首页 2015年 河海大学研究生英语一Unit 6 How to Read Body Language_1

2015年 河海大学研究生英语一Unit 6 How to Read Body Language_1


2015年 河海大学研究生英语一Unit 6 How to Read Body Language_1Unit 6 How to Read Body Language All of us communicate with one another nonverbally, as well as with words. Mos t of the time we' re not aware that we're doing it . We gesture with eyebrows or a hand , meet someone else's eyes and look away, shift positions in...

2015年  河海大学研究生英语一Unit 6   How to Read Body Language_1
Unit 6 How to Read Body Language All of us communicate with one another nonverbally, as well as with words. Mos t of the time we' re not aware that we're doing it . We gesture with eyebrows or a hand , meet someone else's eyes and look away, shift positions in a chair. These actions we assume are random and incidental. But researchers have discovered in recent years tha t there is a system to them almost as consistent and comprehensible as language. 我们所有人都会通过非语言的方式同其他人交流。虽然很多时候我们并没有觉察到这一点。我们通过手势和眉毛的变化来做敬礼的姿势,与其他人目光相遇再移开,在椅子上变换位置。这些行为在我们看来都是随机无意的。但研究者近年来发现这些肢体动作与语言一样,是一个连续一致且可以理解的系统。 Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its nuances along with spoken language . A Frenchman talks and moves in French. The way an English man crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it. In talking, Amer icans are apt to end a statement with a droop of the head or hand, a lowering of the ey elids. They wind up a question with a lift of the hand, a tilt of the chin, or a widening of the eyes. With a future - tense verb they often gesture with a forward movement. 每种文化都有其独特的肢体语言,法国人以法语的方式来说话和行动。同样是两腿交叉,英国人与美国男人 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达的意义完全不同。说话的时候,美国人喜欢低头低手,或者降低眼睑来结束一句话.他们喜欢以抬手、翘下巴或者睁大眼睛的方式来结束一个问题。当说到表示将来时态的动词时,他们也有一个向前的动作。 There are regional idioms, too: an expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wis consin just by the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation. Your sex, ethnic bac kground, social class, and personal style all influence your body language. Neverthele ss, you move and gesture within the American idiom. 肢体语言亦具有区域文化特色,语言学家有时甚至可以通过说话时眉毛的变化来认出威斯康辛州的土著、你的性别、背景、社会阶层以及个人风格都影响你的肢体语言。无论如何,你的行为举止都离不开美国文化习俗的影响。 The person who is truly bilingual is also bilingual in body language. New York's famous mayor, Fiorello La Guardia, politicked in English, Italian, and Yiddish. When films of his speeches are run without sound, it's not too difficult to identify from his g estures the language he was speaking. One of the reasons English - dubbed foreign fil ms often seem flat is that the gestures don't match the language. 会两种语言的人通常在肢体语言上也表现为两面性。纽约市的著名市长,菲奥雷洛拉瓜迪亚,会用英语、意大利语以及依地语进行演讲。当他演讲的影片以无声的形式播放时候,就很难辨别出他在用何种语言进行演讲。英语译制片之所以都非常生硬平淡,其中一个原因就是语言和肢体动作不匹配。 Usually the wordless communication acts to qualify the words. What the nonver bal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the mess age. When a person feels liked or disliked, often it's a case of "not what he said but th e way he said it." Psychologist Albert Mehrabian has devised this formula: total impac t of a message = 7 percent verbal + 38 percent vocal + 55 percent facial. The importan ce of the voice can be seen when you consider that even the words "I hate you" can be made to sound sexy. 通常说话越少的交流越有效。感性的一面通常可以通过非口头表达的形式有效传递。一个人喜欢或者厌恶,通常表现为“他不想说但必须说”。心理学家Albert 发明了一个 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 :一条信息的影响力=7%的口头语言+38%的声调+55%的面部表情。当你觉得“我恨你”都可以让一个人说得如此性感的时候,声音的重要性由此可见一斑。 Experts in kinesics - the study of communication through body movement - are n ot prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. For example, when a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man's eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be a sign of respect and affection; it can be a subtle challenge to the professor' s authority; or it can be something else entirely. The expert looks for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture. 人体动作学的专家,即研究肢体语言交流的专家,耶很难清晰的解释一个动作的意义。当一个美国抹鼻子的时候,这也许表面他不同意你的观点或者拒绝什么东西。但是,这也有另外的解释。比如说,一个学生在与一个老教授谈话时,他注视老教授的眼睛的时间会长一些,这可能表明他的尊重,也可能是对教授权威的一种的蔑视,也可能是其他的意思。专家学者只会共性的特征,而对特别的有意义的行为则无能为力。 Kinesics is a young science - developed in the 1950s - and very much the brainch ild of one man, anthropologist Dr. Ray L. Birdwhistell. But it already offers a wide va riety of small observations. (For example, eyebrows have a repertoire of about 23 pos sible positions; men use their eyebrows more than women do. ) Most people find they can shut out conversation and concentrate on watching body language for only about 30 seconds at a time. Anyone can experiment with it, however, simply by turning on t he television picture without the sound. 人体动作学是一门新兴的学科,诞生于上世纪50年代,是一个叫Ray L. Birdwhistell的人类学家。但它已经在广泛的领域建立了微观测(例如,眉毛有大约23个可能的位置,男人比女人更喜欢使用眉毛表达感情)。很多人发现当他们不讲话时,每次集中精力观察肢体语言的时间持续不超过30秒。如果你想做这项实验,很简单,你把电视机调到静音状态。 One of the most potent elements in body language is eye behavior. Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another's eyes. In our normal conversatio n, each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both individuals look away . When two Americans look searchingly into each other's eyes, emotions are heightene d and the relationship becomes more intimate. Therefore we carefully avoid this, exce pt in appropriate circumstances. 肢体语言中最有影响力的当属眼睛的变化。美国人对何时怎样与对方进行眼神交流很讲究。在我们日常对话中,每次眼神的接触不超过一秒钟两个人都会知趣的将目光移开。当两个美国人凝视对方,感情就会变浓,关系就会变得更为密切。因此,我们一般情况下会尽量避免这种情况,除非在适当的时机。 Americans abroad sometimes find local eye behavior, hard to interpret. "Tel Aviv was disturbing." one man recalled. "People stared right at me on the street; they looke d me up and down. I kept wondering if I was uncombed or unzipped. Finally, a friend explained that Israelis think nothing of staring at others on the street. "在海外的美国人有时觉得当地人的眼神很难吃透。“特拉维夫市经常很尴尬,”一个人回忆道。“人们在大街上都盯着我看,他们上下打量我。我一直在想,我是否衣冠不整。最后,一个朋友解释说以色列人在大街上盯着人看并不代表什么。” Proper street behavior in the United States requires a nice balance of attention an d inattention. You are supposed to look at a passerby just enough to show that you're a ware of his presence. If you look too little, you appear haughty or secretive; loo much, and you are inquisitive. Usually what happens is that people eye each other until they are about eight feet apart, at which point both cast down their eyes. Sociologist Dr. Er ving Goffman describes this as "a kind of dimming of lights." In parts of the Far East i t is impolite to look at the other person at all during conversation. In England the polit e listener stares at the speaker attentively and blinks his eyes occasionally as a sign of interest. That eye - blink says nothing to Americans, who expect the listener to nod or to murmur something - such as " mm - hmm. "在美国,大街上的行为举止将决定你是否成为焦点。你用眼睛扫到一个过客就已经足够表明你注意到他的存在了。如果你很快的扫视,你就显得轻蔑和不坦诚。如果看得太多,你就又过分好奇。通常情况下,人们打量对方到8英尺处就应该移开眼神。社会学家Erving Goffman博士称之为“近光灯现象”。在远东地区,谈话时一直注视对象是一种很不礼貌的行为。在英国,优雅的听众都会注视着说话者并时不时眨眼表示感兴趣。但这种眨眼在美国人看了什么都不是,他们希望倾听者掉头或者喃喃说些“嗯哪”之类的话。 There are times when what a person says with his body gives the lie to what he is saying with his tongue . Sigmund Freud once wrote: " No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every p ore." 有时候人的肢体语言与口头语言不一致。Sigmund Freud曾经写道“没有人能保守秘密。即使他嘴上不说,他的指尖、汗水在每一个细微的地方都会背叛他。” Thus, a man successfully control his face, and appear calm and self - controlled - unaware that signs of tension and anxiety are leaking out, that his foot is beating on t he floor constantly, restlessly, as if it had a life of its own. Rage is another emotion fee t and legs may reveal. During arguments the feet often become tense. Fear sometimes produces barely perceptible running motions, a kind of nervous leg jiggle. Then there are the subtle, provocative leg gestures that women use, consciously and unconsciousl y. 因此,当一个人很好的控制自己的面部表情,故作镇静时,他没意识到其实压力和焦虑已经流露出来,比如他的叫不停在地板上抖动,仿佛一切都在掌握之中。腿脚亦可以揭示愤怒的感情。在争论中,腿会变得紧张。女人们通常有意识无意识的用微小的腿部挑衅动作表达愤怒 Recent studies by psychologists suggest that posture often reflects a person's attit ude toward people he is with. One experiment indicates that when men are with other men they dislike, they relax either very little or very much - depending on whether the y see the other man as threatening. Women in this experiment always signaled dislike with very relaxed posture. And men, paired with women they disliked, were never ten se enough about it to sit up rigidly. 根据心理学家最近的研究结果表明姿势通常能表达一个人对同伴的态度,一项实验表明:当一个男人跟一个不喜欢的男人一起时,他特别轻松或者特别紧张,这取决于另外一个人是否对他构成威胁。而女人在与不喜欢的人在一起时则表现得异常轻松。当男人碰到不喜欢的女性同伴时,则经常坐姿僵硬,难以轻松下来Postures sometimes offer a guide to broad relationships within a group. Imagine t hat at a party, guests have been fired up by an argument. You may be able to spot at a glance the two sides of the argument by postures adopted. More of the pros, for exam ple, may sit with crossed knees, the cons with legs stretched out and arms folded. A fe w middle - of - the - readers may a little of each - crossing their knees and folding thei r arms. If an individual abruptly shifts his body around in his chair, it may mean that h e disagrees with the speaker or even that he is changing sides. None of this, of course, represents an infallible guide, but it is apparently significant enough to be worth watc hing for. 姿势有时候甚至为我们提供一个可以观察一个群体关系的渠道。试想在一次聚会,客人们都因为某事而争论起来。你可以通过他们的姿势判断对立的两面。赞同者,一般都会两腿交叉坐下,反对者则收紧两腿,双手并拢。中间派的两腿稍微交叉双手稍微并拢。如果一个人突然改变他的坐姿,这也许意味着他不同意发言者甚至他改变立场了。所有这些,都不可能放之四海而皆准,但很明显值得去观察和研究 While children learn spoken and body language - proper postures, eye behaviors, etc - they also learn a subtler thing: how to react to space around them. Man walks ar ound inside a kind of private bubble, which represents the amount of air space he feels he must have between himself and other people. Anthropologists, working with came ras, have recorded the tremors and minute eye movements that betray the moment the individual's bubble is breached. As adults, however, we hide out feelings behind a scre en of polite words 当一个孩子学习声音语言和肢体语言时,这包括适当的姿势,眼睛的应用等。他们同时也学习那些隐含的东西,如何去和周围的空间互动。一个人在一个狭小的房子里走来走去,表明了他需要的空间。社会学家,用镜头记录了一个人的所需空间受到侵犯时眼睛的变化。作为成人,我们习惯了口蜜腹剑. Anthropologist Dr. Edward T. Hall points out that for two unacquainted adult ma le North Americans the comfortable distance to stand for private conversation is from arm's length to about four feet a- part. The South American likes to stand much closer, which creates problems when the two meet face to face. For, as the South American moves in, the North American feels he's being pushy; and as the North American back s off, the South American thinks he's being standoffish 人类学家,Edward T. Hall博士指出两个不熟悉的北美成年人交谈的合理空间是一手臂长到4英尺之间。南美人喜欢走得更近一点,这就给这两个地方的人面对面交谈制造了麻烦。因为,南美人喜欢走近而北美人感觉到压力。当北美人往后退时,北美人认为他被漠视. The American and the Arab are even less compatible in their space habits. Arabs like close contact. In some instances, they stand very close together to talk, staring int ently into each other's eyes and breathing into each other's face. These are actions the American may associate with sexual intimacy and he may find if disturbing to be subj ected to them in a nonsexual context. 美国人和阿拉伯人在个人空间上更难以相容。阿拉伯人喜欢近距离接触。有时他们交谈时靠得很近,凝视着对方,双方脸上都能感受到对象的呼吸。这种距离在美国人看来已经到了性接触的距离,所以北美人很排斥这种非性接触的距离 The amount of space a man needs is also influenced by his personality - introver ts, for example, seem to need more elbow room than extroverts. Situation and mood al so affect distance. Moviegoers waiting in line to see a sexy film will line up much mo re densely than those waiting to see a family - entertainment movie. 一个人个人空间的大小受他性格的影响。内向的人相对于外向的人,似乎需要更大的个人空间。场景和心情也影响距离。排队等着看一场言情电影的人比去看娱乐电影的人会站得更近 George du Maurier once wrote: "Language is a poor thing. You fill your lungs wi th wind and shake a little slit in your throat and make mouths, and that shakes the air; and the air shakes a pair of little drums in my head"-and my brain seizes your meanin g in the rough. What a roundabout way and what a waste of time!" George du Maurier 曾经写道:语言是很可怜的东西。你首先吸气,然后振动声带,然后张嘴发声,声音通过空气出入听者耳中,听者的大脑再去解译你的意思。这真是繁琐和浪费时间。 Communication between human beings would be just that dull if it were all done with words. But actually, words are often the smallest part of it. 如果人与人之间的交流仅仅局限与语言上将是件非常无趣的事情。但事实,语言在交流中,,只是冰山一角
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