首页 [雅思口语第二部分]雅思口语第二部分真题大全集



[雅思口语第二部分]雅思口语第二部分真题大全集[雅思口语第二部分]雅思口语第二部分真题大全集 [雅思口语第二部分]雅思口语第二部分真题 大全集 篇一 : 雅思口语第二部分真题大全集 剑桥雅思口语精讲 第二节 口试第二阶段常见话题人任务导航 module 1-Describing People 1. Talk about a member of your family you like most. 2. Tell me about one of your friends. 3. Describe a teacher you have had. ...

[雅思口语第二部分]雅思口语第二部分真 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 大全集 [雅思口语第二部分]雅思口语第二部分真题 大全集 篇一 : 雅思口语第二部分真题大全集 剑桥雅思口语精讲 第二节 口试第二阶段常见话题人任务导航 module 1-Describing People 1. Talk about a member of your family you like most. 2. Tell me about one of your friends. 3. Describe a teacher you have had. 4. Tell me about a person who has greatly influenced you. 5. Tell me about a famous person who you particular admire. module 2-Describing Place 1. Talk about your home. 2. Tell me about your ideal home. 3. Describe the place where you presently work or study. 4. Describe a shopping centre or supermarket which you often visit. 5. Describe your favorite eating place/restaurant. 6. Describe a special building or structure you have seen. 7. Tell me about a school trip that you went on. 8. Tell me about a place you have visited. 9. Tell me about a place you would like to visit. module 3-Objects, Things & Events 1. Tell me about a book you have read. 2. Talk about a film you have seen. 3. Tell me about a TV programme that you watch regularly. 4. Tell me about a piece of music or a song that you particularly enjoy. 5. Tell me about a piece of news you heard or read recently. 6. Describe your favorite newspaper or magazine. 7. Tell me about a form of transport that you enjoy using. 8. Tell me about an important scientific development. 9. Describe a child game or toy that most sticks in your mind. 10. Talk about a favorite activity you take part in. 11. Tell me about a sport that you either like to watch or play. 12. Describe an important traditional Chinese festival. 13. Tell me about youth culture in your country. 14. Tell me about an artistic skill you wish you had or wish you could learn. 15. Tell me about your experience of learning English. 16. Tell me about an ideal job that you have never had, but would like to have. 17. Talk about a goal you have in your life. 18. Tell me about something really exciting you have done in your life. 19. Tell me about a great change that occurred at some point in your life. 20. Tell me abut a memorable event in your life. 21. Describe a ceremonial event that you either watched or attended. 22. Talk about a tool you often or sometimes use. 23. Talk about something you do well. module 4-Comparison 1. Compare the city life as opposed to country life. 2. Compare your parents. 3. Compare education system in China and in Western countries. 十天突破雅思口语 Part 2: 话题全集 P157:城市与建筑 1. Describe a modern building. 2. Describe a hotel. 3. Describe your favorite shop/store. 4. Describe a school/library you studied at before. 5. Describe your ideal house. 6. Describe an old building. 7. Describe how you spent the last weekend. 8. Describe an important building. 9. Describe a historical building/place. 10. Describe a quiet place. 11. Describe a place in your city that you know well. 12. Describe an important city in China. 13. Describe a city you would like to visit. 14. Describe a long-distance trip you took before. 15. Describe an interesting trip. 16. Describe a three-day holiday. 17. Describe a childhood experience. 18. Describe a school holiday. P179:组织与个人 1. Describe an organization. 2. Describe a workplace. 3. Describe a famous person who you admire. 4. Describe an artist. 5. Describe a wealthy/rich person. 6. Describe an old person who you admire. 7. Describe an international celebrity/a famous person in a foreign country. 8. Describe an intelligent person. 9. Describe a family that is not yours. 10. Describe a teacher who helped you before. 11. Describe a neighbor. 12. Describe a musician/singer. 13. Describe a business leader. 14. Describe a historical person. 15. Describe a movie star. 16. Describe a family member. 17. Describe a teacher. 18. Describe a friend. 19. Describe an architect. 20. Describe a happy person who you know before. 21. Describe a successful leader who you admire. 22. Describe someone you know who speaks another language. 23. Describe a person who you helped before. P202:人与自然 1. Describe a garden/park. 2. Describe a meal/picnic in a park. 3. Describe a place of natural beauty. 4. Describe a walk with a friend. 5. Describe a peaceful place. 6. Describe a one-day trip. 7. Describe a quiet place. 8. Describe a river/lake/sea you have visited. 9. Describe a trip that was not as good as you planned. 10. Describe a place that has been polluted. 11. Describe a place in your city that you know well. 12. Describe a photo. 13. Describe a place that comforts you. 14. Describe a walk that you regularly take. P219:边玩边学 1. Describe a piece of interesting news. 2. Describe a story from your childhood. 3. Describe a game. 4. Describe an outdoor activity. 5. Describe your favorite foreign culture. 6. Describe a foreign country you wish to travel to. 7. Describe a TV program that you like/dislike. 8. Describe an advertisement that helped you buy something. 9. Describe a film. 10. Describe a book. 11. Describe a song or a piece of music you heard in your childhood. 12. Describe a website. 13. Describe your favorite sport. 14. Describe an extreme sport. P247:物质诱惑 1. Describe a vehicle that you’d like to own. 2. Describe a photo. 3. Describe something electronic that you use often/that you do not use often. 4. Describe a piece of equipment you use everyday. 5. Describe an old piece of furniture/an antique. 6. Describe an object you use every day. 7. Describe an item of clothing/a piece of jewellery that you like. 8. Describe a handicraft/something that was made by your self. 9. Describe a national product. 10. Describe something expensive you’d like to buy. 11. Describe a gift or a present you have received. 12. Describe something you made yourself. 13. Describe an important conversation. P266:曾经沧海 1. Describe a happy event. 2. Describe an exciting message/a piece of good news you heard on the phone. 3. Describe a sports event. 4. Describe a special meal you had recently. 5. Describe an activity in an English lesson. 6. Describe a science lesson. 7. Describe a piece of work that was done quickly. 8. Describe a difficult thing that you did well. 9. Describe something you would like to succeed in doing. 10. Describe a skill. 11. Describe a happy family event. 12. Describe a festival that is popular in your country. 13. Describe an occasion that you were late for. 14. Describe an unhappy shopping experience. 15. Describe a wedding you have attended. 16. Describe a family photo. 17. Describe a birthday party. 18. Describe a party you prepared for others. 19. Describe an important change in your life. 20. Describe an important letter you wrote. 无忧雅思网 雅思机经大全 1. Tell me about a city you have visited. 2. Tell me about a hotel. 3. Describe a monument which is of national important in your country. 4. Tell me about a place you have visited. 5. Describe a room you live when you were a child. 6. Tell me about a school that you have attended at any time in your life. 7. Tell me about a strange place you have visited or heard about. 8. Describe an interesting building. 9. Describe a foreign country that you haven’t been to, but you want to go there. 10. Describe the important historic place. 11. Tell me about your hometown. 12. Tell me about your house. 13. Describe your perfect house or department. 14. Describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen. 15. Describe the restaurant that you like best. 16. Tell me about a restaurant that you have either been to or heard about. 17. Tell me about a river or lake that you have been to or heard about. 18. Describe a shop you are familiar with. 19. Tell me about a great change that occurred at some point in your life. 20. Tell me about a culture event that you either saw on TV or went to. 21. Tell me about a special family event you have taken part in. 22. Tell me about a meal that you either cooked or ate. 23. Tell me about a memorable experience you have had. 24. Describe a party you have attended that has remained in your memory. 25. Tell me about a school trip that you went on. 26. Tell me about a short course you have taken or would like to take. 27. Tell me about a great achievement your country has made. 28. Tell me about an important economic activity in your country. 29. Tell me about an important decision you have made. 30. Describe the worst weather that you have experienced in your life. 31. Describe a birthday party you enjoyed. 32. Describe a period or age, which you think, is interesting or exciting. 33. Describe a festival that is important in your country. 34. Please describe a happy event in your life. 35. Describe your latest trip in detail. 36. Describe your experience of learning English. 37. Describe a success in your life. 38. Describe a website you often visit. 39. Tell me about one of your classmate. 40. Tell me about a happy person. 41. Tell me about a person who has greatly influenced you. 42. Tell me about a person you would like to spend a day with. 43. Tell me about an ethnic minority in your country. 44. Tell me about a character in a film or TV show. 45. Describe a child you knew. 46. Describe someone you particularly enjoy working with. 47. Describe the person in your family who is most similar to you. 48. Describe a famous person in history who you would like to meet. 49. Describe one of your best friends. 50. Describe an actor/actress in a film who has impressed you. 51. Tell me about a music group or band from your country that you like. 52. Describe a person who is living near you. 53. Tell me about an old person whom you know. 54. Tell me about your parents. 55. Describe a sports star you admire. 56. Describe a teacher who has influenced you. 57. Tell me about a book you have read. 58. Describe a letter or a card. 59. Tell me about a pet people often keep in your country. 60. Describe a photograph. 61. Describe a traditional Chinese dress. 62. Describe an advertisement which has impressed you most. 63. Tell me about a piece of architecture from your country. 64. Describe an item of clothing or jewelry. 65. Describe an expensive thing you want to buy. 66. Describe your favorite photo. 67. Tell me about a meal or dish that you enjoy. 68. Describe something you want to owe in the future. 69. Describe the best present/gift you have received. 70. Describe something you made by yourself. 71. Describe an important letter that you have received. 72. Describe a machine that is important in your life. 73. Describe a national product. 74. Tell me about something you think is dangerous. 75. Tell me about the role TV plays in your life or your family life. 76. Tell me about the role computers play in your life. 77. Tell me about the role money plays in your life. 78. Describe the style of clothes you wear. 79. Describe a toy you have received. 80. Tell me about a wild animal. 81. Describe a favorite meal. 82. Describe what is your most favorite activity. 83. Tell me about an ambition you have in life. 84. Tell me about one or two bad habits you have. 85. Describe your favorite car. 86. Describe an favorite park in China. 87. Describe your favorite song. 88. Describe your favorite teacher. 89. Describe your favorite transport form. 90. Describe your favorite room. 91. Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy. 92. Describe one of the best movies you have ever seen. 93. Describe the role music play in your life. 94. Describe your favorite newspaper or magazine. 95. Describe a company. 96. Tell me about a game that you have played. 97. Tell me about a holiday you have taken. 98. Tell me about a problem that you have met in your life. 99. Describe a thing that you are interested doing in the future. 100. Tell me about an advertisement. 101. Tell me about an artistic skill you wish you had or wish you could learn. 102. Describe a children’s game. 103. Describe the season in your country. 104. Describe your ideal job. 105. Tell me about a piece of news you heard or read recently. 106. Describe the pollution in your region. 107. Describe a skill or subject which you would like to study. 108. Describe something you do to relax. 109. Tell me about how you could improve the way you work or study. 110. Describe a TV program. 111. Tell me about youth culture in your country. 112. Tell me about a historical event. 113. Tell me about an economic issue that is facing your company. 114. Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education. 115. Describe a film or a TV programme which has made a strong impression on you. 116. Describe your favorite recipe. 117. Describe your favorite children’s story. 118. Talk about the type of accommodation you live in. 119. Talk about a type of music that you particularly enjoy. 120. Talk about the season of the year that you like best. 121. Talk about a sports-person or sports team that you admire. 剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析2 老题型 剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析3 TEST 1:Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education. TEST 2:Describe a film or a TV programme which has made a strong impression on you. TEST 3:Describe a memorable event in your life. TEST 4:Describe something you own which is very important to you. 剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析4 TEST 1:Describe an interesting historic place. TEST 2:Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy. TEST 3:Describe a river, lake or sea which you like. TEST 4:Describe a useful website you have visited. 剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析5 TEST 1:Describe a well-know person you like or admire. TEST 2:Describe a song or a piece of music you like. TEST 3:Describe on of your friend. TEST 4:Describe a festival that is important in your country. 剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析6 TEST 1:Describe someone in your family who you like. TEST 2:Describe something healthy you enjoy doing. TEST 3:Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing. TEST 4:Describe an important choice you had to make in your life. 剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析7 TEST 1:Describe a party that you enjoyed. TEST 2:Describe an idea you had for improving something at work or college. TEST 3:Describe a competition that you took part in. TEST 4:Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful. 剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析8 目前只有大纲,没有真题 剑桥雅思最新真题题源详解 一、人物类话题 1. Describe a family member you admire. 2. Describe a friend . 3. Describe a good neighbour. 4. Describe a good teacher. 5. Describe a character from a childhood story. 6. Describe an old person you know. 7. Describe a child you know. 8. Describe a famous person. 9. Describe a leader. 10. Describe a person you like to stay with/talk with/be similar to. 11. Describe a person who gave you help. 12. Describe a successful person. 13. Describe a happy person. 14. Describe a teacher whom you admire. 15. Describe one of your best friends. 16. Describe a successful person you know. 二、娱乐、爱好类话题 17. Describe your favorite film. 18. Describe your favorite TV/radio program. 19. Describe one of your favorite books. 20. Describe your favorite magazine/newspaper. 21. Describe your favorite leisure activity. 22. Describe your favorite sport. 23. Describe an interesting advertisement. 24. Describe a website you often log on. 25. Describe a piece of interesting news. 26. Describe one of your favorite films. 27. Describe something healthy you enjoy doing. 28. Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing. 29. Describe an advertisement you think good. 三、地点类话题 30. Describe a park you often go to. 31. Describe a library/museum you visited. 32. Describe a shopping place. 33. Describe a place with a lot of water. 34. Describe a historical site you visited. 35. Describe a restaurant or a café you often go to. 36. Describe your living place. 37. Describe a place where you can listen to music. 38. Describe a park or garden you visited. 39. Describe a shopping place you often go to. 四、经历类话题 40. Describe a positive change in your life. 41. Describe an important decision you made. 42. Describe a success you achieved. 43. Describe a party/wedding you attended. 44. Describe an occasion on which you were late. 45. Describe a piece of advice you received. 46. Describe a local event in your city. 47. Describe a traditional performance you watched. 48. Describe a three-day holiday. 49. Describe a good law in your country. 50. Describe an important choice you had to make in your life. 51. Describe a family party in your home. 52. Describe a wedding you joined. 五、物品类话题 53. Describe a piece of furniture at your home. 54. Describe a useful tool/machine at your home/work. 55. Describe an expensive thing you want to get. 56. Describe a gift you received. 57. Describe a piece of work of art. 58. Describe an interesting photograph. 59. Describe an animal you like. 60. Describe a piece of clothes or jewelry. 61. Describe a piece of photo you like best. 62. Describe a kind of wild animal. 雅思口语多米诺 一. People and animals 人物、动物类 1. Describe an elderly family member. 2. Describe an interesting elderly person. 3. Describe a person who took care of you when you were young. 4. Describe a friend. 5. Describe a person you want to talk to. 6. Describe a person you want to spend time with. 7. Describe a person who helped you. 8. Describe a neighbor. 9. Describe a teenager. 10. Describe an elderly family member. 11. Describe a person you know who speaks a different language. 12. Describe a teacher. 13. Describe an unforgettable course or lecture. 14. Describe a child. 15. Describe a famous person. 16. Describe a leader. 17. Describe a person you want to become one day. 18. Describe a historical figure. 19. Describe a fairytale character. 20. Describe one kind of animal. 二、Objects 物品、物体类 21. Describe a handicraft. 22. Describe a painting. 23. Describe a piece of art. 24. Describe a piece of electronic equipment. 25. Describe a gift you got. 26. Describe a thing you save money to buy. 27. Describe an unforgettable family event. 28. Describe a photo. 29. Describe a letter or an E-mail you got. 30. Describe a thing you lost. 31. Describe a toy in your childhood. 32. Describe a piece of clothing or jewelry. 33. Describe a postcard. 34. Describe painting. 35. Describe a park or a garden. 36. Describe a season or month you love most. 37. Describe a piece of furniture. 38. Describe a vehicle. 39. Describe a statue or a sculpture. 40. Describe a famous person. 41. Describe a museum. 42. Describe an educational visit you made. 三、Events 事件类 43. Describe a game that children love playing. 44. Describe a game you played in your childhood. 45. Describe a childhood song you love. 46. Describe a performance or a show you love. 47. Describe a fashion show you love. 48. Describe a wedding you attended. 49. Describe a happy family event. 50. Describe an unforgettable family event. 51. Describe a traditional event. 52. Describe a public event. 53. Describe a festival. 54. Describe a piece of advice you got. 55. Describe a business you want to run. 56. Describe an organization. 57. Describe an occasion you were late for. 58. Describe a favorite meal. 59. Describe an important decision you made. 60. Describe a project you did with others. 61. Describe two family members. 62. Describe a family . 63. Describe a good cook. 64. Describe a thing you did successfully. 四、Places 场所、场地类 65. Describe a special street. 66. Describe an outdoor activity. 67. Describe a modern building. 68. Describe a theatre. 69. Describe a historical place. 70. Describe a shopping mall. 71. Describe a shop or a store. 72. Describe a place that features water. 73. Describe a holiday you had. 74. Describe a tourist attraction. 75. Describe a polluted city. 76. Describe an environmental problem. 77. Describe a good law in China. 78. Describe a fashion show. 79. Describe a piece of interesting news. 五、Media 传媒类 80. Describe a website. 81. Describe a TV programme. 82. Describe a radio programme. 83. Describe a newspaper. 84. Describe a magazine. 85. Describe a book you read before. 86. Describe a film you have seen. 87. Describe an advertisement. 88. Describe a story/legend/fairytale you were told in your childhood. 89. Describe A language you want to learn . 90. Describe a skill you want to master. 91. Describe something you are good at. 八十天攻克雅思口语 1. Describe your school or university. 2. Describe a restaurant you often go to. 3. Describe a store you like to go to. 4. Describe your favorite sport. 5. Describe an activity you often do in your spare time. 6. Describe the city you enjoyed in visiting. 7. Describe a favorite park in China. 8. Describe a historic place you went to. 9. Describe a trip you cannot forget. 10. Describe the worst weather in your life. 11. Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. 12. Describe the job you want to do in future. 13. Describe future life after finishing studying abroad. 14. Describe a building you have once seen. 15. Describe a museum, library or exhibit in your hometown. 16. Describe your best friend. 17. Describe a festival in your country. 18. Describe one of the four seasons in China. 19. Describe the part of a day you like most. 20. Describe a time when you felt very happy. 21. Describe your favorite room in your home. 22. Describe a restaurant that you often visit. 23. Describe a perfect house or flat. 24. Describe your favorite way of transport. 25. Describe a kind of animal that you like. 26. Describe a famous person you admire. 27. Describe your favorite sports star. 28. Describe one of your hobbies. 29. Describe a specific activity you usually do in your spare time. 30. Describe what you usually do on weekends. 31. Describe a Chinese party celebration you attended. 32. Describe your way of releasing pressure. 33. Describe campus life in the university. 34. Describe your favorite book. 35. Describe one of the best movies you have ever seen. 36. Describe one of the environmental problems in China. 37. Describe your favorite newspaper or magazine. 38. Describe your favorite song. 39. Describe something you would like to own in the future. 40. Describe a dream school or university. 41. Describe a gift that you have received which makes you feel special. 42. Describe a machine you use in your life. 新东方 IELTS 9分口语 1. People 1. Describe a young child that you know. 2. Describe an old person that you know. 3. Describe a person that has influenced you. 4. Describe a teacher that you like. 5. Describe a famous person from your country. 6. Describe your best friend. 7. Describe an artist from your country. 8. Describe your ideal husband/wife. 9. Describe a typical person from your country. 10. Describe your favorite family member. 2. Places 1. Describe your favorite city. 2. Describe a country you would love to visit. 3. Describe the most boring place you have been to. 4. Describe a place of historical significance in your country. 5. Describe the house you live in. 6. Describe a popular tourist attraction in your country. 7. Describe a place that is or should be heritage listed by your government. 8. Describe a place you frequently go with your friend. 9. Describe your favorite shopping centre. 3. Things/Objects 1. Describe the most expensive thing you own. 2. Describe something useful that you own. 3. Describe a car that you would like to own. 4. Describe something you cannot live without. 5. Describe a toy you played with as a child. 6. Describe the clothes you like to wear. 7. Describe an electronic device you can use well. 8. Describe a product that is made in your country. 9. Describe a great invention. 10. Describe something that you have lost. 11. Describe something you are scared of. 12. Describe a toy you played with as a child. 4. Activities 1. Describe a dangerous sport. 2. Describe a relaxing activity. 3. Describe a typical day at work/school. 4. Describe a game you played as a child. 5. Describe your computer habits. 6. Describe something you are learning now. 7. Describe a way to stay healthy. 8. Describe an activity you do with your family. 9. Describe an outdoor activity you enjoy. 5. Time/Events 1. Describe a natural disaster that occurred in your country. 2. Describe a memorable trip you have had. 3. Describe a festival from your country. 4. Describe an exciting competition you watched/took part in. 5. Describe what the future may be like. 6. Describe a stressful moment in your life. 7. Describe the worst weather you have experienced. 8. Describe a party you have been to. 9. Describe a wedding from your country. 6. Hometowns/Cities/Countries 1. Describe where you would like to retire. 2. Describe a problem in your city. 3. Describe a famous place in your country. 4. Describe a place you often went to as a child. 7. Work 1. Describe a successful company you know. 2. Describe the kind of boss you like. 3. Describe what makes a good employee. 4. Describe a memorable day you had at work. 8. Education 1. Describe a teacher who has influenced you. 2. Describe something you have learnt that is very useful. 3. Describe something that you would love to learn. 4. Describe a memorable day you had at school. 9. Crime 1. Describe a school rule that you don’t like or disagree with. 2. Describe what crimes affect the area you live in. 3. Describe what makes a good police officer. 4. Describe a crime that you have heard about. 10. Entertainment 1. Describe a book you read as a child. 2. Describe the last movie you saw. 3. Describe someone famous that you admire. 4. Describe your favorite place to go for entertainment. 11. Environment 1. Describe an environmental issue in your city. 2. Describe a natural disaster that has occurred in your country. 3. Describe a place of natural beauty in your country. 4. Describe a type of public transport in your city. 12. Media 1. Describe a newspaper you enjoy reading. 2. Describe a recent news event. 3. Describe a radio station you like listening to. 4. Describe a TV or radio ad you like. 篇二 : 雅思口语第二部分真题大全集 剑桥雅思口语精讲 第二节 口试第二阶段常见话题人任务导航 module 1-Describing People 1. Talk about a member of your family you like most. 2. Tell me about one of your friends. 3. Describe a teacher you have had. 4. Tell me about a person who has greatly influenced you. 5. Tell me about a famous person who you particular admire. module 2-Describing Place 1. Talk about your home. 2. Tell me about your ideal home. 3. Describe the place where you presently work or study. 4. Describe a shopping centre or supermarket which you often visit. 5. Describe your favorite eating place/restaurant. 6. Describe a special building or structure you have seen. 7. Tell me about a school trip that you went on. 8. Tell me about a place you have visited. 9. Tell me about a place you would like to visit. module 3-Objects, Things & Events 1. Tell me about a book you have read. 2. Talk about a film you have seen. 3. Tell me about a TV programme that you watch regularly. 4. Tell me about a piece of music or a song that you particularly enjoy. 5. Tell me about a piece of news you heard or read recently. 6. Describe your favorite newspaper or magazine. 7. Tell me about a form of transport that you enjoy using. 8. Tell me about an important scientific development. 9. Describe a child game or toy that most sticks in your mind. 10. Talk about a favorite activity you take part in. 11. Tell me about a sport that you either like to watch or play. 12. Describe an important traditional Chinese festival. 13. Tell me about youth culture in your country. 14. Tell me about an artistic skill you wish you had or wish you could learn. 15. Tell me about your experience of learning English. 16. Tell me about an ideal job that you have never had, but would like to have. 17. Talk about a goal you have in your life. 18. Tell me about something really exciting you have done in your life. 19. Tell me about a great change that occurred at some point in your life. 20. Tell me abut a memorable event in your life. 21. Describe a ceremonial event that you either watched or attended. 22. Talk about a tool you often or sometimes use. 23. Talk about something you do well. module 4-Comparison 1. Compare the city life as opposed to country life. 2. Compare your parents. 3. Compare education system in China and in Western countries. 十天突破雅思口语 Part 2: 话题全集 P157:城市与建筑 1. Describe a modern building. 2. Describe a hotel. 3. Describe your favorite shop/store. 4. Describe a school/library you studied at before. 5. Describe your ideal house. 6. Describe an old building. 7. Describe how you spent the last weekend. 8. Describe an important building. 9. Describe a historical building/place. 10. Describe a quiet place. 11. Describe a place in your city that you know well. 12. Describe an important city in China. 13. Describe a city you would like to visit. 14. Describe a long-distance trip you took before. 15. Describe an interesting trip. 16. Describe a three-day holiday. 17. Describe a childhood experience. 18. Describe a school holiday. P179:组织与个人 1. Describe an organization. 2. Describe a workplace. 3. Describe a famous person who you admire. 4. Describe an artist. 5. Describe a wealthy/rich person. 6. Describe an old person who you admire. 7. Describe an international celebrity/a famous person in a foreign country. 8. Describe an intelligent person. 9. Describe a family that is not yours. 10. Describe a teacher who helped you before. 11. Describe a neighbor. 12. Describe a musician/singer. 13. Describe a business leader. 14. Describe a historical person. 15. Describe a movie star. 16. Describe a family member. 17. Describe a teacher. 18. Describe a friend. 19. Describe an architect. 20. Describe a happy person who you know before. 21. Describe a successful leader who you admire. 22. Describe someone you know who speaks another language. 23. Describe a person who you helped before. P202:人与自然 1. Describe a garden/park. 2. Describe a meal/picnic in a park. 3. Describe a place of natural beauty. 4. Describe a walk with a friend. 5. Describe a peaceful place. 6. Describe a one-day trip. 7. Describe a quiet place. 8. Describe a river/lake/sea you have visited. 9. Describe a trip that was not as good as you planned. 10. Describe a place that has been polluted. 9. Describe a teenager. 10. Describe an elderly family member. 11. Describe a person you know who speaks a different language. 12. Describe a teacher. 13. Describe an unforgettable course or lecture. 14. Describe a child. 15. Describe a famous person. 16. Describe a leader. 17. Describe a person you want to become one day. 18. Describe a historical figure. 19. Describe a fairytale character. 20. Describe one kind of animal. 二、Objects 物品、物体类 21. Describe a handicraft. 22. Describe a painting. 23. Describe a piece of art. 24. Describe a piece of electronic equipment. 25. Describe a gift you got. 26. Describe a thing you save money to buy. 27. Describe an unforgettable family event. 28. Describe a photo. 29. Describe a letter or an E-mail you got. 30. Describe a thing you lost. 31. Describe a toy in your childhood. 32. Describe a piece of clothing or jewelry. 33. Describe a postcard. 34. Describe painting. 35. Describe a park or a garden. 36. Describe a season or month you love most. 37. Describe a piece of furniture. 38. Describe a vehicle. 39. Describe a statue or a sculpture. 40. Describe a famous person. 41. Describe a museum. 42. Describe an educational visit you made. 三、Events 事件类 43. Describe a game that children love playing. 44. Describe a game you played in your childhood. 45. Describe a childhood song you love. 46. Describe a performance or a show you love. 47. Describe a fashion show you love. 48. Describe a wedding you attended. 49. Describe a happy family event. 50. Describe an unforgettable family event. 51. Describe a traditional event. 52. Describe a public event. 53. Describe a festival. 54. Describe a piece of advice you got. 55. Describe a business you want to run. 56. Describe an organization. 57. Describe an occasion you were late for. 58. Describe a favorite meal. 59. Describe an important decision you made. 60. Describe a project you did with others. 61. Describe two family members. 62. Describe a family . 63. Describe a good cook. 64. Describe a thing you did successfully. 四、Places 场所、场地类 65. Describe a special street. 66. Describe an outdoor activity. 67. Describe a modern building. 68. Describe a theatre. 69. Describe a historical place. 70. Describe a shopping mall. 71. Describe a shop or a store. 72. Describe a place that features water. 73. Describe a holiday you had. 74. Describe a tourist attraction. 75. Describe a polluted city. 76. Describe an environmental problem. 77. Describe a good law in China. 78. Describe a fashion show. 79. Describe a piece of interesting news. 五、Media 传媒类 80. Describe a website. 81. Describe a TV programme. 82. Describe a radio programme. 83. Describe a newspaper. 84. Describe a magazine. 85. Describe a book you read before. 86. Describe a film you have seen. 87. Describe an advertisement. 88. Describe a story/legend/fairytale you were told in your childhood. 89. Describe A language you want to learn . 90. Describe a skill you want to master. 91. Describe something you are good at. 八十天攻克雅思口语 1. Describe your school or university. 2. Describe a restaurant you often go to. 3. Describe a store you like to go to. 4. Describe your favorite sport. 5. Describe an activity you often do in your spare time. 6. Describe the city you enjoyed in visiting. 7. Describe a favorite park in China. 8. Describe a historic place you went to. 9. Describe a trip you cannot forget. 10. Describe the worst weather in your life. 11. Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. 12. Describe the job you want to do in future. 13. Describe future life after finishing studying abroad. 14. Describe a building you have once seen. 15. Describe a museum, library or exhibit in your hometown. 16. Describe your best friend. 17. Describe a festival in your country. 18. Describe one of the four seasons in China. 19. Describe the part of a day you like most. 20. Describe a time when you felt very happy. 21. Describe your favorite room in your home. 22. Describe a restaurant that you often visit. 23. Describe a perfect house or flat.
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