首页 防雷检测复习题



防雷检测复习题防雷检测复习题 检测复习题 一( 填空 1、建筑物防雷分类主要应根据……..等综合考虑分为三类。 2、在检测总等电位连接情况时,应检测的指标主要是。。。。。。。 3、电源SPD的Up应低于 ,一般应加上 的安全裕量。 3、. 外部防雷装置包括…..等。 4(第二类防雷建筑物的引下线不应少于 根,并应沿建筑物四周 布置,当仅利用建筑物四周钢柱、或柱内钢筋作为引下线时,可按跨度设引下线,但引下线平均间距不大于 m。 5在设有信息系统的建筑物需防雷击电磁脉冲的情况下,当该建筑物不属于第一类、第二类和第三类防...

防雷检测复习 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 检测复习题 一( 填空 1、建筑物防雷分类主要应根据……..等综合考虑分为三类。 2、在检测总等电位连接情况时,应检测的指标主要是。。。。。。。 3、电源SPD的Up应低于 ,一般应加上 的安全裕量。 3、. 外部防雷装置包括…..等。 4(第二类防雷建筑物的引下线不应少于 根,并应沿建筑物四周 布置,当仅利用建筑物四周钢柱、或柱内钢筋作为引下线时,可按跨度设引下线,但引下线平均间距不大于 m。 5在设有信息系统的建筑物需防雷击电磁脉冲的情况下,当该建筑物不属于第一类、第二类和第三类防雷建筑物和不处于其他建筑物或物体的保护范围内时,宜将其划属 或 类防雷建筑物。 6. 接地装置的接地电阻(或冲击接地电阻)值应符合 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 要求,有关 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规定的设计要求值为: 接地装置的主体 允许值/Ω 接地装置的主体 允许值/Ω a第一类防雷建筑物防雷装置 天气雷达站共用接地 ? ? a汽车加油、加气站防雷装置 配电变压器(B类) ? ? 7. 接地装置的工频接地电阻值的测量常用 法,其测得的为 接地电阻值,但需要冲击接地电阻值时,应按公式 的规定进行换算。 低压电源SPD绝缘电阻测试应施加 V的直流电压,其带电部件与可能触及到的SPD金属部件之间的绝缘电阻不应小于 MΩ。 建筑物中为减小感应效应而采取的措施通常有 措施、 措施 、 措施,这些措施可组合使用。 7、接闪带的材料、结构与最小截面当使用热浸镀锌扁钢时, 2其厚度应不低于 mm,最小截面应不低于 (mm)。 最大持续运行电压U是选择220/380V三相配电系统中的电涌保护器(SPD)时的一项重要指标, TNC 制供电系统中安装的SPD的U不应小于 V。 C U8. 选择电子系统中信息技术设备信号电涌保护器,值一般不高于系统运行时信号线上的最高工c 作电压的 倍, 9(当在线路上多处安装SPD时,电压开关型SPD与限压型SPD之间的线路长度不宜小于 m,methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cable channel, u-channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management required from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electricity given this project of welded steel and concrete construction 若小于10m应加装 元件。限压型SPD之间的线路长度不宜小于 m。 10. 连接导体应符合相线采用 、 、 色。保护线用 的要求。 11.在高土壤电阻率地区,降低接地电阻通常采用的方法有。。。。。。 12.计量必须具有哪四个特点? 13(电子计算机机房宜将交流工作接地(要求? Ω)、交流保护接地(要求? Ω)、直流 工作接地(按 确定接地电阻值)、防雷接地共用一组接地装置,其接地电 阻按 确定。 14. 连接导体色标应符合中性线用 色,保护线用 的要求。 15.SPD两端的引线长度之和不宜超过 m ,否则应采用_ ___接法。 16(在检测总等电位连接情况时,应检测的指标主要是_ __、_ _、 _等。 17. 是电压开关型SPD的一个致命弱点。 是限压型SPD的一个弱点。现场安装时解决的主要办法是 。 18、对于除放电间隙外的SPD,要想发现其老化的程度,可进行泄漏电流测试。当泄漏电流太大,大于 µA,或泄漏电流 ,就应考虑更换。否则,易引起SPD发热、爆炸(热崩溃)现象发生。 17 选择电子系统中信息技术设备信号电涌保护器,若RS422/485接口的工作电压为5V,值一Uc般应为 - V。值一般不高于系统运行时信号线上的最高工作电压的 倍。 Uc 18.检测报告由______填写、________校核并签字,经_______签发,并________________。 19.SPD两端的引线长度之和不宜超过_____m ,否则应采用______接法。 19. mA以下的额定漏电动作电流为高灵敏度保护器,主要用于防止各种人身触电事故。 mA以上属低灵敏度保护器,用于防止漏电火灾和监视一相接地事故。额定漏电不动作电流(I) 的优选值为 。 ?no 20.测量不确定度是…… 21(为保证证书、技术报告等的唯一性及防止数据丢失,一般证书、技术报告格式必须包括…… 22.使用防雷元件测试仪对限压型SPD的泄漏电流值进行静态试验。规定在 下测试。合格判定:当实测值大于生产厂标称的最大值时,或者 时可判定为不合格,如生产厂未标定出I值时,一般不应大于 。 le 4、U是表征绝缘材料对 的特定耐受能力。主要考虑 线与地线之间W 的共模冲击耐受电压。 6、闪电放电在导线上所产生的感应过电压波是由 和 两种原因造成,这个脉冲电压波的峰值约与 和 及 有关。 methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cable channel, u-channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management required from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electricity given this project of welded steel and concrete construction 5、雷电电磁脉冲是一种电磁效应。指围绕整个系统具有 、 效应的脉冲。包括 性电涌以及 性的冲击电磁场效应。 22( 在等电位联结中,连接电阻应不大于____Ω,连接电阻过大的可能原因有…….. 23(电源SPD绝缘电阻测试应施加______伏直流电压,其带电部件与可能触及到的SPD金属部件之间的绝缘电阻不应小于______MΩ. 24(《电子计算机场地通用 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 》GB/T2887-2000对电源频率波动明确规定, A级计算机频率允许 波动范围为 Hz.波形失真率A级不应超过 , 25(为了减少相邻接地体的屏蔽作用(垂直接地体的间距不宜小于其长度的 倍( 接地网的埋深一般范围采用 m。 26(各级防雷工程质量检验机构在对某行业进行防雷检测时,选择使用标准的顺序是…. 分流型SPD在没有电涌时具有 阻抗,有浪涌电压时能立即转变成 阻抗。 二.选择题 一般建筑物用圆钢作为明装引下线时,圆钢直径应不小于多少, ( ) A:8mm ; B:10mm; C:16mm 在一个有直击雷防护装置的建筑物内的封闭金属机柜内的设备处于防雷分区的哪个区, ( ) A:0区; B:1区; c:2区 粮、棉及易燃物大量集中的露天堆场,宜采取防直击雷措施,当其年计算雷击次数大于或等于0.06时,宜采用独立避雷针或架空避雷线防直击雷,独立避雷针和架空避雷线保护范围的滚球半径hr可取 高层建筑物是否可以利用建筑物女儿墙内的钢筋作暗敷避雷带。 ( ) A:可以 ; B:不可以; C: 无所谓 , 等电位连接电阻检测的方法可以用专用的低电阻测试仪,一般应不大于0.03欧姆。测量电流应不小于 6.15按0.1修约间隔修约后为 ( ) A:6.1; B:6.2; C:6.10; D:6.20 methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates pr第 3 页 共 7 页 oduction templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cable channel, u-channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management required from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electricity given this project of welded steel and concrete construction 电源变压器的中性点直接接地,可触及的导电部件与PE导体相连接,在全系统内N线和PE线是分开的。这种系统属于 ( ) A: TT系统; B: TN-C系统 C: TN-S系统 用文纳四极法测量土壤电阻率时,要想测量地表面到6米深度范围内平均土壤电阻率。若测量电极间距离应为: ( ) A:2m ; B:4m; C: 6m 7. 防雷工程质量检验机构在对某行业进行防雷检测时,可以选择使用标准为: ( ) A:国际标准 ; B:国家标准; C: 行业标准 8. 超过40m的烟囱用圆钢作为明装引下线时,圆钢直径应不小于: ( ) A:8mm ; B:12mm; C:16mm 9. 一个敏感的信息设备应处于防雷分区的哪个区, ( ) A:0区; B:1区; C:2区 10. 奥运场馆水立方应划为 ( ) A:第一类防雷建筑物; B:第二类防雷建筑物; C:第三类防雷建筑物 11.使用仪表对数值范围不明确的量测量时, ( ) A:应从高档位开始向低档位转换 ; B:低档位转高档位; C: 都可以 12. 对电位降法,在主接地电极有它的电阻区域,在电流电极也有它的电阻区域。为正确测量接地电阻,两者的电阻区域。 ( ) A:必须互不交叠; B:必须互相交叠; C: 都可以 13(非接触测量法(双夹钳法)适用于 ( ) A:多点接地系统; B:单点接地系统 C: 都可以; 14(储存油品的金属储罐若采用铁质钢罐,其最小罐壁厚度应不小于: ( ) A: 6mm; B:5mm C:4mm15:消除引线互感对测量的干扰应 ( ) A:加大测量频率; B:加大测试电流; c:测试电极三角形布置 16:非接触测量法(双夹钳法)适用于 ( ) A:多点接地系统; B:单点接地系统 C: 都可以; 17: 若由测量知干扰频率为,,Hz,则接地电阻测试仪采用以下哪个测试信号较好, ( ) A:55Hz; B:65Hz C: 105Hz 18( 16.65按0.1修约间隔修约后为 ( ) A:16.7; B:16.6; C: 16.60; D: 16.70 19:检测设备经计量检定合格者应在明显位置贴上 ( ) A:绿色标志; B:黄色标志; c:红色标志 20:,.35按0.1修约间隔修约后为 ( ) A:,.4; B:,.3; C,.30; D:,.40 methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cable channel, u-channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management required from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electricity given this project of welded steel and concrete construction 20、连接电阻检测的方法可以用专用的低电阻测试仪,测试电流一般应为: ( ) A 20mA B 200mA C 2mA D 1mA 21: 某大型体育场年预计雷击次数大于0.06次/a,则该建筑物应划为 ( ) A:一类防雷建筑物; B:二类; C:三类 22:LPZ2区与LPZ1区间等电位连接导体使用铜材料最小截面为 ( ) 22 2A: 16mm; B:2.5mm C:6mm 23: 南京信息工程大学文德楼若年预计雷击次数大于0.06次/a,则该建筑物应划为 ( ) A:一类防雷建筑物; B:二类; C:三类 24:电源变压器的中性点直接接地,可触及的导电部件与PE导体相连接,在全系统内N线和PE线是分开的。这种系统属于 ( ) A: TT系统; B: TN-C系统 C: TN-S系统 25. 以下接地电阻测量值读数的合理值为 ( )A:2.4Ω; B:2.46Ω; C:2Ω; D 2.462Ω 三. 名词解释 1:(测量的)复现性 2:引用误差 3:接地装置冲击系数 4:SPD的限制电压 5:电源电压波形失真率 6:TN-S系统 7:随机误差的统计规律性 8:质量体系 -5 9、 R=10的含义 T 10火花效应 11:压敏电压(SPD) 12(插入损耗 13:等电位连接 14:TT配电系统 15(电压保护水平U P 16、磁屏蔽原理 17、具有爆炸危险的建筑物 18(退耦元件 19:劣化(SPD) methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates pr第 5 页 共 7 页 oduction templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cable channel, u-channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management required from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electricity given this project of welded steel and concrete construction 20.共用接地系统 21. (建筑物防雷分类中的)使用性质 22:SPD的泄漏电流 23(耐冲击过电压额定值U W 24.电源电压波形失真率 四.问答题(每题10分,共40分) 1 SPD 的检测有哪些内容, 2 在测试一些等电位连接端子的连接电阻时为何要进行两种电压极性测试,等电位连接端子的连接电阻一般不应超过多少欧姆, 3. 简述电位降法测试接地极接地电阻的原理和测试中辅助接地极的布置要求。 4.原始检测记录表和技术报告的填写应注意那些事项, 5(当接地装置流过雷电流时,它所呈现的冲击接地电阻一般并不等于它的工频接地电阻。试分析其 原因。 6(简述电源系统SPD的主要技术参数, 7. 简述电位降法测试接地极接地电阻的原理和测试中辅助接地极的布置要求。 8. 请叙述看电气工程图时的一般顺序。 9. 原始检测记录表和技术报告的填写应注意那些事项, 10(高层建筑物外部防雷装置主要测哪些地方?为确保测量准确,应注意的事项有哪些? 11(在测试一些等电位连接端子的连接电阻时为何要进行两种电压极性测试,等电位连接端子的连接电阻一般不应超过多少欧姆, 12. 简述直线法测量接地电阻中如何判别电流辅助测量电极与被测接地装置足够远,(画图说明) 测试SPD的漏电流有何意义,一般应如何判断SPD的劣化情况, 13:在测试一些等电位连接端子的连接电阻时为何要进行两种电压极性测试,等电位连接端子的连接电阻一般不应超过多少欧姆, 14. 简述建筑物综合防雷技术措施中对防雷有益的建筑特性。 15. 某机房为独立建筑,与之相关的有低压配电线路以及大量的自控系统等服务设施,如果要对其进行防雷安全检测,应该进行哪些位置哪些参数的综合电气测试? 16检测作业要求(不考虑易燃易爆危险场所)有哪些, 17:请叙述防雷工程设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 审核要点。 18. 测量信息系统设备电源输入端的零、地电压时,在TN—S系统中,中性线(N)与保护线(PE) 间的电位差不宜大于多少伏。电位差太大的可能原因有哪些, 19 计量具有哪些特点, 20(简述用文纳四极法测量土壤电阻率的方法,,改变测量电极间距离有何意义? 21.易燃易爆危险场所及高低压变配电场所检测作业要求有哪些, methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cable channel, u-channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management required from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electricity given this project of welded steel and concrete construction 22. 一个完整的技术报告至少应包括哪些基本信息,(每答出一点得1分,答出其中的10点即可 得10分,满分10分) 23、请设计一个符合基本要求的防雷装置检测原始记录表。 24、简述防雷区划分的作用 25、简述SPD的分类及主要优缺点。 26、配电制式是什么, 27、电涌保护电路应当具备哪些特点, 28、为什么断路器或熔断器不能防雷, methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates pr第 7 页 共 7 页 oduction templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cable channel, u-channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management required from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electricity given this project of welded steel and concrete construction
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