首页 高三英语读写任务之记叙文概括技巧教学设计



高三英语读写任务之记叙文概括技巧教学设计高三英语读写任务之记叙文概括技巧教学设计 关于读写任务之记叙文概括技巧的教学设计 授课年级:高中三年级 课题名称:任务型写作之记叙文概述解题技巧 教材版本:写作系统学案 一、学生分析 本人执教的是高中三年级的普通班。虽然经过高二一学年对任务型写作的接触跟学习,学生基本适应了高中阶段英语的教学要求,但他们大部分学生的基础薄弱,特别是对如何概括任务型写作的信息及掌握写作手法等方面还需强化。 二、教材分析 1(教材处理: 本章读写任务解题技巧中的第一节读写任务概括是关于各种文体(记叙文,说明文,议论文)的...

高三英语读写任务之记叙文概括技巧教学设计 关于读写任务之记叙文概括技巧的教学设计 授课年级:高中三年级 课题名称:任务型写作之记叙文概述解题技巧 教材版本:写作系统学案 一、学生分析 本人执教的是高中三年级的普通班。虽然经过高二一学年对任务型写作的接触跟学习,学生基本适应了高中阶段英语的教学要求,但他们大部分学生的基础薄弱,特别是对如何概括任务型写作的信息及掌握写作手法等方面还需强化。 二、教材分析 1(教材处理: 本章读写任务解题技巧中的第一节读写任务概括是关于各种文体(记叙文,说明文,议论文)的概述技巧点拨。而本部分是关于记叙文概述,即围绕一篇大约250词左右的文章写成30词左右的概述。因此,可采用本部分中有针对性的文章进行例题导写,并将解题技能(如概括步骤)传授给学生,训练学生概括文章主旨和查找相关关键词的能力。并配套当堂练习让学生及时掌握相关的解题技巧。 2(教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1、句型:并列句、复合句(定语从句、同位语从句等) 2、写作过渡词:因果、递进、转折等 信息能力目标: 让学生从相关文章中通读全文后领略大意,获取主要信息并找准关键词。 发展目标: 培养、发展学生的语言综合能力,并用自己的话概述文章大意。 学习策略目标: 用一个句子分别概括各部分的大意,接着用自己的话连接成30字左右的概述。 3(教学重点与难点: (1)领略大意,提取文章关键信息的技能训练。 (2)运用所学句型以及连词按句子的结构关系连接成30字左右的概述。 三、教学策略 1(总体思路: 尽管高三学习生活枯燥,我根据高中英语课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,采用了任务型教学并尽力调 动学生的学习激情,采用的练习是以符合学生的思维特点和认知水平为前提,培养任务型写 作中概述大意的能力。为此,在课前要求学生先对本节课的内容做好预习的准备,为本课的 教学内容做好准备,这样才能更好的提高课堂教学以及学习的效率。 2(教学过程: Step I. Lead-in Show the students a short passage and ask them to find out the characteristic of the narration. Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring. 30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution. On the other hand, 70% think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it. We use satellites for communication and weather forecast. Also, space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth. What’s more, with further space research, we may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day. [设计目的] 通过快速阅读此文章,一方能促使学生快速进入本堂课的学习状态;另一 方面学生通过阅读本文章,他们可以了解到记叙文所具有的特征:谁,何事,何地,何时, 何方式, Step II. Guide the students to write a summary. 1. Skimming: Read the above text quickly and divide it into three parts. Part1:第1句 Part2:第2—4句 Part3:第5—8句 [设计目的] 通过快速阅读本文章,在大脑中输入信息,将文章分三个部分,更好的领 略文章大意,为过度到下一个大脑信息输出环节做好铺垫。 2. Find the key words. Part1: what—a survey on whether„ Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring. Part2: (result)disagreement 30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution. (A waste of money) Part3: (result)agreement On the other hand, 70% think space is worthexploring because we have benefited a lot from it. We use satellites for communication and weather forecast. Also, space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth. What’s more, with further space research, we may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day. [设计目的] 本环节是让学生懂得要建立在前一环节的基础上,接着理解每一部分,抓 住每一部分作者表达的大意,并在每部分中找出关键词或者根据语篇前后关系用自己话概括 关键内容。(加下划线部分) 3.The outline of the passage What: A survey on whether space is worth exploring not worthwhile Disagreement: too far away from us and our daily life a waste of money Agreement: worth, benefit a lot, solve problems of communication, weather forecast, energy shortages, even the population [设计目的] 在学生对本文章已经有了一定理解的基础上,通过列出整篇文章的大纲 加深对文章大意把握,同时完成文章中主要信息输入。 4(Write a summary with these key words A survey, whether space is worth exploring, shows 30% of the students think it unnecessary, because the exploring has little to do with our daily life. While 70% think it worthwhile because it brings us benefit.(36 words) [设计目的] 让学生懂得将这么多的关键词或短语用一些好的句型,或是连接词用自 己的话连接成文。避免照抄原文,最终达到锻炼创造性思维和语言输出的能力。 Step III. Summary 1.skim the whole passage. 2.who? 3.what? 4.result? 5.lesson? [设计目的] 让学生把握概括记叙文内容要点的步骤,如果有从经历中得出什么经验教 训的,也找出来,然后用自己的话将这些要点表达出来就行了。 Step IV. Practice. (2012.广东) My husband received a letter a month ago from a young woman who had been his student when she was in middle school. She was writing because she wanted to thank him for having a great influence on her life. In the letter she wrote, “You were the teacher who helped me discover my talent for math. Before you came to teach us, I had been terribly poor at math, and had never thought that I would be interested in it. To my surprise, you magically showed me the beauty of math. I guess that was the turning point of my attitude towards it. Gradually my interest in it began to grow. Thanks to your encouragement, I made continuous progress in math, and finally made up my mind to study it in the university. Today I am working as an accountant atValleyMedicalCenterinCalifornia. You played an important part. Thank you!” What a wonderful gift to a retired teacher! My husband has received many letters from students over the years. This one was special, for it arrived at this time in his life when he is in very poor health. [设计说明] 将本课所学的写记叙文概述的技巧结合2012年的高考真题,使其成为学 生语言输出的练习,有利于对本节课的记叙文类型的概述写作的快速入手。 Step V. Summary (1)who?(the writer’s husband, an old student) (2)what?(received a thank you letter) (3)result?(a wonderful gift to a retired teacher) (4)lesson?(how great influence a teacher might have over his students) [设计说明] 让学生在一定的时间写出来,然后同桌间交换查阅对方的概述,找出亮点, 并按以上的要求给对方打分。通过这种合作方式让学生可以学习到别的同学一些好的东西。 Step VI. Homework Write a summary for the passage on P82. [设计说明] 通过课后对教材中的练习写概述,提高学生们熟悉此类型的短文和写关于此类型的任务型写作的概述的能力,这样子可以进一步提高他们的语言创造跟语言的输出能力。 四、教学反思 作为一名高三的英语教师,我知道高中英语教学的重点不在于你在一节课如此有限的时间里进行填鸭式教学,而在于从少而精的练习中不断培养学生主动从书面语言材料中获取信息的能力,并能及时地进行输出。回顾整个教学过程,我觉得有以下几处较为成功,达到了预期的教学目标: 一方面,能够有效地突出本节课的重点和难点。练习选择少而精,学生不会感到学习累。根据本节课的类型特点,我也能引导学生阅读文章从而指导学生得如何找出文章中的关键词,领略大意,并以非常明确的任务指令引导学生较好地完成本堂课的教学任务。 另一方面,突出学生学习主体地位。在整个教学过程中并没有让学生只是安静地一味坐着听我讲,也没有满堂灌,让学生成为我控制的对象,而是引导他们积极思考,从而开口回答我给出的指令,最后动笔写并相互间交换查阅对方写的概述,让学生明白英语学习不是传统意义上的知识传授,而是实实在在的交流,从而懂得自主学习。 当然本节课也有不足之处: 在教学活动中有个别学生因为学力能力的原因(连最简单的teacher这个单词都不懂的学生),他们跟不上我的整个教学节奏,而我却因为了能确保本堂课的教学任务顺利完成,并没有更细心关爱这些学生。这方面在今后的课堂教学当中,我得多加提高。 Unit 4 Earthquakes Reading—A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep 教学年级高中 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 : 课题名称(模块一) : A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep 教材版本新人教版: 授课时间分钟: 45 Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 重点词汇和短语a. well, smelly,pond, burst, canal, steam, dirt, injure, brick, dam, quake, electricity,organize, bury, at an end, dig out, coal mine, in ruins b.重点句子 1. Farmers’wives noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them. P26 2. It seemed that the world was at an end! P26 3. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.P26 4. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. P26 Teaching important points 教学重点 1. Teach the students how to read an article, and how to write summary of what they have read. 2. Let the students know what a correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Teach the students how to appreciate an article. 教学方法Teaching methods Discussing, fast reading, intensive reading and practicing. Teaching procedures 教学步骤 Step 1 Lead in T: Today, we’re going to read something terrible , the natural disasters. What natural disasters do you know? ( Flood, Earthquake, Typhoon, Fire, Hurricane, Volcanic eruption, Thunder storms , snow storm, etc.) Are they terrible? 用图片导入具有形象、生动、直观特点,巧妙引入话题。 (,) Step 2 Pre-reading Show some pictures about earthquakes and talk about them. T: As we all know, the earthquake is a kind of natural disasters. What do you know about it ? What do you think may happen before an earthquake? What may happen during a big earthquake? ( Ask some students to give their ideas.) 通过准备阅读的问题,借助图片,让学生了解地震的基本知识和预测一下文章( 的意思,并了解一些有可能出现的词汇。在老师的引导下,学生都能回答,兴趣 就来了,并会全身心投入到阅读中去。 ) ()2Read and learn the new words in the text.(Encourage some good students to guess the new words according to the understanding of the text while reading.)由于学生基础比较差,所以要通过刚才的回答中了解一些生词,然后带领学生( 朗读一遍生词,让他们初步理解词的意思。但是如果是成绩较好的学生,课前要 教他们学会如何猜单词的词义,培养他们的猜词能力。 ) Step 3 While-reading First reading Survey T: Today we’ll read a passage about a terrible earthquake happened in China. Ask the students to have a look at the title and answer the questions below. a. The earth may be silent at night. But here why the earth didn’t sleep at night? b. What messages can we get from the title? 2. Let the students draw down the information of the time, the place, the event and people by scanning the passage. 这环节指导学生通过快速扫读全文,从整体把握文章的信息,如标题、图片、 ( 每段开关的句子和结束语,判断文章的体裁,并画出一些表达文章关键意思的词, 如表示时间、地点、人物等。 ) Fast reading Play the tape of the text and then ask the students to answer these questions with the information they heard. What happened? When did the earthquake happen? Where did it happen? 这环节主要指导学生快速阅读全文,理清文章的脉络,了解课文大意,明确文( 章的主题思想。 ) Second reading(Intensive reading) Ask the students to read the passage carefully again in order to let them have further understanding. (AAsk Level A and Level B to answer these questions: Q1: Were things as usual before the earthquake? How do you know if the earthquake will happen according to the text? Q2: Did all the people know that there would be a quake in the city? Q3: Did the quake happen at 3:00 am on July 28, 1976? Q4: Was the quake inTangshan the greatest of the 20th century? Q5: Could you describe it ? Q6: What result did it cause ? Q7: What did the government do after it ? B.Ask level B and Level C to do “True or False”statements. a. Things were strange before the earthquake. b. The quake happened at 3:00 am on July 28,1976. c. All the people knew that there would be a quake in the city. d. Two-fifths of the people died or injured during the earthquake. e. Another terrible earthquake happened inTangshan on the next day. f. A great number of soldiers were sent to rescue the people. Deal with exercises 2 and3 inthe part of comprehending.让学生进行小组合作学习,小组由、、三个层次学生组成,在老师的指导(ABC 和层次的学生帮助下完成练习,培养学生的合作、参与意识,互相促进、互A 相提高。) Step 4 Post-reading Ask the students to get the main ideas of each paragraph with the details found in the passage. Para.1: The sights before the quake Para.2: The terrible quake Para.3: The damage Para.4: The rescue work 要求、层次的学生找出描述细节的关键词,训练他们初步处理信息的能力;(BC 要求层次的学生要在找出各种信息之后练习用自己的话表达出来,除了培养A 他们处理信息的能力外,还训练他们运用语言的能力。) (2)Ask the students to rewrite the passage by filling in the blank below with the information of the text. The Deadliest Earthquake At 3:42 on July 28, ______________,a terribleearthquake hit the sleeping city of _______________, in northeastern China.The very large________________, striking an area where it was totally unexpected, _______________the city ofTangshan and ___________________over 240,000 people. It was the deadliest earthquake of the 20th century.( 设计这个练习的目的是使学生对本篇文章的内容提要一个概括性的了解。用填 空的形式可以降低学生解答的难度,让各个层次的学生都能参与,保持学生学习 的热情。) Step 5 Discussion and homework 1(How can we reduce the damage of the earthquake? 2(Rewrite the passage with the details you found in the text. 公开课 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 Polishing Our Writing Class: Class 5, Senior Three Teacher: 吴玉婷 班级情况:文科A层班,大部分学生学习自觉,英语基础比较好,每次测验 全班英语平均分位于年级前列,但是仍有个别同学的英语基础不扎实,整体上来 说,学生的英语能力与重点高中学生仍有一定距离。另外,女生人数多,比较害 羞,不太敢开口,因此,课堂气氛有时候比较沉闷。 Teaching aim: 1. Make sure the students realize the importance of polishing their writing. 2. Help the students master the skills of properly using different advanced methods of polishing their writing. Important and difficult points: 1. The students must know the keys to writing high-score compositions. 2. What are the most important advanced methods of polishing their writing in high school should be acknowledged by all the students.. Procedure: I Greetings II Lead-in and revision 1. Talk about how important it is for students to get high scores in the writing section of an exam and then discuss the reason why some students can get higher score in their writing. 2. Show the students some sentences written by their classmates and make comments later. Then discuss with the class how to improve their writing and then tell them the aims of this class. 3. Check the answers to the exercises the students have done with the application of advanced vocabulary, set phrases and fixed sentence patterns taught last time . III Presentation & Practice 1. Ask the students: What kind of advanced grammar structures can we use in writing? Then discuss with them. Later have the students some relative exercises under the requirements and then check the answers in class. 2. Get the students to do the practice which asks the students to modify two passages under the requirements. The students are supposed to discuss in groups of four to seek the best version in the second passage. Later show some of the students’ works to the whole class and make comments together. IV Consolidation Ask the students to sum up what they learn from the class. Then make a conclusion. V Homework 1. Write the second composition on English Weekly No. 12. 2. Prepare for the dictation. Reflection: 课容量大,实用性强,学生参与积极性大,一定程度上巩固了 学生用英语写的基础,让学生复习并总结从语法结构上提高英语写作能力的技 巧。不足之处在于学生英语层次不一,导致完成练习速度不一样,造成个别英语 基础差的同学可能未能完成堂上练习。 课前准备练习及课堂练习、 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 见附件。 附件: 公开课课前以及堂上练习.doc. Polish our writing.ppt Unit5Music 教学设计 Languagepoints(Para.1) 教学目标 Knowledgeaims: Getthestudentstolearnandgrasptheimportantnewwordsandexpre ssions:pretend;form;attach;attach...to;dreamof;tobehonest. Abilityaims: Enablethestudentstousetheusefulwordsandexpressionscorrectly. Emotionalaims: Stimulatethestudents’interestinlearningEnglish. 教学重点 Enablethestudentstograsptheusagesofthefollowingimportantnew wordsandexpressions:pretend;form;attach;attach...to;dreamof;tobehonest. 教学难点 Getthestudentstolearnhowtousethewordsandexpressionscorrectl y. 教学过程 Step1.Revision 课文填空,Para.1) Haveyoueverwantedtobepartofaband________afamoussinger ________musician?Haveyouever________(dream)ofplayinginfrontofthou sandsofpeopleataconcert,atwhicheveryoneisclappingandappreciating yourmusic?Doyousingkaraokeand________(pretend)youareafamoussin gerlikeSongZuyingorLiuHuan?Tobe________(honesty),alotofpeople__ ______(attachment)great________(important)to________(become)richandf amous.Butjusthowdopeople________(form)aband? Step2.Newwords pretend;form;attach;attach...to;dreamof;tobehonest. Step3.Languagepoints 1.Haveyoueverdreamedofplayinginfrontofthousandsofpeopleat aconcert,atwhicheveryoneisclappingandappreciatingyourmusic.(L2) 1)dreamv.梦想,想象(dream-dreamed/dreamt-dreamed\dreamt) 观察思考 1)WhenIwasyoung,Ialwaysdreamedofbecomingateacher. 2)Wedreamaboutgoingtoakeyuniversity. 总结:dreamof/aboutdoingsth.梦想做某事 翻译:峰云小时候总是梦想自己能成为一名优秀的教师。 WhenFengyunwasyoung,__________________________________ 2)dreamn.梦想 have\dreamadream做梦 realizeone'sdream实现某人的梦想 2.DoyousingkaraokeandpretendyouareafamoussingerlikeSongz uyingorLiuhuan?(L5) pretendv.假装,佯装;pretendtodosth.假装做某事 翻译:在英语课堂上,他假装很认真听老师讲课。 InEnglishclass,hepretendedtolistentotheteachercarefully. TrueorFalse:Hepretendedtoreadingthebook. 3.Tobehonest,alotofpeopleattachgreatimportancetobecomin grichandfamous.(L6) 1)tobehonest说实话,坦白地说… 说实话,虽然你们不擅长英语但我还是非常喜欢你们。 ___________________,Ilikeallofyoualthoughyou________________English. 2)It’shonestofsb.todosth.某人做某事是诚实的 你把事情的真相(truth)告诉我是诚实的。 It’shonestofyoutotellusthetruth. attachv.系上,附加 1)认为有,重要性、价值等,attach(importance,value)……tosth. IattachgreatimportancetoEnglish. 2)贴,粘贴Heattachedapicturetohisdesk. 3)附属beattachedto附属于… DongjiangMiddleSchoolisattachedtoGuangZhouUniversity 东江中学附属于广州大学。 Doexercise 4.Butjusthowdopeopleformaband?(form和from的区别) 在老师的帮助下,我们成立了一个学习小组。 ________________ourteacher,we______astudygroup. 结果,我们养成了早上读书的习惯。 ____________,we________________readinginthemorning. Step4.Revision 1)Summary 1.梦想做某事dreamof\aboutdoingsth.2.做梦have\dreamadream 3.实现某人的梦想achieve\realizeone’sdream4.假装做某事 pretendtodosth. 5.老实说tobehonest6.某人做某事是诚实的It’shonestofsb.todosth. 7.认为。。。重要attachimportanceto8附属于beattachedto 9.养成……的习惯formthehabitof 2)Translation 大部分学生都梦想能够进入一所好大学。坦白说,我相信你们都可以实现自己的梦想。但是,你们必须从现在开始努力学习。首先,你们必须认为学习是非常重要的。其次,你们应该养成良好的学习习惯。最后但最重要的,不要假装认真学习,你们必须尽自己最大的努力去学习。没有付出,就不会有回报。 Moststudents________________toagooduniversity.________________,Ib elieveallofyouwill________________.However,youmuststudyhardfromnow on.Firstofall,youmust______________________study.What'smore ,youshould___________________study.Lastbutnotleast,don't_____________ studyhard,youmusttryyourbesttostudylearn.Nopains,nogains. 高三人教新课标版选修十 Unit 4 Learning efficiently th4 Period Using Language 广东汕头华侨中学 张宏 一、 教学设计 (一) 教学目标 1. 知识与技能 (1) 通过阅读课文和百度搜索获取信息,了解三种学习类型的特点,为不同类型 的学习者选择学习方法和学习活动; (2) 懂得使用适当的疑问词正确提问和从听力材料获取信息回答问题,能用英语 讨论学习困难和提出建议; (3) 了解故事复述的基本方法,提高故事复述的能力,能听懂故事的大意 和细 节; 2. 文化与策略 (1) 通过完成课文的小测试,使学生借助图表等非语言信息完成阅读任务,了解 自己的学习风格。 (2) 通过小组讨论,使学生能够与教师和同学交流学习英语的体会和经验; (3) 通过小组讨论,使学生学会用恰当的方式表达请求,如向同学寻求建议等。 (4) 通过在互联网上搜索更多英语的视频音频听说材料,加强课后听说练习。 3. 情感与态度 (1) 听力材料中Xiaozhou与同学谈论学习困难和改进英语学习的方法引起学生的 共鸣,鼓励学生在遇到问题时,主动向老师或同学请教,利用互联网资源,获 得帮助,敢于用英语进行交流; (2) 通过介绍故事复述的方法和技巧,树立学生做好故事复述的信心,并在实践 活动中,鼓励学生大胆用英语进行表达。 (二) 教学内容 1. 教材内容的地位、作用与意义 本节课选取的是人教新课标版高三英语选修10第4单元的语言运用(Using Language)部分。本课围绕本单元的中心话题“运用语言学习策略,改进听、说、读、写的技能”,提供了读说、听说、读写等综合性练习,创设了关于语言学习的材料和情景。阅读和听力材料贴近学生学习生活,对学生的实际学习有现实指导意义。通过本课的学习,使学生了解自己的学习风格,针对不同的学习类型,提供相应的学习建议,运用学习策略,更有效地学习。 2(教材的编排特点、重点和难点 语言运用(Using Language)部分,围绕本单元的中心话题“运用语言学习策略, 改进听、说、读、写的技能”编写,将读说、听说、读写有机地结合起来,对学生 进行听、说、读、写的综合训练。 本课的重点是改进学生听、说、读、写的技能,其中以讨论的形式居多,侧重听 说。 本课的难点是如何让学生运用学习策略,有效地改进听说能力,尤其是掌握故事 复述的基本要领。 (三)教学对象 1. 学生已有的知识和经验 本课的授课对象是高三的学生,具备一定的听说读写的能力,能够用英语谈论 学习困难,向老师和其他同学寻求建议并为他人提供建议,了解听说考试的基本模 式,但不太了解自己的学习类型,不太懂得选取适合自己的学习方法,对听说考试 信心不足,听说能力有待提高,希望掌握一定的技巧和方法。 2. 学生学习方法和技巧 (1)通过小组讨论与合作的形式完成多项教学活动,培养合作探究的能力; (2)略读和寻读,听取大意和细节,获取信息; (3)参与式学习,在学中练,在练中学,用语言完成任务; (4)利用互联网资源,如百度搜索加强课后学习。 3.. 学生个体发展和群体提高 设计不同层次的教学活动,由易到难,满足不同层次学生的需求。在授课过程中, 既注重学生个体的发展,如学生独立完成阅读和听力任务,提问学生个体回答问题, 又关注学生群体的提高,如全班齐读,提问全班回答问题,小组讨论与合作。 (四)教学策略 1(教学思路 本课是一节听说课,围绕英语学习的主题,通过阅读与讨论、听力与讨论、故事 复述等环节,以训练学生的听说能力为主,创造性地使用教材,把教材和高考听说 考试的模式相结合,指导学生利用互联网资源,如百度搜索更多适合自己学习类型 的学习方法和活动,获取英语的视频和音频听说材料,更好地为高考备考。 2. 教学方法 (1)任务型教学法:教师引导学生在课堂上通过表达、沟通、询问、解释等语言互动 形式来完成任务(如,通过阅读了解自己的学习类型,进行小组讨论谈论学习 类型、学习困难和学习建议),培养学生综合语言运用能力。 (2)功能教学法,以学生为主体,教师提供给学生交际情景,帮助学生用英语表达、 交流; (3)交际教学法:通过设置信息沟,激发学生学习兴趣。学生阅读课文前不知道自己 的学习类型,在与其他学生讨论前,不知道其他人的学习类型以及学习困难, 交际存在信息沟,通过阅读、听力和讨论,学生获取想要的信息。 3. 教学媒体的选择与运用 本课需使用电脑、电子白板等多媒体教学设备。将音频、视频文件、图片、表格 和文字等整合为Powerpoint课件呈现,化抽象为直观,多渠道进行语言输入。 4. 教学流程: Step 1. Pre-reading:a brief introduction to three kinds of learners Task 1: What are they doing? Show the students three pictures (reading a book, listening to the teacher, playing a game) and ask them to describe what the students are doing in the pictures. Task 2: Ask the students to read the descriptions of the three kinds of learners to learn about visual learners, auditory learners and tactile learners. Inspire them to find out their learning styles. Step 2. Reading and discussing: Task 1: Ask the students to read the text on P36 How do you learn best? and do the quiz to find out their preferred learning styles. Task 2: Ask the students to discuss their learning styles and choose different learning techniques for different kinds of learners. visual learners: ( 3、6 ) auditory learners: ( 2、4 ) tactile learners: ( 1、5 ) 1. Move around to learn new things. 2. Read a text out aloud. 3. Use colour to highlight important points in the text. 4. Use a tape recorder. 5. Participate in activities. 6. Use pictures, charts, maps, etc. Step 3: Listening and discussing Situation: Xiaozhou is a tactile learner. He finds reading quite difficult, so Yufang and Annie are discussing with him the best way for him to practice reading. Task 1: Ask the students to listen to the tape twice, ask three questions according to the Chinese and then answer five questions. Please ask three questions: 1.他们今晚有什么英语作业, 2.为什么Xiaozhou讨厌阅读, 3.Annie是怎么做阅读的, Please answer five questions: 1.What English homework do they have tonight? 2. Why does Xiaozhou hate reading? 3. How does Annie do reading? 4. How does Xiaozhou learn best? 5. What else is Xiaozhou having problems with? Keys: 1.They have to read the text in Unit 5. 2.It always takes him so long and then he can never remember what he has read. 3. She listens to the tape while reading. 4. He learns best by doing things. 5. He’s also having problems with the new words in the text. Task 2: Ask the students to discuss what aspect of leaning English they find most difficult and give suggestions to one another. Step 4: Listening and speaking Give the students some suggestions for story retelling 1.Get a general idea first and then add more details. Listening Ta 2.Form the good habit of taking notes.sk 1: Ask 1.Use your own words to tell the important the points.students to listen 2.Pay attention to the tense, person and to the Retelling gender.story for the first 3.Don’t pause frequently or keep repeating time to the same word or phrase. get a general idea and get the information for who, where, when and what happened. Who Where When What happened Task 2: Ask the students to listen to the story for the second time and add more details. 1) A blind boy„a sign, which said„ „only a few coins„ 2) A man„ A lot more people„ 3) That afternoon, the man„ He had written„ 4) The first sign„ The second sign„ Task 3: Ask the students to take turns to retell the story to their partners and then invite some students to retell the story to the whole class. Possible version: In front of a building, a blind boy held up a sign which said, “I am blind, please help.” However, few people gave him money. A man walked by, took the sign and wrote some words. After that, a lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon, the man came again. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked him what he had written. He told the boy the words were, “Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.” The first sign simply told people to help by giving money, while the second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy could not because he was blind. Step 5: Homework 1..利用百度搜索引擎,了解更多适合不同类型学习者的学习策略,搜索英语听说网站和听说视频音频材料。 2..读写任务: 阅读P36的课文 按要求写一篇150字左右的短文。 How do you learn best? 1.以约30个词概括三种类型的学习者的特征。 2.以约120个词就“英语学习”发表看法,并包括以下要点: (1)你是何种类型的学习者, 你平时是如何学习英语的; (2)你觉得英语的听说读写你最薄弱的是哪一方面; (3)你打算运用什么样的学习策略来加强你的英语学习。 (五)教学评价 非测试性评价:学生填写课堂自评反馈表。 N Things I can doEvaluation o. I can understand the reading passage 54321 1.and do the quiz to find out my learning style. I have learned some useful study 54321 2. techniques.. 54321 3.I can understand Listening. I can discuss learing difficulties 54321 4. and give suggestions. I have learned how to do story 54321 5. retelling. I am still having problems with ______________________________. 二、教学反思 1. 本课“以学生为中心”, 采用合作探究学习的课堂模式,为学生设计了可操作性的任务型教学活动,教师负责组织、引导和帮助,课堂气氛宽松、民主、和谐。教学目标明确,重难点突出,以听说为主,全面训练学生听说读写的能力。引导学生运用学习策略,改善英语学习,对高三学生英语学习和听说考试的备考有一定的指导意义。本课具有可操作性,在普通教室和日常教学中,教师就能对学生进行听说考试的训练。 2. 创造性地使用了教材:1)调整了教学顺序,如,先简介三种类型的学习者以引起学生兴趣,再让学生阅读课文完成学习类型的测试;2)对教材内容进行了适当的补充和删减,减少和增加了阅读和听力后面讨论的部分问题和活动;3)替换了部分教学活动和内容,如,保留listening and discussing部分的听力内容,但改为高考听说考试Part B. Role Play的模式,将reading and writing部分替换为听说考试中的Part C. Story Retelling 和布置了课外作业读写任务。 3. 指导学生利用网络资源,如百度搜索引擎,百度知道等,了解更多适合自己学习类型的学习方法和学习活动,更有效地学习,同时搜索英语的听说网站和听说材料,为高考的英语听说考试做好准备。 听说课教学设计与反思 英 语 组 吴 剑 文 一、教学设计 课 题:高三英语听说考试备考Listening & Speaking 教学内容:Thanksgiving Day 课 型: 听说课 教学时间:45分钟 课时分析: 本课时是听说备考高三听说课的第13个课时,学生在之前已经掌握朗读的 技巧,以及基本能速记听力材料的关键信息并作答,该课时仍然是能力的培养, 侧重于复述技巧的点拨。本课时以话题为依托,通过听,了解感恩节的由来、庆 祝的方式以及如何表达感恩,并且进一步完成听说考试要求的Part B Role Play 和Part C Story Retelling的训练,兼顾能力的训练和文化意识的灌输。 学情分析: 1(学生对节日的话题比较熟悉,高二课本就有一单元是关于Festival的, 本课中Listening I的话题虽然是围绕节日展开,但并非他们所熟悉的外国节日, 因而通过仔细聆听,学生对Thanksgiving Day先有了兴趣,开始捕捉到一些信 息。 2(Listening II中谈论的庆祝方式多样,很考验学生的听取信息的能力。 但是由于听说练习贯穿整个课时,学生容易疲惫,教学中应穿插进行一些小活动 调动他们的积极性。 教学目标: Knowledge & Skills 1) Help students know more about the festival: Thanksgiving Day 2) Enable students to master some skills of Listening and Speaking 3) Enable students to talk actively with a topic 4) Help students to learn how to finish Role Play and Story Retelling 5) Develop students’ skills to take notes while listening and organize a good oral composition with the taken notes. Process & Methods: Listening & Speaking, Teacher’s guidance & interaction and task-based method Emotion, Attitude & Values 1) Improve students’ spiritual motivation for speaking English and encourage students to have more confidence in themselves. 2) Realize the importance of taking notes while listening.3) Strengthen students’ spirit of perseverance to overcome difficulties with Computerized Oral Test. 4) Learn to be grateful to what we have and be kind to others.5) Be aware of “practice makes perfect”& “where there is a will, there is a way”. Teaching important and difficult points: 1) Catch up with the listening contents. 2) Retell the story with the taken notes.. 教学流程设计: Step One: Free Talk Talk about the pictures and questions. If you don’t know the answers, try to find them in the following listening contents. 1. When is Thanksgiving Day, 2. Do you know the history of it,What’s that? 3. How do people celebrate it? 4. What will you do on that day? 目的:引起学生的注意,调动学生的积极性,让学生带着问题完成后面的听 说训练。 Step Two: Role play 1. Watch the video, listen to the dialogue, ask and answer the questions. You need to take some notes while listening. 2. Now translate the questions and catch some key words from the answers. Q1. 今天是什么日子, Translation: What day is today? Key words: Thanksgiving Day. Q2. 感恩节的由来是什么, T: What’s the meaning of Thanksgiving Day? (origin) Kw: Pilgrims/ settlers in America/ shared/ harvest/ Indians/ thanks Q3. Susan是怎么认识Harry的, T: How did Susan meet Harry? Kw: introduced/ blind date/ Thanksgiving Day/ last year 3. Listen to the questions carefully and try to answer them. Q1. Did each of them give different thanks on Thanksgiving Day? Answer: Yes, they did. Q2. What thanks did Grandpa give? Answer: He gave thanks for being together with his family and being well. Q3. What thanks did Susan give? Answer: She gave thanks for a healthy year, a good job and for meeting with Harry and Michelle. Q4. Who is Michelle? Answer: She is Harry’s daughter. Q5. When did Susan meet Harry? Answer: On Thanksgiving Day of last year. 目的:训练学生获取信息的能力,并为话题的拓展做好准备。 Step Three: Retelling 1. Listen to a passage twice and retell it. Take some notes especially the Verb, the Noun and some information of time, place and people.2. While preparing for the retelling, think of a good beginning and a good ending. 3. Do it orally and let’s check. Key aspects: who: Americans when: Thursday, Novemberwhere:America what: How to celebrate Thanksgiving Day How: 1. attend religious service„2. travel„dinner„ 3. is„ members„reunion 4. are thankful„families/friends„good things„5. enjoy„ cooking/eating/talking„ 6. includes„traditional „turkey„ bread„7. play football games„ new„watch on TV Step Four: Conclusion How to make a good retelling, 1.体裁: Narration(记叙文,故事) 2.人称:第三人称 3. 几大要素:who/ when/ where/ what/ why 4.过程 how:动词/名词/形容词 5. 说好开头结尾,连接好中间 You can begin like :时间+there be+主题+定语从句 You can end up with:It is a + adj.,反意疑问句,/感叹句~ Linking-words:well/ because/ so/ but/ although/ though/ however/ what’s more/ to one’s +n/ therefore„ Step Five : Post- listening Talk about the following questions and learn to say thanks. 1. What thanks do you want to give? 2. How to say thanks? Step Six: Homework 1. Find more information about Thanksgiving Day and show your thanks to others on that day. 2. Retell the story according to the request. 二、课后反思 1. 教学内容与思路 在本次研讨课中,课型为听说课,教学内容是自己编排,主要为高三听说考 试备课。在接受高三听说课的指导任务后,我主要将听说备课分为三个阶段,第 一阶段为基础训练,第二阶段为技能训练,第三阶段为模拟训练。该课时处于技 能训练阶段,我主要以话题为依托,对听说考试三种题型进行全面的技能指导和 训练。该课时主要内容是Thanksgiving Day,先是引起学生兴趣,让学生有开口的欲望,接着是听说的训练,中间贯穿一些图片信息,让学生不会在听力过程中感到疲惫,这个节侧重于复述的技巧点拨,学生在训练之余,对解题技巧能边体会边总结,最后是对学生情感的教育,希望学生能在学习知识的同时能带有感 恩之心。 2. 亮点与不足 1) 教学中突出体现听说技能培养的目标,循序渐进,为学生的学习搭建脚 手架,为拓展练习进行语言输出做铺垫。 本课中技能培养的的思路和实践是清晰的:通过使用I篇听力的材料进行信息的听前处理(主要体现为带领学生学会看图,预测即将听到的内容,关注有用的信息),从而完成Part B的三问五答,引导学生把相同的方法运用到II篇材料的理解。在II篇的处理上,除了试图让学生以预测,看图等技巧在听前做好充分的准备外,还加入了taking notes 记笔记的方法。要求学生在记录句子动 词等关键词的基础上组织完整的句子,并复述全文。 2) 关注学生的学习水平和认知心理 在进行设计的过程中,考虑到学生的学习水平较高,我把课的定位设定在符合他们学习水平的层次。例如,根据语言材料的特点,I篇材料的信息点多,但是对于绝大多数学生来说难度不大,且由于没有听力录音材料,不利于展开后续的语言活动,我将其处理成:听一遍完成练习。 II篇材料有关感恩节的庆祝方 式非常详尽,其中有许多可供挖掘的语言表述,所以把它处理成输出的依据。 诚然,没有一节课是完美无缺的。反思这节课的实施过程,我认为还存在以 下一些不足,需要在今后的教学中改进: 1) 对于I篇材料的落实还不够,部分学生未能写出答案。 2) 评价(对答案)方式比较单一。忽略了学生评价在课堂的使用。如果能 多种形式,多渠道地体现评价,输出部分的presentation有可能更精彩。 3) 教学过程中能反映学习策略的策略提示部分在投影中由于技术问题没能 体现出来。教师也没有及时进行补充点拨。 这是本人原创的公开课学案,请专家们给建议,上传文件是公开课的课件: 作主语Book4 Unit2 Grammar—V-ing as Subject and ObjectV-ing 和宾语学案 陈经纶中学 阮平笑 : Learning Goals ; 1. Learn about the V-ing as Subject and Object ; 2. Find out V-ing as Subject and Object 规律; 3. Master some rules about V-ing as Subject and Object 4. Enable Ss to learn to use V-ing as Subject and Object. 歌曲欣赏: Lead-in 侧田 Loving You- (原唱) Minnie Riperton Loving you is easy cause’ you’re beautiful Making love with you is all I wanna do Loving you is more than just a dream come true And everything that I do is out of loving you La La ……do do…… No one else can make me feel The colors that you bring Stay with me while we grow old And we will live each day in springtime Loving you has made my life so beautiful And everyday of my life is filled with loving you Loving you, I see your soul come shining through 爱着你我看到你精神焕发 , (爱着你,我看见你的灵魂闪闪发光而来) And every time that we, ooh ’ Im more in love with you La La……do do……* La La……do do……* 即时训练: Task 1 分析:主语What are the V–ing forms used as? The subject or the 宾语 object. (充当) 1. Loving you is easy because you’re beautiful. ________ (充当) 2. Loving you is more than just a dream come true. ________ (充当) 3. Loving you has made my life so beautiful. ________ (充当) 4. And everything that I do is out of loving you. ________ (充当) 5. And everyday of my life is filled with loving you. ________ 掌握语法的规则 Task 2 、作主语 1V-ing ?置于句首表示抽象的或泛指的动作谓语动词用数。 ,, ____ 如:捉弄别人是我们万万不能干的。 ( ________ (play) tricks on others is something we should never do 说比做容易。 ________(talk) is easier than doing. ?用形式主语,把真正的主语形式移置句尾。归纳常用形式作iting()-ing主语的句型有: • It +be +a waste of time doing • _____________________________________ • It is/was no good/use doing • _____________________________________ • It is/was worthwhile doing • _____________________________________ 注意:与不定式的比较: V-ing 表示的动作通常是一个泛指的动作,不定式则通常表示具体的动作。 V-ing 我喜欢看书,但是我现在想看电影。I like _______, but now I like __________ . 即时训练: 营养1.________ ( eat ) provides us with necessary nutrients (), while ______ (breathe ) provides us with oxygen. 2. _______ (collect) stamps is his hobby. 没有通过考试使得他感到很沮丧。 3. ________ ________ the exam makes him feel very frustrated. ?、作宾语 V-ing ?只能后接动名词作宾语的词,常见的有,,,,avoidconsiderenjoykeep ,,,,,,,,,finishsuggestdislikeescape imaginemindmisspractiserisk ,等。如: can’t helpbe busy (in), instead of, keep on, 你读完这本小说了吗,(翻译) ___________________________________________________ 即时训练: 1. If you can keep ________(read) English newspapers, your English will be improved. 2. We are now busy ________(prepare) for the examination. 3. You should work tonight instead of _________ ( watch) TV. 昂贵4. Though the bag sounds a bit too dear (), it is worth ______ (buy). 5. Keep on _______ ( try )and you will succeed. 6. Jack said that he wouldn't mind _____ ( wait ) for us. 7. We should often practise _______ ( speak ) English with each other. 8. You must use the knife carefully to avoid _________ ( hurt ) yourself. ?既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词,常见的有:,,beginstart ,,,,,,,等。 continuelikeloveprefermeanforgetrememberhate (在,,,等动词之后,用或不定式意义上没?Alikelovehateprefer-ing 有什么不同,只是侧重点有些不同,动名词表示泛指的动作,不定式表示具体的 一次性动作。 (在后,用动名词和不定式,意义无甚区别,尤Bbegin/start, continue 其是当主语是人的时候。 (在动词,,之后,用动名词与不定式意义不同。Cforgetrememberregret 动名词表示动作先于谓语发生,不定式表示后于谓语动作,如: 我记得我已把信寄了。 • ______________________________________ 我会记着去寄信的。 • _______________________________________ 我永远不会忘记见到过那位著名作家。• ___________________________________ 不要忘了给你母亲写信。 • __________________________________________ (在,之后,意义各不相同,如设法去做,Dtrymeantry to do ()try doing 尝试做,打算,有意要做,意思是,意味着。如: ()mean to do ()mean doing () 我并不想叫你生气。( • I didn’t mean ___________________ 你的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 意味着要花费几个小时。• Your plan would mean ( _______________ 和 E? go on doing go on to do 继续做一直在做的事; go on doing 接着做另一件事。 go on to do 如:请接着做这个练习请继续做这个练习。 ()_____________________________ 如:请做另外一个练习。 _____________________________ (与 Fstop doingstop to do: 停止做某事; stop doing 停下正在干的事去干另一件事。如: stop to do 我们停止了交谈。 • ______________________________________ 我们停了下来去谈话。 • _______________________________________ ?作介词宾语 下列短语中的都是介词,所以后面跟名词或形式:,to-ingdevote topay ,,,attention tolead to, look forward togive up , be/get used tobe 等 beneficial to ?动词(需要)后面接或表示被 need, want, requiredoingto be done 动。 你的头发该理了。 1) ___________________________________ 地板需要冲洗。 2) ___________________________________ ?形式的否定形式是在其前面加带有逻辑主语时应在. V-ingnot, not 形式之前。如: V-ing 1. Not cleaning her teeth made her smell bad. ’2. Your schoolmates not coming home in time made her parents worried. 即时训练: 1. Once the heart stops _______ (beat), death follows at once. 2. I hate _________________ (tell) lies! 3. A) I will never forget __________(go) to Beijing with him last summer. B) I forgot ________(tell) her the news; so she knew nothing about it. 4. The classroom wants ___________ ( clean ). 5. You must pay attention to __________ ( read) the works of Lu Xun. 6. Your clothes need ______________(wash). 7. I remembered _____________ (see) this person somewhere before. 课后巩固 Task 3 1. It took the workmen only two hours to finish _______ my car. A. to repair B. repair C. repairing D. repaired — , 2.WhatdoyouthinkmadeMarysoupset ( —_______hernewbicycle ( ( ( ( AAsshelost BLost CLosing DBec auseoflosing 3. Ican'timagine_______thatwiththem. ( ( ( ( Ado Btodo Cbeingdone Ddoing 4. Shelooksforwardeveryspringto______ theflower-linedgarden. ( ( ( ( Avisit Bpayingavisit Cwalkin Dw alkingin ( 5.—Let'shavearest ( --NotnowIdon'twanttostop_____yet. ( ( ( (Astudy Btostudy Cforstudying Dstu dying ( 6.—Letmetellyousomethingabout thejournalists —Don'tyouremember__________me thestoryyesterday? ( ( ( ( Atold Btelling Ctotell Dtoha vetold 7. We should often practise ___ English with each other. A. to speak B. spoke C. speak D. speaking 8. The story was so funny that we ___. A. couldn’t help laugh B. can’t but laugh C. couldn’t help laughing D. couldn’t help but to laugh 9. He devoted his life to _____ the atomic theory. A. study B. be studied C. studying D. have studied 10. The classroom needs _____. A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning (反对)11.—Youwerebraveenoughtoraiseobjections ( atthemeeting , ( —WellnowIregret__________that A. todo B. tobedoing C. tohavedone D. havingdone , 12. Doyoumind__________aloneathome ( ( ( AJaneleaving BJanehavingleft CJane'sbeingleft ( DJanetobeleft 看图造句 Task 4 说课稿: Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences Reading THE RESCUE page 24 of SEFC Book 1A Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material: 1. The main content of this lesson: This reading passage tells us the experience that Jeff and Flora encounter when the flood comes. It plays a very important role in the English teaching of this unit. Through studying this lesson, students can basically improve their reading ability and the ability to research information, learn more about the natural disasters and corresponding solutions to all of them, so that students can quicken their reaction to disasters in case that they encounter in the future. At the same time, we should get students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. 2.Teaching aims: (1)Knowledge aim: Master the main idea of the text, learn the difficult vocabulary(roar,advance,swallow,drag,sweep,shake,climb,destroy,strike,flow,fright,st-ruggle,tower,chimney)and expressions(fall down, pull up) that appear in the context, and comprehend the attributive clause(who,which, that, whose), at the same time, students can understand more about the natural disasters and the protection measures. (2)Ability aim: Students can retell the story in their own words orally. (3)Emotional aim: Make the students have the protection sense from natural disasters, and foster their minds to protect the natural environment. 3.Key points of this lesson: How to understand the text better and get more information about the flood. 4.Teaching difficult points: Use students’ own words to retell the text and discuss more about the natural disasters. 5. The situations of the students: (1) They are lack of vocabulary. (2)They don’t usually use English to express themselves and communicate with others. (3)Some students are not active in class because they are afraid of anwering questions and making mistakes. Part 2 My teaching methods, theory and properties 1. Teaching methods: (1)Task-based methods (2)Question- and- answer teaching method (3)Free discussion method (4)Pair work and individual work method. 2.Teaching theory According to the features of the book and students, we adopt the Task-based Theory, it points out that: The mastery of language mostly is the consequence of using the language in activities, but not merely the results of practising the language skills and studying the language knowledge. Therefore, in the process of teaching, teacher should design some concrete and exercisable tasks in accordance with the given communicative and language items. Students finish the assignments by expression, communication, negotiation, explanation, inquiry, and so on, which achieve the goal of studying and commanding the language. 该理论认为:掌握语言大多是在活动中使用语言的结果,而不是单纯训练语 言技能和学习语言知识的结果。在教学活动中,教师应当围绕特定的交际和语言 项目,设计出具体的、可操作的任务,学生通过表达、沟通、交涉、解释、询问 等各种语言活动形式来完成任务,以达到学习和掌握语言的目的。 3. Teaching properties: tape recorder, multimedia, the blackboard. Part 3 Teaching procedures I design this teaching steps to develop students’ ability to practice in class, for students are usually shy to express themselves in class. Step1 Warming up(the interaction between teacher and students) Task 1: Talking about natural disasters,teacher asking questions: (1) What natural disasters can you list? (2) Have you ever experienced one of these disasters? Can you describe what it was like and how you felt? Purpose: Through these questions, students can relatively come to the point of this lesson more quickly, and arouse their knowledge reservation in their mind. Step 2 Pre-reading(the group activity of students) Task 2 Classifying the students into four groups, then each group discusses one disaster(flood, earthquake, typhoon, fire), just as the diagram shows in the students’ book. Moreover, the students should focus on the book, then asking questions with each other: (1)what can you see in the picture? (2)What words will you use to describe the disaster? Step 3 Skimming, read the text as quickly as you can, the teacher shows the questions on the screen and let the students get the main idea of each paragraph, then answer questions(task 3) (1) what does the word “rescue” mean according to the context? (2) Where were they when the water came? (3) How did they try to escape? (4) What rescued them? (chimney) (5) What was the end of the story? Step 4 Listening(book closed), get the general idea of the text, then answer the questions on the blackboard. (1) the places (2) characters (3) reaction: (4) feelings: purpose: to train students’ ability to get information they want Step 4 Careful reading , then the teacher leads students to find some special information and facts about the reading passage.(task 4)(1) The words and expressions that are used to describe the terrible flood (2) The words and expressions that the writer used to describe the feelings of the hero and heroine (3) The words and expressions used to describe their struggle to escape. (4) Imagine the end of the story, practise for understanding and word study Step 5 Consolidation Task 5: Retelling the story according to the diagram: first, next, then,finally. Purpose: to know whether the students have understood the whole text really and to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression. Step 6 Post reading Task 6 Discussion: Will the disaster change Flora and Jeff’s life? Why? If you are in one of the disasters, what’s your own reaction?Task 7 Inaddition to the five sentences listed in book, we can add some other ones for students to comprehend the underlined words’ meaning: (1) The water flowed around their legs. (2) There she stopped, listening to the strange sounds. (3) Tree after tree went down, cut down by water, which must have been three meters deep. (4) This will stand. This here will stand. Step 7 Homework Write an article about the students’ own unforgettable experiences. Therefore they can improve the ability of writing. At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themselves. Part 4 Blackboard design Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences 1.The main information of the flood: Places: Characters: Reaction: Feelings: 2. Word study: seize, wave, advance, roar, swallow, flow, pull, look into, strike, then, inside the house, drag, on the way to the house„„ 3.Discussion: Will the disaster change Flora and Jeff’s life? Why? If you are in one of the disasters, what’s your own reaction? Part 5 Conclusion Through studying this lesson, students are active in discussion and tasks in class. In this way, students can seek the knowledge and also master the skills of English learning. A story of the small town ------信息整合第四招之运用主 从复合句 复习课教案 一(复习目标: 本节课要求学生围绕A story of the small town的内容,熟练运用主从复 合句,提高写作水平。 二(复习重点: 如何把简单句合并成主从复合句。 三(复习难点: 判断主句和从句,选择主从复合句的类型。 四、教学模式: n ? ? Leading iTranslation ?Discussion (pair work) Sentences combination )?? (group workTelling the story (pair work) Summary ? Homework 五(教学方法 Task-based activities, cooperative learning六(教学辅助: A computer, a projector and a blackboard 七(教学过程: Step 1 Leading in 以图片导入本节课的内容。 Step 2. Warming up Translate the sentences according to the pictures. Step 3. Discussion (pair work) How to improve the present situation of the small town? opinions: I think„ 1. I think we should protect the environment.2. I think the government should take measures to stop the town from being further polluted. Step 4. Sentences combination(Group work) 教师点拨,然后分组讨论,运用主从复合句来合并句子。 1. I live in a small town. It is about 20 kilometers away from the city. 2. In the past, we planted many trees here. Now, no trees can be seen except heavy smoke and dark rivers. 3. Since ten years ago, many factories have been built. Heavy smoke and waste water from the factories are let into the sky and the rivers without anything done to them. 4. Some more factories are going to be set up. People told me that. 5. The government should take measures to stop the town from being further polluted. This is my opinion. Step 5 Telling the story with 5 sentences : 连贯词)Pay attention to using some coherent words (to make the passage more fluent. 设疑 Step 6. Step 7 . Summary 1. translation protect environment a story of the small town 2.sentence combination and 3. telling the story use the subordinative compound Step 8 Homework 1. Go over the knowledge that we have learned in this class. 课外作业 2. P111 用主从复合句合并每一组句子然后将这五组句子合并成一段五句话的连, 贯的短文。 1. The drought is likely to continue till May and no substantial rainfall is expected ahead of the rainy season. The drought started from last autumn. 2. It has left 18 million residents and 11.7 million heads of livestock in the region with water shortages and caused direct economic loss of 23.7 billion yuan. Experts estimate. 3. The government would organize more than 1, 100 engineers and workers from across the country to dig wells in the country’s southwest. It is reported. 4. More than 1, 600 wells will be drilled. They will provide 200, 000 cubic meters of drinking water per day for 2 million people and 1 million heads of livestock. 5. 1, 400 of the wells are expected to finish digging by May 10. One of the engineers told me. 八(布置课后反思 1、本节课我最大的收获是 2、感到自己有待加强的是 九(板书设计 合并句子注意事项:判断主句、从句及主从复合句的类型(定语从句、状语 从句、名词性从句)。 高中英语 Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes课题Reading Reading: A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep教学内 容 本单元以地震为中心话题,介绍了地震这一自然现象,使大家对地震教学内 前兆、危害、震后救援及如何在地震中自救等有所了解。本文的中心思想 容分析是:通过对地震的预兆、过程、结果和救灾过程的描述,告诉我们地震的可怕性,并提醒人们注意震前预兆,鼓励人们正确面对灾难,迎接光明未 来。本课时是本单元第一课时。 培正中学高一(1)班的学生,学生的英语基础一般,对英语学习比教学对 较感兴趣,课堂气氛比较活跃。 象 知识与能力1. Learning some basic 三维教 knowledge about earthquakes. 学目标 2. Developing the students reading ability like skimming and scanning. 3. Practising listening skills and improving the comprehending skills. 过程与方法参看教学过程 情感态度与价值观鼓励勇敢乐观面对困难、克服 困难并发掘学生的同情心,发扬扶 危助困的精神,培养助人为乐的优 良品德。 1. Getting the main idea of 解1(听课文录音,让学生对文教学重 the passage by listening 决问题章的整体内容及结构有所了 点与难点 and reading.的办法解。 2、针对每段落的 内容出示图片,启发学生把文章分2(Knowing the details of the 成震前,震中,震后三大段落。 passage and finishing the exercises.3.细读文章然后说出每段的 段落大意。(三段分别以默读,齐 声朗读,个别朗读的方式进行) 通过做练习加强学生对文4. 章细节的理解。 Listening, reading , practising, discussing and acting教学方 法 Individual work, pair work, group work学法指 导 多媒体室,PPT幻灯片,下载课文录音、歌曲和有关地震视频。教学环 境设计 Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes Reading: A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep 板书设Part one:par.1 : Before the earthquake 计 Part two:Par.2- 3: During the earthquake Part three: Par.4: After the earthquake (黑板要空余大部分地方,让学生上黑板写习题答案) 探究引导策略:探讨式学习,教师启发引导。 自主合作探讨式学习策略:建立小组讨论、交流、合作的课堂气氛。教学策 略情景创设策略:运用生活中与教学内容相关的情景,借助多媒体展开 教学活动,设计问题,组织教学内容,提出有启发性的引申问题,激发学 生的学习兴趣,积极参与研究学习。 教学过程 所 教学步骤教 学 设计意图 用 师 活 生 活 时 间 动动 Step1. Warming up1、播观看1、观看影片,吸引2 放汶川大影片和图学生的注意力,激发分 地震的影片起学生学习课文的钟 片片段。兴趣。 2、展2、观看影片和图片 示1976年让学生直观地了解 6月28日地震这一大自然现 中国唐山象,感知它的无法抗 大地震的拒力量和造成的可 怕后果。几张图片。 3、围绕本文,展示 1976年6月28日中 国唐山大地震的图 片,让学生了解本文 的事件。Step2. Discuss and fill in the 1、以讨论的形3教小11. blanks 论题为:Do you know whatt 式连接到本课时的分 师让学生组谈论地 would happen before an earthquake?内容。钟 震前兆。四人一小 组根据自 1.Bright lihgts flash in the sky; 2.出示课本地 描2己原有的震前兆的图片,让学2.The water in the well rises and 经验谈论生了解地震前兆,为述图片并 falls; 地震前兆。下一步阅读扫清障填写句 碍。 子。3. The well walls have with deep 展2 cracks smelly gas; 、以填空的形3回3.示课本地 4. Animals are too nervous to eat, 震前兆的式叙述图片,降低难答问题, such as cows, pigs, dogs, chickens and 图片,让学 度,紧靠课文。更正答 snakes :生描述并 案。 填写,小组通过运用英3. 成员讨论、语说、写,提高英语 更正。 能力。 提3.、小组讨论,4 问学生,完 分享经验。 成描述图 片的句子。 Step 3. Listening1、提高听力水平。1、放课文3 课文录音。录音并把分 Reading: 2、对文章分段, 文章分钟 2、要了解文章结构脉络, 段。 A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep求学生听有利于对文章的整 完后要把体理解。After listening, divide the 文章分成 passage into three parts. 三大段。 Step 4. Read each part and tell 1、布学生1、快速阅读让8 the main idea of each part.置学生快分小组讨他们找出每个段落分 速阅读文论,并互的主题句,并根据这钟 Part one:par.1章,在阅读对答案,些主题句总结出文 段落的时然后教师章的大意,有助于对Before the earthquake strange 候,让学生让小组汇整篇文章的理解,能things began to happen but no one paid 划出每个报结果。有效地提高学生的 attention to them. 段落中的阅读能力。快速阅读 主题句。来查找信息是一种 Part two:Par.2- 3 非常重要的学习策 2、提The city of Tangshan was destroyed 略。 问学生每by the earthquake, and more than 段的段落2、小组讨论, 400,000 people were killed or injured 大意并出体现合作精神。 Part three: Par.4示供参考 的段落大 The army came to help the 意。 survivors, bringing hope for a new life. Step 5. Read the passage again 1、让1、做1、通过细读文4 and tell which of the sentences are T or F学生细读章,完成 T or F分 true (T) or false (F).练习。文章根据练习,加深学生对文钟 章细节的理解。文章内容 ( ) 1. The earthquake in 2、4独立完成 Tangshan happened late at night.名学生上2、在教学形式T or F练 黑板展示上,要求学生单独上 习。( ) 2. Several days before the 自己的答黑板展示自己的答 earthquake, people in Tangshan noticed some strange things happening.案.2、叫案,能培养学生独立 4名学生上解题的能力和增加( ) 3. People could hear the sound 3、全黑板展示学生做题的紧迫感, of plane when the plane was very high 体一起回 从而提高速度。自己的答 in the air.答老师的 案。 问题。3、全体学生一( ) 4. In the earthquake all the 3、全起校对答案、纠正错 buildings fell down. 体学生一误陈述,有利于集体 参与。起校对答( ) 5. People in Tangshan lost 案并说出 their hope completely.4、表扬肯定学答题理由, 生,增强学生自信在错误处( ) 6. After the quake , the army 心,从而积极参与下 纠正。organized rescue teams to help the 面更深一层的练习。 people trapped in the ruins. 4、表 扬肯定学( ) 7. With the help of the army, 生。 people began to live normally.Step 6. Choose the best answer 1、高考链接,1、让1、做4 according to the text 练习。设计符合高考要求学生根据分 阅读理解的题目,进课文独立钟 高考链接2、4 完成练习。一步深化文章的理 名学生上解,锻炼学生的思 Choose the best answer according 2、叫黑板展示维,提高综合理解能 to the text.4名学生上自己的答 力。 案.黑板展示 1.What is the mood of this passage? 自己的答2、在教学形式 3、全 案。上,要求学生单独上 A. Sad. B. Serious C. Serious 体一起回黑板展示自己的答 and a bit sad. D. Calm. 答老师的3、全案,能培养学生独立 体学生一问题。2. What’s the meaning of “lay in 解题的能力和速度。 起校对答 ruins” in paragraph 2? 案并在文3、全体学生一 A. was totally destroyed B. 中找出依起校对答案,有利于 lay in bed 据。集体参与。 C. was hurt D. was out of 4、表4、表扬肯定学 control扬肯定学生,增强学生自信 生。心,刺激其积极参与 3.Why so many people died in the 活动。 earthquake? Because_____. A. they were too nervous to escape from their homes B. two dams fell and they were drowned C. the earthquake happened while they were asleep D. water, food, electricity were hard to get 4. What can be inferred from the text? A. If mice run out of the fields looking for places to hide, there must be an earthquake. B. If some natural signs had not been ignored, all the people in Tangshan city might have had a chance to survive. C. There wouldn’t have been such a great earthquake, if people had enough attention to some natural signs. D. If some natural signs had not been ignored , more people might have had a change to survive. Step 7. Retell the story and fill in the 1、让1、部1、此段话实际8 blanks. 一些有能分学生自是这篇文章的概括分 力的学生我口头复复述。由于学生能力钟 ____________ happened in 述文章自我口头参差不齐,因此采取Tangshan. For a few days, water in the 复述文章,不同的方法,一些有wells _____________. From the ______ 2、学另一些学能力的学复述,一些of wells ________ came out. Mice, 生以小组生以小组学生以小组讨论的chicken, pigs and even fish became 讨论的形讨论的形形式完成填空题,降________. At 3:00 am, everything began 式完成填 低难度。式做填空 空题。to ______.It seemed that the world was 题。 _________. _________ of the nation 2、齐读此段话, 3、全 加深记忆。____ it. ___________ cut across 2、全 体学生一 the city. The city lay _______. 体学生一 起校对答3.复述是高考起校对答 案。 Two-thirds of the people died 听说考试的重要组 案。 or ___________. Then later that 成部分,平时要加强 4.齐afternoon, another big quake ______ 3. 让训练,特别是体现在 读此段Tangshan. People began to wonder 学生齐读平时学习课文当中, 话。 此段话。_____________________________. But 意义更大。all hope ____________. Soldiers came 5、自4、让to help those ________. Slowly, the 我复述一学生自我 city began to _________________. 次。 复述一次。 Step 8. Discuss and act 1、让学11、小1、让学生讨论地 生小组讨论组讨论面震时采取哪些措施来保0 讨论和表演的中心是:What can we do to keep 面临地震时临地震时护自己,能增强自救意分ourselves safe form an earthquake? 会采取何种采取适当识和知识,具有实际教钟 育意义。 措施来保护的措施来1)When you are in the classroom, 自己。 保护自己。 an earthquake suddenly happens, what should you do?老分2、2、 2、小组合作完成师给出几种组进行情2)When you are in the sports 讨论、表演,培养学生情境,分组境讨论,然ground, an earthquake suddenly 合作创作精神,同时培进行讨论,后上台表 happens, what should you do?养学生运用语言的综合然后各组派演,一位同 能力。 代表上台表学做动作,3)When you are at home, in bed, an 演,一位同一位同学earthquake suddenly happens, what 3、表演能增加 should you do?学做动作,旁白。 课堂趣味性和实效 一位同学旁性。 白。 Step 9. Summing up 引导总结下课前让学生1 学生总结这节课学总结这节课学习了分From this lesson we know 这节课学习了什什么,有助于学生整钟 习了什么。么。理和巩固知识。a big earthquake happened • inTangshanin 1976. some basic knowledge about • earthquakes how to protect ourselves and help • others in earthquakes. Step 10. Homework 1、让1、课1、熟读文章,1 学生课后后熟读课有利于英语发音标分1. Practice reading the whole text and 熟读课文文和口头准、流利和掌握英语钟 retell the story. 和口头复复述课文单词、句子、语法、 内容。述课文内语感、篇章结构。复2. writing : what will you do to help 容。述是这些基础上的others after earthquakes. 2、写 更高要求。 作上交。2、让3、Look for some earthquake 学生写作2、作业设计为information about Japan through the 3、搜 文上交。写作,其目的是:1)library, internet or other resources. 集地震多由于这节课学生写Find out why Japan often has 3、搜发地日本方面较少,这作为写earthquakes. What measures are taken 集地震多有关地震的补充。2)题目为by the Japanese government to prevent 发地日本的一些知what will you do to them? 有关地震识。help others after 的一些知earthquakes. 作为情 识。感教育,培养学生乐于 助人、无私奉献的精神。 3、网络等渠道搜 集,丰富学生对地震的 认识。 这节课好的方面:教学反 1、气氛活跃,学生积极参与课堂活动,兴趣浓厚。思 2、增加学生对地震前后知识的了解,学生还学会了震中如何保护自 己。3、在情感教育上,注重了爱国主义、乐于奉献精神和乐观主义精神 的培养。 4、英语语言输入较多,整节课学生围绕主题听、说、读、阅读理解效果 较好。 有待改进的地方: 多关注后进生,使其由始至终能保持学习状态。 潮阳金堡中学校性公开课 班级:高二(9)班 地点:209班教室 教师:吴若华 时间:2014-4-7第三节 Book 6 Unit 2 Poems ----Word Study & Warming up 教学设计 ?.Teaching Contents 教学内容 Module 6 Unit 2 Poems Word Study & Warming up II.Analysis of teaching material 教材分析 本单元以Poems为话题,从学生初次接触诗歌,一直谈到诗 歌创作的动机、有关诗歌的一些基本知识(包括诗歌的种类、风格) 等。旨在通过本单元的学习,使学生在初步了解和掌握诗歌这一文学 形式 基本常识的基础上,进行简单的诗歌创作。 1.1 Warming Up部分要求学生回顾所学诗歌,启发学生以小组活动 形式分析、列举人们进行诗歌创作的原因,并且掌握谈论此话题 所涉及的一些词汇: 1.四会词汇 poem, recite, aspect, convey, nursery, rhyme, diamond, cottage, balloon, sparrow, tease, salty, endless, translate, branch, transform, joy, anger, sorrow, ending, compass, pattern, sunlight, darkness, warmth, underline 2( 认读词汇 poetry, emotion, rhythm, rhythmic, repetition, mockingbird, brass, billy goat, coffin, cinquain, droop, dread, ha iku, syllable, brimful, translation, await, revolve, utter 3( 词组 take it easy, run out of, make up of, nursery rhyme ?.Analysis of students学情分析 1(学生经过高中阶段必修1,选修6的学习,具备了一定的学习、 记忆、运用单词的技能,这有助于学生较好地完成这个课时的单词的 学习,不仅会听、会读,更重要的是对“诗歌”该话题会说、会写, 为第二课时阅读课的学习做好铺垫。 IV(Teaching goals 1.知识目标:掌握Warm-up,Unit 2的单词和词组的意思及其用 法。 2.能力目标:创设语境,使学生不仅能了解新单词的意义,更能 在创设语境中使用并使其 在口语表达和写作能力方面有所提升和拓展。 3.情感目标:增强学生学习英语的兴趣,并提高学生学习英语的 信心。通过任务,增强学生团结协作精神。 V(Teaching important points教学重点:掌握Warm-up,Unit2 的单词和词组的意思及其用法,及掌握如何巧记单词的方法。 VI(Teaching difficult points教学难点:convey 、transform 、 exchange 等单词; be made up of ,transform „into;run out of 等短语的用法。 VII(Teaching methods教法:任务型教学法;视听法; Learning methods学法:归纳比较法,联想法; VIII(Teaching aids教学工具:多媒体 ? Teaching procedures教学过程: Step1 Lead-in Task 1 Q1:What’s the topic of Unit 2? Q2: What’s the literature? Task 2 :Quiz in Chinese traditional poemsCan you recite the Chinese traditional poems according to their English translation? Task 3 Brain Storming 1.Why do people write poems? 2.Why do people like reading poems? [设计说明] 本环节主要是课文导入和热身环节,利用多媒体播放和本课主题相关的直观、生动的古诗和音乐(童谣),创设轻松和谐的课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,自然进入本课话题,教师启发学生的 发散性思维,展开教学。 Step 2 Listen to the tape [设计说明] 本环节充分发挥多媒体优势教学先让学生听录音的同时跟读单词,这样不仅可以训练学生的听力而且让学生为接下来的单词学习做好准备,在此基础生让学生通过朗读训练学生朗读能力, 提高语音语调。 Step3 Word buliding `1)_____________adj.灵活的;可弯曲的 _____________ n.灵活性 2)______________adj.引起矛盾的;好反驳的 _________________ n.矛盾,对立 3) ____________adj.适当的;vt.拨(款),挪用 ______________adv.适当地,相称地 ______________adj.不适当的,不相称的 4) __________ n. 情感, 情绪 ____________adj. 情绪的,感情的 ____________ adj.没有感情的 5)warmth n. __________adj.暖和的 ____________adv.暖和地,热烈地 应用: 1) The government needs a more _________ approach to education. 2) Your skirt is _____________ for a formal party.It’s too short. 3) The poems may not make sense and even seem___________, but they are easy to learn and recite. 4) The speaker appealed to our _________ rather than our minds. 5) Make sure that the children are dressed ________. 6). poet; poem; poetry a. As a piece of ______, it seems to be a selection of Renaissance. b. He is both a soldier and a ______. c. I decided to write a ______ about what I felt. Translation 人们会写诗有种种原因。有一些诗歌是为了传达诗人的情感。 7).convey vt.传达;运送 ___________ n. 运送者,传达者;运输设备 [搭配] ____________ 把某人/某物从„„运送到 __________________________向某人传达/表达(思想、感情等) [即学即练1] (1)Pipes ______ hot water ______ the boiler ______ the radiators. 管道把热水从锅炉输送到散热器里。 (2)Words can‘t ______ how delighted I was. 言辞无法表达我内心的喜悦。 (3)Please ______ my good wishes ______ your mother. 请向您母亲转达的美好祝愿。 Translation 有一些诗歌也向后人传达了当时社会的转变。 8).transformvt.&vi. 改变,转变,改造,使改观 __________ n. (外观或性质的)改变,变革 [搭配]____________ 使A变成B ___________________________________ 从A变到B 运用 ? The government has __________the old house _____ a science museum. ? The company has ______ __________ ______ a family business ______ a multi million poun operation.这家公司已由 一个家庭企业变成拥有数百万英镑的运作机构。 Translation 有一些诗人也通过诗歌与挚友进行心灵的交流。 9).exchange n(交换;交流;互换vt. & vi.调换;交换 [搭配] __________ 以„„换取 ____________ 和某人交换某物 ___________________________交换 [即学即练4] (1)I took his camera ______ __________ ______my watch. 我用我的手表换他的相机。 (2)They have offered to release the reporters, but what do they want ______ ____________,他们提出可以释放记者,但他们 想要什么作为交换, (3)Shall I ___________ seats ______ you?我和你换一下座位 好吗, 短语应用: 总之,诗歌有很多种类组成,因此,别紧张,要想对诗歌有所了解,我们需花费一定的时间,尤其是那些是耗费诗人毕生的精力完成 的,更有意义。 All in all,the poetry_____________ many varieties.Therefore,_____________~We need to_______________________________. _________________ ,those which _______________________________to finish _________________________. 短语翻译 1. _____________ 轻松;从容;不紧张 2. _____________ 用完 3. ________________ 由„„构成 4. __________________ 把„翻译成„ 5. _____________ 尤其;特别 6. _______________ 把„转化成/变成„ 7. _________ 测试;试验 8. _________ 发出;放走 [设计说明] 本环节是本节单词课的重点环节,教师为了学生在阅读含有较复杂词汇的句子或段落时,降低难度,要求学生准确识别词汇含义。如:flexible,contradictory,appropriate等, 采用分组比赛的方式,让学生争相挖掘其它相关联的“家族”成员,如, emotion,emotional emotionless,学生在分组讨论后,选派代表写在黑板上,其他学生可以争相进行补充,这样学生在比赛竞争中,不知不觉就拓展了 词汇量。 而有些词汇是不仅要知其含义还要学会灵活运用的,即“四会”单词。这些单词也往往是高考最容易考查的,拼写正确首是首要的, 还要通过翻译练习让学生掌握其固定搭配,如convey,conveyor 固定搭配:convey sb./sth. from...to... convey sth. to sb. 对于短语的应用,可以让其在语篇中得到巩固、应用。总之,词汇与短语的学习都坚持一个原则:词不离句,句不离篇,篇不离情境, 情境不离主线。 Step 4 Summary Step5 Homework Translation 所以,我建议学生们平时有时间的时候, 经常尝试写诗。然后把这些诗都转换成英文形式并背诵下来, 这样你们就可以学到很多有趣而灵活的语言。虽然有些诗很难翻译, 但是有些挺容易的。最重要 的是, 你们学会了通过写诗来表达感情。 教学反思: 该班是高二年级的理科班,学生基础差,学英语的兴趣也不高.针对这种情况,我采用了任务型教学法,整节课设置了多个任务,并使用诗歌测试等来导入本节单词课,引起学生对此话题的兴趣,提高课堂效率。更重要的是,本节词汇课整体设计思路:将本单元的话题“诗歌”设计为教学的起点和终点,创设整体的、有情节的大情境,用“诗歌创作的种类和目的”为主线,连接若干小情境;每个小情境各有侧重点,分别对应本单元的功能复习、词汇复习、句型复习、语法复习和话题写作练习,充实词汇库,培养情感;做到既利用课本资源,又延展课本资源,引导学生在情境中感知、复现、理解、内化和运用语言,开发潜能,收获成功的体验。而需要改进的是在课堂中应多提醒学生多动笔,多做笔记,积累一些有用的短语,为写作作铺垫;重视 课堂朗读,才能够加深印象。 在高中的英语教学中,单词教学有着举足轻重的作用,对于如何进行新课标下的有效的课堂词汇教学,是当今高中英语教师需要一直 探讨与研究的问题。在今后的教学中,本人将继续转变教学方式,提高 课堂教学质量.每一节课前都要认真备课,备好学生,设计好课堂任务, 作业和练习.注意精讲精练,提高课堂效率.努力去研究学生个体化的 发展,使每个学生在每一节课中都能有所收获.同时提高学生的学习 英语的兴趣,让每个学生在英语方面都能有所提高.路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索. Unit 2 The Road to Modern English(词汇课) Step 1 Greetings and enjoy a saying Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But don’t give up. 学习任何 语言都需要很努力,但不要放弃。 Step 2 Check the students’ recitation Step 3 Language points ???Later in the next century , people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that , England began to be spoken in many other countries.(Line2 P9) 1. because of because eg . 因为生病,汤姆昨天没来上学 ( be absent from school ) 。 Because _____________________________________ = Because of_____________________________________ = Because of___________________________________ 翻译:? 因为下雨,我们迟到了。 Because of___________________________________ . = Because __________________________________ ? 因为你的关心,我发现生活充满了希望。 Because of ___________________, I find life is full of hope . = Because _____________________, I find life is full of hope . 单选:The open-air celebration (露天庆祝) has been put off(推迟)______ the bad weather .(浙江高考题) A . because B.instead of C . in spite of D . because of ??? Yes.I’d like to come up to your apartment. (Line8 P10) ________________ 2. come up ________________ _________________ 猜出下列句子中有关come up 的短语意思。 1. She came up to me and said, “Glad to meet you.” 2. The sky was dark blue when the moon came up. 3. A number of questions came up at the meeting yesterday . 翻译:1. 一位小孩走上前来,给我指引到车站的路。 _____________________ and showed me _________________ . 2. 太阳从东方升起。______________________________________ . 3. 一些学校规章制度将在明天的会议上被提出讨论。 _______________________. 拓展: 猜出下列句子中有关come的短语意思。 1. She comes from Japan. _______________ 2, Come on ! Try once more . _______________ 3. If you work hard , I am sure your dream will come true . ________________ 4. His new book will come out next month. _______________ 5. She came up with a good idea . _______________ ??? It was based more on German than the English we speak at present . ( Line11 P10) n. ________________ (意思) 3. base ___________ __________ (adj.两 个) vt. ________________ (意思) 固定搭配: _________________ 以((((((为基础 / 根据 _________________ 把((((((建立在(((((的基础上 eg. 他的思想以实践为基础。____________________________________________(翻 译) 该影片是根据一部小说改编而成的。_________________________________(翻译) 1. 用base的正确形式填空。 ? The explorers(探险者们)set up a ________ at the foot of the mountain . ? The local government should try its best to meet(满足) the _______ needs of the survivors(幸存者) in the earthquake . ? One should always _______ his opinion on facts . 2. 翻译:她所说的话是以事实为根据的。________________________________ 4. at present = _______________ 现在,目前 eg. 目前我们是学生。____________________________________ .(翻译) 目前我不需要这笔钱。________________________________ . 拓展: n. __________________(意思) 近义词:____________ present vt. __________________(意思) adj . _________________(意思) 反义词:____________ 固定搭配: 将某物赠予某人:_______________________ eg. 当她离开时,她的男朋友送给她一块金表。 ____________________________ 用present 的正确形式或其短语填空。 ? I received many _______ yesterday . ? Most of Tom’s friends were present at his birthday party. To our surprise, his girlfriend was __. ? He ________ his girlfriend with a box of chocolate last night . ? I am very busy ____________ . ? I’m not at all satisfied with (一点都不满意) the_________ situation(形 势). ? All the people ________ agreed to my plan . Step 4 Exercise:翻译下列句子。 1. 因为粗心,他没有通过期末考试。(because of) 2. 目前我和我的同学们正相处得很好。(at present ) 3. 一位警察走上前来问我是否需要帮助。( come up ) 4. 这个问题还没有被提出来。( come up ) 5. 这部肥皂剧是根据一个真实的故事改编而成的。(be based on ) Step 5 Homework 1. Translation 昨晚,我的姐姐高兴地走上我的公寓。她告诉我:“我们一家人打算后天坐船去海南旅 行。”众所周知,一次愉快的旅行是以良好的天气为基础的。虽然目前天气看起来很好,但 是我们的旅行计划有可能因为恶劣天气而推迟。所以我们都希望在那天天气会很好。 2. Recite the important words and sentences. Teaching Design A Trip On The True Topic Class Class 9, Grade1 North Place 潮阳区城郊中学 Date April 18, 2014 教 1.使学生了解加拿大的一些基本概况,包括它的地理 位置、主要城市、风土文化,学会用所学的词汇、句式,学 较有条理地描述出旅游过程中的所见所闻。 知识与技能 目 2.使学生提高听、说和阅读能力,更深的了解加拿大 的美丽、富饶、地广人稀。从而激发学生学习世界地理人标 文知识的兴趣。 过程与方法 1.通过提问题和完成图表,加深学生对基础知识的掌 握,把握课文的细节。 2.以听力形式强化阅读理解。 情感态让学生了解加拿大的地理位置、风土人情以及这个多 度、 价值观 元文化国家的特点。培养学生的跨文化意识和世界意识。 教学策1.先利用音像和图片引起学生的兴趣,然后带着问题有目的地阅读课略 文。通过回答问题掌握细节,理清线索,再从整体上把握文章的结构、特色, 学习用英语归纳及复述,最后以拓展课文知识,以小组活动形式完成这节课 的整体教学。 2.采用多媒体教学,用一些有关的精美图片、音像材料引起学生对即 将阅读的文章的兴趣。 教学重通过学习课文,掌握新词汇句型和游记的写法,提高学生的阅读能力。 点 1.Learn to read the travelling passage according to the 教学难travelling route. 点 2.To understand the important sentences in the text. 录音机、图片,一张扩大加拿大的世界地图和一张加拿大地图,几十教 具 张复印好的中国地图,多媒体平台。 教学过Content Direction 程 Step1 Check the students’ homework 通过看图片、 录像引导学生讲出RevisioShow the students some pictures and video 加拿大的一些情况, n concerning aboutCanada. 使学生对本节课内 容有所了解。同时,Step2 1.Showing the pictures aboutCanada. 先对学生进行语言 输入,以激发其兴趣Lead-in Ask: Do you like travelling? / What can you 和欲望。 see, Step3 用直观教学法Some 2.Play the video some sceneries ofCanada. 进行。其他单词让学new Ask: a. Can you describeCanadaby using some 生在阅读时猜测,培 words words? 养他们在语境猜词 的阅读技巧。 Step4 b. What else do you know aboutCanada? 此设计为了检Reading Teach some new words concerning about 查学生是否理解文 geography. 章大意和一些重点 细节. Task:1. Listen to the tape and find out the following sentences are true or false. 给学生以必要 的提示,发展学生自 1”The True North” is the train goes 主学习能力,真正成 acrossCanada. ( ) 为学习的主体。 2Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian are 降低复述难 crossingSouth America. ( ) 度,提高归纳能力。 3Thunder Bayis a port city in the south ofCanada, nearToronto. ( ) 4You can crossCanadain less than five days by bicycle. ( ) Task2: Ask the students to read the passage quickly and carefully with the following questions. Then let them answer. 1Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast? 2Why do many people want to live inVancouver? 3What happens at the Calgary Stampede? 4Where does wheat grow inCanada? Task3: Let the students underline the main sentences mentioned in the text. Task4: Ask the students to draw the travelling route. Then get the main idea of the passage. (work in pairs) 教学过Content Direction 程 Task5: Play the tape and ask the students to 目标练习,加 go over the passage and find out their own difficult 深理解 points in reading. Discuss in groups trying to solve the problems together. Task6: To explain some language points to the students. 1.rather than表示客观事实,意为“是„而不 是„;与其„不如„”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、 代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式 动词等。如: a. He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一名海员,不如说他是一名探险者。 b. You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去野营。 【注意】1. rather than连接两个名词或代词作 主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的名词或代词 在人称和数上保持一致。 2. rather than后接不定式时,不定式可以带to, 也可以不带to。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接 不带to的不定式。如: Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。 2. settle down 1.坐下、躺下 He settled down in his chair to read the newspaper. 2.过安定的生活 After years of travelling, he decided to settle down here. 3.安下心来,专心致志于 Then they settled themselves down_____work. A. to B. on C. with D. in 3. have a gift for„ 在„方面有天分/天赋 gift特指与生俱来的天分或才能,如绘画、音乐 等。 Her gift for dancing amazed the teacher. 老师对她的舞蹈天分大感惊奇。 Task7: Doing Exercises: Fill in banks 教学过Content Direction 程 Step5 Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train 要求学生用 inCanadafrom ________ to ________. Their cousins’ 英语进行交际,即Group-wfriend, Danny Lin, took them to the train station 语言的output. ork to catch “ ______ _______ _______”.Canadais the __________ biggest country in the world. It is Step6 5,500 kilometers from _______ to _______. As they go ___________, they saw beautiful scenery as well Summing as cities.Vancouveris _________ by mountains on -up the north and east. When the cousins _______ Step7 _______ in the seats, they looked out of the window. They saw mountain goats and even a ________ Homewor k bear.Calgaryis famous for its competition. Many of the cowboys from all overNorth America______ ______ ______ ______ working with animals. Then they ______ ______ a wheat-growing province.Thunder Bayis a busy port. It is ______ ______ the center of the country. The suggested answers: 1.west; east 2.The True North 3.second 4.coast; coast 5.eastward 6.surrounded 7.settledown 8.grizzly 9.have a gift for 10.went through 11.close to 假设你们有一个七天的假期,即将出去旅行。要求 小组合作在中国地图上画出旅游的路线,讨论订出旅游 计划,然后每组派一个代表上台,把你们的旅行线路在 实物投影仪上展示出来,并向全班作report 1.本课讲述的是旅游话题,同学们在掌握阅读技巧 的同时,增加了见识。 2.通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式,发 展听、说、读、写的综合技能。 3.通过阅读课文,要求掌握游记的写法。 1.Finish off the exercise in comprehending. 2.Recite the important sentences. 3.Write a short passage to report what the cousins saw inCanada. 新课程标准要求“教师要转变在教学中的角色,成为学生学习的促进者、指导者、组织者、帮助者、参与者和合作者,要引导学生发展自主学习的能 教学反思 力,真正成为学习的主体”。本节课的设计就是以此为出 发点,同时也以新课标的五大理念为指导。在教学过程中引导学生通过观察、体验、探究、发挥潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。本课的引入很成功, 不但输入信息语言图式,还激发语言的运用。学生能在教师的引导下讲出许 多知识。适合学生实际的多种任务,使课堂容量大,节奏加快,既刺激学生 全身运动,又调动积极性。在口头完成问题和小组讨论时,给学生提供了很 多语言实践的机会,营造了轻松愉悦的教学氛围,学生兴趣盎然地参与语言 实践,使整个教学过程成为学生主动吸收和输送知识的行动过程。学生在完 成任务同时体验与人合作共事的乐趣,培养了合作意识和创新精神。 但是,受条件和时间的限制,教学的设计过程难免会有考虑不周之处, 一些课时的个别教学环节未能在课堂上充分展现,对整体的教学效果略有影 响。 Teaching Plan Unit One, NSEFC Book1 Friendship Reading Teaching contents: Reading comprehension---- “Anne’s best friend”. Teaching aims: 1.To develop the students’ reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as predicting ,skimming, catching main ideas and so on. 2. To know about Annie’s diary. 3. To enable the students to discuss in English. 4. To get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship and tell their stories about their friends. Important points: 1. Improve students’ reading abilities. 2. Understand the contents of the diary by Anne and know the importance of having friends. Difficult points: 1.Retell the story. 2.Using the structures and words together to discuss with partners about friends and friendship in English. Teaching methods: 1. task-based teaching and learning 2. Group discussion Teaching aids: computer Teaching Steps: Step One: Warming up (3 minutes) 1. Read the new words of Unit One together. 2. Teacher: Last period we talked a lot about friendship and we all realize friendship is very important to us. Do you have many friends? If you want to have more friends, you must be a good friend. But does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend? Student1: My cat, my dog. Student2: My football, my books… Teacher: So we can have some special friends. Now please give a brief descriptions of your special friends by using one or two sentences. Students: …… Teacher: Maybe we can make friends with animals, plants or even an object. Step Two: Leading in (3minutes) Introduce the background of the story. (Play a piece of video and enable students to learn the background of the story) Teacher: The story happened in World War II. During World War II, The Nazi Party ruledGermanyFrom 1933 to 1945. In order to become the top of the world, the German Nazis killed many Jews inEurope. To avoid being killed, some Jewish families went into hiding. This is what Anne’s family did. If the Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps. The Jews had to do heavy work there and This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved lived a difficult time. to escape from being killed by Nazis. Step Three: Fast reading (4minutes) Get the students to read the passage quickly and find out “5w&1h”: whenDuring WWII whereAmsterdam,Netherlands whoAnne WhatAnne made her diary as her only true friend She was afraid of being discovered and why caught howShe hid away Step Four:CarefulReading. (20 minutes) Read the passage paragraph by paragraph and finish the tasks.Task 1. Detail reading for the first two paragraphs and do the True or False choices of the following sentences: 1. Anne kept a diary because she likes going out to make friends.(F) 2.Anne made friends with her diary because she didn’t have a chance to communicate with her friends.(T) 3.Anne and her family had to hide because Jews were caught by Nazis and killed at that time.(T) 4. Anne named her diary Kitty because she wanted it to be her best friend.(T) Task 2. Detail reading for Anne’s diary 1. Show the form on the projector and ask the students to fill in it: TimeNatureFeeling Before hidingBlue sky, songs of Never felt spellbound birds, Moonlight, flowers Darkness, rain, wind, Grew crazy, held in After hiding thundering cloudstheir power 2. Try to find out more detail information about the story by discussing and answering the following questions 1)What is a true friend like in Anne's opinion? 2)What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne? What about her diary? 3)Why was she so crazy about things to do with nature? 4)Why did she stay awake on purpose until very late one evening? Step Five: Post reading. (8 minutes) 1.Activity: work in groups of four to do Exercise 4 on Page 3. Imagine you have to go into hiding like Anne and her family. What would you miss most? Give at least 4 matters and reasons. Things I would missReasons schoollearn more knowledge Some public placesplay freely and happily department storebuy clothes, toys and food my relative and friendssupport and encourage me Finally the group leader speaks out their group's opinion. 2.Summarize the passage(cloze test) The Jews a difficult life during World War II. Anne, one of the Jewish girls, and her family lived inAmsterdam, the ofNetherlands. They couldn’t be outdoors and had to to avoid being killed by the German Nazis. During that time, Ann felt and made friends with her . She called her diary Kitty. She her deepest feelings and thoughts. She told Kitty she had grown about nature. Step Six: Summary &Homework (4minutes) 1. A brief summary of what we learn in this period. 2. Write a short passage about your best friend (80 words).
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