首页 中国情况年鉴2006(中英文版本)附4中文英文目标说明[宝典]



中国情况年鉴2006(中英文版本)附4中文英文目标说明[宝典]中国情况年鉴2006(中英文版本)附4中文英文目标说明[宝典] 主要统计指标解释 一、水环境 水资源总量 一定区域内的水资源总量指当地降水形成的地表和地下产水量,即地表径流量与降水入渗补给量之和,不包括过境水量。 地表水资源量 指河流、湖泊、冰川等地表水体中由当地降水形成的、可以逐年更新的动态水量,即天然河川径流量。 地下水资源量 指当地降水和地表水对饱水岩土层的补给量。 地表水与地下水资源重复计算量 指地表水和地下水相互转化的部分,即在河川径流量中包括一部分地下水排泄量,地下水补给量中包括一部分来源于地表...

中国情况年鉴2006(中英文版本)附4中文英文目标 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 [宝典] 主要统计指标解释 一、水环境 水资源总量 一定区域内的水资源总量指当地降水形成的地表和地下产水量,即地表径流量与降水入渗补给量之和,不包括过境水量。 地表水资源量 指河流、湖泊、冰川等地表水体中由当地降水形成的、可以逐年更新的动态水量,即天然河川径流量。 地下水资源量 指当地降水和地表水对饱水岩土层的补给量。 地表水与地下水资源重复计算量 指地表水和地下水相互转化的部分,即在河川径流量中包括一部分地下水排泄量,地下水补给量中包括一部分来源于地表水的入渗量。 供水总量 指各种水源工程为用户提供的包括输水损失在内的毛供水量。 地表水源供水量 指地表水体工程的取水量,按蓄、引、提、调四种形式统计。从水库、塘坝中引水或提水,均属蓄水工程供水量;从河道或湖泊中自流引水的,无论有闸或无闸,均属引水工程供水量;利用扬水站从河道或湖泊中直接取水的,属提水工程供水量;跨流域调水指水资源一级区或独立流域之间的跨流域调配水量,不包括在蓄、引、提水量中。 地下水源供水量 指水井工程的开采量,按浅层淡水、深层承压水和微咸水分别统计。城市地下水源供水量包括自来水厂的开采量和工矿企业自备井的开采量。 其他水源供水量 包括污水处理再利用、集雨工程、海水淡化等水源工程的供水量。 用水总量 指分配给用户的包括输水损失在内的毛用水量。按用户特性分为农业、工业、生活和生态用水四大类。 农业用水 包括农田灌溉和林牧渔业用水。林牧渔业用水指林果地灌溉、草地灌溉和鱼塘补水。 工业用水 按新水取用量计,不包括企业内部的重复利用水量。 生活用水 包括城镇生活用水和农村生活用水。城镇生活用水由居民用水和公共用水(含服务业、餐饮业、货运邮电业及建筑业等用水)组成;农村生活用水除居民生活用水外,还包括畜用水在内。 生态用水 仅包括城市环境用水和部分河湖、湿地的人工补水。 工业废水排放量 指报告期内经过企业厂区所有排放口排到企业外部的工业废水量。包括生产废水、外排的直接冷却水、超标排放的矿井地下水和与工业废水混排的厂区生活污水,不包括外排的间接冷却水(清污不分流的间接冷却水应计算在废水排放 量内)。 直接排入海的 指经企业位于海边的排放口,直接排入海的废水量。直接排放指废水经过工厂的排污口直接排入海,而未经过城市下水道或其他中间体,也不受其他水体的影响。 工业废水排放达标量 指报告期内废水中各项污染物指标都达到国家或地方排放 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的外排工业废水量,包括未经处理外排达标的,经废水处理设施处理后达标排放的,以及经污水处理厂处理后达标排放的。 工业废水排放达标率 指工业废水排放达标量占工业废水排放量的百分率,计算 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 为: 工业废水排放达标量 工业废水排放达标率,,100%工业废水排放量 化学需氧量(COD) 测量有机和无机物质化学分解所消耗氧的质量浓度的水污染指数。 二、海洋环境 清洁海域 符合国家海水水质标准中一类海水水质的海域,适用于海洋渔业水域、海上自然保护区、珍稀濒危海洋生物保护区。 较清洁海域 符合国家海水水质标准中二类海水水质的海域,适用于水产养殖区、海水浴场、人体直接接触海水的海上运动或娱乐区、以及与人类食用直接有关的工业用水区。 符合国家海水水质标准中三类海水水质的海域,适用于一般工业轻度污染海域 用水区。 中度污染海域 符合国家海水水质标准中四类海水水质的海域,仅适用于海洋港口水域和海洋开发作业区。 严重污染海域 劣于国家海水水质标准中四类海水水质的海域。 首要超标污染物 全海域或海区平均超标倍数最大的污染物。 三、大气环境 平均气温 气温指空气的温度,我国一般以摄氏度为单位表示。气象观测的温度表是放在离地面约1.5米处通风良好的百叶箱里测量的,因此,通常说的气温指的是离地面1.5米处百叶箱中的温度。计算方法:月平均气温是将全月各日的平均气温相加,除以该月的天数而得。年平均气温是将12个月的月平均气温累加后除以12而得。 年平均相对湿度 相对湿度指空气中实际水气压与当时气温下的饱和水气压之比,通常以(%)为单位表示。其统计方法与气温相同。 全年日照时数 日照时数指太阳实际照射地面的时数,通常以小时为单位表示。其统计方法与降水量相同。 全年降水量 降水量指从天空降落到地面的液态或固态(经融化后)水,未经蒸发、 渗透、流失而在地面上积聚的深度,通常以毫米为单位表示。计算方法:月降水量是将该全月各日的降水量累加而得。年降水量是将该年12个月的月降水量累加而得。 工业废气排放量 指报告期内企业厂区内燃料燃烧和生产 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 过程中产生的各种排入大气的含有污染物的气体的总量,以标准状态(273K,101325Pa)计算。测算公式为: 工业废气燃料燃烧过程中生产工艺过程中 ,,排放量的废气排放量的废气排放量 生活及其他SO排放量 以生活及其他煤炭消费量和其含硫量为基础,根据以下公2 式计算: 生活及其他SO排放量,生活及其他煤炭消费量,含硫量,0.8,22 工业SO排放量 指报告期内企业在燃料燃烧和生产工艺过程中排入大气的SO总22量,计算公式为: 工业SO排放量,燃料燃烧过程中SO排放量,生产工艺过程中SO排放量222 工业烟尘排放量 指企业厂区内燃料燃烧过程中产生的烟气中夹带的颗粒物排放量。 生活及其他烟尘排放量 指除工业生产活动以外的所有社会、经济活动及公共设施的经营活动中燃烧所排放的烟尘纯重量。以生活及其他煤炭消费量为基础进行测算。 工业粉尘排放量 指报告期内企业排入大气的粉尘量。工业粉尘指在生产工艺过程中排放的能在空气中悬浮一定时间的固体颗粒,如钢铁企业的耐火 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 粉尘、焦化企业的筛焦系统粉尘、烧结机的粉尘、石灰窑的粉尘、建材企业水泥粉尘等,不包括电厂排入大气的烟尘。工业粉尘排放量可以通过除尘系统的排风量和除尘设备出口排尘浓度相乘求得,计算公式为: 工业粉尘排放量,除尘设备出口废气中粉尘平均浓度,除尘系统排风量,除尘设备运行时间四、固体废物 工业固体废物产生量 指报告期内企业在生产过程中产生的固体状、半固体状和高浓度液体状废弃物的总量,包括危险废物、冶炼废渣、粉煤灰、炉渣、煤矸石、尾矿、放射性废物和其他废物等;不包括矿山开采的剥离废石和掘进废石(煤矸石和呈酸性或碱性的废石除外)。酸性或碱性废石指采掘的废石其流经水、雨淋水的PH值小于4或PH值大于10.5者。 危险废物 指列入国家危险废物名录或者根据国家规定的危险废物鉴别标准和鉴别方法认定的,具有爆炸性、易燃性、易氧化性、毒性、腐蚀性、易传染性疾病等危险特性之一的废物。 工业固体废物综合利用量 指报告期内企业通过回收、加工、循环、交换等方式,从固体废物中提取或者使其转化为可以利用的资源、能源和其他原材料的固体废物量(包括当年利用的往年工业固体废物贮存量)。如用做农业肥料、生产建筑材料、筑路等。综合利用量由原产生固体废物的单位统计。 工业固体废物综合利用率 指工业固体废物综合利用量占固体废物产生量的百分率。计算公式为: 工业固体废物综合利用量工业固体废物利用率,,100% 工业固体废物产生量,综合利用往年贮存量 工业固体废物贮存量 指报告期内企业以综合利用或处置为目的,将固体废物暂时贮存或堆存在专设的贮存设施或专设的集中堆存场所内的数量。专设的固体废物贮存场所或贮存设施必须有防扩散、防流失、防渗漏、防止污染大气、水体的措施。 工业固体废物处置量 指报告期内企业将固体废物焚烧或者最终置于符合环境保护规定要求的场所,并不再回取的工业固体废物量(包括当年处置往年的工业固体废物贮存量)。处置方式有填埋(其中危险废物应安全填埋)、焚烧、专业贮存场(库)封场处理、深层灌注、回填矿井及海洋处置(经海洋管理部门同意投海处置)等。 工业固体废物排放量 指报告期内企业将所产生的固体废物排到固体废物污染防治设施、场所以外的量。不包括矿山开采的剥离废石和掘进废石(煤矸石和呈酸性或碱性的废石除外)。 “三废”综合利用产品产值 指报告期内利用“三废” 作为主要原料生产的产品价值(现行价);已经销售或准备销售的应计算产品价值,留作生产自用的不应计算产品价值。 五、生态环境 土地调查面积 指行政区域内的土地调查总面积,包括农用地、建设用地和未利用地。 森林面积 指由乔木树种构成,郁闭度0.20以上(含0.20)的林地或冠幅宽度10米以上的林带的面积,即有林地面积。它是反映森林资源总面积的重要指标。森林面积包括天然起源和人工起源的针叶林面积、阔叶林面积、针阔混交林面积和竹林面积,不包括灌木林地面积和疏林地面积。 人工林面积 指由人工播种、植苗或扦插造林形成的生长稳定,(一般造林3-5年后或飞机播种5-7年后)每公顷保存株数大于或等于造林设计植树株数80%或郁闭度0.20以上(含02.0)的林分面积。 森林覆盖率 指一个国家或地区森林面积占土地面积的百分比。在计算森林覆盖率时,森林面积包括郁闭度0.20以上的乔木林地面积和竹林地面积、国家特别规定的灌木林地面积、农田林网以及四旁(村旁、路旁、水旁、宅旁)林木的覆盖面积。森林覆盖率表明一个国家或地区森林资源的丰富程度和生态平衡状况,是反映林业生产发展水平的主要指标。 森林面积灌木林地面积林网树占地面积森林覆盖率,,100%,,100%,,100%土地总面积土地总面积土地总面积四旁树占地面积,,100%土地总面积 活立木总蓄积量 指一定范围土地上全部树木蓄积的总量,包括森林蓄积、疏林蓄积、散生木蓄积和四旁树蓄积。 森林蓄积量 指一定森林面积上存在着的林木树干部分的总材积,以立方米为计算单位。它是反映一个国家或地区森林资源总规模和水平的基本指标之一。它说明一个国家或地区林业生产发展情况,反映森林资源的丰富程度,也是衡量森林生态环境优劣的重要依据。 造林总面积 指报告期内在荒山、荒地、沙丘、退耕地等一切可以造林的土地上,采用人工播种、飞机播种、植苗造林、分植造林等方法新植成片乔木林和灌木林,经过检查验收符合《造林技术规程》要求的单位面积株数,并按《中华人民共和国森林法实施条例》规定,成活率达85%以上(含85%,年降雨量在400毫米以下且无浇灌条件的地区造林成活率达70%以上)的总面积。四旁植树如一侧在四行以上,连片面积0.066公顷(一亩)以上,应统计在造林面积内。造林面积,通常按所有制(国有、国有集体合作、集体和个人)、造林方式(人工、飞机播种)、主要林种用途(用材林、经济林、防护林、薪炭林、特种用途林)分组进行统计。 用材林 指以生产木材为主要目的的森林和林木,包括以生产竹材为主要目的的竹林。 经济林 指以生产果品,食用油料、饮料、调料,工业原料和药材为主要目的的林木。经济林是人们为了取得林木的果实、叶片、皮层、胶液等产品作为工业原料或者供食用所营造的林木,如油茶、油桐、核桃、樟树、花椒、茶、桑、果等。 防护林 指以防护为主要目的的森林、林木和灌木丛。包括水源涵养林,水土保持林,防风固沙林,农田、牧场防护林,护岸林,护路林等。 薪炭林 指以生产燃料为主要目的的林木。 特种用途林 指以国防、环境保护、科学实验等为主要目的的森林和林木。包括国防林、实验林、母树林、环境保护林、风景林,名胜古迹和革命纪念地的林木,自然保护区的森林。 天然林保护工程 是我国林业的“天”字号工程、一号工程,也是投资最大的生态工程。具体包括三个层次:全面停止长江上游、黄河上中游地区天然林采伐;大幅度调减东北、内蒙古等重点国有林区的木材产量;同时保护好其他地区的天然林资源。主要解决这些区域天然林资源的休养生息和恢复发展问题。 退耕还林还草工程 是我国林业建设上涉及面最广、政策性最强、工序最复杂、群众参与度最高的生态建设工程。主要解决重点地区的水土流失问题。 三北和长江流域等重点防护林体系建设工程 三北和长江中下游地区等重点防护林体系建设工程,是我国涵盖面最大、内容最丰富的防护林体系建设工程。具体包括三北防护林四期工程、长江中下游及淮河太湖流域防护林二期工程、沿海防护林二期工程、珠江防护林二期工程、太行山绿化二期工程和平原绿化二期工程。主要解决三北地区的防沙治沙问题和其他区域各不相同的生态问题。 京津风沙源治理工程 环北京地区防沙治沙工程,是首都乃至中国的“形象工程”,也是环京津生态圈建设的主体工程。虽然规模不大,但是意义特殊。主要解决首都周围地区的风沙危害问题。 野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程 野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程,是一个面向未来,着眼长远,具有多项战略意义的生态保护工程,也是呼应国际大气候、树立中国良好国际形象的“外交工程”。主要解决基因保存、生物多样性保护、自然保护、湿地保护等问题。 重点地区速生丰产用材林基地建设工程 重点地区以速生丰产用材林为主的林业产业基地建设工程,是我国林业产业体系建设的骨干工程,也是增强林业实力的“希望工程”。主要解决我国木材和林产品的供应问题。 自然保护区 指对有代表性的自然生态系统、珍稀濒危野生动植物物种的天然分布区、水源涵养区、有特殊意义的自然历史遗迹等保护对象所在的陆地、陆地水体或海域,依法划出一定面积进行特殊保护和管理的区域。以县及县以上各级人民政府正式批准建立的自然保护区为准(包括“六五”以前由部门或“革委会”批准且现仍存在的自然保护区)。风景名胜区、文物保护区不计在内。 生态示范区 指省级以上环境保护行政主管部门批准,以省、地、县政府为主按批准的生态示范区建设规划实施的行政区域。包括已经过国家或省级环境保护行政主管部 门验收的和正在开展试点工作的。 湿地 指天然或人工、长久或暂时性的沼泽地、泥炭地或水域地带,包括静止或流动、淡水、半咸水、咸水体,低潮时水深不超过6米的水域以及海岸地带地区的珊瑚滩和海草床、滩涂、红树林、河口、河流、淡水沼泽、沼泽森林、湖泊、盐沼及盐湖。 六、自然灾害 滑坡 指斜坡上不稳定的岩土体在重力作用下沿一定软面(或滑动带)整体向下滑动的物理地质现象。地表水和地下水的作用以及人为的不合理工程活动对斜坡岩、土体稳定性的破坏,经常是促使滑坡发生的主要因素。在露天采矿、水利、铁路、公路等工程中,滑坡往往造成严重危害。 崩塌 指陡坡上大块的岩土体在重力作用下突然脱离母体崩落的物理地质现象。它可因多裂隙的岩体经强烈的物理风化、雨水渗入或地震而造成,往往毁坏建筑物,堵塞河道或交通路线。 泥石流 指山地突然爆发的包含大量泥沙、石块的特殊洪流称为泥石流,多见于半干旱山地高原地区。其形成条件是地形陡峻,松散堆积物丰富,有特大暴雨或大量冰融水的流出。 地面塌陷 指地表岩、土体在自然或人为因素作用下向下陷落,并在地面形成塌陷坑(洞)的一种动力地质现象。由于其发育的地质条件和作用因素的不同,地面塌陷可分为:岩溶塌陷、非岩溶塌陷。 环境污染与破坏事故 指由于违反环境保护法规的经济、社会活动与行为,以及意外因素的影响或不可抗拒的自然灾害等原因,致使环境受到污染,国家重点保护的 野生动植物、自然保护区受到破坏,人体健康受到危害,社会经济和人民财产受到损失,造成不良社会影响的突发性事件。 七、环境污染治理投资 环境污染治理投资 指在工业污染源治理和城市环境基础设施建设的资金投入中,用于形成固定资产的资金。包括工业新老污染源治理工程投资、建设项目“三同时”环保投资,以及城市环境基础设施建设所投入的资金。 营林固定资产投资 指在报告期内进行的营林基本建设和营林更新改造活动投资。 上年末结余资金 指在上年资金来源中没有形成固定资产投资额而结余的资金。包括尚未用到工程上去的材料价值、未开始安装的需要安装设备价值及结存的现金和银行存款等。 本年完成投资 指从本年1月1日起至本年最后一天止完成的全部投资额。本年完成投资是反映本年的实际投资规模,计算有关投资效果,进行年度国民经济平衡分析的重要指标。 八、城市环境 年末道路长度 指年末道路长度和与道路相通的广场、桥梁、隧道的长度,按车行道中心线计算。在统计时只统计路面宽度在3.5米(含3.5米)以上的各种铺装道路,包括开放型工业区和住宅区道路在内。 城市桥梁 指为跨越天然或人工障碍物而修建的构筑物。包括跨河桥、立交桥、人行天桥以及人行地下通道等。包括永久性桥和半永久性桥。 城市排水管道长度 指所有排水总管、干管、支管、检查井及连接井进出口等长度之和。 全年供水总量 指报告期供水企业(单位)供出的全部水量。包括有效供水量和漏损水量。 用水普及率 指城市用水人口数与城市人口总数的比率。计算公式: 用水普及率=城市用水人口数/城市人口总数×100% 城市污水日处理能力 指污水处理厂(或处理装置)每昼夜处理污水量的设计能力。 供气管道长度 指报告期末从气源厂压缩机的出口或门站出口至各类用户引入管之间的全部已经通气投入使用的管道长度。不包括煤气生产厂、输配站、液化气储存站、灌瓶站、储配站、气化站、混气站、供应站等厂(站)内的管道。 全年供气总量 指全年燃气企业(单位)向用户供应的燃气数量。包括销售量和损失量。 用气普及率 指报告期末使用燃气的城市人口数与城市人口总数的比率。计算公式为: 用气普及率=城市用气人口数/城市人口总数×100% 城市供热能力 指供热企业(单位)向城市热用户输送热能的设计能力。 城市供热总量 指在报告期供热企业(单位)向城市热用户输送全部蒸汽和热水的总热量。 城市供热管道长度 指从各类热源到热用户建筑物接入口之间的全部蒸汽和热水的管道长度。不包括各类热源厂内部的管道长度。 生活垃圾清运量 指报告期内收集和运送到垃圾处理厂(场)的生活垃圾数量。生活垃圾指城市日常生活或为城市日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的固体废物以及法律行政规定的视为城市生活垃圾的固体废物。包括:居民生活垃圾、商业垃圾、集市贸易市场垃圾、街道清扫垃圾、公共场所垃圾和机关、学校、厂矿等单位的生活垃圾。 生活垃圾无害化处理率 指报告期生活垃圾无害化处理量与生活垃圾产生量比率。在统计上,由于生活垃圾产生量不易取得,可用清运量代替。计算公式为: 生活垃圾无害化处理量 生活垃圾无害化处理率,,100%生活垃圾产生量 年末运营车数 指年末公交企业(单位)用于运营业务的全部车辆数。以企业(单位)固定资产台帐中已投入运营的车辆数为准。 城市园林绿地面积 指报告期末用作园林和绿化的各种绿地面积。包括公共绿地、居住区绿地、单位附属绿地、防护绿地、生产绿地、道路绿地和风景林地面积。 不包括: 1.屋顶绿化、垂直绿化、阳台绿化和室内绿化。 2.以物质生产为主的林地、耕地、牧草地、果园和竹园等。 3.城市总体规划中不列入绿地的水域。 公共绿地 指向公众开放的市级、区级、居住区级各类公园、街旁游园,包括其范围内的水域。其中居住区级公园应不小于1万平方米,街旁游园的宽度不小于8米,面积不小于400平方米。 九、农村环境 农村人口 指居住和生活在县城(不含)以下的乡镇、村的人口。 累计已改水受益人口 指各种改水形式的受益人口。 卫生厕所 指有完整下水道系统的水冲式、三格化粪池式、净化沼气池式、多翁漏斗式公厕以及粪便及时清理并进行高温堆肥无害化处理的非水冲式公厕。 累计使用卫生公厕户数 指农民因某种原因没有兴建自己的卫生厕所,而使用村内卫生公厕户数。 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators I. Freshwater Environment Total Water Resources refers to total volume of water resources measured as run-off for surface water from rainfall and recharge for groundwater in a given area, excluding transit water. Surface Water Resources refers to total renewable resources which exist in rivers, lakes, glaciers and other collectors from rainfall and are measured as run-off of rivers. Groundwater Resources refers to replenishment of aquifers with rainfall and surface water. Duplicated Measurement of Surface Water and Groundwater refers to mutual exchange between surface water and groundwater, i.e. run-off of rivers includes some depletion with groundwater while groundwater includes some replenishment with surface water. Water Supply refers to gross water supply by supply systems from sources to consumers, including losses during distribution. Surface Water Supply refers to withdrawals by surface water supply system, broken down with storage, flow, pumping and transfer. Supply from storage projects includes withdrawals from reservoirs; supply from flow includes withdrawals from rivers and lakes with natural flows no matter if there are locks or not; supply from pumping projects includes withdrawals from rivers or lakes with pumping stations; and supply from transfer refers to water supplies transferred from first-level regions of water resources or independent river drainage areas to others, and should not be covered under supplies of storage, flow and pumping. Groundwater Supply refers to withdrawals from supplying wells, broken down with shallow layer freshwater, deep layer freshwater and slightly brackish water. Groundwater supply for urban areas includes water mining by both waterworks and own wells of enterprises. Other Water Supply includes supplies by waste-water treatment, rain collection, seawater desalinization and other water projects. Water Use refers to gross water use distributed to users, including loss during transportation, broken down with use by agriculture, industry, living consumption and biological protection. Water Use by Agriculture includes uses of water by irrigation of farming fields and by forestry, animal husbandry and fishing. Water use by forestry, animal husbandry and fishing includes irrigation of forestry and orchards, irrigation of grassland and replenishment of fishing pools. Water Use by Industry refers to new withdrawals of water, excluding reuse of water within enterprises. Water Use by Households and Service includes use of water for living consumption in both urban and rural areas. Urban water use by living consumption is composed of household use and public use (including services, commerce, restaurants, cargo transportation, posts, telecommunication and construction). Rural water use by living consumption includes both households and animals. Water Use by Biological Protection includes replenishment of rivers and lakes and use for urban environment. Waste Water Discharged by Industry refers to the volume of waste water discharged by industrial enterprises through all their outlets, including waste water from production process, directly cooled water, groundwater from mining wells which does not meet discharge standards and sewage from households mixed with waste water produced by industrial activities, but excluding indirectly cooled water discharged (It should be included if the discharge is not separated with waste water). Waste Water Directly Discharged into Sea refers to the volume of waste water directly discharged into sea through outlets of enterprises situated by sea without going through municipal sewerage networks or any other intermediates or being affected by any other water bodies. Industrial Waste Water Meeting Discharge Standards refers to volume of industrial waste water discharge which, with or without treatment, reaches national or local standards. Ratio of Industrial Waste Water Meeting Discharge Standards refers to percentage of industrial waste water meeting discharge standards over total industrial waste water discharge. It is calculated as: Ratio of Industrial Waste Water Meeting Discharge Standards = Industrial Waste Water Meeting Discharge Standards/Total Industrial Waste Water Discharge×100% Water treatment component as an integral part of the facility is not counted separately. Scrapped equipment is not included. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) refers to index of water pollution measuring the mass concentration of oxygen consumed by the chemical breakdown of organic and inorganic matter. II. Marine Environment Clean Area refers to marine area meeting the national quality standards for Grade I marine water, suitable for marine fishing, marine nature preserves and protection area for rare or endangered marine organisms. Relatively Clean Area refers to marine area meeting the national quality standards for Grade II marine water, suitable for marine cultivation, bathing, marine sport or recreation activities involving direct human touch of marine water, and for sources of industrial use of water related to human consumption. Lightly Polluted Area refers to marine area meeting the national quality standards for Grade III marine water, suitable for water sources of general industrial use. Moderately Polluted Area refers to marine area meeting the national quality standards for Grade IV marine water, only suitable for harbors and ocean development activities. Heavily Polluted Area refers to marine area where the quality of water is worse than the national quality standards for Grade IV marine water. Chief Pollutants refer to pollutants that surpass the standards by the largest margin for the entire marine areas or the average level of marine areas under survey. III. Atmospheric Environment Average Temperature Temperature refers to the air temperature, generally expressed in centigrade in China. Thermometers used for meteorological observation are placed in sun-blinded boxes 1.5 meters above the ground with good ventilation. Therefore, temperatures cited in general are the temperatures in sun-blinded boxes 1.5 meters above the ground. The monthly average temperature is obtained by the sum of daily temperatures of the month, then divided by the number of days in the months, and the sum of the monthly average temperatures of the 12 months in the year divided by 12 represents the annual average temperature. Annual Average Relative Humidity Humidity is the ratio between the actual hydrosphere pressure in the air and the saturated hydrosphere pressure at the present temperature, usually expressed in percentage terms. The average humidity is calculated in the same way as the average temperature. Annual Sunshine Hours Sunshine refer to the duration when the sunshine falls on earth, usually expressed in hours. It is calculated with the same approach as the calculation of precipitation. Annual Precipitation Precipitation refers to the volume of water, in liquid or solid (then melted) form, falling from the sky onto earth, without being evaporated, leaked or eroded, express normally in millimeters. The monthly precipitation is obtained by the sum of daily precipitation of the month, and the annual precipitation is the sum of monthly precipitation of the 12 months of the year. Industrial Waste Air Emission refers to discharge into atmosphere of waste air containing pollutants generated from fuel burning and production process in enterprises within a given period of time. It is converted into standard (273K, 101325Pa) with the following formula: Emission =Waste Air Emission from Fuel Burning +Waste Air Emission from Production Process SOEmission by Consumption and Others is calculated on the basis of consumption 2 of coal by households and others and the sulphur content of coal with the following formula: Emission=Consumption of Coal by Households and Others × Sulphur Content of Coal × 0.8×2 Industrial SO Emission refers to volume of sulphur dioxide emission from fuel 2 burning and production process in premises of enterprises for a given period of time. Its calculation formula is: Emission=SO Emission from Fuel Burning +SO Emission from Production Process22 Industrial Soot Emission refers to volume of soot in smoke emitted in process of fuel burning in premises of enterprises. Soot Emission by Consumption and Others refers to net volume of soot emitted by fuel burning from all social and economic activities and operation of public facilities other than industrial activities. It is calculated on the basis of coal consumption by households and others. Industrial Dust Emission refers to volume of dust that suspend in the air for sometime, emitted by production process of enterprises during a given period of time, including dust from refractory material of iron and steel works, dust from coke-screening systems and sintering machines of coke plants, dust from lime kilns and dust from cement production in building material enterprises, but excluding soot and dust emitted from power plants. The volume of emitted industrial dust can be calculated by the capacity of dust-removing systems and the dust density at the exit of dust-removing systems, using the following formula: Emission= Dust Density at Exit of Dust-removing Systems×Ventilation Capacity of Dust-removing Systems ×Operating Hours of Dust-removing Systems IV. Solid Waste Industrial Solid Wastes Produced refers to total volume of solid, semi-solid and high concentration liquid residues produced by industrial enterprises from production process in a given period of time, including hazardous wastes, slag, coal ash, gangue, tailings, radioactive residues and other wastes, but excluding stones stripped or dug out in mining (gangue and acid or alkaline stones not included). A stone is acid or alkaline if the pH value of the water is below 4 or above 10.5, when the stone is in, or soaked by, the water. Hazardous Wastes refers to those included in the national hazardous wastes catalogue or specified as any one of the following properties in the national hazardous wastes identification standards: explosive, ignitable, oxidizable, toxic, corrosive or liable to cause infectious diseases or lead to other dangers. Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized refers to volume of solid wastes from which useful materials can be extracted or which can be converted into usable resources, energy or other materials by means of reclamation, processing, recycling and exchange (including utilizing in the year the stocks of industrial solid wastes of the previous year). Examples of such utilizations include fertilizers, building materials and road materials. The information shall be collected by the producing units of the wastes. Ratio of Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized refers to the percentage of industrial solid wastes utilized over industrial solid wastes produced (including stocks of the previous year). Its calculation formula is: Ratio=Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized / (Industrial Solid Waste Produced + Stocks of Previous Year Utilized)×100% Stocks of Industrial Solid Wastes refers to volume of solid wastes placed in special facilities or special sites for purposes of utilization or disposal. The sites or facilities should take measures against dispersion, loss, seepage, and air and water contamination. Industrial Solid Wastes Disposed refers to quantity of industrial solid wastes which are burnt or placed ultimately in the sites meeting the requirements for environmental protection and not salvaged or recycled (including disposition in the year of those wastes of previous years). The disposition includes landfill (Safe landfills should be conducted for hazardous wastes), incineration, containment spaces, deep underground disposal, backfill in mining pits and disposal at sea. Industrial Solid Wastes Discharged refers to volume of industrial solid wastes discharged by producing enterprises to disposal facilities or to other sites. The wastes exclude stones stripped or dug from mining (gangue and acid or alkaline waste stones not included). Output Value of Products Made from Waste Gas, Waste Water and Solid Wastes refers current value of products with waste gas, waste water and solid wastes as main materials of production. Products sold and ready to sell shall be included while those produced for own use shall not be included. V. Ecological Environment Area under Land Survey refers to the total area of land, under the land survey, including land for agriculture use, land for construction and unused land. Forest Area refers to the area of forest where trees and bamboo grow with canopy density above 0.2, including land of natural woods and planted woods, but excluding bush land and thin forest land. It reflects the total areas of afforestation. Area of Man-made Forests refer to the area of stable growing forests, planted manually or by airplanes, with a survival rate of 80% or higher of the designed number of trees per hectare, or with a canopy density of or above 0.20 after 3-5 years of manual planting or 5-7 years of airplane planting. Forest Coverage Rate refers to the ratio of area of afforested land to total land area. Forest area includes the area of trees and bamboo grow with canopy density above 0.2, the area of shrubby tree according to regulations of the government, the area of forest land inside farm land and the area of trees planted by the side of villages, farm houses and along roads and rivers. It is a very important indicator that reflects the status of abundance of forest resource and ecosystem balance. The formula for calculating forest coverage rate is as follows: Forestry Coverage Rate (%)= (Area of Afforested Land/Area of Total Land) ×100% + Area of Shrubby Tree/ Area of Total Land ×100% + Area of Forest Land inside Farm land /Area of Total Land ×100% +Area of Trees Planted by the Side of Villages, Farm Houses and Along Roads and Rivers /Area of Total Land×100% Total Standing Stock Volume refers to the total stock volume of trees growing in land, including trees in forest, tress in sparse forest, scattered trees and trees planted by the side of villages, farm houses and along roads and rivers. Stock Volume of Forest refers to total stock volume of wood growing in forest area, which shows the total size and level of forest resources of a country or a region,It is also an important indicator illustrating the richness of forest resource and the status of forest ecological environment. Total Area of Afforestation refers to the total area of land suitable for afforestation, including barren hills, idle land, sand dunes, “grain for green” land, on which acres of arbores or bushes are planted through manual planting, airplane planting, plant seedlings, etc. in accordance with the required density standards of the Technical Procedures of Afforestation, and with a survival rate of over 85% in line with the Implementing Rules of the Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China (or a survival rate of 75% in areas with less that 400 mm of annual rainfall and without irrigation facilities). Included in the this category are trees planted alone the roadsides, riversides, or next to houses that occupy an area over 0.066 hectares, or where more than 4 lines of trees are planted. Total area of afforestation is further classified by ownership (state-owned, state-collective, collective or private), by approach of planting (manual, airplane), and by type of forests (timber, by-products, protection, fuel, special use, etc.). Timber Forests refer to forests which are mainly for the production of timber, including bamboo groves planted to harvest bamboos. By-product Forests refer to forests that mainly produce fruits, nuts, edible oil, beverages, indigents, raw materials and medicine materials. By-product forests are planted to harvest the fruits, leaves, bark or liquid of trees, and consume them as food or raw materials for the manufacturing industry, such as tea-oil trees, tung oil trees, walnut trees, camphor trees, tea bushes, mulberry trees, fruit trees, etc. Protection Forests refer to forests, trees and bushes planted mainly for protection or preservation purpose, including water resource conservation forests, water and soil conservation forests, windbreak and dune-fixing forests, farmland and pasture protection forests, riverside protection forests, roadside protection forests, etc. Fuel Forests refer to forests planted mainly for fuels. Forests for Special Purpose refer to forests planted mainly for national defence, environment protection or scientific experiments, including national defence forests, experimental forests, mother-tree forests, environment protection forests, scenery forests, trees in historical or scenic spots, forests in natural reserves. Project on Preservation of Natural Forests is the Number One ecological project in China’s forest industry that involves the largest investment. It consists of 3 components: 1) Complete halt of all cutting and logging activities in the natural forests at the upper stream of Yangtze River and the upper and middle streams of the Yellow River. 2) Significant reduction of timber production of key state forest zones in northeast provinces and in Inner Mongolia. 3) Better protection of natural forests in other regions through rehabilitation programs. Projects on Converting Cultivated Land to Forests and Grassland (Grain for Green Projects) aiming at preventing soil erosion in key regions, these projects are ecological construction projects in the development of forest industry that have the widest coverage and most sophisticated procedures, with strong policy implications and most active participation of the people. Projects on Protection Forests in North China and Yangtze River Basin covering the widest areas in China with a rich variety of contents, these projects aim at solving the problem of sand and dust in northeastern China, northern China and northwestern China and the ecological issues in other areas. More specifically, they include phase IV of project on North China protection forests, phase II of project on protection forests at the middle and lower streams of Yangtze River and at the Huihe River and Taihu Lake valley, phase II of project on coastal protection forests, phase II of project on Pearl River protection forests, phase II project on greenery of Taihang Mountain and phase II projects on greenery of plains. Projects on Harnessing Source of Sand and Dust in Beijing and Tianjin these Beijing-ring projects aim at harnessing the sand and dust weather around Beijing and its vicinities. As the key to the development of Beijing-Tianjin ecological zone, these projects are of particular importance as it concerns the image of China’s capital city and the whole country. Projects on Preserving Wild Animals and Plants and on Construction of Nature Reserves aiming at gene preservation and protection of bio-diversity, nature and wetlands, these projects look into the future with strategic perspective and are integrated with international trends. Projects on Fast-growing Timber Forests Bases in Key Regions these are key projects for the forest industry to strengthen its capacity in supplying more timber and forest by-products. Nature Reserves refer to certain areas of land, waters or sea that are representative in natural ecological systems, or are natural habitats for rare or endangered wild animals or plants, or water conservation zones, or the location of important natural or historic relics, which are demarked by law and put under special protection and management. Nature reserves are designated by the formal approval of governments at and above county level (including those approved by relevant departments or “revolutionary committees” before 1980). Scenic spots and cultural preservation zones are not included. Ecological Demonstration Zones refer to administrative areas approved by the environment protection agencies of central and provincial governments and established by provincial, prefecture or county governments in line with the approved program for ecological demonstration zones. They include those evaluated and accepted by the environment protection agencies of central and provincial governments and those under pilot development stage. Wetlands refer to marshland and peat bog, whether natural or man-made, permanent or temporary; water covered areas, whether stagnant or flowing, with fresh or semi-fresh or salty water that is less than 6 meters deep at low tide; as well as coral beach, weed beach, mud beach, mangrove, river outlet, rivers, fresh-water marshland, marshland forests, lakes, salty bog and salt lakes along the coastal areas. VI. Natural Disasters Landslides refer to the geological phenomenon of unstable rocks and earth on slopes sliding down along certain soft surface as a result of gravitational force. Role of surface water and underground water, and destruction of the stability of slopes by irrational construction work are usually main factors triggering the landslides. Several damages are often caused by landslides in open mining, in water conservancy projects, and in the construction of railways and highways. Collapse refers to the geological phenomenon of large mass of rocks or earth suddenly collapsing from the mountain or cliff as a result of gravitational force. Usually caused by weathering of rocks, penetration of rain or earthquakes, collapse often destructs buildings and blocks river course or transport routes. Mud-rock Flow refers to the sudden rush of flood torrents containing large amount of mud and rocks in mountainous areas. It is found mostly in semi-arid hills or plateaus. High and precipitous topographic features, loose soil mass, heavy rains or melting water contribute to the mud-rock flow. Land Subside refers to the geological phenomenon of surface rocks or earth subsiding into holes or pits as a result of natural or human factors. Land subside can be classified as karst subside and non-karst subside. Environment Pollution and Destruction Accidents refer to sudden accidents, due to economic or social activities that are in contrast to environment protection laws or due to unforeseen factors or natural disasters, that lead to the environment pollution, the destruction of protected wild animals, plants or nature reserves, the damage to human health, the economic and property losses, and the negative impact on the society. VII. Investment in the Treatment of Environment Pollution Investment in the Treatment of Environment Pollution refers to the proportion of investment in fixed assets in the total investment in harnessing industrial pollution and in the construction of urban environment infrastructure facilities. It includes investment in harnessing sources of industrial pollution, investment in environment protection facilities designed concurrently with construction projects, and investment in urban environment infrastructure facilities. Investment in Fixed Assets for Afforestation refers to the investment in capital construction and updating projects in afforestation during the reference period. Unspent Capitals from Last Year refer to capitals from the last year that have not been invested in the fixed assets, including value of materials that have not been used yet, the value of equipment yet to be installed, as well as cash in hand and bank deposits. Completed Investment during the Year reflecting the actual size of investment completed during January 1 and December 31 of the reference year, this indicator is important in estimating investment efficiency and in making annual analysis of the performance of the national economy. VIII. Urban Environment Length of Paved Roads at the Year-end refers to the length of roads with paved surface including squares bridges and tunnels connected with roads by the end of the year. Length of the roads is measured by the central lines for vehicles for paved roads with a width of 3.5 meters and over, including roads in open-ended factory compounds and residential quarters. Urban Bridges refer to bridges built to cross over natural or man-made barriers, including bridges over rivers, overpasses for traffic and for pedestrian, underpasses for pedestrian, etc. Both permanent and semi-permanent bridges are included. Length of Urban Sewage Pipes refers to the total length of general drainage, trunks. branch and inspection wells, connection wells, inlets and outlets, etc. Annual Volume of Water Supply refers to the total volume of water supplied by water-works (units) during the reference period, including both the effective water supply and loss during the water supply. Percentage of Urban Population with Access to Tap Water refers to the ratio of the urban population with access to tap water to the total urban population. The formula is: Percentage of Population with Access to Tap Water= Urban Population with Access to Tap Water /Urban Population ×100% Daily Disposal Capacity of Urban Sewage refers to the designed 24-hour capacity of sewage disposal by the sewage treatment works or facilities. Length of Gas Pipelines refers to the total length of pipelines in use between the outlet of the compressor of gas-work or outlet of gas stations and the leading pipe of users, excluding pipelines within gasworks, delivery stations, LPG storage stations, refilling stations, gas-mixing stations and supply stations. Volume of Gas Supply refers to the total volume of gas provided to users by gas-producing enterprises (units) in a year, including the volume sold and the volume lost. Percentage of Urban Population with Access to Gas refers to the ratio of the urban population with access to gas to the total urban population at the end of the reference period. The formula is: Percentage of Population with Access to Gas = (Urban Population with Access to Gas / Urban Population) × 100% Heating Capacity in Urban Area refers to the designed capacity of heating enterprises (units) in supplying heating energy to urban users during the reference period. Quantity of Heat Supplied in Urban Area refers to the total quantity of heat from steam and hot water supplied to urban users by heating enterprises (units) during the reference period. Length of Heating Pipelines refers to the total length of steam or hot water pipelines for sources of heat to the leading pipelines of the buildings of the users, excluding internal pipelines in heat generating enterprises. Consumption Wastes Transported refers to volume of consumption wastes collected and transported to disposal factories or sites. Consumption wastes are solid wastes produced from urban households or from service activities for urban households, and solid wastes regarded by laws and regulations as urban consumption wastes, including those from households, commercial activities, markets, cleaning of streets, public sites, offices, schools, factories, mining units and other sources. Ratio of Consumption Wastes Treated refers to consumption wastes treated over that produced. In practical statistics, as it is difficult to estimate, the volume of consumption wastes produced is replaced with that transported. Its calculation formula is: Ration= Consumption Wastes Treated / Consumption Wastes Produced*100% Number of Vehicles under Operation at the Year-end refers to the total number of vehicles under operation by public transport enterprises (units) at the end of the year, based on the records of operational vehicles by the enterprises (units). Area of Urban Gardens and Green Areas refers to the total area occupied for green projects at the end of the reference period, including public green land, green land in residential quarters, green land attached to institutions, protection green land, production green land, roadside green land and forest in scenic spots. It does not include the following: (1) Greenery and plants on roofs, balconies, indoors and vertical green areas; (2) Forest, cultivated land, grassland, orchards and bamboo grooves that are for production purpose. (3) Water areas that are not included in urban master plan as green land. Public Green Area refers to green areas open to the public such as municipal, community and neighborhood parks and roadside parks, including waters within parks. Neighborhood parks should occupy an area larger than 10,000 square meters, and the width of roadside parks should occupy an area larger than 400 square meters, with a width of more that 8 meters. IX. Rural Environment Rural Population refers to population living in towns and villages under the jurisdiction of counties. Population Benefiting from Water Improvement Projects refer to population who have benefited from various forms of water improvement projects. Sanitary Lavatories refer to lavatories with complete flushing and sewage systems in different forms, and lavatories without flushing and sewage system where ordure is properly disposed of through high-temperature deposit process for making organic manure. Households Using Public Lavatories refer to the number of households using public sanitary lavatories in the village without building their private sanitary lavatories.
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