首页 [应用]现代商务汉英大词典l



[应用]现代商务汉英大词典l[应用]现代商务汉英大词典l 现代商务汉英大词典l 垃圾倾倒场||dumping ground 垃圾倾倒费,垃圾倾倒权||dumpage 垃圾箱核查||dustbin check 垃圾债券||junk bond 拉奥记分检验||Rao's scoring test 拉长短线||,基本建设, expand the underdeveloped industries 拉德克利夫委员会||,英国, Radcliffe Committee 拉丁货币同盟||Latin Monetary Union 拉丁美洲出口...

[应用]现代商务汉英大词典l 现代商务汉英大词典l 垃圾倾倒场||dumping ground 垃圾倾倒费,垃圾倾倒权||dumpage 垃圾箱核查||dustbin check 垃圾债券||junk bond 拉奥记分检验||Rao's scoring test 拉长短线||,基本建设, expand the underdeveloped industries 拉德克利夫委员会||,英国, Radcliffe Committee 拉丁货币同盟||Latin Monetary Union 拉丁美洲出口银行||Banco Latinoamericano de Exportaciones (BLADEX) 拉丁美洲动力组织||Organizacion Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE) 拉丁美洲工人中心||Latin American Center of Workers 拉丁美洲管理学院委员会||Latin American Council of Management Schools 拉丁美洲国家石油公司互助协会||Mutual Assistance Association of the Latin American Government Oil Companies 拉丁美洲和加勒比食糖出口国集团||Grupo de Paises Latinoamericanos y del Caribe Exportadores de Azúcar 拉丁美洲经济体系||Sistema Económico Latinoamericano (SELA); Latin American Economic System 拉丁美洲经济委员会||Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) 拉丁美洲一体化协会||Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI); Latin American Integration Association 拉丁美洲自由贸易区||Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA) 拉丁美洲自由贸易协会||Latin-American Free Trade Association 拉丁同盟法郎||Latin Union Franc 拉法热,科佩公司||,法国, Lafarge Coppée 拉后指标||lagging indicator 拉开差价档次||space out the difference in the prices 拉开收入差距||widen differences in personal income 拉克 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,拉克制||Rucker plan 拉克奖金制||Rucker premium system 拉平||flattening-off; flattening-out 拉平测时 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ||,工时学, leveling measurement system 拉平收入||even up the incomes 拉普拉塔河流域协定组织||Tratado dela Cuenca del Rio de La Plata 拉丝厂||drawing mill 拉丝车间||drawing plant 拉丝工||wiredrawer 拉延工序||drawing operation 拉制车间||drawing mill 喇嘛私人经商||lama-turned-businessmen 蜡模铸造||lost-wax casting; investment casting 蜡烛店,蜡烛杂货库||chandlery 蜡烛竞卖法||auction by candle 蜡烛商,蜡烛制造人||chandler 莱因,斯凯尔德,维罗梅工程和造船公司||,荷兰, Rijn-Schelde-verolme Machinefabriken en Scheepswerven N.V. 来到本国定居的年份||year of arrival in country to take up residence 来得容易的钱,来得容易的非正当收入||easy money; easy dollar; cheap money 来电无密押||no test 来户||,国际汇兑, vostro account 来回程租船契约||return voyage charter 来回 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ||to-and-fro method 来回票||return ticket 来货与样品不符||shipment not in accord with the sample 来件装配||assembling parts supplied by clients; assemblage of parts and components supplied by clients; assemblage business; assembling supplied parts 来件装配合同||contract for assembly 来料加工||processing materials supplied by clients 来料加工、来件装配、来样加工||processing with materials supplied by investor, processing according to samples supplied by investor and assembling parts supplied by investor 来料加工贸易||trade of processing with customer's materials 来去自由||,职业, freedom of job mobility 来去自由、提供优惠,劳动力流动,||encouraging free movement and providing preferential treatment 来人汇票||bearer's draft; cash order 来人票据||bearer bill; bearer certificate 来人提单||bearer bill of lading (BL) 来人支票||check payable to bearer; bearer check; bearer's check; check to bearer 来日交货||,商业, forward delivery 来往帐户||account current (ac); open account 来样定制||manufacturing-to-order against offered sample 来样加工||processing according to buyer's samples; processing with customer's materials 来源别||classified in source 来源地区||area of souree 来源国||country of origin 来源机构部门||institutional sector of origin 来源于农业的收入||income originating from agricultural industry 来源于中国的股息||dividend with a source in China 来帐,国际汇兑,||loro account; vostro account 来自公众的可用收入||applicable receipt from the public 来自国外汇票||incoming foreign bill 来自国外或美国领地的收入不予计列的规定||,美国税法, exclusion of income from sources outside the United States or within U.S. possessions 来自客户的现金收入||cash receipts from customers 来自陆地的海洋污染||pollution of the ocean originating on land 来自汽车的大气污染||air pollution from vehicles 赖债||repudiation 赖债者||repudiator 赖帐||bilk 蓝筹股||blue chip 蓝法||blue laws 蓝卡||,法国发行的一种信用卡, carte blue 蓝领工人||blue-collar worker 蓝领工人工会||blue-collar trade union 蓝皮书||blue book 蓝色所得税申报表||blue-form income tax return; blue-form return 蓝天法||,美国证券, blue-sky law 蓝图||blueprint 蓝鹰协定||Blue Eagle Agreement 栏||,资料库安排分别存放不同资料的位置, field 栏的高度||depth of column 栏外会计||below-the-line 栏外条款||marginal clause; warranted clauses 兰德.麦克纳利公司||,美国, Rand McNally and Company 兰德公司||,美国, Rand Corp. 兰德国际对策||Rand international politics game 缆车||cable car 缆车铁道||cable railway 缆索铁道||funicular railway 缆线购物||cable shopping 滥便宜的价格||dirt-cheap price 滥发钞票||issue banknotes recklessly; inflate paper currency; shinplaster 滥发的货币||funny-money 滥发奖金||overissue of bonuses; rampant distribution of bonuses; reckless bonus paying 滥发实物和补贴||indiscriminate handing out of subsidies in cash or in kind 滥发纸币||flood the market with paper money; inflate the paper currency 滥发纸币造成通货膨胀||inflate the paper currency 滥伐||,林业, denudation; rapine 滥砍乱伐林木||excessive cutting of trees 滥用代理权||abuse of the power of agency 滥用经费||squander funds 滥用权利||abuse of rights 滥用权力的解雇||abusive dismissal 滥用特权||breach of privilege 滥占耕地||cultivated land squandered 滥涨价||reckless price rise 滥支||lavish expenditure 朗罗公司||,英国, Lonrho Ltd. 浪冲||washing overboard 浪费经营||free-spending management 浪费钱财||waste substance 浪费人力物力||wasting manpower and material resources 浪费系数||coefficient of waste 浪损||swell damage 捞肥差的人||grabber 捞取便宜||bargain hunting 捞油水||rake-off 劳埃德保险单签署处||Lloyd's Policy Signing Office (LPSO); Bureau, The 劳埃德保险公司||Lloyd's Insurance Company 劳埃德保险经纪人协会||Lloyd's Insurance Broker's Association 劳埃德保险人,劳合社承保人||Lloyd's underwriter 劳埃德保险社,劳合社,劳氏||Lloyd's of London; Llds.; Lloyd's 劳埃德保险社承保人协会,劳合社承保人协会||Lloyd's Underwriters Association 劳埃德保险社代理人,劳埃德船级社代理人,劳合社代理人,劳氏代 理||Lloyd's agent (LA) 劳埃德 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 救助 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 书,劳合社求助契约标准格式||Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement; Lloyd's Form 劳埃德承保厅||Lloyd's Underwriting Room; Room, The 劳埃德船舶登记簿,劳埃德船舶年鉴||Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping; Lloyd's Register; Lloyd's Register book 劳埃德船级社,劳氏船级社,英国,||Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) 劳埃德登录处||Lloyd's Registry 劳埃德公司||,英国, Corporation of Lloyd's, The 劳埃德惯列||Lloyd's custom 劳埃德国际银行||Lloyd's Bank International Limited (LBI) 劳埃德海上货物保险单||Lloyd's S.G. Policy; S.G. insurance policy 劳埃德海损保证书,劳氏海损担保||Lloyd's average bond 劳埃德海损担保、保证和救助协议||Lloyd's Average Bond, Guarantee and Salvage Agreement 劳埃德机器证书||Lloyd's Machinery Certificate (LMC) 劳埃德鉴定人||Lloyd's surveyor 劳埃德经纪人||Lloyd's broker 劳埃德日报,劳氏海事情报||,英国, Lloyd's List 劳埃德事故报导周刊||Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports 劳埃德协会||,英国, Corporation of Lloyd's 劳埃德辛迪加||Lloyd's syndicate 劳埃德银行||,英国, Lloyd's Bank Ltd. 劳埃德装载报告周刊||Lloyd's Loading List 劳埃德准会员||Lloyd's associate 劳保,劳动保险||labor insurance 劳保福利||labor insurance and well-being 劳保条例||labor protection regulations; labor insurance regulations 劳保医疗||labor protection medical care 劳保支出||labor insurance expenditure 劳动安全||labor security 劳动安全保护费||labor safety protection expense; expenditure for protecting security of workers 劳动安全卫生法||law of labor safety and sanitary 劳动保护||labor protection 劳动保险待遇||labor insurance benefits 劳动保险管理||labor insurance administration 劳动保险集体事业||collective facilities of labor insurance 劳动保险经费||labor insurance fund 劳动保险委员会||labor insurance committee 劳动保险制度||labor insurance system 劳动报酬||payment for labor; remuneration for work; labor reward 劳动报酬差别||labor remuneration differential 劳动报酬管理||salary-and-wage administration 劳动变换,劳动调动,劳动换新,劳工移动率,劳工周转||labor turnover 劳动补偿金||workmen's compensation 劳动部门||employment department; organs in charge of employment; state labor departments; board of labor; labor departments 劳动部门费用||employment department expenses 劳动部门介绍就业、自愿组织起来就业和自谋职业相结合 ||employment by assignment through governmental labor departments should be integrated with voluntarily-organized employment and self-employment 劳动材料||materials of labor 劳动测量||work measurement 劳动测量中的外加时间||allowance in work measurement 劳动差别||labor differentials 劳动产品,劳动产物||products of labor 劳动产品的出让||alienation of product of labor 劳动成本||cost of labor 劳动成效||(increase the) fruitfulness of labor 劳动持续时间||duration of work 劳动冲突,劳资冲突||industrial dispute 劳动的边际生产率||marginal productivity of labor 劳动的变换||variation of labor; variation of work 劳动的持续时间||duration of labor; time expended by labor 劳动的电力装备率||rate of electricity consumption per unit of labor; rate of electricity available for equipment and per worker 劳动的二重性||dual character of labor; two-fold character of labor 劳动的分配份额||labor's share 劳动的供给||labor supply 劳动的货币名称||money-name of labor 劳动的机械装备率||rate of mechanization per unit of labor 劳动的价格||price of labor 劳动的可用性||labor availability 劳动的能源装备率||rate of energy consumption per unit of labor 劳动的人||(abstract existence of man as a mere workman 劳动的生产力||productive power of labor;productiveness of labor 劳动的市场需求曲线||market demand curve for labor 劳动的外化||alienation of labor 劳动的物化||materialization of labor 劳动的现实化||labor's realization 劳动的消费||consumption of labor power 劳动的正常强度||normal intensity of labor 劳动的自然生产力||natural productiveness of labor 劳动登记||labor registration 劳动登记册||labor registers 劳动等级||labor grade 劳动定额||work norm; production quota; labor quota; standard minute; subjects of labor 劳动定额标准||labor quota standard 劳动定额管理||work quota management 劳动定额水平||work quota level 劳动定额制定||fixing labor quota 劳动定员||ratio of workers and staff 劳动动力装备程度||power equipment level of production 劳动动态管理||dynamic management of the work force 劳动对象||object of labor; object belonging to labor 劳动对象固定不动的流水生产线||production line with fixed objects of labor 劳动对象流动的流水生产线||production line with mobile objects of labor 劳动法||labor law; labor code 劳动分工||division of labor 劳动分红||profit-sharing according to work 劳动分类||labor classification 劳动分配||allocation of labor 劳动份额||labor quotas 劳动服务费||labor service charge 劳动服务公司||labor service company; service company 劳动工分||workpoints 劳动工具||instruments of labor 劳动工时测定||rate fixing 劳动工资||labor and wages 劳动工资部门||authorities in charge of labor force and wages; labor administration and wages 劳动工资计划||labor and wage plan 劳动工资科||labor and wages department 劳动工资制度||labor and wage system 劳动供给量||quantity of labor supply 劳动管理||labor management; supervision of labor 劳动管理体制||system of labor management; labor control system 劳动过程||labor process 劳动耗费,劳动消耗||labor expenditure (on products); labor expended (on products); expenditure of human labor-power; (different modes of expending human labor-power 劳动和资本投入||inputs of labor and capital 劳动合同||labor contract 劳动合同制||system of labor contract 劳动互助||mutual aid in labor 劳动互助社||mutual-aid working groups; mutual aid group 劳动化||integrate oneself with the working people 劳动基金||labor fund 劳动机械化程度||level of mechanized production 劳动积累||accumulation of labor; investment of labor 劳动集约||labor intensive 劳动集约产品||labor-intensive products 劳动集约程度||labor intensity 劳动集约工业,劳动密集工业||labor-intensive industry 劳动集约技术,劳动密集技术,劳动密集生产方式||labor intensive technique 劳动集约商品,劳动密集产品||labor-intensive products; labor intensive goods 劳动技术等级配套||supplement each other with different degrees of labor and technology 劳动技术装备程度||level of equipment for per worker 劳动计划||labor plan 劳动纪律||work discipline; labor discipline 劳动价值||value of labor; labor value 劳动价值论||labor theory of value 劳动交换||exchange of labor 劳动节||Labor Day; International Labor Day (May 1) 劳动介绍所||employment agencies 劳动经济学||labor economics 劳动竞赛||labor emulation; emulation campaign; emulation drive 劳动考核||labor assessment 劳动立法||labor legislation 劳动力||labor force; manpower; work force; labor power 劳动力安排||organize work force; job placement 劳动力补偿||compensation of labor 劳动力补偿费用||fees for labor power compensation 劳动力不足||short of manpower; shorthanded; manpower shortage 劳动力参加率||labor force participation rate (LEPR) 劳动力储备||fund of labor 劳动力储藏,劳动力贮存||labor hoarding 劳动力大量剩余市场||substantial-labor surplus market 劳动力的部分个人所有权||partial individual ownership of labor 劳动力的部分所有者||partial owners of labor 劳动力的供求状况||supply situation with respect to the labor force 劳动力的净增||net addition to labor force 劳动力的买和卖||sale and purchase of labor power 劳动力的平均价格||average price of labor 劳动力的社会必要培育费用||social training costs necessary for labor power 劳动力的使用权和支配权||right of use of labor and control 劳动力的数量和结构||size and structure of labor force 劳动力的削减,指在生产过程中把技术性操作分成若干过程,用熟练 工人替换非 熟练工人,||dilution of labor 劳动力的职业性流动,职业流动性||occupational mobility 劳动力等级||labor grade 劳动力调查||labor force survey 劳动力调配||allocation of the labor force; deployment of manpower 劳动力调配表||man-assignment schedule 劳动力短缺地区||labor shortage area 劳动力费用总额||total labor cost 劳动力供应垄断,劳动力垄断||labor monopoly 劳动力管理||manpower management 劳动力过剩||labor redundancy; abundance of labor 劳动力汇总表||labor summary 劳动力价格||price of labor power 劳动力价格的货币转换||transformation of money from an expression of the price of labor power 劳动力价值||value of labor; labor value; value of labor power; cost of labor 劳动力价值化||valuation of labor 劳动力结构||structure of labor force 劳动力紧张||manpower in great demand 劳动力老化||aging of labor force 劳动力利用调查||manpower utilization survey 劳动力利用经济效果系数||economic result coefficient of work force utilization; economic efficiency coefficient of labor utilization 劳动力利用率||utilization rate of labor power 劳动力流动率,劳动力周转率,劳力周转额,劳力转移||labor turnover 劳动力流动性||labor liquidity; mobility of labor 劳动力流动状况||degree of mobility within the labor force 劳动力买卖||buying and selling of labor power 劳动力培训||work force training 劳动力培养费用||expenses for work-force training 劳动力平衡表||balance sheet of labor force; work force balance graph 劳动力情况表||returns of labor 劳动力商品||labor power as a commodity 劳动力商品的价格||price of labor power as a commodity 劳动力商品的价值||value of labor power as a commodity 劳动力商品的使用价值||use-value of labor power as a commodity 劳动力商品的属性||commodity attribute of labor force in socialist commodity economy) 劳动力商品排除在外的发达的商品经济||developed commodity economy that excludes labor power from the realm of commodities 劳动力剩余的经济||labor-surplus economy 劳动力市场,劳动市场||labor market; market for labor 劳动力市场分析||labor market analysis 劳动力市场经济学||labor market economics 劳动力数量||size of labor force 劳动力所有制||ownership of labor power 劳动力统计||manpower statistics 劳动力统配统包||unified distribution of work force 劳动力退出商品交换||withdrawal of labor power from the sphere of commodity exchange 劳动力退出市场||retreat of labor force from the market 劳动力需求计划(表)||demand schedule for employment 劳动力需求量||labor requirements; manpower requirements 劳动力移动||labor migration 劳动力移动性||labor mobility 劳动力预测||manpower forecasting 劳动力再配置||manpower relocation 劳动力再生产||reproduction of labor power 劳动力增广的技术进步||labor augmenting technical progress 劳动力占用费||fees for use of labor; labor employed cost 劳动力占用量||amount of labor employed 劳动力占用与消耗||use and consumption of labor 劳动力质量差异的结构||qualitatively heterogeneous composition of the labor force 劳动力转移||transfer of labor force 劳动力状况抽样调查||labor force sample survey 劳动力资本比,劳动与资本比率||labor-capital ratio 劳动力资源||human resources; pool of labor power 劳动力资源配置||distribution of labor resources 劳动力自然更新速度||natural renewal of labor power 劳动力总数||total labor force; total labor 2007-3-17 14:13:36 yixian 等级:超级版主 文章:123 积分:133 注册:2007年4月13日第 40 楼 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 劳动量||quantum of labor; amount of labor; labor amount; labor content 劳动量的符号||token that stands for the amount of labor 劳动量的实现||realization of the quantum of labor 劳动量支出的大小||size of expenditure of labor 劳动量指标||indicator of man-hour 劳动流程表||labor flow table 劳动率标准||labor rate standard 劳动密集企业||labor-intensive enterprises 劳动密集生产||labor-intensive production 劳动密集型的产品出口||export of labor-intensive products 劳动密集型方法||labor intensive method 劳动密集型工业产品||labor-intensive industrial product 劳动密集型项目||labor-intensive projects 劳动能力||work ability; productive capacity 劳动能力使用者||exponent of labor-power 劳动能量||capacity of labor 劳动年限||(people have longer) working lives 劳动凭证||labor certificate 劳动期间||duration of work; working period 劳动迁移||labor migration 劳动强度||intensity involved in labor; labor intensity; intensity of labor; effort 劳动权||right to work 劳动权利法||Right-to-Work Law 劳动券,劳动证券||labor certificates; labor note 劳动群众集体所有制||collective ownership by laborers; collective ownership by the working people 劳动人口||laboring population; working population 劳动人民集体所有制的合作经济||cooperative economy collectively owned by the working people 劳动人日报表||daily force report 劳动人事管理||labor and personnel management 劳动人事制度||labor and personnel system 劳动人寿保险公司||industrial life insurance company 劳动日||workday; working day 劳动日标准产量,农业联产承包,||amount of standard output per working day 劳动日长度||length of working day 劳动日单价||unit price of working day 劳动日值||value of working day 劳动生产力||productiveness of labor; labor productivity 劳动生产力指数,劳动生产率指数||labor productivity index 劳动生产率||labor productivity; labor capacity; productivity; productivity of labor; productive power of laborer 劳动生产率不断增长规率||law governing the constant growth of labor productivity 劳动生产率动态||dynamics of labor productivity 劳动生产率计划||labor productivity plan 劳动生产率指标||indicator of labor productivity 劳动生产率指数||labor productivity index 劳动生产物的价值形态||value-form of the product of labor 劳动生活素质,劳动生活质量||quality of working life 劳动时间||labor time; hours of labor; duration of labor 劳动时间的节约||economizing on labor time; saving on labor time; saving labor time 劳动时间量||amount of labor time 劳动适龄人口||active labor force 劳动适应||adaptation of work 劳动市场||labor market 劳动市场的缺陷||imperfections in job markets 劳动市场紧缺||tight labor market 劳动收入,劳动所得||labor income; income from work; earned income; proceeds of labor 劳动手册||work record card; labor handbook 劳动手段||means of labor; instruments of labor 劳动熟练程度||skill of labor 劳动所得分配率||rate of distribution of labor income 劳动所得最高税额||maximum tax on earned income 劳动态度||attitude toward working; attitude toward labor; productive conscien-tiousness 劳动条件||labor conditions; working environment 劳动统计||labor statistics; labor force statistics 劳动统计年报表||annual abstract of labor statistics 劳动投入||labor input 劳动投入产出比||output-input labor ratio 劳动投入量||labor input 劳动投入率||rate of labor input 劳动投入统计||statistics on labor input 劳动卫生||occupational hygiene; labor hygiene 劳动物化在商品中||labor realizes itself in commodities 劳动限额雇用规则||quota rule 劳动相互分离||dispersal of labor 劳动消耗投入产出模型||model of input-output in labor consumption 劳动小时数||labor hours 劳动效率||efficiency of labor; work efficiency; labor efficiency 劳动协作||labor coordination 劳动形成价值||labor creates value 劳动与资本相对密集程度||relative labor and capital intensity 劳动与资本资源||labor and capital resources 劳动者法则||Statute of Laborers 劳动者个体经济||individual economy of the working people; individual economy practised by the working people 劳动者公社||communities of working people 劳动者家庭支出水平||living expenditure of workers households 劳动者联合体||associations of laborers 劳动者生产率||productivity of workman 劳动者素质||educational level of workers; laborer's quality 劳动者与生产资料结合||integration of laborers with the means of production; combination of human labor and the means of production; concrete manner by which workers unite with the means of production 劳动争议||labor dispute 劳动指标||labor index 劳动制度||labor system; labor allocation system 劳动质量||quality of labor 劳动专业化||labor specialization 劳动准则法||labor standard law 劳动资料||instruments of labor; means of labor; implements of labor 劳工保险||workmen's compensation insurance 劳工保险局||bureau of labor insurance 劳工成本||labor cost 劳工法||labor laws 劳工关系||labor relations 劳工关系管理报告和泄漏法||Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act 劳工关系局||Labor Relations Board 劳工及福利支出||labor and welfare expenditure 劳工介绍所||,英国, labor exchange; employment exchange 劳工垄断||labor monopoly 劳工赔偿||work compensation 劳工统计局||,美国, Bureau of Labor Statistics 劳工险||labor insurance 劳工银行||operatives' bank; labor banks 劳工运动||labor movement 劳合社“海损担保”格式,劳氏“海损担保”格式||Lloyd's "Form Average Bond 劳合社,又称“劳埃德保险社”,||Lloyd's Insurance Pool 劳合社报告||Lloyd's Report 劳合社船级,劳氏船级||Lloyd's class 劳合社船级规范||Lloyd's Rule 劳合氏船舶动态日报||Lloyd's Shipping Index 劳合氏船级协会||Lloyd's 劳合氏船级协会船舶年鉴||Lloyd's register 劳合氏市场即伦敦保险市场||Lloyd's Market 劳力成本差异||labor cost differential 劳力的保养||maintenance of manpower 劳力的流动性||mobility of labor 劳力调查||labor force survey 劳力非机动性||immobility of labor 劳力供应源||labor pool 劳力股股东||working partner 劳力交换||,即按所需劳力而不以货币为媒介的产品交换) labor exchange 劳力节省机械||labor-saving machinery 劳力节省机械工业||labor-saving machinery industry 劳力流动性||labor liquidity 劳力增加型技术变化||labor-augmenting technical change 劳联,产联,美国,||American Federation of Labor (AFL)-Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO); AFL-CIO 劳务||labor service; personal service; service; workforce 劳务保险单||service policy 劳务报酬||remuneration for personal services; reward for personal services compensation for personal services; compensation for services 劳务产能||service capacity 劳务成本||service cost; cost of services 劳务成本原则||cost of service principle 劳务出口||labor service export; exporting services 劳务出资||service contribution 劳务的预分配||provisional division of services; tentative division of services 劳务范围||range of services 劳务费||service charge; fees for hiring services; fee for labor service; labor service fee; cost of service 劳务分配||division of services 劳务份额||share of services 劳务副费||labor related fee 劳务购买||purchase of services 劳务合同||contract of service; contract for service; service contract 劳务合作||cooperation in the field of labor service; cooperation of labor service 劳务价格||price of labor service 劳务价值||value of labor service 劳务交换||labor exchanges 劳务捐献||contribution in services 劳务量||volume of services 劳务贸易||service trade 劳务商品||labor service as a commodity 劳务生产基础||service-yield basis 劳务时间表||schedule of services 劳务使用价值||use-value of labor service 劳务市场||labor service market; labor market; labor exchange 劳务收入||service receipts; labor income; sales of service 劳务输出||labor service export; service export 劳务税||service tax 劳务信用||service credit 劳务帐||service account 劳务支出||expenditure of labor service 劳役||corvée; forced labor; penal servitude 劳役偿债制||peonage 劳役地租||labor rent; rent in the form of service 劳役地租制||corvée system 劳资冲突||conflict between the employer and employee; clash between capital and labor 劳资大统一||direct state control over the activities of enterprises in terms of the deployment of labor force and standardization of wage scales 劳资关系||labor-capital relations; labor management relations; relations between labor and capital; employee-employer relations; labor relations; industrial relations 劳资关系法||Labor-Management Relations Act ,美国,; labor relations law 劳资关系上不公正的做法||unfair labor practices 劳资关系现场检查员||field examiner 劳资合作||union-management cooperation 劳资合作论||doctrine of collaboration between labor and capital 劳资集体谈判,劳资谈判||collective bargaining 劳资集体谈判权||right of collective bargaining 劳资集体协议||collective labor agreement 劳资纠纷,劳资争议||industrial dispute; trade dispute; labor dispute; labor trouble 劳资纠纷调解委员||prud'homme 劳资纠纷调停法案||conciliation act 劳资纠纷仲裁||arbitration in disputes between labor and capital 劳资两利||benefit both labor and capital 劳资双方||labor and management 劳资协调||labor-capital collaboration 劳资协定||labor agreement; trade agreement 劳资协商会议||trade board 劳资协议||,行业性的, trade agreement; trade collective bargaining agreement; agreement between labor and management; labor contract 劳资协议程序||agreed procedure 劳资协议会||works council; joint labor-management conference 劳资争议法庭||labor court 劳资争议统计||statistics of labor disputes 劳资总协定||blanket agreement 老板||proprietor; boss shopkeeper 老板娘||proprietress; shoopkeeper's wife 老干部离休制度||system of retirement of old cadres 老工业基地||old industrial base 老工作区||,采矿, old workings 老化机组||aging units 老化设备||obsolescent equipment 老化效应||aging effect 老龄化||aging 老龄化问题||aging population problem 老年、遗族、残废和医疗保险||old age, survivors, disability and hospital insurance (OASDHI) 老年保险||insurance for old age; old age insurance 老年补助||old age assistance 老年和遗族保险||old-age and survivors' insurance (OASI) 老年及遗族保险信托基金||old-age and survivors insurance trust fund 老年人口||aging population; aged population 老年人税收减免||old person allowance 老年人税收优惠减免||credit for the elderly 老年人死亡率||mortality in old age; mortality of old age 老年社会保障措施||measures to provide social security to the elderly 老年市场||senior citizen market 老钱||old money 老挝国家银行||Banque Nationale du Laos 老帐||old account 老主顾||regular customer; old customer 老祖父条款||Grandfather Clause 烙印||branding 乐观估定成效时间||optimistic performance time 乐观估计时间||optimistic time 乐观误差||errors of optimism 乐器店||musical instrument shop 雷达性能监听器||radar performance monitor (RPM) 雷丁公司||,美国, Reading Company 雷姆茨马烟草公司||,德国, Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH 雷诺工业公司||,美国, Reynolds Industries, Inc. 雷诺金属公司||,美国, Reynolds Metals Co. 雷诺汽车公司||,法国, Renault 雷锡昂公司,美国,||Raytheon Corp. 累积||accumulation; accumulative; accumulate; cumulation; cumulate 累积比较||cumulative comparison 累积表||accumulation schedule 累积部分学习法||cumulative-part method 累积财富||accumulated wealth 累积差额收益||cumulative margin 累积偿债基金||cumulative sinking fund; accumulative sinking fund 累积赤字||cumulative deficit 累积出生率||cumulative birthrates 累积的||cumulative 累积的扩张||progressive extension 累积罚款数额||accrue penalty 累积法,累计法||accumulation method; cumulative method 累积分布||cumulative distribution 累积概率图,累积机率图||cumulative probability graph 累积购货量折扣||cumulative quantity discount 累积估计||accumulative estimation 累积股本,累积股份||cumulative stock; cumulative capital stock 累积股利,累积股息,累计股利,累计股息||accumulated dividend; accumulative dividend; cumulative dividend 累积故障率||cumulative failure rate 累积观测||cumulative observations 累积过程||accumulated process; cumulative process 累积红利||cumulative dividend; cumulative bonus 累积基金,累计基金||accumulated fund 累积计量||summation metering 累积计时法||cumulative timing 累积加价||cumulative mark-on 累积加权法||aggregate-value method of weighting 累积结构分散化||decentralization of accumulation structure 累积考核分数,累计考核分数||cumulative rating score 累积亏绌,累计亏空,累积亏损||cumulative deficit; accumulated deficit 累积利润,累计利润||accumulated profit 累积利息,累计利息||cumulative interest; accumulated interest 累积每元每期付款数||periodic payment accumulating to 1 累积纳税基数||cumulative basis 累积时间序列||cumulative time series 累积使用循环信用证||cumulative revolving credit; cumulative revolving letter of credit 累积收益率||accumulated earnings ratio 累积收益税||accumulated earnings tax 累积数分布||cumulative distribution 累积税||progressive taxation 累积体积||cumulative volume 累积条款||cumulative provisions 累积投票法,累积投票权||cumulative voting 累积图表||cumulative charts 累积误差,累计误差||cumulative error; accumulated error 累积薪资调整||cumulative salary adjustment 累积性损害评估||cumulative injury assessment 累积需求||demand carry-over 累积遗赠||cumulative legacy 累积因果论||cumulative causation theory 累积因果模型||cumulative causation model 累积盈余,累计盈余||accumulated surplus; accumulated gains; accumulated profit 累积盈余准备金的附加利息||interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve 累积优先股||cumulative preference stock; cumulative preference share; cumulative preferred stock 累积责任||cumulative liability 累积折旧率||accumulated depreciation ratio 累积值||accumulated value 累积装卸时间||cumulative hour 累积资本||accumulating capital; rolling capital 累积总供给函数||aggregate supply function 累积总需求价格||aggregate demand price 累计编号法||accumulative numbering method 累计表,累进表||progressive schedule; accumulation schedule 累计采油量||cumulative recovery 累计产量需求||cumulative requirements 累计产量最大需求||cumulative maximum requirements 累计常态分配函数表||table of the cumulative normal distribution 累计超额赔款分保||aggregate stop loss 累计存货||accumulated stock 累计的消费基金||aggregate consumption funds累计额,累积额||accumulated amount 累计分类帐||progressive ledger 累计概率分配||cumulative probability distribution 累计工业总产值||total cumulative output value of industry 累计金额||accruing amounts 累计净收益计算书||statement of accumulated net income 累计净提款额||cumulative net drawings 累计净现金流量||net accumulated cash flow 累计利用||cumulative utilization 累计盘存法||progressive inventory method 累计平均||progressive means; progressive average 累计平均盘存法||progressive average inventory method 累计欠额||cumulative shortfalls 累计舍入误差||accumulated roundoff error 累计时值系数||accumulative future value coefficient; accumulated time value coefficient 累计收入,累积收益||accumulated income; accumulated earnings 累计数量折扣||cumulative quantity discount 累计损失||aggregate losses 累计未发股息||accumulated dividend 累计现金流通曲线图||accumulated cash in circulation curve 累计原产地||cumulative origin 累计原产地待遇||cumulative origin treatment 累计帐户||accumulation account 累计折旧||accumulated depreciation 累计折现系数||accumulated coefficient for converting present value; accumulative discount coefficient 累计支出||accumulated outlay 累计自然采油量||cumulative physical recovery 累计总数||cumulative total 累加利息||cumulative interest 累加平均盘存法||progressive average inventory 累加平均数,累进平均数||progressive average 累加值||accumulated value 累加总数||progressive total 累进的||progressive 累进分期付款||graduated installment; graduated payment mortgage (GPM) 累进付款||progressive payment 累进工资||progressive wage 累进计件工资制||progressive piece-rate wage system 累进课税||progressive taxation 累进切削法||progressive cutting 累进税||progressive tax; graduated tax 累进税结构||progressive tax structure 累进税率||progressive tax rate; progressive rates; graduated rates 累进税制||progressive taxation; progressive tax system; progressive tax rate system 累进所得税||progressive income tax; progressive income taxation 累进现金预算||progressive cash budget 累进性奖金,超额生产的,||accelerating premium 累进遗产税||progressive inheritance tax 累进征税||graduated taxation 累欠利息||interest on sum in arrears 累退课税,累减课税||degressive taxation; regressive taxation 累退税||regressive tax; degressive tax 累退税率||degressive tax rate; regressive tax rate 类||species 类似地租||quasi-rent 类似货物||similar goods 类似货物的成交价格||transaction value of similar goods 类似垄断||quasi-monopoly 类似商品总吨数||gross tonnage of similar commodities 类似销售区||brick areas 类似信用证||similar credit 类似样品||same quality sample; similar sample 类随机性||randomlikeness 类推||analogy 类型||type; norm 类型工艺,类型加工||type technology 类型虚拟变量||category dummy variable 类型学||typology 类指数||index of class; grouped index number; class index 冷背商品||unsalable goods 冷藏舱||refrigerated compartment 冷藏仓库||cold storage; freezer 冷藏船||refrigerated carrier; refrigerated ship; refrigerated freighters 冷藏工业||refrigeration industry 冷藏货,冷冻货||refrigerated goods; frozen cargo; chilled cargo 冷藏货柜,冷冻货柜||refrigerated container; refrigerated enclosed container; reefer container 冷藏货运价||refrigerated cargo rate 冷藏库||refrigerator warehouse 冷藏连销||cold chain 冷藏条款||refrigeration clause 冷冻餐食||frozen dinner 冷冻厂||refrigerating plant; cold storage plant 冷冻成形加工||cryo-forming; cryogenic forming 冷冻工人||chiller 冷冻货特约条款||refrigerated cargo clause 冷冻设备||refrigerating installation 冷柜||ice-box; refrigerator 冷货||goods not much in demand; dull goods; stop keeper 冷加工||cold working 冷加工精整||cold-finish 冷门股票||inactive stock; low-price issues 冷气货||air-cooled cargo 冷却剂||coolant 冷却期||,证券, cooling-off period; cooling period 冷温货||chilled cargo 冷硬加工||chilled work 冷硬铸法||case-hardened casting 厘||,千分之一美元,只用于统计, mill 厘金,厘捐||likin 犁牛站||cattle-ploughing station 黎巴嫩银行||Banque du Liban 黎曼分布||Riemann distribution 离岸加运费价格||,运输业用语, cost and freight (CAF) 离岸价格||free on board (FOB); FOB price; FOB value 离岸价格包括理仓平仓费用在内||FOB stowed and trimmed 离岸金融市场||offshore financial market 离岸银行业务(又称||境外货币交易) : offshore banking 离岸重量||shipping weight 离港证明书||cert
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