首页 先到拟设企业所在地的工商部门办理企业名称预先核准



先到拟设企业所在地的工商部门办理企业名称预先核准先到拟设企业所在地的工商部门办理企业名称预先核准 先到拟设企业所在地的工商部门办理企业名称预先核准。 2、再到交通管理局办理《中华人民共和国道路运输经营许可证》3、办理《中华人民共和国道路运输经营许可证》后,到工商部门申请企业设立登记。 B 注册公司的步骤 第一步:咨询后领取并填写《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》、《投资人授权委托意见》,同时准备相关材料; 第二步:递交《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》、备用名称若干及相关材料,等待名称核准结果; 第三步:领取《企业名称预先核准通知书》。 2.确定公司住所 ...

先到拟设企业所在地的工商部门办理企业名称预先核准 先到拟设企业所在地的工商部门办理企业名称预先核准。 2、再到交通管理局办理《中华人民共和国道路运输经营许可证》3、办理《中华人民共和国道路运输经营许可证》后,到工商部门申请企业设立登记。 B 注册公司的步骤 第一步:咨询后领取并填写《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》、《投资人授权委托意见》,同时准备相关材料; 第二步:递交《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》、备用名称若干及相关材料,等待名称核准结果; 第三步:领取《企业名称预先核准 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 书》。 2.确定公司住所 租房后要签订租房 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,并且一般要求必须用工商局的同一制式租房 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ,并让房东提供房产证的复印件,房东身份证复印件。 房屋提供者应根据房屋权属情况,分别出具以下证明: ( 1)房屋提供者如有房产证应另附房产证复印件并在复印件上加盖产权单位公章或由产权人签字。 (2)无产权证的由产权单位的上级或房产证发放单位在“需要证明情况”栏内说明情况并盖章确认;地处农村地区的也可由当地政府在“需要证明情况”栏内签署同意在该地点从事经营的意见,并加盖公章。 (3)产权为军队房产,应提交加盖中国人民解放军房地产管理局专用章的“军队房地产租赁许可证”复印件。 (4)房屋为新购置的商品房又未办理产权登记的,应提交由购房人签字或购房单位盖章的购房合同复印件及购房发票复印件、加盖房地产开发商公章的预售房许可证的复印件。 (5)房屋提供者为经工商行政管理机关核准具有出租经营权的企业,可直接在“房屋提供者证明”栏内加盖公章,同时应出具加盖本企业公章的营业执照复印件,不再要求提供产权证。 3.形成公司章程 可以在工商局网站下载“公司章程”的样本,修改一下就可以了。章程的最后由所有股东签名,并署名日期。 4.刻私章 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 刻法人代表和其他股东的私章。 5.办理验资 凭会计师事务所出具的“银行询征函”选择银行开立公司验资户 所有股东带上自己入股的那一部分钱到银行,带上工商局发的核名通知、法人代表的私章、身份证、用于验资的钱、空白询征函表格,到银行去开立公司帐户,你要告诉银行是开验资户。开立好公司帐户后,各个股东按自己出资额向公司帐户中存入相应的钱。 银行会发给每个股东缴款单、并在询征函上盖银行的章。 注意:公司法规定,注册公司时,投资人(股东)必须缴纳足额的资本,可以以货币形式(也就是人民币)出资,也可以以实物(如汽车)、房产、知识产权等出资。到银行办的只是货币出资这一部分,如果你有实物、房产等作为出资的,需要到会计师事务所鉴定其价值后再以其实际价值出资,比较麻烦,因此建议你直接拿钱来出资,公司法不管你用什么手段拿的钱,自己的也好、借的也好,只要如数缴足出资款即可。 6.办理验资报告 银 7.报送工商登记机关要求的企业登记表格行出具的股东缴款单、银行盖章后的询征函由银行寄至会计师事务所,公司章程、名称预先核准通知书、房租合同、房产证复印件送到会计师事务所办理验资报告。一般费用1200元左右(50万以下注册资金)。 (一)有限责任公司设立登记应提交的文件、证件: 1、《企业设立登记申请书》(内含《企业设立登记申请表》、《单位投资者(单位股东、发起人)名录》、《自然人股东(发起人)、个人独资企业投资人、合伙企业合伙人名录》、《投资者注册资本(注册资金、出资额)缴付情况》、《法定代表人登记表》、《董事会成员、经理、监事任职证明》、《企业住所证明》等表格); 2、公司章程(提交打印件一份,请全体股东亲笔签字;有法人股东的,要加盖该法人单位公章); 3、法定验资机构出具的验资报告; 4、《企业名称预先核准通知书》及《预核准名称投资人名录表》; 5、股东资格证明; 6、《指定(委托)书》; head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 7、经营范围涉及前置许可项目的,应提交有关审批部门的批准文件。提请注意:在中关村科技园区登记注册的企业申请不具体核定经营项目的,应提交《承诺书》。 5个工作日后可领取执照。 8.刻章 凭营业执照,到公安局指定的刻章社,去刻公章、合同章、财务章。后面步骤中,均需要用到公章或财务章。 9.办理企业组织机构代码证 企业法人代码登记办事机构:质量技术监督局窗口办理 时限:受理后1个工作日 办理程序:领表?填表?提交单位公章等资料?交费?(办理时限过后)领取组织机构代码证书和组织机构代码卡 提供材料: ?营业执照正本原件及复印件; ?单位公章; ?法人代表身份证原件及复印件(非法人单位提交负责人身份证原件及复印件); ?集体、全民所有制单位和非法人单位提交上级主管部门代码证书复印件; ?单位邮编、电话、正式职工人数。 10.办理税务登记证书 办理事项:税务登记(自领取营业执照之日起30日内办理) 办理地点:税务登记机关窗口 提供材料:“个体经济”可不报送以下的?、?、?项材料 ?营业执照副本原件及复印件; ?企业法人组织机构代码证书原件及复印件; head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar ?法人代表身份证原件及复印件; ?财务人员身份证复印件; ?公司或企业章程原件及复印件; ?房产证明或租赁协议复印件; ?印章; ?从外区转入的企业,必须提供原登记机关完税证明(纳税清算表); ?税务机关要求提供的其它有关材料。 11.办理统计登记证 办理事项:统计登记(自领取营业执照之日起10日内办理) 办理地点:统计登记机关窗口 提供材料: ?营业执照副本原件及复印件; ?企业法人组织机构代码证书原件及复印件; ?法人代表身份证原件及复印件; ?公司或企业章程原件及复印件; (5)税务登记证复印件; 开设企业基本帐户 去银行开设企业基本帐户 凭营业执照正本、税务登记证正本、组织机构代码证正本及法人身份证、公章、财务专用章、法人章,去银行开立基本帐户。开好基本帐户去原验资银行办理验资户销户. 办理开业手续 办理税种核定和申请领购发票法人代表和财务到税务专管员处报到,根据企业实际经营范围办理税种核定,即确定企业是小规模纳税人或是一般纳税人 从事服务行业的申请服务业统一发票 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 从事商业批发零售的申请商业统一发票 从事特种行业的需要申请专用发票,如:广告行业申请广告业专用发票,从事运输行业的申请货物运输统一发票等 公司自领取税务登记证的次月1-10日须进行纳税申报,领取 报表 企业所得税申报表下载财务会计报表下载斯维尔报表下载外贸周报表下载关联申报表下载 正常申报并缴纳税款 公司注册条件 注册公司的条件有很多,主要有公司股东、监事、董事、公司名称、经营范围、注册资本、注册地址、公司章程、法定代表人等。 1、公司股东 新《中华人民共和国公司法》规定,公司注册时必须有一位股东(投资者),一位股东投资成立的公司属于一人有限公司,也可以是二位或以上的股东投资注册公司。 公司注册时,需提交并验资股东的身份证明原件。 2、监事 按公司章程规定,公司成立时,可以设监事会(需多名监事),也可以不设监事会,但需设一名监事。一人有限公司。股东不能担任监事;二人及以上的股东,其中一名股东可以担任监事。 公司注册时,需提交监事的身份证明原件. 3、公司注册资本 注册公司时,必须要有注册资本。新<公司法>规定,公司注册资本最低为3万元人民币,一人有限公司最低注册资本为10万元人民币。 股东将注册资本打入公司验资帐户,由专业的会计师事务所来验资,并出具<验资报告>。 4、公司名称 注册公司时,首先要进行公司名称核准,需提交多个公司名称进行查名。上海注册公司查名的规则是,同行业中,公司名称不能同名也不能同音,多个字号的,需拆开来查名。 5、公司经营范围 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 注册公司时,经营范围必须要明确,以后的业务范围不能超出公司经营范围。可以将现在要做的或以后可能要做的业务写进经营范围。经营范围字数在100个字以内,包括标点符号。 6、公司注册地址 公司注册地址必须是商用的办公地址,需提供租赁协议、房产证复印件。 7、公司章程 公司成立时,需向工商管理部门提交公司章程,公司章程里确定了公司的名称、经营范围、股东及出资比例、注册资本,股东、董事、监事的权利与义务等内容。 8、董事 公司成立时,可以设董事会,也可以不设董事会,若不设董事会,需设一名执行董事。股东可以担任执行董事。董事需出具身份证明原件. 9、财务人员 公司进行税务登记时,需提交一名财务人员信息,包括身份证明复印件、会计上岗证复印件与照片。 10、公司法人代表 公司需设一名法人代表,法人代表可以是股东之一,也可以聘请。公司法定代表人需提供身份证明原件及照片。 公司注册需要多少资本, 依据2006年新《中华人民共和国公司法》的规定,注册公司必须有注册资本,股东有出资的义务。注册资本必须经过拥有专业资质的机构进行验资,并报工商局备案。那么,注册一个公司需要多少资本呢, 一、一人有限公司注册资本要求 根据公司法的规定,一人有限公司最低注册资本为10万元人民币,而且,注册资本需一次性出资,不能分期出资。 二、普通有限公司注册资本要求 最为普通的有限公司最低注册资本为3万元人民币,注册资本可以分期出资,首期出资可以为20%,其余注册资本在2年内到位。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 三、股份公司注册资本要求 股份公司最低注册资本要求为500万元人民币。 四、集团公司注册资本要求 集团公司依据法律规定,其注册资本最低要求为5000万人民币。 五、特殊行业注册资本要求 特殊行业的注册资本有明确规定,比如国际货运代理最低注册资本为500万人民币,二级建筑工程公司要求为2000万人民币。 不同类型的公司,内资公司与外资公司,特殊行业的公司,其注册资本最低要求是不同的。 C 流程大致如下: 1,公司名称审核 2,到工商局大厅取名字 3,到指定银行入资(每个区不太一样) 4,到相关会计师事务所做验资报告 5,作材料,约号 6,工商局交材料 7,取执照,然后到指定单位刻章 8,办理组织机构代码 9,办理税务 10,银行开户 流程就这样 D 一、选择公司的形式: 普通的有限责任公司,最低注册资金3万元,需要2个(或以上)股东。 从06年1月起新的公司法规定,允许1个股东注册有限责任公司,这种特殊的有限责任公司又称“一人有限公司”(但公司名称中不会有“一人”字样,执照上会注明“自然人独资”),最低注册资金10万元。 如果你和朋友、家人合伙投资创业,可选择普通的有限公司,最低注册资金3万元;如果只有你一个人作为股东,则选择一人有限公司,最低注册资金10万元。 二、注册公司的步骤: 1.核名: 到工商局去领取一张“企业(字号)名称预先核准申请表”,填写你准备取的公司名称,由工商局上网(工商局内部网)检索是否有重名,如果没有重名,就可以使用这个名称,就会核发一张“企业(字号)名称预先核准通知书”。这一步的手续费是80元。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar (80元可以帮你检索5个名字,很多名字重复,所以一般常见的名字就不用试了,免得花冤枉钱) 2.租房: 去专门的写字楼租一间办公室,如果你自己有厂房或者办公室也可以,有的地方不允许在居民楼里办公。 租房后要签订租房合同,并让房东提供房产证的复印件。 签订好租房合同后,还要到税务局去买印花税,按年租金的千分之一的税率购买,例如你的每年房租是1万元,那就要买10元钱的印花税,贴在房租合同的首页,后面凡是需要用到房租合同的地方,都需要是贴了印花税的合同复印件。 3.编写“公司章程”: 可以在工商局网站下载“公司章程”的样本,修改一下就可以了。章程的最后由所有股东签名。 4.刻私章: 去街上刻章的地方刻一个私章,给他们讲刻法人私章(方形的)。费用大概30元左右。 5.到会计师事务所领取“银行询征函”: 联系一家会计师事务所,领取一张“银行询征函”(必须是原件,会计师事务所盖鲜章)。如果你不清楚,可以看报纸上的分类广告,有很多会计师事务所的广告。 6.去银行开立公司验资户: 所有股东带上自己入股的那一部分钱到银行,带上公司章程、工商局发的核名通知、法人代表的私章、身份证、用于验资的钱、空白询征函表格,到银行去开立公司帐户,你要告诉银行是开验资户。开立好公司帐户后,各个股东按自己出资额向公司帐户中存入相应的钱。 银行会发给每个股东缴款单、并在询征函上盖银行的章。 注意:公司法规定,注册公司时,投资人(股东)必须缴纳足额的资本,可以以贷币形式(也就是人民币)出资,也可以以实物(如汽车)、房产、知识产权等出资。到银行办的只是货币出资这一部分,如果你有实物、房产等作为出资的,需要到会计师事务所鉴定其价值后再以其实际价值出资,比较麻烦,因此建议你直接拿钱来出资,公司法不管你用什么手段拿的钱,自己的也好、借的也好,只要如数缴足出资款即可。 7.办理验资报告: 拿着银行出具的股东缴款单、银行盖章后的询征函,以及公司章程、核名通知、房租合同、房产证复印件,到会计师事务所办理验资报告。一般费用800元左右(50万以下注册资金)。 8.注册公司: 到工商局领取公司设立登记的各种表格,包括设立登记申请表、股东(发起人)名单、董事经理监理情况、法人代表登记表、指定代表或委托代理人登记表。填好后,连同核名通知、公司章程、房租合同、房产证复印件、验资报告一起交给工商局。大概3个工作日后可领取执照。 此项费用约500元左右。 9.凭营业执照,到公安局指定的刻章社,去刻公章、财务章。后面步骤中,均需要用到公章或财务章。 10.办理企业组织机构代码证: head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 凭营业执照到技术监督局办理组织机构代码证,费用是150元左右。办这个证需要半个月,技术监督局会首先发一个预先受理代码证明文件,凭这个文件就可以办理后面的税务登记证、银行基本户开户手续了。 11.去银行开基本户: 凭营业执照、组织机构代码证,去银行开立基本帐号。最好是在原来办理验资时的那个银行的同一网点去办理,否则,会多收100元的验资帐户费用。 开基本户需要填很多表,你最好把能带齐的东西全部带上,要不然要跑很多趟,包括营业执照正本原件、身份证、组织机构代码证、公财章、法人章。 开基本户时,开户费用300元左右。今后你的公司开支票、划款。 12.办理税务登记: 领取执照后,30日内到当地税务局申请领取税务登记证。一般的公司都需要办理2种税务登记证,即国税和地税。费用是各400元左右。 办理税务登记证时,必须有一个会计,因为税务局要求提交的资料其中有一项是会计资格证和身份证。你可先请一个兼职会计,小公司刚开始请的兼职会计一般300元左右工资就可以了。 13.申请领购发票: 如果你的公司是销售商品的,应该到国税去申请发票,如果是服务性质的公司,则到地税申领发票。 最后就开始营业了。 注意每个月按时向税务申报税哦,即使没有开展业务不需要缴税,也要进行零申报,否则会被罚款的。 有二点你可能比较关心: 1.公司必须建立健全的会计 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,你可能担心自己不会,怎么办,刚开始成立的公司,业务少,对会计的工作量也非常小,你可以请一个兼职会计,每个月到你的公司帮你建帐,二、三天时间就够了,给他300-1000左右的工资即可。 2.公司的税额: 营业税:销售商品的公司,按所开发票额的4%征收增值税,企业所得税代征税率0.5%,个人所得税0.1%:;提供服务的公司,按所开发票额的5%征收营业税,企业所得税代征税率4%,个人所得税0.8%。所得税:对企业的纯利润征收18-33%的企业所得税。 小公司的利润不多,一般是18%。对企业所得税,做帐很关键,如果帐面上你的利润很多,那税率就高。所以,平常的购买设备都要开发票,你吃饭、坐车的票都留起来,可以做为你的企业运作成本。 二种税的区别:营业税是对营业额征税,不管你赚没有赚钱,只有发生了交易,开了发票,就要征税;所得税,是对利润征税,利润就是营业额扣减各种成本后剩余的钱,只有赚了钱,才会征所得税。 还有其它各种各样很多种的税,但没有多少钱,主要是上面二种,特别是所得税非常高,但注册在哪里,就看注册地的退税,后期服务,公司经营对象等都得考虑进去,有的企业要面对一些长期的,有知名度的合作企业时,注册地址,注册资金一定要细细选考虑,具体的还是咨询代理机构,我有一个朋友在复旦软件园高新技术产业基地,可以提供一些服务,你好他们就行。 你可以咨询一下上海复宝软件科技发展有限公司,其是复旦软件园高新技术产业基地的运营商,做的很不错,不到半年就招了100多家企业入驻,主要提供公司注册、写字楼出租、上海居住证及户口办理、专项资金申请等相关服务,非常专业和周到,我的用户名就是联系方式。 E head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar
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