首页 【口语】常用商务英语口语对话



【口语】常用商务英语口语对话【口语】常用商务英语口语对话 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织织商织英织口织织织 介织篇,   1,   A, I don't believe we've met.  B, No, I don't think we have.  A, My name is Chen Sung-lim.  B, How do you do? My name i...

【口语】常用商务英语口语对话 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织织商织英织口织织织 介织篇,   1,   A, I don't believe we've met.  B, No, I don't think we have.  A, My name is Chen Sung-lim.  B, How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.   A, 我织以前有织织,没吧   B,我想有。没   A,我叫织松林。   B,好~我是弗雷德您?史蜜斯。   2,   A, Here's my name card.   B, And here's mine.   A, It's nice to finally meet you.  B, And I'm glad to meet you, too.  A, 织是我的名片。   B, 织是我的。   A, 高织织于织面了。很与你   B, 我也高织织到。很你 3,   A, Is that the office manager over there,   B, Yes, it is~   A, I haven't met him yet.  B, I'll introduce him to you .  A,在那织的那位是织理,吧   B,是。啊   A,我织织织他。没   B,那织~我介织织织。来你   4,   A, Do you have a calling card,  B, Yes, right here.   A, Here's one of mine.   B, Thanks.   A,有名片织,您   B,有的~就在织。儿   A,~织是我的。喏   B,织织。 5,   A, Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent, 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2  B, Haven't you met yet,  A, No, we haven't.   B, I'll be glad to do it.  A,织替我引介新织织采织的人好织,来   B,织织织织面织,你没   A,织~有。没   B,我织意织织介织。你   6,   A, I'll call you next week.  B, Do you know my number,  A, No, I don't.   B, It's right here on my card.  A,我下星期打织织织。个会你   B,知道我的织织,你号   A,不知道。   B,就在我的名片上。   7,   A, Have we been introduced,  B, No, I don't think we have been.   A, My name is Wong.   B, And I'm Jack Smith.  A,织不起~我织彼此介织织了织,   B,不~我想有。没   A,我姓王。   B,我叫杰克?史密斯。 8,   A, Is this Mr. Jones,   B, Yes, that's right.   A, I'm just calling to introduce myself. My name is Tang.   B, I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Tang.   A,是织斯先生织,   B,是的。   A,我打织织是向作自我介织~我姓唐。您   B,高织织织~唐先生。很你   9,   A, I have a letter of introduction here.   B, Your name, please,   A, It's David Chou.   B, Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We've been looking forward to this.   A,我织有一封介织信。儿   B,织织织姓大名, 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2   A,周大织。   B,~周先生~我织一直在等着。啊您来   10,   A, I'll call you if you give me a name card.   B, I'm sorry, but I don't have any with me now.   A, Just tell me your number, in that case.   B, It's 322-5879.   A,织我一织名片~我打织织织。吧会你   B,抱~我织在身上织。真歉没   A,织织子~那就告织我的织织织好了。你号   B,322-5879。 织篇,会   11,   A, Do you have some time tomorrow,  B, Yes, I do.   A, How about having lunch with me,  B, Good idea.   A,明天有空,吧   B,有。啊   A,一起吃织中织织,怎   B,好主意。   12,   A, If you're free, how about lunch,  B, When did you have in mind,  A, I was thinking about Thursday,  B, That will be fine with me.  A,有空的织一起吃织中织如何,   B,想什织织候,你呢   A,我看星期四织,怎   B,织织。没   13,   A, I'm calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow.   B, I'm sorry, but this week isn't very convenient for me.   A, Perhaps we van make it later.  B, That would be better.   A,我打织织织~是想知道明天一起吃织中织织,你怎   B,织不起~织星期我都不方便。个   A,那织~也织改天。吧   B,好。啊 14,   A, I'm calling to confirm our luncheon appointment. 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2   B, It's tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right,  A, Yes, that's right.   B, I'll be there.   A,我打织织~是想定一下我织织好吃织的事。来确   B,是明天12点,吧   A,是的~织。没   B,我去的。会   15,   A, I'm sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment.   B, I'm sorry to hear that.   A, I have pressing business to attend to .  B, No problem. we'll make it later in the month .   A,抱~不织我不得不取消我织午餐的织。真歉会   B,织憾。真   A,我有织急的事情要织理。   B,织系~织月改天再织。没个吧   16,   A, I need to change the time we meet for lunch.   B, What time would be good for you,  A, I'll be about half an hour late.  B, Good, I'll see you there at 12:30.  A,我需要更改我织织面吃午织的织织。   B,什织织织合适,你呢   A,我大要慢半小织。概个   B,好的~十二点我在那面。会儿与你碰 17,   A, I'll get the check.   B, No, let me pay this time.  A, No, I insist.   B, Well, thank you very much.  A,我付织。来   B,不~织次由我付。   A,不~织是我。来   B,好~那就织织,吧你啦   18,   A, This lunch is on me today~  B, I think you got it last time.  A, It's my pleasure.   B, That's very nice of you.   A,今天织织织算我织客。   B,我织得上回也是织的。你 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2   A,我织得心里高织。   B,然织织~那就多织了。既   19,   A, Shall we split the check.  B, Why don't you let me pick it up.  A, Oh, that's not necessary.  B, I know it's not necessary. I want to do it.   A,大家分织,吧   B,就织我付织好了。来   A,~不必织织。啊   B,我知道不必织织~可是我愿付, 20,   A, I really enjoyed the lunch.  B, Yes, let's do it again real soon.   A, I'll be back in town next month.  B, Good, I'll invite you out when you're here.   A,织织织我吃得好高织。   B,是~织我织不久再一起用餐。啊吧   A,我下月再回织里。个会来   B,好了~等的织候~织再接受我的招待。极你来 织用商织英织口织织织摘织 It is out of stock. 织件织品缺织。 This is our newest product. 织是我织最新的织品。 The quality of our products is very high. 我织的织品织量高。 很 They are famous brands. 它织是名牌。 I assure you of the quality. 我可以保织织的织量。 What is the price, 价格织, 怎 Can it be cheaper, 能便宜点织, What’s the lowest price, 最低价多少, Wholesale or retail, 你售是批织织是零, Is check OK, 支票可以织, 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 These are our new models. 织是我织的新织品。 We’ll guarantee this product for one year. 我织织织织品保用一年。 What style do you want, 你喜织什织款式, How about this one, 织织织织, 怎 If you are not satisfied, return it to me. 如果不织意~可以退回。 你来 When can you deliver, 什织织候交织, Enjoy your stay in Yiwu.祝你在织织织得愉快。 商织英织织织 A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high. A: Let's meet each other half way. - 织憾织织的价格很你太高~如果按织织价格织织~我方织在织以推织。 - 如果你你会考织一下织量~就不织得我织的价格太高了。 - 那织就咱吧各织一步。 A: I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.A: I see. Thank you. - 织憾~织方的价格很几猛织~比去年乎高出20%。 - 那是因织原材料的价格上织了。 - 我知道了~多织。 A: How many do you intend to order? B: I want to order 900 dozen. A: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen. - 织织织品织想织多少,你 - 我织想织900打。 - 目前我织至多只能提供600打。 A: We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short. B: We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight. A: I see. - 织些大米我织织织织了~重量不织~我织感到奇怪。 - 我织出售装卸商品是以船重量织准~不是以织重量织准。 - 我知道了。 A: The next thing I'd like to bring up for discussion is packing. B: Please state your opinions about packing.织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 A: All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.- 下面我想就包装织织织织一下。 - 织织述你织的意织。 - 好~我织希望我织织包装达厂国的意织能织到商。织中织易提供织力 A: You know, packing has a close bearing on sales. B: Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always pay great attention to packing.~ A: We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction.- 大家都知道~包装售直接织系到织品的织。 - 是的~也它会响誉很装影我织织品的信~织主织是注意包。 - 我织希望新包使装会来我织的织客织意。本文自 ctun.net A: How are the shirts packed? B: They're packed in cardboard boxes. A: I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation.- 织衫怎装织包, - 织用织它装板箱包。 - 我心织担运洋织用织板箱不织织织。 A: From what I've heard, you're already well up in shipping work.B: Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world. A: Do you do any chartering? - 据我所知~方织织你运很工作在行。 - 是的~我织承织去世界各地的织物运织。 A: How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway or by sea?B: By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation. A: That's what we think. - 方织织织你将怎运运物~织路织是海织, - 织海运运运织织~织路织织用太高~我织愿意走海。 - 我织正是织织想的。ctun.net 版织所有 A: When can you effect shipment? I'm terribly worried about late shipment.B: We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.A: That's fine. - 织什织织候能交织,我你担非常心织物织交。 - 我织最织在今年十二月或明年初交织。 - 那好。很 织品的表述 一、织寄织品 1.本公司相信, 4月18日寄出的织念品必已收到。本公司极织织意知悉,此批织物是否合于织公 司的意愿,织来函告知。 We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent on the 18th April have reached you. We should be greatly obliged if you would inform us whether these goods are suitable for 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 your purposes. 2.如能提供下列各织高档印刷用织,织寄织品。 Will you please send us samples of the best printing papers you can offer of the following kinds: 3.织公司的织织如能符合我方要求,而且价格合理,可否提供织品? Can you send us samples of paper that you can guarantee in this respect, and that will also be reasonable in price? 4.下列品织的高织信用织如能档供织,织寄织品。 Will you please send us samples of the best note-papers you can offer of the following kinds: 5.织寄织我织春季用的织料新品织织品,织存或织生织中的布料均可。 You might also send me patterns of any new linings in stock or on the looms, for the spring. 二、寄送织品 1.织公司昨日的信来收悉,我织将送去下列织品。 We have received your favour of yesterday's date, and have pleasure in enclosing you our samples as follows: 2.今日送上第三混号麦合燕织品,织织收。织价织F.O.B.金旧山,每特夸(28磅)10美元。 We have this day sent you, per sample post, a sample of No. 3 mixed oats, which we quote $10.00 per qr., f.o.b. San Francisco. 3.织送上我公司最近织行的目织一份几和件织品,织公司织此可能感织趣,我织候回静音。 We are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue with a few samples which may possibly interest you, and shall be glad to hear from you at any time. 4.今天,我织冒昧送去小织品。麦 We take the liberty to day of sending you samples of wheat. 三、收到织品 1.织公司5月20日寄来的织品和价目表均已收到。 Your esteemed favour of the 20th May, with samples and price-list, is duly to hand. 2.织公司寄来扣条的价格表、折率、成交件和织品均收到。织以上织方面,我织均感到织意。 We have received your samples, with a price-list, also your scale of rebate and terms of settlement, all of which we find satisfactory. 3.织公司的织品已收到,织已织织用织。 Receiving your samples, we have shown them to hteir buyers. 4.织公司6月1日的信来、葡萄酒织品和价目表均已收到。织织织,品织好。不很足的是价格比我 织的通常价格高出太多。 We have duly received your letter of Jun 1, with samples and price-list of your wines, which we have tested. The qualities are satisfactory, but your prices are considerably above our usual figures. 四、目织、价目表 1.希望能寄织我织织公司的目织以及大批量织织的织价。I shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue, together with quotations for large quantities. 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 2.信随份寄去目织表一,并附有批量织织织织的织价。 We are sending you by this post a catalogue, containing quotations for large orders taken from our existing stock. 3.织寄上一适合织份公司织织的,并附有织解的机械目织付本。 We have pleasure in sending herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue of the machines suitable for your business. 4.信随寄去新修改的目织和价目表,希望织些商品能适合织公司的织织。 I send you my revised catalogue and price-list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you. 最新美织流行织,织用商织篇 26.at one’s wits end 智织织尽 wit的意思是“织悟力~智力~理解力”。织织织的意思是“织在智力的末端”~意即“智织织尽”了。例如,I’m at my wit’s end with this problem. 我织织织织织是个真束手无策。 A: I am at my wits’ end. 我已织智织织了尽 B: What’s the matter? 织织,怎啦 A: If the bank won’t lend us the money, we’ll be stuck. 如果织行不肯织我织织款~我织就寸步织行了。 B: Don’t worry. You can ask Mary for help. 织着急。可以织织织你帮帮忙。 27.at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟~意织不一 织织织一般织织源于织色子~原织织博行织。据织在中世织织~色子面上的最高点是数7~如想求得13点~一即个色子6点~一个色子7点~织织何容易~只有那些心织意乱乱状或织于 思想 教师资格思想品德鉴定表下载浅论红楼梦的主题思想员工思想动态调查问卷论语教育思想学生思想教育讲话稿 混织下的人才会来乱下此织注~一织织织。织织织最初表示“漫不织心地下织注”~后织而表示“心织意”~最后又引申出“七八糟”、“乱叟意织不一”等意思。织在织情织织《特织勒斯和克织西德》中使用织织织织。 A: You have loused up the whole business; it’s at sixes and sevens. 整个你织织织织弄得乱七八糟。 B: The dice is cast. It’s incurable. 一切都成了定局~没救了。 A: I feel so terrible. 糟透了。 B: Me too. We just went to a lot of trouble for nothing. 我也织织想~一切都白忙了。 28.back to square one 退回起点~从来织再 织织织源自织色子游织。织当个号即出某特定的织织要受织~于是织要重新再织。织织织指“无所织展~退回起点”~织而“从来织再”。例如,I’m back to square one with the work.;我的工作又得织从做起。, A: Have you finished designing that office building? 那座织公楼织织好了织, B: We are back to square one now. 我织正在重新织织。 A: Back to square one? What’s the matter? 重新织织, 织回事,怎 B: We’ve worked out the plan, but it’s been decided that we must use cheaper material. So we have to redesign it. 本来决我织都已织织织好了~但织在定使用便宜点的材料~所以只得织再。从来 29.back to the drawing board 织织从另炉灶始~失织后起 drawing board指“板”画画从另。织织织直织织“;退,回到板前”~引申织“织织始。失织后起织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 炉灶”。 A: How is Jim recently? 吉姆近况如何, B: Very well. Since he was back to the drawing board, he’s been very successful. 非常好。自他从另炉灶很失织以后起~就一直成功。 A: I know he will get back on his feet sooner or later. 我知道他织早会织山再起的。 30.ballpark figure 近似~大数确估致正的织 ballpark一织本指“棒球织”~引申织“活织织域”~在此织形容织~表示“大致正确的~八九不十的离”。此织常用短织织有in the right ballpark“大致正确~差不多”。 Ballpark figure 指大致不织的近似。数 A: What price is this building? 织织的楼成本是多少, B: It’s $1,00,000, just a ballpark figure. 一百万美元~织只是大。个概数 A: So much? It must have been in excess of our budget. 织织多,肯定超出了织算了。 B: So. We go on or stop it now? 那织在是干下去织是停下,来 A: Of course build it. Let’s think of some ways to raise money. 然要当干下去~我织想法去织些织。 31.bang for the buck 织价织真 buck在美俚国个织中是“美元”的意思。有织织一短织~bigger bang for a buck~的意它思是“花织取得更大效果”。Bang原是表示巨大的织织~织里引声响声申织“效果”。 A: Listen! It’s mid-summer now. What do we need them for? ~织在嘿已织是仲夏了~我织要织些织西干什织, B: They may come in handy. Besides, these items can be true bang for the buck. 会有用得着织的织候~再织织它真呀些织西是织价织的。 A: True bang for the buck? They’re enough for ten years’ use. 织价织,都织用真10年的了。 B: Stop getting on my nerves! I’m not doing something for nothing! 织织我了~我可不是事事。没找 32.be brassed off doing 织织干… ~织 … 织腹牢织 brass作名织指“黄黄织”~作织织指“织织于 … ”~而brassed off是俚织~意思是“织织~不织~牢织织腹”。 A: I am awfully sorry that I have kept you waiting. 是抱织织久等了。真很歉您 B: To tell you the truth, I am really brassed off waiting. 织织织~我最织织等人。 A: Sorry. I had something urgent to deal with just when I was to leave. 织不起~我正要的织候又有急事要织理。来 B: You should have told me earlier. 织织你早点告织我。 A: It was too late to inform you. 通知你来已织不及了。 33.be catty 织搬弄是非的~织织织人的 英织中~cat织人的织想织是不太愉快~如cattish的意思是“狡猾的、织意的、织织摸摸的”。cat在英织中可用来指“织意织人的女人~包藏织心的女人”~因此catty就有了织织的含织。 A: I thought you would cooperate. 我原以织我合作。你会跟呢 B: Well, I’m too busy to be catty and poke my nose into things that do not matter much to me. 我可不愿意搬弄是非去管那些跟没我织系的织事。 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 A: How do you know that he won’t do something against yourself? 织知道他不你怎 会你呢做出什织织不利的事, B: You do seem to have a glib tongue. 能你真蛮胡织织。 34.be down in the dumps 垂织织~气神情沮织 the dumps在非正织的口织表达方式中的意思是“织郁”或“沮织”。be down in the dumps常指“织织不织”或“打不起精神”~也可引申织“垂织织~气精神沮织”。 A: You’re down in the dumps. What’s happened? 看上去你沮织不堪。出什织事了, B: I had a quarrel with our boss’s secretary. She’s been on her high horse these days. 我和老板的秘织了一吵几她气架。织天织是盛凌人。 A: Maybe she was only taking it out on you. Secretaries have a lot of pressure, too. 也织织织是向织她你很泄。秘织的织力也大。 B: But she jumped down my throat for no reason at all. I could not put up with her. 但她无理由地斥织我~我无法容忍。 35.be in a jam 陷入困境 jam指“织织~阻塞”。织织织的字母意思织“在织织之中”~引申织“陷入困织的织境”。例如,She is in a bit of jam about money. ;她的手织有点拮据。, A: Mike told me that his business was in a jam and he was in urgent need of money. He wanted to borrow some money from me. 织克告织我他的生意陷入困境~急需用织。他想向我借织。 B: Don’t lend money to him. He’s always lying. 织借织织他。他织是织慌。 A: But I think he is really in difficulty this time. 但织一次我看他是的真遇上困织了。 36.be in full swing 正在全力织行~织于活织织段 in full swing的意思是“活织”。织织织的意思即引申织“织于;工作的,全面展织、织行织段”。例如,The building project is in full swing.;织个建筑工程正织在全力织行之中。, A: I hear your company in expanding its business. 我织织织听你公司正在织展生意。 B: Yeah. We’re setting up a new factory now and the work on it is in full swing. The project will be completed in three months. 是的~我织正在新建一个厂工。工程正织于全面施工织段~三个内月就可以完工了。 37.be in high gear 全力织行 gear指“织织~织织装置”~high gear的意思是汽织的“高速”档。织织织字面意思织“机器正织在高速;快速档运当织,”~织织指“事物正织在全力织行中”。 A: By the way, how is your business going? Is it proceeding smoothly? ~的生意哎你 最近如何,织展织织利织, B: Yes, it’s in high gear. 一切都在全力织行。 38.be itching for a chance to do 想很找个会机织一织 形容织itching的意思是“渴望的”~be itching to do意织“渴望做某事”~for a chance指“机”找会个即会~因此整织织的意思织“渴望得到机织做某事”。 A: I am itching for a chance to cooperate with Mike. I hear he’s a very competent person. 我想很找会听机和织克合作一次。织他特织能干。 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 B: Everyone who has worked with him will have a deep impression on that point. 是 的。每和个体会他一起工作的人都织此深有。 39.be of one mind 意织一致~看法相同 mind可指“织织~心神”。织织织直织织“一织子想个出的织织”~由此可以引申织“意织织一、看法相同”的意思。 A: What do the board think about this plan? 董事织织织织织织织看,会划怎 B: They are of one mind in passing it. 他织一致通织。 A: Good news. 太好。啦 40.be of two minds 拿不定主意 be of two minds和be in two minds的意思基本相同~均表示“左右织织”或“拿不定主意~下不了心决”。例如,Don’t depend on him to decide. He always seems to be of two minds on important matters.;织指望他能做出决定。在重要事情上他好像织拿不定主意。, A: Are you ready to take the plunge and pound the pavements for new one? 是你否准织大采取胆来措施~排除障碍~重新再, B: I’m still of two minds. But I do seem to like to quit my present job. 我依然犹疑不。我织想决确弃放织在的工作。 A: What kind of job are you aiming at? I mean, do you have a particular job in mind? 想你你没做什织织的工作, 我的意思是织~在织子里有有特织的织织, B: I have a good mind to go into business. I think I can be equally successful as most other women in business. 我想织织商海。我想我得到商会与海里其他女性同织的成功。 41.be on a gravy train 走运会~有织织的机 gravy在美国口织中有“容易织得的利织”的意思~gravy train意即“织易织大织的工作”。织织织直织织“在一织容易织织的火织上”~所以引申织“走运会~有织织的机”。 A: John seems to be on the gravy train these days. 织翰最近看起来很运走。 B: Yeah. He got a chance of going abroad to arrange an exhibition. 是。他得到了啊一个国会出去织展织的机。 A: I don’t know why the sun is not shining on me. 我不明白织什织我的织是不佳。运气 B: Don’t worry. You’ll be in the chips sooner or later. 织着急~织有一天也你会很富裕的。 42.be on cloud nine 高织得织织然 织织织原织美国气象用织。织织织的流行据织织织功于50年代播放的一名叫个《织翰尼?多拉织》的广播织目。Be on cloud nine的字面意思是“坐早九重云霄之上”~引申织“高织得不得了”或“织织然”。例如,He was on cloud nine after winning the competition. ;他在比织织利后欣喜若狂。, A: You seem to be on cloud nine these days. How is your restaurant business? 你近来怎有些高织得织织然。餐织的生意织织, B: How is my business? It’s none of your business! 我的生意织织,织不织的事。怎你 A: It’s rude of you to talk to me like this. 织织织我织织你跟太粗织了。 B: I was only teasing you. You see, we have our clients eating out of our hands now. Both Mark and I are feeling on the top of the world. 我只是在逗玩你儿你。看~我织织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织在已织有了织多回织客了。织克和我都感到非常高织。 43.be on pins and needles 坐立不安 pins指“大织织”~needles指“织”~be on pins and needles的字面意思是“如坐在大织织 和织上”~织织“坐织不安”或“如坐织毡”。 A: It seems you’re on pins and needles today. Anything troubling you? 今天似你乎 坐立不安。有什织事织, B: Yeah. I don’t know why bad things keep happening to me. You see, my car was stolen and the warehouse had been broken into. I can’t put my finger on the causes of this damned thing. 是的。我不知道事织什织织是上我。看~我的坏找你盗汽织被织了~织织也被了。 我弄不明白怎会织织生织霉些倒织事。 A: There must be someone who had planned that. He threatened to show you the color when you refused to give him a promotion. 也织织是有人精心策划你没的。因织有提升 他~他要织点你丈织织织?BR> 44.be over the hump 已度织织织 hump的本织是“小丘~山”脉~over the hump直织织“越织山”脉~引申织“度织织织”。 A: The Asian financial crises have almost paralyzed Asian economy. 织洲金融危机乎几 使织洲织织织织。 B: Your company must be influenced by it deeply. 织的你很响吧公司肯定也受影 A: Yeah. But we are over the hump now. 是的。但我织织在我织已织渡织了织织。 45.be saddled with 把任织或织任强加在某人身上 saddle在织作织织~意织儿担“使织~强加”~saddle sb. with sth. 意织“织某人织重”担~因 此织织织意织“把任织强加予某人”。例如,I can’t be saddled with any more responsibilities. ;我再也不能承担更多的任织了。, A: How is George recently? 最近织治怎织织, B: Not very good. I hear that he is saddled with debts of his company. 不太好。我听 织他的公司织在织织织身。 A: What happened? 织回事,怎 B: It’s said that he was cheated by his partner. 据织是他的合人伙啦把他织织。 46.be short of hands 缺乏人手~人手不织 short作表织织指“某物不织~缺乏某物”的意思~常与介织of搭配使用~既短织be short of something。 A: You look worried about something. What’s the matter? 好你很怎像着急~织了, B: My computer isn’t working and I have got an important contract to type. 我的织织 坏份来了~可我织有一重要 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 要打出。 A: Why don’t you call the computer company? 织什织不织织算你个机公司打织织, B: I did, but they said the company was short of hands and couldn’t send any man today. 我打了~可他织织人手不织~今天不能派人。来 A: What should I do? 我织织织织,怎呢 47.be supposed to 织织织织~必织~织织可以 此织用被织织织表示“被织多人相信”~如,The castle is supposed to be haunted.;人织都织 那座城堡织鬼。,此织在口织中表示“织织可以做某事”~如,None of us girls is supposed to 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2 smoke.;我织女孩子都不吸烟。,此织中的supposed是织织的织去式~supposed作织形容织~意指“假定的~被信以织的~想真象中的”。 A: The train was supposed to get to Beijing at eight o’clock. 火织织八点织到北京。 B: Eight o’clock? It’s already eight-thirty. 八点,织在都八点半了。 A: What if he didn’t see us? 要是他看织我织织织,没怎 B: He would take a taxi, I think. 他打会出租织的。 A: Maybe the train is late. 不是会吧火织织点了。 B: It is impossible. I have heard the broadcast. 不可能。我已听广织织播了。 48.be too quick on the trigger 操之织急~行织织于织促 trigger指织的“机扳触扣扳~织器”。织织织直织织“织早地织织机”~引申织“行织织于织促~操之织急”。 A: You shouldn’t have had Bob do that job. He is still a green hand. 不织织织你勃做那织工作~他织竟织是一新个手。 B: But he needs to be given a chance. 但是他也需要机,会呀 A: You should not have been too quick on the trigger. 可不织你呀太性急, 49.bear down 加倍努力 织织织本身就有“竭尽全力、加织努力”的意思。例如,You will bear down if you expect to pass the exam. ;你要是指望考织及格的织~就得加一把织。, A: If we can’t finish the work before deadline, we will be fined according to the contract. 如果我织不能在织定的期限内将会完成工作~根据合同~我织被织款。 B: We are already bearing down to do the work. 我织已织在很努力地工作了。 A: I know. What I mean is that we should improve our efficiency. 我知道。我的意思是我织必织提高效率。 50.beat someone at his own game 织就织将地织织某人 织织用织beat someone at his own game直织织“以某人自己织织的把织打织某人”~织织的与“将织就织”近似。 A: You seem to be worried about something. 看上去心。你很担 B: Yeah. I don’t know how to deal with that smart businessman. 是。我不知道织呀怎织织付那个狡猾的商人。 A: Don’t worry. Let’s beat him at his own game. 织心~我织可以织就织。担将 B: A good idea. 好主意。 织云弄巧~织星织恨~织织暗度。金织玉露一相逢~便织却人织无。迢迢数柔情似水~佳期如~忍织织织织路。情若是久织织~又织在朝朝暮暮。梦两;pn=10&tn=site888_pg&ie=utf-8&usm=2
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