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万圣节活动策划书万圣节活动策划书 活动策划书 湖南工业大学社团联合会 rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ p...

万圣节活动策划书 活动策划书 湖南工业大学社团联合会 rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest 目录 一、“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”策划书.........../..... 二、活动背景及目的......................................... 三、活动开展的基本情况..................................... 四、活动流程及活动准备得各个环节........................... 五、财务预算 .............................................. 六、活动要求............................................... 七、 注意事项 软件开发合同注意事项软件销售合同注意事项电梯维保合同注意事项软件销售合同注意事项员工离职注意事项 .............................................. 八、预期结果............................................... rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest “万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”活动策划书 活动主题: 万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混 活动背景: 万圣节是是西方人的三大节日之一,也是俗称的西洋鬼节,依照西方人的传统,不少孩子喜欢把番瓜挖空,做成「杰克灯笼」,这个习俗是源自于爱尔兰的民间传说。杰克原来是个恶名昭彰的醉汉与骗子,他与魔鬼订约,却又欺骗魔鬼。等杰克死后,天堂不收他,而地狱也拒绝他,因此魔鬼送他一盏镂空的甘蓝灯笼,以照亮寒冷的黑夜。后来因为爱尔兰人移民到美国,发现番瓜比较盛产,因此才改为番瓜灯笼,而番瓜灯笼也就成了万圣节家家户户必备的摆饰。由此万圣节也简称为——鬼节。并且那时候人们认为恶灵在每年10月31日的夜晚重返人间。为了驱逐恶灵,他们会将房子里的炉火和烛台熄灭,将房子弄得很荒凉,好像没人居住一样,这样恶灵就不会进屋去。他们也会故意穿得很邋遢,看起来很丑,这样恶灵就不愿意接近他们了。另外,他们还知道恶灵害怕噪音,于是他们穿着奇形怪状的服装cos上街游行等有趣好玩的活动。在以次为背景的前提下,株洲步步高国安店准备举办“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”活动,在万圣节到来的时候,在娱乐大家的同时,实力良好的品牌形象。 活动目的: 目前,在株洲各百货业市场,各家百货、购物中心的购物节、周年庆、活动已进入起跑状态,市场买气节节升高。大家都试图通过各种活动提升各自的品牌形象和商品销售。作为步步高商城的“诚信、本分、团队、品质、创新 ”的经营理念,年轻时尚化的客群,势必更要求我们做好百货业时尚的领导头军。举办奇制胜的各类活动则是维护品牌形象的最有力的保证。配合2011年万圣节的到来,我们将开展不同其它商场的形象活动,以此为点,吸引时尚人群的关注和参与,在保证品牌形rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest 象的同时提升商品销售。扩大我们步步高国安店在株洲的影响力,增强自己商场在激励的商场竞争中的竞争力。 活动宗旨: 以步步高国安店商城“诚信、本分、团队、品质、创新 ”经营理念,提升商品的形象与销售,扩大在步步高国安店在株洲的商业影响力。 活动时间: 2011年10月31日 活动地点: 株洲步步高国安店 活动对象:株洲市市民 主办单位:株洲步步高国安店 承办单位:湖南工业大学师院社团联合会 活动流程: 活动前期准备: (一):活动策划部,对本次活动策划 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,确定本次“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”能够按照策划方案顺利成功的开展。 (二):办公室对本次活动进行人员安排,前期宣传、准备的人员安排情况,中期人员活动器材道具的检查情况及中期活动现场的气氛调动和安全情况,末期道具器材的归类整理人员安排一个大致的分配,确保人人有事做,大事不含糊,小事不遗漏。 (三):财务部对本次“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”活动所需的活动器材、活动道具进行准备(如:音响的租用、必要财务的购买,rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest 舞台的搭建等事情)及活动互动环节礼品的购买。 (四):组织部组织安排人员对整个活动起掌控过程,催场等事务,防止冷场和意外事故的发生(如:突然停电音响不能正常工作、话筒电池、活动人员未就位等)并对活动中的互动环节奖品的发放。 (五):宣传部对本次“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”活动进行宣传。宣传方式:1,海报宣传 2, 印发传单 3,广播电视宣传 4,短信群发宣传 宣传地点:株洲市五大区域(芦淞区、天元区、荷塘区、石峰区) (六)外联部通过联系,邀请嘉宾参与本次“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”活动,同时肩负扩大本次活动的影响力。 活动中期准备: (一):活动策划部,对活动现场起监督作用,控制活动时间游戏流程, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演要求。 (二):办公室对活动人员进行点到,确认到场人员,确定正式人员安排名单,主持、催场、气氛调动、现场活动安插人员等 (三):财务部对本次活动器材、道具、奖品在活动开始前半个小时的最后一次确认到位,遗漏和缺失的尽快完善。 (四):组织部对即将活动表演的人员进行最后指导,哪里化妆,哪里上舞台、下舞台,及所需的艺术效果。 (五):宣传部对本次活动进行最后的宣传可以借住现场的话筒来操作,感谢观众朋友们的到来并欢迎,简单介绍即将开展的“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”活动,勾起到本店的朋友的好奇心,将活动看完。 rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest (六):外联部对活动邀请的嘉宾确认接待并将名单通知主持人,以方便主持人介绍。 (七):化妆人员对即将表演的人员进行最后的一次补妆,确保将最漂亮最深刻的一面留给观众。 活动末期要求: (一):活动策划部对活动现场人员进行疏导,防止意外事故发生 (二):办公室对活动工作者安排,对必要的器材收拾,贵重物品的摆放等。 (三):财务部对活动末期所有器材道具进行统计,确定物品名单,对遗漏物品进行标记。 (四):组织部对活动现场舞台装饰进行归位整理,对活动互动环节所剩礼品的赠送或保存。 (五):宣传部对活动末感谢大家参与,并对活动现场的宣传用具收拾整理。 (六):外联部去报邀请嘉宾的安全(人较多可能比较拥挤)并恭送嘉宾。 注意:以上各个部门的人员相互协调,并不一定按要求分配,任何一个活动都是相互配合完成的,所以需要活动策划部、办公室。、财务部、组织部、宣传部、外联部各个部门人员配合完成本次活动哪里需要人手哪里就能够得到人手。 活动流程: (一):活动前期预热(时间为16点30分表演前期准备的活动)。 (二):街舞开场秀。 rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest (三):“南瓜灯”倒计时 (四):主持人致开幕词(时间为19点整) (五):主持人介绍到场嘉宾。 (六):活动开始 (注:前期预热到正式开始时间段播放活动背景音乐,动感、活力、激情)。 (七):准备的节目依次登场。 现有以下活动 : 1:街舞(斗舞模式) 2:滑轮社带来的极限滑轮运动 3:自行车技能表演 4:动漫cosplay 表演 5:飞扬乐队表演 6:爵士舞蹈 (注:有待添加) (八):现场互动环节(可以安排知识问答,关于步步高国安店的一些基本情况如楼层、商品区域、经营理念等)。 (九):穿插对万圣节(鬼节)的由来的故事,讲给现场的朋友们听。 (十):播放恶搞、怪叫的鬼的声音紧张现场气氛。 (十一):可以开放一个表白机会,对心爱的恋人,相伴许年的同事,走过风雨的老伴儿、风雨同舟的家人一个表达爱的机会,并赠送活动纪念礼品。 (十二):继续活动表演。 (十三):活动末期的结束准备,主持人做结束词。 (十四):活动人员对现场进行清理、人员疏通、器材归位。 (十五):活动也可以做成假面万圣节的形式,发放面具,在鬼节这天rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest 尽情的娱乐。我不知道你,你不认识我,但在万圣节的这天里我们却能同在步步高国安店Hijh 尽情享受刺激、兴奋、发泄。 财务预算: 音响及话筒:租用价格(300*2=600元)话筒等装置400元 主持人:600(请外边的人可能比较贵) 舞台装饰(气球、彩灯、灯光、地毯、喷绘):600元 工作人员服装:300元 化妆人员及道具:200元 舞台搭建:1000元 荧光棒:1*200=200元 假面面具(分种类):300元 互动环节纪念奖(可分等级):500元 工作人员饮用水:1*60=60元 节目名单 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 宣传单的制作:0.2*800=160元 工作人员午餐晚餐费用:5*40=200元 南瓜灯:3*60=180元 (注: 以上可有步步高国安店自行准备) (注明:6个节目的大概预算如下: 街舞:500元 (两个街舞队) 滑轮社300元 自行车表演200元 动漫cosplay500元(人员较多,服装要求比较大) 飞扬乐队表演300元 爵士舞蹈200元 总计 2000元 ) 活动要求: 本次活动的主题为“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”那么“鬼混”则将作为本次活动的重点,整个活动现场的氛围将是激烈、热闹又兼加着恐怖与玩味的感情。在西方的几日逐步进入到中国文化的时候,如2月14的情人节,12月25的圣诞节等等,都在改变与丰富人们的生活,在万圣节到来的时候,作为又一个西方比较有趣又好玩那的节日,希望通过对万圣节活动的宣传,也将万圣节的习俗带进我们中国文化,同时步步高国安店将以此为点,吸引时尚人群的关注和参与,在保证品rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest 牌形象的同时提升商品销售。扩大我们步步高国安店在株洲的影响力,增强自己商场在激励的商场竞争中的竞争力。 注意事项: (一):安全问题,在安全有序的环境下进行。 (二):天气状况问题下了活动推迟等情况。 (三):人员调动情况,确保每个点都有人。 (四):意外情况的处理。 预期结果: 通过本次“万圣节到步步高国安店——鬼混”活动,让株洲市民对“万圣节”这个西方节日有了新的了解,让过鬼节的习俗也逐步进入到人们的日常生活,在本次活动后,在以后的万圣节盗来的时候人们也将逐步去过这个节日,将会给商场带来新的活力,同时我们步步高国安店开展了不同其它商场的形象活动,并将以此为点,吸引时尚人群的关注和参与,在保证品牌形象的同时提升商品销售。扩大我们步步高国安店在株洲的影响力,增强了我们商场在激励的商场竞争中的竞争力。 策划人:张弛 2011年10月19日 rooms. Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, expand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, computers and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation. Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildingexpanded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation. Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang. Building to overcome the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential income. To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest
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