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农村教育 论文 张飞龙


农村教育 论文 张飞龙农村教育 论文 张飞龙 农村“教育、教学”的现状 张飞龙 [摘要]教育是一个国家持续发展的关键,而农村小学教育则是我国基础教育之一。在中国这样一个发展中国家尤其应加大对教育尤其是初等教育的投入和投资,近年来,各级政府不断加大对教育的投入,农村小学教育有了较大的发展。但是应对当前飞速发展的社会环境,还是很难做到与时俱进你,农村教育中出现的问题不仅影响农村学校的发展和农村学生的教育质量,而且使农民对新知识的吸收及民主与法治的贯彻实行造成障碍。近年来,农村教育的发展越来越难,而且越来越多的农村小学甚至部分中学收不到...

农村教育 论文 张飞龙
农村教育 论文 张飞龙 农村“教育、教学”的现状 张飞龙 [摘要]教育是一个国家持续发展的关键,而农村小学教育则是我国基础教育之一。在中国这样一个发展中国家尤其应加大对教育尤其是初等教育的投入和投资,近年来,各级政府不断加大对教育的投入,农村小学教育有了较大的发展。但是应对当前飞速发展的社会环境,还是很难做到与时俱进你,农村教育中出现的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 不仅影响农村学校的发展和农村学生的教育质量,而且使农民对新知识的吸收及民主与法治的贯彻实行造成障碍。近年来,农村教育的发展越来越难,而且越来越多的农村小学甚至部分中学收不到学生呢,结果面临的只有合并或撤销。建议,对于农村义务教育政府应科学合理地建立经费投入新机制,强化教育内部管理,深化教育教学改革,破除升学率魔棒,优化农村教师队伍,设法培养并留住农村中小学的优秀教师;让优秀教师愿意留在农村中小学,并为农村义务教育做出应有的贡献。 关键词:农村义务教育、问题与对策、师资队伍、财政资助 近年来,随着国家陆续实施“国家贫困地区义务教育工程”、“农村中小学危房改造工程”、农村贫困学生“两免一补”政策。近年来,我国大力实施农村义务教育薄弱学校改造 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,不断创新农村教师补充机制,多方联动、多措并举,提高农村义务教育质量,逐步缩小城乡教育发展差距。 从2010年起,财政部、教育部决定实施农村义务教育薄弱学校改造计划,集中力量解决“教学装备短缺、县镇学校太挤、农村学校system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 太弱”等突出问题。为农村学校按照国家基本 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 配齐图书、教育实验仪器设备、音体美器材,逐步改善农村学校就餐条件,改扩建劳务输出大省和特殊困难地区农村学校寄宿设施,改善寄宿条件,逐步使县镇学校达到国家规定的班额标准,改变了农村学校的面貌。目前,该项计划已在中西部地区23个省份(含新疆生产建设兵团)及东部地区的福建、山东、辽宁3个困难省份顺利推进。据介绍,该计划实施3年多来,已下达中央资金约618亿元,其中装备类资金约219亿元,校舍改造类资金约399亿元。 办好农村教育,关键在教师。2012年,教育部将农村教师队伍建设作为重点,多管齐下、多措并举,着力为农村学校培养下得去、留得住、教得好的优秀教师。为补齐农村教师队伍“短板”,教育部会同中央编办、国家发改委、财政部、人社部颁布实施了《关于大力推进农村义务教育教师队伍建设的意见》,打出推进农村教师队伍建设相关政策举措的“全方位组合拳”,从农村教师队伍补充、配备、培养、培训、交流、待遇保障和表彰奖励等方面,全方位进行政策推进。 乡镇教师工资上划到县(区)级财政,巩固和完善农村中小学教师工资保障机制。使得农村义务教育办学条件进一步改善,教师队伍基本稳定,教学质量不断提高,“普九”成果得到巩固。但由于历史原因、现实经济发展水平限制以及物价上涨因素,农村义务教育仍面临诸多问题,制约着新时期农村义务教育的发展。 一、当前农村义务教育存在的主要问题 农村小学是为广大农村孩子提供不可或缺的公共资源的地方,system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 随着教材改革,基础教育课程的逐步推进和小学信息技术教育的慢慢普及,农村小学对于优秀的教育教学资源的需求越来越迫切。教育教学资源是否丰富直接影响着该地区基础教育事业的持续发展。 目前,农村小学存在的问题不单单是一方面的问题,主要有:1、农村小学规划无统筹性、无整体调控性更无有效的引导,对此就加大了农村小学的千疮百孔、各式各样,当地教育行政部门,虽然正在努力加大城乡小学的差距,但是在村级小学的教育建设更加缺乏政策和具体协调,措施引导上跟不上,也是造成村级小学重要问题难以解决的重要原因之一。2、教育投入的严重不足仍是制约着农村教育资源建设的主要原因,其主要分为:师资不足、校舍不足、教育设施不足。 据调查得知,教师数量不足,城乡分配不平衡,流失现象严重。当前农村小学教师严重不完善,还以民办教师为主,虽然,每年都有新教师的补充,但根据教师的“老龄化”程度,还是远远不足,专职教师根本谈不上,并且小学音体美教师更是少之又少~其主要原因在于没有老师愿意到农村任教,因为由于农村学校福利待遇较低,又缺乏有效的管理,所以仅有的师资力量也无法得到完全的发挥,学校老师缺乏一种紧张感,因为他们不会去担心会下岗。这就导致教育资源被浪费,而少年儿童接受知识的领域变得越来越狭窄。 校舍还是以前的老教室,最主要是没有资金的修建。教育设施软件更是无法达到正常的教学水平~ 3、学生的家庭教育无法落实 在调查中了解到,农村经济发展较落后,农民相对较贫困,所system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 以在农闲季节,大部分学生家长往往选择外出打工,而把孩子留给自己的爷爷、奶奶照管,有的父母甚至在孩子一两岁时就将其放在家中,而外出打工,忽视了家庭教育在孩子成长中的作用。更何况,农村人的文化整体水平较差,不说我的父母的那一代人,就拿我们这代人来说,我的很多小学同学90%都是初中毕业,而且属于学习较差的那种,文化知识相对较弱。我们这一代尚且如此,更何况我们的父辈或祖父辈, 很多家长为了能多挣钱,把自己的孩子留给文化比自己还差甚至几乎没有文化的长辈,这无疑是不可取的,甚至会导致恶性循环。家庭教育的重要程度要比学校教育的重要程度高,而农村教育恰恰忽略了家庭教育的重要性,而把孩子学习成绩的好坏归结于学校教学质量和孩子的勤奋程度。在城市中,有很多文化程度很高的家庭不惜重金为孩子请家教,帮助孩子补习功课,而在农村,父母没有较高的文化,没有能力帮自己的孩子补习功课,又不会为了孩子的成绩去掏一小时几十元钱的“天价”补课费,这样孩子学习中不会的问题就不能得到解决,这样久而久之,就会产生厌学心理,最终由于成绩不理想而辍学。 二、对当前农村基础教育步入困境的原因分析 1、农村义务教育问题出现根本原因主要是经济落后 长期以来工农业之间的差距严重制约了农村社会生产力的发展,成为影响农业效益和农民富裕的主要 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 性因素。由于农业发展缓慢,农民社会地位低下,农村教育自然也处于弱势的地位。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 实行市场经济以来,有头脑和能力的农民都去打工了,农村基本上是老弱病残和文化素质不高的村民留下来,主要指妇女、少年儿童、老人。这样的结果只能是导致农村积贫积弱的恶性循环。虽然打工者可以赚些钱回到农村来补贴,但农村义务教育对留守儿童的教育有些是用钱买不回来的。农村教育的发展需要政府加大教育投入和政策扶持的力度。 2、教育经费体制的改革,造成农村义务教育经费的不足 长期以来,国家财政只负担城市义务教育经费,义务教育投资体制改革后,60%左右的县级财政无力保证义务教育支出,农民的教育负担仍然很重,教育质量难以保证。在农村地区,教育费附加是补充教师工资不足部分的主要来源,农村教育集资则是改善校舍和办学条件的主要经费来源。国家对于义务教育大概是承担9,,省里面承担13,,大头由县里承担。教育经费几乎要占去县财政经费的半壁江山,还有公务员工资等很多事务需要完成,县财政就经常扣留教育经费来维持县财政的正常运转。城乡之间同等教师工资差距一般是在一倍以上,如班主任津贴城市中学班主任每月是300,600元,农村中小学班主任津贴每月是5,15元。按照市场经济的运行规律,必然是使得好的资源流向城市,进而造成了城市越来越发展、农村越来越困难的马太效应,农村义务教育发展举步维艰。 3、农村教师的社会地位低下、经济待遇差 虽然现代社会教师越来越受到尊重,但据调查显示,有百分之九十的教师觉得他们在社会上并不真正受人尊重。尤其在农村,小学system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 教师并不受到人们的尊敬,这是造成农村小学教师流失的又一主要原因。据统计数据显示,大约70%的小学教师认为其劳动收益率要比教育系统外的员工低,还有20%的教师认为差不多,但是也有10%的认为高一点。虽然从2001年起,农村中小学教师工资管理权从乡镇收回,由县级财政统一发放,但由于地区之间经济、社会环境和交通等差距,教师收入仍有差距,甚至校际之间的差距也比较明显。还有的农村中小学,教师的工资随便被扣留,捐款任务繁重,其合法权益难以得到有效保障。 三、建议和解决 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 据调查的情况,靠当地政府拿出的有限资金来办乡村教育,是不能满足广大农村青少年对教育的需求的。 为改变农村教育现状,我们要首先加大农村教育资源的投入,最大限度地改变农村教育资源不足的状况。首先要把教育经费的挪用作为重点抓,把有限的教育资源用到实处。迅速成立一个调查小组,查清乡村小学负债状况,对因负债建校舍的,要通过财政拨款支付,使学校能较好地运转;其次加大对农村教育的投资。放宽私人投资办学,来补充政府投资教育的不足,建立一个机制对农村教育投资监督。再次,教育管理权限下放学校,增加学校的决策权,并向学校提供良好的办学环境;对农村教师问题要切实做好改变教师的素质,加大师资力量并进行良好的培训,提高师资水平,建立良好的师资队伍,对不合格的民办教师给予辞退,招收有大专学历的毕业生回乡任教,同时对教师的福利等问题要根据实际给予改善。最后是加大农村教育资源system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 分配,当地政府应该把农村教育作为一项重要任务来抓,在分配资源时着重加大农村教育的经费,为农村教育提供土地资源和其它的设备。然后对孩子父母进行宣传教育,使其认识到家庭教育的重要性,使家庭教育和学校教育能够有效的结合,促进孩子的健康发展。 四、体会 农村教育的建设是迫在眉睫的首要任务,农村儿童的健康生长,最主要的任务是建立起完善的学校教育,让青少年有一个和城里儿童同样的生活环境,希望能得到完善。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction
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