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《环境分析化学实验》实验报告格式《环境分析化学实验》实验报告格式 《环境分析化学实验》 实验报告 专 业 环境科学 班 级 环科1201 姓 名 帕沙古丽 成 绩 东华大学环境科学与工程学院实验中心 二0一三年 月 arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the ...

《环境 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 化学实验》实验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 格式 《环境分析化学实验》 实验报告 专 业 环境科学 班 级 环科1201 姓 名 帕沙古丽 成 绩 东华大学环境科学与工程学院实验中心 二0一三年 月 arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 实 验 室 实 验 时 间 年 月 日 时~ 时 实验环境 温度: 湿度: 同组人数 本实验报告由我独立完成,绝无抄袭~ 承诺人签名 一、 实验目的 1.学会用配位滴定法测定水的总硬度,掌握配位滴定的原理, 了解配位滴定特点。 2.学会EDTA标准溶液的配制、标定及稀释。 3.铬黑T指示剂的使用条件及终点颜色变化的观察,掌握配位滴定操作, 二、 实验内容 1、配制0.01M的EDTA标准溶液 2、应用EDTA测定水的硬度 3、配制0.02M的高锰酸钾溶液 二、 实验仪器及设备 1、 EDTA基准试剂 2、 6mol/L NaOH:溶解240gNaOH于1升水中。 3、 NH?HO- NHCl缓冲溶液:溶解67.5g NHCl于200ml水中,加入15M 3244 NH?HO 570ml,用水稀释到1L,溶液的pH?10。 32 4、铬黑T指示剂:取0.5g铬黑T,溶解于10ml NH?HO- NHCl缓冲溶液中,324 用无水乙醇稀释至100ml,注入棕色试剂瓶中保存。密封,可使用一个月。 5、混合钙指示剂:以1g钙指示剂和100g NaCl混匀,研成细粉。 arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 6、固体KMnO 4 7、 500ml容量瓶,250 ml容量瓶,称量瓶,分析天平, 玻璃棒,棕色细口瓶, 25ml量筒,5ml 移液管 ,25ml移液管,洗瓶, 三、实验原理 , 水的硬度的测定可分为水的总硬度的测定和钙镁硬度的测定两种.总硬 度的测定是滴定Ca2+,Mg2+离子的总含量,并以Ca2+进行计算.通常以每升水 中所含Ca2+离子的毫摩尔数 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示, 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 1升水中含1mmol Ca2+为1度.后一 种是分别测定Ca2+和Mg2+的含量.测定水的总硬度,一般采用配位滴定法.最 常用的配位剂是乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐,用Na2H2Y2H2O表示,习惯上称为 EDTA,它在溶液中以Y4-的形式与Ca2+,Ma2+离子配位,形成1:1的无色配合 物方程为 Ca2+ +Y4 =CaY2- Mg2++Y4=MgY2- , 用EDTA滴定时,必须借助于金属指示剂确定滴定终点.常用的指示剂为铬黑 T,它在 pH=10的缓冲液中,以纯蓝色游离的HIn2-形式存在,与Ca2+,Mg2+离 子形成酒红色的配合物,通式为: , M2+ + HIn2=MIn-+ H+ (蓝色) (酒红色) , Ca2+,Mg2+离子与EDTA及铬黑T形成配合物的稳定性不同,其稳定性大小的循 2+2+ 序序CaY2- >MgY2- >MgIn- >CaIn- ,用EDTA测定Ca、Mg时,通常 2+2+2+2+ 在两个等分溶液中分别测定Ca量以及Ca和Mg的总量,Mg量则从二者 所用EDTA量的差数求出。 2+2+ , 在测定Ca时,先用NaOH调节溶液到pH=12~13,使Mg生成难溶的Mg(OH)2 2+2+ 沉淀,然后加入钙指示剂与Ca配位呈红色。滴定时,EDTA先与游离Ca 2+ 配位,然后夺取已经和指示剂配位的Ca,使溶液的红色变成蓝色,达到终 2+ 点。从EDTA标准溶液的用量可计算Ca的含量。 2+2+ 滴定Ca、Mg总量时,在pH=9~10的缓冲溶液中,以铬黑T为指示剂,用EDTA 2-2-2+滴定。因稳定性CaY> MgY>MgIn> CaIn,铬黑T先与部分Mg配位为MgIn(酒 2+2+ 红色)。而当EDTA滴入时,EDTA首先与Ca和Mg配位,然后再夺取MgIn中的 2+ Mg,使铬黑T游离,因此到达终点时,溶液由酒红色变为天蓝色。从EDAT标准溶液的用量,即可以计算样品中的钙镁总量,然后换算为相应的硬度单位。 各国对水的硬度的表示方法各有不同。其中德国硬度是较早的一种,它以度arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 诚信做人;数据真实;分析合理;富于创新 数计,1?表示1L水中含10mgCaO。为方便起见,我国也常以来mg/L表示。此实验中,我们采用CaCO的含量单位ppm来表 3 四、实验步骤 (一) 配制0.01MEDTA标准溶液 1、在分析天平上准确称取EDTA基准物质1.9g,于150ml的干净烧杯中。 2、加适量水溶解,用玻璃棒小心转移至500ml容量瓶中。 3、溶液全部转移到容量瓶中后,用洗瓶淋洗烧杯3~5次,淋洗液亦要小心沿玻 璃棒转移入容量瓶中,不能有所损失。 4、加水至容量瓶刻度线以下,再改用小滴管滴加蒸馏水,准确至刻度线(液 面最底处与刻度线相切),充分摇匀。 5、计算所配制的EDTA溶液的准确浓度,用标签标示于容量瓶上。 注意 配制EDTA标准溶液时,溶液的转移是浓度准确与否的关键。烧杯中的溶液要沿玻璃棒及容量瓶壁小心倒入,玻璃棒要从原路小心放回烧杯中,以防溶液流失。烧杯要用蒸馏水充分润洗,淋洗液应全部小心转入容量瓶中。 2+2+ (二) Ca、Mg总量的测定 1、从指导教师处领取未知水样,定容于250ml容量瓶中,摇匀。 2、用未知水样润洗25ml移液管3次,注意擦干外壁,吹干内壁。 3、准确吸取25ml水样于250ml锥形瓶中,加蒸馏水50ml,加NH?HO-NHCl324 缓冲溶液5ml,调节溶液pH=9~10。 4、加铬黑T指示剂3滴,摇匀。 5、用EDTA溶液滴定,当溶液由酒红色变为纯蓝色时,即为终点。记下所用体 积V。 1 6、用同样方法平行测定三份。 2+ (三) Ca的测定 1、用移液管准确吸取水样25ml于250ml锥形瓶中,加蒸馏水50ml,加6M NaOH arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 2~3ml,调节溶液pH=12~13。 2、加粉末状钙指示剂10mg(约米粒大小),摇匀。 3、用EDTA溶液滴定,不断摇动锥形瓶,当溶液变为纯蓝色时,即为终点。记 下所用体积V。 2 4、用同样方法平行测定三份。 注意事项: 2+2+ 1、自来水中Ca、Mg含量高,小心勿使水样中溅入自来水,以免结果偏高。 2、络合反应速度较慢,因此滴定速度要适当放慢,以免滴定过头。 (四) 0.02M KMnO溶液的配制(以备下次实验用) 4 1、在台秤上用干燥的小烧杯称取固体KMnO1.9g; 4 2、转入1000ml的大烧杯,用蒸馏水溶解至700ml,擦干烧杯外壁; 3、盖上表面皿,在电炉上加热,煮沸10~15分钟,氧化其中所含杂质; 4、待溶液体积约为600ml时,从电炉上取下,冷却至室温,收于橱中,避光保 存,以备下次实验之用。 五、实验记录及原始数据 EDTA质量为1.8953g 实验5 V1 V2 总硬 钙硬 1 28.62 13.40 1165.41 545.65 2 28.60 13.42 1164.59 546.46 3 28.61 13.42 1165.00 546.46 六、数据处理及结论 arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 诚信做人;数据真实;分析合理;富于创新 w .1000 M EDTA= =0.01018mol/L mEDTA .500 , arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 思考 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 2+ 1、如果只有铬黑T指示剂,能否测定Ca的含量,如何测量, 答:如果只有铬黑T指示剂能。测定Ca2+含量时,用移液管移取水样25.00ML于锥形瓶中,加入2ML40g.L-1NAOH,调节溶液PH为12~13,使Mg2+生成Mg(OH)2沉淀,再加3~4滴铬黑T,用EDTA标准溶液滴定至溶液由酒红色变为纯蓝色为终点,记取EDTA耗用的体积 2+2+2+2、 Ca、Mg与EDTA的配合物,哪一个稳定,为什么滴定Mg 2+ 时要控制pH=9~10,而Ca则需控制pH=12~13, 答: Ca2+,Mg2+离子与EDTA及铬黑T形成配合物钙离子配合 物稳定性大 其稳定性大小的循序序 CaY2- >MgY2- >MgIn- >CaIn- 3、若测定的 2+ 水样中Mg含量过高,对终点会有什么影响,如何消除其影响, 答:氢氧化镁的溶度积大约是10^-11;PH>10后容易沉淀。就测不出来了。即PH不得大于10。否则沉淀。氢氧化钙的溶度积大约是10^-6,-6/3+14=12,即PH=12也不会沉淀。可以测定。严格的计算结果是:氢氧化镁沉淀的最小PH=10.42;氢氧化钙沉淀的最小PH=12.24。显然,当PH>=13时,钙会沉淀,不能准确测定钙 arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 诚信做人;数据真实;分析合理;富于创新 1 arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 诚信做人;数据真实;分析合理;富于创新 arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be no more than an average result of 0.2%. Determination of acidity of starches and definitions and principles: the acidity of starches: starch and its derivatives and emulsion standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size. L0g 0.lmol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample to represent the number of ml. Principle: starch emulsion by titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution until neutral consumption volume of the standard solution. This law applies to the acidity of not more than 12mL samples of starch and its derivatives. 2, reagent: determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water. Standard solution of sodium hydroxide: 0.1mol/L. Potassium hydrogen phthalate: base plain. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 1g phenolphthalein in ethanol soluble in lOOmL, 95%. 3, equipment Erlenmeyer flask: volume 250m1 ... Basic glassware: volume 25m1 ... Carbonate titration tube: 50ral ... Analytical balance. Magnetic stirrer. Constant temperature oven: temperature controlled at 110 ? 1 ?. Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a perforated metal plate. 4, the analysis step calibration of standard solution of sodium hydroxide to potassium hydrogen phthalate reference reagent at a temperature of 110 of the dry to constant weight in the oven and placed in dry cooling. Weighing after drying and cooling of potassium hydrogen 诚信做人;数据真实;分析合理;富于创新
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