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会议费管理办法衡阳市财政局 衡财行[2009]136号 市直机关事业单位公务接待费管理办法 发布时间: 2009-11-03 市直机关事业单位公务接待费管理办法 第一条 为切实加强市直机关事业单位公务接待经费管理,进一步规范单位接待行为,严格控制接待费支出,制止铺张浪费,促进党风廉政建设,根据省财政厅、省监察厅、省审计厅《关于印发〈省直机关事业单位公务接待费管理办法〉的通知》(湘财行[2005]37号),特制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于市直党政机关、人大机关、政协机关、审判机关、检察机关、民主党派机关、人民团体和...

衡阳市财政局 衡财行[2009]136号 市直机关事业单位公务接待费 管理办法 关于高温津贴发放的管理办法稽核管理办法下载并购贷款管理办法下载商业信用卡管理办法下载处方管理办法word下载 发布时间: 2009-11-03 市直机关事业单位公务接待费管理办法 第一条 为切实加强市直机关事业单位公务接待经费管理,进一步规范单位接待行为,严格控制接待费支出,制止铺张浪费,促进党风廉政建设,根据省财政厅、省监察厅、省审计厅《关于印发〈省直机关事业单位公务接待费管理办法〉的通知》(湘财行[2005]37号),特制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于市直党政机关、人大机关、政协机关、审判机关、检察机关、民主党派机关、人民团体和事业单位(以下统称市直单位)。 第三条 本办法所称公务接待费,是指市直单位确因内宾公务接待需要而合理开支的费用,主要包括用餐费、住宿费和交通费。 第四条 开支标准 (一)住宿标准。厅局级干部1人住1单间,处级干部住1标准间,其他人员2人住1标准间。具体标准按所在接待地的住宿接待标准执行。 (二)餐费标准。厅局级干部及其随行人员,在衡阳市区内工作餐每人每天不超过80元(早餐20元、中晚餐各30元),在衡阳市区外每人每天按40-70元标准执行;处级及处级以下人员,在衡阳市区内工作餐每人每天不超过70元(早餐10元、中晚餐各30元),在衡阳市区外每人每天按30-60元标准执行。 (三)宴请标准。公务接待中确需宴请的,一般只安排一次,其标准(不包括酒水、香烟)为:厅局级及其随行人员,在衡阳市区内每人每餐不超过80元,在衡阳市区外每人每餐按40-70元标准执行;处级及处级以下人员,在衡阳市区内每人每餐不超过70元,在衡阳市区外每人每餐按30-60元标准执行。宴请要体现湖南特色,以湘菜为主;酒水、香烟原则上采用本省产品,费用不超过宴请标准的三分之一。 (四)尽量减少陪餐人员。陪餐人数一般控制在2-3人,确因工作需要最多不超过4人。 (五)市直单位之间工作交往和市州、县(市、区)来人,原则上不安排宴请或接待,确因工作需要,一律Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 安排工作餐,工作餐每人每天不超过70元(早餐10元、中晚餐各30元)。 第五条 住宿费用原则上由客人自理。如住宿费标准高于客人所在地规定的标准,客人按其规定标准结算后,超额部分由接待单位解决。 第六条 市直单位公务接待原则上实行定点接待制度。市财政局、市政府采购办、市监察局将以公开招标方式,确定市直单位定点接待点。定点接待点实行两年一定,市直单位可在定点接待点中自主选择接待单位。 第七条 审批程序 (一)市直单位公务接待坚持单位财务主管领导“一支笔”审批制度,严格执行先审批、后接待的程序。 (二)公务接待承办单位经办人填写《市直机关事业单位公务接待审批单》(样式附后,以下简称《审批单》),经本单位接待和财务部门审核,报财务主管领导审批后,凭《审批单》到接待定点单位安排接待。 (三)接待工作完成后,承办单位与接待定点单位应及时核对费用开支,承办单位凭定点接待单位有关人员签字的《审批单》、食宿单、定点接待单位发票(简称“三单”)到财务部门办理接待费结算,财政部门在单位接待费预算总额内实行国库集中支付。“三单”不齐全时,财务不予报销;在非定点接待单位发生的费用,原则上不予报销。 第八条 市直单位的公务接待费严格实行总量控制,在年度接待费预算总额之内开支,列入“招待费”科目,不得列入其他费用支出项目或列入内部宾馆、招待所、 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 中心、内部食堂的成本,并在单位决算中真实、全额反映。与公务接待无关的费用不得在“接待费”中列支。 第九条 严禁用公款大吃大喝、铺张浪费;严禁以任何名义用公款招待私客、互相吃请;严禁以接待为名进行请客送礼、观光旅游以及组织各种高消费的娱乐活动;严禁以任何理由向下属单位、学会、协会以及有工作往来的企事业单位转嫁、摊派和报销接待费用。 第十条 市直单位应建立内部经费 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,在一定范围内定期公布接待费开支情况(包括接待费总额、接待批次、人数等),自觉接受监督。市财政局、市监察局、市审计局每年将定期、不定期地组织开展公务接待的监督检查,对违反本办法的,一经查实,按照有关财经法律法规制度严肃处理,并追究单位主要领导、分管领导及其他相关 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 人的责任。 第十一条 党和国家领导人、省级领导公务接待按有关规定执行。 第十二条 市直单位要根据本办法,结合本单位实际制定具体的实施意见,报市财政局、市监察局、市审计局备案。 第十三条 本办法由市财政局负责解释。 第十四条 本办法自2009年4月10日起执行。 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 市直机关事业单位公务接待审批单 接待承办单位 经办人 被接待单位 带队人职级 宾客人数 陪客人数 公务活动内容 人均用餐标准(元) 住宿标准(元) 接待承办单位 财务部门意见 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 接待承办单位 主管领导意见 住宿地点 定点接待宾馆 实住天数 接待费总额(元) 定点接待单位 有关人员意见(签字) 备 注 说明:1.本单一式三联:承办单位经办部门、财务部门各一联,定点接待单位一联。 2.备注栏反映的内容包括:(1)宴请上级领导、外地客人经费情况(如需宴请); (2)除食宿费外,需开支的其他费用情况;(3)需要说明的其他事项。 中共衡阳市委办公室 衡办[2009]23号 衡阳市市直行政事业单位会议管理办法 发布时间: 2009-11-03 衡阳市市直行政事业单位会议管理办法 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 第一条 为了严格控制和精减会议,制止奢侈浪费行为,节约会议费开支,切实改进机关作风,促进党风廉政建设,特制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于市直行政机关和实行预算管理的其他机关、党政组织、事业单位(以下统称市直行政事业单位)。市直行政事业单位召开会议实行“分类管理、归口审批、标准控制、直接支付”的办法。 第三条 会议的分类 市直行政事业单位召开的会议分为三类: (一)一类会议指市党代会、市人大会、市政协全会、市委经济工作会议和市委、市政府召开的全市劳模会; (二)二类会议指市委全会和市委工作会、市人大常委会会议、市政府全会、市政协常委会会议、市纪委全会、县市区委书记会、县市区长会、各民主党派和群众团体代表大会以及以市委、市政府名义召开的县市区党政一把手参加的专题会议; (三)三类会议指市委、市政府组织召开的县市区党委副书记、常委或政府副县市区长参加的综合性会议(以下简称综合性会议)及市直行政事业单位组织召开的会议(含部门工作会议、专业性会议)。 第四条 会议的规模 (一)严格控制会议天数。原则上一类会议控制在6天以内,二类会议控制在2天以内,三类会议控制在半天。各单位要尽量压缩会议天数,提高会议质量和实效。 (二)严格控制会议人数。一、二类会议的代表人数按规定程序选举产生或根据具体情况由市委办公室、市人大常委会办公室、市政府办公室、市政协办公室审核确定。一类会议的工作人员控制在代表人数的25%以内;二类会议的工作人员控制在代表人数的15%以内;三类会议原则上只开到县市区一级,每个部门一年只召开一次工作会议,特殊情况不得超过2次,工作人员控制在代表人数的10%以内。 (三)严格控制会议数量。可开可不开的会议坚决不开,可合并开或套开的会议必须合并或套开,可开电Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 视电话会议的不要集中开会。 第五条 会议的审批 (一)一类会议由市委、市政府审批; (二)市人大常委会会议、市政协常委会会议、市纪委全会按关规定的程序审批,其他二类会议分别由市委办公室、市政府办公室呈报审批; (三)三类会议中的综合性会议须报市委办公室或市政府办公室审批; (四)除现场会以外,市直行政事业单位的会议原则上只在市区内召开,凡到市区以外的县市区召开三类会议的必须报市委办公室或市政府办公室审批; (五)中央、省在我市召开的全国性、全省性会议(不含只有部分省市、部分市州参加的座谈会,下同)需要市财政补贴会议经费的,会议承办单位应在会前报市委或市政府批准,并抄送市财政局备案。 第六条 实行会议定点接待制度 市直行政事业单位的会议实行定点接待制度。定点接待会议的单位由市财政局通过政府采购招标确定,每两年确定一次。一、二类会议及三类会议中的综合性会议必须到定点接待单位召开,财政、监察部门参与会务监督。其他会议按照节约和有利于工作的原则,应尽量使用单位内部的宾馆、招待所、会议室和车辆;内部宾馆、招待所不具备承接条件的,应到定点饭店召开,不得租用高级宾馆、饭店召开会议。 第七条 会议费的开支标准 会议费包括住宿费、伙食费、会场租金、文件印刷费、交通费和其他费用(公杂费、农民代表误工补助、备用药品费等)。 (一)住宿费、伙食费、会议场地租金标准不得高于会议定点接待单位政府采购定价。 (二)在不影响会议正常进行的情况下,凡在市区召开的会议,市直单位和中央、省驻衡单位(不在市区的除外)的会议代表一律不安排住宿。 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test (三)交通费只适用于一类会议。 (四)文件印刷费等其他杂费根据会议的实际需要,在会议定点单位政府采购价或挂牌价内据实核定。 (五)其他费用中的农民代表误工补助,按实际到会农民代表人数人平30元/天核定。 (六)经市委、市政府批准的中央单位、省管单位在衡召开的全国性、全省性会议,视具体情况,一般按不高于二类会议的标准给予补差。 (七)各种学习班、座谈会、纪念会、研讨会、各部门召开的表彰会以及各种片会、协作会(市委、政府批准的除外),市财政一律不安排专项会议经费和奖励经费。 市委、市政府召开的各类市级表彰会应以精神奖励为主,物资奖励为辅。受表彰的集体原则上不发奖金。受表彰人员的奖励标准参照文件执行,有关表彰方案需经市委、市政府批准。 第八条 会议费的审核和支付 市财政局负责会议费的审核,并对集中支付单位的会议费直接支付。非国库集中支付单位的会议费,由单位支付,市纪检(监察)、财政、审计部门每年进行审计稽查。 (一)召开一、二类会议及三类会议中综合性会议、以及经市委市政府批准的需要市财政补贴的其他会议,其会议的各项经费支出标准须控制在政府采购确定的 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 价之内。如会议不在定点会议接待单位召开,市财政不予支付会议经费;会议支出标准超过协议价的,市财政只支付协议价部分。 2、召开一、二类会议及三类会议中综合性会议的单位,应在会前7日将会议通知(或复函)和经费预算报送市财政局,所需会议经费由市财政局审核,报市政府审批,采取国库直接支付的方式与会议定点单位结算,会议承办单位在年度决算中统一列报支出。中央、省在我市召开的全国性、全省性会议,需要市财政补贴会议经费的,会议承办单位应在会前报市委或市政府批准,并在会前5日抄送市财政局备案,由市财政局核定补贴金额,报市政府审批后直接拨付会议承办单位。对未经批准召开的会议,以及未在会前报财政局备案审核的,市财政不安排会议经费。 3、行政事业单位召开的其他会议,会议费由召开单位在部门预算中统筹解决,其中属于国库集中支付单位的会议费支出,由国库集中支付局直接支付。对在非定点会议接待单位召开的价格高于定点单位政府采购Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 协议价的会议支出,国库集中支付局不予支付;对在定点单位召开的超过规定标准的会议支出,国库集中支付局只按协议价支付。 第九条 会议纪律 (一)未经市委办公室或市政府办公室下发会议通知,不得通知县市区党委、政府正副职参加市直单位召开的会议。 (二)各类会议不得以任何名义进高档娱乐场所消费,不得用公款旅游,不得开支设备购置费、书刊费、奖励费和礼品费等。除现场会外,不得组织参观活动。 (三)各单位不得以任何方式转嫁或摊派会议费,也不得挤占其他费用。 (四)会议定点接待单位,必须按政府采购合同要求做好服务工作,提高报务质量,并自觉接受纪检(监察)机关和审计、物价、财政等部门的监督检查。对办会单位提出的不合理要求要坚决抵制。 (五)对违反本办法规定的市直行政事业单位,视情节追究单位负责人及有关人员的责任,并停拨经费或扣减当年经费预算。对违返本办法的会议接待单位,取消定点资格。 第十条 本办法自发文之日起执行,凡与本办法规定不一致的以本办法为准。 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test
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