首页 外研版三年级下册英语教案全册(一年级起点)



外研版三年级下册英语教案全册(一年级起点)外研版三年级下册英语教案全册(一年级起点) 第一模块教学分析 题目 Module1 People 人物 题材 主要 内容 熊猫Panpan 对自己三个好朋友Maomao Xiaoyong Parrot的介绍和 描述 模块教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 描述性格特点 语法 句子结构 一般现在时的陈述句This is Hes Shes 语言 技能 目标 词汇 听说 读写 nice shy quiet loud helpfulalways buta bit plustwentymore 句子 能够听...

外研版三年级下册英语 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 全册(一年级起点) 第一模块教学分析 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目 Module1 People 人物 题材 主要 内容 熊猫Panpan 对自己三个好朋友Maomao Xiaoyong Parrot的介绍和 描述 模块教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 描述性格特点 语法 句子结构 一般现在时的陈述句This is Hes Shes 语言 技能 目标 词汇 听说 读写 nice shy quiet loud helpfulalways buta bit plustwentymore 句子 能够听说认读抄写或仿写下列句子 This is Xiaoyong Hes very clever But hes a bit quiet Whats like Hevery 能够仿说和运用下列句子 This cant do her Im going to help 学习策略 对所学内容能 主动练习和实践在词语与相应事物之间建立联想 文化意识 使学生了 解英美国家传统的歌谣 情感态度 培养学生学习英语的兴趣使其感受在快乐中学习英语的情感体验 任 务 用本课句型描述自己和周围朋友的特点和能力自我描述介绍自己的家人 第一课时Xk b 1Com Module1 Unit 1 Shes nice 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 能够运用句型This is Hes Shes Shes very But shes a bit 能够掌握单词nice shy clever naughty talkative quiet a bit 能够介绍人物说出人物的特点 2情感态度目标 培养学生对同伴友善的态度了解朋友的特点和能力 二教学重点及难点 用本课句型描述自己和周围朋友的特点和能力 自我描述介绍自己的家人 三 课前准备 教学卡片人物头像教学课件 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1 Greeting Hello boys and girls Nice to meet you Step 2 Presentations and practice 1新授clever 1 由做算数题引出clever 2 进行发音教学 v v 3 引导学生不断用 Im clever进行自我评价以巩固此单词的学习 2 复习 naughty 1 由卡通人物Jerry的一段录像引出单词naughty 2 用句子 Hes very naughty 练习单词 并板书句型This is Hes very 3 出示5幅卡通图片请学生用新学句型进行描述 3 复习nice新授a bit 1 由 Snow White 引出nice 2 T Whos nice in our class Ss show their opinins eg Wang Hong is nice etc T Snow White is nice but shes a bit shy 引出单词shy两人进行操练在 此基础上进一步学习短语bit shy操练 3 课件出示词组引导学生自主练说a bit eg a bit shy a bit nice a bit clever a bit naughty 4 新授talkative和quiet 1 运用句型Shes very But shes a bit描述Snow White 2 给出3幅卡通图片小组运用所学句型练习描述卡通人物的性格特征 3 出示影视人物的图片学生自由谈论其特点教师自然引出单词loud 4 谈论影视人物引出单词quiet并进行发音教学 qu kw T Whos quiet in our class S XX is quiet Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Game 1 课件出示6幅卡通人物的图片及性格特征师领读复习单词 2 再此出示课件一幅一幅图片出示请学生根据记忆说出卡通人物的特征以 次练习描述人物的特征 2 Watch a dialogue 1 让学生看教学光盘对话并且教师提出一个问题 Panpan has got 3 friends Who are they 2 用单词卡片nice shy clever naughty talkative quiet a bit复习 单词同时给六个学生 3 再观看教学对话并让学生将单词卡片放到相应的人物头像下面 4 学生根据单词卡片的内容描述每个人物的特点 5 学生分组集体描述每个人物的特点 通过这种方式使学生学会怎样描述一个人物的特点 3 Introduce a friend 1 教师介绍自己的一个朋友做示范 2 学生在小组内介绍自己的朋友 3 反馈 Step4 Summary T Im very glad to be your teacher Some of you are a bit quiet Some of you are a bit naughty Some of you are a bit talkative Some of you are a bit shy But all of you are very nice and clever Step 5Homework 1 Listen to the dialogue and try to read it 2 Finish the activity book on page 1 and page 2 Step 6Blackboard design Module 1 People牋燯nit 1 She抯 nice牋牋牋牋牋牋 This is 厾牋 He抯 very 牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋She抯 very 厾牋 But she抯 a bit 牋 牋Maomao牋牋牋牋牋 Xiaoyong牋牋牋牋牋 Parrot牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋 牋牋 nice牋牋牋牋牋牋clever牋牋牋牋牋牋 loud a bit shy a bit quietnaughty Teaching Notes 第二课时 Module1 Unit 2 Im going to help her 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 学会helpful plus twenty more等词语能够运用本课所学介绍自己描述他 人的性格 2情感态度目标 通过学习让学生知道金无足赤人无完人所有的人都是既有不足也有很多优 点 二教学重点及难点 简单叙述他人的困难和自己打算提供的帮助 三课前准备 单词卡片课件 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1Enjoy a poem P5 What are these children like 2 Revision Teacher do the actions and let the Ss say the words clever nice shy quiet Step 2 Presentation and practice 1Describe a student in the class Let the students guess who she is Then let the students to describe their friend in the class 2出示parrot T What is parrot like Ss Hes loud and hes very very naughty T Whats he like in our story Lets watch the video引出课文 3教授helpful Who is helpful in our class 4 Whats the matter with the little girl lets watch again Ss Because this little girl cant do her Maths T Yes so parrot is going to help her板书句子 I have some math problems Who can answer 课件呈现数学题 TWhat is ten plus ten What is 7 plus 7 And one more 教授more 5Let the students ask some math questions and practice in pairs 6Sum Although parrot is loud and naughty he is helpful金无足赤人无完人 7 Listen and repeat Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Parrot is going to help other people Who are they Let抯 take a look Practice in pairs and then show the performance 2燩lay a memory game First teacher do a demo for children Then let the students practice in groups Step 4 Summary All of you are nice and hel p 所有的人既有不足也有优点用放大镜看 别人的优点用望远镜看别人的缺点取人之长补己之短 Step 5 Homework 1 Listen to the dialogue and try to read it 2 Finish the activity book on page 3 and page 4 Step 6 Blackboard design Unit 2 Im going to help her This little girl cant do her Maths Im going to help her helpful more Teaching Notes 第二模块教学分析 题目 Module 2 London 伦敦 题材主要 内容 讲述将来可能发生的事情 教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 描述性格特点 语法 句子结构 一般现在时的陈述句This is Hes Shes 语言 技能 目标 词汇 听说 读写 Wide old London from river clock high new round 句子 能够听说认读抄写或仿写下列句子 The river is very wide And its very long This is Big Ben Its very tall Youll see Tower Bridge 学习策略 用形容词描述一处景物或一个 场景 文化意识 使学生了解英国伦敦通过让学生使用形容词描述国外景 物学生不仅学习了如何使用形容词更开阔了眼界增长了知识 情感态度 培 养学生学习英语的兴趣使其感受在快乐中学习英语的情感体验 任务 用 本课句型描述景点让同学们对国外景物形成一个初步的认识调动同学们的学习 兴趣和热情达到良好的学习效果 第一课 时 Module2 Unit 1 Its very long 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 Describing things and places 重点学习一些形容词如wide old high new round学习用这些形容词来描述一些景物或场景如描述River Thames Big Ben London Eye等 2情感态度目标 通过让学生使用形容词描述国外景物学生不仅学习了如何使用形容词更开 阔了眼界增长了知识同时通过介绍英国重要景点如River Thames Big Ben London Eye等让同学们对国外景物形成一个初步的认识调动同学们的学习兴趣 和热情达到良好的学习效果 二教学重点及难点 1重点单词wide old high new round 2重点句型This river is very wide And its very long This is Big Ben Its very long 3难 点有关英国重要景点如River Thames Big Ben London Eye等知识的了解 三课前准备 1课本及活动手册 2一些与形容词相关如电视塔长城的图片及实物如新旧玩具衣服 3一些有关英国伦敦的资料和地图 4一个导游用的小喇叭一顶遮阳帽 5有关英国重要景点的录像展示课件 6录音机及配套的磁带 四教学过程 中英文相结合 Step 1 Warm up 1教师热情地和学生打招呼并带领全班做TRP活动Say as I do not as I say 例如教师说Im tall同时俯身用手比着地面以上不高的位置学生要迅速说出Youre not tall Youre short 2通过一些与形容词相关如电视塔长城的图片及实物如新旧玩具衣服带领学生回忆相关词语big small long short tall short old new Step 2 Presentation and practice 老师先问中国的首都是哪里再来引出英国的首都并向学生出示英国的地图请学生观察英国和伦敦的位置关系向学生讲述有关英国重要景点的大概知识 老师拿着喇叭并戴上遮阳帽扮成导游的样子开始讲课 Good morning Today were going to go to London Its the captial of England请同学们跟随老师看一看伦敦重要的三个景 点1The frist one is River Thames 展示课间图片 老师问What can you see in the picture学生可用I can see句型回答老师用肢体语言引导学生说出This river is very wide And its very long并教授wide这个单词2Amy和Lingling正在谈论接下来我们要去的两景点快来听一听听第一遍录音后学生回答出Big Ben London Eye 这两个景点教师使用两个景点的课间讲授他们的特点Big Ben Its very old clock And its very tall London Eye Its a big wheel Its very high round and new同时讲授old clockhighwheelround 3 打开书听第二遍录音要求学生圈出录音中提及的景物名称和用于描述他们的形容词之后教师把学生的回答写在黑板上把景物名称再次和相关的形容词关联起来4播放第三遍录音请同学们逐句模仿跟读并让学生完成AB Unit1练习之后老师问What is this house like What is this river like 等问题 提示学生用tall old long wide new round来描述5完成SB Unit1活动2首先请学生两人一组看图说话再请学生听录音并对课本的这几个重点句子进行操练6完成SB Unit1活动3请两人一组使用刚学过的重点句型说句子描述书上图片 Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1学生分脚色朗读课文并请几组学生到教室前面表演课文 2让学生观看有关英国重要景点的录像展示课件 3教师提供的图片电视塔长城学生刚学的句型和形容词造句 Step 4 Summary 1复习本课重点句型及单词 2 请学生在黑板上将River Thames Big Ben London Eye及相应的形容词配 对 Step 5 Homework 1听并读Module2 Unit1 课文三次 2用P7第三部分的三个图造句子 3做AB P7 4自愿完成 找一张自己游览过的景点照片试着用学的句型单词向家人或同学描述 Step 6 Blackboard design 新 课 标第 一 网 Module2 Unit 1 Its very long River Thames This river is very wide And its very long Big Ben Its very old clock And its very tall London Eye Its a big wheel Its very high round and new Teaching Notes 第二课时 Unit 2 Youll see Tower Bridge 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 Talking about possible future actions 重点学习将来时讲述将来可能发生的事情 2情感态度目标 通过将来时的初步学习使学生能用英文来描述可能发生的事情这样可以拓宽学生说英语的范围增强学习的兴趣 二教学重点及难点 1重点单词Tower Bridge of course will visit 2重点句型Youll see Tower Bridge And well go on the London Eye 3难 点对will的理解 课前准备 1课本及活动手册 2描写景物的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 3著名景点的照片及课件 4录音机及配套的磁带 三教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Sing a song The London Eye Step 2 Presentation and practice 1Beijing is the capital of China We love China 教师向学生出示北京的照片In Beijing well see the Great Wall教师再请学生观看长城的课件此时在黑板上板书上Well see the Great Wall重点讲述will 用于一般将来时用来表示将来可能发生的事情它的缩写形式是ll 2请同学带着问题听第一遍录音What will Amy see in London 带着学生回答出Shell see Tower Bridge讲授新单词Tower Bridge 3请同学们听第二遍录音并且跟读了解课文内容基础上先让同桌之间分角朗读再请学生上台表演课文对话 4请学生四人为一小组完成课本第二部分Ill see造句子 5完成活动手册第一二两部分 Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1Game Which picture依据课本第四部分完成此游戏之后同桌之间用第四部 分的图相互问答如A In this park youll see a wide river B Its Green Park 2请同学根据教师提供的著名景点的照片及课件说一说Youll see Step 4 Summary 1复习本课重点句型及单词 2再次讲解will 用于一般将来时用来表示将来可能发生的事情它的缩写形 式是ll并且板书Ill seeYoull seeShell seeHell seeWell see Step 5 Homework 5听并读Module2 Unit2课文三次 6用P8第二部分的四个图造句子 7自愿完成 试着用学的句型单词向家人或同学描述自己将要看到的景物 Step 6 Blackboard design Module2 Unit 2 Youll see Tower Bridge In Beijing well see the Great Wall Ill,I will Ill see Youll seeShell seeHell seeWell see Teaching Notes 第三模块教学分析 题目 Module3 future plan 题材主要 内容 Amy Daming 分别计划周末要去动物园和农场并各自预想自己将要见 到的动物谈论将来发生的事情 教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 谈论将来发生的事情 语法 句子结构 一般将来时 语言 技能 目标 词汇 听说 读写 will wont tiger lion school zoo park 句子 能够听说认读抄写或仿写下列句子 T Well see lions and tigers ?Will Sam go too Yes he will ?Will you go too Daming ?No I wont能够仿说和运用下列句子 ?I shehe wont Who willWhere dose liveIs there there 学习策略 本模块主要学习一般将来时的一般疑问句及回答 Will Yeswill Nowont will 及特殊疑问句What will you及其回答Well 情感态度 谈论将来发生的事情 任务 通过本课的学习使学生在英语学习中获得快乐的学习体验并用本课句型与他人交流各自将要做的事情让学生做周末活动小调查等以巩固一般将来时态的句子的使用 第一课时 Module 3 Unit 1 Maybe Ill go to the zoo 一教学目标与要求 1 知识与能力目标 能够听说读写下列句子 ?Well see lions and tigers ?Will Sam go too Yes he will ?Will you go too Daming ?No I wont 能听说读写的词语will wont tiger lion school zoo park 能听说读下列句子?I shehe wont Who willWhere dose liveIs there there 并能用学过的句子进行询问交流各自将要做的事情例如到哪去干什么用于表达 将要上的课程等 2情感态度目标 培养学生的表达及交际能力使学生在英语学习中获得快乐的学习体验 二教学重点及难点 一般将来时态的一般疑问句的使用及回答Will YeswillNowont 三课前准备 TAPE\TV\HEADDRESS\CARDS TEXTBOOKACTIVITYBOOK 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Good morning boys and girls Do you want to visit London computer What will you see Ill see 学 生说出伦敦的著名城市景点 课件 Boys and girls this weekend I will go to the supermarket to buy lots of things Could you tell us what you will do this weekend SIll go to TWhat will you see at the zoo TIll see zoo 板书 Step 2 Presentation and practice Boys and girls Let look at the videoWhat will Amy Sam and Daming do this weekend Now watch the videopleaseThen Think it over 课件 1What will Amy do this weekend2What will Amy see Are you readyLets seego 课件全课 Watch TV Headdress The student will be Amy Show a picture 仅一屏 HelloAmy What will you do this weekend 为什么用well请记住这个问题 Who wants to be Amy Listen carefully SI dont know S Maybe Ill well go to the zoo Lets go on What will you see S Well see lions and tigers板书 为什么用well read the tiger Look at the picture Listen Who is he Daming how do you ask about Sam SWill ___go too 板书 S Yes___will 板书 卡片反复读跟读齐读 Pay attention pleaseAmy and Sam are two children what will you See Ill or Well 头像Amy and Sam S Well see lions and tigers 有节奏的读 Show the computerTWill Daming go tooListen carefullySNo I wont板 书 卡 Read it one by one Now Daming wont go to the zoo How does Amy ask Please listen carefully Who will be AmyHow do you ask SWill you go tooDaming 板书 卡 Try to sayS No I wont TWhat will you do Daming sI will visit my grandpa in the countryside 板书 countryside 读几遍 T Will you see tigerslions there SNoI wont tigerslionsT What will you seeS Ill see duckslots of pigs Boys and girls please look at the blackboard This weekend Amy will go to the zoo Sam will go too Sam and Amy They will see lions and tigers But Daming wont go to the zoo He will go to the countryside He will visit his grandpa He wont see lions and tigers But he will see lots of pigs Now by this way please watch the video again 根据老师讲的再看一遍 录像 Now open your book and turn to page 10Let抯 li sten and com Listen and say Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Listen to the tape recorder then say Boys and girlsplease open your bookand turn to page 10 Listen and say 2let抯 do exercises to check up what you have learnedNow open the ac tivity book Part 1 Have you finishedNo1 Who wants to tell us your answer If you are all right please raise your hands 3Do you like games Let抯 play a guessing game书P11 4 Boys and girlswhat will you do this weekend Lets talk about it with your partner in your groups Then come to the front and act outOk 找23名学生演示 5Boys and girls Pay attention Ms Smarts family will have a good weekend Are you interesting in this story Ill give you some questions Please find out the answer让学生听录音 Questions What will they do What will they see Step 4 Summary 同学们今天我们学习了一般将来时态的句子的表达方法如果我们要谈论将 来发生的事情比如周末的打算想法我们就可以使用这种表达的方式 Step 5 Homework 1 Listen to the tape recorder then remember these new sentences 2Free talk with your parentsWhat will you do this weekend Step 6 Blackboard design Module3 Unit 1 Maybe well go to the zoo zoo Well see lions and tigers countryside 图片 Will Sam go too lots of pigs tiger Yes he will lots of Will you go too Daming 单词卡 No I wont Teaching Notes 第二课时 Module3 Unit 2 Will you phone me 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 学会使用下列句子 Will you play with me this weekend Yes I will No I wont 能听说读下列句子?Will phone YeswillNowont并能用学过的句子谈论 将来发生的事情 2情感态度目标 培养学生的表达及交际能力使学生了解并掌握英语表达上的一些语言特点 以及英语表达语言顺序时间地点状语与中文表达的简单区别 二教学重点及难点 一般将来时态的一般疑问句的使用及回答Will YeswillNowont 三课前准备 TAPE\TV\HEADDRESS\ TEXTBOOKACTIVITYBOOK 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Good morning boys and girls What will you do with your parents this weekend Lets free talk Step 2 Presentation and practice Boys and girls Daming will visit his grandpa in the countryside Will Sam go to the countryside this weekend Let look at the videoNow watch the videoplease Are you ready Lets see 课件全课 Watch TV Headdress The student will be Sam and Daming呈现SB Unit 2活动1 教师一课件的形势向学生以下问题帮助学生理解课文第一部分 Will Daming play with Sam Will Daming phone Sam phone 一次教师可以通过打电话的动作演示缴获学生重点注意ph的发音可与elephone作比较发音一样 通过看课件使学生找出答案 给学生适当的提示让两名学生一组根据答案表演这一部分 在给出另外一些问题让学生带着问题再看课件并找出答案 Who will Daming visit Where does Damings grandpa live Is there a phone there 在学习的过程中穿插复习有关助动词do\does 的一些用法及特点以及There be句式的用法及特点 因为上一课时已经学习过有关visitcountryside有关的句子因此上述问题的答案学生基本上能后比较流利的表达 根据学生的学习情况播放几遍课文录音请学生跟读随后可以同位分角色表演 学习诗歌可先让学生找出自己不理解或不会的部分由教师或同学们讲解然后播放录音让学生跟读鼓励学生模仿动作使学生情景交融更有助于学生对诗歌的理解和掌握 Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Look and say about your weekend Then talk about your friend 书P13 通过学生的掌握情况可以考虑是否增加同样形式的练习内容 2lets do exercises to check up what you have learnedNow open the activity book Part 1 教师首先播放一遍录音让学生完整的听一边对华录音再次有间隔的播放录音让学生有比较充足时间填写答案可以让学生先互对一遍答案在以实物投影或直接在课件上直接完成答案 3语音教学 完成课堂活动用书语音题部分在这一部分首先尽量鼓励学生自己去听分辩黑体字母及字母组合的发音但应注意如果有问题一定要马上纠正教师可以重点突出的慢慢读出要纠正黑体部分的发音以使学生能够清楚明了地听出发音经过不断地多次地练习学生就会比较准确地确定出字母及字母组合的发音 Step 4 Summary 同学们今天我们学习了一般将来时态的句子的表达方法如果我们要谈论将来发生的事情比如周末的打算想法我们就可以使用这种表达的方式 Step 5 Homework 1 Listen to the tape recorder 2Lets talk about what you will be The teacher Im a teacher now What will you be in the future Lets think 让学生想一想自己将来希望从事的职业从而复习 teacherdoctornursepupildriver等单词还可拓展学习新的单词 Step 6 Blackboard design Module3 Unit 2 Will you phone me Will you play with me this weekend NoI wont Will phone NowontYeswill Teaching Notes x kB 1c Om Title Occupations Teaching contents 1Words writer future policeman 2 Sentence drills What will you be in the future Maybe Ill be a writer Teaching aims Target aims What will you be Ill be a 能力目标 通过本课的学习培养学生在实际语境中的综合语言运用能力运用will 进 行将来可能发生的事情的提问及回答Talking about the future plan and learning the new words about occupations 情感目标 引导学生树 立远大的理想并为之努力奋斗 Main points How to use will be 模块整体分析 本模块谈论的主题是职业学习并掌握一些职业单词并在此 基础上谈论自己和他人将来可能从事的职业 Difficult points Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly--------will Teaching aids CD some cards pictures tape recorder stickers Module 4 Unit 1 Maybe Ill be a writer 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 学会writer footballer film star等职业单词能用What will you be in the future询问并作回答谈论未来可能从事的职业 2情感态度目标 无论将来我们要从事什么样的职业都应该从现在起好好学习打好基础 二教学重点及难点 如何询问将来要从事的职业以及表达现在从事的职业与将要从事职业的时 态的对比 三课前准备 职业调查表格职业单词卡片 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1 Sing a song about occupation And find out the occupation in the song 2 Free talk Talk about our parents jobs and their hobbies Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 Ask a student that will you be a teacher in the future Why And what will you be in the future 相机板书What will you be in the future 出示picturefuture 指导学生自己拼读future一词在领读句子 Ask 2-3 students to answer the question 3 Amy and Lingling are talking about the jobs What will they be Guess 4 Enjoy the story and find out what they will be in the future 学生通过听音看故事找到writer film star footballer policeman等词 5 通过问题进一步巩固理解这些职业单词 Let the students find more words like writewriter drivedriver farmfarmer workworker Which film star do you know Ss Cheng Long is a film star Zhang Ziyi is a film star 6(Watch the video again and find out why Amy will be a writer and why Lingling will be a film star Ss Lingling likes writing She loves books She will be a writer 7 Why Sam ask them to come to the police station with him Is he a policeman now Sam isn抰 a policeman but one day he will be Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Listen and repeat 2 Read and fill in the blanks What will Lingling be in the future Maybe she will be a ______ And Amy will be a ______ ______ will be a footballer And Sam will be a ______ 3 According to the passage above try to retell the story 4 Guessing game What will he she be in the future 出示人物照片让学生猜职业 成龙小时候照片What will he be in the future He will be ______ 成龙照片Now he is a film star 5 Survey What will you be in the future Ask and answer in groups and fill in the form A What will you be in the future B Maybe Ill be _________ Name Will be 友情提示 ? writer ? film star ? footballer ? policeman ? dancer ? singer ? doctor ? nurse ? businessman ? engineer Make a short dialog with partners A What will you be in the future B I will be a Step 4 Summary What kind of occupation is popular Whatever we will be in the future we should work hard from now on Step 5 Homework Ask your friends what they will be and find out 5 the most popular occupation Step 6 Blackboard design Module 4 Unit 1 Maybe I抣l be a writer What will you be in the future Maybe I will be Amy牋牋牋牋牋 film star Lingling牋牋牋writer牋牋牋 love books Daming牋牋牋牋 footballer Sam牋牋牋牋牋policeman Module 4 Unit 2 He抣l be an astronaut 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 学会astronaut spaceship moon fly a kite fly a plane fly an astronaut 等词语能够运用本课所学He She will be 谈论他人将要从事的职业 2情感态度目标 通过学习让学生知道无论从事什么职业都应受到尊重 二教学重点及难点 能用want to be和will be谈论将要从事的职业 三课前准备 阅读材料职业单词卡片 四 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1 Sing a song Ill be a pilot 2 Revision a Jobs play a bomb game b Perform the M4 u1 c Free talk What will you be 板书Ill be a Step 2 Presentation and practice 1出示重点句 T Do you remember what will she be S1 Shell be a teacher 板书将I改成She He T So this time you should say Shell be aor Hell be a 2 引出课文 T Everyone has his dream So does Xiaoyong Do you remember him Whats he like S2 Hes very clever But hes a bit quiet T Yes Hes got a great dream What will he be in the future Guess 3 Watch the video and answer the questions 4 学习生词astronaut T Who can tell me What will he be S3 Hell be an astronaut T Great Look 出示pp Whos he Ss 杨利伟 T What does he do 学 习astronaut 强调 an astronaut 5学习spaceship T What will astronaut fly Will he fly a kite No Hell fly a spaceship pp Look This is spaceship 学习spaceship 6学习moon T Will the spaceship go to the moon 学习moon T Yes it can But our Chinese people havent been to the moon by the spaceship But I believe we will one day 7Listen and repeat the text twice 8 Read it by yourself 9 Short summery Look at the screen and answer the questions Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Point and say P16 2 T One asks What will shehe be in the future One answer HeShe抣l be a2 A game Who has good memory 教师示范 S1 Ill be teacher S2 Shell be teacher Ill be a doctor S3 Shell be a teacher Hell be a doctor Ill be a writer 3 Reading Time Read the short passage and answer the questions below Write them on the paper Then check together Im Lingling Jack Lucy and Tom are my good friends Jack will be a footballer in the future He loves football Lucy will be a film star She likes films very much Tom will be an astronaut He wants to go to the moon Maybe I抣l be a writer I love books 1牋牋What will Jack be in the future _________________________ 2牋牋What will Lucy be _____________________________ 3牋牋What will Tom be _____________________________ 4牋牋Will Lingling be a teacher ______________________ 4 Ask your partners what they will be in the future and tell Step 4 Summary What we have learned today 当我们想表达将来想要从事的职业时可以用want to be和will be来表达 Step 5 Homework 1 Read the text till fluently 2 Write a short passage about your friends dreams 格式 Hello Im I have 4 friends A will be a B will be aStep 6 Blackboard design He抣l be an astronaut What will she he be SheHe will be an astronaut 牋 wants to be Title Module 5牋 Fruits farm Teaching contents 1Wordsfruit apple pear orange peach fourteen them thirteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 2 Sentence drills will we Yes we we will No we won抰 Teaching aims Target aims 爓ill we Yes we we will No we won抰 能力目标 通过本课的学习培养学生在实际语境中的综合语言运用能力运用will 进 行将来可能发生的事情的提问及回答Talking about the future plan and learning the new words about occupations 情感目标 培养学生健 康的饮食习惯 Main points How to use will 模块整体分析 培 养学生观察事物的能力 能够谈论物品的数量 Difficult points Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly--------will Teaching aids CD some cards pictures tape recorder stickers Unit 1 Well pick fruit 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 Be able to understandspeak and use the following wordsfruit pick apples pears pranges peaches Be able to understandspeak and use the following sentencesWill we pick oranges No we wont 使学生能够理解朗读全篇对话并能够谈论将来发生的事情 2情感态度目标 培养学生健康的饮食习惯 二教学重点及难点 能够掌握单词和重点句型能够谈论将来发生的事情 三课前准备包括教学与学具的准备 准备orange apple pear peach图片 课件 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up l Sing a chant 带领学生演唱Module3学习过的歌谣复习再现will 句型为后面学习做好铺垫 l Guessing game 教师用水果图片让学生猜出水果名称老师要有意识的呈现水果复数形式的图片进行名词复数知识的巩固同时运用猜的游戏激发起学生学习的热情 Step 2 Presentation and practice l 教师在学生猜出水果名称的同时将水果的图片贴在黑板上然后运用简笔 画的方式将fruit farm的画面填充完整向学生提问Whats this教师呈现fruit farm并教读 l 教师做出从树上摘苹果的样子I love apples I will pick apples 重复此句型帮助学生理解掌握单词pick l 教师向学生提问Will you pick apples What will you pick引导学生用 Yes I will No I wont I will pick回答教师首先做示范然后请学生回答 l 这时教师对学生说这个周末 Ms Smart打算带着Amy和Sam一起去果园采 摘我们一起来看看他们打算采摘那些水果 l Watch the video the 1st time try to understand the text Question What will they pick 帮助学生理解课文大意再次巩固applespcomhes 并要求学生运用will句型回答为句型Will we地呈现做好铺垫 l Watch the video the 2nd time answer the questions What will Amy pick What will Sam pick 帮助学生进一步理解课文同时呈现句型Will we pick Nowe wont They havent got oranges并运用黑板上简笔画和水果图片进行 操练 l Watch the video the 3rd timeanswer the questions What will Sam and Amy both pick 呈现句型But we will pick peachesPeaches are my favourite fruit 进行操练同时请学生们说出他们自己最喜爱的水果教师要告诉学生们要养 成健康的饮食好习惯不要挑食 l Listen point and find willthen read the sentences with will l Listen and repeat the dialog Watch the video 强化巩固will句型 两人一组操练并表演学生用书活动2的句型 Will we pick Nowe wont But we will pick peaches Peaches are my favourite fruit l 四人小组操练学生用书活动3的句型 Will we pick pears Nowe wont l Watch the video and act the dialog 小组合作分角色朗读并表演对话评选最佳表演小组最佳朗读奖 Step 3 Consolidation and extension l 完成课堂活动用书活动1 Look and write 先请学生根据小图独立填空然后请学生朗读最后请学生利用本练习中的图片尝试复述片断对话 l 完成课堂活动用书活动3 Read and circle True or False 先请学生独立完成然后请学生朗读集体订正并要求学生尝试归纳 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 复述全篇课文内容 l 完成课堂活动用书活动4 5 Listen and draw 学生独立完成然后小组交流评选最佳合作小组 l 利用课件帮助学生创设场景进行人机对话巩固拓展练习Will we pickNo we wont l 自由组合创编歌谣运用句型Will we pick Yes I will Nowe wont评选最 佳原创奖 Step 4 Summary Will we pick Nowe won抰 Step 5 HomeworkRead after the tape and read the text fluently Step 6 Blackboard design 牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋Module 5牋We抣l pick fruit Will we pick oranges Nowe won抰 They haven抰 got oranges Unit2 There are fourteen p eaches 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 Be able to understandspeak and use the following wordsthirteen--twenty Be able to understandspeak and use the following sentencesHow many peaches are there There are fourteen peaches 使学生能够理解朗读全篇对话 并能够谈论物品的数量 2情感态度目标 培养学生观察事物的能力 二教学重点及难点 能够掌握数字13-20能够理解朗读全篇对话并能够谈论 物品的数量 三课前准备包括教学与学具的准备数字卡片课件x k b 1 c o m 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up l Sing a song Ten little Indians 带领学生复习数字1-10 l Guessing game 教师用一个方盒子做成一个数字大色子教师将色子抛向空 中然后请学生猜出数字如果猜中算获胜此游戏既帮助学生认读复习巩固数字 1-12同时又激发起学生学习的热情 Step 2 Presentation and practice l 教师在鼓励学生猜中色子上的数字的同时简笔画出示许多树提问 Look at the peaches on these treesCan you guess How many peaches are there 在学生都没有猜对的情况下教师引导学生 LookAmy and Sam are counting them Lets count together l 带领学生们watch the video the 1st time引导学生说出答案There are twenty peaches l Lets count the peaches again带领学生们watch the video the 2nd time请学生跟读thirteenfourteen fifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteent l 教师利用数字卡片帮助学生朗读记忆数字 l 学生两人一组利用手中的数字卡片互相练习认读 l 教师带领学生利用手中的数字卡片做游戏教师出示数字发音的口型请学 生迅速出示该卡片教师出示一个数字卡片请学生迅速出示该数字的相邻的数字 卡片通过此游戏帮助学生有效的记忆朗读数字 l Watch the videoListen and repeat l 完成学生用书练习2学生两人一组进行问答 l 教师请学生观察学生用书活动3中的插图了解诗歌大意教师播放录音请学生认真听然后请学生小组交流他们理解上有困难的语言可以同伴互助也可以向老师求助教师再次播放录音请学生重复并鼓励学生在朗读的过程中添加适当的动作和表情最后要求学生能够独立完整的朗读诗歌 Step 3 Consolidation and extension l 完成课堂活动用书活动1 Look and count 限定30秒的时间先请学生观察图片记忆每种物品的数量然后老师提问How many apples are there How many pears are there先请学生说出物品的数量评选眼力大王最后请学生独立书写完成此练习并集体订正拼写错误 l 完成课堂活动用书活动3 Listen and repeat 先请学生们独自朗读表格中的单词找出发音规则然后教师播放录音进行归纳总结请学生正确跟读 l 小组合作朗读课堂活动用书活动4并互相订正发音连线然后播放录音正确跟读 l 完成学生活动用书活动4教师准备两个盒子分别装入写有数字1-10的卡片请参加游戏的两个学生分别从盒子里抽取一张卡片说出上面的数字并迅速地说出两个数字的总和教师可以不断的加快游戏的节奏以此帮助学生熟练的掌握20以内的数字 l 游戏生活中的数字擂台赛课前安排学生们进行生活中的数字小调查课上学生们运用句型How many are there There are fourteen 进行提问谁能回答出数字谁成为擂主然后继续接受同学们的提问最后的胜利者授予数字大王并请 同学向他学习多观察多了解生活 l 播放迪斯尼英语中有关数字的视频帮助学生拓展数字知识 Step 4 Summary How many peaches are there There are fourteen peaches Step 5 Homework Read after the tape and act out the dialog Step 6 Blackboard design Module 5 There are fourteen peaches How many peaches are there There are fourteen peaches 题目 Module ,Parents Day 家长日 题材 主要 内容 在家长日Daming的父母来到Daming的老师,s Smart处了解Daming 平时在校表现老师夸Daming是个好孩子学习努力聪明功课很好Daming的父母很 高兴大明也很高兴 教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 描述他人的性格特点和学习表现等 语法 句子结构 一般现在时的一般疑问句 Is shehe Yes shehe is No shehe isnt HeSheworks hard is good at 语言 技能 目标 词汇 听说读写 work hard good at say thank you 1-9 听说读 speak quite try fast 听说 Parents Day lazy report work 听 Monkey giraffe funny laugh 句子 能够听说认读抄写或仿写下列句子 Is Daming naughty in class No he isnt His work is good Im happy with that Thank you 能够仿说和运用下列句子 HeShes at 学习策略 对所学内容能主动练习实践积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流 文化意识 使学生了解英美国家的小学所设的学科 情感态度 给学生学习的信心鼓励学生在学习上互相帮助 任务 能够用本课句型描述自己或他人的个性特征各门学科的情况 做一张自己或朋友的成绩单说一说 Unit 1 He works hard 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 ? The students can describe a persons personality and talk about ones performance at school ? 认读单词work hard speak ? 初步认读句子Is Daming naughty in class No he isnt His work is good Im happy with that Thank you 2情感态度目标 新 课 标第 一 网 通过学生的自我评价以及互相评价给每一位学生找到自己的优点树立其自 信心提高学习热情和主动性 二教学重点及难点 ? 重点掌握新单词了解新句型在此基础上理解课文内容并能简单的利用 句型和学过的形容词描述他人在学校的表现 ? 难点be动词及其否定形式的灵活运用第三人称单数主语后的动词形式 三课前准备 Module1的有关形容词的单词卡片本课单词卡片VCD 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1( Have the students say a poem on page5 2( TPR The teacher do some actions and then the students say the words nice clever shy quiet loud naughty good bad helpful happy sad 3( Free talk T Whats like S1 Hes very Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 T All of you have your advantages however someone is a bit naughty How about Daming Is Daming naughty in class Lets watch the video 2 Play the vcd And then have the students answer the question 板书问题 Is Daming naugty in class 根据学生回答板书答案 No he isnt Practise the key sentences in different ways 3 The teacher plays the VCD again And have the students answer another question Is Daming lazy in class 板书新单词lazy The students guess the meaning of lazy 4 T Is Daming lazy in class Ss No he isnt 引导学生说He works hard 强调第三人称单数主语后的动 词形式 5( TDaming isnt naughty in class And he isnt lazy in class How about his work Show the students a paper 出示一张Daming 100分的试卷 板书 His work is good 强调work是名词表示功课 6( Have the students talk about Damings performance in class T Is Daming naughty in class Ss No he isnt He isnt naughty in class T Is Daming lazy in class Ss No he isnt He isnt lazy in class Ss His work is good T His parents are happy with that 7 Have the students listen to the dialogue and find am is are One students say the sentences the other students repeat 8 Have the students repeat and imitate the dialogue Then read it in different roles 9( Do the exercises in Activity book Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Review the adjective words with the cards The students can do some actions about the words Then make a dialogue in groups 先集体复习学过的形容词然后根据老师给出的文本例子以小组为单位编写 新歌谣 上台边做动作边说歌谣 The example naughty naughty is naughty shy shy is shy clever clever is clever quiet quiet is quiet We are good friends We are good friends 2(Game 记忆力大比拼 男女分为两组每个人在卡纸上写出自己的两个特点找五个女生上台卡纸向 全班同学展示3秒钟女生根据老师出示的形容词卡片来问男生Is she 男生回答 Yes she is或者No she isnt 然后再找无名男生上台方法同前 Step 4 Summary TCan you talk about Damings performance in class S1 He isnt naughty in class S2 He isnt lazy S3His work is good Have the students read the key words and key sentences on blackboard Step 5 Homework a Listen and repeat the dialogue for 5 times b Write the new words and sentences for 2 lines c Talk about your friend with your parents Step 6 Blackboard design Module 6 Unit 1 He works hard lazy Is Daming naughty in class work hard No he isnt work His work is good Unit 2 Shes quite good at English 一( 教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 ? 学生会谈论学习成绩和表现等 ? 认读单词quite good at say try fast ? 初步认读句子Shes good at Shes quite good at She tries hard at She doesnt work hard at 2情感态度目标 通过学生的自我评价以及互相评价给每一位学生找到自己的优点树立其自 信心提高学习热情和主动性 二( 教学重点及难点 ? 重点掌握新单词了解新句型在此基础上理解课文内容并能简单的利用 句型描述他人各个科目的成绩 ? 难点try 的第三人称单数quite和quiet的区别 三(课前准备 本课单词卡片VCD a 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up i Review the adjective words with the cards ii Free talk S1 Im very naughty But Im very clever T Is S1 naugty in class Ss Yes he is TIs he quiet Ss No he isnt Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 出示一张成绩单数学是100分 TThis student is very good at Maths 板书good at 帮助学生理解意思 2( T Are you good at Maths S1 Yes I am S2 No Im not 3 T How about Lingling Is she good at Maths Lets watch the video Play the video and have the students answer the question T Is she good at Maths Ss Yes she is She is good at Maths d T Look at your paper What about her English What about her Science Now lets listen to the radio and finish the report 教师发给学生一份表格引导学生通过挺对话把表格中的信息补充完整 Report Lingling Maths very good English _______ Science _______ PE run fast Art _________ Chinese very good e T How about Linglings English Ss quite good 帮助学生区分quiet quite两个词 f TIs she goot at Science Ss No she isnt T She tries hard at Science 板书try tries g Help the students finish the report Then play the VCD and have the students repeat the text h Group work Have some students retell Linglings report 9 Do the practice2 on page 24 Look at the report of Sam Retell Sams report in pairs Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Have the students do the exercise1 in Activity Book Unit 2 First listen to the tape say the subjects Second finish the report Third ask and answer 2(Do a super interview 访问自己的一个朋友完成手中的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 注意第三人 称单数然后汇报自己的结果运用重点句型 Shes good at Shes quite good at She tries hard at She doesnt work hard at Step 4 Summary 1 TWhat have you learned in this lesson Ss 2 Read the key words and key sentences together Step 5 Homework 三( Listen and repeat the text for 5 times 四( Write the new words and sentences for 2 lines 五( Talk about your friend with your parents Step 6 Blackboard design Module 6 Unit 2 Shes quite good at English Shes good at Shes quite good at She tries hard at She doesnt work hard at title Book6 Module7 Teaching contents 1Words young who grandparent old then beautiful 2 Sentence drills They werent old thenNo they were very young My hair wasnt long then It was very short Teaching aims Target aims were was 的用法 waswere then Now isare 能力目标 Describing changesDescribing the features and the state of the past thingsComparing the present with the past说明过去的特征与状态比较现在和过去 情感目标看看小时候的我们也看看现在的我们通过寻找感受自身的变化来 理解语法操练句型 Main points Read aloud and act out the text Difficult points 从这一模块开始真正要让学生接触一般过去时了教材通 过人物随时间的变化让学生来感受该时态的用法及特点当然这是第一次出现过 去时所以教材中的句子只是涉及到了两个be动词 "is"和 "are"的变化形式希 望学生能从最基础的句型开始掌握这也是本节课的难点 Teaching aids CD some cards pictures tape recorder stickers Unit1 They were very young 一教学目标与要求 1知识与能力目标 使学生能熟练掌握生词was\were\werent\wasnt\ young\grandparents能熟练并能在真实情景中运用本课的重点句型 They werent then\ They were very\wasntthen\ was 2情感态度目标 同过对过去式的学习提高学生听说和交流能力小组合作精神和学生的自学能力让学生懂得孝敬父母多与家人沟通的思想 二教学重点及难点 学生对过去是动词及其否定形式的掌握及如何运用重点句型来描述过去发生的事情 三课前准备 教具单词卡片照片多媒体课件 学具 学生自己小时候的照片 四教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1 Greeting Say hello to the students 2 Look at the CAI Read the adjectives and say the opposite words 复习学生已经学过的形容词为新课做准备 Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 通过第一个环节中的最后一个词old从而引出本课的新词young Read it one by one and do the action 2 电脑出示教师小时候的照片 TLook Can you guessing who she is Ss She is Miss Zang T Yes I was very young then I was 5 years old I was very very naughty right T Please look at my hair how about my hair now Ss Its very long 板书My hair is very long 教师走到自己照片的旁边 How about my hair then Was it very long No it was very short引出重点词was was 是is 的过去式表示的是过去是 当你要描 述过去发生的动作的时候要把is 变成was板书It was very short 并教读 3 T my hair was very short Was it long No So it wasnt long then Wasnt means was not 过去不是板书my hair wasnt long then并教读 4 出示Lingling小时候的照片TWho is she Do you know Watch the video 5 解决问题Who is that girl How old was she 6 What other photos do they talk about Her grandparents引出新词 grandparents grandpa grandma grandparents边说边配动作 7 出示祖父母现在的照片引导孩子说出They are very old并板书 用同样的方式教授were和werent板书they werent old then They were very young 8 A little chant Were were they were very young Werent werent they werent old then Was was it was very short Wasnt wasnt it wasnt long then 8 Listen point and repeat Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Do the exercises 1 on activity book P26 Then check the answers 2 Show some pictures of the students let others describe them using the sentences they have learnt today Then let them guess who they were in the pictures通过描述先运用本节课所学的知识然后让学生根据特征来猜一 猜自己的同学从而引起学生的兴趣 Step 4 Homework 1( Listen and repeat the test for three times 2( Copy the words and sentences they learnt today 3( Describe the old pictures to your parents and your friends after school Step 5 Blackboard design Module 7 Unit 1 They were very young My hair wasnt long then They werent old then It was very short They were very young Unit2 He was in Hong Kong 一 教学目标与要求 1 知识与能力目标 使学生能熟练掌握生词 flat\yesterday能熟练并能在真实情景中运用 was\wasnt\were\werent 来描述过去发生的动作和事情 2 情感态度目标 提高学生的小组合作精神和学生的自学能力培养学生多与朋友沟通与交流 的能力 二 教学重点及难点 学生对过去是动词及其否定形式的掌握及如何运用重点句型来描述过去发 生的事情 三 课前准备 教具单词卡片多媒体课件 四 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1 Enjoy a beautiful song on page 29 I was fat Sing it and do the actions 2 Show the pictures on page 27 part 3 Give the Ss some adjectives and let them describe the pictures Pay attention to the differences between then and now复习上节课的知识点已达到巩固的目的为本课打好基础 Step 2 Presentation and practice X kb1coM 1 T 教师出示几张假期出游的照片向学生提问Where is it In the holiday I was in Hainan Do you know where Sam was in the holiday He wrote a letter to his friend Lucy Lets take a look at it Please watch the video 2 Q1 Where was Sam in the holiday S1 He was with Daming at Damings flat yesterday 引出本节课的新词flat和yesterday教读这两个新词 3 How about Ms Smart and Amy Were they in Beijing too No they were in London 板书They were in London 4 How about his father He was in Hong Kong板书 5 Was Dad in London NoHe wasnt So he wasnt in London强调Wasnt 的 用法并板书 6 Listen point and repeat the text Then let the Ss practice their reading 7 Find 2 Ss read the letter 8 Tell something about the format of the letters Let them know the differences between Chinese letters and Western letters Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Do the exercises 1 on Students book P28 part 2
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