首页 人教版三年级上下册英语四会单词



人教版三年级上下册英语四会单词人教版三年级上下册英语四会单词 人教版三年级上册英语四会单词 Unit 1: pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 分析:er拼音缩写“儿子”;a一块;s外形像蛇;er拼音缩写“儿子”。 记忆:两个儿子抢一块蛇形橡皮。 crayon 蜡笔 分析:cr拼音首字母“超人”;ay拼音首字母“哎呀”;on形似球门。 记忆:超人哎呀一声被飞向球门的蜡笔砸倒。 book 书 分析:boo形似600;k形似枪。 记忆:书上画着600种枪。 ...

人教版三年级上 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 英语四会单词 人教版三年级 上册 三年级上册必备古诗语文八年级上册教案下载人教社三年级上册数学 pdf四年级上册口算下载三年级数学教材上册pdf 英语四会单词 Unit 1: pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 分析:er拼音缩写“儿子”;a一块;s外形像蛇;er拼音缩写“儿子”。 记忆:两个儿子抢一块蛇形橡皮。 crayon 蜡笔 分析:cr拼音首字母“超人”;ay拼音首字母“哎呀”;on形似球门。 记忆:超人哎呀一声被飞向球门的蜡笔砸倒。 book 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 分析:boo形似600;k形似枪。 记忆:书上画着600种枪。 bag 书包 分析:ba拼音“爸”;g拼音首字母“哥”。 记忆:爸爸把哥哥装进了书包里。 sharpener 卷笔刀 school 学校 分析:s外形像蛇;ch“吃”的拼音首字母;oo像两个鸡蛋;l像数字1. 记忆:一条蛇在我们学校偷吃了两个鸡蛋和一根油条。 Unit 2: Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, head 头 face 脸 分析:fa拼音“发”;ce拼音缩写“厕所”。 记忆:发现厕所里有张脸。 nose 鼻子 分析:no没有;se“蛇”近似拼音。 记忆:我的鼻子里面没有蛇。 mouth 嘴 分析:mo“抹”的拼音’u“油” 的谐音;th“天河”的拼音首字母。 记忆:她抹在嘴巴上的油就像天河一样闪亮。 eye 眼睛 分析:ee外形像眼睛;y外形像鼻子。 记忆:鼻子旁边的两只眼睛。 ear 耳朵 分析:e“鹅”的拼音;a“一”;r“人”的拼音首字母。 记忆:这只鹅吃掉了一个人的耳朵。 arm 胳膊 分析:arm“阿门”的谐音。 记忆:他在手臂上划十字,最后说“阿门”。 finger 手指 分析:f谐音“飞”;ing拼音“鹰”;er拼音“儿子”。 记忆:飞鹰叼走了儿子的手指。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, leg 腿 分析:le“了”的拼音;g近似数字9。 记忆:这个人的腿断成了9截。 foot 脚 分析:fo“佛”的拼音;ot“呕吐”的拼音首字母。 记忆:佛的脚扭了,疼得他不停地呕吐。 body 身体 分析:bo形似60;dy拼音首字母“大爷”。 记忆:60岁的大爷一般身体都不好了(拄着拐杖)。 Unit3: red 红色的 分析:re“热”的拼音;d“的”字的拼音首字母。 记忆:红色是一种能让人感觉热的色彩。 yellow 黄色的 分析:ye“爷”的拼音;llo近似数字110;w“巫”的拼音首字母。 记忆:爷爷打110报警请求抓捕传播黄色的巫婆。 green 绿色的 分析:gr“工人”的拼音首字母;ee“鹅鹅”的拼音;n“你”的拼音首字母。 记忆:工人抱起两只绿色的鹅送给你。 blue 蓝色的 分析:b“半”的拼音首字母;lu“路”的拼音;e“鹅”的拼音。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 记忆:半路杀出了一只蓝色的鹅。 purple 紫色的 分析:pur“仆人”的拼音缩写;ple“跑了”的拼音缩写。 记忆:仆人偷了一只紫色的鹅跑了。 white 白色的 分析:whi为何(why)的近似拼写;te“天鹅”的拼音首字母。 记忆;为何天鹅都是白色的。 black 黑色的 分析:bla“不拉”的拼音缩写;ck“刺客”的拼音首字母。 记忆:我的黑色出租车是绝对不拉刺客的。 orange 橙色的 分析:o外形圆圆的;rang“让”的拼音;e“鹅”的拼音。 记忆:这个圆圆的橙子就让给鹅吃吧。 pink 粉色的 brown 棕色的 分析:br“别人”的拼音首字母;own自己的。 记忆:别人的彩色不如自己的褐色。 Unit 4: cat猫 分析:ca“擦”的发音;t形状像雨伞。 记忆:一只猫在擦雨伞。 dog 狗 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 分析:do做;g狗的拼音首字母。 记忆:我不想做狗。 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 rabbit 兔子 duck 鸭子 分析:du“毒”的拼音;ck“刺客”的拼音首字母。 记忆:我拿了一直有毒的鸭子给了刺客。 pig 猪 分析:pi“屁”的拼音;g“股”的拼音首字母。 记忆:我喜欢吃猪屁股。 bird 鸟 分析:bi拼音“比”rd拼音首字母“柔道”。 记忆:两只鸟在比柔道。 bear 熊 分析:b形似6;ear耳朵。 记忆:一只熊长了6个耳朵。 elephant 大象 分析:ele“饿了”的拼音;ph“破坏”的拼音首字母,ant蚂蚁。 记忆:大象饿了就会去破坏蚂蚁窝。 mouse 老鼠 分析:mo“摸”的拼音;us我们 ;e“鹅”的拼音。 记忆:被老鼠摸过之后我们都变成了鹅。 squirrel 松鼠 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 分析:squ死去的拼音缩写;i形状像蜡烛;rr形状像稻草;el“恶狼”的拼音首字母。 记忆:(童话里)松鼠死去的时候会用蜡烛点燃很多草,避免被恶狼吃掉。 Unit 5: cake 蛋糕 分析:ca“茶”的谐音;ke“渴”的拼音。 记忆:吃完蛋糕要喝茶,否则会口渴。 bread 面包 分析:b“不”的拼音首字母;read读。 记忆:不要边读书边吃面包。 hot dog 热狗 hamburger 汉堡包 chicken 鸡肉 French fries 法国炒饭 coke 可乐 juice 果汁 milk 牛奶 分析:mi“米”的拼音;lk“立刻”的拼音首字母。 记忆:把米加入水中立刻就成了生奶。 water 水 分析:wa“挖”的拼音;te“特”;r“热”的拼音首字母。 记忆:我挖出来的睡特别热。 tea 茶 分析:te“特”的拼音;a“一”。 记忆:这是非常特别的一杯茶。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, coffee 咖啡 分析:c“吃”的拼音首字母;o形状像鸡蛋;ff形状像拐杖;ee两 只“鹅”的拼音。 Unit 6: one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 分析:f形似拐杖;our我们的。 记忆:拐杖是我们的四大武器之一(中华武器:刀枪剑拐杖)。 five 五 分析:fl谐音“张飞”;ve组合“五只鹅”。 记忆:张飞吃了五只鹅。 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 分析:e拼音“鹅”;i我;ght拼音首字母“桂花糖”。 记忆:鹅跟我要了八颗桂花糖吃(鹅很贪吃)。 nine 九 ten 十 doll 玩具娃娃 分析:do做;ll形似筷子。 记忆:木偶做了一双筷子。 boat 小船 分析:bo近似数字60;at在。 记忆:60个人都挤在一条船上。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, ball 球 kite 风筝 balloon 气球 car 小汽车 分析:ca“擦”的拼音;r“人”的拼音首字母。 记忆:小汽车擦了那个人一下。 plane 飞机 分析:pl“漂亮”的拼音首字母;an一;e“鹅”的拼音。 记忆:漂亮的飞机上有一只鹅。 PEP英语三年级(下册)三会单词 Unit 1 boy 男孩 分析:bo“伯”;y“牙”的拼音首字母。 记忆:老伯的牙齿没了是因为他像一个小男孩样玩闹时磕掉了。 girl 女孩 分析:g近似数字9;i外形像蜡烛;rl“热烈”的拼音首字母。 记忆:这个女孩一口气吹灭了9只蜡烛,人们给她热烈的掌声。 teacher 教师 分析:tea茶;che“车”的拼音;r“肉”的拼音首字母。 记忆:我们要给老师倒茶,还要送他上车,再送他一块肉。 student 学生 this 这个 my 我的 friend 朋友 I’m=I am 我是 nice 好的;愉快的 good morning 早上好 good afternoon 下午好 meet 遇见;碰见 分析:me我;et外星人(美国的一部科幻影片人物)。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 记忆:我遇到一个外星人。 goodbye 再见 too 也;太 Unit 2 father 父亲;爸爸 分析:fat胖;her她的。 记忆:她的父亲很胖。 dad 爸爸(口语) 分析:da拼音“打”;d拼音首字母“弟”。 记忆:爸爸打弟弟。 mother 母亲;妈妈 mom 妈妈(口语) man 男人 woman 女人 grandmother (外)祖母 grandma (口语)(外)祖母 grandfather (外)祖父 grandpa (口语)(外)祖父 sister 姐妹 brother 兄弟let’s=let us 让我们 great 太好了 really 真地;确切地 and 和;并且 how 多么;怎么样 Unit 3 eleven 十一 分析:ele拼音“饿了”;ven谐音“闻”。 记忆:饿了就闻十一下。 twelve 十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 分析:four四;te拼音首字母“特务”;en拼音“摁”。 记忆:四个特务摁住十四个敌人。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, fifteen 十五sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 分析:eight八;teen十。 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 how many 多少 can 能够;可以 look at 看;瞧 Unit 4 peach 桃 pear 梨 分析:p“劈”的拼音首字母;ear耳朵。 记忆:劈开耳朵,看到了一只梨。 orange 橙子 分析:o形状像圆形;rang“让”的拼音;e“鹅”的拼音。 记忆:这个圆圆的橙子就让给鹅吃吧。 watermelon 西瓜 apple 苹果 分析:a“一个”;pp“婆婆”的拼音首字母;le“了”的拼音。 记忆:一个婆婆给了我很多苹果。 banana 香蕉 分析:ba“爸”的拼音;na“拿”的拼音。 记忆:这些香蕉很好吃,爸爸拿了又拿。 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 like 喜欢 some 一些;某些 thanks 多 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 谢 Unit 5 bus 公共汽车 分析:bu拼音“不”;s形似蛇。 记忆:公共汽车上不能带蛇。 bike 自行车 分析:bi“笔”的拼音;ke“可”的拼音。 记忆:我用笔可以画出一辆自行车。 taxi 出租车jeep 吉普车desk 课桌 chair 椅子 分析:ch“长”的拼音首字母;air空气。 记忆:我坐在长长的椅子上呼吸空气。 walkman 随身听 lamp 台灯 分析:l像数字1;am是;p“破”的拼音首字母。 记忆:这一盏灯是破的。 your 你的;你们的 zoo 动物园 Unit 6 small 小的 big 大的 long 长的 short 短的;矮的 tall 高的 giraffe 长颈鹿 deer 鹿 分析:de拼音“德”;er拼音缩写“儿童”。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 记忆:德国儿童都骑鹿上学。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi,
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