首页 人教版__五年级上册写字教案 2

人教版__五年级上册写字教案 2


人教版__五年级上册写字教案 2人教版__五年级上册写字教案 2 小学五年级上册写字 任课教师:张 秀 银 任课班级:五年级 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc n...

人教版__五年级上册写字教案 2
人教版__五年级上册写字 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 2 小学五年级上册写字 任课教师:张 秀 银 任课班级:五年级 of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived at the scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tight. cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without water. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and significant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanical damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processing, the tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius should not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength and length of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of the support 教案编写说明 我们学校目前是毕节地区语言文字规范示范校,学校非常重视汉字规范化学习,我们结合本校的实际情况,本着围绕本册课本组织写字学习的宗旨,以语文书为蓝本将本册教材上的生字、词语、精彩句子加以整理,进行加工及重新编排,设计出了符合五年级学生水平的写字教案。我们在自己理解的基础上与以往写字课教材相联系,将其好的理念保留下来,希望会有不错的收效。 【教材内容】 1.将本册生字按照汉字的结构进行细致分类,包括左右结构、上下结构等多种结构的汉字。 2.本册课本内的词语、句子和名言警句。 【学习目的】 1. 在分类学习的同时,将结构相同的生字进行统一的编排,配合新内容的同时安排好练习课,以进行细致系统的学习,达到最好的效果。 2. 在每一课时学习的基础上适当添加词语及句子的练习,做到生字、词语、句子相结合,内容充实,使学生对汉字的规范化书写掌握更扎实,更稳固。 3.使学生在小学阶段的书写水平有较快提升,以适应将来中学的更高要求。 【学习重点】 1. 使学生正确、规范地进行书写,并且具有一定的速度。 2. 熟练掌握不同的间架结构汉字的书写规律,书写时做到姿势正确,书面干净, 行款整齐、美观。 【学习进度安排】 周次 内容 周次 内容 周次 内容 1 左右结构(一) 7 半包围结构(二) 13 结构布局练习(五) 14 综合练习 2 左右结构(二) 8 结构布局练习(一) 15 名作欣赏 3 练习 9 结构布局练习(一) 16 集字练习 (上) 4 上下结构(一) 10 结构布局练习(二) 17 集字练习 (下) 5 上下结构(二) 11 结构布局练习(三) 18 综合练习 6 半包围结构(一) 12 结构布局练习(四) hould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,2pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameter 第一课时 左右结构(一) 【学习目标】 1(掌握左右结构字及5个单字的书写要领,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好左右结构左边小右边大的字,间架结构要搭 配好。 【学习过程】 一、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字5个。 2.指名说出生字“撑” “锅”“饿” “檐” “碗” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的相同之处。 二、指导写字 1.说一说在写这种左右结构生字时的特点(左边小右边大) 撑 锅 饿 檐 碗 2.指导写字 3. 左边偏旁写的时候偏左,给有点多留一些地方。 4.示范书写 5.自己写,教师个别指导 三、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 撑住 铁锅 饿坏 屋檐 烧碗 3.个别指导,班内评价 四、 课本句子练习 五、小结 汉字就像一个团结协作的集体,各部分之间紧紧相连,你们可要看清它们,和它们 做好朋友哟。 signifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,3supportf the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechani 第二课时 左右结构(二) 【学习目标】 1(掌握左右结构字及5个单字的书写要领,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好左右结构左右大小相当的字,间架结构要搭配好。 【学习过程】: 一、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字5个。 2.指名说出生字“鲸”“肺”“粘”“ 鳃”“帐” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的相同之处。 二、指导写字 1.说一说在写这种左右结构生字时的特点(左边右边基本大小相当) 鲸 肺 粘 鳃 帐 2.指导写字 3.左边偏旁写的时候稍稍偏左,给右边留一些地方。 注意: 4.示范书写 5.自己写,教师个别指导 三、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2.练习扩展词语书写 鲸鱼 蚊帐 肺腑 粘住 鱼鳃 3.个别指导,班内评价 四、 课本句子句子练习 五、小结:汉字就像一个团结协作的集体,各部分之间紧紧相连,你们可要看清它们,和它们做好朋友哟。同时还要认真观察,继续练习左右结构生字书写。 4pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, 第三课时 练习 【学习目标】 1(练习左右结构生字及5个单字的书写要领,巩固写字水平。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,间架结构要搭配好,比例要掌握好。 【学习过程】: 一、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字5个。 踮 惧 柜 榆 洛 2.回忆特点及书写时要注意的地方 二、练习写字 1.左面偏旁写的时尽写在左部分,右半部分所占比左半部分部分多。 2.自己写练习写,巩固能力,教师个别指导 三、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 踮起 恐惧 掌柜 榆树 洛阳 3.个别指导,班内评价 四、 课本句子练习 五、小结 左右结构的生字,你们可要看清它们,掌握好留好位置,下去还要多练习这样的字, 做到心中有数。 design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,5supportf the 第四课时 上下结构(一) 【学习目标】 1(掌握上下结构上面很短下面很长生字及5个单字的书写要领,培养学生良好的 书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好上下结构上面很短下面很长的字,间架结构 要搭配好。 【学习过程】: 一、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字5个。 2.指名说出生字“茅” “宋”“宾” “置” “曼” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的相同之处。 茅 宋 宾 置 曼 二、指导写字 1.说一说在写这种上下结构生字时的特点(上面很短下面很长) 2.指导写字 3. 上面边偏旁写的时尽量偏上,给下面多留一些地方。 4.示范书写 5.自己写,教师个别指导 三、写写评评 1. 将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 茅草 宋朝 宾客 闲置 单曼 3.个别指导,班内评价 四、 课本句子练习 五、小结 上下结构上面很短下面很长的,你们可要看清它们,掌握好留好位置,下去还应该 多练习这样的字。 6pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, 第五课时 上下结构(二) 【学习目标】: 1(掌握上下结构上面很短下面很长上下大小相似生字及5个单字的书写要领,培 养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好上下大小相似的字,间架结构要搭配好。 【学习过程】: 一、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字5个。 2.指名说出生字“读” “番”“翡” “寺” “麦” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的相同之处。 毒 番 翡 寺 麦 二、指导写字 1.说一说在写这种上下结构生字时的特点(上下大小比例相近) 2.指导写字 3. 上面边偏旁写的时尽写在上半部分,下半部分所占和上半部分相同。 4.示范书写 5.自己写,教师个别指导 三、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2.练习扩展词语书写 毒害 几番 翡翠 寺院 麦苗 3.个别指导,班内评价 四、 课本句子练习 五、小结 上下结构上下大小相似的,你们可要看清它们,掌握好留好位置,课后还应该多练 习这样的字。 7supportf the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, 第六课时 半包围结构 【学习目标】 1(掌握上掌握半包围结构生字及5个单字的书写要领,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好半包围结构的字,间架结构要搭配好。 【学习过程】: 一、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字5个。 2.指名说出生字“逛” “魔”“屉” “匣” “旬” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的相同之处。 二、指导写字 1.说一说在写这种半包围结构生字时的特点(一部分被另一部分偏旁包住) 2.指导写字 3. 被包围的部分尽量收缩,部首部分应该写大一些,尽量将另一部分包住。 4.示范书写 5.自己写,教师个别指导 三、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2 .练习扩展词语书写 逛街 恶魔 抽屉 匣子 下旬 3.个别指导,班内评价 四、课本句子练习 五、小结 半包围结构字,你们可要看清它们,掌握好留好内紧外松的特点,下去还应该多练 习这样的字。 pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,8 第七课时 半包围结构(二) 【学习目标】 1(掌握上掌握半包围结构生字及5个单字的书写要领,培养学生良好的书写习 惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好半包围结构的字,间架结构要搭配好。 【学习过程】: 一、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字5个。 2.指名说出生字“逆” “缝”“蓬” “匪” “鼎” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的相同之处。 二、指导写字 1.说一说在写这种半包围结构生字时的特点(一部分被另一部分偏旁包住) 2.指导写字 3. 被包围的部分尽量收缩,部首部分应该写大一些,尽量将另一部分包住。 4.示范书写 5.自己写,教师个别指导 三、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 叛逆 缝隙 乱蓬蓬 土匪 鼎鼎大名 3.个别指导,班内评价 四、 课本句子练习 五、小结 半包围结构字,你们可要看清它们,掌握好留好内紧外松的特点,下去还应该多练 习这样的字。 f the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,9support 第八课时 结构布局练习(一) 【学习目标】 1(掌握字的结构布局,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好间架结构。 【学习过程】 一、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字。 2.指名说出生字“大” “元”“尺” “寸” “激” “翔”“鬓” “裹” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的特点。 二、指导写字 1.疏:笔画少的字布白要匀称,重心要稳,字形要饱满。 2.密:笔画多的字点画要紧凑,间距匀称不要写得局促或胀格, 3.示范书写 4.自己写,教师个别指导 三、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 大小 开元 咫尺 一寸 激情 翱翔 霜鬓 包裹 3.个别指导,班内评价 四、 课本句子练习 五、小结 pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,10 第九课时 结构布局练习(二) 【学习目标】 1(掌握字的结构布局,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好间架结构。 【学习过程】: 一、复习上节课所学要领 二、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字。 2.指名说出生字“惹” “夏”“勇” “臭” “士” “西”“曰” “丑” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的特点。 三、指导写字 1.长:写字形窄长的字,一般取纵向书写,不要写得过于长。 2.短:写字形短小的字,一般取横势书写,不要过于拉长笔画,防止字写的过扁。 3.示范书写 4.自己写,教师个别指导 四、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 惹人喜爱 夏天 勇士 臭味 西瓜 丑陋 3.个别指导,班内评价 五、 课本句子练习 六、小结 design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,11supportf the 第十课时 结构布局练习(三) 【学习目标】 1(掌握字的结构布局,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好间架结构。 【学习过程】 一、复习上节课所学要领 二、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字。 2.指名说出生字“也” “乃”“气” “乡” “户” “夕”“广” “方” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的特点。 三、指导写字 1.偏:写字形偏向一方的字,要写好主笔,掌握重心,偏中求正。 2.斜:写字形斜向一边的字,要注意重心平稳,给人平衡之感 3.示范书写 4.自己写,教师个别指导 四、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 响起 家乡 也好 户外 夕阳 广泛 方向 3.个别指导,班内评价 五、 课本句子练习 六、小结 pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,12 第十一课时 结构布局练习(四) 【学习目标】 1(掌握字的结构布局,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好间架结构。 【学习过程】 一、复习上节课所学要领 二、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字。 2.指名说出生字“品” “晶”“森” “蕊” “申” “丰”“串” “事” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的特点。 三、指导写字 1.堆:几个相同部件重叠在一起时,要相互照应,既相对独立,又有适当变化。 2.插:有竖画冲子穿过时,要居中,不能有所偏倚。 3.示范书写 4.自己写,教师个别指导 四、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 品质 水晶 森林 花蕊 申报 丰收 串通 事情 3.个别指导,班内评价 五、句子练习 六、小结 13supportf the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, 第十二课时 结构布局练习(四) 【学习目标】 1(掌握字的结构布局,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好间架结构。 【学习过程】 一、复习上节课所学要领 二、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字。 2.指名说出生字“多” “昌”“炎” “吕” “双” “比”“羽” “从” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的特点。 三、指导写字 1.重:上下同形的字,书写时要有变化,下部应大于上部,呈载托之势。 2.并:左右同形的字,左边宜较窄短,右边宜稍宽长,要注意照应与变化。 3.示范书写 4.自己写,教师个别指导 四、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 多少 昌盛 炎热 吕布 双方 从前 比较 羽毛 3.个别指导,班内评价 五、 课本句子练习 六、小结 14pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, 第十三课时 结构布局练习(五) 学习目的 1(掌握字的结构布局,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好间架结构。 【学习过程】 一、复习上节课所学要领 二、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字。 2.指名说出生字“付” “存”“妈” “杨” “北” “找”“孔” “乱” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的特点。 三、指导写字 1.向:写左右两边相迎的字,要做到既显舒展,又做避让。 2.背:写左右两部向背的字,要注意笔画的彼此呼应,两边不要远离。 3.示范书写 4.自己写,教师个别指导 四、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2. 练习扩展词语书写 3.个别指导,班内评价 五、课本句子练习 六、小结 ength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,15supportf the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing o 第十四课时 结构布局练习(六) 【学习目标】 1(掌握字的结构布局,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 2(培养学生细致敏锐的观察力,写好间架结构。 【学习过程】: 一、复习上节课所学要领 二、出示生字 1.出示田字格生字。 2.指名说出生字“捐” “玫”“析” “澡” “蚀” “挨”“伦” “刑” 3.观察说一说他们结构上的特点。 三、指导写字 1.紧:写左右两边相挨的字,要做到既显舒展,又紧相连。 2.合:写左右两边相合字,要注意笔画的彼此呼应,两边适当留点空间。 3.示范书写 4.自己写,教师个别指导 四、写写评评 1.将写得好的进行展览,指出好的地方。 2.练习扩展词语书写 3.个别指导,班内评价 五、课本句子练习 六、小结 d lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,16pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the de 第十五课 名作欣赏 【学习目标】 1(正确认识书法的含义。 2(认识汉字的特点和书写艺术特点。 3(学习欣赏汉字书法艺术。 【学习课时】 :一课时。 【教具准备】 :多媒体课室的影视设备,电脑,介绍书法的VCD光碟等。 【学习过程】 一、讲述关于汉字和汉字书法的有关知识。 书法是我国一门古老的传统艺术 , 源远流长, 博大精深, 它从一个侧面反映了中华民族几千年的文明史 ,凝聚着炎黄子孙的无穷无尽的智慧,不仅是我国民族文化的重要组成部分 也是世界文化的宝贵财富。 1(什么是书法。 书法, 就是写字之法, 即是以汉字为对象、以毛笔及各类硬笔为 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现工具的一种线条造型艺术 。 2(中国文字书法的发生的诸因素。 A书体不断发展变化,如大篆、小篆、隶书、章草、楷书、草书、行书等。每一次书体的变化, B 汉字书法艺术的形成一般来说有三方面因素: 其一,汉字的表意性。 其二,汉字的书写工具——毛笔,汉字书写能成为一种绝妙的艺术,同它很有关系。 其三,中国文化思想的渗入。 二、 欣赏各种书法作品 1(出示先打书法楷书作品 2( 出示现代书法毛笔作品 3( 历代著名碑文欣赏 ?颜真卿《勤力碑》 特点::笔法浑厚,气势磅礴 ?柳公权《玄秘塔碑》 特点:苍劲有力,铜经铁骨 ?王羲之《兰亭序》特点:笔走龙蛇,圆润流畅 三 总结 书法作品的好坏在于练习者的功力深浅,只要认真持之以恒的练习,书法造诣会蒸蒸日上, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,17supportf the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, 第十六课 集字练习 (上) 【学习目标】 1. 让学生了解什么是集字,以及集字的意义。 2. 继续进行书写训练。 【教具准备】 1. 笔墨纸砚、投影、录音机、磁带。 2. 名家字帖。 【学习过程】 一、复习旧知,引入新知。 1. 回顾上节课内容:疏密要得当。 2. 引入新课:出示名家字帖,学生欣赏。 3. 板书课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 :集字练习。 二、了解集字。 . 什么是集字, 1 一般是名家书写的字组成所需要的词、句或篇章。 2. 为什么要练习集字,练习集字既能学习字的写法,也可从中受到教育。 3. 知识延伸:平时喜欢哪些书法作品,你喜欢什么名言警句,想写成一幅作品吗, 三、集字练习: 1. 师示范书写:知 不 足 好 学 2. 学生观察,找出每字的书写要领。 如:“知”:左部长,右部偏下,左部横的收笔相齐。 “不”:笔画稍重,撇点相称。 “好”:右部比左部稍长,横左伸右缩。 “学”:上部较宽,下部较窄。弯钩稍偏右。 3. 学生练习:师巡视指导。 4. 作品展评:把以上字连起来投影,学生评议。 5. 学生继续练习:注意每字的安排。(放音乐) 四、优秀作品展示。 五、作业:完成“满、招、损”,“谦、受、益”。 ng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,18pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracks 第十七课 集字练习( 下) 【学习目标】 1. 继续进行集字训练。 2. 要求学生完成自己的书法作品。 3. 初步了解书法作品的布局章法。 【教具准备】 1. 笔墨纸砚。 2. 四尺宣纸。 3. 录音机、磁带。 【学习过程】 一、复习上节课内容,继续进行集字训练。 二、师示范:“不耻下问”。 边写边提示: “不”:横不要过长,撇的起笔稍偏右。竖居中,宜直。 “耻”:左部窄长,右部宽短。右部比左部笔画疏松。 “下”:横要长,竖稍偏左,点靠上。 “问”:口稍扁,左右间隔均匀。 三、学生练习,教师巡视辅导。 四、教师出示学生作业:(投影) 师生评议,指出优点和不足。 五、学生练习:“温故而知新”。 (放音乐) 六、优秀作品展评。 七、师总结。 八、布置练习: 回家完成“锲而不舍”。 and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing, cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,19supportf the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the 第十八课 综合练习 【学习目标】 1.通过学习使学生掌握木字部首的字的写法及其变化规律。 2.培养认真观察、比较、分析的能力,养成认真、细心的良好品质。 【学习重点】:掌握木字部首的字的写法。 【学习难点】:培养学生审美观。 【教具准备】:图片、范字卡片 【学习过程】 一、引入: 1.讲述书法家小时候学书法的故事;欣赏颜真卿的书法作品。 2.随着中国经济的迅速发展,环境问题是一个关乎国计民生的重大问题。保护 环境,爱护花草树木,人人有责。为保护树木、保护森林,我们不要再使用一次性筷 子。双木成林,三木成什么呢,(森) 3.树木有广泛的用途,还可以绿化环境,净化空气。“木”字的写法也在不断 演变发展,下面就请同学们欣赏书法家的“木”字和“木”字部首的汉字的字。 4.我们学过的木字部首的字有哪些呢, 5.揭示课题 “木”字部首的汉字 学生活动: 1.欣赏、交流想法 2.欣赏不同字体的“木”和带有木字部首的字。 3.“双姿”训练检查。 能 力 训 练: 1.观赏树木和森林图片,培养学生审美能力。 2.了解“木”字在书法领域的演变过程。 二、新授 “木”字部首的字怎样写才美呢, 1.拼字游戏,分析字形结构: ?研究左右结构的“村” ?研究上下结构的“李” ?示范:写“机”字 ?小结 20pportthe susign and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing of gth of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the ded lenand outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strength an not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diameterhould , the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radius se tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracksng, thl damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube processiant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanicagnificter. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and si.2.1.3 cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without wa. 4.1ould conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tightscene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable length sh t theen scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived athe storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must follow wh is strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport and of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury, 2(指导书写独体字“木” ?演示: “木”字中的(横、竖、撇、捺)及笔顺,“木”字在田字格的位置。 ?提要求,巡视 ?点评 (比较:独体字“木”与合体字“村”、“李”中的“木”有什么不同, 3 学 生活动: 1.动手写“村、李”字,并交流。 2.讨论、交流 3.师示范并点评 (3)自评 师生共评:观察、讨论 能力训练: 1.学生动手、动脑的能力的培养。 2.培养学生的发散思维。书写技能训练 3.培养学生的观察能力、比较、分析能力。 三、练习 教 师活动: 1(指导书写“林、树、枯、机、桃”和“杏、查、本、朵、森、柴”字。 (1)巡视指导 (2)点评 2(指导临写。 (1)巡视指导 (2)点拨 学 生活动: 学生讨论交流 (1)小组讨论、互评 (2)师生共评 能 力训练: 学生分析、判断、概括能力的培养。 四、拓展 1(下面我们将今天所学的“村”和“李”组词、进行书写练习。 2(书写一页带有“木”字的习字。 培养学生书写习惯和能力。学生思维、想象、创作能力的训练与培养。 五、总结 cal damage and buried at the larger force, sufficient strength of pipe should be used. cable protection tube procesicant depressions, smooth inside walls should be, cable protection pipe may not have severe corrosion, susceptible to mechanisignifwater. of cable protection pipe processing and laying cable protection pipe must be perforated, cracks and . cable should focus on the store, and shall identify the model, specification. Storage cables should be dry, without ht. 4should conform to the drawings, specifications, requirements, attachments should be complete, cable termination should be tig he scene, checks should be carried out promptly, the technical documentation of the products should be complete, cable lengthat t when scrolling arrows on the cable drum instructions or entangle the cable direction. And its annexes cable arrived nd the storage; transport and the scroll cable disc Qian, must guarantee cable disc firm, cable around tight, and Must followis strictly prohibited will cable disc directly by car Shang push Xia, cable disc not should flat put transport a of transport and the custody cable in transport process in the not should makes cable and the cable disc by injury,21supportf the design and the physical path length of each cable, arrange each cable, reducing the cable connectors. cable spacing oength of the steel shaft should tie in with cable reel weight and width. Before laying should be calculated according to the and l er and outer diameter of the cable than not ... Hurt, well insulated. cable lines should be placed securely, strengthd not be less than the penetration of the minimum permissible bending radius of the cable. Cable protection pipe inner diametshoul ks, the degree of bend flat should not be bigger than the outside diameter of the pipe 10%; cable protection pipe bend radiusthe tube free of burrs and sharp edges and corners, and trumpet. Cable protection pipe after bending, there should be no cracsing,
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