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初一年级英语阅读初一年级寒假完形填空与阅读理解专项训练亲爱的同学们,寒假生活即将开始,希望大家能劳逸结合,认真完成以下练习。 第一部分完型填空 (1) We have in the “computer age". People like scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do 1 work. But more than 30 years ago, 2 couldn't do much. They were big and exp...

初一年级寒假完形填空与阅读理解专项训练亲爱的同学们,寒假生活即将开始,希望大家能劳逸结合,认真完成以下练习。 第一部分完型填空 (1) We have in the “computer age". People like scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do 1 work. But more than 30 years ago, 2 couldn't do much. They were big and expensive. Very 3 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 4 . 5 they can do a lot of work,many people hke to use them. Some people even have them at home. Computers become very important because they can work 6 than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can 7 people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to study and children use them to play games. Computers can also remember what you put 8 them. Computers are very 9 and helpfid. They are our good Mends. Do you want to 10 a computer? ( ) 1. A. many of B. all kinds of C. a lot D. very much ( ) 2. A. scientists B. teachers C. students D. computers ( ) 3. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little ( )4. A. cheap B. cheaper C. expensive D. mere expensive ( )5.A.But B.And C. Since D.If ( )6. A. slow B. slower C. fast D. faster ( )7.A. help B.make C.use D.stop ( )8.A.in B.into C.on D.up ( )9.A.beautiful B.careful C.useful D.heavy ( )10.A.pay B.lend C.have D.sell (2) One evening Mr and Mrs Brown are 11 along the country road. They are looking for a small hotel. On 12 way they 13 a young man beside the Bank of China. They Hope 14 them the way to a hotel. The young man gets into 15 and says he 16 them the way. Half an hour 17 they come to a small house. The young man asks them to stop thecar.Mr Brown says. "But it 18 a hotel." The yoang man says’“ 19 .It's my house. You'd hattergo back to the Bank of China. 20 see a small hotel to the fight of it.” ( )ll.A.walk B.walking C.drive D.driving ( )12.A.his B.her C.their D.your ( )13.A.are meeting B.will meet C.meet D.are seeing ( )14.A.he will tell B.he tells C. he is telling D.you'd better tell ( )15.A.the hotel B.the ear C.a hotel D.a car ( ) 16.A. shows B.win show C.kows D.can help ( )17.A.away B.past C. late D. later ( )18.A.don't look B.don’t look like C.doesn’t look D.doesn’t look like ( )19.A.No B.Yes C.Sure D.You're wrong ( )20.A.You B.You'll C.You also D.Certainly (3) Tom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village. Plants(植物)grow in Tom’s gar den all through the __1__ and they are much __2__. Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table, eats some fruits and vegetables, but he __3__ most of them in the market. His vegetables, fruit and flowers are so __4__ and beautiful that they sold much more __5__ in the market than those of other farmers. How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so __6__ that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio. He __7__ the music all day. That is quite true. Tom __8__ things in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After that he sits with his radio. And everything __9__. It is the music that does the work. Tom knows more clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers. Plants love __10__ as much as people. ( )1. A. week B. month C. season D. year ( )2. A. better B. worse C. less D. later ( )3. A. buys B. sells C. borrows D. lends ( )4. A.expensive B. bad C. big D. small ( )5. A. politely B. quickly C. slowly D. carefully ( )6. A. angry B. busy C. tired D. lazy ( )7. A. listens to B. hears C. watches D. speaks ( )8. A. fills B. plants C. throws D. makes ( )9. A. does B. moves C. grows D. plays ( )10.A. work B. rain C. stories D. music (4) Mr White looks ___1___ the window. There is a ___2___ on the other side of the street. The boy takes some bread out of his bag and begins eating it .There is a very thin dog in the street, too. The boy says to it. “ Come here, good dog. I’ll give you____3___ bread.” The dog is ___4_____ and goes to the boy ,but he doesn’t give it any bread .He kicks(踢) the dog . It ____5___ away, ____6__ the boy laughs. Then Mr White comes out of his house and says to the boy , “I’ll give you a shilling(先令)。” The boy is happy and says , “Yes” “Come here” Mr White says. The boy goes to him, ___7_____ Mr White does not give him a shilling .He hits him ___8___ a stick(棍子). The boy cries and says , “ ___9__ do you hit me ? I don’t ask you for ____10____ money .” “No”, Mr White says, “and the dog did not ask you for any bread, but you kicked it.” ( )1.A.our B. off C. from D. out of ( )2,A. girl B. boy C,dog D. man ( )3.A. a B. one C. some D. any ( )4.A. afraid B. hungry C. happy D. tired ( ) 5. A. runs B. climbs C. takes D. flies ( ) 6. A.and B. but C. for D. because ( ) 7. A. and B. so C. but D. of course ( ) 8. A. by B. with C.for D. use ( ) 9. A. Why B.How C.What D. Where ( ) 10. A. some B.any C. no D. not any (5) A Clever Grandfather Mrs Hall’s old grandfather lived ___1___ her and her husband. Every morning he went __2__ a walk in the park and came home at twelve o’clock __3___ his lunch.. But one __4___ a police car stopped outside Mrs Hall’s house at half past eleven. And two policemen helped __5__ to get out. One of them said to Mrs Hall, “ The poor old gentleman lost his way(迷路) in the park and telephoned to ___6__for help, so we went into a car to __7___ him home.” Mrs Hall was very surprised (吃惊的),but she thanked the policemen and they left. “But , Grandfather,” she then said, “ you go to that park nearly every day __8___twenty years, How did you lose your way there?” The old man smiled, closed one eye and said , “ I didn’t lose my way. I just got____9___ and I didn’t want ___10___ home!” ()1. A. and B. of C. with D. together ()2. A. with B. for C. of D. at ()3. A. for B. at C. with D. in ()4. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night ()5. A. her B. her husband C. her grandfather D. her grandparents ()6. A. them B. we C. us D. our ()7. A. take B. bring C. give D. walk ()8. A. at B. with C. for D. in ()9. A. happy B. sad C. tired D. funny ()10. A. go B. walk C. to go D. to walk 第二部分阅读理解 (1) Peter works ina food shop. He helps the shopkeeper. He puts food on the shelves every day. Then people come into the shop and buy the food. Today there aren’t any bags of flour on the shelf. “Peter!" says the slopkeeper. "We need some bags of flour. Bring some flour to the shelf. Hurry up!" Peter rims to got some bags of flour. They are in another room and they are on the top shelf. The shelf is highup.Peter is tall, but he can not reach the bags. Peter brings two boxes and puts one box on top d the other. Then he stands on them. Now he can reach the bags on the shelf. The shopkeeper is coming. He is calling Peter. “Peter! Hurry up! What are you doing? Where are the bags of flour? he says. He opens the door. He can not see Peter on the boxes. "Don't open the door!" Peter says. Then Peter falls down! Then Peter is on the floor. There is some flour on his head. ( )1. Peter helps the shopkeeper________. A. in another room B. in a food shop C. on the shelves D. on the shelf ( )2. ______comes to the shop for food. A. Peter B. The shopkeeper C. People D. An old man ( )3. Peter puts________on the shelf. A. food B. bag C. box D. floor ( )4. There aren't _____ bags of flour on the shelf. A. few B. no C. some D. any ( )5. Peter runs to get_____. A. a box B. two boxes C. some bags of flour D. a sh (2) It was half-past eight in the morning. The telephone bell rang andMary went to answer it. "Hello, who's that?"she asked. "It's me--Peter." Peter was a friend of Mary's eight-year-old brother,Johnny. "Oh hello,Peter.What do you want?"said Mary. "Can I speak to Johnny?" "No,"said Mary,"you can't speak to him now.He is busy. He is getting ready for school.He is eating his breakfast.Grandmother is combing his hair.Sister is under the table,putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in his school bag.Goodbye,I've got to go now. I have to open the door.The school bus is coming." ( )1.Who went to answer it when the teltphone bell rang? A.Johnny's sister B.Peter C.Johnny D.Johnny's mother ( )2.Who did Peter want to speak to? A.Mary's brother B. Mary's sister C. Mary's grandmother D. Johnny's mother ( )3. Johnny couldn't speak to Peter because Johnny _______. A. was combing his hair B. was putting his shoes on C. was getting his books D. was busy eating his hreakfast ( )4.What do you say to a stranger who is answering your telephone? A.Who are you? B.Anything to say C.Who is it? D.May I speak to…? ( )5.From this story we know that Johnny was_____. A. a lazy boy B.a clever boy C.a busy boy D.a hungry boy (3) Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is true. People usually begin their talks with "Isn't it a nice day?" "Do you think it will rain?" "What a fine day!" etc. Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly agree with each other. One man may say, "Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? It's going to rain tomorrow." Another man will say, "No, it's going to be fine tomorrow." People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him it's going to rain; he won't believe anything else. When friends have a travel, they are sure the weather is going to clear up very quickly. Almost everyone listens to what the weather man says. But he doesn't always tell us what we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. Still, he probably comes closer to being correct than anyone else. ( )6. "Nobody does something about the weather" means ____. A. nobody can make weather B. nobody can change weather C. nobody can talk about weather D. nobody likes weather ( )7. ____ is a common way to start a talk. A. Talking about weather B. Keeping silent C. Asking each other's names D. Smile ( )8. Many people hope the weather will be ____. A. fine B. rainy C. cloudy D. like what they like to be ( )9. A weatherman may be a man who ____. A. reports weather B. can see weather C. can change weather D. is made of weather ( )10. When it is cloudy in the east, you know that __ tomorrow. A. it is going to rain B. it will be fine C. it will be still cloudy D. A or B or C (3) Now everyone .Before you start your Chinese exam, you must put down your name,student number and the number of your class on every page of your answer sheet. The answer sheet is where you should write your answers. You must not write on the question paper .If you do not know your student number ,there is a list on the blackboard. If there are any problems during the exam. Just put up your hand. If anyone needs a pencil now or during the exam,I have some on my desk .You can have one . And remember you have one and a half hours to finish the exam. ( ) 1.The passage is about __________. A. a Chinese lesson B. a Chinese exam C. speech by a Chinese teacher D. the rules for the Chinese lesson ( )2. How long does the Chinese exam last(持续)? A. More than two hours B. One and fifty minutes C. One and a half hours D. less than an hour ()3. Who can take a pencil on the teacher’s desk? A. No one B. Anyone who needs it C.Everyone D.Someone (4) “Ladies and gentlemen,this is your pilot(飞行员) speaking. I hope you are enjoying your flight to Milan this morning .Now we are passing over the nice city of Geneva(日内瓦) in the west of Switzerland (瑞士). If you are sitting on the left of the plane ,you can see the city from the window. We are flying at 10000 metres and we are flying at the speed (速度) of 700km/h. I’m afraid the weather in Milan is not very good .It is raining and there’s a light wind blowing .Enjoy the rest of your flight.Thank you for flying with us today.” ( ) 4.They can see Geneva ________ of the plane . A. on the right side B. on the left side C. next to Milan D. on both sides ( ) 5. The plane is flying ________ metres an hour at the moment. A. one thousand B .ten thousand C seven hundred D. seven hundred thousand ( )6.What’s the weather like in Milan now? A. It’s rainy and windy. B. It’s fine. C. It’s sunny but a little windy. D. It’s snowy and sunny. (5) Do you know Eskimos? Let me tell you something about their lives. Eskimos live near the North Pole. There are only two seasons there, winter and summer. There is no spring or autumn there.The winter nights are long .You can’t see the sun for more than two months ,even at mid-day. The summer days are long too. For more than two months ,the sun never goes down and there’s no night. Eskimos have warm clothes. They make their clothes from the skins of animals. Of skins they make coats,caps and shoes. Near the North Pole ,trees can’t grow ,for it is too cold there.The Eskimos have to make their houses of skins ,snow or stones, When they go out in storms and can’t get back home ,they make houses of snow. They leave these snow houses when the storm is over. Life is hard foe the Eskimos, but they like to live there. ( ) 7. Near the North Pole ,there are _________ in a year. A.two seasons-------winter and summer B. two seasons---spring and autumn C. four seasons D.sometimes two seasons and sometimes four season ( ) 8. How long does the longest day or night last(持续) near the North Pole? A. 24 hours B. Over a week C. A month D. Over two months ( )9 Eskimos use skins to make _________. 1.Clothes B. houses C. trees D. both A and B ( ) 10. Eskimos make houses of snow to protect(保护) themselves from ___________.. A.Animals B. storms C. snow D. rain (6) The Best Basketball Player Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in New York. Jordan is the fourth (第四) of the five children in his family. When he was a child, Jordan played baseball, basketball and football. He was very good at playing basketball. Harvest Smith was Jordan’s cl assmate and good friend. He played basketball with Jordan almost every day. He said Jordan was small then but very quick and he dunked (扣篮) very well. In 1978, Jordan went to Laney High School in North Carolina. Soon he became (变成) the best player and was the star(明星) of each game. He also worked very hard on the team and he could score 40 goals in a game. Soon he became taller and taller. He was more than 6 feet (英尺) tall. He was stronger too. In 1984, Jordan played in the US Men’s Olympic Basketball Team. Later in the same year, he played his first game for the Chicago Bulls. In 1991, 1992 and 1993, Jordan helped the Bulls win the World Championships (冠军). Many people think Jordan is the best basketball player in the world. ()1.Michael Jordan was born on ______ A. January 17, 1963 B. February 17, 1963 C. February 17th ()2.There are _____ children in Jordan’s family. A. four B. six C. five ()3.Harvest Smith was Jordan’s ______. A. classmate B. good friend C. A and B ()4.In _____ Jordan played his first game for Chicago Bulls. A. 1978 B. 1984 C. 1991 ()5.In 1991, _____ won the World Championships. A. the Bulls B. Jordan C. Olympic Basketball Team (7) Nancy is English. She likes Chinese food very much. But she doesn't like Chinese. She says Chinese is difficult(难的) to learn. She also says Chinese people always like asking her “ How old are you? Are you married?(结婚) Do you have any children? How much money do you make every month?” She says it is not polite to ask these questions in her country(国家). But now she knows it is common (普通的) for Chinese people to ask these questions in China. And now she like Chinese people very much. She says she wants to have a Chinese husband now. ()1.Does Nancy like Chinese? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, she do esn't. D. No, she does. ()2.What do Chinese people like asking her? A. How old are you? B. Are you married? C. Do you have any children? D. A,B and C ()3.Is it polite to ask these questions in Nancy’s country? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. I don’t know D. No, they aren’t. ()4.What does she like now? A. Chinese B. Chinese food C. Chinese people D. B and C ()5.Does Nancy have any children? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. I don’t know D. No, he doesn't.
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