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1关于环保的英语作文1关于环保的英语作文 1关于环保的英语作文_英语作文 不会增长如此迅猛。 的天气. Protection of the will last longer if we learn 最后,如果我们能够教育严重的问题,看来,我们可Environment to recycie them. 人们都意识到这些问题的以得出一些措施来对付它. Once man did not have The world population will 话,未来我们就会有一个首先,当局应该采取的政to think about the n...

1关于环保的英语作文 1关于环保的英语作文_英语作文 不会增长如此迅猛。 的天气. Protection of the will last longer if we learn 最后,如果我们能够教育严重的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,看来,我们可Environment to recycie them. 人们都意识到这些问题的以得出一些措施来对付它. Once man did not have The world population will 话,未来我们就会有一个首先,当局应该采取的政to think about the not rise so quickly if 更好、更洁净的星球。 策是"可持续发展" , 法律protection of his people use modern 2英语作文关于环境保护和有关环保工作应该要付environment. There were methods of birth control. 的英语作文 诸实施,执法不严,正如我few people on the earth, Finally, if we educate 国政府一直在做的事. and natural resources people to think about the The world we live in is 何况, 每个公民都应该明seemed to be unlimited. problems we shall have a becoming more and 白问题的严重性,并共同Today things are different. better and cleaner planet more intolerable because 努力,为保护我们的环境. The world has become in the future. of environmental 过去,人们不必担心保护此外,植树有利于改善和too crowded. We are destruction. Bird flu and 环境的问题。 美化环境. using up our natural Sars are two typical 因为那时地球上人口稀resources,and polluting examples that 3..................Man and His 少,自然资源似乎取之不our environment with environmental Environment 尽。 dangerous chemicals. If destruction may threaten Throughout history 如今,一切都改变了。世we continue to do this, our life. Besides, forest man has changed his 界变得拥挤异常。我们正human life on earth will destruction , water and physical environment in 在耗尽我们的自然资源,not survive. air pollution result in order to improve his way 有毒化学制品的使用也正We realize that if too decrease of planting land of life. With the tools of 污染着环境。如果我们继many fish are taken from and unpleasant weather. technology he has 续这样下去,地球上的生the sea, there will soon Serious as the problem altered many physical 命将不复存在。 be none left. Yet,with seems, we can come up features of the earth. 我们都知道如果从海里捕modern fishing methods, with some measures to He has transformed 捉太多的鱼,海里就不会more and more fish are deal with it. First of all, woodlands and prairies 再有鱼了。但是,现代化caught.We know that if the authorities should into farms and made 的捕鱼技术使得捕鱼量越too many trees are cut adopt the policy of lakes and reserviors out 来越大。我们都知道如果down, forests will "sustainable of rivers for irrigation 砍伐太多的树木,森林就disappear. Yet, we development", and laws purposes or hydroelectric 会消失。但是,我们仍旧continue to use powerful concerning power. Man has also 使用强大的机械砍伐越来machines to cut down environmental protection modified the face of the 越多的树木。我们都知道more and more trees. We should be put into effect earth by draining 如果河水被废弃物污染的see that if rivers are and enforced strictly just marshes and cutting 话,我们只有死路一条。polluted with waste as our government has through mountains to 但是废弃物仍然源源不断products, we will die. Yet, been doing. build roads and railways. 地进入河里。 waste products are What' s more, every However, man's 我们知道,人口继续照现still put into rivers. citizen should realize the changes to the physical 在这个速度增长的话,不We know that if the seriousness of the environment have not 出几年,就会发生食物短population continues to problem and make always had beneficial 缺。我们该如何解决这些rise at the present rate, in concerted efforts to results. Today, pollution a few years, there won,t 问题呢? protect our environment. of the air and water is an 如果我们多吃蔬菜,少吃be enough food.What In addition, planting trees increasing danger to the 肉类的话,我们就会有更can we do to solve these helps improve and health of the planet. 多的食物。因为同样大小problems? beautify the environment. Each day thousands of 的土地如果种庄稼的话会我们生活的世界正变得越If we eat more tons of gases come out 比养殖动物多养活五倍多来越难以忍受,因为对环vegetables and less of the exhausts of motor 的人。 境的破坏. 禽流感和meat, there will be more vehicles. Smoke from 如果我们学会再利用的SARS的是两个典型的例food available. Land for factories pollutes the air 话,自然资源就能持续更子,对环境的破坏,可能危crops feeds five times of industrialized areas 久。 及自己的生命. 此外,森林more people than land and the surrounding 如果人们使用现代化的生破坏,水和空气污染导致where animals are kept. areas of the countryside. 育控制方法,世界人口就减少种植业土地及不愉快Our natural resources The pollution of water is Besides, I enjoy jogging in several of the Farmer's 烟雾污染了工业区和周围equally harmful. The the morning. Sometimes, I cattle and caused him 乡村的空气。水污染同样jog with my parents in the severe loss. Well, the whole ecological balance park. Farmer thought it best to 有害,海洋的整个生态平of the sea is being make it up with the Serpent, 6自信 衡正在受到破坏,工业废changed and industrial and brought food and Life needs to have goals, honey to the mouth of its there is sense of fulfillment 水已使许多河流的生物死wastes have already lair, and said to it: "Let's struggle. To enrich must be 亡。 made many rivers forget and forgive; perhaps confident. Life is not you were right to punish smooth, wavy, it's a 现在,环境保护比以lifeless. my son, and take difficult bumpy, tortuous, 往任何时候都更为紧迫。 Now environmental vengeance on my cattle, but with full of challenge, full surely I was right in trying 我们知道,对环境的大规protection is more of frustrations. to revenge him; now that When a new day, whether 模破坏已经带来负面影pressing than ever we are both satisfied why you put yourself in the busy? 响,甚至严重威胁到人类should not we be friends before. As we know, When the sun rises, if you again?" grasp the letter that each 的生存。对这些问题漠不massive destruction of sunshine? Confident people 关心将意味着自我毁灭。environment has brought "No, no," said the Serpent; have goals in busy still can "take away your gifts; you feel the warmth of the sun, 因此,应采取有效措施并about negative effects can never forget the death still can sniff out of the life, 通过法律来保护环境。不and even poses a great of your son, nor I the loss because only the of my tail." confidence to aura of the 然的话,人类势必遭受因threat to man's existence. connotation of the life 其不关心生存环境而引起Indifference to these Injuries may , but not experience. forgotten. A man's life is only a 的严重后果之苦。 problems will mean 9小悦悦与见义勇为 solemn, this is the only life 4有关污染的 committing suicide. you let it brilliant or dark? Gruesome footage of a My name is ××. When I Therefore, effective Since it is a chance to see toddler falling victim to grow up, I want to be a beyond a blossom, sunrise two successive hit-and-run biology teacher because measures should be and sunset, try changes, accidents and then being then I could teach children taken and laws passed to human, then the young ignored by many about the environment. I heart risks only with the passers-by at the scene last think that the world is a conserve environment. practical action to prove his week in southern China wonderful place, but I Otherwise,man is certain life is brilliant. continued to galvanize the worry about it. People don't nation Monday, prompting care about nature. They 7时间 to suffer from the serious a fierce debate on the state only care about making lots People often say,“Time is consequences caused of morality in Chinese of money. They should money." But in fact time is society. by this lack of care for his remember that if we more valuable than Police have caught and destroy all the trees, then money. The time we have living surroundings. detained both drivers, state we will not survive. I get is limited,Every second is 人类有史以来不断media reported. Wang, the sad, too, when people kill precious。 we should make father, told CNN that the each other. Grown-ups play 改变自然环境,以改善自full use of our time. But van driver had earlier silly games sometimes. It's there are a lot of people 己的生活方式。人类借助called to offer the family no fun. who do not know the money, but refused to turn 5我喜欢的运动 技术工具改变了地球的许importand of time.They himself in."Blood was Taking exercise is good for spend their time chatting or 多自然特征。他将林地和coming out her nose and our health. All work and no drinking. They do not mouth," Chen told local 草原改造成为农田,使江play makes Jack a dull boy. realize that wasting time is reporters. "I didn't By taking exercise, we can simply wasting their 河变成湖泊和水库,用于understand why no one else relax our body and mind. valuable life. In a had carried her from the 灌溉或用于水力发电。人At the same time, we can world,we should get into street."In recent years, harden our muscle and the good habit of saving 类还通过给沼泽地排水、assisting victims in traffic have a good figure. If we time. Do not leave what 凿石劈山、修建公路和铁accidents or other don't take exercise for a can be done today until emergency situations has long time, we may easily tomorrow. Always 路等方式,改变了地球的become controversial in fall sick. I enjoy remember,we must save 面貌。 China. In an attempt to several outdoor sports. time. cover costly medical Swimming in the sea is my 然而,人类改变自然8绿领巾、 expenses, several senior favorite. Because there are Countryman's son by 环境并不总是带来有益的citizens, injured in too many people in a accident trod upon a accidents that were their swimming pool and the 结果。今天,空气和水的Serpent's tail, which turned own fault, turned against water is always dirty, I and bit him so that he died. 污染给地球的健康造成越people who helped them at prefer to swim in the The father in a rage got his the scene by suing the good 来越严重的危害。每天机sea. Playing axe, and pursuing the Samaritans for badminton is also fun. I can Serpent, cut off part of its 动车辆的排气管排出成千compensation, according to always find a place in the tail. So the Serpent in state media. 上万吨废气。工厂释放的park for playing badminton. revenge began stinging "I didn't think of anything commonly see some consumption next week. following tips for their at the time," she told local college students wear The amount varies as to reporters. "I just wanted to guide: 1) Wash face by save the girl." branded clothes, using the how much you earn and cold water, immerse feet in 10交通 most advanced appliances how much you have. warm water and gargle such as Ipod, Iphone and In a word, it is beneficial to There is no doubt that with diluted salt water. 2) Ipad. In spite of where the carry rational consumption traffic congestion becomes Open windows to get fresh money comes from, I among college students. a growing worry for the air. 3) Dry bedding in the 11健康 absolutely oppose the view residents of most urban sun. 4) Do exercises that college students There are many people areas. Some major roads everyday. 5) Go to public consume luxuries. As far as who think that wealth is are regularly choked with I am concerned, we should activities as few as possible better than health. I used traffic in rush hours. advocate rational when influenza is to think so until one day I consumption among rampant. Prevention is The limited transport read a story about college students. As better than cure! capacity contributes largely Howard Hughes. He was follows, I will share some to the vexing problem. an American billionaire 爱国主义13 suggestions. Above How to solve the who got anything he all, college students should headache?. Much to our distress, wanted. However, in the have access to earning these years have seen a pocket money. This is a last twenty years of his The existing solutions to widespread neglect of priority. Most college life, his health began to traffic jam mainly aim at patriotic education in our students, who have already deteriorate and he was creating metro bus systems society. According to asked their parents to pay and broadening major roads. miserable. He had the their fee, should take some official reports, Widening the existing roads best doctors and nurses. responsibility to afford many patriotic education can solve traffic snarls on However, he could still their daily consumption, let centers have been some level. find no relief. I realized alone luxurious closed down or kept that health is worth all the consumption. In Soaring car ownership open to the public for money in the world. If addition, it is necessity, compounds the chronic other more profitable you have millions of rather than luxury, that annoying problem, so we purposes while many of counts. Seeing other dollars but your health is must sharply reduce the our national heroes have students buying luxiry, poor, you will not be able heavy reliance on cars and given way to today's pop some students are jealous to do what you want to drive a shift to the mass stars in youths' minds. If and would like to buy one transportation. do. So I would like to say themselves. This is what this current is allowed to don't hurt yourself trying we call irrational run its course, I am afraid, It is a cheap and good way. to make money. Instead consumption. Last We can create a system of things are bound to turn take care of your body but not least, keep a customized bus routes and for the worse, with less and be happy with what balance table each month. highlight the development and less sense of you do have. Health is If you have fancy dinner of subways, trolleys and patriotism left in the more important. this week, then you are light rail. youth. supposed to cut down the 预防感冒12 cost next week. Also, you The effective combination The significance of can set up some bonus plan of these solutions will Dear friends: Many patriotic education to our for yourself. If you spend enable the urban areas to people have got a headache, society, however, can be less than, say, 500 yuan per possess a smooth traffic. cold, or felt tired. In order seen from the month, then you can allow 大学生如何消费 to help students to prevent perspectives as follows. yourself a 200 yuan luxury Around the compus, we can colds I provide the In the first place, the greater efforts must be mockingly "Salerno" when spectors were sent to patriotic education can made to integrate the he would see me. Maybe he the country by the UN make youth more aware patriotic education into did this because his dad did to find the clues. of the glorious history the curriculums not have such tales to tell. Though no evidenceand culture of our nation, throughout youth's But I was always interested was found, America stthus building up their education. In one word, in what my dad did during ill wanted to go to wasense of pride as where there is an the war. Not so much proud Chinese. In the second, effective patriotic but interested. My dad r with Iraq and the ma the patriotic education education of youth, there used to say because he in target is Sadam Hus helps youth value today's is a greater knew something, he had a sein. The war was just hard-earned life so as to enhancement of national trade, he was skilled in like the quiet battle hold dearer their golden cohesiveness construction that he was between France and Chchances of enriching not put in the front lines. 和平 ina in 1800s.It was sathemselves with He always encouraged me id that a relation of Iraq is a part of the knowledge in peace. And to get an education so that Sadam betrayed him. above all, the patriotic if I was called into war I Middle East next to Ir education can push would not be in the front an & Kuwait. It is ver I think war is not youth to draw upon more lines. His unit built y important to the res just a matter of two of their capabilities in runways and living quarters t of the world becausepersons or two-family order to make for air units as the allied of its underground pefight. It is related ttomorrow's life better forces advanced they would troleum fields. o so many victims’ inthan today's and leave need landing strips and rerests . As a leader,behind themselves more buildings. My dad It is said that oi one must always thinkhighlights for the nation's learned Italian and ended l is industrial blood for all the people, sculture. To sum up, up marrying an Italian girl. and for this reason pe o will his country be patriotic education is a He brought her back and rhaps the war started. key ingredient in the they had a family of three prosperous for always On September 11,20all-round development of children. He divorced her 战争 01,the Twin Towers in youth. claiming she was unfaithful. When I think of World War How would I know. I only New York as well as paSo the most pressing for 2 Memorabilia I think of got to know my dad and his rts of the Pentagon weus now is how to my dad who served in the history after his first re destroyed by an aireffectively inculcate corps of army engineers marriage and first family. plane planned by terropatriotism in the youth of during world war two. He And so my dad would tell rists, which made Geortoday. In my opinion, the was involved in the allied me tales of how he and his first step should be ge Bush declared to fiinvasion of North Africa buddy were in the death focused upon giving ght the country’s eneand Salerno, Italy. In high ward of the military fuller play to the mies. school I did a report in my hospital. He and his buddy potentials of patriotic history class on him and his decided to go out that night It was said that Ieducation centers time in the army. I received and have one last night of raq still possessed mainstead of running them an A for my report. My drunken revelry. He ny weapons of mass desfor the purpose of friend for the rest of the testifies that the next day he making money. Then, truction and weapon inyear would tease me saying and his buddy were pronounced fit to be he had bought from another discharged and return to soldier. My dad heard a their units. He told of how rumor that there was his unit came across a town inspection going on and with a warehouse of wine anyone caught with war in kegs the size of houses souvenirs would face and that they made straws discipline. So my dad one out of bamboo or some night threw the bag of such thing and by morning German weapons had lowered the wine in the overboard into the giant keg by a foot. He ocean. My dad did not told me that while in North bring home any World War Africa that his unit was 2 Memorabilia. But his rousted out of bed at two in stories have stayed with me the morning and had to flee ever since I met him during because the desert fox his second marriage. Rommel and his German tank divisions were bearing down on them. The deadly desert cold air was the cause of another one of my dad's brush with death as he caught almost literally his death of cold. He told of how a group of Italian allied sympathizers had taken refuge in a liberated town. My dad's unit had a group of German prisoners they left with the sympathizers to watch over until a following allied unit could come and take charge of the prisoners. My dad's unit gave the Italians food to give the prisoners until the next unit arrived. My dad found out later that the sympathizers shot the Germans and gave the food to the townspeople. On the troop ship back my dad had a bag of German lugers
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