首页 2012年徐汇区初中科学学业考试



2012年徐汇区初中科学学业考试2012年徐汇区初中科学学业考试 班级: 姓名: 学号: 说明:本试卷包括闭卷和开卷两部分。考试时间60分钟~满分100分。闭卷部 分答题时间为20分钟,开卷部分答题时间为40分钟。 ?(闭卷部分(满分50分 答题时间20分钟) 一、 选择题:(2分×10=20分) 1、下列实验操作错误的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A B C D 、“光年”是一种„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) 2 A(时间单位 B(长度单位 C(速度单位 D(密度单位 3、下列饮食习惯中合理的是...

2012年徐汇区 初中 初中体育教案免费下载初中各年级劳动技术教案初中阶段各学科核心素养一览表初中二次函数知识点汇总初中化学新课程标准 科学学业考试 班级: 姓名: 学号: 说明:本试卷包括闭卷和开卷两部分。考试时间60分钟~满分100分。闭卷部 分答 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 时间为20分钟,开卷部分答题时间为40分钟。 ?(闭卷部分(满分50分 答题时间20分钟) 一、 选择题:(2分×10=20分) 1、下列实验操作错误的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A B C D 、“光年”是一种„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) 2 A(时间单位 B(长度单位 C(速度单位 D(密度单位 3、下列饮食习惯中合理的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„。 ( ) A、吃几种有营养的荤菜 B、荤菜、素菜都吃 C、多吃高热量食品 D、多吃熟泡面 4、能用“粒子在不停地运动” 来解释的现象是„„„„„„„„„ ( ) A、气体很容易被压缩 B、固体不容易被压缩 C、打开香水瓶盖满屋都香 D、车胎打气后变硬 5、某同学在做“唾液淀粉酶的消化作用”实验中, 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 的实验结果见下 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。该实验结果表明酶的催化作用„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) 试管 加入物质 温度 碘液检验 01 淀粉糊+唾液 37 C 不变蓝 02 淀粉糊+唾液 0 C 变蓝 A.需要适宜的pH B.具有专一性 C.需要适宜的温度 D.具有高效性 instrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the stand-alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-2004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 3523-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-MO heat-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process. 6、下列各组能源中都是可再生能源的一组是„„„„„„„„„„( ) A、风能、煤 B、水能、太阳能 C、石油、地热能 D、核能、天然气 7、初冬季节,上海大雾天气比较频繁,“雾”的形成属于( )现象 A.升华 B.液化 C.凝华 D.汽化 8、人类潜入深海所面临的困难有„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(寒冷、低压、辐射、缺氧 B(寒冷、高压、辐射、缺氧 C(寒冷、高压、黑暗、缺氧 D(寒冷、低压、黑暗、缺氧 9、以下是上海地区空气质量指标监测的几个项目,其中哪一项可用于预测 上海的酸雨污染情况:(1)二氧化硫 (2)二氧化氮 (3)可吸如颗粒物 A、(1)和(2) B、(2)和(3) C(1)和(3) D、(1)、(2)、(3) 10、有一台40W的电灯,连续使用10小时,消耗的电量为„„( ) A、0.4千瓦时 B、4千瓦时 C、40千瓦时 D、400千瓦时 二、 简答题:(1分×30=30分) 11、石蜡浮在水面上,为了测量某一块石蜡的体积,小敏同学采用下图所示的方法,图中第 (填字母)个实验测量是没有必要的,石蜡的体积是 。 12、、下图中是一个大家常用的不锈钢双层真空保温杯及其结构解剖图,请说出下列结构中,主要运用了哪一原理来减少热传递发生。 不锈钢层有很亮的金属光泽,可以有效地减少热的 __________发生。 两层不锈钢之间的真空层可以有效减少热的___ ___ 发生。 -MO heat-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-ding procedures SH/T 35232004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline wel-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-ne engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 350197 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeli-elding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268g construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline wrkers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineerinalone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled wo-he coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the standinstrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to t2epartments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process.owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision dd the partment. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attenparticipation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Dehere welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 w f the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials o-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730 3 13、、根据装置图(图甲),在电路图(图乙)的“ ”中填入相应的电路符号。 甲 乙 如图所示,串联进该电路的表的读数是_______ 1 2 1 2 0.4 10 3 3 0.2 5 0 0 A V 0 0 0.6 15 3 3 - 0.6 - 1 5 14、请分析下面的文字并回答: 某同学低头阅读课本一段时间后,然后抬头远望窗外的小鸟; (1)他眼内(结构名称) 的厚度会 变 (薄/厚)。当她发现自己的眼睛看 不清黑板上的字后到医院进行了检查,医生告 诉她已患上某种屈光不正的疾病(如图),小 奇的眼睛已经成为 (远视眼/近视 眼),应当佩带 (凸透镜/凹透镜)来 进行矫正。 (2)视觉形成过程中,形成图像和形成视觉的部位分别是( ) A、视网膜、视网膜 B、大脑皮层、大脑皮层 C、视网膜、大脑皮层 D、大脑皮层、视网膜 15、请将金属具有的某些特性与用途其相连线: 金属的导电性 制作导线 金属具有光泽 制作美观、眩目的饰品 金属的导热性 制作炊事器皿 金属的延展性 制作各种形状的器物。 16、某同学测量了一些数据,但忘了写单位。请给他补上合适的单位: -92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-ian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 35232004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austr-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-on GB 50268icatiuction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specifskilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used constr alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and-o the standinstrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according t3ng process, should be approved by welding the welding process.weldiand eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope uctureboiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel strelding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of n of wing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparatio2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, provid94 6.-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-MO heat 小红的身高为1.55 ; 一罐可口可乐饮料是250 ; 某位病人体温为39 ;人耳能听到的声音范围为20-20000 。 17、小南在以10倍目镜和10倍物镜的显微镜观察口腔上皮细胞时,遇到了以下问题,请你帮助他来一起解决。 图2 图1 (1)当他对光时发现显微镜中视野过暗,可调节图1中哪一个构造以获得适当的光线,调节(填字母) ,该结构的名称是 。 (2)图2是他在显微镜下所见之口腔上皮细胞,e所指的细胞结构是 。他所观察到的细胞总共被放大了 倍。当他换40倍物镜时,这些细胞却看不到了,他应如何操作才能再看到它们,( ) (A)改用60倍物镜 (B)将载玻片向右下方移动 (C)增加视野亮度 (D)转动粗调节器。 18、学习了声现象后,爱动脑筋的小明将喝饮料的吸管剪成不同的长度,并用胶带将吸管底部密封,然后排在一起。对着管口吹气,由于空气柱的 就会产生声音。管的长短不同,发出声音的 (填“音调”“响度”或“音色”)就不同,这样就做成了一个小吸管乐器。 19、小明同学为了研究物体重力大小与其质量的关系,他利用弹簧秤和钩码进行了实验,测量数据如下,请你与小明一起从中寻找出有关的科学规律。 钩码个数(个) 1 2 3 质量(千克) 0.1 0.2 0.3 重力(牛) 1 2 3 重力/质量(牛/千克) (3)若在弹簧秤下挂4个钩码(不超出弹簧秤的测量范围),则弹簧秤的读数为 牛。 (2)根据表格中数据可知,质量是1千克的物体所受的重力是 牛,重力 与质量的比值为一个 (填:定值或变值)。 -resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-MO heat-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-ding procedures SH/T 35232004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline wel-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-ne engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 350197 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeli-elding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268g construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline wrkers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineerinalone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled wo-he coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the standinstrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to t4epartments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process.owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision dd the partment. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attenparticipation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Dehere welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 w f the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials o 5 2012年徐汇区初中科学学业考试 П(开卷部分(满分50分 答题时间40分钟) 三、实验与探究(25分) 20、(8分)某科学兴趣小组将5块用同种棉布制作的相同手帕,分别在5份不 同质量分数的酒精溶液中浸透后取出点火,进行“烧不坏的手帕”的实验。 其实验结果如下表: 实验序号 1 2 3 4 5 酒精质量 95 65 55 15 5 分数(%) 酒精烧完 酒精烧完手酒精烧完手实验现象 不燃烧 , 手帕烧坏 帕无损 帕无损 (1)根据所学知识,可燃物燃烧需要 、 等条件。 (2)请推测实验5的实验现象是 。 (3)你认为实验2、3中“酒精烧完,手帕无损”的原因是 。 21、(7分)井水中含有悬浮微粒、微小生物和已溶解的物质,所以必须净化后方可饮用。如果除去体积较大的悬浮颗粒,使用装置的图示是 (填编号),此方法叫做 法;如果要除去水中已溶解的物质,使用装置的图示是 (填编号),此方法叫做 法;一般除去水中的微小生物,采用的方法是 。 在上图B所示的实验过程中,水首先由液态变为气态这个过程叫 ,然后再由气态变为液态,后者的过程称为 。 -92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-ian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 35232004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austr-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-on GB 50268icatiuction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specifskilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used constr alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and-o the standinstrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according t5ng process, should be approved by welding the welding process.weldiand eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope uctureboiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel strelding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of n of wing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparatio2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, provid94 6.-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-MO heat 22、(10分)某同学从棒棒糖溶解速度的观察引发思考,并完成了课题研究 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,试根据报告中的相关内容思考并回答有关问题: 棒棒糖为何溶得快 一次,弟弟在吃棒棒糖时,把糖浸在水杯里玩,由于棒还拿在弟弟手里, 棒棒糖只能浸在水的上部。我发现被溶解的糖不断往下流,看上去流得很快,马上联想到平时放在水中沉底的冰糖好像没有溶解得那么快。我当即让弟弟把棒棒糖放在杯底,观察了一段时间,觉得溶解的速度慢多了。难道深度也会影响溶解的速度,为此,做了下面实验: 实验器材: 6只50ml量筒、细棉线、晶体糖(1.5cm×1.5cm×1.5cm)、自来水。 实验步骤: 1.往量筒中加入500ml自来水。 2.用细棉线一端将晶体糖系好,另一端与木棒系好。 3.将糖放入量筒中,木棒架在量筒上,调整糖块位置到各个预定深度(如下表所 列),实验时测得室温为26?,分别记下每次测量的结果。 量筒编号 A B C D E F 离液面的深度cm 1.5 4 8 12 16 20 完全溶解的时间min 72 79 92 106 125 144 (1)该同学在看到弟弟吃棒棒糖的过程中提出了 问题。 (2)在6组实验中,需要控制使得各组相同的主要变量有 (3)从实验结果得出的结论是 。 (4)根据所学的知识,影响固体溶解速度的因素还有 (请举二例)。 92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-ding procedures SH/T 35232004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline wel-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-ne engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 350197 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeli-elding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268g construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline wrkers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineerinalone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled wo-he coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the standinstrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to t6epartments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process.owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision dd the partment. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attenparticipation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Dehere welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 w f the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials o-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-MO heat- 7 四、分析与综合(25分) 23、(10分)椐调查分析,导致哺乳动物和鸟类濒危或受威胁的原因及所占的 比例如下表所示: 原因 哺乳动物 鸟类 偷猎 30% 20% 栖息地的丧失 33% 60% 外来物种的侵入 17% 12% 其他 20% 8% 请根据表中提供的数据,回答下列问题: 1)导致哺乳动物和鸟类濒危或受威胁的首要原因是 ,你的依据是: 。 2)生物多样性的丧失会影响原有食物网的结构,请分析图中的两个食物网并回答: (1)、写出两个食物网中有“吃虫鸟”的食物链: 狐 猫头鹰 猫头鹰 蛇 青蛙 青蛙 吃虫鸟 吃虫鸟 食草昆虫 食草昆虫 青草 青草 A B (2)、假如吃虫鸟在食物网A、B中同时数量急剧减少,那么对哪个食物网的影响更大,为什么, (3)、作为中学生,我们能自觉地为保护生物多样性做些什么, 。 1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-ian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline welding procedures SH/T 35232004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austr-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-97 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeline engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 3501-on GB 50268icatiuction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline welding engineering construction and the acceptance specifskilled workers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineering construction programme 6.1 this engineering used constr alone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and-o the standinstrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to the coordination of the test phase, the instrument according t7ng process, should be approved by welding the welding process.weldiand eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision departments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attend the owners, and construction should be made within the scope uctureboiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Department. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel strelding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 where participation in site welding, must be in possession of n of wing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified welding procedure qualification based on the preparatio2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials of the project specifications and welding methods, provid94 6.-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-MO heat-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR- 24、(9分)阅读下文,回答相关问题: 1771年,英国科学家普利斯特利发现,将点燃的蜡烛与绿色植物一起放在一个密闭的玻璃罩内,蜡烛不容易熄灭;将小鼠与绿色植物一起放在玻璃罩内,小鼠也不容易窒息而死。因此,他指出植物可以更新空气。但是,他并不知道植物更新了空气中的哪种成分,也没有发现光在这个过程中所起的关键作用。1864年,德国科学家萨克斯做了这样一个实验:把绿色植物放在暗处几小时,然后把其中一片叶片的一半曝光,另一半遮光。过一段时间后,用碘蒸气处理叶片,发现遮光的那一半叶片没有发生颜色变化,曝光的那一半叶片则呈深蓝色。 (1)、普利斯特利发现了 ,这种成分是 , 我们可以用 方法来鉴别,它占空气总体积 的 %。 (2)、萨克斯在进行实验前,先将绿色叶片放在暗处几小时,其目的是 ,这个实验成功地证明了 。 (3)、从两位相隔近一个世纪的科学家身上,是否让你发现了科学探究的真谛,科学探究需要 、 、 。 25、(6分)(今有下列生物:苹果、马、蜜蜂、荷花和蚯蚓。请根据它们的特征将下面检索表的其余部分填充完整、并说出他们的分类依据。 分类依据 苹果、马、蜜蜂、荷花、蚯蚓 苹果、荷花 马、蜜蜂、蚯蚓 welding procedure qualification based on the preparation of welding instruction, guide the welder welding operations. 6.2.3 w f the project specifications and welding methods, providing qualified welding procedure qualification report. 6.2.2 qualified94 6.2 JB weld preparation 6.2.1 construction according to the materials o-resistant steel pipe 6.1.6 of the pressure vessel NDT 4730-MO heat-92 petrochemical engineering technical specification for welding of CR-1999 6.1.5 SHJ520-ding procedures SH/T 35232004 6.1.4 oil chemical chrome nickel Austrian's body steel, and iron nickel alloy and nickel alloy pipeline wel-2002 6.1.3 oil chemical low temperature steel welding procedures SH/T 3520-ne engineering construction and the acceptance specification SH 350197 6.1.2 oil chemical toxic, and can burning media pipeli-elding engineering construction and the acceptance specification GB 50268g construction programme 6.1 this engineering used construction specification 6.1.1 site equipment, and industrial pipeline wrkers, to ensure safety and quality. 6. welding engineerinalone trials scheduled, with the process preparation of test solutions, equipped with professional technicians and skilled wo-he coordination of the test phase, the instrument according to the standinstrument has a single test condition, will be transferred to t8epartments and owners. 6.2.5 qualify for welding welder, welding process, should be approved by welding the welding process.owners, and construction should be made within the scope and eligibility approved by the quality and technology supervision dd the partment. 6.2.4 where involved in the pipe and steel structure welding welders, welder before entry examinations should attenparticipation in site welding, must be in possession of boiler and pressure vessel welder certificates issued by the Labor Dehere
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