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扬州介绍(中英互译)扬州介绍(中英互译) 全国文明城市 civilized city 国家森林城市 Forest City 联合国人居奖城市 Habitat Scroll of Honor Award 中国人居环境奖 Habitat Award 全国法治教育先进城市 legal education advanced city 创建文明城市工作先进城市 Advanced City 国家环境保护模范城市 Environmental Protection City 国家卫生城市 Hygiene City 节水型城市 Wat...

扬州介绍(中英互译) 全国文明城市 civilized city 国家森林城市 Forest City 联合国人居奖城市 Habitat Scroll of Honor Award 中国人居环境奖 Habitat Award 全国法治教育先进城市 legal education advanced city 创建文明城市工作先进城市 Advanced City 国家环境保护模范城市 Environmental Protection City 国家卫生城市 Hygiene City 节水型城市 Water-Efficient City 实施畅通 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 模范管理城市 Smooth Traffic Model Management City 中国数字化创新管理奖 China Digital Innovation Management Award 全国科技进步先进市 National County and City withAdvance of Science and Technology 国家园林城市 Garden City 中国和谐管理城市Harmonious Management City in China 扬州景点 Slender West Lake (2011-11-14) Slender West Lake, like an ink painting unrolled in right order, wanders on the territory of the city. It is the best time to tour the Slender West Lake in March of lunar calendar. The boat travels in the water and visitors travels in the picture. The drizzle is like silk. The smoke and the water combine to produce a kind of mist. The shine of the wave is very clear like the slender waist of a beauty, delicate and attractive. It is suitable to travel on water when appreciating the slender west lake. The boat is floating with the wave and the visitor can appreciate the scenery carefully, the smoke and wave, red balustrade and small bridge, shadow and scent. The dreamy and brocade-like green and blossom extends to the water of the lake, creating a lifelike picture with the sound of oaring. Daming Temple (2011-11-14) Daming temple: Yangzhou is misty in March. The Daming Temple, located in the middle of scenery spot, slender west Lake in Shugang in the northwest of urban area, is still quite in the busy visitors. Climb on the Qiling Tower to overlook the grandness of Buddha Mountain, beauty of the slender west lake and the vicissitudes of relics of Tangcheng. The panoramic view of grand landscape of Yangzhou in March is seen in a glance. Ge Garden (2011-11-14) Ge Garden: the bamboo in the garden is very green. The strong branches extend the vicissitudes of 190 years and form the wandering and green scenery for you. “The mountain is very quiet in spring, and is very green in summer, and is very clear in autumn and is very dim and sleepy in winder”. The four seasons are experienced in the way. We can hardly sigh with the short life and see the “Land of Idyllic Beauty” when lifting our head. Out of the wall made of blue brick and red tile is a different world. He Garden (2011-11-14) He garden: when you visit the He garden, you need to visit the both the upstairs and downstairs with a zigzag route at the low and high elevation. The 1500-meter double-way corridor is hailed as the rudiment of overpass. The window with flowers as decoration is foiled by the scenery. With the foil of the false mountain, the water and the pond complements with each other. A small town takes the sky light, cloud, bird’s chips, and flower fragrance in its arms. The romantic time flows out during the finger on the wooden corridor. Han Ling Yuan (2011-11-14) Han ling Yuan: Yangzhou Han ling Yuan is also called the museum of tomb of Guangling King of Han Dynasty and is one of the important tourist attractions of slender west lake Shugang scenic spot. It is also one bright pearl in the scenic spot. The terrain inside the garden raises and falls. The building is ancient and great. The tree is green and the grass is flourishing. It is the “underground palace” with the largest scale, complicated structure and delicate fabrication. Relics of Tangcheng (2011-11-14) Relics of Tangcheng: located on the southwest corner of the relics of Tangya Town and the old site of palace of Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty. The historical relic of Tang Dynasty dug in Yangzhou such as chinaware, copper ware, and gold and silver ware are collected in the museum. The exhibition in the museum intrudes the achievement of Cui Zhiyuan who is called the “ancestor of literature of Dongguo” in the form of historical materials, image and introduction to cultural relics and appreciated this friendly emissary from Xinluo. The relics of Tangcheng and Tang-style Bridge, and the Tangcheng-like palace, Tang-style palace building –Yanhege enhance each other’s beauty to manifest the mien of Tang culture. 1.东关历史文化旅游街区 Dongguan Historical and Cultural Tourist Zone 2.东关历史文化旅游街区是扬州5.09平方公里明清古城4个历史街区之一,位于古城东北 片,东起古运河、西至国庆路、北至盐阜路、南至文昌中路,占地面积83.4公顷,常住居 民一万余人。 Dongguan Historical and Cultural Tourist Zone, located in the northeast of the ancient city, is one of the four historical blocks of the ancient Yangzhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It covers an area of 83.4 hectares, ranging from the ancient Grand Canal in the east, to Guoqing Road in the west; from Yanfu Road in the north to Wenchang Middle Road in the south. There are more than 10,000 inhabitants here. 3.现有市级以上文物单位18个,重要历史遗迹20多处,历史文化资源十分丰富。 Dongguan Historical and Cultural Tourist Zone is endowed with rich historical and cultural resources, including 18 cultural sites above municipal level and more than 20 important historical sites. 4.“双东”历史街区见证了历史的沧桑,承载着扬州厚重的文化,通过对“双东”历史街区的保 护与整治,古城历史风貌和传统文化进一步彰显。 Shuangdong Historical District with profound culture of Yangzhou has witnessed the vicissitudes of this city. By protection and reconstruction, its historical appearance and traditional culture are further demonstrated. 5.在这里,既可以领略到众多的园林胜迹、名庭豪园、庵观寺院、古街小巷以及独特的运河 风光、市井风情,又可以了解到许多关于民族英雄、文人雅士、艺术名流、封疆大吏、富 商巨贾的奇闻轶事,还可以欣赏到扬州的文化艺术、传统工艺和休闲方式等。\ Here we can appreciate not only various famous historical sites and gardens, grand mansions and temples, ancient streets and lanes, unique scenery of the Grand Canal and customs of this city, but also know a lot of anecdotes of national heroes, refined scholars, artistic figures, high-ranking officials and rich merchants in Ming and Qing Dynasties. What’s more, you can also enjoy the culture and art, traditional technology and leisure modes of Yangzhou. 瘦西湖景点 1. Rainbow Bridge stands for Yangzhou’s fairness. And this is the famous Rainbow Bridge in Yangzhou history. The scene of Rainbow Bridge attracted many liberators and poets discussed national affairs and exchange their poems and articles, which left many precious calligraphies and touching stories. Wang Yuyang in Kang Xi Emperor Period wrote a poem to describe the beauty of bridge. Even Emperor Qianlong made poem to admire the scene of Rainbow Bridge. If we compare Slender West Lake as a fair lady, then it is Rainbow Bridge who reveals her veil; if we compare Slender West Lake as a long drama, it is Rainbow Bridge who pulls open its curtain. Starting with Rainbow Bridge, let’s enjoy the scene of “Follows the flowers and willows along the bank, walks all the way from pavilions to the mountain” 大虹桥简介 “扬州好,第一是虹桥。扬柳绿齐三尺雨,樱桃红破一声萧,处处驻兰桡。”这里就是扬 州历史上赫赫有名的虹桥。虹桥景色优美,曾吸引了众多的文人雅士在此指点江山,切磋诗 文,留下了许多珍贵的墨迹和动人的故事。康熙年间王渔洋有一首:“红桥飞跨水当中,一 字栏杆九曲红;日午画船桥下过,衣香人应太匆匆。”更是脍炙人口,就连乾隆皇帝也曾做 诗赞赏过虹桥的景色。 如果把瘦西湖比做是一位古典美人,是虹桥揭开了她的盖头;如果把瘦西湖比做是一部 长剧,是虹桥拉开了她的帷幕。就让我们从虹桥开始,领略这“两堤花柳依水,一路楼台直 到山”的美景吧 2. Introduction of White Pagoda Legend has it that Emperor Qianlong traveled to Yangzhou by boat for the sixth time in 1784 and enjoyed the scenery of Wuting Bridge from above the water, but he said regretfully that this place would have been the same as Beihai but for a white pagoda. His casual remark was picked up by the wealthy salt merchants of Yangzhou who spent one hundred thousand taels of silver to buy a map of Beihai white pagoda from the eunuch and made a white pagoda come into being overnight with salt bags piled upon each other. This is the story of making a white pagoda just one night passed down from generation to generation in Yangzhou. The white pagoda stands at 27.5 meters tall and there is a Xumi Base under the pagoda. It is a polyhedron with four corners. On each side of the pagoda there are three niches, inside which there engraved Chinese Zodiac. Unlike the massiveness of the White Pagoda in Beijing, the White Pagoda in Yangzhou is slim and graceful, casting beautiful reflections with the Five-Pavilion Bridge. 白塔简介 相传在 1784 年,乾隆皇帝第六次坐船游览扬州瘦西湖。从水上看到五亭桥一带的景 色,不由遗憾的说:“只可惜少了一座白塔,不然这而看起来和北海的琼岛春阴就像极了。” 说者无心听者有意,财大气粗的扬州盐商当即花了十万两银子跟太监买来了北海白塔的图 样,当晚连夜用白色的盐包堆成了一座白塔。这就是在扬州流传至今的“一夜造塔”的故事。 扬州的白塔高 27.5 米 ,下面是束腰须弥塔座,八面四角,每面三龛,龛内雕刻着十 二生肖像。和北海白塔的厚重稳健不同,扬州白塔比例匀称,玉立亭亭。和身边的五亭桥相 映成趣。 Introduction of “Four Bridges in Mist Rain” Walk through Xu’s Garden and stands on the small Rainbow Bridge, you will be suddenly enlightened. In the west side, it is the widest scenes of Slender West Lake. And look back to Xu’s Garden; you will know it is just a prologue. From now on, the veil of Slender West Lake will be uncovered and come to the climax. The platform in the east side is called “Four Bridges in Mist Rain”. Whenever it is raining, you will see the scene of “Four bridges fly across the mist”. Standing in the platform, you could see four bridges with different colors and styles: Spring wave Bridge, Great Rainbow Bridge, Long Spring Bridge, and Lotus Bridge”. In the misty rain, four bridges stand far and close, thick and light, high and low. Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty loved this scene very much, made poems and odes many times and gave his autography “Interesting Garden” 四桥烟雨简介 穿过徐园,站到小虹桥上,人回有豁然开朗的感觉。西侧,是瘦西湖最开阔的景区,再 回过头看徐园,就知道它只是一道序幕,从现在开始,瘦西湖景区将渐渐拉开,进如高潮了。 东面的一座楼,叫做“四桥烟雨”。每当“山色空蒙雨亦奇”之际,这里领略的景致是 “四桥飞跨烟雾里”。站在这座楼上,大家可以看到四座色彩和造型各有不同的春波桥、大 虹桥、长春桥、莲花桥。烟雨朦胧中,四座桥有远有近,有浓有淡,有高有低。当年乾隆皇 帝十分喜爱这里的景色,多次吟诗作赋,并亲笔御赠“趣园”。 Moon Terrace Moon Terrace is a good place to enjoy the moon. In the moon-lit night, the boby and shadow of the Four Bridges Mist & Rain house at opposite bank of the lake comfort each other while willows are flapping gently. Inside the house, rosewood furniture can be seen everywhere. When the Midautumn Festival comes, osmanthus flowers will be intoxicated by this fragrant and amazing moment sitting quietly on the elegant old-fashioned rosewood armchair, enjoying the full moon. 月观简介 扬州是“中国的月亮城”,扬州的月色美,赏月的地方也多,“月观”就是其中之一。“月 观”坐西朝东,前临开阔的湖面,每当皓月东升,凭栏而立,天上水中的两个月亮交相辉映, 我们就能体会到这“月来满地水,云起一天山”的美妙意境。人们常说“月色如水”,在这里, 月光和湖水相溶,云影和山影相连。这副由郑板桥撰写的 对联恰到好处描绘出了月观这独 一无二的迷人月夜。 月观中的海梅家具也很有特点,雕刻的内容都和赏月有关。那些莲花、鸳鸯、荷叶, 藕节,无不自然生动,是扬州木雕工艺的代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作品。 Introduction of 24 Bridge We have come into The 24 Bridge before knowing it. In Yangzhou people’s mind is made up of sail-hauling plank road, single-hole arch bridge, nine-song bridge and stringed music instrument blowing pavilion. The jade belt shaped arch bridge is 24 meters long and 2.4 meters wide with 24 flights of steps on both sides, surrounded by 24 white jade guard rails and 24 sideboards. There is no certainty until now as to which is the real twenty-four bridge. One might as well cast aside those tedious investigations and have a careful reading of the vagueness of the line in Du Mu’s poem that pleasure can be sensed but not be expressed in words. 二十四桥简介 不只不觉中,我们已经进入了二十四桥景区。“二十四桥”出自唐代著名诗人杜牧的诗句 “青山隐隐水迢迢,秋尽江南草末凋;二十四桥明月夜,玉人何处教吹萧”。 扬州人心目中的二十四桥由落帆栈道、单孔拱桥、九曲桥及吹萧亭组合而成,中间的玉 带状拱桥长24米,宽2.4米,桥上下两侧各有24个台阶,围以24根白玉栏杆24块栏板。 关于二十四桥到底指那座桥,至今众说纷纭。不如我们丢开那些烦琐的考证,来细细的品味 杜牧诗句中那“只可意会,不可言传”的朦胧意境吧。 Introduction of Five-Pavilion Bridge If the Slender West Lake is to be compared with a graceful girl, the Five-Pavilion Bridge is a beautiful belt on her body. The Five-Pavilion Bridge is not only the symbol of the Slender West Lake but that of Yangzhou. Built in the twenty second year since Qianlong succeeded to the throne, it has a history of more than 200 years. On the bridge are five wind pavilions characteristic of southern China. The towering pavilions look like five lotus flowers rising slowly out of the water. There are ceiling decorations within the pavilions and wind-bells hanging outside the pavilions. The piers are made up of twelve huge blue stones forming solid foundations. How can the delicate bridge body and robust foundations match each other in such harmony? The key lies in bridge openings. The body is made up of openings of different sizes and shapes. The intangible arch holes to go with the sturdy foundations and the straight lines to match curvy lines in a smooth and natural proportion achieve a uniform and harmonious visual effect. No wonder the famous Chinese bridge expert Mao Yisheng said that the oldest bridge in China is Zhaozhou Bridge, the most magnificent Lugou Bridge and the most artistically beautiful the Five-Pavilion Bridge of Yangzhou. If passing under the bridge on a boat, one can count fifteen bridge openings interconnected with each other. It is said on a full moon night, each of the fifteen openings has a moon. If one comes to Yangzhou, China’s moon city, on the night of Mid-autumn festival, he may well have a fabulous taste of its wonderland. Looking to the east on Wuting Bridge, one will find the remote water landscape is a typical scene of South China. On the east of the bridge is a water-surrounded building called Fuzhuang. Built in 1921, it is called as such because Fuzhuang resembles a mallard, pronounced as “Fu” in Chinese. The whole structure is compactly arranged, acting as a perfect foil to Wuting Bridge and the White Pagoda. Thus, it is an indispensable dot on the Slender West Lake. 五亭桥简介 如果把瘦西湖比做一个婀娜多姿的少女,那么五亭桥就是少女身上那条华美的腰带。五 亭桥不但是瘦西湖的标志,也是扬州城的象征。它建于清乾隆二十二年,至今已有了两百多 年的历史。 五亭桥上建有极富南方特色的五座风亭,挺拔秀丽的风亭就象五朵冉冉出水的莲花。亭 上有宝顶,亭内绘有天花,亭外挂着风铃。五亭桥的桥墩由 12 大块青石砌成,形成厚重有 工”字型桥基。清秀的桥身和沉雄的桥基,两者为什么能配置得如此和谐呢,答案就力的“ 在桥洞。五亭桥的桥身由大小不一形状不同的卷洞组成。空灵的拱顶卷洞配上敦实的桥基, 桥基在直线配上桥洞的曲线,加上自然流畅的比例,就取得了和谐统一的视觉效果。难怪中 国著名桥梁专家茅以升这样评价:中国最古老的桥是赵州桥,最壮美的桥是芦沟桥,最具艺 术美的桥就是扬州的五亭桥。 《望江南百调》中提到:扬州好,高跨五亭桥,面面清波涵月影,头头空洞过云桡,夜 听玉人萧。如果乘船从桥下穿过,我们可以数出五亭桥一共有着 15 个桥洞。这 15 个桥洞, 洞洞相连,洞洞相通。《扬州画舫录》中有这样一段记载:“每当清风月满之时,每洞各衔 一月。金色荡漾,众月争辉,莫可名状。”说是每到满月之夜,五亭桥下十五个桥洞中每个 洞都含着一个月亮。“天下三分明月夜,二分无赖是扬州。”如果你能在中秋之夜来到扬州 ——这个中国月亮城。说不定就能领略到这十五的月亮十六圆的绝妙奇境。 站在五亭桥上向东看,远处的湖光水色就是一副典型的江南山水图景。而桥东面这 座四面环水的建筑,叫做凫庄。凫庄建于 1921 年,因为形状类似浮于水面的野鸭而得名。 它的整体建筑紧凑得体,有效地烘托映衬了五亭桥和白塔,成为瘦西湖上不可缺少的一处点 缀。——凫庄 何园 The first garden in the late Qing Dynasty Ho Family Garden also known as “Jixiao Villa” is the last but best work among the private gardens in Yangzhou. It is the National Cultural Relic Protection Unit and National AAAA class View Area. Along with Yihe Garden in Beijing and Humble Ad ministrator's Garden in Suzhou, it is among the first list of National Key Gardens. Ho Garden consists of three parts: the back garden, the residential area, the Pian Shi Shan Fang. In the garden, there are the double-path cloister which contributes to the embryo of world’s flyover, the China longest winding corridor,the only China ancient stage on water,Yuxiu Building within the Chinese building arts and western building arts, as well as the best-deserved Nanmu Hall in largest scale in the south of Yangtze River. Tong Jun, Liu Guozhen, Pan Guxi, Luo Zhewen and Chen Congzhou, Chinese ancient garden experts, praised for Heyuan Garden’s unique architectural style and said it “the only copy in gardens of southern Yangtze delta”. Professor Luo Zhewen specially wrote“the Most Important Garden in Late Qing Dynas ty ” for Ho Garden. As the development of Yangzhou’s tourism, Ho Garden will be a must-see place for tourists who travel in Yangzhou. 何园,原名寄啸山庄,是扬州私家园林中的压轴之作。全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA 级旅游景区,并与北京颐和园、苏州拙政园同时被评为首批全国重点园林。何氏家族和中国 近代史上几个赫赫有名的大家族关系十分密切:北洋大臣李鸿章、光绪皇帝老师孙家鼐是同 乡加儿女亲家,进退与共;与光绪皇帝另一位更有名气的老师翁同龢以及清廷重臣、洋务派 代表人物张之洞也有姻亲关系。 何园其建筑特色之冠――享有“天下第一廊”美誉的1500米复道回廊构成园林建筑四通八 达之利与回环变化之美,在中国园林中绝无仅有,被业内专家称为中国立交桥的雏形;片石 山房“天下第一山”,是画坛巨匠石涛和尚叠石的“人间孤本.”。 著名学者余秋雨称在中 国造园史上,能让人仰望的就是何园的“片石山房”了。中国当代古建园林专家童寯、刘敦 桢、潘谷西、罗哲文、陈从周等都对何园独特的造园手法备加赞誉,称它为“江南园林中的 孤例”。罗哲文先生还专门为何园 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 词“晚清第一园”。走进何园,宛如走进一幅历史人文 的旖旎画卷;一位集官僚、盐商、隐者、教育家多重身份的传奇人物,曲折隐秘的心阶历程 在此淋漓披露;一个由封建走向开明的世家大族兴衰荣辱的生存活剧在此栩栩上演;一部风 云变幻的中国近代史丰富多彩的外传故事在此生动展现„„ 个园 Located at No. 10, Yanfu East Road, Yangzhou, Geyuan Garden , a key national cultural heritage conservation unit and one of China's four famous Parks, is a typical private Park in South China. During the years ruled by Emperor Renzong of Qing Dynasty (1796-1820), Huang Zhiyun ,general salt merchant of the ancient regions to the north and south of Huaihe River , expanded the Shouzhi Park of the Ming Dynasty. Because he was fond of bamboos and their leaves looked like the shape of the Chinese character " 个",the park was named as "Geyuan Garden". "Geyuan Garden" is a 4 A state-level tourist attraction and among the top 20 key national park. 个园位于扬州古城东北隅,盐阜东路10号,为全国重点文物保护单位,中国四大名园之一, 是典型的中国江南私家园林杰出代表。由两淮盐业商总黄至筠于清嘉庆23年(公元1818 年)在原明代“寿芝园”的基4础上拓建为住宅园林。因主人爱竹,且竹叶形似“个”字, 故名“个园”。个园是国家4A级景区,全国二十家重点公园之一。 大明寺 Daming Temple ,The ancient temple Damingsi(Great Bright Temple) is a brilliant pearl of Yangzhou. Built in the Six Dynasties, it was called Qilingsi(Soul-dwelling-Temple)in the Tang Dynasty and Damingsi in the Song Dynasty. Till the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the early Qing Dynasty,it was named Fajingsi(Law-purifying Temple) inscribed by edici. ,古刹大明寺乃扬州璀璨之明珠。始于六朝唐称栖灵,宋曰大名,至前清乾隆“敕 题法净寺”。 ,In 1980.when the statue of the Eminent Monk Jianzhen returned to his homeland from Japan, the name of the temple was changed back to Damingsi. It is the earliest temple opened to the outside world. ,1980年,鉴真大和尚像从日本回乡探亲又更名为“大明寺”,现为我国开放最 早之寺院。 ,It combining Buddhism, historcal and cultural sites and garden scenery. It is also a scenic spot well-known across the country. ,他集佛教、文物古迹、园林风光于一体,天下闻名之胜地. 地理位置 Daming Temple is located the Shugang on top of the Yangzhou northwest. It is a Buddha, called temple is also a party to the scenic spots, the composition of the Main Hall, Ping Yuan floor, the hall, the palace garden, Jianzhen Memorial habitat holy stupa, the world fifth spring . ,大明寺位于扬州西北郊的蜀冈之上。它既是一座佛教庙宇,也是一方风景名胜, 由大雄宝殿、平远楼、平山堂、御园、鉴真纪念堂、栖灵塔、天下第五泉等组成。 Habitat spirit(栖灵塔) When the Sui dynasty, Sui wendi YangJian buddhist, hall of first year (601) his birthday, had a letter in the whole nation builds the case for 30 a Buddha tower, Yangzhou habitat spirit, is one of them. 西隋朝时,隋文帝杨坚笃信佛教,仁寿元年(601)他过生日,曾下诏在全国建立三十 座供养佛舍利的塔,扬州栖灵塔,便是其中之一 JianZhen memorial(鉴真纪念堂) It built in 1973, in honor of cultural exchanges between the two countries made a major contribution to the JianZhen monk (688 ~ 763). 建于1973年,以纪念对中日两国文化交流作出重大贡献的鉴真和尚(688,763) The world fifth spring 天下第五泉 Main Hall(大雄宝殿)Daming Temple hall three Big Buddha sitting Buddha head. PingShanTang平山堂 PingShanTang is located in the west DaMingSi "immortal old gallery" area, by PingShanTang, GuLinTang, ouyang temple is composed of three parts, lined by the south to the north. 平山堂位于大明寺西侧的“仙人旧馆”内,由平山堂、谷林堂、欧阳祠三部分构成,由 南至北依次排列。 景区中文名称: 扬州八怪纪念馆 景区英文名称: Museum Of Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics 景区中文简介: 扬州八怪纪念馆东临扬州繁华的文昌商业圈,西接著名的扬州蜀岗——瘦 西湖风景区,是利用“扬州八怪”之一金农曾经寄居的西方寺古建筑群而建。800年前的楠 木大殿,现为扬州八怪纪念馆主展厅,集中展示扬州八怪的成因及艺术成就;东西廊房陈列 有“扬州八怿” 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 画,表现每位书画家的个性创作;金农寄居的方丈室恢复原貌,重现金农 晚年创作生活的情境;精品陈列厅陈列扬州八怪传人——李亚如先生的书画精品;近60幅 的“扬州八怪”书画石刻再现中国传统碑刻的神韵。“千年银杏”、“鹤池窥冰”、“莲池映月”、 “竹泉幽境”等优美的园林景观与深厚的古丈化底蕴交相辉映。扬州八怪纪念馆赴扬州独具 特色的旅游景点。 景区英文简介: Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics are a group of creative painters who activated the Chinese painting society in Qing Dynasty(1644—191 1)(They exerted profound influences on the Chinese painting society thereafter(Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics Museum was set up to promote the artistic achivements of Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics( Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics Museum is both a scenic and study place in Yangzhou(The site of the Museum was originally xifang Temple, a group of ancient buildings used to be resided by Panter Jin Nong,one of the Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics(It is located between the CBI)of Yangzhou and the famous Shugang—slender Westlake area,therefore enjoying both convenience and popularity( The Main Hall built by sandalwood 600 years ago now displays the formation of Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics school and their artistic skills(On both aides of corridor chambers are display of paintings and calligraphies(Work has been done to restore the original shape of the residential chamber of painter Jin Nong to illustrate the later part of his life(In the masterpiece display room are some 60 pieces of Painter Li Yaru's artwork,including Thousand-year-old Gingko Tree(The Crane Pond,Moom-lit Lotous Pond, Bamboo Spring Pavilion, etc(It is recognized as a follower of Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics( 淮扬菜的介绍 As one of four world-renowned Chinese cuisines, Huaiyang Cuisine is the representative flavor of middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River as well as Huaihe River Basin. The Huaiyang Cuisine, originated from Yangzhou and also developed in Yangzhou, is a brilliant miracle of long history and culture in Yangzhou. Yangzhou is the center and cradle of Huaiyang Cuisine。CHINA CUISINE ASSOCIATION decided to confer the honor “Land of Huaiyang Cuisine” to Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province on 25 July 2001. Yangzhou becomes the first city named “Land of the Cuisine” of various Chinese cuisines. 淮扬菜是世界知名的中国四大菜系之一,淮扬菜系是长江中下游、淮河流域的代表风 味。淮扬菜根源于扬州,发展于扬州,是扬州悠久历史文化的奇丽瑰宝。扬州是淮扬菜系的 中心和发祥地。2001年7月25日 ,中国烹饪协会决定:“授予江苏扬州‘淮扬菜之乡'的 称号。”扬州成为中国各菜系中第一家“菜系之乡”命名的城市。 扬州三把刀,即天下闻名的扬州厨刀、修脚刀、理发刀。The well-known three kinds of knives in Yangzhou are kitchen knife, foot-repaired knife and hair-cut knife. 扬州酱菜 Yangzhou pickles 汪氏小苑 Wang’s court 扬州漆器Yangzhou Lacquerware 扬州清曲 Yangzhou Ditty 雕版印刷 block printing 剪纸chinese paper cutting Yangzhou Lacquerware (扬州漆器) Yangzhou Lacquerware products and handicrafts are well known both domestically and abroad. The history of the ware can be tracked back to the Warring States Period(战国时期), 2,000 years ago, and is a well-known popular gift.It is moisture-proof, resistant to heat, acid and alkali, and its color and luster are highly durable, adding beauty to its practical use. The lacquerware products can be used in a diversity of places, like bowls, trays, screens, small decorative boxes, tables and other furnitures. 扬州美食 Skin Wraps Water——the elegant entertainment with a hundred years' history Skin Wraps Water is a simple phrase which vividly embodies the early tea culture that has existed for more than one hundred years in Yangzhou . No trace of aristocracy can be detected in this phrase, and the soul of the town culture in Yangzhou is fully conveyed in the phrase! The ancient water garden on the moat is fairly lively thanks to local citizens and tourists. A cup of tea, various snacks and dishes all together make the time like the deferred magic lantern. When you watch the painted pleasure boat pass the window leisurely, when you see the end of the sallow dipping into the water and swaying with the waves, you'll feel there is no need to hurry. As the tea goes from strong to weak and you taste delicate snacks and dishes, the time has gone by unnoticed. Probably you will not resist the temptation to plaint that several hundred years ago, the forefathers here have enjoyed the leisure thoroughly. In Yangzhou , breakfast has been an essential part of residents' life. A piece of sliced bean curd, several pieces of delicate cakes together with two or three cups of tea will make a morning pleasant. There are plenty of choices in Yangzhou breakfast. The representative ones include: sliced bean curd that is blended with sliced ginger and dried shrimp. The dish will be perfect when soy and seasame oil are added into it. Jade bun is made of green vegetable, lard and ham. The color is green just like a jade. Besides, three-diced bun, steamed dumpling, multi-layer fried cake, crystal meat are all representative. The morning tea in Yangzhou named Kuilongzhu (Kui Dragon Ball) which blends Kuizhen from Anhui , Longjing from West Lake and Zhulan from Jiangsu and combines color, flavor and smell together is also characteristic. The tea smells fragrant when served with water from Yangzi River . It is a perfect kind of drink in the hot summer. [Crab Flavored Meatball]: according to the legend, Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty issued order for famous cooks to make this dish during his trip to Yangzhou , and the dish was called “Meat on Sunflower” which was made of meat, crab power and crab meat. The fat in the meat will be driven out while the flavor of crab powder gets into the meat as the mild fire heated the dish, a process making the flavor of the dish especially delicious. [Boiled Shredded Dry Bean Curd]: it is also called dried soybean curd threads with chicken soup. First, the bean curd is sliced as thin as hair, and then it is accompanied with sliced chicken and bamboo shoots. All the ingredients will be boiled with chicken soup so than different flavors will be blended together. When the dish is put into a plate, cooked shrimp, peas and sliced ham will be added. This is a representative dish that demands perfect way of slicing bean curd. [Drunken Duck in Watermelon Cup]: first, the watermelon is carved into the shape of a cup. The duck of which the bones has been taken away is filled with various food. Add wine when the duck is heated to the level that it has been almost ripe. Then, the cooked duck will be put into the watermelon cup. This dish looks beautiful, and the duck tastes soft with a unique flavor. And the watermelon cup reflects the perfect technique of using a knife. [The Head of Silver Carp]: the head of a sliver carp is cut into two parts, and put into the boiler. It will be heated for a while, then the head of the silver carp will be dipped into cold water. After being taken away the bone in the head, the fish will be put on a bamboo plate, and heated with lard, spring onion, ginger, and wine. This dish tastes fresh. It is a representative dish along the Changjiang River . [Wensi Toufu Soup]: this dish originated in Qing Dynasty. It was named after its designer the monk Wensi from Yangzhou Tianning Temple during Qianlong's reign. Wensi Toufu, made of toufu and ham is white with slices of green. The toufu is tender and the soup is delicious. The way to cut the toufu with a knife is also magical, because the toufu is sliced as slender as hair. [The Whole Pig's Head]: The dish the Whole Pig's Head has a history of four or five hundred years in Yangzhou . Someone in Qing Dynasty wrote a poem: “ Yangzhou is attractive, Monk Fahai wanders from one temple to another. On the bank of the lake there are several temples, and the towers are reflected in the water. What makes guests stay is the Pig's Head. ” This dish is made of a whole pig's head. The color is deep red, and the flavor is attractive. It tastes sweet with a slight taste of salty. [Grandma Pigeon Eggs]: the name of this dish comes from The Dream of the Red Chamber . Grandma Liu comes from rural areas and never has the chance to see a pigeon egg, assuming that the chicken in Rong Family are especially pretty so that they can produce such mini chicken eggs. Wang Xifeng deliberately teases her and gives her a pair of diamond-shaped choplin. Consequently, Grandma Liu has no way to pick up any pigeon egg with that pair of chop sticks. [Yangzhou fried rice]: Yangzhou fried rice was formerly recorded as “broken gold rice” in The Book about Food . It is said that this dish has been passed to Yangzhou when the Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty patrolled to Jiangdu. To make this dish, first rice has to be cooked, then the cooked rice will be fried with eggs. The well-made Yangzhou fried rice looks like glittering broken gold, tasting fairly delicious. There is a vivid phrase to describe it: “Gold enwrapping silver”. 关于扬州的诗歌 遣怀 杜牧 Known as fickle, even in the Street of Blue 落魄江湖载酒行,楚腰纤细掌中轻。 Houses. 十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名。 送孟浩然之广陵 李白 A CONFESSION 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。 With my wine-bottle,watching by river and 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流. lake Seeing Meng Hao-Ran off at Yellow Crane For a lady so tiny as to dance on my palm, Tower I awake, after dreaming ten years in ---Translated by许渊冲 My friend has left the west where the Yangzhou, Yellow Crane towers; For River Town green with willows and red with flowers. His lessening sail is lost in the stretch of field cress met my eyes. I entered boundless blue sky; the city and looked around myself, only to Where I see but the endless River rolling by. see a desolate scene and freezing blue Seeing Meng Haoran Of from Yellow Crane waters. As dusk deepened, horns could be ---Translated by杨宪益 戴乃迭 At Yellow Crane Tower in the west my heard from garrison barracks. old friend says farewell; Overwhelmed by grief, I composed this In the mist and flowers of spring he goes down to Yangzhou; tune. In Xiao Dezao's opinion, my poem is Lonely sail,distant shadow, vanish in blue emptiness; evocative of the sadness expressed in the All I see is the great river flowing into ancient lament "On a Fallen Capital." the far horizon( At the famous city east of Huaihe 寄扬州韩绰判官 River And west of a stretch of bamboo 青山隐隐水迢迢, 秋尽江南草未凋。 (Where the first stage of my 二十四桥明月夜, 玉人何处教吹箫。 journey ends), I dismount to rest. For Han Chuo, Judge of Yangzhou As I walk along the road The dreaming green hills stretch as far Once bathed in a reach of vernal breezes as the blue streams, I see green field cress on all sides. At autumn’s end grass seems still green Since Tartar cavalry pressed upon the Yangtze on Southern shore. The city with abandoned moat Twenty-four fairies on the bridge steeped and towering trees Still hates all mention of the war. in moonbeams, As evening sets in, in the empty Are they still playing on the flute now as city Chilly horns are echoing. before? If Du Mu the connoisseur of 扬州慢(淮左名都) bygone beauty 姜夔 Returned to life, he'd lament the 淳熙丙申至日,予过维扬,夜雪初霁,lost glory. 荠麦弥望。入其城则四顾萧条,寒水自碧。 His magic pen that described a 暮色渐起,戍角悲吟。予怀怆然,感慨今昔,cardamom-like girl 因自度此曲,千岩老人以为有黍离之悲。 And dream-like time in blue 淮左名都,竹西佳处,解鞍少驻初程。mansions 过春风十里,尽荠麦青青。自胡马窥江去后; Can no more tell a romantic 废池乔木,犹厌言兵。渐黄昏,清角吹寒,story? 都在空城。 杜郎俊赏,算而今、重到须 The twenty-four bridges, 惊。纵豆蔻词工,青楼梦好,难赋深情。二 Upon which fairies once played 十四桥仍在,波心荡、冷月无声。念桥边红their flutes, 药,年年知为谁生~ Are still there; To the Tune of Yang Zhou Man And below, in ripples the silent On the winter solstice in the third moon glows. year (1176) of the reign of Chunxi I passed But, oh, for whom the red peonies by Yangzhou. When the snow let up, a by the bridges The vernal wind has greened the Southern Bloom every spring? Who knows? shore again, Who knows? 赠别之一 杜牧 When will the moon shine bright on my 娉娉袅袅十三余, 豆蔻梢头二月初。 春风十里扬州路, 卷上珠帘总不如。 return? PARTING I 题扬州禅智寺( 杜牧 ) She is slim and supple and not yet 雨过一蝉噪,飘萧松佳秋。 fourteen, 青苔满阶砌,白鸟故迟留。 The young spring-tip of a 春霭生深树,斜阳下小楼。 cardamon-spray. 谁知竹西路,歌吹是扬州? On the Yangzhou Road for three miles The West Bamboo Temple At in the breeze Yangzhou Every pearl-screen is open. But there"s A cicada’s loud after rain, no one like her. Pine trees of sad autumn complain. 《忆扬州》(徐凝) Green moss spreads o’er steps at the 萧娘脸薄难胜泪,桃叶眉尖易得愁。 gate, 天下三分明月夜,二分无赖是扬州 White birds intend to linger later. To One in Yangzhou Out of deep woods evening mist grows,Your bashful face could hardly bear the weight of tears, Down the tower the setting sun goes.Your long, long brows would easily fell sorrow nears. From west Bamboo Road further Of all the moonlit nights on earth when down, people part, You’ll hear songs of Riverside Town. Two-thirds shed sad light on Yangzhou with 与扬州相关成语的 broken heat. 南柯一梦 an empty dream 泊船瓜洲 王安石 司空见惯 commonplace 功德圆满 round it off 京口瓜洲一水间,钟山只隔数重山。 似曾相识 seem to have met before, 鹤背扬州(比喻利欲熏心)crane back to Yangzhou, be blinded by greed, graw 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还, water to one’s mill 骑鹤扬州(比喻贪婪、妄想)greed, Moored at the Ferry mirage 描写扬州的 A river severs Northern shore and 风景如画 picturesque Southern land, 大街小巷 wide streets and narrow lanes Between my home and me but a few 羊肠小道 narrow meandering footpath, narrow pass mountains stand. 春光明媚 beautiful scenery in the bright spring sunshine 湖上烟雨 fog and rain on the lake People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部 运博会相关词汇 Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural 主要活动 major activities 开幕式 opening ceremony Development of the People’s Republic of 运河博览会永久会址启用仪式 China 中华人民共和国文化部 inauguration of Permanent Site for World Canal Cities Expo Ministry of Culture of the People’s “让 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 提升运河名城”主题论坛 Republic of China 中华人民共和国国家旅游局 Theme Forum on “Design Upgrades Canal Cites”National Tourism Administration of “精致城市、美好生活”市长论坛 the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国国家文物局 Mayors’ Forum on “Elegant City, Wonderful Life” State Administration of Cultural 首届全球设计城市峰会暨全球设计城Heritage of the People’s Republic of China 联合国教科文组织 市联盟成立大会The 1st Global Design Cities Summit& Inaugural General United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Assembly of GDCO 联合国人居署 运河博览会音乐晚会 Canal Cities Expo Concert UN-HABITAT 世界旅游组织 古运河花船巡游 Display of Flower World Tourism Organization Boats on Ancient Grand Canal 凤凰卫视 运河博览会赏月晚会 Canal Cities Expo Moonlight Show Phoenix TV 中央电视台国际频道 “爱运河、爱扬州、爱生活”市民活动 CCTV-4 Public Activities to “love canal, love 承办单位: Yangzhou, and love life” 欢迎晚宴 Welcome Banquet Organized by: 中国太平洋经济合作全国委员会 京杭之心 Heart of Jinghang Canal Site China National Committee for Pacific 祝酒词 Toasting speech Economic Cooperation 扬州市人民政府 主要发言 Keynote speeches 主题演讲 Theme Speech Yangzhou Municipal People’s 活动安排 program Government 世界运河历史文化城市合作组织 中国大运河 The Grand Canal in China World Historic and Cultural Canal 活动场景 The Venues of Programs Cities Cooperation Organization 交通指南 Transportation Guidance 2010中国扬州世界运河名城博览会暨 运河名城专家论坛 会务服务 Staff Service 会议报到 registration 2010 China Yangzhou World Canal Cities Expo and Canal Cities Experts' 倡导和支持单位: Forum 运河城市与低碳经济 Supported by: 中华人民共和国外交部 Canal City & Low-Carbon Economy Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the 世界设计城市联盟 GDCO (Global 建城史。扬州历史上曾经有过三次繁荣时Design Cities Organization) 期,兴盛于汉,繁盛于唐,鼎盛于清。唐代世界设计城市峰会 GDCS (Global 的李白、杜甫,宋代的欧阳修、苏东坡等一Design Cites Summit) 批政治家、文学家、艺术家曾在扬州为官、 游历,留下了大量吟咏扬州的名篇佳作。扬 州八怪、扬州学派、扬州曲艺等独树一帜,扬剧、扬州评话、清曲、剪纸、漆艺、玉雕、 雕版印刷、弹词等16项已被列入中国非物质文化遗产项目,广陵古琴、雕版印刷和扬 扬州简介 州剪纸被列入世界非物质文化遗产项目。 Yangzhou is a cultural city with a long history and thriving culture. It is 扬州,地处江苏省中部、长江下游北岸、 one of the first 24 historic and cultural 江淮平原南端,是中国最具活力的“长三角” cities released by the State Council 经济圈内重要节点城市。现辖宝应、高邮、 with a founding history of about 江都、仪征4个县(市),邗江、广陵、维 2,500 years since King Fu Chai of Wu 扬3个区和经济技术开发区、化工园区、新 ditched Hangou and built Hancheng. 城西区、蜀冈—瘦西湖风景名胜区。全市总 There were three golden times in the 面积6638平方公里,人口460万,其中 history of Yangzhou. It took shape in 市区面积近1100平方公里,人口131万。 the Han Dynasty, thrived in the Tang Located in the middle of Jiangsu Dynasty and reached its peak in the province, the north shore of the lower Qing Dynasty. A number of politicians, reaches of the Yangtze River and the writers and artists such as Li Bai, Du south end of the Yangtze-Huai Rivers Fu of the Tang Dynasty and Ou plain, Yangzhou is the most vibrant yangxiu and Su Dongpo of the Song and an important city in the economic Dynasty all served as officials or went circle of the Yangtze River delta. It is sightseeing there and left many made up of four counties (cities) of poems chanting the beauty of Baoying, Gaoyou, Jiangdu and Yangzhou. "Eight eccentrics of Yizheng, three districts of Hanjiang, Yangzhou", Yangzhou school and Guangling and Weiyang, Economic Yangzhou opera all enjoy distinctive and Hi-tech Development Zone, features. Sixteen items including Chemical Park, Metro West and the Yangju, Yangzhou storytelling, scenic spot of Shugang-Slender West Qingqu, paper cutting, lacquerware, Lake. It boasts land coverage of jade carving, block printing and 6,638 square kilometers and a storytelling to the accompaniment of population of 4.6 million, including stringed instrument were listed as the the downtown area of 1,100 square intangible cultural heritage of China kilometers with a population of 1.31 and Guangling seven-stringed million. plucked instrument, block printing and Yangzhou paper cutting were 扬州是一座历史悠久、文化昌盛的人文 listed as world intangible cultural 名城。扬州是国务院首批公布的24座历史 heritage. 文化名城之一,自公元前486年吴王夫差 开邗沟、筑邗城始,至今已有近2500年的 扬州是一座生态优良、环境秀美的宜居 扬州是一座资源丰富、特色鲜明的旅游名城。“烟花三月下扬州”、“绿杨城郭是扬 名城。扬州自然遗产、人文遗产和非物质文州”、“春风十里扬州路”、“人生只合扬州居” 等名言佳句,是扬州形象清丽、生态秀美、化遗产丰富,是中国首批优秀旅游城市。 环境宁静、精致典雅的城市个性的真实写5.09平方公里的老城区是国内历史风貌保 照。近几年来,扬州先后获得了国家优秀旅存比较完好的古城之一,古迹、遗址、文物 游城市、国家卫生城市、国家园林城市、国众多,仅市区就有500多处历史建筑群、 家环保模范城市、国家生态示范市、中国人500多条传统街巷,各类文保单位168个, 居环境奖、国家森林城市等荣誉称号。2006其中国家级9个、省级16个。瘦西湖和扬 年,被授予全球人居领域最高奖——“联合州历史城区已被列入中国世界文化遗产预 国人居奖”。在中国社科院2010年城市竞备名单重设目录。 争力报告中,扬州环境优美度竞争力列全国Yangzhou is a tourism city with 第四。 rich resources and unique Yangzhou is an ecologically characteristics. Yangzhou abounds in friendly and environmentally natural resources, cultural resources beautiful city suitable for people to and intangible cultural heritages and live in. Such famous well-known is one of the first excellent tourism sayings as “In this flowery March cities in China. The old quarter journeyed south to Yangzhou”, “The covering 5.09 square kilometers is green city is Yangzhou”, “The gentle one of the old cities with the best spring breeze swept down a preserved historic landscape ten-mile-long road of Yangzhou”, domestically. There are numerous “Only Yangzhou is suitable for people historic sites and cultural relics, to live in” give true and vivid including 500 plus historic expression to Yangzhou featuring architectural complexes, 500 plus gorgeous image, beautiful ecology, traditional lanes, 168 historic sites of serene environment, delicacy and various levels, among which nine are elegance. In recent years, Yangzhou national and sixteen are provincial. has been awarded the honorary titles Slender West Lake and Yangzhou of National Excellent Tourism City, historic quarter have been listed in National Hygiene City, National the Preparatory Directory for World Garden City, National Environmental Cultural Heritages of China. Protection Demonstration City, 扬州是一座开明开放、经济繁荣的工商National Ecology Demonstration City, 名城。扬州历史上就是著名的开放城市,唐National Habitat Environment Prize 代扬州是东南地区的最大都会和对外经济and National Forest City. In 2006, it 文化交流的四大港口之一,当时在扬外商达was awarded the United Nations 1万多人。高僧鉴真大师东渡日本传播中国Habitat Award, the highest prize in 佛教、医学、建筑、艺术等方面的文化。韩the area of global habitat. In the 国的崔致远、阿拉伯的普哈丁、意大利的马report of city competitiveness issued 可•波罗等都曾留下行迹。目前,扬州已与by the Chinese Academy of Social 世界30多个城市结为友好城市或友好交往Sciences, Yangzhou ranked fourth in 城市,与世界160多个国家和地区开展着terms of the competitiveness of 经贸、文化往来。近年来,扬州经济实力显beautiful environment. 著增强,转型发展迈出新步伐。汽车船舶、具有代表性的采访点作为第二批对外宣传 采访基地,以中英文双语和图文并茂的形石油化工、机电装备等三大支柱产业不断发 式,编印了《扬州市对外宣传采访基地采访展,以“三新一网一书”为代表的新兴产业发 展迅速。 指南》,并为中外媒体记者来扬州提供相关 服务信息。今后,根据形势的变化和媒体的Yangzhou is an enlightened, open 需求,我们还将进一步调整、充实外宣基地and economically prosperous 及相关信息。 industrial and commercial city. In history, Yangzhou is a famous and Yangzhou is endowed with open city. In the Tang dynasty, it is beautiful natural scenery and the biggest metropolis in Southeast produced a galaxy of talents. It seizes China and one of the four ports that the new opportunities at a new conducted economic and cultural starting point to realize leapfrog exchanges with other countries. Over development. In order to allow the 10 thousand foreign businessmen world to know Yangzhou better, the lived in Yangzhou then. Master Press Office of Yangzhou Municipal Jianzhen went eastward to Japan to People’s Government sorted out all spread China’s culture including the highlights and chose 30 Buddhism, medical sciences, representative ones to be the second architecture and art. The Korean batch of interview bases of Yangzhou Choe Chi-won, the Arabian Pu Hading for publicity in both Chinese and and the Italian Marco Polo all left their English in a massive and lyrical footprints here. Now Yangzhou has outpouring of words and photographs established sister relations or carried and rendered related service out friendly exchanges with over 30 information for Chinese and foreign cities across the world and journalists. We will further adjust and maintained economic and trade and complement the interview bases and cultural interactions with over 160 related information according to the countries and regions in the world. In changes of the situation and the need recent years, its economic strength of the press. was notably improved on the way “烟花三月下扬州”,扬州这座古代文化toward economic transformation. The 与现代文明交相辉映的历史文化名城正以three pillar industries of automobile 崭新的姿态,迎接您的到来~ and shipbuilding, petrochemical and electromechanical equipment “In this flowery March journeyed continue to develop and the emerging south to Yangzhou”. Yangzhou, the industries represented by new energy, historic and cultural city where new light source, new material, smart ancient and modern civilization adds power grid and electronic books radiance to each other, embraces you develop rapidly. with a brand new outlook. 扬州风物秀美、人杰地灵。在新的起点 上,扬州抢抓新机遇、实现新跨越。为了让 世界更好地了解扬州,扬州市人民政府新闻 办公室从城市诸多亮点中梳理选取了30个
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