首页 产地证明书的格式和填制要求



产地证明书的格式和填制要求产地证明书的格式和填制要求 江苏汇鸿中鼎 李若宾 编 一、通用填制要求 1、产地证书的编号(CERTIFICATE NO.) 此栏不得留空,否则证书无效。 2、出口方(EXPORTER) 填写出口公司的详细地址、名称和国家(地区)名。若经其他国家或地区,需填写转口商名称时,可在出口商后面填英文VIA,然后再填写转口商名称、地址和国家。 3、收货方(CONSIGNEE) 填写最终收货人名称、地址和国家(地区)名。通常是外贸合同中的买方或信用证上规定的提单通知人。如信用证规定所有单证收货人一栏留空,在这...

产地证明书的格式和填制要求 江苏汇鸿中鼎 李若宾 编 一、通用填制要求 1、产地证书的编号(CERTIFICATE NO.) 此栏不得留空,否则证书无效。 2、出口方(EXPORTER) 填写出口公司的详细地址、名称和国家(地区)名。若经其他国家或地区,需填写转口商名称时,可在出口商后面填英文VIA,然后再填写转口商名称、地址和国家。 3、收货方(CONSIGNEE) 填写最终收货人名称、地址和国家(地区)名。通常是外贸 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 中的买方或信用证上规定的提单 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 人。如信用证规定所有单证收货人一栏留空,在这种情况下,此栏应加注“TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN”或“TO ORDER”,但此栏不得留空。若需填写转口商名称时,可在收货人后面加填英文VIA,然后再写转口商名称、地址、国家。 4、运输方式和路线(MEANS OF TRANSPORT AND ROUTE) 填写装运港和目的港、运输方式。若经转运,还应注明转运地。例如:通过海运,由上海港经香港转运至汉堡港,应填为:FROM SHANGHAI TO HAMBURG BY VESSEL VIA HONGKONG. 5、目的地国家(地区)(COUNTRY/REGION OF DESTINATION) 填写目的地国家(地区)。一般应与最终收货人或最终目的港(地)国别相一致,不能填写中间商国家名称。 6、签证机构用栏(FOR CERTIFYING AUTHORITY USE ONLY) 由签证机构在签发后发证、补发证书或加注其他声明时使用。证书申领单位应将此栏留空。一般情况下,该栏不填。 7、运输标志(MARKS AND NUMBERS) 填写唛头。应按信用证、合同及发票上所列唛头填写完整图案、文字标记及包装号码,不可简单填写“按照发票”(AS PER INVOICE NUMBER)或者“按照提单”(AS PEER B/L NUMBER)。货物如无唛头,应填写“无唛头”(NO MARK)字样。此栏不得空留,如唛头多,本栏目填写不够,可填写在第7、8、9栏内的空白处,如还是不够,可用附页填写。 8、商品描述、包装数量及种类(NUMBEER ANDD KIND OF PACKAGES;DESCRIPTION OF GOODS) 填写商品描述及包装数量。商品名称要填写具体名称,不得用概括性 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 述,例如服装、食品(GARMENT、FOOD)等。包装数量及种类要按具体单位填写,应与信用证及其他单据严格一致。包装数量应在阿拉伯数字后加注英文表述。如货物为散装,在商品名称后加注“散装”(IN BULK)字样。有时信用证要求在所有单据上加注合同号码、信用证号等,可加注在此栏内。本栏的末行要打上表示结束的符号(**************),以防加添内容。 9、商品编码(H.S.CODE) management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 此栏要求填写HS编码,应与报关单一致。若同一证书包含有几种商品,则应将相应的税目号全部填写。此栏不得空留。 10、数量(QUANTITY) 此栏要求填写出口货物的数量及商品的计量单位。如果只有毛重时,则需填“G.W.”。 11、发票号码及日期(NUMBER AND DATE OF INVOICE) 填写商业发票号码及日期。此栏不得空留,为避免对月份、日期的误解,月份一律用英文表述,如2004年3月15日,则为: MARCH.15,2004. 12、出口方声明(DECLARATION BY THE EXPORTER) 填写出口人的名称、申报地点及日期,由已在签证机构注册的人员签名并加盖有中英文的印章。 13、由签证机构签字、盖章(CERTIFICATION) 填写签证地点、日期。 签证机构签证人经审核后在此栏(正本)签名,并盖签证印章。 二、一般原产地证书的格式和缮制 (一)一般原产地证书格式和作用 1. 一般原产地证书(certificate of origin of the people’s republic of China)(简称:“产地证”,又称:“普通产地证书”) 检验检疫局出具的《中华人民共和国原产地证书》 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 贸促会出具的《中华人民共和国原产地证书》 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site accor3 ding to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 2. 作用:通常用予不使用海关发票或领事发票的国家(地区),以确定对货物征税的税率。 3. 出证单位:若信用证或合同未作具体规定,一般由检验检疫局出具。 (1)检验检疫局出具的《中华人民共和国原产地证书》 (2)贸促会出具的《中华人民共和国原产地证书》 (3)出口商出具的《原产地证书》 (4)生产厂家出具的《原产地证书》 其中,以第一种、第二种形式最具有权威性。 (二)一般原产地证书的申领手续 1(申领的时间:最迟于货物出运3天前申请办理原产地证书。 2(申领所需要的文件 (1)提供规定格式并已缮制的《一般原产地证明书申请单》一份; (2)提供缮制完毕的《中华人民共和国原产地证明书》一套(一正三副); (3)提供出口商业发票正本一份; (4)发证机构所需的其他证明文件,如《加工工序清单》等。 (三)一般原产地证书的缮制要求 一般原产地证书共有l2项内容,除证书号(certificate N0()由发证机构指定以外,其余各栏均由出口企业用英文 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 打印。 1(e×porter(full name,address,country)(出口商名称、地址、国家) management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site accor5 ding to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 本栏填报出口商的企业全称、详细地址、国家全称。 (1)此栏不能填报境外中间商名称。即使信用证有规定也不可以。 (2)出口商名称要完整。若信用证项下,一般为受益人;若托收项下,一般为托收人。 (3)地址要详细完整,包括街道名称、门牌号码和邮政编码。 2(consignee(full name,address,county)(收货人名称、地址、国家) 本栏填报本批货物最终目的地收货人的名称、地址、国家全称。 3(means of transport and route(运输方式和路线) 例1:From Shanghai to Hamburg by sea 例2:By S(S(from Shanghai to Hamburg via Hong Kong 例3:On/after 06 Nov 2003 From Shantou to Hong Kong By Truck 4(country/region of destination(运抵国/地区) 一般按信用证或合同规定的目的港和国家,填报港口名称和国家(地区)名称。 5(for certifying authority use only(供签证机构使用) 本栏供签证机构对后发证书、补发证书、签发副本或其他事项加注声明时使用,证书申领单位应将此栏留空。 6(marks and numbers(唛头和包装号) 7(number&kind of packages;description of goods(商品名称、包装件数和种类) (1)包装件数和包装种类必须用英文大写和阿拉伯数字同时表示。如:management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten “0NE HUNDRED ANDTWENTY(1 20)CARTONS OF WORKING GLOVES”。 (2)商品名称必须具体,8位HS CODE,不能填报笼统名称 8(H(S(code(商品编码):8位数或l0位数。 9(quantity or weight(毛重或其他数量)一 (1)若计量单位为重量,应标明毛重或净重。例如;“GW400k9”或“NW400kg”。 (2)用规范英文或缩写表示计量单位。如:件(Pieces,PCS)、打(Dozen,DOZ)等。 10(number and date of invoices(发票号码及日期) 11(declaration by the e×porter(出口商声明) :已事先印制,出口商在此声明栏空白处,由法人或手签人员签字并盖公章(有中英文)。并且还需填制申报地点、申报日期。 12(certification(签证机构证明):签证机构证明已事先印制,签证机构在此注明签发地点和签发日期,签发日期不得早于发票甘期和申请日期。 三、普惠制产地证书 (一)普惠制产地证书格式和概述 1.普惠制原产地证(generalized system of preferences certificate of origin)[简称:“GSP产地证”,又称为:“FORM A(格式A)”]。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site accor7 ding to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 2.普遍优惠 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 是发达国家给予发展中国家出口制成品和半制成品。 3. “格式A”(FORM A)使用范围较广。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site accor9 ding to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten (二)普惠制产地证书的申领手续 1(申领的时间:最迟于货物出运5天前申请办理普惠制产地证书。 2(申领所需要的文件 (1)提供规定格式并已缮制的《普惠制产地证明书申请单》一份; (2)提供缮制完毕的《普惠制产地证明书FORM A》一套(一正两副); (3)提供出口商《商业发票》正本一份; (4)发证机构所需的其他证明文件,如《加工工序清单》等; (5)如果出口商品含有进口成分,还应交纳《含进口成分受惠商品成本明细单》一式两份。 (三)普惠制产地证FORM A缮制要点 普惠制产地证FORM A共有l2项内容,其中,证书右上角标题栏已显示签证机构所编制的证书号(Certificate N0(),在标题横线上方必须填上中华人民共和国签发的英文字样,即“Issued in The People’s Republic of China”。其他内容缮制要求: 1(goods consigned from(e×porter's business name,address,country) 2(goods consigned to(consignee’S name,address,country)(收货人名称、地址、国家) 银行接受开证申请人、提单通知人、发票抬头人等作为收货人 3(means of transport and route(as far as known) 填本批货物最终装运港、目的港或到货地点的名称,并说明运输方式。 4(for official use(供签证方使用) management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 本栏留空,供签证机构加注说明时用。若为“后发”证书,签证机关在此栏加盖“ISSUED RETROSPECTIVELY”红色印章。若为“副本”证书,签证机构在此栏加盖“DUPLICATE”章同时还注明“本证为某月某日签发第××号证书的副本,原证书作废”字样。(This Certificate is in Re(placement of Certificate of Original No DatedWhieh Cancelled) 5(item number(商品顺序号) 如果同一批出口货物有不同种类商品品种,则按每一项商品归类品种后,用阿拉伯数字“1”、“2”、“3”编一个顺序编号填入此栏。单项商品用“l”表示,或省略不填。 6(marks and number of packages(唛头和包装号) 7(number and kind of packages;descnption of goods(商品名称、包装件数及种类) 8(origin criterion(see notes overleaf)(原产地标准) 9(gross weight or other quantity(毛重或其他数量):与一般原产地证相应栏目填法相同。 10(number and date of invoices(发票号码及日期):与一般原产地证相应栏目填法相同。 11(certification(签证机构证明):签证机构证明事先已印制签证机构批注四项内容: (1)中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局公章;只签一份正本,副本不予盖章。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site accor11 ding to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten (2)由机构授权人手签。 (3)签发日期,与原产地证合理概念一致的日期。 (4)签发地点,具体的城市名和国家。 12(declaration by the expoder(出口商声明):出口商声明已事先印制,本栏须填写四项内容:生产国国名(英文)、进口国国名(英文)、申报单位签署,且加盖申报单位公章(正副本均须手签并盖章);申报日期、地点。 四、其他优惠原产地证 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site accor13 ding to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten
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