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武汉港工业园客户(电子版)武汉港工业园客户(电子版) 武汉港工业园招商手册(电子版) 入驻武汉港 胜买原始股 ——武汉港工业园八大优势 A BETTER CHOICE THAN INVESTMENT IN IPO ——Eight Advantages of Wuhan Port Industrial Zone 低廉土地成本;宽松投资环境;优惠投资政策;四通八达交通; 武汉城市外延;8+1城市中坚;重磅企业环绕;完善配套建设。 Low land costs; liberal investment environment; pr...

武汉港工业园客户(电子版) 武汉港工业园招商手册(电子版) 入驻武汉港 胜买原始股 ——武汉港工业园八大优势 A BETTER CHOICE THAN INVESTMENT IN IPO ——Eight Advantages of Wuhan Port Industrial Zone 低廉土地成本;宽松投资环境;优惠投资政策;四通八达交通; 武汉城市外延;8+1城市中坚;重磅企业环绕;完善配套建设。 Low land costs; liberal investment environment; preferential investment policies; convenient traffic; Wuhan City epitaxy; 8 +1 City Backbone; heavy enterprises around; complete set construction。 共创 常青基业 政企合作 携手 ENTERPRISE AND GOVERNMENT JOIN HANDS IN C- REATING THE EVERGREEN FOUNDATION 鄂州经济开发区于2006年7月挂牌成立,2008年8月由省政府正式批复筹建,总规划 面积38平方公里 。中央对“两型”社会试验区批准及“8+1”城市圈的战略实施,奠定了 武汉城市圈在中部的“龙头”地位。已经与武汉融入一体的鄂州经济开发区,因独特的地理 优势及极其低廉的土地成本优势,吸引了五湖四海巨子精英在这片豪情热土上追求并创造他 们的梦想 。 在短短的时间内,鄂州经济开发区已经入驻各类企业200余家,初步形成钢铁深加工、 机电制造和物流贸易三大特色产业,武钢集团鄂钢工业园、武汉港工业园已初具雏形,湖北 再生资源工业园和超凡物流园正在规划建设之中。 08年10月13日,市长办公会研究同意设立鄂州经济开发区武汉港工业园(浙江工业 园),短短五个多月时间,鄂州经济开发区与湖北浙江企业联合会旗下的湖北英豪投资有限 公司精诚合作,抢抓机遇,全力建设与招商,成效显著。 武汉港工业园正在逐步把蓝图变 为美丽现实,张开臂膀迎接新世纪的新辉煌~ Ezhou Economic Development Zone, with a total planning area of 38 square kilometers, is set up in July 2006, and officially approved by provincial government in August 2008. The Central Grovernment approved the experiment plots of two-oriented society and the implement of rea, which enhance Wuhan's importance in Central China. Ezhou Economic Development Zone, as a part of Wuhan Metropolitan Area with its unique predominance in geography and low land cost, attracts the elites around the world to pursue and actualise their dream on this land. There are about 200 enterprises in Ezhou Economic Development Zone, featured by the deep processing for steel, manufacture of machine and logistics trading. Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Echeng Iron and Steel Industrial Park, Wuhan Port Industrial Zone has almost shaped. Hubei Renewable-resource Park and Chaofan Logistics Park are under construction. The Mayor agreed to set up Wuhan Port Industrial Zone on October 13, 2008. Ezhou Economic Development Zone cooperate with Hubei Kennedy Investment Co., in investment invitation and constuction, the later is belong to Hubei and Zhejiang Syndication. Wuhan Port Industrial Zone has a brilliant future! 武汉, “东中西”经济纽带 “8小时”通达华夏 WUHAN "Danger" economic ties "8 hours" access to the Chinese 武汉自古就有九省通衢之称,其位居中国经济地理中心,南接汉鄂快速干道、武黄高速 公路,是京珠高速、沪渝高速、京九铁路、长江黄金水道的必经之地。距北京、上海、南京、 杭州、重庆、广州、深圳等大城市1000公里左右;距郑州、长沙、南昌、合肥等省会城市 500公里左右;在半径400公里范围内,覆盖45个中等以上城市,1.83亿人口,占全国城 市总人口的21.3%。 世界看中国,中国看武汉,中部崛起战略支点,两型改革特区,使武汉成为企业抢占中 部经济的制高点。 Wuhan ancient thoroughfare of nine provinces have said that its largest geographic center of China's economy, South fast road access Han E, Wuhuang Highway, is the Beijing-Zhuhai High-speed, high-speed Shanghai and Chongqing, the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, the golden waterway of the Yangtze River must pass through. From Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other large cities around 1000 kilometers; from Zhengzhou, Changsha, Nanchang, Hefei, provincial capital cities and other cities about 500 km; in the radius range of 400 kilometers, covering more than 45 middle - cities, 183 million population, the country's total urban population accounted for 21.3%. The world to see China, look at Wuhan, central China strategic pivot, two types of reform, the SAR, so that enterprises in Wuhan in central seize the commanding heights of the economy. 武汉港工业园, 依托武汉,立足8+1城市圈,面向全世界 Wuhan Port Industrial Zone Based on Wuhan, 8 +1 based on the city circle, facing the world 鄂州地处长江中游南岸,是8+1城市圈中与武汉结合最紧密城市 ,几乎融于一体。鄂 州经济开发区武汉港工业园,至省府地——水果湖,仅40分钟车程,距光谷仅15分钟车程, 至富士康工业园仅5分钟车程„„ 武汉城市的外延及与武汉“零”距离的优势,为武汉港工业园带来良好的发展机遇,这 里是8+1城市圈 “加工园”、“创业园”与“投资兴业”的乐土,具备了走出中国、面向世 界的条件与机遇。 The south bank of the Yangtze River is located in the middle reaches of Ezhou is 8 +1 Wuhan city circle in combination with the closest city, almost into one. Ezhou Wuhan Economic Development Zone Industrial Park, to the provincial government toShui Guo hu, only 40 minutes away from the valley only 15 minutes to Foxconn Industrial Park, only 5 minutes by car ... ... Extension of the city of Wuhan and the Wuhan "zero" distance from the advantages of Hong Kong to Wuhan Industrial Park, a good opportunity for development, this is 8 +1 City Circle "Processing Park," "Pioneer Park" and "invest" the promised land, have come out of China, the world's conditions and opportunities. 水陆空三线齐发 地与人成本低廉 THREE-PRONGED LAND AND SEA SPACE-FAT LOW-COST WITH PEOPLE 武汉港工业园距武汉市区仅15分钟车程。工业园毗邻鄂钢工业园,与东湖高新开发区紧 密相连,地理位置优越,交通便利,依托发达的城市交通网络,储运费用低廉,人员出入方 便,为企业发展抢占天时地利人和。 (Park and Wuhan partial picture 2 shows the highways, rail, airports and other transportation to and around the park such as the number of E-Steel, East Lake High, etc.) Hong Kong and Wuhan from Wuhan Industrial Park is only 15 minutes. Steel Industrial Park, Industrial Park, adjacent to E, with the East Lake Development Zone, closely linked to high-tech and strategic location, easily accessible, relying on well-developed urban traffic network, storage and transportation of low-cost, accessible staff, in order to seize the right place at the right enterprise development. 公路 Highway 106、316两条国道,沪蓉高速和即将兴建的武广高速交会于鄂州,鄂汉快速干道直达 园区。 106,316 two national, high-speed Shanghai-Chengdu and is about the construction of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed intersection in Ezhou, Hubei Han fast roads through the park. 铁路、客运站、轻轨Railway, Bus, Light Rail 京广、京九铁路经两翼而过,两个货运站和两个客运站,是鄂东南货物、商品集散地; 建设中的城际铁路将鄂州与武汉的城市交通融为一体,预计于2010年试通车;运行中的武 汉轻轨远期规划于2015年铺设到鄂州,实现两市轻轨对接,两地互通往来将更加快捷。 Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Kowloon Railway and by the wings, and two air cargo terminal and two terminal, the Hubei Province of goods, commodities distribution; building intercity railway Ezhou and Wuhan will be the integration of urban transport is expected in 2010 opening of the trial; in the operation of the long-term planning in light of Wuhan in 2015 to lay Ezhou to achieve the two light rail link, the two exchanges will share more quickly. 水运 Waterborne transport 长江过境88公里,鄂州长江沿江建有五丈港、燕矶、杨叶、白浒镇等6座港口,其中 五丈港可泊5000吨级船舶,武汉新港正在投建,其中三江作业区距离本项目3公里。 88 kilometers crossing the Yangtze River, Yangtze River has Ezhou WuZhang Hong Kong, Yan Isogo, Yang Ye, white town, such as Enteromorpha six ports, which can be wuzhang Park Hong Kong 5000-ton ship, was voted to build Wuhan Xingang, from which the operation area in Sanjiang 3 kilometers of the project. 机场Airport 鄂州距武汉天河机场70公里,武汉三环相通,十分便捷。 Ezhou from Wuhan Tianhe Airport 70 km, the same highway, very convenient. 重磅企业环绕 构筑发展平台 HEAVY DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM TO BUILD A BUSINESS AROUND 鄂州以工业立市的口号已开发了近十年时间,随着工业经济振兴,项目周边鄂钢 、富 士康等龙头项目的资源潜力巨显,园区为企业提供更广泛、更高层次的商务交流平台与合作 契机。 Ezhou Industries slogan has been in development for nearly ten years, with the revitalization of the industrial economy, the project around the E-Steel, Foxconn leading projects such as giant a significant resource potential, the park provides businesses with more extensive and higher level of business communication opportunity and cooperation platform. 八大产业集群 构建工业航母 CONSTRUCTION OF EIGHT MAJOR INDUSTRIAL CL- USTERS INDUSTRIAL 伴随港口及立体交通不断完善,武汉港工业园将建设以港口物流为主的现代物流业,以 重工产业为主的现代制造业,配套发展现代服务业。经过政府大力引导与招商不懈努力,园 区初步形成了八大产业集群。 Equipment Manufacturing Industry Base locomotive equipment industry base Supporting industrial base ship biomedical industry base Information Security Industry Base Agricultural machinery industry base Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Industry Base New Energy and Industrial Base At the same time, the park will be to develop commerce and trade, services, education and other tertiary industries for the park to provide high quality and efficiency of integrated support services, to build a modern multi-service centers. , 装备制造业产业基地 , 机车装备产业基地 , 船舶配套产业基地 , 生物医药产业基地 , 信息安全产业基地 , 农用机械产业基地 , 节能环保产业基地 , 新能源产业基地 同时,园区将大力发展商贸、服务、教育等第三产业,为园区提供优质、高效的综合配 套服务,构建现代综合服务中心。 担保贷款支持 资金快速运转 FAST SECURED LOANS IN SUPPORT OF OPERATIONAL FUNDS 厂房兴建完工,机器设备运转后,面临资金周转困难,投资公司可协助担保贷款全方位 支持,保证企业高效运转。 Completed the construction of plant, machinery and equipment operation, the facing cash flow difficulties, investment companies loan guarantee all-round support to ensure efficient functioning of enterprises. 协助申报国家专项扶持资金 DEPUTY TO DECLARE SUPPORT FOR THE NATIONAL SPECIAL FUND 凡符合国家高技术产业化项目、国家重大技术装备研制与重大产业技术开发项目、高技 术产业技术升级和结构调整项目(含电子商务、企业信息化项目)、国家产业技术创新能力 项目等要求的,政府代为办理相关手续,由国家发改委批准列入国家高技术产业发展项目计 划,中央、地方两级政府分别给予资金扶持。 Where consistent with national high-tech industrialization projects, the development of major technologies and equipment for countries with major industrial technology development projects, high-tech industry in technological upgrading and structural adjustment projects (including e-commerce, enterprise information technology projects), national industrial projects, such as technological innovation capability requirements , the Government should handle the relevant procedures approved by the National Development and Reform Commission included in the national high-tech industry development plan, the central and local levels of government to give financial support, respectively. 高MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1713469876258_0、大战略、大手笔 HIGH STANDARDS AND GRAND STRATEGY、GENEROUS 园区配套齐备 无需反复投资 Park repeatedly without matching investment in place 规划用地6000亩,总投资75 亿元,分三期开发,围绕产业 发展和提高员工生活质量服 务,建设金融、商务、教育、 生产、生活、商业为一体的大 型园区,企业无需反复投资, 消除生活配套管理担忧。同时 依托和利用园内的自然地貌资 源建立绿化区,做到园中有林, 林中有厂。 6000 acres of land use planning, a total investment of 7.5 billion, in three phases to develop around the industry to improve staff development and quality of life services, construction, financial, business, education, production, life, business as one of the major parks, businesses need to re-investment, the elimination of worried about supporting the management of life. At the same time rely on and use of the park's natural landscape resources, the establishment of green zones, so the garden has trees, the forest has plant. 政府拆掉门槛 开通绿色通道 GOVERNMENT REMOVED THE THRESHOLD OF OPEN GREEN CHANNEL , 为支持项目发展,开发区委员会采取地方奖励,财政扶持的办法,生产型企业5年内缴 纳的企业所得税地方留存部分,由开发区分阶段奖励给企业。 , 执行国家、省、市对外资企业、高新技术企业、出口创汇等企业的有关税收优惠政策, 包括外资企业再投资退税政策。 , 对世界500强企业或投资额度大、税收贡献多、拉动效应强的项目,实行一企一策,制 订特别优惠办法。 To support project development, local development zone incentives taken by the Commission, the financial support of the approach, production-oriented enterprises 5 years corporate income tax paid by the local retention of the award in stages by the enterprise zone. the implementation of national, provincial and city-to-foreign-funded enterprises, high-tech enterprises, enterprises and other export-related tax incentives, including the foreign policy of re-investment tax refund. 500 companies in the world or the amount of investment, and tax contributions, and strong pulling effect of the project, the implementation of a policy level, providing special concessions. 招商热线:86-/88878997 传真: 网站: 邮箱:whg-gyy@163.com 武汉招商接待处:武汉市武昌区中山路309号广西大厦四楼 现场接待处:湖北鄂州市樊川大道41号 项目地址: 湖北鄂州市鄂州经济开发区发展大道特一号
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