首页 市场化改革与收入分配试卷及参考答案83.33分



市场化改革与收入分配试卷及参考答案83.33分市场化改革与收入分配试卷及参考答案83.33分 考试标题 《市场化改革与收入分配》试卷 本试卷共有判断题 10 道,单选题 10 道,多选题 10 道,总分 100 分,60 分 及格。 所属课程 《市场化改革与收入分配》 倒计时 45:43 一、判断题 (10 道) 1. 收入分配制度实质上是一个激励制度,创造社会财富的制度。 正确 错误 2. 政治体制改革最重要的是用法律把政府约束起来,减少政府行为的不确定性,建立一个真正的市场经济。 正确 错误 3. 改革开放初期,随着国有企业利润...

市场化改革与收入分配试卷及参考答案83.33分 考试标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 《市场化改革与收入分配》试卷 本试卷共有判断题 10 道,单选题 10 道,多选题 10 道,总分 100 分,60 分 及格。 所属课程 《市场化改革与收入分配》 倒计时 45:43 一、判断题 (10 道) 1. 收入分配 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 实质上是一个激励制度,创造社会财富的制度。 正确 错误 2. 政治体制改革最重要的是用法律把政府约束起来,减少政府行为的不确定性,建立一个真正的市场经济。 正确 错误 3. 改革开放初期,随着国有企业利润和个人奖金政策的引入,不同企业之间职工的收入差距开始拉大。 正确 错误 4. 平均而言,利润在GDP总量当中比重越高的地方,收入差距反倒越小;而利润占GDP比重越低的地方,基尼系数越大。 正确 错误 5. 经济学意义上的利润是指超过资本的平均回报率的部分。 正确 错误 6. Pencavel教授说:要实现平等是不可能的。 正确 错误 7. 在上世纪80年代末期和90年代早期,中国经济学家发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 了大量文章为“按劳分配”正名。 正确 错误 8. 私有企业更接近于按平均劳动生产率支付工资,国有企业是按照个人的边际生产率支付报酬。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 正确 错误 9. 配置效率与信息租金的矛盾指的是如果想减少高能力的人的信息资金,就必须调整资源的配置效率。 正确 错误 10. 政府收入占GDP比重越高的地方,基尼系数越大,收入分配差距越大。 正确 错误 二、单选题 (10 道) 1. 目前我国收入分配的基本状况是()。 A. 贫困人口下降的同时,贫富差距在不断扩大 B. 贫困人口在增加的同时,贫富差距在不断扩大 C. 贫困人口在下降的同时,贫富差距在不断缩小 D. 贫困人口在增加的同时,贫富差距在来不断缩小 2. 在过去的200年里,美国是每()年人均GDP就翻一番。 A. 10年 B. 20年 C. 30年 D. 40年 3. 生产要素的价格属于成本,不包括()。 A. 工资 B. 利息 C. 地租 D. 利润 4. 以下说法正确的是()。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. A. GDP增长越快的地区,贫困人口减少的速度越快 B. 收入差距扩大指富人越富,穷人越穷 C. GDP的增长与贫困人口减少不相关 D. GDP增长越快的地区,贫困人口减少的速度越慢 5. “效率优先,兼顾公平”的分配原则是在()正式确立的。 A. 十四大 B. 十四届三中全会 C. 十五大 D. 十五届三中全会 6. 政府转移支付的目的是()。 A. 缩小收入分配的差距,降低贫富悬殊 B. 实现公正 C. 进行再次分配 D. 提高生产效率 7. 企业家的职能是()。 A. 应对管理 B. 应对不确定性 C. 应对市场 D. 应对政府行为 8. 以世界银行的统计,按新 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,2001我国全部人口中贫困人口的比例是()。 A. 4.8% B. 12.5% C. 3.0% of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. D. 7.8% 9. “效率与平等之间的矛盾来源于有关个人能力信息的不对称”这是()的观点。 A. 厉以宁 B. 奈特 C. Pencavel D. Mirrlees 10. 在市场经济中,个人在初次分配中获得的收入是()。 A. 资本所得 B. 利润 C. 劳动所得 D. 技术所得 三、多选题 (10 道) 1. 在中国改革开放30年中,从事商业活动面临的最大不确定性是()。 A. 市场的不确定性 B. 政府行为的不确定性 C. 体制的不确定性 D. 政策的不确定性 2. 有关利润的描述,正确的是()。 A. 利润可以刺激投资和经济活动 B. 利润来源于不确定性 C. 在市场经济中,企业家赚取的是利润 D. 从经济学的角度来讲,利润是要素的价格 3. 十五大报告中有关收入分配方面的问题,以下说法正确的是()。 A. 强调了“按劳分配” of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. B. 承认了“按生产要素分配” C. 鼓励资本、技术等生产要素参与收益分配 D. 强调了“按需分配” 4. 市场化程度高、体制的不确定性相对低的地区的特点是()。 A. 私营企业数量多 B. 经济增长快 C. 利润总量大 D. 利润的分布比较均匀 5. 中国30年改革开放的成果表现在()。 A. 人均GDP大幅度上升 B. 经济效率大大提高 C. 中国社会的绝对贫困问题基本解决了 D. 公平程度提高了 6. 当前,有关收入分配的争论很多,主要有()。 A. 过去30年的改革成果是不是全民分享 B. 发展还是不是硬道理 C. 效率优先、兼顾公平的政策是否还是正确的 D. 市场化改革的方向是否应该继续坚持 7. 关于收入差距与公平程度问题,以下说法正确的是()。 A. 收入差距扩大,公平程度提高了 B. 收入差距缩小,公平程度提高了 C. 机会均等程度提高了 D. 收入差距扩大,公平程度缩小了 8. 有关现阶段收入分配的问题,以下说法正确的是()。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. A. 政府在资源分配方面起着主要作用 B. 市场在资源分配方面起着主要作用 C. 政府在收入分配方式方面起着重要的作用 D. 市场在收入分配方式方面起着重要的作用 9. 在市场经济中,()是由市场供求决定的。 A. 生产要素 B. 产品的价格 C. 财富的创造 D. 收入的分配 10. 1978年之前 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 经济收入分配的基本特点有()。 A. 以追求高积累和平等分配为主要的目标 B. 所有的分配杠杆都控制在政府手里 C. 没有要素价格 D. 工资是政府决定的 您的得分:83.33~恭喜,您通过了《市场化改革与收入分配》的考试~ of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.
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