首页 阶梯轴加工工艺过程



阶梯轴加工工艺过程阶梯轴加工工艺过程 一、阶梯轴加工工艺过程分析 图6—34为减速箱传动轴工作图样。表6—13为该轴加工工艺过程。生产批量为小批生 产。材料为45热轧圆钢。零件需调质。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not ...

阶梯轴加工 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 过程 一、阶梯轴加工工艺过程 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 图6—34为减速箱传动轴工作图样。 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 6—13为该轴加工工艺过程。生产批量为小批生 产。材料为45热轧圆钢。零件需调质。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the (一)结构及技术条件分析 该轴为没有中心通孔的多阶梯轴。根据该零件工作图,其轴颈M、N,外圆P,Q及轴肩 G、H、I有较高的尺寸精度和形状位置精度,并有较小的表面粗糙度值,该轴有调质热处理 要求。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the (二)加工工艺过程分析 1(确定主要表面加工方法和加工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 传动轴大多是回转表面,主要是采用车削和外圆磨削。由于该轴主要表面M,N,P,Q的公差等级较高(IT6),表面粗糙度值较小(Ra0.8μm),最终加工应采用磨削。其加工方案可参考表3-14。 2(划分加工阶段 该轴加工划分为三个加工阶段,即粗车(粗车外圆、钻中心孔),半精车(半精车各处外圆、台肩和修研中心孔等),粗精磨各处外圆。各加工阶段大致以热处理为界。 3(选择定位基准 轴类零件的定位基面,最常用的是两中心孔。因为轴类零件各外圆表面、螺纹表面的同轴度及端面对轴线的垂直度是相互位置精度的主要项目,而这些表面的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 基准一般都是轴的中心线,采用两中心孔定位就能符合基准重合原则。而且由于多数工序都采用中心孔作为定位基面,能最大限度地加工出多个外圆和端面,这也符合基准统一原则。 但下列情况不能用两中心孔作为定位基面: (1)粗加工外圆时,为提高工件刚度,则采用轴外圆表面为定位基面,或以外圆和中心孔同作定位基面,即一夹一顶。 (2)当轴为通孔零件时,在加工过程中,作为定位基面的中心孔因钻出通孔而消失。为了在通孔加工后还能用中心孔作为定位基面,工艺上常采用三种方法。 ?当中心通孔直径较小时,可直接在孔口倒出宽度不大于2mm的60o内锥面来代替中心孔; fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the ? 当轴有圆柱孔时,可采用图6—35a所 示的锥堵,取1?500锥度;当轴孔锥度较小时, 取锥堵锥度与工件两端定位孔锥度相同; ? 当轴通孔的锥度较大时,可采用带锥 堵的心轴,简称锥堵心轴,如图6—35b所示。 使用锥堵或锥堵心轴时应注意,一般中途 不得更换或拆卸,直到精加工完各处加工面, 不再使 用中心孔时方能拆卸。 4(热处理工序的安排 该轴需进行调质处理。它应放在粗加工后, 半精加工前进行。如采用锻件毛坯,必须首先 安排退火或正火处理。该轴毛坯为热轧钢,可 不必进行正火处理。 5(加工顺序安排 除了应遵循加工顺序安排的一般原则,如 先粗后精、先主后次等,还应注意: (1)外圆表面加工顺序应为,先加工大直径外圆 ,然后再加工小直径外圆,以免一开始就降低了工件的刚度。 (2)轴上的花键、键槽等表面的加工应在外圆精车或粗磨之后,精磨外圆之前。 轴上矩形花键的加工,通常采用铣削和磨削加工,产量大时常用花键滚刀在花键铣床上加工。以外径定心的花键轴,通常只磨削外径,而内径铣出后不必进行磨削,但如经过淬火fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 而使花键扭曲变形过大时,也要对侧面进行磨削加工。以内径定心的花键,其内径和键侧均 需进行磨削加工。 (3)轴上的螺纹一般有较高的精度,如安排在局部淬火之前进行加工,则淬火后产生 的变形会影响螺纹的精度。因此螺纹加工宜安排在工件局部淬火之后进行。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the
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