责任。 3. Quality Clause of Sales contract销售合同中的质量条款 The quality clause is one of the main conditions of sales contract. Both parties must agree upon the details covering the quality of contracted commodities. The quality clause usually involves the specifications, grade, standard or hand, etc. of the commodities. When the sales contract is based on sale by sample, it is necessary to indicate of the number of the sample and the date of dispatch. 销售合同中的质量条款是主要条件之一。双方必须就商品质量达成一致。 质量条款通常涉及的规格,等级,标准等。当销售合同是凭样品买卖的基础上,有必要说明样本数及开船日期。 e.g. 1. A6D Sensor Switches 2. Sample No.5 Raincoat 3. Chinese Northeast Soybean Moisture (max.) 15% Admixture (max.) 1% Imperfect Granules (max.) 7% Oil Content (max.) 17%
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