首页 金元典当教您单返相机的分类与价格辨别



金元典当教您单返相机的分类与价格辨别金元典当教您单返相机的分类与价格辨别 单返相机的分类与价格辨别 第一篇 佳能机身 一、佳能数码单反相机的分类 在胶片摄影时代,单反相机级别划分比较细致,分为:低端入门级、中低级、中级、中高级、准专业级、专业级。 到了数码摄影时代,单反相机的级别划分有简化的趋势,可能是数码单反相机的研制和制造费用都比较高的缘故吧,一般分为:低端入门级、中级、准专业级、专业级。 比如:佳能的400D是低端入门级,佳能的40D是中级机,佳能的5D是准专业级,佳能的1DS3是专业机。 入门级。佳能:EOS-1100D、EOS-...

金元典当教您单返相机的分类与价格辨别 单返相机的分类与价格辨别 第一篇 佳能机身 一、佳能数码单反相机的分类 在胶片摄影时代,单反相机级别划分比较细致,分为:低端入门级、中低级、中级、中高级、准专业级、专业级。 到了数码摄影时代,单反相机的级别划分有简化的趋势,可能是数码单反相机的研制和制造费用都比较高的缘故吧,一般分为:低端入门级、中级、准专业级、专业级。 比如:佳能的400D是低端入门级,佳能的40D是中级机,佳能的5D是准专业级,佳能的1DS3是专业机。 入门级。佳能:EOS-1100D、EOS-1000D、EOS-300D、EOS-350D、EOS-400D、EOS-450D、 550D、EOS-600D. 以550D为例,市面上的裸机价格约为3500左右。 EOS-500D、EOS- 中端。佳能:EOS-10D、EOS-20D、EOS-30D、EOS-40D、EOS-50D、EOS-60D、EOS-7D 以7D为例,市面上的裸机价格大约为6500元左右 高端。佳能:EOS-5D、EOS-5D mark?。市面上的裸机价格8000-10000。甚至更多。 旗舰。 佳能:EOS-1D mark?、EOS-1Ds mark?、EOS-1D mark?。市面上通常买不到,裸机价格通常保守估计15000元以上。 二、佳能数码单反相机编号方式 1、专业机型(1位数字+D):现役的有1D Mark III、1D Mark IV和5D Mark II(均为全画幅型)。佳能不象尼康只把一个数字用一次,它坚持用小数字,改进的机型后面就加Mark II、Mark III之类的标记。尼康的D3s和D3X与1D III及1D IV是同一重量级;而5DII(昵称无敌兔)与尼康D700是同一重量级。 2、准专业机型(1位数字+D):现役的是7D。它的编号显然无限接近了专业机型,这样做的好处将在下面论述。尼康相应重量级机型是D300s。 Nikon D300s和Canon 7D被称为各自的APS-C画幅旗舰机型(其实尼康非全画幅相机称为DX画幅,APS-C是佳能的叫法)。Nikon还有另一款D700全画幅数码单反,价格则位于rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs Canon 7D和Canon 5D II之间。同样的,Canon 7D的价格又位于Nikon D300s和D700之间。 3、中端机型(相当于尼康的高端入门机型)(2位数字+D):现役的是60D,与尼康的高端入门型价位相当。尼康与之竞争的机型是 Nikon D90和Nikon D7000,Canon 60D的价格也正好位于两者之间。 4、入门机型(以前是3位数字+D,现在则全面改称Rebel系列):之前还有称为550D的机型,实际上就是现在的Rebel T2i。另外入门型还有Rebel XS和Rebel T1i两款。其中Rebel XS是低端入门机(尼康相应的是D3000),Rebel T1i及其后续型Rebel T2i则算是中端入门型(注意还称不上是中端机,仍是纯入门机),尼康相应的是D3100和D5000。 ※佳能裸机的价格判断,型号上的数字越大价格越便宜。 三、尼康单返相机的机型。 家用型单反相机(入门级):D40、D40X、D60、D3000、D3100、D5000、D5100 普通专业单反相机:D50 、D70、D70S、D80、D90、D7000 中级专业单反相机:D100、D200、D300、D300S、D700 高级专业单反相机:D1、D1X、D1H、D2、D2XS、D2HS、D3、D3S、D3X 尼康数码单反机型前D字为:(Digital)数码系统 尼康数码单反机型后缀字母的含义:X:在原机型基础上增强了CMOS图象处理性能,大幅度提升了图像的尺寸面积。 S:在原机型基础上增强了CMOS的感光性能。 H:在原机型基础上提高了快门速度,连拍性能大幅度提升。 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 第二篇 镜头篇 一、相机镜头的基本常识。 一般来说,根据镜头,可以把相机划分为专业相机,准专业相机和普通相机三个档次,无论是传统的胶片相机还是数码相机,都可以适用于这个划分。镜头能分为变焦和定焦两大类。变焦镜头我们刚才已经试用了,就是焦距可变,也就是可以推拉的镜头。除此之外还有定焦镜头,就是焦距不能变只有一个焦段,或者说只有一个视角。 在镜头外观上二者存在明显的差异,定焦镜头只有对焦环(就是控制清晰度的,稍后介绍),而变焦镜头拥有两个环,一个对焦环(控制清晰度)和变焦环(控制视角,即推拉)。 ※焦距参数:表示镜头的焦距范围,单位为 mm CANON ZOOM LENS EF-S 10 -22mm 1:3.5-4.5 USM的信息。这些信息使我们判读出这款镜头的完整参数:佳能原厂EF-S电子卡口自动变焦镜头;焦距范围10 -22mm(超广角2倍变焦);最大光圈系数 3.5-4.5;采用了USM超声波马达。 另外,版本序号也是常见的标识文字内容之一,它表示该镜头在同规格镜头中,属于第几代产品。 较多的单反镜头里,佳能(Canon)和尼康(Nikon)的产品占据了大部份为市场主导地位,另外如宾得(Pentax)、适马(Sigma)、图丽(Tokina)和腾龙(Tamron)等知名品牌也各有一片天地。 二、相机镜头的分类。 镜头的种类很多,不存在一种“最好的”镜头。因为各种镜头都有独特的功能、适用范围和优点,针对拍摄需要去选择镜头,才是正确的。依据拍摄画面的不同效果及照相机镜头焦距的长短,通常镜头的种类有:标准镜头、广角镜头、远摄镜头、特殊镜头等。 1、标准镜头。其焦距长度等于或近于所用底片画幅的对角线,视角与人眼的视角相近似。 2、广角与超广角镜头。广角镜头的特点是:焦距短、视角广、景深长,而且均大于标准镜头。其视角超过人们眼睛的正常范围。这类镜头其最大的优点为在较近距离内拍摄较大的场景。 3、远摄与超远摄镜头。类镜头也称长焦距镜头,它具有类似望远镜的作用。这类镜头的焦距长于、视角小于标准镜头。如相机,焦距在200mm左右,视角在12度左右称为远摄镜头,焦距在300mm以上,视角在8度以下称为超远摄镜头。这类镜头具有的特点表现在:景深小,有利于摄取虚实结合的形象;视角小,能远距离摄取景物的较大影象,对拍摄不易接近的物体,如动物、风光、人的自然神态,均能在远处不被干扰的情况下拍摄;透视关系rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 被大大压缩,使近大远小的比例缩小,使画面上的前后景物十分紧凑,画面的纵深感从而也缩短;影象畸变差小,这在人像中尤为见长。 4、特殊镜头—微焦镜头。用于拍摄物体的细微变化,需要特别近距离的对焦。如:钻石,花草,小零件等。这种镜头的适用范围较小,市面上相对较少见。一般对焦距离为:30mm-60mm。照人像和景物基本是照不了的。 ※ 目前常见镜头—变焦镜头。变焦镜头是一种很有魅力的镜头。它的镜头焦距可在较大的幅度内自由调节,这就意味着拍摄者在不改变拍摄距离的情况下,能够在较大幅度内调节底片的成像比例,也就是说,一只变焦镜头实际上起到了若干只不同焦距的定焦镜头的作用。是目前市面上最常见的镜头。 变焦范围,,从变焦范围的角度看,基本种类有:20,,35mm左右的广角变焦镜头,35,,70mm左右的标准变焦镜头、70,,210mm 左右的中远变焦镜头,200,,400mm左右的远摄变焦镜头等。 三、镜头的价格判断(简单方法)。 简单分类。我把镜头大致分为三类:白圈镜头、黄圈镜头、红圈镜头。 1、白圈镜头:一般为相机套机自带镜头,一般用来照人像和景物用。成像效果相对不如其它镜头,但基本功能和适用范围比较广范,属于大众产品。价格相对也会较低。一般参考价格为:500-2000元不等。 2、黄圈镜头:中端镜头。这种镜头,一般是为了弥补红圈镜头的巨额价格,又比白圈镜头,具有一定针对性,参数数据要比白圈镜头更好一些。一般也以拍摄人像和景物为主,但具有一定针对性。2000-4000元不等。 、红圈镜头:专业镜头。这种镜头一般都为特殊镜头。用来在特定环镜下拍摄用。最常见3 的为广角与超广角,微焦拍摄用。此类镜头一般价格非常昂贵。市面价格通常为6000元至几万元不等。属于高端奢侈镜头。 ※尼康相机有时为红圈镜头,也属中高端产品,应相对观察。 四、相机与镜头的回收价格定位。 1、判断方法。 相机的回收准确的判断价格应该从两个方面着手,即为上述所说的机身与镜头两个部分。但正常绝大部分情况下,机身的品质与镜头的品质是对应的。所以在回收时,应首先观察机身的品牌型号与镜头的品牌型号。机身的价格不难判断,只要注意裸机价格、出厂的时间,判断市场对该机身的淘汰程度即可。而镜头的价格取决于镜头的好坏,因为镜头相对于相机来说更加的保值。价格幅度波动较少。所以如果一般的自带镜头折旧的价格应该尽量压低。而高端镜头如果条件允许,且质量无问题,可以适当提高回收价格。 2、计算公式(大致)。 (裸机报价-500)/2/2?200+镜头报价/2?100 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 五、相机的使用。 相机的使用是为了确保相机在可以开机的状态下观察相机的成像效果。以确保回收过程中不会收到劣质机和问题机。因为有的相机在肉眼观察下和简单使用下,不会出现常见问题,而在保存一段过程后才会展现出来,因此在回收的过程中应当进行正确的开机调试,步骤如下: 1、开机。单返相机的开关一般为右上方的一个划口开关,一般会标致OFF/ON将开关推到ON即可。 2、档位。一般相机分为很多档位,如:自动档、手动档、TV档、录像档、微焦档等。一般测试的时候默认调为自动档(?)或者手动档(M)也是一个划口开关。箭头对应的就是选择了该档位。 3、设置最大分辨率。在MENU按钮中,找出设置最大分辨的选项,选择最大分辨率来进行拍照,查看图像成像的效果。 4、光圈、快门与ISO。相机的光圈、快门、ISO决定了照相的明暗度和清晰度。完整的光圈值系列如: F1.0,F1.4,F2.0,F2.8,F4.0,F5.6,F8.0,F11,F16,F22,F32,F45,F64,一般室内会调整至F5.6,快门快门速度单位是“秒”。专业相机的最高快门速度达到1/16000秒。常见的快门速度有:1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/500 1/1000 1/2000 等,一般室内设置为1/60即可,ISO一般800左右即可。 ※光圈越大越亮,快门越小越亮,ISO越大越亮。拍移动的照片时,光圈快门要调的快一些,但快的同时,爆光的机率也会加大。 5、测试照相效果。分别测试一个最近距离与一个最远距离为稳妥善。但注意手不要抖动和提前拿开,可以平放在桌子上或者稳定的物体上拍照以确保成像的可靠性不会因人为因素而影响。 6、切换为录像档。查看录像功能是否损坏,录像档位是一个像录像机样子的档位,调到该档位上,操作与拍照类似,具体操作可找一单返相机试验。 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs
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