首页 食品安全教育教案



食品安全教育教案食品安全教育教案 教学目的: 指导学生学习一些有关食品安全等知识,使学生懂得安全的重要,在购买食品时要进行选择和鉴别。从而树立安全意识,从精神上远离安全隐患,加强自身的素质培养,使学生安全、健康地成长。 教学过程: 一、谈话引入: 同学们生活在幸福、温暖的家庭里,受到父母和家人的关心、爱护,似乎并不存在什么危险。但是,生活中仍然有许多事情需要备加注意和小心对待,否则很容易发生危险,酿成事故。 二、谈谈食品安全要注意什么, 1、正确洗手,是饮食安全第一步。 “湿、擦、搓、捧、干”,人人饭前便后不忘做,病菌...

食品安全教育 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 教学目的: 指导学生学习一些有关食品安全等知识,使学生懂得安全的重要,在购买食品时要进行选择和鉴别。从而树立安全意识,从精神上远离安全隐患,加强自身的素质培养,使学生安全、健康地成长。 教学过程: 一、谈话引入: 同学们生活在幸福、温暖的家庭里,受到父母和家人的关心、爱护,似乎并不存在什么危险。但是,生活中仍然有许多事情需要备加注意和小心对待,否则很容易发生危险,酿成事故。 二、谈谈食品安全要注意什么, 1、正确洗手,是饮食安全第一步。 “湿、擦、搓、捧、干”,人人饭前便后不忘做,病菌不入口。 2、路边饮食、零食拒入口,疾病远离我。 3、不买包装不完整、标示不明的食品,不吃隔餐食品、牛奶。 4、购买眼睛、鳞片明亮有光泽、肉质有弹性、无腥臭味的鱼;呈粉红色具弹性的肉;绝不买头、脚部以及尾扇部变黑、头部快脱落的虾。 5、防交叉污染:买回家中的食物,应分类分区贮放;烹调时,生、熟食分开处理,保持餐具与食器清洁。 6、禽畜类食物先除去内脏、清洗,并依每餐份量个别包装存放冰箱;蔬菜去污、除烂叶,不以一般报纸(可用白报纸)包裹置冰箱内,防油墨食入体内有碍健康。 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 三、教育学生养成良好的食品卫生习惯。 1、够买食品时要进行选择和鉴别,不购买“三无食品”。就是没有商标的食品不能买;没有生产日期的食品不能买;没有厂址的食品不能买。天气炎热,微生物繁殖迅速,食品容易腐败变质,一旦不注意易发生食品中毒,故烹调及保存食物时应特别注意卫生,尤其是厨房环境设施卫生、个人卫生及食品原材料调理都要注意。 2、除了服药预防外,食疗也是方便可行的选择。一根白萝卜、半个橘子皮、三片生姜、两段葱白、一绺香菜,煲汤全家喝,就能够达到增强呼吸道防护能力的作用。 四、发生身体不适怎么办, 1、立即停止食用可疑食品。 2、饮水。立即喝下大量洁净水,稀释毒素。 3、催吐。用手指压迫咽喉,尽可能将胃里的食物吐出。 4、用塑料袋留好呕吐物或粪便,送医院检查,以便于诊断。 5、出现脱水症状(如皮肤起皱、心率加快等),应尽快将中毒病人送往附近医院救治。 五、 小结: 喜欢零食是孩子的天性,但往往在吃得高兴的同时却忘记要看看食品是否过期,是否变质,因此就存在一个很大的安全隐患。请同学们在享受零食时记住要吃安全放心的食品。 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 食品安全教育教案 教学目的: 让学生了解食品卫生安全知识,认识食物中毒特征,提高自我救护意识,预防发生食物中毒。 教学过程: 一、导入 1、有些学生在吃了一些食品之后会有腹泻、腹痛、呕吐等现象。 2、让学生说一说怎样区分问题食品,预防食品中毒。 二、重点 1、认识食物中毒特征。 胃肠道症状:腹泻、腹痛,有的伴随呕吐、发热 。 2、提高自我救护意识 出现上述症状,应怀疑是否食物中毒,并及时到医院就诊,同时报告老师。 3、预防发生食物中毒 a养成良好的卫生习惯,勤洗手特别是饭前便后,用除菌香皂,洗手液洗手 b不吃生、冷、不清洁食物c不吃变质剩饭菜 d少吃、不吃冷饮,少吃、不吃零食 e不要长期吃辛辣食品 f不要随便吃野果,吃水果后不要急于喝饮料特别是水。 g剧烈运动后不要急于吃食品喝水。 h不到无证摊点购买油炸、烟熏食品,尽可能在学校食堂就餐。千万不要去无照经营摊点饭店购买食品或者就餐。 i不喝生水,建议喝 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的纯净水。从家里所带腌制品在校不能超过2天 j谨慎选购包装食品,认真查看包装标识、厂家厂址、电话、生产日期是否标示清楚、合格。查看市场准入标志(QS). plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 三、 要牢固树立“安全第一,预防为主”的思想,因为它关系到我 们全体师生的身心健康问题。希望同学们在以后的学习和生活中要引 起注意,如果忽略了这项,其后果不堪设想 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 食品和健康安全教育教案 教学目的: 1、使学生了解食品污染的知识,使学生了解食品中毒的知识。 2、学生在食品安全工作中的注意事项及预防措施。 教学重点:对食品污染和中毒的预防 授课内容: 一、食品污染 食品污染是怎么回事,食品(食物)从其作物生长到收获、采摘,从生产加工、运输、贮存、销售直到食用前的每个环节中,由于各种条件,多方因素的作用及影响,使原来无毒无害的食品,混进了某些有毒有害的物质,降低了食品的营养价值和卫生质量,人吃了这样的食品就能对人体健康带来不同程度的危害,这叫食品污染。 二、食物中毒 食物中毒是人吃了有毒食物所引起的一类急性疾病的总称。 (一)细菌性食物中毒 细菌性食物中毒,主要发生于温度较高的夏秋季,因为这个时期的气温适合病原菌增殖和产毒,致使病原菌污染食品而发生中毒。动物性食物引起中毒表现为发热、头痛、头晕、食欲不振,继而出现恶心、呕吐、腹泻一日可达7,8次,发烧38,40?。严重者血压下降抽风、昏迷、重症病人可因心衰、肾衰导致死亡。 预防:加工肉类制品时必须生熟食品分开,保存时要低温贮藏或用盐腌煮肉时肉块不应超过2公斤,厚度不超过8公分,煮沸3小时以上,蛋类要煮沸10分钟以上。前一餐剩下的食物一定要回锅plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 加热后再食用。 (二)有毒动植物食物中毒 1、豆角中毒 一般豆角不中毒,但食用没熟透的豆角能引起中毒,原因可能与豆角中含有红细胞凝集素没被加热破坏有关。豆角中毒潜伏期短,最快食后10分钟发病,主要症状为恶心、呕吐、腹泻、头痛、头晕,有的出现胸闷,出冷汗,四肢麻木等。 预防措施:菜豆宜炖食,加工时间要长,可使毒破坏,切不能急炒,更不宜凉拌。 2、芽土豆中毒、毒蘑菇中毒 (三)化学性食物中毒 1、蔬菜不新鲜,腐烂变质时可能产生亚硝酸盐中毒。蔬菜在腌制过程中也能产生亚硝酸盐。制作熟食加过量的发色剂,亚硝酸盐过量引起中毒。 2、有机磷农药中毒 那么怎样预防食物中毒呢,1、养成良好的卫生习惯。饭前便后要洗手。不良的个人卫生习惯会把致病菌从人体带到食物上去。 2、选择新鲜和安全的食品。3、食品在食用前要彻底清洁。4、尽量不吃剩饭菜。5、不吃霉变的粮食、甘蔗、花生米,其中的霉菌毒素会引起中毒。6、警惕误食有毒有害物质引起中毒。7、不到没有卫生许可证的小摊贩处购买食物。8、饮用符合卫生要求的饮用水,不喝生水或不洁净的水。 总结:只要从以上几个方面入手,认真学习食品卫生知识,掌握一些预防方法,提高自我卫生意识,就能最大限度减少食物中毒的风险度,预防食物中毒,保证我们同学们的身体健康。 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 食品安全教育教案 教学目的: 1(使学生认识合理营养及食品安全的重要性。 2(使学生能够运用所学知识,设计一份适合自己的合理食谱。 3(培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力;并使学生从中 体会 针灸治疗溃疡性结肠炎昆山之路icu常用仪器的管理名人广告失败案例两会精神体会 运用知识解决实际问题的成功与喜悦。 教学重点和难点 重点:认识合理营养及食品安全的重要性。 难点:如何根据实际情况设计合理的食谱 教学准备: 教师:搜集关于青少年生长发育现状问题、中日青少年身高比较结果、 牛奶对人们生活的影响、什么是营养配餐等资料。 学生: 1(分成小组,选出 发言 中层任职表态发言幼儿园年会园长发言稿在政协会议上的发言在区委务虚会上的发言内部审计座谈会发言稿 人。 2(搜集与合理膳食和食品安全有关的资料和信息。 教学设计: 1(学生阅读教师提供的资料,分小组讨论资料后的相关问题。 2(教师组织学生进行全班的交流和总结。 3(学生分别在组内和班内交流自己所搜集的有关合理膳食和食品安全的资料和信息。 4(各小组同学制定适合青春期学生的营养食谱。 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 5(各小组的发言人在全班宣布本小组的营养食谱。 教学过程: 教师:现在许多学校上午为同学们配送牛奶和鸡蛋,但是一些同学少吃或不吃学校配送的牛奶和鸡蛋,而吃方便面或是汉堡包,更有部分同学到校外的肯德基、麦当劳去吃洋快餐。这种饮食结构是否合理,对同学们的生长发育会产生什么影响呢,让我们一起来阅读几个资料。 学生:阅读资料,小组讨论思考题。 资料: 1. 汉堡包造就了美国严重超重超肥的一代,美国政府试图将国民脂肪摄入量从40%降至30%,却非常困难。而目前,洋快餐正在向我国青少年大举进攻。部分青少年偏食洋快餐,那只是摄入了高脂肪、高糖、高热量,而膳食纤维和维生素极少。一旦形成饮食习惯,将影响一代甚至几代人的身体素质。 2.世界银行的统计表明,仅微量营养素缺乏,对发展中国家经济造成的损失,至少占国民生产总值的5%。据介绍,英国和西欧一些国家将1790年至1980年间经济的增长,归功于营养和健康状况的改善。而消除碘、维生素A和铁的缺乏,能提高人群平均智商10至15分。 3.我国自1985年到1995年对青少年生长发育与营养状况进行了10年动态调查,结果显示7—18岁青少年中,男生体重超重和肥胖者比例从2.75%升至8.65%,女生从3.38%升至7.18%;与体质plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 密切相关的肺功能、耐力素质和柔韧性素质水平下降。而在20世纪90年代后期,青少年肥胖者激增的趋势更加明显。那么,肥胖是营养过剩,不是。肥胖不仅不等于营养过剩,而且是营养缺乏的主要表现。 4.对正在旺盛生长的儿童青少年来说,身高是生长发育中最显而易见、最有代表性的指标。在通常情下,身高顺利增长,说明孩子的营养良好,也没有受到慢性消耗性疾病的干扰。中国和日本是一衣带水的邻邦,两个民族在遗传营养方面有许多相似之处。但中国男女7—18岁青少年身高和日本青少年全国平均身高的比较结果清晰显示,中国青少年整体上身高较日本处于劣势。大体上,7—9岁比日本矮1—3厘米,10—12岁矮3—4.5厘米。青春中期后男、女出现分化,男生的劣势更明显,13—15岁矮3.5—4.5厘米,16—18岁矮2—3厘米;女生13—15岁矮1—1.5厘米;15—18岁差距为0.5—0.6厘米。 5.目前,我国大部分人群钙的摄入量仅能达到需要量的一半,我国儿童因缺钙引起的佝偻病和成年人骨病及老年人的骨质疏松症可达40%左右。奶中维生素B2含量丰富,喝一杯可达到每天需要量的23.3%;还含有少量的维生素E、B1和C,且奶是碱性食品,可维持机体的酸碱平衡。奶的营养价值及生物利用高,因此,男女老幼都适宜喝牛奶。世界上很多发达国家,人均牛奶摄取量非常高。因消化牛奶的速度比肉、鱼、蛋快,欧美人把牛奶当水喝。二次世界大战后,日本人积极改善食物结构,号召天天喝牛奶。到上世纪80年代plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 中期,日本人的身高比大战前平均增长了10厘米,国际上评价道“一杯牛奶改变了一个民族”。 6. 营养配餐在国外十分普遍,但在国内却尚未引起人们重视。什么是营养配餐呢,营养配餐:就是按人们身体的需要,根据食品中各种营养物质的含量,设计一天、一周或一个月的食谱,使人体摄入的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素和矿物质等几大营养素比例合理,既达到均衡膳食。简单讲,就是要求膳食结构多种多样,谷、肉、果、菜无所不备。 思考讨论题: 1.中国和日本青少年身高差距的原因是什么, 2.中国青少年普遍营养失衡的原因是什么, 3.中国和日本目前在饮食结构上最大的不同点是什么, 4.你认为当今青少年学生的饮食结构特点是什么, 5.青少年必需的营养以及合理的营养结构是什么, 教师:组织学生在全班进行交流。 学生:提出自己的见解,阐述小组意见。 教师: 1、请你对目前学生的不良饮食结构和习惯提出自己的合理建议; 2、请你结合自己的知识和相关资料告诉大家,应该从哪些方面关注食品安全。 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with
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