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《星火六级》词法浓缩版《星火六级》词法浓缩版 《星火六级》词法浓缩 这篇文档共分为30个章节,请您有计划地阅读。希望对您有所帮助。 1 1. able后面可以接to do, in, for但是不能接of to enable sb to do(sth);使...能做 to disable sb from doing sth使...不能做 2. be absorbed in„全神贯注于...She is completely absorbed in her book . 她在专心致志地看书. 3. be abundant/ri...

《星火六级》词法浓缩版 《星火六级》词法浓缩 这篇文档共分为30个章节,请您有计划地阅读。希望对您有所帮助。 1 1. able后面可以接to do, in, for但是不能接of to enable sb to do(sth);使...能做 to disable sb from doing sth使...不能做 2. be absorbed in„全神贯注于...She is completely absorbed in her book . 她在专心致志地看书. 3. be abundant/rich in sth...丰富,富于...; an abundance of大量的,丰富的,其后可以接可数或不可数名词,但是总体是当一个可数单数形式使用;The tree yields an aBundance of fruit. 这树结果甚多.in abundance丰富,充裕:But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance. 但是今天这种可口的海味已不 再大量存在. 4. make the acquaintance of sb= make sb’s acquaintance主要表示结识,做一个短暂的动词 I made his acquaintance two years ago. Acquaint有两个例句 I have acquainted myself with their customs. I have been acquainted with their customs. 5. be active in work工作积极 Activity意思是活跃;所以activity in trade商业活跃;其复数activities才表示种种活动campus activities校园活动 By/through agency of经...介绍,通过...之手;place/put sth on the agenda把某事提到日程上来 Agitation for/against: agitation against the big department stores 煽动反对大百货公司 women leading the agitation for equal rights 为争取男女平等而带头辩论的妇女们. 6、 add既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,在表示添加,加的时候add„to„把...加到...上是及物动词 在表示增添increase的时候是一个不及物动词add to; The bad weather added to our difficulties. In addition=as well; in addition to=as well as, besides此外,除此之外 7. advance growth促进增长; have an advantage over胜过,优于:A man who can think will always have an advantage over others. 能动脑子的人总是会胜过别人. Take advantage of因利乘便,趁...zhiji机,利用---a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of . 易受骗并且容易利用的人. 8. adventure是一个名词,主要指一些使人心振奋,寻求刺激性的冒险;venture是动词也是名词,主要指生命危险或经济风险;the business venture Nothing venture, nothing gain不入虎穴,焉得虎子 9. take(give) one’s advice接受(给与)忠告或建议,advice是不可数名词 advise和advisable后面的that从句都要使用should的虚拟语气 I advise that he (should) leave now. It is advisable that he (should) leave now. 10. make allowance (s) for=allow for考虑到,顾及,体谅,原谅 You should make allowance for his youth= You should allow for his youth. 11. alternately轮流地; alternatively,另一方面,要不然 It may have been because of the weather, or alternatively it may have been the result of indigestion. Be alien to---与...不相容,与性质不同---Cruelty was quite alien to his nature/to him. 残忍的行为与他的本性[与他]格格不入. 12. be angry with sb---生某人的气; be angry at/about sth---因某事生气;be angry生气(状态); get angry发怒(动作) anger既是动词也是名词,in anger---He hit the boy in anger.他生气而揍了这小子. 13. judge by appearance从外表上判断 14. answer for对...负有责任---You must answer for her safty. Swear的过去式,过去分词是swore,sworn,其在做宣誓,发誓的时候使用swear to... He swore to keep the secret. Swear在做诅咒,咒骂的时候,使用 swear at... She swore at the boy. 2 1. at the approach of„随着...的临近 2. argue with sb about/on sth与...争论;argue that„主张;argue/reason/talk sb into(out of) doin sth We would like to argu that this is not the case. 我们试图论证情况并非如此. e3. be alarmed at心慌--- She was rather alarmed at the proposal. 她听到这个建议,有点心慌. Alarm是向...报警,所以---dial 110 to alarm the fire brigade 4. range in age from 21 to 70年龄从21岁到70岁不等 a (wide) range of:各种各样的;to ranger over论及,涉及--- His tudies range over several languages. 他的研究涉及数种语言. sPeople of all ranks社会各阶层人士; rank among属于...之列--- Fire losses in the United Sates rank among the highest in the world. 美国火灾损失之大居于世界 最前列. Rank...as把...看做- Where do you rank Wordsworth as a poet? 你将华兹华斯列为哪一等诗人? -- 5. make an attack on„攻击--- and Joshua and all Israel with him went on to make an attack on Debir; 约书亚和以色列众人回到底璧,攻打这城, have an attack of(„病)发作--- He's getting on in years and his health isn't all that good; it would be strange if 'he didn't have an attack of cerebral haemorrhage." 依他那样的身体,又上了年纪,若不患脑充血,那就当真是怪事一桩?? Be attached to附属于,依恋于--- No blame is attached to his behavior. 他的行为无可指责. She is deeply attached to her young brother. 她深爱她的小弟弟. Detach„from„--- A boy would slowly detach himself from the gang. 一个孩子就慢慢地从这个帮伙中退出去. 6. attendance和audience在谈及多少的时候用 large或small attendant作为形容词意思是伴随的,随之而来的,the attendant difficulties随之而来的困难 attend to one’s business专心于事业,办些事情(就我查的例句来看,并不表示专心于事 业,而只是办些事情)--- Mr Fogg had sixteen hours in which to attend to his business there, which was to deposit Aouda safely with her wealthy relative. 福克先生还可以有十六小时来办一些自己的事情,也就是说替艾娥达夫人找那位亲戚. 7. authority的复数authorities才表示当局,官方---the authorities concerned有关当局 an authority on---在...方面的权威---He is an authority on English. Authority over---对...人的凌驾---Chinese parents have more authority over their children. 8. avenge为...报仇.报...之仇He avenged his father’s nurder. Revenge既是名词也是动词 We will avenge/revenge ourselves on the enemy. We will take our revenge on the enemy. 9. avoid/escape + doing; be void/devoid of common sense缺乏常识;void既是名词也是形容词一是是空的,无效的;devoid是一个形容词意思是空无的,缺乏的只 能做表语 10. To bar sb from doing = prevent sb from doing 11. base主要做具体的基础,basis主要做抽象的基础,其复数是bases the base of a building建筑物的基础 the economic basis经济基础 basic principle基本原则 12. have a bearing on=have connection with与...有关--- Attention should be centred on the links that have a bearing on the situation as a whole. 应该注意那些涉及 全局的重要关节 13. combat是一个及物动词,battle是名词也是动词,但是是一个不及物动词;所以A combat B=A battle with B debate既是名词也是动词;hold a debate on举行一次对...问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的辩论 14. accuse指控,指责---accuse sb of doing sth; blame sb for doing sth; blame sth on/onto sb excuse sb for原谅某人(做某事); ecuse sb from使某人免除,允许某人不(做某事) 3 1. on end---接连地---three days on end; means and ends目的与手段---Do you think that the end justifies the means? 2. behavior和conduct都是不可数名词 3. hinder有两个意思,如果是做阻止则用介词from,如果表示妨碍,则使用介词in to hinder him from going---阻止他前往;to hinder him in his work---妨碍他工作 4. circumstance的复数才表示境遇,经济情况;get to know the circumstance了解情况 under the circumstances在此情况下,既然如此;under no circumstances在任何情况下都不—用于句首的时候主语和谓语中的助动词都要倒装 5. board and lodging膳宿(费)---How kind of Bill to get our board and lodging ready. 约翰真好,给我们安排好了食宿.He pays 40 a week board and lodging. 他每周 支付膳宿费40英镑. 6. go blind失明;be blind to对...视而不见;Love is blind爱情是盲目的;He is blind in the left eye. 7. break the peace扰乱治安; breach of the peace对治安的扰乱(breach是一个名词) 8. a broad mind宽广豁达的胸怀;at home and abroad国内外;go abroad出国; spread abroad 传播地很广; chain broadcast联播;relay broadcast转播 9. bury oneself in(doing)sth---专心致力于(做)...(但是按照例句查找,还有使自己沉浸 于某地,埋没于某地的意思)Now he could not bury himself in those thoughts. 现 在他静不下心来想这些事.It is asking much of a wealthy man to come down and bury himself in a place of this kind... 要想使一位有钱的人屈尊埋没在这样一个地 方,确实有点说不过去„ 10. recall表示经过一番努力后想起,remember表示自然而然想起; remind sb of sth; recall sth to sb The picture reminds me of my school days. The picture recalls my school days to me/my mind. 11. reconcile可以指使和好,使和解,使协调---I couldn’t reconcile the two. Reconcile在表示意思”使顺从于,使甘心于”的时候要加介词to I can’t reconcile myself to such a theory. Counsel既是名词也是动词,较advice更为正式,不过两者都是不可数名词;Give/offer counsel提出忠告;He counseled starting earlier. Keep one’s own counsel---将意见(或计划)保密,不相信别人---All we have got to do is, to keep our own counsel , and remain perfectly quiet, not breathing a word to any living soul; 只要我们自己保守秘密,不声不响的,对这件事不去对别人泄露一个 字就得了. Take counsel together---共同商量--- We take counsel together as to which course should be adopted.我们共同商量该采取什么方针. 4 1. on the campus注意是on,也注意campus的拼写 2. try to get information from various channels---多渠道获得信息 3. capable +of; capability of/for; He is a man of great capability.他是个大有作为的人 4. escape是一个及物动词也是一个名词,所以escape death死里逃生;have a narrow escape from...幸免于(难) Unexpectedly, this soldier could have a narrow escape from death. 这个战士能够死里逃生,是人们没有想到的. Escape + doing:We were lucky to escape being punished. 我们很幸运,没有受罚 Be taken captive被俘 Capacity指接受上,理解上的能力---He has great capacity of learning language. 5. accuse„of; charge„with; charge that„;accuse后不可以接that从句 They accused Jim of murder. They charged Jim with murder. They charged that Jim had committed murder. Discharge sb from obligation----解除责任 "Loss of or damage to the goods after the risk has passed to the Buyer does not discharge him from his obligation to pay the price, unless the loss or damage is due to an act or omission of the seller." 货物在风险移转到买方承担后遗失或损坏,买方支付价款的义务并不因此解除,除非这种遗失或损坏是由于卖方的行为或不 行为所造成. 6. cure sb of a disease---治愈某人的疾病---You'll never cure him of his meanness;it's in his bones. 你决不可能治好他那小气的毛病,他本性就是如此. Treat sb for a disease---治疗某人的病---When I treat a patient for pneumonia.要是我将一个病人作为肺炎患者来治疗. A secure life无忧无虑的生活;feel secure about„对...感到放心---The organization also says exporters can feel secure about the openness of foreign markets. 并 宣称出口商可对外国市场的开放度放心. 7. in case +从句:假使,万一---Take the raincoat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨. In case of +单词或短语:假使,如果发生,防备---In case of nondelivery, return to the sender. 如无法投递,则归还寄件人. In the case of就...而言---This is true in the case of the army and the organization. 以军队和企业来说确实是如此. Casualty insurance:灾害保险;on this occasion在这个场合下;on the occasion of„值...之际 8 be cautious of/about表示”注意,小心”语气比careful强烈;He is cautious of telling secrets.=He is cautious not to tell secrets. Caution既是动词也是名词;take caution against:提防;caution sb against doing sth=caution sb not to do sth---警告某人别做某事 Take precaution against预防---To take severe precaution against smuggling 严防偷漏 9. hide/conceal sth from sb---He tried to conceal the truth from me. 10. change sth into sth---将...变成...;change sth for„以...换...; in exchange for以交换...To give money in exchange for goods or services. 付款为商品或服务而付款 exchange„for„--以...换取...;exchange„with sb for sth—和(某人)换... 11. weak character脆弱的性格;winning personality吸引人的个性 5 1. pick and choose--- Don't pick and choose, but take what's given to you. Choose to do情愿做...---I choose to learn from it. 我选择从中吸取教训. Have no choice but(to do)---除...外别无他法,不得不---If you press too hard,they would have no choice but to apply for bankruptcy. 你逼急了,它就只好破产. 2. 500 B. C---公元前500年; A. D. 500公元500年 3. civil servants文职人员; urban城市的---urbane有礼貌的,文雅的; rural乡村的---rustic土气的,粗俗的 4. claim既是名词也是动词---It is claimed that„有人说,据说,据称--- It is claimed that more petroleum may be preserved in stratigraphic than in structural traps. 有 人主张,地层圈闭也许比构造圈闭存有更多的石油. Exclaim against injustice鸣不平---Widows exclaim loudly against second marriages. 寡妇们大声非议再婚 Proclaim是一个及物动词,其主语只能是权力机关或政府领导---proclaim war宣战; proclaim a law宣布法律 5. classic意思是一流的,最上等的; classical才是”古典的” 6. find(meet) one’s match---找(遇)到对手 7. clean还可以做副词意思是”一干二净地,完全地”;---Sorry, I clean forgot. cleanly 意思是”清洁地,干净利落地” clear还有批准的意思,同样的clearance也可以做批准的名词 The plane tool off as soon as it was cleared. The plane took off as soon as it got clearance. Get clearance (for sth)---(为...)获得许可,批准--- They got clearance for their plan and started to reclaim valuable raw materials from industrial waste water. 计 划得到批准,他们开始从工业废水中回收有价值的原料. Analyze the situation with clarity透彻地分析形式 declare的例句;He declared that it was true.= He declared it to be ture. 8. be in sb.'s clutches 在某人掌握之下;fall into the clutches of 遭[逃脱]...的毒手; 陷入[摆脱]...的控制;fall out of the clutches of 遭[逃脱]...的毒手; 陷入[摆 脱]...的控制; get into the clutches o遭[逃脱]...的毒手; 陷入[摆脱]...的控制; get out of the clutches of 遭[逃脱]...的毒手; 陷入[摆脱]...的控制 f 9. exclusive of=excluding不计...在内--- exclusive of all other expenses 除去其它一切费用不算 exclusive to为...所独享,独有--- ATM popularized the concept of QoS, but it is not exclusive to ATM. ATM(异步传输模式)使QoS概念广为人知,但它不是ATM 专有的. Conclude除了表示做出结论和推论出以外,还可以表示”结束,完结);”缔结,协定” Conclude (a) peace---缔结合约; conclude a meeting=close a meeting; The film closed/concluded with the heroine’s death. In conclusion最后,总之--- In conclusion e wished us very success in our work. 最后,他祝我们工作顺利. h10. make a close study of对...进行仔细研究--- Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. 广告者仔细研究 了人的本性并且把我们的各种小小弱点一一分类. 11. cloudy ideas模糊的观念 12. a collective opinion大家的意见; the collective wishes of the people---人民的共同愿望 recall/recollect +(doing) sth; recall强调一次回忆;recollect强调会议过程 colonialist殖民主义者,殖民主义的; colonist殖民者,移民 13. in combination with=together with 14. 在谈及income, expense, fortune,的时候不用much,little而使用large,small 15. demand后面使用demand sth of sb,而不是使用demand sb sth; demand在其后的that从句总使用should的虚拟语气,并且不存在deamd sb to do这种形式 I demanded an answer of him. I demanded that John (should) go there at once. 16. communicate a disease to others传播疾病 immune是一个形容词,其有两个意思,在表示”免疫的,有免疫力的”时候,其后加to,在表示”免除的,豁免的”的时候,其后加from Be immune to the disease; be immune from taxation Immunize表示”使免疫”---Vaccination immunizes people against smallpox. 6 1. in company with和...一起---My aunt came in company with her children. 我姑母是和她的孩子们一起来的. Keep company with与...交往,与...形影不离(尤其是与情人) Accompany是一个及物动词意思是”go with”,当表示伴奏的意思时加介词on/at---He accompanied her at/on the piano. Keep sb company---Sit here and keep me company for a while. Our teach accompanied us to the park.—我们的老师陪我们去公园. Company做同伴的时候是集体名称不可数,companion是单数人称是可数的;a companion in war战友;the companions on the journey旅伴 2. compare在做与... 比较解释的时候可以用compare A with/to B; 当做”把比作的..”的时候只能用to He compares my book with/to his. He compares books to friends. 3. act on impuls 意气用事---His friends advised him not to act on impuls and he should think carefully before his decision. 他的朋友劝告他不要意气用事,在作出 决定之前应该慎重考虑. 4. compete with/against for sth(compete是一个不及物动词);in competition with 5. complain that; complain to sb of/about sth; complain of doing sth 6. as/so far as„be concerned就...而言---As far as English is concerned, he is first in our class. 7. discern A and B; discern A from B; discern between A and B 8. on the condition that如果---I will come on condition that Mike is invited, too. Be conditional on/upon---This is conditional on the overall plan. Confident + of; confidence in We have confidence in our future. We are confident of our future. 9. in conflict with to inflict„on/upon The typhoon inflicted serious damages on the city. The teacher inflicted punishment upon her. 10. consider做及物动词居多,也偶尔做不及物动词,consider +doing I considered him a rascal.我认为他是个流氓. He is considering going to Europe. In consideration of 11. contents指书的目录或者容器内所装的物体;但是在讲”内容”的时候,需要使用content 12. continue的两个形容词,continual, continuous哪个拼写较长,哪个就表示”连续不 断的” 13. in chord=in concert一齐,一致,共同 14. corps单复同刑,意思是”军团,军队”;corpse意思是”尸体” 15. dispute with sb about/over sth 与„争论 reputation(for)可以指好名声,也可以指坏名声,强调人们心中的印象.Fame仅指好名声 He has a reputation for greediness. A deputy for sb---某人的代理人; a deputy to( +组织,机构)...的代表 16. a country国家(可数); the country乡村(不可数,且必须加the) 17. counter除了做动词,还可以做副词 go(run) counter to one’s interest通个人利益相违背 Contradict是一个及物动词,所以contradict oneself; in contradiction with„ vt. 反驳;否定;与„矛盾;与„抵触 vi. 反驳;否认;发生矛盾 On the contrary用作连词; to the contrary用作形容词或副词 I thought he was a criminal; on the contrary, he was a policeman. There is evidence to the contrary. Unless I heard to the contrary. Contrast既是名词也是动词; present/in (a) sharp/striking contrast to—与...形成 鲜明对比 To contrast„with---把...与...相对比--- He only seemed to contrast his present cheerfulness and felicity with the dire endurance that was over. 他只不过像是拿他 今天的欢乐幸福跟已成过去的苦痛经历做着对比. In contrast with---与...成对比--- The beautiful stands in contrast to the ugly and develops in struggle with it. 美是跟丑相比较,并且同它作斗争发展起来的. On the contrary和in contrast区别在于,on the contrary用于否定一个陈述,其实是围绕一个事情在讲,而in contrast是举出令一个事情并且和前一个事物相反 例如:今天很热啊,on the contrary,今天很冷---都在围绕今天讲,表示对前一句话的否 定 今天很热啊,in contrast,昨天很冷 18. incur hatred招来怨恨; incur danger遭受危险 vt. 招致,引发;蒙受 occur是一个不及物动词---occur原义为”come to one’s mind”所以occur的主语通常为某事,只是为了保持句子平衡,所以用it It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn’t locked the door. 19. by courtesy承蒙...的好意,由于...的作用 Mr. Windaus used the photograph by courtesy of the publisher. 温道斯先生经过出版社的许可而使用照片. This program comes by courtesy of a local company. 本节目承蒙当地一家公司的赞助 才得以安排. 20. The doctor restored him to health; He was restored to health; He recovered his health; He recovered from his illness. 21. clash既是不及物动词也是名词;a border clash边境冲突; Our ideas clashed with theirs. A clash of ideas意见不合 crash既是动词也是名词 crash into; collide with类似还有 bump into, drive into; run into碰上,装上 crush意思是碾碎,镇压 They crushed the revolt/their enemy. 7 1. create the characters造人物;create a sensation引起轰动;create disturbance引起骚动 塑 give credit to„相信--- Dyou give credit to what the man said? o Do credit to„为...增光--- His good performance In school do great credit to his mother 他在学校的优良表现为他母亲带来极大的荣誉 2. discriminate既是及物动词也是不及物动词;在做”区别,辨别”的时候是一个及物动词 discriminate good from bad; 而在做”歧视,或者有差别地对待时”是一个不及 物动词,需要加介词against---No one should be discriminated against. 3. be critical of对...挑剔,对...吹毛求疵,对...持批评态度(星火在解释中并没有提及对...持批评态度这个意思,但是实际例句中还是有的) Don't be critical of him; he is a beginner. "不要对他挑剔,他是初学者." It is difficult enough to be critical of our own mistakes. 对我们自己的错误采取批 评的态度确实非常困难. To criticize sb for sth---Western countries criticize us for violating human rights. 西方国家说我们侵犯了人权, 4. take up one’s cross背十字架,承受苦难---and take up the cross of a long, dreary, aching afternoon, 她只好在痛苦中熬过那漫长而令人乏味的下午. 5. 海关the Customs; 关税 customs duty Be accustomed to (sth/do/doing) 6. condemn除了表示”判...刑,宣告...有罪)还可以表示谴责,当做谴责时使用condemn sb for sth---I did not condemn him for what he had done. 我并没有因他的所 作所为而指责他. To indemnify sb for sth---He promised to indemnify me for my losses. 他答应赔偿我的损失. 7. endanger one’s life---危及生命 8. dare say侧重不肯定; dare to say侧重肯定 dare to struggle and dare to win敢于斗争, 敢于胜利;He will dare any danger.他敢冒任何危险.Does shedare to go alone?她敢一个人去吗?Tom didn't dare to do it. 汤姆不敢做那件事.I don't think he will dare the risk.我想他不会冒那个险.He dared me to jump over the stream.他激我跳过那条小溪.I took his dare to jump. 我接受他的挑战而跳了.do sth. for a dare被激得做某事, 因为有人挑战所以做某事;give a dare挑战 9. out of date, up to date都做表语;而out-of-date, up-to-date做定语 10. everyday是一个定语,every day是状语---She perseveres in learning some everyday English every day. 11. decide后面可以跟很多形式 decide on doing sth; decide against doing sth; decide to do; decide not to do suicide是一个名词 attempt suicide寻死; commit suicide自杀;而动词应该使用kill oneself 12. defend有两个意思一个是”保卫,防守”(from/against)----We must defend ourselves against the enemy. 另一个意思是”为...辩护”The lawyer defended the accused. Take offence at(对...)生气,(因...)见怪--- I hope that you will not take offense at it. 幸勿见怪. I hope you will not take any offense at my words. 对我讲的话请别见怪. 13. condense a report精简一片 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ;a condensed report一篇精简的报告 14. deny sb sth---拒绝给与某人某物---She can deny her son nothing.她对儿子是百依百顺(要什么就给什么). Deny doing---否认做... Make a denial of否认---To fully implement TCP/IP in Windows XP would make denial of service attacks a walk in the park. 15. depend/dependence/dependent + on;但是只能说independent /independently of;也只能说independence from---When did India get her independence from Britain? 印度什么时候脱离英国获得独立的? 16. ascribe/attribute sth to (doing sth)/sth 17. desert one’s post开小差 18. assert oneself坚持自己的权利(或意见),显示自己的权威(或威力) A leader must assert himself sometimes in order to be followed. 一个领导有时应该表现出自己的领导权威,好让别人照你说的去做. He was never able to assert himself sufficiently. 他从来不能有效地维护自己的权利. Exert all his strength使出全部力气; exert oneself to do努力,尽力 Exert/inflict„on---施加于; force impose„强加于 19. desire即使动词也是名词,其有两个形容词desirable意思是”某事物值得想要的”,desirous意思是”相望的,渴望的”;两个形容词后面如果接that从句,都需要使 用should的虚拟语气 Success is desirable to me.=It is desirable that I(should) succeed.----desirable to I am desirous of success.= I am desirous that I(should) succeed.---desirous of 20. develop resources开发资源 21. devote„to(doing)sth Vote是动词也是名词;vote for/against 8 1. addict既是动词也是名词,名词意思是”有瘾的人”;be addicted to contradict是一个及物动词,所以His story contradicted the facts. 2. dedicate/devote„to doing sth 3. deadly既是形容词,有时副词;deadly poison; deadly enemy; deadly tired die a glorious death光荣牺牲 4. 记住一句话There is a difference of ten degree in temperature between the day and the night. Make a/the difference有影响,起作用 One false step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬以千里 The rain didn't make much difference to the game. 雨对比赛没有太大影响. Differ是一个不及物动词,有两个意思,如表示”不同”则接介词from,如表示(在意见方面)的分歧,则接介词with I differ from you in character. I differ with your on/about/over this subject. 同时differ from=be different from; differ with=disagree with Differentiate是动词,既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,如表示区别区分,则加介词between, 如表示分辨,区别,则使用from I can not differentiate between goats and sheep=I can not differentiate goats from sheep. Indifferent意思是冷漠的,不关心的,不积极的---indifferent to---She is indifferent to her address. Confer sth on sb---The principal conferred a medal on him. Infer from„that从...中推断出 Prefer后面要加to,同样的preferable ,也要加to,但是preference后面加for,除非使 用 in preference to=rather than, instead of I have a preference for banana. My preference is for banana rather than apples. I should choose tea in preference to coffee. Refer to„as„把...称为 Suffer from---受痛苦,患病---The old man is suffering from gout. 5. in difficulties处境困难-- It lands writers in difficulties. 它使作家们陷入困境. With difficulty是with ease的反义词,意思是”困难地) Have difficulty (in)doing(sth)=have difficulty with sth在(做)...方面有困难 6. be indignant with sb; be indignant at/about/over sth 7. direct„to doing sth---He directd his energies to improving conditions. Direct to/at正对,指向---His remarks were directed at you. 8. discuss是一个及物动词,所以We ought to discuss your holiday date.; discussion +about---We ought to have a discussion about your holiday date. 9. distinguish是一个及物动词也可以做不及物动词 I can not distinguish him from his brother;distinguish=(make distinction) between good from bad. Distinct有两个意思,第一个是”不同的”要接from--- Domicile is distinct from nationality. 住所与国籍不同.第二个意思是”清楚的,明显的”--- The warbler has a distinctive song ---”刺嘴莺有独特的歌喉” 10 an individual style独特的风格 11 do away with废掉,去掉 To do away with evil and must do it wholly 去恶务尽 to do away with bad practices 根绝弊端 have something to do with; have nothing to do with 12. out of doors在户外 13. doubt怀疑...不是(表示不相信)---I doubt of this is what he wants我看这不见得是他所要的 suspect怀疑...是(表示相信) doubt, doubtful如果接从句在肯定句中后面接whether, if; 在否定句中后面接that doubtless是一个副词意思是”无意地,肯定地” dubious注意拼写不是doubious;doubt/doubtful/ dubious + about/of sth后面接sth的时候都加about或of 9 1. drunk是表语,drunken是定语;The man is drunk. A drunken man 2. the drop in price物价的下的;a drop in the ocean沧海一粟,九牛一毛 3. be uneasy about sth./in doing sth为某事担心或不安----I am uneasy about his future. His words eased me of my anxiety. Ease可以做动词也可以做形容词 Ease sb of sth---缓和,减轻(痛苦,负担)---to ease the patient of pain减轻病人的痛苦 Ease做名词轻松容易---with ease容易地---He solved the problem with great ease. Ease做名词舒适,自由自在---at ease---She feels at ease when she is with me. 4. economics是单复同形,如果做单数性则表示”经济学”,复数性则表示”经济状况,经 济因素” The economics of this project are still being considered. Be economical of/with money.省钱 5. delegate即使名词也是动词 He was delegated to the negotiation. The chief delegate to the negotiation. Intellect:理解力,治理,非凡的材质,才华出众的人;intellectual:知识分子(可以加s做复数) 6. in early phase早期阶段;in phase同相位的,同时协调的 7. be employed in(doing)sth从事于--- he children were employed in painting. 孩子们忙于画画儿. Tbe employed to do sth被雇佣来做--- He i employed to restore the paintings. 他被雇修复这些画. s8. engagement with sb意思是与某人约会--- I have an engagement with him this afternoon. 今天午后我和他有个约会. engagement to sb意思是与人的婚约 9. in mortgage是在抵押中;on mortgage是以抵押的方式 10. crazy/mad/enthusiastic + about意思是热衷,着迷 11. be envious/jealous + of嫉妒;但是envious还有羡慕的意思 12. be equal to + doing在表示”胜任”时,后面加doing---He is not equal to teaching English. 13. 在做装备,装潢解释的时候furnish/equip/decorate/ornament A with B,ornament既是名词也是动词 14. in essence本质上基本上;essentially本质上的基本上的 15. by mistake=in error 16. at all events无论如何---She had a terrible accident, but at all events she wasn’t killed. In the event of如果...发生,万一,后面接名词In the event of fire, ring the alarmbell. 17. with the exception of=except, except for;但是在there is no exception to这类句子中就要使用to而不用of 18. inhibit sth; inhibit sb from doing sth; prohibit sb from doing sth forbid sb to do sth prohibition against 10 1. initiate into使入门,使初步了解,接纳(新成员),让...加入 The book initiates us into the customs in Africa. They initiated me into the sports club. The initial stage(s) of an undertaking---事业创办时期 To initiate an undertaking---创办一事业 项 Take the initiative (in doing sth.)--- Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintances. Do sth on one’s own initiative---主动做某事 2. a period of transition---过渡时期;China in transition转变中的中国 in transit在运输中,在途中,transit是名词或形容词,名词意思是转运,运输,形容词 是中转的,过境的,并非动词 3. in retrospect回想起来,事后看起来---In retrospect all successful policies seem preordained. A job with good prospect很有前途的工作 4. be expert in/at---be expert in /at driving a car; an expert in/at mathematics 数学专家;an expert on skin disease皮肤病专家 5. experiment既是动词也是名词;experiment on用...做试验---experiment on frogs用青蛙做实验;experiment with试验...---experiment with medicinal herbs试验草药 6. be faced with面临...(被动遭遇);face:应付困难(主动正视) In the face of:在...前面,不顾,即使---She exhibited no fear in the face of danger. Superficial knowledge肤浅的知识 7. manufacture首先是一个动词,然后可以做名词意思是(大量)制造,制造业---the steel manufacture,其复数形式表示制造品,产品silk manufactures丝织品 8. effect是一个名词;the effect of A on B;side effect药物的副作用;the cause and effect of the matter问题的因果关系;come/go into effect; bring/carry/put„into effect Smoking affects your health. Smoking has an effect on your health. The effect of smoking on your health. Effective有效的,生效的---be effective against对抵抗...有效,efficient效率高的,(人)有能力的 Be deficient in缺少...---Water is deficient in the desert.沙漠里缺水 Be proficient in„对...熟练精通---be proficient in driving (a car); proficiency in Benefit可以做名词和动词 For the benefit of为...的利益---We all chipped in for the benefit of the orphans. Benefit做动词”有益于”时是一个及物动词---The new highway will benefit the village people. Benefit做动词”受益”时是一个不及物动词后面要加from,by---The village people will benefit from the new highway. 9. succeed in (doing)sth; fail(to do) sth 10. 成为牺牲品---fall a victim注意不要加into 11. offspring单复同形 12. be famous for以...出名He is famous for his learning. Come to/achieve fame成名;world-wide fame 13. Fancy有名词,动词,形容词等多种形式----a fancy tie一条别致的领带,fancy diving 花样跳水;fancy做名词”爱好,喜爱,迷恋”时只用单数take a fancy to---But the fact is that we have been so fascinated by him as to take a fancy to him. Fancy在做动词时和imagine一样,都要加动名词---I can’t fancy/imagine his telling a lie. 14. further除了做形容词,副词外,还可以做动词---further the cause of peace:增进 和平 15. as sure as fate必定;go to one’s fate送死;a fateful decision关系重大的决定 16. find fault(with)--- Indeed, it is hard to find fault with most of the items on the good governance agenda. In default of缺少---He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt.;He was silent in default of any excuse. 17. favor有两个形容词favorable有利的,赞成的,有帮助的;favorite喜爱的或喜爱的人或物(兼具形容词和名词) John is a great favorite with his grandmother. The weather is favorable for our voyage. He received a favorable reply to his application. 18. fear既是动词也是名词;for fear (of doing)/that---He didn't answer for fear of hurting her.; He walked fast for fear that he should be late.查出来的例句that后 面多用 should或may,might fearful和afraid一样后面多用of doing 19. feel like +doing想要(一般用于否定或疑问句中)---I don’t feel like eating now. 20. finding的复数findings表一调查的结果后面的动词也用复数The findings show that he is guilty. 21. finish doing 22. confine„to/within是局限于,限制---After all, home is not confined within the walls of one's own flat. Definitive决定性的,最后的 11 1. He is a clerk with a firm.不是of a firm 2. fit在做形容词时候有两个意思,一个是健康,强健的,that’s why he is so fit.另一个意思是合适的,恰当的,He is fit for the job=He is fit to take the job. 虽然fit有(使)合适,(使)吻合,但是不能说The job fits him.因为fit做动词主要用于尺寸上的合适和吻合,比如The dress fits you well.这是可以用的 Every shoe fits not every foot.---fit主要用来形容尺寸大小合适 No dish suits all tastes.----suit主要用来形容合乎条件,身份,口味,需要 3. influence可以是名词或者动词,主要指潜移默化的影响,而affect却表示对事物产生不良影响. effect/influence (up)on; to influence/affect=to have an influence/effect on 3. Time flies.光阴似箭;the flight of time 时间的飞逝 4. feed on以...为食Horses feed on grass. Feed sth to sb=feed sb on/with sth 5. make an expedition; go to an expedition 6. forbid后面可以接很多形式forbid sb to do sth=forbid sb doing sth=forbid sth=forbid that; forbid that 后面要使用虚拟语气should to bid on/for a bridge意思是投标承建桥梁 7. force的复数forces才是职军队 8. force sb to do sth, force sb into doing sth They forced me to obey the order. They forced ,e into obeying the order. Put a law in force---实施法律 Force的形容词有两个,一个是forceful强有力的,另一个是forcible强迫的,强暴的 Enforce是动词,既有实施,执行的意思,也有强迫,强制的意思(后面要加on/upon),所以如果理解为”强加”可能更好 Enforce a law; They enforce obedience up(on) me. Make an effort=make efforts; redouble one’s effort再接再厉;without effort毫不费力 9. conform是一个不及物动词,conform to意思是遵从,是主观意识行为;conform with是顺应,是无意识的客观结果 formula for water水的分子式,不是of 10. reform the system of society改革社会 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ;reform a person使人改过自新 inform在做通知的意思的时候是及物动词 inform sb of sth---Actually, it is your duty to inform him of the board 's decision . inform 在做告发,检举的时候是不及物动词,所以要加against/on;inform against/on sb---They decided to inform against him. 11. try one’s fortune碰运气;tell one’s fortune算命;make a fortune发财,致富 be fortune to do sth=be fortunate in doing sth I am fortunate (to have)/having a good wife. 12. a story founded/based on facts基于事实写成的小说,注意facts不是fact The fund for research研究基金,funds资金,fund基金 A profound doctrine深奥的学说;a profound scholar渊博的学者 Profundity注意拼写,不是profoundity,意思是深奥,其复数profundities意思是奥妙之事 13. free在做大方的意思时,用with---be free with money;在做免费的,免税的,无...的意思时,使用from或of---free of taxes; free from care 此外free还做动词和副词,副词意思是免费地,而freely意思是自由地,随意地,所以travel free和travel freely意思是不一样的 14. make friends with(与...)交朋友;be friends with与..要好; friendly是一个形容词,不是副词,friendly with意思是要好,friendly to是对...友好 I am friends with A=I am friendly with A.我和A很要好. I am friendly to A.我对A很友好 15. be confronted with=be faced with 面临,遇到;to confront difficulties勇敢地面对困难 To confront sb with„使某人面临...But then life moves along to confront us with realities The frontier of medicine医学尖端 16. furnish A with B; furnish B to A---提供;如果做装备的意思,只能用furnish A with B 17. generalize概括,归纳,推断---to generalize a conclusion总结出结论 18. 12 1. grahic还有”生动的”意思 2. given有两个形容词意思,和一个副词意思 within the given time---规定的 He is given to drinking heavily.---有癖好的,有倾向的----这个时候given后面加doing 或者sth Given their experience, they have done a good job. Be given to (doing) sth,有(做)...的癖好,有(做)的倾向 Endow sb with sth,赋予,向...捐钱(或物) Ramon had managed to endow the figurine with a primitive beauty. endow this university be endowed with有...的特指,被赋予... He was endowed with the power of acute observation. 3. glare at sb怒目,瞪眼,a gleam of hope一线希望,All that glitters is not gold.闪光的未必都是金子. 4. as well as后的动词形式应根据前一个主语来决定,因为A as well as B,A做主题,B只 是跟从 not only but also却要跟后一个主语 may as well +do---还不如,不妨 We may as well go.我们还是走吧 for the better好转,向好的方向发展---Everything is changing for the bettr. eGet the better of战胜,在...中占上风---I’ll get the better of him some day. You always get the better of me at chess. 你下国际象棋总是赢我. Get the best of 战胜,make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理 5. be grateful to sb for sth感激某人某事---I’m grateful to you for your kindness. Express sb’s gratitude---I wish to express my gratitude to you for your kindness. 6. graduate at/from +school---graduate at/from Harvard. Graduate in major---graduate in medicine 7. school program教学大纲,the TV program电视节目 8. grope for摸索(路等)---其过去式和过去分词都是groped grope for the right answer , grope for the door-handle, light-switch, etc 9. protect„against/from保护...使不受(强调一般性事物),safeguard...against保护...免遭(强调领土,主权等) regard as=look(up)on...as把...看做,regard做动词还有respect的意思,regard的复数regards做名词,意思是敬意问候 I consider him that he is foolish=I consider him (to be) a fool. They regarded him as foolish=They regarded him as a fool. Regardless是一个副词 regardless of=disregarding-----regardless of danger As regards=regarding=with/in regard to都是介词 Ward off--- He managed to ward off the blow. He was awarded the first the first prize for being the fastest runner. Award sb a medal---接双宾语,reward sb for sth---因...奖赏某人,reward sb with sth---用...酬劳某人 10. lead/guide sb in doing sth---引导某人做某事,under the leadership/guidance of--- 在...领导下(注意拼写,是leadership而不是leadship) 11. guilt是名词,guilty看起来是名词形式,但其实却是一个形容词 guilty for/about---对...内疚,guilty of„犯...罪 I felt guilty for leaving without saying good-bye. He was found guilty of robbery.(注意星火在翻译成他被发现犯有抢劫罪,这个翻译应该是不对的,find在这里是指裁定,所以应该是他被裁定犯有盗窃罪)不过百密总 有一疏,大家不要怪它啦. 12. inhabit是及物动词,主要用来描述动物或者一大群人的居住,live是不及物动词,所以要 加in live(dwell, reside) in a city, inhabit a city 13. a handy book手头的书,a handy tool方便的工具 I could hardly catch/grasp/apprehend his meaning. Comprehension理解(力),领悟 Recommend和recommendation后接的宾语从句都要用should的虚拟语气 14. hang做吊,悬挂的意思时,过去式过去分词都是hung;做吊死,绞死的意思时,都是hanged hang on=hinge on=depend on---Your success hinges on your decision. 15. do harm to---对...有害;no harm in doing---There’s no harm in trying once more. 16. hate有两个意思,一个是讨厌,用法和like一样,hate to do表示偶然讨厌做某事,hate doing表示一向讨厌做某事 hate表示不愿意的时候,有hate to do和hate that(that后面加should的虚拟语气) I hate him to leave. I hate that he(should) leave. Hatred看起来是一个形容词,其实是一个名词 Have a hatred for sb,have a hatred at sth. 13 1. lose one’s head慌乱,仓皇失措 What had the cop said to make him angry enough to lose his head? It was just not like him to lose his head over a pretty face! 2. headache和其他ache不同,可以做可数名词使用. 3. heal a quarrel/disagreement 4. on the whole总的来说,大体上On the whole the weather is not bad. Wholesome意思是 有益于健康的,the wholesome food=the healthy food 5. hear a case审讯案件 hear about/of听说,听到 No, I didn't hear anything about that. I have often hear about you. 久仰, 久仰. Hear from收到...的信(或电话) Hear sb do sth听到某人做... hear sb doing sth听到某人在做 Overhear是无意中听到,eavesdrop才是故意偷听 6. can’t/couldn’t help + do/but +do禁不住,忍不住 7. cultural heritage文化遗产,her inherent modesty她天生的谦虚,an inherent property of matter物质的固有特征 8. history有两个形容词,一个是historic意思是历史上著名的,另一个是historical意思 是历史上的 9. uphold one’s opinion 赞成他的意见 withhold„from doing抑制,不让...做,withhold„from sb不把...告知或给予 I couldn’t withhold myself from laughing. You’d better withhold the truth from them. 10. a hell on earth人间地狱 give sb hell使人受不了 11. be at home in精通,熟练 He is at home in English. 12. be honest with sb---He is always honest with me. In honor of为向...表示敬意,为庆祝,为纪念,A farewell party was held in honor of the ambassador. On one’s honor---On my honor ,it is true. Honorable conduct光明磊落的行为 13. cherish the hope抱有希望 cherish the hope of winning an Olympic medal hope for,hopeful of,hopeless of 14. a hot temper急脾气 heat有动词和名词形式,但是没有形容词形式,其形容词是heated----a hot/heated debate. The debate with much heat激烈的辩论,in the heat of a debate在辩论最激烈的时候 15. act as host at„担任...的主任(或主持人)---没查到这个例句 the city chosen as host for the Olympic games.这个城市被选为举办奥运会的主办国 be hostile to sb/sth对人/物有恶意----星火提到了sb,实际查找的例句中也有sth He is hostile to reform. 他对变革持敌对态度. 16. household expense家庭费用 17. To err is human.犯错人之常情,humane人道的,仁慈的,treat people with humanity仁慈待人 是 18. bump against/into--- She bump against the table and send the crockery crashing to the grind. 她碰到了桌子,把杯子、盘子都撞碎在地上了. 19. hungry, hunger后面都加for sth 20. a government bond国家公债,为可数名词 be bound to do=be sure to----You are bound to succeed. Be bound for准备前往,在前往途中---Where are you bound for. 21. at the idea of=at the thought of一想到 I was horrified at the idea of having to give a speech in front of so many people. Have no idea of/that 对...一点也不知道 Establish high ideals 树立崇高的理想,ideal weather理想的天气 22. identify oneself with 与...打成一片,到...中去.He identify himself with the masses. Identify as----The dead body was identified as the missing pilot. Identical=the very same Good will is identical with friendship. 在be similar to, be the same as, be identical with/to中,identical相似程度最高, 表示完全相同. 23. ill will恶意,ill fortune不幸,ill treatment恶劣的待遇 sick of厌烦 24. imagine +doing, imagine是一个动词,其有三个形容词,imaginable,imaginary,imaginative The best radio imaginable.再好没有的收音机 An imaginary character in tale 故事里的虚构人物 An imaginative artist富有想象力的作家 25. go to extremes走极端--- She tends to go to extremes. 她这个人比较偏激. 14 1. incidentally 附带地,顺便提及地 Incidentally , John 's coming home next week . 附带说一下,约翰下星期要回家 Incidence发生率 Our city has a low incidence of crime. Coincide with一致 2. decrease和increase都可以做动词和名词使用,表示在某个方面的减低或者增长,后面介词都使用in 3. instruct有教育和指导,指示两种意思,如果做教育则使用instruct sb in sth----He instructs us in Latin. 如果做指导,则使用句型 instruct sb to do或者 +that 4. intend to do/doing sth be intent on 专注于 intention of doing---I have not the intention of marrying her. 5. be instrumental in doing sth有助于做...His information is instrumental in catching the criminal. 6. have/lose interest in, in the interest(s) of, to interest sb in sth I want to interest him in our work .我想使他关注我们的工作. Uninterested意思是没有兴趣的 an uninterested spectator Disinterested意思是公正的,无私的 the disinterested assistance 7. interfere和interference一个是动词,一个是名词,都有两个意思,干涉和干扰 做干涉意思的时候加in,做干扰意思的时候加with 8. be bankrupt of/in完全丧失 He was bankrupt of original ideas. We are bankrupt of earthly treasures. 9. the introduction to the book不是of是to deduce from 从...推导出,推断 10. reduce仅仅是一个动词,并不具备名词的功能 11. in conjunction with与...交加,与...协力 We are working in conjunction with the police. 我们与警方配合进行工作. This method can be used in conjunction with other methods. 这种方法可以和其他方法结合使用. 12. rejoice in /enjoy good health享有健康之福 13. prejudice既是动词,也是名词,其意思是中性的----”事先判断”,并非单纯的”偏见”, 其可以指”偏见”也可以指”好感” a prejudice against [in favour of] 对...的不利[有利]偏见 He has a prejudice against/in favor of foreigners. 如果做动词的时候,意思是”使抱偏见, 使怀成见” His honesty and sincerity prejudiced us in his favour. Do an injury to sb 加害某人 Do justice to 公平对待,充分享受 do ample justice to a meal You know enough of him to do justice to his solid worth. Justify (doing) sth 证明(做)正当 How are you going to justify your conduct. Be justified in(doing)有理由(做)Do you think he is justified in making that remark. 14. keep back 隐瞒 I will keep back nothing from you. 抑制 I fought to keep back my tears. 15. know sb表示认识或者了解某人,know of sb表示听说过某人 known as意思是作为什么(身份,特征)而出名,known for是因...而众所周知,known to是 为...所知 acquire/obtain/gain a knowledge of acknowledge as 认为是 We acknowledge him as a genius. Admit/acknowledge/confess +doing承认,deny +doing否认 16. in collaboration with(褒义)与...合作,(贬义)与...勾结 elaborate on对...做详细说明 17. lead sb in doing sth领导...做,lead to(doing)sth 导致(做) 15 1. in league with 跟„串通,一个鼻孔出气 They are in league with each other. 他们是通同一气的. The police suspected that the bank clerk was in league with the rubbers 警察怀疑银行职员与强盗有勾结 星火解释in league with 为”跟„同盟”我认为不是很完备,按照我查找的例句显示,除了一句波兰与德国联合以外.其他多表达了负面含义,所以我还是把其解释为”串 通”较好. 2. owe an obligation to=be under an obligation to 对„承担义务 星火解释中owe后面没有加定冠词a,但是就我查的例句,一般都加冠词 Above all other men, they owe an obligation and a duty to these black men that can never be repaid. You are under an obligation to care for her. We owe a moral obligation to all of nature Obligation主要指道义或者法律的义务,而duty主要职责道义上的责任,较为强调主观性. Be obliged to do sth 被迫做某事 Be obliged to sb. (for sth) (因„)感激某人 So he was obliged to agree that I would do it. I feel obliged to him for his help. Liable 有两个意思,后加介词 for表示负有义务和责任的,加to表示倾向于,易于 They are jointly liable for damages It is liable to rain. 3. lean on sb for help依靠某人的帮助 on the decline在没落中,在衰退中 reject +n,refuse +n/to do,decline +n/to do/doing 表示倾向于有两种第一种是经常性倾向be apt to/be inclined to/tends to 另一种是偶然或者特殊情况下的倾向 be likely to do 4. a lecture on(NOT about) American literature 5. be to let: The house is to let. Let alone用作连词,而not to mention做介词用,后面加doing或者名词 I didn't even see him, not to mention shaking hands with him. An outlet for his feeling 宣泄感情的途径 6. literal有确实的,不夸张之意,所以literally有同样意思 He literally flew into the room.意思是他简直飞一样的跑进房间,而不是他照字面的跑进房间. To the letter意思是说,彻底的,完全的,carry out the order to the letter Be liberal with money, be liberal of his help, a man liberal in his views Deliver from意思是解救,释放 To deliver the people from extreme sufferings 7. lay vt.放—laid---laid---laying lie vi.躺---lay---lain---lying lie vi.撒谎---lied—lied—lying lie in意思是位于,在于 The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization. 8. loft ideals 崇高理想,lofty smile 高傲的笑 A grave man庄重的人,a grave consequence严重的后果 Grieve 一般都要加for或者over ,Please do not grieve for me. Come to grief失败,遭受不幸 Those who fly too high may come to grief. 野心勃勃的人可能遭惨败. It is their dishonesty that causes them to come to grief 他们吃亏在于不老实. Bring sb to grief使遭受不幸 9 in (the) light of鉴于,由于 petition for a retrial in the light of new evidence 根据新证据请求重审. Throw/cast light on使明白,阐明,请注意cast的过去式和过去分词都是cast,throw的过去式和过去分词是threw,thrown His diary cast light on life in England in the seventeenth century. 他的日记使人了解17世纪英格兰的生活情况. Enlighten sb on sth----Can you enlighten me on this subject? 8. like后面接doing表示一贯的爱好,如果接to do则表示偶尔的爱好,would like后面都接to do,dislike后面全部接doing like可以做定语或者标语,可以加very.而alike只能当表语,前面可以加much The two sisters are very like/much alike. Likely是一个形容词,并不是副词,有两个意思,一个是(表语)可能的,还有一个意思是(定语)有希望的 A likely young man有出息的年轻人 10. set a limit to=set limits to 对...加以限制 The government plans to set strict limits on public spending this year. Limit sb to doing sth 限制某人做某事 Eliminate主要指淘汰 elimited from the match, exclude主要指排除在外,exclude from the team,区别在于前者是先进入在选拔淘汰,后者是根本连进入机会都没有 9. in line with与...一致,与...符合 My plan is in line with your suggestions. Guideline只有用复数才表示指导方针,headline只有用复数才表示新闻提要 An outline of a plan 计划的纲要,to outline a plan概述某计划 Streamline除了有使成流线型的意思外,还有使效率更高的意思 Underline除了做名词表示底线(底部划的线),还有丁次强调的意思 10. live on意思是靠某物过活,比如 live on his salary , live by是靠某种手段生活,比如live by working live through 度过,经受住 He managed to live through two world wars. Live up to 遵守,实践诺言 He did not live up to his promise. 符合,不辜负期望 We will live up to what our parents expect of us. Alive只能做表语(多用于人),live可以做定语(只用于物) a live broadcast, living(人物均可)可以做表语又可以做定语 Lively是一个形容词,并不是副词,a lively description Livelihood注意拼写,意思是升级,生活 Survive有两个意思,一个是活下来,这个时候是做不及物动词,另一个是幸存,幸免于,这个时候是做及物动词 Survive all perils 九死一生,He survived hi wife by ten years.他比妻子多活10年.Few people in the town survived the earthquake.注意不要在后面加from这些介 词. The survival of the fittest.适者生存,注意,这个短语是当名词来使用的,the survival rate成活率 11. be overloaded with dutie,职务负担过重 12. location只要指主观上的位置 ,locality主要指客观上的位置 13. linger about a place在某处留恋不舍 prolong主要指人为的时间的延长,lengthen主要指自然的时间或者空间的延长 15. at a loss迷茫的,不知所措的 16 1. to sustain one’s life 供养,维持生命 2. 成品(看得出材料) be made of + 材料, 成品(看不出材料)be made from +材料, 材料 be made into +成品, 3. make for: 走向 The ship made for the open sea. 有助于 The large print makes for easier reading. make out: 辨认 I could just make out a figure in the darkness. 理解 I can’t make out what she wants. make up: 构成 Women make up 56% of the student numbers. 编造 He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick. make up for: 弥补 Nothing can make up for the loss of a child. 4. man在表示人类意思的时候,前面不加冠词,Labour creates man himself. 5. 渔民是fisherman,不是fishman,销售员是salesman不是saleman,同样的运动员是 sportsman 6. a great/good many后面的谓语要用复数 mang a后面的谓语要用单数 A great many scientists have sacrificed their lives for science. Many a scientist has sacrificed his life for science. 虽然上述用法看起来比较变态,主要是收到前面冠词a和many的影响,如果实在不能理解,可以这样记many后面都加复数,随后的谓语跟many后面的复指,a后面加 单数,谓语用单数第三人称,所以这两个短语的谓语都采用就近原则. 同时,平时我们很少看到这类用法,所以完全可以用many,lots of就好啦嘛,又方便还不会错. 7. no more than 有两个意思,平时看到最多的应该是”仅仅,只不过”比如 His whole school education added up to no more than one year. He is no more than a puppet. 但是如果no more than拆开用,变成no more„than„意思就不大一样了,相当于 neither„nor„的意思 Jack is no more diligent than John.杰克和约翰谁都不勤奋. not more than如果连用也是表示”至多,不超过”的意思 Not more than 1,000 people attended the lecture. 但是要是拆开用变成not more„than„的形式,就表示”不如,前者不如后者”的意思 比如例句: It is not more a river than a stream. 如果直译应该是---把它当作河 (not more,不多于)把它当作小溪----它还不如比作小溪恰当呢! 8. make the most of::充分利用 How to Study and Make the Most of Your Time make the best of : 将不利之事充分利用 How to make the best of a bad situation. 9. in the least: 一点点,丝毫 Are you in the least interested in sewing? 10. a marked man 引人注目的人 the marked difference 显著差别 Marked和remarkable在表示意思”显著的”时,可以通用,但是remarkable因为是able结尾还有”值得注意的”这个意思 11. marginal effect 微笑的作用,marginally higher略高,a narrow majority微弱多数 12. Masse的复数masses表示群众,民众,另有两个短语 a mass of /masses of形式和lot类似. 13. It’s of no matter. It makes no matter whether you get there early or late. No matter who/what/when 14. Material做材料意思的时候,需要使用复数materials,building materials, raw materials, collect materials 15. with all one’s might 16. take measures 采取措施,take measurements 量尺寸 17. meet one’s wishes 满足某人的愿望,meet with a childhood friend 遇到一个幼年时期的朋友,meet with misfortune 遭遇不幸,call a meeting 召开会议,preside at (over) a meeting主持会议,attend a meeting 参加会议 18. melted 溶的,molted 熔的 19. in memory of 纪念 20. mend one’s way 改过自新,make amends (to sb) for sth 为„赔偿(某人),emend the manuscript 校订手稿 Amends 赔罪,赔偿,damages (法律)赔偿金,satisfaction 赔偿物,补偿物 21. a film with a message 有教益的影片,the message of the book 该书的主旨 on a„mission 负有„使命 He went to Japan on a special mission. 22. in the midst of 在„之中,正当„的时候---强调过程 He was disturbed in the midst of his work.. by/through the medium of 以„为媒介,通过 23. meantime 意思是”其间,其时”是名词,meanwhile才是副词,by means of:凭借,by all means:尽一切办法,务必,by no means 决不,并没有 24. remind有两个意思,一个是”使想起” remind sb of„,另一个是”提醒” remind sb to do,,,.remind that Thanks for your gift--it will always remind me of you. Be sure to remind her to come back early. Not to mention: 别提,更不用说 He speaks French, not to mention English. 17 1. minute description 细致的描述 2. an administration organ 行政机关 3. work/do a miracle 创造奇迹 4. live in misery=live in a miserable life 5. be in no mood for sth (to do sth) 没有心思做某事 6. accommodate„ to 使适应,accommodate oneself to 适应,顺应,accommodate„with 适 应„需求 I will accommodate my plan to yours. He soon accommodated himself to the new circumstances. The bank accommodated me with a loan of $ 100,000. They will accommodate us with food an clothing. 7. goods 总用复数,merchandise集体名词,不可数,commodity 一般总用复数 8. the minute/instant/moment +that =as soon as 9. moral culture 德育,moral character 品性,the moral of the story 故事的寓意,draw a moral from„从„中吸取教训 We should draw a moral from the startling fact. Immoral:不道德的,unmoral:与道德无关的 By virtue of:借助于,由于 unclearness by virtue of not being explicit. 10. without emotion 无动于衷 He was promoted/demoted captain. 11. dance to the music, sing to the music 介词都不用with 12. name sb./sth. After 以„给„命名 On the other hand, people might name their children after a respected older relative or even a famous person. Namely,副词,意思是”也就是,即” Namely后面跟更具体的描述,相反的 i.e.后面跟概括描述 We visited two ancient cities, namely Nimes and Arles. We visited Nimes and Arles, i.e. two ancient cities. Nominal 有名无实的,nominal head 有名无实的领导 Nominate sb for/as „. To do sth 13. be of „ nationality Our nationality is Chinese. We are of Chinese nationality. 13. come hear to (doing) 差一点(做了„) I had come near to forgetting. 14. necessary的复数necessaries表示必需品的意思,比如daily necessaries It is necessary/essential/imperative that„(should) +v 三个词后面的从句都要用虚拟语气,其中essential语气最为强烈 而necessarily作为副词却表示”必定,必然地” Necessity意思和necessary一样,都表示必需品,但是necessity意思更为强烈,表示维持 生活的必需品. 15. have the nerve to do sth,敢于做某事 16. ever的意思除了有曾经之外,还有很多其他意思 Is he ever at home?他总是在家么? He is ever true to his friend.他永远忠于他的朋友. Will he ever succeed?他究竟能否成功. Have you ever seen him?你曾经见过他吗? 17. at night 虽然平时用的很多,但是是泛指任何晚上,如果要特指一个晚上,应该使用 in the night 18. now that:既然,由于 Now that you're here renew one’s youth 返老还童 18 1. note动词是注意,留意,名词才是便签,注解,所以notes to the text是一个名词短 语,take/make notes做笔记 notice是名词和动词,用法与see一样,to notice sb do sth,to notice sb doing sth. Notice是无意识的行为,take notice of是有意识的行为 He took no notice of the little girl. She didn’t notice the little girl. Notable除了做形容词,还有名词意思”显要人物” Notify/inform sb of sth/that---相对来说notify较为正式 2. a man of great renown很有名望的人,a world-renowned man世界知名人士 3. the number of意思是人数,所以谓语用单数第三人称,a number of意思是很多,所以谓语用复数 4. a well-nourished baby营养良好的婴儿,nourish feelings of hatred怀恨在心--it is a ns behaviour to nourish feelings of hatred towards a nation 5. be obedient to superiors audible注意拼写,不是audiable audience主要职音乐会,演讲会等听众,spectator主要指观看体育比赛,展览的观众,此外audience可以做集体名词,也可以做单数名词,spectator做个体名词,在修饰 上,many/a few spectators,a large/small audience 6. occupy意思是使忙碌,使从事,例句是He was occupied in writing a book. He occupied himself in writing a book. Teaching is his occupation.=He is a teacher by occupation. 7. the story’s opening故事的开头;We have an opening for an accountant.我们有一个会计的空缺;an opening speech开幕词;the opening ceremony开幕式 8. a second-hand/used book意思才是旧书,而an old book意思却是古书 older, oldest可以做表语和定语表示新旧老少,elder,eldest只能做定语表示长幼次序 elder的复数elders可以指长辈,长者 He is two years older than I. Elderly是一个形容词,其复数the elderlys=old people 9. at once A and B=both A and B; all at once=suddenly; all together All at once we heard a loud noise. We can’t do two things (all) at once. Once (and) for all一劳永逸,永远地--Solve the problem once and for all.We must stamp out vandalism in this town once and for all. 如果要做形容词使用可以加分号,once-and-for-all-----once-and-for-all effect一次性 效应 Only可以做连词,意思是可是,只不过,I’d like to help, only I ‘m too busy. If only 只要...就好了,后面应该使用虚拟语气 If only he didn’t drive so fast. If only she had asked someone’s advice! If only the rain would stop! Teach oneself自学 Live together in unity/union 和睦相处 All the nationalities live together in perfect union . 各族人民非常和睦地生活在一起. Unity of color in a picture画中色彩的统一 Unanimous—We were unanimous in the decision. 10. operate有两个意思,做操作,运转意思的时候是及物动词,做动手术,开刀解释的时候是 不及物动词 operate a machine---开动机器 operate on a person=to perform an operation on sb给某人动手术 come/go into operation实施,实行,生效;put/bring into operation实施,使生效,使运转 in cooperation with---协同 11. place an order for sth---订购某物;to order sth from---从...订购某物 order/command/direct其后加that从句时,都要使用should的虚拟语气 12. originate有两个意思,一个是源自,源于,是不及物动词 The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding.争吵是由于误解而引起的. Coal of all kinds originated from the decay of plants.各种煤都是由植物的朽烂形成的. Originate做开创,创始的时候,是及物动词 They originated the plan.他们首先提出这一计划. Orient后加to或toward的时候,可以指以...为方向,或使适合,使熟悉情况 I haven't been able to orient my ideas to the new conditions.我还未能使自己的观点适应新情况. Other than有两个意思,一个是except还有一个是anything but None other than意思是”不是别的,正是” Otherwise除了有”否则”还有”除此之外,在其他反方面”的意思 He is a little obstinate, but he is otherwise quite suitable for the post. 13. utter(ly),entire(ly)区别在于utter主要用于持否定态度 I am utterly dissatisfied. Do/try one’s utmost 14. overcome the difficulties; be overcome with joy喜不自禁 be overwhelmed by grief; We overwhelmed them by number. 15. on one’s own独立,靠自己的力量,独自地,在own后面也经常加一些具体的事物 He lives on his own. 他一个人过活. He helped me on his own initiative. 他主动帮助我. He wants to work on his own account. 他想单独完成工作 16. because of/due to/owing to都可以做状语,owing to也可以做表语,due to常坐表语,也可以做后置定语 Because of/owing to/due to a sudden rain he came back. His mistake is due to/owing to his carelessness. Losses due to friction occur in every machine and in every organization. 17. make a notable impact on对...产生显著影响;an effect/impact on---对...有影响 18. make propaganda for humanism=propagate humanism 宣传人道主义 19. pain的复数pains是指辛苦,苦心,所以No pains, no gains. Take pains意思是努力,尽力,下苦功 He did not take great pains . Idle folks take the most pains . [谚]越懒越不省力. take pains with one's work. 努力工作 20. in repair意思是修好了,under repair才是在修理中,peer除了有仔细看,窥视,还有同等之人的意思 21. 写在报纸上是in paper,写在纸上是on paper 19 1. in part部分地;play a part(in)--- She played a part in the play . 她参与这出戏的演出. A„part of一部分,在part前面无形容词时,往往不加a而直接说part of Part from与人分离;part with与物分离 He refused to part with his old camera. Participate是一个不及物动词---participate in Partial除了指部分的,不完全的,还可以指偏心的这个时候要使用to---My father is partial to my sister. Partly和partially区别在于,partly指数量上的部分,而partially指程度上的部分---The meat was only partially cooked. Particular做形容词,但是其复数particulars做名词意思是”详情,细目”The lawyer must know all the particulars of the case. 律师必须了解案情的所有细节. Particular description详细的描写 Be particular about---对...讲究,严格---She is very particular about what he wears. Be particular to---为...所特有---The coconut is particular to the tropics. In particular仅能置于名词后,意思是”特别,尤其” A portion of +复数名词,在做主语时,其后谓语要用单数 The proportion of A to B---A对B的比例 the proportion of births to deaths 出生与死亡的比例 Her head is out of proportion to the size of her body. 她的头部与身体大小不成比例. In proportion as +从句;in proportion to +名词---按...的比例,与...成正比 In proportion as the sale Increase , the profit will rise 按销售额增加的比例,利润也将增加 Cancers are described as more or less malignant in proportion as they are more or less rapidly growing and invasive. 癌生长的快慢和侵袭性的大小与它的恶性 程度成正比 A is in driect [inverse] proportion to B --A与B成正[反]比例 Their earnings are in proportion to their skill. 他们的收入与技术成比例. In proportion(with)—(与...)成比例,相称; out of proportion(with)---(与...)不相称 That be to say, discount will increase in proportion with the quantity you be go to buy . 这就是说,折扣的数额将随着你方购买的数量而成比例增加. The door is out of proportion with the windows. 这门与窗户不相称. Be proportional to---与...成比例 Payment will be proportional to the amount of work done. 酬金将与工作量成比例. Apart是一个副词;apart from有双重意思,既有”除...外(别无)”,也有”除...外(尚有)”,;类似expect和besides;但是apart from是一个副词 +介词结构 Apart from a fright, he was uninjured. 除了吓一跳以外,他没受伤. Impart意思是”分给,给与”(尤指物)-- A good teacher imparts wisdom to his pupils. 一个好的教师把智慧赋予学生. 抽象事 Impart sth to sb---告知,透露--- 'Would he,' asked Mr. Lorry, 'he sensibly relieved if he could prevail upon himself to impart that secret brooding to any one, when it is on him?' “患者有了那种秘密的预感之后,”罗瑞先生问道,”若是能说服自己向别人 透露透露,对缓解痛苦能起作用么?” 2. surpass all expectation出乎意料; pastime注意拼写,意思是”消遣,娱乐” I often travel as a pastime. 3. be impatient for/to do---急切地---I am impatient for the sight.我急欲看到这种情景. Be impatient of不能忍受---I am impatient of the sight.我不能容忍这种情景. 4. pay for goods and service; pay bill/account/debt 5. He is popular with masses.---他深得人心. A popular price---低廉的价格 Populate是动词”居住于”; The city is densely populated.该市人口稠密. A densely populated city人口稠密的诚实. Population用large或small形容;表示人口多少使用”have a population of„” How large is the population of China? China has a population if 1200 million people. 6. happen还有”偶然发生”这样的意思,所以不能当take place用 I happened to be in.=It so happened that I was in.---我碰巧在家 7. permit在以事物做主语的时候可以使用 permit of---The situation permits of no delay. 情况不容拖延. Permit也可以做名词”执照,许可”为可数,permission做名词主要指比较抽象的含义为不 可数,比如without permission Admit +doing承认,供认---He admitted stealing the bicycle. Admit/admission指”允许进入”之权利---admission to the lecture允许听课 Enter/entrance指进入之行为---The entrance to university入学 7. persuade有两个意思,在表示说服的时候,使用 persuade sb into/out of doing. 在表示”使相信”的时候,使用persuade sb (of sth)/that 8. a television personality电视名人 9. the physical world物质世界; physically and mentally身心两方面 10. accumulate作为动词,其形容词是cumulative,名词是cumulation 11. in stead of 有一定的否定意味,意思可以是弃A用B,如果要表示替代,应该使用in place of 12. I will be plain with you.---我将坦率地对你. 13. reach a plateau(发展)进入停滞期,(物价)进入平稳状态—House prices seem to have reached a plateau, but may start rising again soon. 14. be pleased to do乐于做...; be pleased with...对...满意 15. complement既是动词也是名词,主要指补充不足之处使完美;supplement主要指另外增加的a supplementary reader补充读物 supply既是动词也是名词supply a demand—满足需求;supply and demand供求; supply sb with sth; supply sth to sb 20 1. come to the point说到要点,扼要说明 To come to the point at issue. 现在言归正题. Please come to the point when you speak 讲话请切中要点. Beside point离题的,不相干的 That' s beside the point . 那事与此不相干. What you have said is beside point/off the point. 你刚才说的话离题太远. To the point切题,切中要害---His speech was short and to the point. 他的讲话简明中肯. Appoint sb sth=appoint sb to be sth---任命 2. the rich/poor都做复数用表示富人/穷人 enrich既有”充实,使丰富”的意思,也有”使富裕.使富有”的意思 enrich one’s experience with travels通过旅行充实某人的经验 enrich a country by industry 3. take a position as (a) manager; the position of nuclear weapons be composed/made up of—被动状态; consist of---主动状态 dispose有两个意思,一个是布置,安排,做及物动词,另一个是处置,处理掉做不及物动 词加of,作为名词形式disposition—布置;disposal—处理 dispose pieces of furniture布置家具;dispose of furniture处理家具 to expose„to使处于...作用(或影响)下---Don't expose the film to light. 不要把胶 片曝光.Exposure to受到...作用(或影响)---The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain. 油漆因受雨淋而剥落了. Impose sth on sb把...强加于人---impose a fine/tax on sb; We do not impose our beliefs on one another but focus on the quality of our friendship instead. 朋友之 间唯以友谊为重,不将自己的信仰强加于人. Oppose是一个动词意思是反对,反抗---be opposed to +doing/sth I am opposed to permitting him to go alone. Pose=put forward---pose a question/claim; He posed as if nothing had happened. Propose + to do/doing/that„;that后面加should虚拟语气 He proposed going/to go there. He proposed that we (should) go there. To no purpose---无效,毫无结果 Faber did not want to risk his life to no purpose. 菲伯尔不想拿他的性命做无谓的冒险. I laboured to no purpose. 我白干了. 4. be possessed of具有--- He was possessed of great self-confidence. 他有很强的自信心. His family was possessed of a large fortune. 他家拥有大笔财富. Possession是名词”所有,拥有”,其复数possessions才是”所有物” In possession of拥有,占有(主动意义); in the possession of为...所占有,拥有(被动意义) The capitalist is in possession of a large fortune. A large fortune is in the possession of the capitalist. 5. probability概率 6. Practice makes perfect.孰能生巧;practise +doing 7. prior to在...之前---He adjusted his hat prior to leaving At the prime of----He was at the prime of his success.他正出于成功的巅峰. 8. preparatory to + doing/sth作为...的准备--You should pack it up preparatory to sending it by post. 在邮寄之前你应该把它包好. 9. absent有两种用法;absent from + place---不在;absent from + meeting---缺席;absent in +place---表示外出在某地;absent in主语是无生命的名词,意为”没有” He is absent in Europe now.他现在外出在欧洲 He is absent from Europe now.他现在不在欧洲 He was absent from his work without leave.他擅离职守 Snow is absent in some countries.有些国家终年无雪 In the absence of;in one’s absence; in the presence of; in one’s presence Present sth to sb=present sb with sth---把...赠送给(人);She presented a tie to him.= She presented him with a tie. Present„to„把...介绍给,呈现,提交,提出(想法)(比introduce正式) For the present有两个意思 at present目前,现在 或for the time being暂时; Negotiations are suspended for the present. 谈判暂停. that is enough for the present; he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow. 对目前来说,这已足够了. Representative在做代表时候使用representative to---China’s representative to the United Nations.;在做...的典型,...的特点时,使用representative of---This case is representative of the attitudes of the police. 这个事例典型地反映了警方的态度. impress„(up)on one’s mind(memory)---把...印在脑子里---This will deeply impress them on your memory, 这样会给你留下深刻的印象, 10. be priced at...定价于..---be priced at USD 7 11. an appreciable difference---明显的差别 prize既是名词也是动词”认为...大有价值”“珍视,珍惜”I prize honor more than money.---我认为名誉重于金钱. Make an appraisal of---估计,评价---The draft gives the Party member the right to ask to attend in person the meeting at which a Party organization is to decide to take disciplinary action against him or make an appraisal of his character and work. 草案规定,在党组织对党员作出处分或者鉴定性的 决议 历史决议下载古田会议决议全文下载关于若干历史问题的决议下载关于若干历史问题的决议原文关于若干历史问题的决议pdf 的时候,党员有权要 求亲自参加.Make an objective appraisal of对...做客观评价 12. rob/deprive sb of sth---剥夺--- 13. it must be, indeed, a dreadful blow which would deprive him of courage to defend himself. 必须是一个致命的打击才能剥夺他反抗的勇气 live in privacy过着隐居生活;a privilege to sb给某人的特权;enjoy privileges享 受优惠 14. comprise是一个及物动词,其有双重意义,既有组成,也有被组成,所以365 days constitutes/comprised a year. A year comprises/consist of/is composed of 365 days. 15. a spirit of enterprise进取精神 16. 21 1. in process of=in course of; proceeding的复数proceedings才表示会议记录,公报;the preceding years前几年---This kind of garments was very fashionable in the preceding years. 这种服装在前几年很流行. In excess of 超过---The money they took with them was considerably in excess of what they need. Excessive(贬义)过度的,过分的an excessive deman过分的要求 2. produce可以指农业产品,不可数;product工业产品,可数;production产品(总称)不可数,productivity生产力,生产率 3. admit/acknowledge/confess + doing;deny + doing 4. We progress in learning step by step.—我们在学习中循序渐进.Progress指继续的进步,常被用作抽象意义.The progress of ideas观点的进步 5. a very promising youth=a youth of great promise---一个大有前途的青年 compromise既是名词,也是动词,compromise with sb on sth; effect a compromise达成折中---Rebecca's object in her journey to London was to effect a kind of compromise with her husband's numerous creditors. 利蓓加回到伦敦,目的在和丈夫 的一大群债主谈判. On the premise that„以...为前提---Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall. 给予投资者的建议是以利率将继续下 降这一点为前提的. 6. denounce指责,谴责---denounce...as..---denounce a person as a coward指责某人为胆小鬼 7. proper除了有恰当的,适当的,在做后置定语的时候还有”本身的”这个意思---Beijing proper北京市内,China proper中国本土 proper后面的that从句需要使用should的虚拟语气---It is proper that she(should) refuse.她拒绝是恰当的. Be proper/particular/peculiar to„为...所特有---This is a custom proper to China.--- 这是中国特有的风俗. Proper有两个派生名词,一个是propriety”适当,得体,礼节”;另一个是property”所有物,财产,特征,特性” To appropriate money for an enterprise拨款给企业 8. be proud of---自豪---He was proud of himself, proud of his success, proud of Carrie. 他沾沾自喜,为自己的成功得意,也为嘉莉骄傲. Be conceited over---以...自负,自高自大---Don't grow conceited over your successes. 你不要因为成功而变得自高自大. Be vain about---以...沾沾自喜---He was vain about his appearance. 他对自己的外貌颇为得意. Be proud of/take (a)pride in/pride oneself on---以...而自豪 We take pride in our craftsmanship. 我们为自己的手艺感到自豪. Politicians pride themselves on their ability to maintain contact with the thinking of their constituents. 政客们以能够与选民的想法保持接触而自豪. 9. prove既是及物动词也是不及物动词,做及物动词时意思是”证实,证明”,做不及物动 词时意思是”结果是,原来是” He was proved to be a swindler.----他被证明是个骗子. He proved to be a swindler---他原来是个骗子 Improvement in指某方面好转或改善---There has been an improvement in the weather. Improvement on---两件事做比较---Today’s weather is an improvement on yesterday’s. 10. the public公众,既是复数也是单数;make public---使公开---The news has been made public.---消息已经发布 11. be qualified to do sth=be qualified for do sth---He is not qualified to teach maths=He is not qualified for teaching maths. Qualification除了表示”合格,资格”以外,还表示”限制,限制性条件”---I have accepted his offer without qualification.我无条件地接受了他的建议. 12. in question在争议中,在谈论中---Where is the man in question? 我们谈论的这个人在那里呢? I call in question the accuracy of these figures. 我怀疑这些数字 的准确性. Out of the question毫无可能,绝对做不到;out of question/beyond question/without question毫无疑问 His success is out of question.他必定成功 His success is out of the question.他必失败. Quest:长时间的搜索,探求---He went in quest of adventure. She had come in quest of advice. 她曾来徵求意见. They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure. 他们到山洞去寻找宝藏. Request既是名词也是动词request sth from sb---I will request this book from you. Inquire只是一个动词意思是”询问,打通,查问,调查”inquiry sth of sb; inquiry of sb about sth I inquired of him about the way to the station. I inquired the way to the station of him. Inquiry是一个名词;make inquiries of sb about sth向某人询问某事;on inquiry经调查后;inquiry into...对...的调查,研究 I told him a friend of mine had commissioned me to make some inquiries about a cherished companion of his boyhood named Leonidas W. Smiley-Rev 我告诉 他说,我有一位朋友托我来探访他少年时代的一个名叫留尼达?斯迈利的亲爱的伴侣—留尼 达?斯迈利牧师. On inquiry the report proved false. 经调查,证实该项报导纯属虚构. They held an inquiry into the incident. 他们对这一事件展开调查. institute an inquiry into the causes of the accident 着手调查那次事故的原因 13. require有两个动词意思,”需要”require to be done,require doing;”要求”require sth of sb; require of sb 14. raise是一个及物动词,且只能做动词;rise是一个不及物动词,可以兼做名词 on the rise正在上升 The passion for freedom is on the rise. 对自由的热情在增高. Oil price is on the rise. 油价正在上涨. Rise作为名词除了指”上升,增高”以外,还可以指”起源,发生” The rise of the civilization Arise作为一个不及物动词,意思是”(无形物)出现,发生”和”(from)由...引起,起源于” Arise from由...引起;give rise to引起,导致 Doubts arose from his words.=His words gave rise to doubts. Rouse意思是唤起,唤醒,多用于具体意味---It is extremely difficult to rouse my father in the mornings. Arouse意思是唤醒,唤起,激起,引起(多用于抽象意味)---If you want to arouse my interest in foreign languages, why don’t you pay for me to study aroad? 系列过去式和过去分词 Raise-raised, raising, raises; rise-rose, risen, rising, rises; arise--arose, arisen, arising, arises. Rouse和arouse都是规则动词 15. At any rate---无论如何,至少---At any rate that feeling was wholesome. 这种 感情至少还是健康的.I will come at any rate. 无论如何我都会来. At this rate---照此速度,照这样下去---At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这种情形看来,我们就无法度假了We shall never finish at this rate. 照这 样下去的话,我们永远完不成. Ratio是指比,比率---in the ratio of 1 to 2---以一比二的比例 15. read和know的用法类似,read of意思是在阅读中得知---I have read of their achievement in a magazine. 16. trust sb with sth=trust sth to sb---将...交予委托---I trusted him with my money=I trust money to him. 17. 22 1. reason做名词除了表示”理由,原因”外,还可以表示”理性,理智”Only man has reason. Reason做动词可以表示”推论,推理”I reasoned that she did not answer my letter because she was angry. Reason在做动词”理喻,劝告”的时候是一个不及物动词,需要使用reason with sb for/against sth. Reason for (doing) sth---What is the reason for your long silence. By reason of由于---He escaped punishment by reason of his youth. 他因为年轻,得以免除惩罚. 2. accept one’s defeat---认输 3. conceive of想象,考虑---Can you conceive of a complete vacuum? 你能想象出完全真空的情形吗? 4. It's difficult to conceive of living on the moon. 很难想像在月球上生活. be deceived in sb.看错了某人, 对某人感到失望---You are deceived in him.你对他认识错误. Deceive sb with sth---He deceived us with flse promise.---他用假承诺来欺骗我们. a Practice deception on sb对某人进行欺骗--- They attempted to practice deception on the public. 他们企图蒙骗公众耳目. Deceive和cheat不同---cheat主要指采取不诚实手段,获得某种个人利益(如作弊)或损害他人利益(如欺骗钱财);deceive侧重将不真实情况告诉别人或以某种错 误说法,理论,假象等使人上当. Perceive察觉,感知,领悟到,理解”“察觉Perceive (sb do/doing )sth;perceive that 5. ignorant/ignorance of—I am in complete ignorance of his plan.=I am completely ignorant of his plan. 6. set/establish a record---创造...记录;break/beat/cut the record打破记录;equal the record平...记录(equal在这里是动词,其过去式,过去分词是equaled或equalled) of one’s own accord---出于自愿,主动地; with one accord一致地,一致同意地 7. confuse使混乱,混淆---confuse liberty with license把自由与放纵混为一谈 8. the region/realm of science科学领域 9. in relation to---有关,关于,涉及,与...相比 conservatory measure in relation to recourse 关于追索权的保全措施 In relation to London, our town is very small. 和伦敦相比,我们这个城市小得很. Relation做亲属时指有血统和法律地位的亲属,比如父母,子女;relative指较为疏远的亲属---a distant relative远亲 10. rely是一个不及物动词,其侧重信赖,depend强调依赖 rely有两个形容词,一个是reliable可靠的,reliant依靠的,信赖的---I am reliant on him because he is reliable. 11. surrender有多重意义既是及物动词,也是不及物动词;如做”交出,放弃=give up”则是及物动词---Each of enemy surrendered us his guy. 在做”投降,屈服,让步”的时候做不及物动词,需要使用surrender to 12. report to sb---You must report to the manager.; report+ doing---The journalist reported seeing a UFO. Reportedly:据报道ad 13. implicit意思比较多,既有”不言明,含蓄的”也有”无疑问的,无保留的”an implicit agreement—默许;implicit trust (in you);(对你)绝对信赖;implicit(in)内含的, 固有的--- consent implicit in his glance 他眼神中表示的默许 a complex substance合成物; a simple substance单质 display one’s courage---展露勇气 14. with respect to关于,至于 This are true with respect to english but not to french 这一点在英语属实而在法语 则不同 The velocity is with respect to a fixed frame of reference. 此速度是相对于固定标架的. There is a second point with respect to specialisation. 第二点是有关专业化方面的 问题. Irrespective + of意思是不顾的,不考虑的---We shall have to have the work done, irrespective of the cost. 15. correspond有两个意思都是不及物动词,但是所接介词不一样;correspond to对应,相当;correspond with相符,一致,和某人通信 The punishment shall correspond to the offence. 惩罚应相当于其罪行. The arms of a man correspond to the wings of a bird. 人的手臂相当于鸟的翅膀. This copy does not correspond with the original. 这抄本与原件不符. His version of the accident should correspond with that of the other witnesses. 他 对这件事情的说法应与其他证人的说法相一致. Respond是动词,response才是名词 Be responsible to sb for sth Bertha, as you know, is her own mistress and responsible for her acts to no one. 如你所知道的,伯莎是她自己的主人,她对自己的行为不向任何人负责 Responsible还有责任重大的,重要,尽责的,认真负责的的意思 a responsible position;a responsible teacher 16. arrest sb for„因...而逮捕某人; arrest sb on a charge of„以...罪而逮捕某人; under arrest被捕; place sb under arrest逮捕某人 17. result除了做名词,还可以做动词,两个动词含义都是不及物动词 Result in导致;result from起因于 The confusion results from the strike. The strike results in the confusion. As a result作为结果,因此 As a result of„作为...的结果,由于--- Her hands came out in a rash as a result of food-poisoning. 她因食物中毒手上发出皮疹. Consult既是及物动词也是不及物动词,当对方是比自己更权威的物体或人时,使用及物动 词consult a dictionary查阅字典,consult a teacher请教老是;当对方 是和自己平等的人时,使用不及物动词consult with a friend和朋友商议 23 1. revolve around表示绕...旋转,在做比喻意义的时候意思是”以,,,为主要内容” The discussion revolve around poetry . 主要围绕诗歌进行讨论. Satellites revolve around their planets. 卫星绕各自的行星运转. Invelve是一个及物动词除了表示”使卷入”和”包括,包含” Be involved in war被卷入战争; the person invelved(in)受(...)牵连的人---If you want to carry a person's name on your resume as reference, clear that privilege with the person involved. 若在你 的简历上列出某人的姓名作为证明人,则须说明该人的特殊地位. The exploration involves danger.---包含 Include/involve+ doing;include意思指包括整体的部分,involve指必然包括某种结果 Our ten-city tour included a visit a Stratford.---我们的十城市访问中包括斯特拉福. To accept the position you offer would involve my living in London.---若接受你提出的职位,我们必然得住在伦敦了. 2. ripe是一个形容词---”熟的,成熟的”“(for)时机成熟的”---Time is ripe for taking action. 3. derive是一个动词意思是”渊源于;(从...)取得,得来)是一个及物动词 The custom derives its origin from Buddhism.---这种习惯起源于佛教. derive knowledge from books从书中获得知识 Many English words are derived from Latin.许多英语词汇源于拉丁文. Derivation是名词”起源,由来,出处,语源” Rival既是名词,动词也是形容词,且是一个及物动词---They rivaled each other for the post. 4. enroll既是一个及物动词也是不及物动词 enroll sb in+(组织,机构等)--- Let's enroll our children in the piano class 咱们让孩子们在钢琴班上课吧. Enroll sb as+(成员,身份等)---They decided to enrol him as a member of the society. 他们决定吸收他成为会社的成员. 5. Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗 6. routine既是一个名词也是形容词---daily routine日常工作 7. sacrifice既是一个动词,也是一个名词---animal sacrifice牲畜祭品;sacrifice one’s life for one’s country---为国捐躯 8. sailor和seaman基本相同,除了He is a good(bad)sailor.---他不晕(晕)船. 9. worth one’s salt=worth one’s pay---称职---He is not worth his salt.---他不称职. Salary多指白领脑力劳动拿的钱(月付);wages多指体力劳动(周付) 10. resemble是一个及物动词,相似在某方面要加in---She resembles her mother in appearances.;resemblance to---The resemblance to her mother. 11. satisfy表示完全满足,content表示使人在一定程度上满足 satified具有被动含义;satisfactory”令人满意)含有主动含义 12. on a large scale大规模地;on a small scale小规模的; He is living the lowest scale of life.---他过着最低水准的生活. Ascend既是及物动词也是不及物动词;攀登,登上---及物动词---We ascended the stairs.; 渐渐上升,升高---不及物动词 The balloon ascended to the sky. 13. conscience良知,良心; have no conscience不辨善恶,失去良知; have a good/clear conscience问心无愧 其有两个形容词 conscientious认真的,尽责的,勤勤恳恳的---conscientious work本着良心做的工作;a conscientious worker勤勤恳恳的工作者 Conscious优质觉得,神智清醒的;(of)意识到的,自觉的---One must be conscious of one’s shortcomings.人须有自知之明. 14. search是一个及物动词也是名词;a search for sth; in search of--- He's sailed the seven seas in search of adventure. 他闯荡七大洋去历险. Research是一个不及物动词也是一个名词research into/on---A lot of money is spent on research into the causes of cancer. 15. second to none不亚于任何人(事物)---This pen is second to none . 这只笔不亚于任何别的笔. Second还有一个意思是”(随声)附和,赞成---second the motion附议,赞成此动议;second another person's idea赞成另一个人的主意;Deeds must second words. 言行必须一致. Consecutive主要指规则或紧接的连续,时间上无间断;successive指一系列单独的时间,次序上无间断,时间上可以有间隔 Carry/put„into executive---实施,实行; prosecute sb for doing/st起诉,告发,检举; in consequence=as a result; in consequence of=as a result of hEnsue是一个不及物动词,意思是”接着发生,接踵而来,因而产生” What will ensue from [on] this?这会产生什么结果呢? Suit是一个名词---bring a suit against sb; Sbe sb for sth 16. at first sight注意这里没有冠词 have an insight into sb’s mind; have an insight into the problem 24 1. come to one’s senses(注意复数)---(昏迷后)苏醒过来;醒过来,恢复理性 Sense是一个名词也是一个动词;sensation:感觉,知觉,轰动;sentiment:感情,情绪,感想,意见,观点---There are my sentiments这就是我的感想. Consensus一致同意---reach a consensus意见获得一致 Consent to do/to doing sth同意(做)...主要用于上下级关系,表示同意辨认的申请或要 求 Resent+ sth/doing---He used to resent to being kept waiting for hours. Resentful充满愤恨的---a resentful remark一句气话 In a sense从某种意义上说;make sense有意义,讲得通;make sense of...弄懂...的意思:Can you make sense of this telegram? Serve是一个及物动词,所以serve you—为你服务;而serve for则表示做...用---The sofa serves for/as a bed. Deserve doing/to be done----deserve+doing主动表示被动意---The naughty boy deserved punishing/to be punished. Service既是动词也是名词---service a raido---维修收音机 Preserve还有保持,维持的意思,所以preserves calmness保持镇定 Observe还有”遵守,奉行”的意思---observe the rules遵守规则;observe a peaceful forgeign policy奉行和平的外交政策; observe National Day庆祝国庆 Keep„under(close) observation对...(密切)监视; observations作为复数才表示”观察资料,观察数据” Offset既是名词也是动词意思是”抵消,补偿”He offset his travel expenses against tax. 2. be dead to shame---恬不知耻;ashamed被动含义;shameful主动含义---He is ashamed of his shameful conduct. 3. sheep单复同形;shepherd牧羊人,牧民(注意拼写) 4. shelter既是名词也是动词(及物)意思是”掩护,庇护”;shelter the escaped convict窝藏逃犯; shelter和from连用,有两种活用,作为名词形式可以使用take/find shelter from„.--- We came under the tree to take shelter from rain 我们来到这棵树下避雨. Shelter做为动词shelter...from...保护/庇护...以避... I'll not shelter you from blame. 我不想包庇你. He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism. 他极力为老板顶住外界的批评. Shield做名词也做动词,用法和shelter一样---Parents shield their children from harm. 父母保护他们的子女免于受害. 5. Every shot told.百发百中 6. on the side作为兼职,作为副业,正事以外---an evening job to bring in a little money on the side赚少许钱的夜间副业 aside from=besides除...以外(尚有) 7. by design an not by accident有意而非无意地 resign oneself to对...自暴自弃,顺从,听任,只好---He resigned himself to his fate. 8. situate做及物动词,只有be situated/located这种形式,可以指(物)位于...的;(人) 出于...境地 reside in=lie in(性质等)存在,在于---The power to amend the constitution resides in Parliament.修改宪法的权利在议会. According to the Court, "the evil of protectionism can reside in legislative means as well as legislative ends". 根据法院的意见,”保护政策的弊端既存在于立法的 目的,也存在于立法的手段”. A residential quarter住宅区 9. skilled work技术工作;skilled通常指受过正规训练,有多年实践经验,而掌握某项专 门技术;而skillful是指人聪明,做事灵巧,尤指手的灵巧. Skillful灵巧的,娴熟的;skilled熟练的,有技能的,需要技能的 9. skirts作为复数形式才表示郊区,或者使用outskirts sleeping睡着的---a sleeping child正在睡觉的孩子 10. slip除了作动词,还表示”疏忽,小错,口误,笔误”by a slip of the tongue/pen由于口误/笔误 11. associate既可作名词,动词也可以做副词,注意以下例句 我和他合作这个工程 I was associated with him in the project.=I associated myself with him in the project. 同事注意associate with的用法 Associate...with(思想上)联系,(业务上)合伙---We associated turkey with thanksgiving.我们看到火鸡就想联想到感恩节. I always associate him with fast cars. 我总是由他联想到高速汽车. Associate with与...交往 You couldn't associate with her, anyway. 反正你也不能再和她交往了. Social customs社会习俗;a social gathering联欢会,联谊会 Desolate(人)孤独的,凄凉的;(地)荒凉的,荒芜的 a desolate house废屋;The little children were left desolate.孩子们被抛下无人照管. Alone is neither good nor bad:She lives on tea and cake when she is alone. Solitary, when used of things, mean there is only one: a solitary three in the garden, but used of people it may show sadness, like lonely or(esp. AmE)lonesome; Come over and see me, I’m feeling a bit solitary/lonely/lonesome. Desolate means great sadness because of being alone: The death of his wife left him completely desolate. Solo既是一个形容词也是副词 12. resolve (to do)/on doing sth=make a resolution to do sth下决心 He resolved to do it.=He resolved on doing it.=He made a resolution to do it.他下决心干此事 表示有决心(状态)之意要使用 be resloved的形式--- She was resolved to do well in the factory. 她决心在厂里好好干. To resolve和to make a resolution都是下决心(动作)之意 13. 事前道歉用sorry to do---I am sorry to disturb you.对不起,打搅一下. 事后道歉用 sorry to have done或sorry for doing---I am sorry for disturbing you. 对不起,打搅了. Plunge into deep sorrow陷入深深的悲痛之中 Sore既是名词也是形容词---sore news令人痛心的消息 25 1. specification做单数表示”明确说明”,用specifications才表示规格,规范,技术说明,清单, 明细单; 计划书 architects specification工程技术规格 2. species单复同形---The Origin of Species《物种起源》 3. speed既是名词也是动词;在做动词时候根据意思不同,对应的变化形式不同;在做”加 速”时使用speed up做规则动词speeded,speeded;在做”疾驰,急行) 的时候使用sped,sped He speeded up the car.; The car sped away. 4. spend money on/for sth; spend time (in) doing sth expenditure on education教育经费;revenue and expenditure收支 dispense是一个不及物动词---dispense with”节省,省却”,”没有...也行,不需要 Can we dispense with the formalities? 咱们能免去这些礼节吗? A lazy student can dispense with the original and use the English text as a trot. 懒学生可以把原文抛在一边而用英文直译本. Indispensable比necessary语气强烈 Compensate sb for sth---Nothing can compensate for the loss of the opportunity. In compensation for„作为...的补偿,以弥补... a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury. 补偿损失或伤害的钱款. In partial compensation for these problems, however, we obtain the benefits of fuller local government. 然而,作为对这些问题的部分补偿,我们得益于比较完整 的地方政府 Pendulum摇摆不定的事态(或局面) play pendulum 处于不稳定状态, 左右摇摆 swing like a pendulum 钟的摆动; [喻]摇摆不定 (舆论)从一个极端到另一极端; 政党间政权的交替; 各政党在选举中的胜负交替 5. in spirits兴致勃勃; out of spirits无精打采;material civilization物质文明; spiritual civilization精神文明 6. despair既是名词也是动词,且是不及物动词---despair of---丧失信心,绝望---He despaired of winning a scholarship. In despair在绝望中;despair + of doing表示对...绝望,不接不定式 In prosperity顺境;in adversity逆境;In prosperity caution, in adversity patience . 得意须谨慎;逆境须忍耐. 7. in spite of=despite所以despite是一个介词 8. source意思是源(泉),来源,出处 to get the information from a reliable source resource意思是智谋,应付的办法,其复数resources才指资源,财力 She had no other resource but to weep. A country rich in mineral resources/financial resources Resourceful足智多谋的,有应变之才的:resourceful and versatile足智多谋,多才多艺 9. sport单数是指体育;复数sports才是指运动会(用复数谓语),或做形容词形式;a sports car赛车;a sports delegation体育代表团 10. notwithstanding既是介词也是连词=in spite of;though constant既是形容词也是名词”常数,恒量” consist根据意思不同,接三种不同的介词 consist of---组成,构成---New York City consists of five boroughs.纽约市由五个行政区组成 consist in---在于,存在于---The beauty of the artist's style consists in its simplicity.这位艺术家的风格上的美在于它的简朴 consist with---并存,相容,一致---The information consists with her account.这消息与她的描述是一致的 consistent with前后一致的,坚持一贯的,始终如一的 come into existence/bing出现,产生 insist on/that---that后面更具insist的意思不同使用不同形式,如果表示”坚持应该 干...”则使用should的虚拟语气;如表示”坚持某一事实”则使用直陈语气 I insist that you(should) see the doctor.我坚持你一定要看医生. I insisted that it was an accident.我坚持那是意外事件. Persist in坚持不懈,执意---He persisted in asking her annoying question. Resist既有抵抗,反抗,也有抵制,忍住这样的意思---resist sth (sb)---resist an attack; resist (doing)sth---resist laughing Resistance to sth对...的抵抗---make resistance to the enemy’s attack Institute动词”设立,制定”和名词”学院,研究所”;institution是名词”设立,制定”社会公共机构,制度,习俗” 比较而言institution的含义更为广泛 Substitute既是名词也是动词;substitute A for B---用A代替B;replace A with B---用B替代A Politician含有褒贬义,既是政治家,也可以指政客;statesman意思只是褒义政治家 11. have sth in storage把...贮藏起来;have sth in stock(备)有...存货 restore意思很多”恢复,使回复;归还,交还;修复,重建” restore order恢复秩序;restore the book to the shelf把书放回书架;restore the old church修复古教堂 作为恢复,多指外力来回复原装,所以多用被动形式;recover多指使用自己的力量来恢复,所使用主动形式 The doctor restored him to life. He has recovered from his illness. He has recovered his spirits. 12. constrain sb to do sth强制某人干某事---类同force restrain sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事---类同prevent refrain是一个不及物动词,一般要使用refrain„from---refrain from laughing to refrain=to restrain oneself常指”自治以避免...” I'm just trying to refrain from drowsing at work. 我只是试着别在工作时打瞌睡而已. Unable to restrain himself any longer, he took a step forward and rasped, "Don't be too optimistic! 他忍不住上前一步,很严重地对杜新箨说:”不要太乐观. Restrict是一个动词---be restricted to+(doing)sth---I am restricted to advising. 我只有建议的权限.Membership of the club is restricted to men only. 该俱乐部的成 员仅限于男士. Place restrictions on对...限制---place restrictions on foreign trade "On the other hand, they also place restrictions on foreign investors. They may require certain specified minimum levels of local participation as equity owners, suppliers, and managers." 另一方面,他们也对投资者实施限制.她们会提出以业主,供应商和经理等身份参与外资企业的特定最低限额. 13. strike作为动词还有”打动,给...以深刻印象”;撞见,(偶然)发现,忽然想到;其过去式,过去分词为struck,stricken go on strike---举行罢工;be on strike---在罢工 be struck with被...留下深刻印象 She was struck dumb with fear. 她害怕得说不出话. I was immediately struck with sadness. 我立刻悲从中来. It strikes sb that„使某人忽然想到... It strikes me that the man was not telling the truth. 我感到那个人没说真话. 26 1. strip sb of sth---剥夺某人某物 (strip是规则动词)---He was stripped of his rights. 他的权利被剥夺了. 2. suggest + doing/that---建议,提议;suggest后面在接that的时候,如果表示建议做某事则使用should的虚拟语气,如表示暗示或表明,则使用一般陈述语气 suggestion也是这样的,suggestion that 后面就使用should的虚拟语气 3. the urban district市区 4. succeed既是及物动词也是不及物动词, 在表示”接...之后”是做及物动词---One change succeeded another. Succeed in (doing) sth在某方面成功---He succeeded in (passing) the examination. Succeed to sth继承某物---He succeeded to a fortune(the throne). A succession of一连串的---a succession of victories 一连串的胜利 In succession连续地---The nth power of an operator is defined to mean applying the operator n times in succession.一个算符的n次幂定义为连续运用算符n次. 5. sum还可以做动词,不及物动词,summed,summing,sums in sum= on the whole总之,一言蔽之---In sum , the plan failed. 总之, 计画告吹了. Sum up=summarize总结,概括 I can' t sum him up at all. 我完全看不出他是什么样的人. Let's sum up our experience before going on. 在继续做之前我们先来总结一下经验吧. Consume„on sth;comsume (in) doing sth He consumed all his money on women and rink. He consumed most of his spare time (in) learning English. Resume sth/doing sth不接不定式 Resume one’s work---重新开始工作哦 The violinist was resuming playing after intermission. On the assumption that„以...的设想为依据 The project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding. 这一 计画是以经济发展的设想为依据的. 5. assure表示十分肯定的语气向别人保证某事一定发生 assure (of sth)/that I am assured of your success.=I am assured you will succeed. Assure和ensure不同 保险在英语中常用insure,在英式英语中使用assure多限于”人寿保险” He insured his house against fire for ten million yuan. He insured/assured himself against death for ten million yuan. 6. No sweat, no sweet.不劳则无获 7. sympathy既表示同情,同情心,也表示,共鸣,赞同.所以起形容词形式sympathetic也 有两个意思,对应不同介词 be sympathetic with对...同情;be sympathetic to对...赞同 be sympathetic with patients; be sympathetic to a project 其动词sympathize也有两个意思,单介词只使用with--- sympathize with sb in sth---I sympathize with him deeply in his sorrow. 8. mistake„for误认为,当作 I mistook/took her for her sister. Tyrants often mistake fear for respect. 暴君常常错把惧怕当尊敬. 8. talk/persuade/reason/force/tempt sb into doing; hinder/stop/prevent/preclude/restrain sb from doing 9. integrate...with...使...与...结合在一起---Integrate traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine 将中西医结合起来. Integrate„into使...合并称为一个整体---The teachers are trying to integrate all the children into society. 教师们正设法使所有的孩子都以与社会融为一体. 10. scope除了指活动范围,还可以之(活动的)余地,机会 a man of wide scope视野广阔的人 give scope to the imagination给予发挥想象力的机会 11. tempt someone into doing something引诱某人做某事 attempt比try正式,往往还有不成功的意味;make an attempt at/on sth---- He made an attempt at suicide. 他试图自杀. 12. contend除了指”竞争,争夺,斗争”外还可以指”声称,主张” Seven swimmers contended in the race. The scientist contended thathere are UFOs. tExtended延长的,持久的--- extended experience丰富的经验;extended bonds延期偿付的债券 Extensive广阔的,广泛的--- extensive knowledge广博的知识;extensive funds大笔经费;extensive reading泛读 Although his knowledge of the subject was extensive,the speaker’s remark seemsed boringly extended. To some extent---在某种程度上 Economic growth speeded up to some extent. 经济增长有所加快 ;I agree with you to some extent. 我部分地同意你. To some extent , you're right. 某种程度上 说您说的没错. In some degree—在某种程度上 This intimation seemed to compose in some degree the vehement passion of the old hag. 这番交代似乎使老妖婆的无名怒火稍微平息了一点. The backwardness of education in this area is, in some degree, due to lack of qualified teachers 这个地区教育的落後在某种程度上归咎於师资缺乏 If you speak a language you take part, to some degree , in the way of living represent by that language . 如果你说一种语言,你就在一定程度上参与了那种语言 所表达的生活方式. 13. for a term of a year---期限一年 14. protest:v坚决主张,力言;v/n(against)抗议,反对 15. 27 1. context:(文章的)前后联系,上下文,语境;环境,背景 in context在上下文中,连贯起来 It would- in this context -look like waffling. 在目前这种情况下,它一定会显得唠唠 叨叨的. subject to an analysis; usually used in a medical context . 进行分析;常用于医学方面. Latin American symposium on programmes for children in the context of poverty 拉 丁美洲贫困儿童 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 专题讨论会 Out of context脱离上下文,割裂地;quote out of context断章取义 The reporter quoted me out of context. 记者对我的话断章取义. Don't quote my words out of context . 别断章取义地引用我的话. 2. in theory理论上;in practice时间上 3. thief:小偷;thieve:(动词)偷窃---thieved,thieving,thieves;theft:(名词)偷窃,失窃 4. for one thing首先,一则 for one thing, you must work harder. 首先,你必须更加努力. For one thing , it's downright impossible. 一 方 面,这是绝对不可能的 . Anything but=not at all---He felt anything but lonely. All but:几乎,差不多 He was all but killed. 他几乎被打死. Nothing but只不过,只有---He is nothing but a scholar.他只不过是一个学者. 5. think better of经过考虑对...改变主意(或看法)--- He would think the better of me. 他一定更看得起我. People will think better of you if you say sorry. 如果你道歉的话,人们会更看重你. Think of„as把,,,看作是,以为...是 I think of myself as so superior. 我觉得自己太伟大了. I think of it as worth reading . 我认为这书值得一读. To think of oneself as a superior Being 自命不凡 On second thought(s)经过新考虑,继而一想 7. threat作为名词,既是”威胁,恐吓”也是”凶兆,征兆” There was a threat of typhoon.有刮台风的兆头. a threat against sb.'s life对某人生命的威胁 7. at a time每次一次;at one time曾经,一度,同时;at no time从不,绝不;in no time立即,马上;take time费时间,花功夫;take one’s time不慌忙;ahead of time提前;all the time一直,始终;at all times随时,总是;at times有时;for the time being眼下,暂时 Let's do it just for the time being. 我们暂时这么做吧. That's enough for the time being. 暂时这就够用了. Sometime是一个副词意思是(过去或将来)某时---I will come to see you sometime next month. Sometimes是一个副词意思是”有时” 8. entitle是一个及物动词,除了有给...提名,给...称号,还有给...权利(资格)的意思 The book is entitled A Tale of Two Cities. Entitle sb to do给某人做...的权利---This should entitle us to special consideration. He is entitled to receive a pension. 他有资格领取退休金. Entitle sb to sth使某人有权享受...---This should entitle us to special consideration. 这事应该使我们有资格获得特殊考虑. 9. altogether是一个副词——完全,总之 10. tolerant of/toward(s)---对...宽容,忍耐 Do not expect us to be tolerant towards our enemy. He is not very tolerant of criticism. 11. from tip to toe从头至尾,彻头彻尾 12. in tune with与...协调,和谐 His ideas are in tune with the times. 他的思想适合时代潮流. He is in tune with his company. 他和朋友们相处很融洽. 13. attraction to对...具有吸引力---A magnet has attraction for iron. 14. trade in sth---做...生意---trade in coal;trade with (the company)---与(该公司) 做生意 Trade –s with...和...交还---I traded seats with him. Trade A for B—-以甲换乙---I tradede my knife for his pen. 28 1. tremble with因...而颤抖 2. pay tribute to向...表示敬意,向...进贡--- We pay tribute to his courage. 我们赞赏他的勇气. Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome. 许多被征 服的国家要向古罗马的统治者纳贡. 3. attribute既是动词也是名词”属性,特征”;一般都使用attribute sth to sth---He attributes his success to his hard work. Contribute还有投稿的意思contribute articles to---向...投稿 Contribute/dedicate/devote to + doing sth:贡献;但是contribute后不可接oneself; contribute +to doing sth:还可以做捐助,有助于;to make contribution(s) to doing sth对(做)...做出贡献 I am sure your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem. 4. trick sb into (doing)sth骗人(做)... Be careful. They are out to trick you into buying something you don't need. 小心, 他们打定主意诱惑你买些你不需要的东西. To trick sb out of sth从...中骗取---Her partner tried to trick her out of her share 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份 4. trifle是一个名词也做不及物动词(with);a trifle做副词使用意思是”稍微,有点儿”;trifle with玩忽,嬉耍,轻视 He was a trifle late for class.000他上课迟了点. Don’t trifle with me.别小看我 Stop trifling with your work.不要拿工作当儿戏. Trival才是一个形容词 5. trouble既是名词,也是动词,其复数troubles才表示纷争,动乱---family troubles 在做名词使用时,有多种表达方式 In trouble---I think we're in trouble. 看来有麻烦了 Get (sb) into trouble---Curiosity can get you into trouble . 好奇可能招引麻烦 Ask for trouble---You'd better not ask for trouble. 你最好不要惹麻烦. Take trouble to do---You are very kind to take the trouble to help me 你不怕麻烦帮助我真是太好了 Put sb to the trouble of doing sth--- I'm quite able to pay for this suit. I simply didn't wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note. 我完全付得起这套衣 服的钱. 我不过是不想难为你们去破开一张大票子罢了. 在做动词使用的时候表示(使)麻烦,烦恼则使用Trouble about sth/trouble sb to do Don't trouble yourself about that. 你不要为这费事了. They ceased to trouble themselves about him. 他们不再为他而担心了. He takes very little trouble about his work. 他做事一点也不用心. Trouble in doing sth表示在做...有困难 6. try根据意思不同使用不同形式 try to do---试图; try doing试验 7. returns作为复数,才表示受益,赢利---comparative returns on investments 比较投资效果 in return (for)作为(对...的)回报或报答;作为(对...)的交还 I gave the boy a dictionary in return for his selfless help to me. 我给那个男孩一本字典作为他对我无私帮助的回报. 8. a tourist anency旅行社;a tourist party观光团 9. Once bit, twice shy一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 10. stereotype有陈规,老套,固定的模式(或形象),也有动词”对...形成固定看法”的意思 break through the stereotype破除陈规, 打破旧框框---The practice has been stereotyped into a tradition. 这种作法已经定型成了个传统了. 11. to convert defeat into victory, the conversion of defeat into victory 转败为胜 12. diverse是形容词,在做”不同的,相异的”的时候,使用diverse from---The word is now used in a sense diverse from the original meaning. 在某种意义上说,此 词现在的含义与最初的含义完全不同. 13. urge既是名词”冲劲,内驱力,强烈欲望, 迫切要求”也是动词”催促,鞭策” He has an urge to become a cinema star.他渴望当一名电影明星.An urge to make money. Urge sb (to do)/doing 敦促某人干... Be urgent with sb for sth硬向某人要某物--- It is urgent that„句型中需要使用should的虚拟语气 Urgency singals紧急信号 14. It is no use(用处)/good(好处) + doing...---It is no use pretending you did not know . 你装糊涂是无济于事的. 15. used to do sth---过去长长干某事;be used to doing sth习惯于干某事;be used to do sth被用来干某事 the utilization of debris废品利用 16. Valued被认为有价值的;valuable有价值的,贵重的 Invalid除了做形容词,还可以做名词”(需要人照顾的)病弱者,残疾者 An invalid confined to bed卧病于床者 Avail既是名词也是形容词avail(oneself)of利用;of no avail不起作用,没有用 He did not omit to avail himself of the opportunity, cautiously and briefly. 他没有错过这个机会,谨慎而且迅速. Speeches and protests were of no avail. 演讲和抗议全都徒劳. Prevail是一个不及物动词,意思是流行,盛行;(over)获胜,占优势 The east wind prevails over the west wind.东风压倒西风. The east wind prevails in spring.春天盛行东风. Prevalent才是形容词---流行的,普遍的 29 1. vary(varied,varying,varies) with...随...变化而变化 Customs vary with times. Vary from„to„由...到...情况不等---Those children vary in age from seven to fourteen. Vary派生两个名词和形容词 variation变化,变更,variable可变的,易变的;variety品种,种类,various各种各样的,不同的 Invariablely不变地,始终如一的,总是 2. veil既是名词”面纱,面罩”也是动词”掩盖,掩饰” The misleading report veiled the facts.错误的报道掩盖了事实的真相. 3. as the proverb runs常言道,俗话说的好 on the verge of接近于,濒于---The country is on the verge of disaster. 国家快要遭灾. Converge on a place/person会集于--- All such efforts should converge on the great Anti-Japanese National United Front. 伟大的抗日民族统一战线,就是这种 努力的总方向. 4. verity真实(性),真理=truth The verity of suspect’s statement嫌疑犯口供的真实性;a man of unquestioned verity绝对可靠的人;the eternal verity永恒的真理 5. invest...in sth 6. review/(look back on) the past---回顾过去 7. enisage v1. 想象:构想一个形象或图画,特别是一种未来的可能性:envisaged a world at peace. 2. 正视, 面对(事实等): envisage realities正视现实 Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war. 没有人能想像出全面核子战争的後果. envisage an bright future 设想一个光明的未来 visualize 形成思维图像;设想: tried to visualize the scene as it was described.尽力设想所描绘的场景 She couldn't visualize flying through space. 她无法想像在太空中飞行的景象. Envisage---see in mind as a future possibility , forsee Visualize---form a picture of (sth. or sb.) in the mind,imagine Provide sb with sth=provide sth to/for sb Provide against预防,防备 It is wise to provide against the future. 未雨绸缪才是聪明的 The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months. 政府须为未来几个月中可能出现的油荒作好准备. Provide for供养(某人) I'll provide for you amply. 我会给你一大笔钱. Provided that:只要,如果---含有希望该条件实现的含义 I will come provided that I am well enough. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智 At one’s wits’ end智穷力竭 8. vital生死攸关的,极其重要的;有生命的,充满生机的---the vital force生命力 9. evoke memories of the past唤起对过去的记忆 provoke对...挑衅,激怒;激起,引起:provoke laughter 10. wait是不及物动词wait for;await是及物动词 wait for sth=await sth She was anxiously (waiting for)/awaiting the result. We are waiting for the train to stop. 可以说wait for„to do,但是不能说await...to do 11. awake在被副词修饰时,使用widely或fully而不用very awake和waing都是形容词,单awake只做表语 awake,awaken,waken都是动词 (a)wake---(a)woke---(a)woken (a)waken是规则动词 12. at intervals不时,每隔。。。时间(或距离) at regular intervals 每隔一定时间 Buses leave at short intervals . 公共汽车不时地开出。 called at odd intervals . 不定时的来访 12. in want of需要---Weare in want of a good leader. For want of由于缺乏---The plan failed for want of money. Want doing=need doing/(to be done)---The house wants repairing.这房间需要修理 Vain effort徒劳;a vain title空街;vain还可以指“爱虚荣的,自负的”---She is vain of her beauty.她自以为漂亮得不得了。 30 1. be at war with与。。。交战;declare war on对。。。宣战 2. a wast land and rich resources地大物博 3. watchful注意的,警惕的---be watchful of the times注意时势 4. in a way在某种程度上,从某一点上看---He is handsome in a way. Deviate是不及物动词(from)---deviate from the right path背离正道;deviate from one’s purpose背离本意 5. to be weak in sth---在某事上不强 weakness可以指缺点 Smoking is his weakness/weak point. 但是如果weakness for连用时则指a strong liking,esp. which is bad for one---He has a weakness for smoking.他有抽烟的癖好。 6. a wealth of意思是很多---a wealth of learning学识渊博;a wealth of information大量信息;a wealthy man=a man of wealth财主 7. weary意思是疲倦的(with);厌倦的(of) be weary with talking说累了;be weary of talking(说烦了) Once more the Prince grew weary with the mad dancing. 王子由于着迷地跳舞又渐渐累了。 I am weary of his preaching. 我听腻了他的说教。 8. weigh才是动词,且是规则变化的及物动词 A man of weight in the govrnment政府中举足轻重的人物 9. advent是名词,意思是出现,到来---since the advent of television Give vent to表达,发泄(感情)等--- He gave vent to his anger by kicking the chair. We both give vent to our grief without control. 我们两个尽情发泄我们的悲哀。 11. wide既是形容词也是副词意思是“完全地,充分地”,而widely才是指“广泛地” 12. convince sb (of sth)/that---I convinced him of her honesty.=I convinced that she was honest. Invincable不可战胜的;victory or defeat不论成败 To convict sb of a crime判决某人有罪 13. worth是一个形容词也是一个名词,只能做表语:值(多少)钱的,值得。。。的;(名词) 价值 The apples are worth 10 shillings; 10 shillings’ worth of apples. Worthy可以做表语,也可以做定语(of) Be worth + n=be worthy of n The matter is worth consideration.=The matter is worthy of consideration. Be worth doing=be worthy of (being done)/to be done The book is worth reading=The book is worthy (of being read)/to be read. Whorthwhile是一个定语:值得的---a worthwhile experiment值得做的实验
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