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福建中小学生安全知识网络竞赛100分卷[1]福建中小学生安全知识网络竞赛100分卷[1] 中小学生安全知识竞赛 答题时间:25分钟 开始时间:2012-10-18 10:49:07 总分:100分 一、选择题(40分) 1 (B)_______设立国家禁毒委员会,负责组织,协调、指导全国的禁毒工作。 2分 得:2A(全国人大常委会 分 B(国务院 C(公安部 D(全国政协 2 (A)申请大型客车、牵引车、城市公交车、大型货车、无轨电车和有轨电车准驾车型机动车驾驶证的人,身高应为 2分 ____厘米以上。 得:2 分 A(...

福建中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 生安全知识网络竞赛100分卷[1] 中小学生安全知识竞赛 答题时间:25分钟 开始时间:2012-10-18 10:49:07 总分:100分 一、选择题(40分) 1 (B)_______设立国家禁毒委员会,负责组织,协调、指导全国的禁毒工作。 2分 得:2A(全国人大常委会 分 B(国务院 C(公安部 D(全国政协 2 (A)申请大型客车、牵引车、城市公交车、大型货车、无轨电车和有轨电车准驾车型机动车驾驶证的人,身高应为 2分 ____厘米以上。 得:2 分 A(155 B(160 C(150 3 (A)《食品安全法》的颁布日期是______。 2分 A(2009年2月28日 得:2B(2009年1月3日 分 C(2009年3月6日 4 (C)公共场所娱乐人数应限制在______的范围内。 2分 A(200人 得:2B(100人 分 C(额定人数 D(额定人数的90% 5 (A)“忧者见之而忧,喜者见之而喜”是______的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现。 2分 A(心境 得:2B(激情 分 C(应激 D(美感 6 (B)小明的父母下班比较晚,他每天放学都自己回家。这天回到家,发现家里的门半开着,透过门缝小明发现家里 2分 很乱,而且隐约听到有陌生人的声音。如果你遇到小明这种情况,你该怎么做, 得:2 分 A(赶快进去看看到底发生了什么事 B(赶快想办法打110报警 C(叫上小区的朋友,一起进去 7 (C)保护接地的主要作用是_____和减少流经人身的电流。 2分 A(防止人身触电 得:2B(减少接地电流 分 C(降低接地电压 D(短路保护 8 (A)剧毒化学品被盗、丢失、________、误用后不立即向当地公安部门 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 而触犯刑律的,对负有责任的主管人员 2分 和其他直接责任人员依照刑法追究刑事责任。 得:2A(误售 分 B(乱放 C(滥用 9 (A)鱼刺卡喉时,实行_____挤压。如果病人怀孕或过肥胖,则实施____压挤。 2分 得:2A(腹部,胸部 分 B(胸部,腹部 10 (A)如果在地震、台风、洪涝灾害中,身体被塌倒的建筑物压住,下列哪种做法不可取, 2分 得:2A(使用明火告知他人来营救 分 B(设法避开身体上方不结实的倒塌物、悬挂物或其他危险物 C(搬开身边可移动的碎砖瓦等杂物,扩大活动空间 D(敲击水管求救 11 (B)鼻出血时,可以________。 2分 得:2A(用热毛巾敷前额 分 B(用冷毛巾敷前额 C(用纸张堵鼻孔 digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining. 12 (B)对社会力量依法开办的_____戒毒康复场所应当给予扶持,提供必要的便利和帮助。 2分 得:2A(营利性 分 B(公益性 C(自治性 D(服务性 13 (A)会车前选择会车位置,当达不到理想会车位置时____ 。 2分 得:2A(应立即减速,且勿犹豫不决 分 B(应立即加速道理想的会车位置 C(应立即逆道占位,让对方减速让行 14 (C)______为粗制品,含非糖物质及有机酸较多,特别是有机酸达到一定浓度时,可使牛奶中的蛋白质发生凝聚和 2分 沉淀,营养价值大大降低。 得:2A(木糖醇 分 B(白糖 C(红糖 D(蜂蜜 15 (C)公共娱乐场所内应当设置火灾事故应急照明灯,照明供电时间不得少于______分钟。 2分 A(10 得:2B(15 分 C(20 D(30 16 (D)若手指切伤,出血不止又量大,应_______。 2分 得:2A(在伤口处用干净纱布包扎 分 B(捏住手指根部两侧并且高举过心脏,止住出血 C(立刻送往医院 D(ABC都正确 17 (D)下面说法错误的一项是: 2分 A(火山活动可以形成多种矿产,最常见的是硫磺矿。 得:2B(火山和地热是一对孪生兄弟,有火山的地方一般就有地热资源。 分 C(火山的形成涉及一系列物理化学过程。 D(死火山是指史前曾发生过喷发,但在人类历史时期没有喷发而且将来一定不会喷发的火山。 18 (A)在单杠、双杠练习时,周围应摆放_____。 2分 得:2A(海绵垫 分 B(纸张 19 (A)红色叉形灯或者箭头灯亮时_____。 2分 得:2A(禁止本车道车辆通行 分 B(禁止其它车道车辆通行 C(准许本车道车辆通行 20 (B)电器起火时,要先_____ 。 2分 得:2A(打家里电话报警 分 B(切断电源 C(用灭火器灭火 二、判断题(40分) 1 2分 ()戒毒人员的亲属和所在单位或者就读学校的工作人员,可以按照有关 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 探访戒毒人员。 得:2 分 2 2分 ()交通警察调查处理道路交通安全违法行为和交通事故,涉及本案的当事人或者当事人的近亲属的 得:2应当回避。 分 3 2分 ()土豆发芽后会产生龙葵毒素,其幼芽和芽眼部分的龙葵碱含量达0.3%,0.5%,正常人食入0.2g, 得:20.4g即会中毒。 分 digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining. 4 2分 ()发生火灾后应首先组织人员进行扑救。 得:2 分 5 2分 ()尊重意味着接纳一个人的优点和缺点,甚至一些不合理的,愚蠢的思想和行为。 得:2 分 6 2分 ()干粉灭火器按移动方式分为手提式、背负式和推车式三种。 得:2 分 7 2分 ()上网时,朋友让打开什么网站就打开什么网站。完全不考虑内容的真实性。 得:2 分 8 2分 ()购买的家用电器,如果是靠接地作漏电保护的,则接地线必不可少。 得:2 分 9 2分 ()发现溺水、坠楼、自杀,老人走失,公众遇到危难孤立无援,公共设施出现险情,均可拨打110 得:2报警。 分 10 2分 ()消化任何食物都要消耗体内的水分,如果缺水,最好吃含有水分的食物如水果蔬菜等。 得:2 分 11 2分 ()岩浆沿着地壳上巨大裂缝溢出地表,称为裂隙式喷发。 得:2 分 12 2分 ()骑自行车可以不载安全帽,转弯也可以不打手势。 得:2 分 13 2分 ()医疗机构对交通事故中的受伤人员应当及时抢救,不得因抢救费用未及时支付而拖延救治。 得:2 分 14 2分 ()人体为维持上述正常的生理功能,必须从食物中摄取足够量的蛋白质,成人在正常情况下,每日 得:2应从食物中摄取70,103克蛋白质。 分 15 2分 ()泡沫灭火机可以扑救贵重物品、仪表火灾。 得:2 分 16 2分 ()全国统一匪警电话为“110”。 得:2 分 17 2分 ()上网的时候尽量远离不良网站。 得:2 分 18 2分 ()感应雷入侵有四条途径:供电线、电话线、有线电视线、住房的外墙或柱子。 得:2 分 digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining. 19 2分 ()火山灰会使路面打滑,驾车逃离要小心。 得:2 分 20 2分 ()中学生骑车进出学校大门,应自觉下车推行并把自行车停放在指定的位置。 得:2 分 三、视频题(20分) 1 20分 一包毒品 得:分 1 (C )视频中的学生赵亮为什么会被坏人盯上并利用, 4分 A(他本人是吸毒者 得:4分 B(长期和不良分子在一起 C(小孩子警惕性低,更易上当 2 ( A)视频中提到的的八哥是_____。 4分 A(坏人李虎的朋友 得:4分 B(赵亮的朋友 C(赵亮的爸爸 3 ( C)爸爸发现毒品后拨打了以下哪个电话, 4分 A(120 得:4分 B(119 C(110 4 ( B)我们遇到类似的情况应该______。 4分 A(当面拒绝并揭发坏人犯罪行为 得:4分 B(假装配合,到安全的地方打电话报警 C(为避免麻烦,按坏人的要求去做 5 ( C)赵亮的行为______。 4分 A(值得肯定 得:4分 B( 应该受到公安机关和有关部门的保护 C(A和B都对 digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining.
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