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口腔专业英语考试重点(李树波)口腔专业英语考试重点(李树波) 口腔专业英语复习资料 课堂听写句子: 1.This tooth have three four root anals,each canal appears to be quite small and curved and therefore,it takes time to clean out each canal thoroughly这颗牙齿有三四个根管,每个根管小且弯曲因此完全清干净要一定的时间。(课本P9页倒数第 四段里) 2.your gums are very i...

口腔专业英语考试重点(李树波) 口腔专业英语复习资料 课堂听写句子: 1.This tooth have three four root anals,each canal appears to be quite small and curved and therefore,it takes time to clean out each canal thoroughly这颗牙齿有三四个根管,每个根管小且弯曲因此完全清干净要一定的时间。(课本P9页倒数第 四段里) 2.your gums are very inflamed,swollen,and bleeding.so I suggest\recommend that you need to see the hygienist to have your teeth and gums cleaned.你的牙龈有炎症,肿胀且流血。因此,首先建议洁牙。 课本各章节:(下面各章节下划线加粗的标记词为课堂听三 写单词) Upper front teeth 上前牙 一 In the upper left side 上左边 Make an appointment 预约 Affect the nerve 累及神经 Have a check-up检查 Hygienist 洁牙员 Chew on咀嚼 Stain 染色、污渍 Tartar 牙垢\牙结石 take some radiographs 拍X片 Dental floss牙线 the initial consultation fee初诊费 Tooth-coloured material牙齿光固化材料 book up 预定 cancellation删除 Dental decay 龋病 surgery 手术 Root canal treatment 根管治疗 recommend 推荐 Full crown 全冠 Extensive treatment 广泛的治疗 二 Eliminate the disease 消除疾病 have a dental check-up 牙科检查 Back teeth 后牙 carry out 执行,实施 Be restored 修复 go through 仔细阅读,审查 Denture 假牙 proceed to 继续 Bridge 固定桥 instrument 器械 Implant 种植体 cavity (复数cavities)龋洞 Breakdown of the treatment 分期付款 filling 充填物 cleanse、clean 洁治 crown(+s)牙冠 gum牙龈 四 take a set of x-ray films 拍一套X线片 Numb . v 麻醉 in the upper right side 右上部位 Numbness .n.麻醉 be hurt 疼痛 Paste 膏剂 on and off 断断续续 The gums go a bit numb 牙龈有点麻 dental surgery 牙科诊所 Have a quick rinse 漱口 molar 磨牙 Cheek 颊 premolar前磨牙 Splash 飞溅 put a filling充填 Suck out 吸出来 high blood pressure高血压 Silver amalgam 银汞合金 under the care of a medical doctor在药师的监护下 Resin material 树脂材料 apart from 除了……之外=besides Apply some pressure 施加些压力(去腐质时用到) wisdom teeth=the third molar 智齿 Saliva 唾液 check on 核实 Salivary ejector 吸唾器 the lower right side右下部位(边) Suction tip吸头 general health 全身健康 Close together on your back teeth 咬一咬后牙(调牙合时 questionnaire问卷 用到) eruption .n.(牙)萌出 Occlusion and articulation (牙合)与关节 erupte.vt.萌出 The biting surfaces 咬合面 swollen肿胀 Sticky areas 易卡住的区域 jaw 颌骨 Sealing the tooth over with a plastic resin 用树脂来覆盖 have a x-ray film=have the x-ray taken拍X光片 (封闭)牙齿 premolar 前磨牙 molar磨牙 Durable 耐用的 1 / 5 口腔专业英语复习资料 Cavity preparation洞形制备 Give(have) a local anaesthetic 局麻 The gum line 牙龈缘 Lost appetite没有胃口 五 Glucose 葡萄糖 Oral hygiene instructions 口腔卫生指导 Boost your blood sugar 提高血糖 Tartar deposits 牙垢 Faint 虚脱 Ultrasonic scaler 超声洁治器 Squeeze the socket 挤压牙槽窝 Hand instruments Gauze pad 纱布 Polish 抛光 Inflam 发炎 heal愈合 Inflammation 炎症 八 Bleeding 流血 Prescribe 开处方 Toot-hpaste 牙膏 Erupte 萌出 Fluoride 氟 Put to sleep 催眠 Dental floss 牙线 Remove some bone 移动骨组织 Tricky 难用的 Suture 缝合 Sore 酸痛 Haemostasis 止血 Abrasive 研磨作用 Drill 钻 Tooth-paste containing fluoride含氟牙膏 九 Upper central incisor上中切牙 六 Permanent bridge 永久固定桥 Upper left molar 上左磨牙 Permanent cement 永久粘接剂 Put a filling in the cavity 充填龋洞 cementum 水门汀 Painkillers 止痛药 adjacent teeth 邻接牙 Numb up the tooth 麻醉牙齿 Porcelain tooth 烤瓷牙 Local anaesthetic injection 局部麻醉注射 Fuse onto熔接到…..上面 Rubber dam 橡皮障 Be cemented onto 粘接到….上 Take some impressions 取印模 七 Pour some plaster 灌注石膏 Taking some painkillers 吃些止痛药 Temporary crown临时冠 The nerve is expose 牙髓暴露 Emergency 急诊 A post and core 桩和核(桩核) Prepare 2 supporting teeth 备2个基牙 In the region of 在….区域 Fracture off (修复体等)断裂 十 Denture 义齿 Have a heavy bite 咬合重 Bridge固定桥 Rock 摇动 Extract the tooth =pull out the tooth 拨牙 Vibration 振动 2 / 5 口腔专业英语复习资料 Ulcer溃疡 Jaw下颌,颌,颚 Rub against your gums 摩擦你的牙龈 Palate 腭 Reline the denture 重衬 课本各单元(下划线加粗标记为可能更重点) Unit 1 Dental plaque 牙菌斑 Pellicle formation 获得性薄膜 Gingival crevicular fluid GCF 龈沟液 Streptococcus mutans 变形链球菌 Secret 分泌 Unit 3 Saliva 唾液 Salivary glands 唾液腺 Parotid gland 腮腺 Submandibular gland 下颌下腺 Sublingual gland 舌下腺 Buffering action 缓冲作用 Inorganic phosphates 无机磷酸盐 Buffering capacity 缓冲功能 Inorganic无机的 Bicarbonate 重碳酸盐离子 句子 P33 第一段 Saliva is secreted by the three major salivary glands ,the parotid gland , submandibular gland , and the sublingual , and by the very numerous minor salivary glands classified as lingual glands (on the tongue), buccal and labial glands (in the cheeks and lips) , palatine glands (in the palate ), and glossopalatine glands ( on the glossopalatine folds).唾液是 由三大主要唾液腺分泌的,包括腮腺,下颌下腺和舌下腺。许多小的唾液腺也分泌唾液,归类为舌腺(在舌头),唇 颊腺(在颊部和唇部),腭腺(在上腭)和舌腭腺(在舌腭皱褶中)。 Unite 4 Enamel organ成釉器 Dental papilla 牙乳头 Dental follicle牙囊 Tooth germ 牙胚 Enamel 牙釉质 Dentine牙本质 Cementum 牙骨质 Dental pulp 牙髓 Periodontium 牙周组织 Gingival and the junctional epithelium牙龈上皮和结合上皮(注意拆开也会用) Periodontal ligament 牙周膜 Alveolar bone 牙槽骨 句子: 3 / 5 口腔专业英语复习资料 P42 第二段 The epithelial organ, composed of the outer and inner enamel epithelia , the stellate reticulum and the stratum intermedium , constitutes the enamel organ which initially remains connected to the overlying oral epithelium by a thinned dental lamina.由内外釉上皮,星网关层和中间层组成的上皮器官为成釉器,其早期发展与被一薄层牙板覆盖的口腔上 皮有关。 The enamel organ ,together with the dental papilla and the dental follicle , is the tooth germ . the enamel organ will give rise to the enamel , while the dental papilla will five rise to the pulp and dentine , and the follicle will give rise to cementum , the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone.成釉器、牙乳头和牙囊组成牙胚。成釉器会发育为釉质,而牙 乳头发育为牙骨质和牙本质。牙囊发育为牙骨质、牙周膜和牙槽骨。 P43 第二段第一句 A tooth consists of three mineralized tissues,enamel,dentine,and cementum,and a dental pulp .牙齿由三个矿化 的组织(牙釉质,牙本质,牙骨质)及牙髓组成。 P44 第一段 The periodontium enables a tooth to maintain a functional position and consists of those tissues which surround and support the tooth. These are the gingival and the junctional epithelium with the associated fibers ,the cementum ,the periodontal ligament, and the alveolar bone.牙周组织能使牙齿维持一个功能位置和组成那引起环绕和 支持牙齿的组织,这些组织是牙龈、结合上皮及相关的纤维,牙骨质,牙周膜,和牙槽骨。 Unit 9 Endodonitics 牙髓 Vital sighs 生命指征 Chief complaint 主诉 Pulpitis牙髓炎 Thermal test 冷热诊、温度检测 Clinical tests临床检查 Indirect pulp-caps间接盖髓史 Recurrent caries 继发龋 句子 P87第二段 The question, “What kind of treatment have you had?”might elicit a history of pulp capping , deep fillings with sedative bases, or indirect pulp caps. These teeth, as well as those that have received impact trauma , may exhibit calcific metamorphosis or dystrophic calcifications and may be a difficult endodontic treatment problem . Although a positive and accurate answer may not result , the question will prompt a closer look at radiograghs for the presence or absence of cement bases or for recurrent caries or caries remaining under restorations.问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 “你曾经接受过哪种治疗,”可能提 示盖髓史、深部安抚剂垫底的充填史或间接盖髓史。这些牙齿和那些受到严重外伤的牙齿会 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现出钙化或营养不良性 钙化。同时也是一个比较难的牙髓治疗问题。虽然可能得不阳性的和明确的回答,但是提问有助于进一步观察在放射 摄影片上有无粘固剂垫底,或是继发龋,或是修复体下残余的龋坏组织。 Unit 10 Periodontitis 牙周炎 Periodontal disease 牙周病 Junctional epithelium结合上皮 Periodontal pocket 牙周袋 Clinical expression 临床表现 Clinicians 临床医生 4 / 5 口腔专业英语复习资料 Apical migration根尖迁移 Gingivitis 牙龈炎 Chronic periodontitis慢性牙周炎 Aggressive periodontitis 侵袭性牙周炎 Refractory periodontitis 难治性牙周炎 句子 P94第一段 The characteristic feature of periodontitis is a loss of the connective tissue and alveolar structure , termed a loss of attachment . Gingival inflammation is a common concurum , which can result in a periodontal pocket (and /or gingival recession) that coincides with that apical migration . Gingivitis is usually a precursor to periodontitis, but not all fingivitis progresses to periodontitis. Periodontitis results from a host response to microbial plaque :however , mechanisms for its initiation and progression are still being studied.牙周炎最主要的特征是结缔组织和牙槽骨结构的丧失,总称附着丧失。 牙龈炎是常见的并发症。附着丧失以结合上皮根向迁移为表现,它可导致牙周袋的形成(伴或不伴牙龈退缩)。牙周 袋的形成与上皮根向迁移是同时发生的。牙龈炎通常是牙周炎的前身,但不是所有牙龈炎都发展为牙周炎。宿主对牙 菌斑的反应导致牙周炎。然而,牙周炎始发和进展的机制仍然在研究中。 5 / 5
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