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被动语态The passive voice(被动语态) I. Outline(概要) 学习被动语态,重点掌握四个要点:1)语态的选择;2)被动语态的应用;3)被动语态与系表结构的区别;4)主动语态转换为被动语态的技巧。 语态的理解:英语动词有态(voice),语态是谓语动词的一种形式(a form of predicate verb),主语是动作的执行者、施动者(agent),要用主动语态(active voice)的谓语动词形式,主语是动作的承受着、受动者(recipient)要用被动语态(passive voi...

The passive voice(被动语态) I. Outline(概要) 学习被动语态,重点掌握四个要点:1)语态的选择;2)被动语态的应用;3)被动语态与系 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 结构的区别;4)主动语态转换为被动语态的技巧。 语态的理解:英语动词有态(voice),语态是谓语动词的一种形式(a form of predicate verb),主语是动作的执行者、施动者(agent),要用主动语态(active voice)的谓语动词形式,主语是动作的承受着、受动者(recipient)要用被动语态(passive voice)的谓语动词形式,句子的谓语动词(predicator)是主动语态的谓语形式,就叫主动句(active sentence),句子的谓语动词是被动语态的谓语形式,就叫被动句(passive sentence)。 II. Choice of voice (语态的选择) 一个含施动动作的命 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 可以有两种不同的表达形式:主动语态和被动语态。语态的选择存在六个不同: 1.强调的重点不同。 2.信息焦点(information focus)不同 3.语境(contextual situation)不同 4.语义重心(semantics)不同。 5.语用意图(pragmatics)不同 6.文体风格(stylistics)不同 比较如下: (1) Tom beat John. (强调施动者:What did Tom do with John?) Cf. John was beaten by Tom. (强调承受者:What happened to John?) (2) She can’t teach John. =She is unable to teach John/ She has no ability to teach John. 她教不了约翰。 Cf. John can’t be taught. =It is impossible to teach John. 约翰不可(堪)教。 (3) Every schoolboy knows one joke at least. 每个学生至少知道一则笑话。 Cf. One joke is at least known by every schoolboy. 每个学生至少知道一则同样 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 (内容相同)的笑话。 III. V oice constraints (语态制约) 主动语态与被动语态通常存在着相互转换的对应关系,但在某些情况下要受到制约,它们之间根本没有对应的转换关系。 1. Active voice existing only(只有主动语态存在) 1)Verb constraints (动词制约) (1) They have a nice house. (2) He lacks confidence. (3) The plant will soon take root. 生根,相当不及物动词(intransitive verb)。 状态动词没有相应的被动结构,不及物动词当然也没有被动结构,但不及物动词用作使役动词(causative verb),则有被动结构,如: (1) The prisoner was marched off. (2) The thief was walked off by the policeman. (3) Many trains will be run to the battle front. (4)This bottle must not be stood close to the fire. 2)Object constraints (宾语制约) 观察下列例句,进行归纳: (1) We helped each other/ ourselves. (2) Peter hoped to meet her. (3) He enjoyed taking his children out for long walks. (4) The old man broke his legs. (5) The policemen believe that they found out the cause of fire. 归纳三点:1)反身代词(reflexive pronoun)、相互代词(reciprocal pronoun)不可作句子主语;2)非限定性动词通常可作主动语态的主语,但不可以作被动语态的主语,故没有相应的被动结构;3)主语和宾语是同一对象,没有对应的被动结构。 2. Passive voice existing only(只有被动语态存在) 少数情况,只有被动态形式,从而没有对应的主动态,有的语法家已看作是过去分词转化为形容词作表语。 (1) He was born in Wuhan. (2) They are related by blood. (3) She is reputed to be the best singer in Europe. be reputed to,因……而著名 还有些现象根本不是被动态,而是完成体的结构,表示存在的状态和影响,其状态和影响是在动作后造成的。 (1) He is gone. (=He has gone.) (2) The moon is risen now. (=The moon has risen now.) (3) They are finished. (=They have finished.) IV. Functions/Uses of passive voice 有的名家说的好:The passive is full of puzzles. 被动语态的使用,要根据不同语境、不同文章风格、不同语篇结构、不同语用意图、不同语义重心、不同交际话题、不同信息焦点,恰当使用被动语态。 1.Passive and semantic weight(语义重心) 说话人把语义重心集中放在事件本身:1)不必提到施动者;2)对施动者不感兴趣;3)施动者不明确、不清楚,不知道施动者是谁; 4)施动者不言而明等,通常用被动句。 (1) His father was killed in the war. (2) Hundreds of people are killed on the road every year. (3) The typewriter has been used for 20 years. (4) This book was published in the 16th century. 根据上下文(context),动作执行者不言而明,再要把施动者表示出来,不仅显得多余,而且会影响语义重心。 (1) When he came back, he gave a huge feast for all in the village. Everyone was invited. (2) She told me that her master had dismissed her. No reason had been assigned. (See, p. 171, a) 2.Passive and End-weight(末端重量) 动作执行者结构很长、很复杂,为平衡句子结构(make sentence balance),采用被动态就会自然地将很长、很复杂的部分移置句末,这类现象也叫满足末端重量(principle of End-weight)的原则。为避免头重脚轻,平衡句子结构,要将很长、很复杂的部分移至句末,这叫句末(尾)加重,也叫句尾(末)重心或末端重量(End-weight)。满足末端重量通常采用二种 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 :一是采用被动句,二是采用后置手法(postponement)。 (1) All of us were annoyed by Mary’s behavior. Cf. Mary’s behavior annoyed all of us. (2) It has been suggested that income tax be cut. Cf. That income tax should be cut has been suggested. (3) The picture was painted by a very good friend of mine whom I’d like to meet sometimes. (See, p. 162, e) 3. Passive and contextual coherence/ cohesion(语篇连贯/衔接) 出自上下文和修辞(rhetoric)的需要,为获得语篇连贯,避免中途变更主语,故不得不采用被动语态。 (1) He arrived at London where he was met by his friend. (2) He rose to speak, and was listened to with enthusiasm by the crowd present. (3) He visited China’s northeastern provinces in 1935. These provinces were being overrun by the Japanese invaders. (4) He told a lie and was found out. 这里采用被动语态,使上下文紧密衔接(cohesion),从而达到语篇连贯,语气贯通,故有的专家称被动语态是一种语篇变体(The passive is a textual variable)。(See, p. 171, d-172 paragraph 1) 4. Passive and pragmatic function(语用功能) 被动语态有很强的语用效果,这种功能是主动语态完全无法达到的交际效果。说话人出于讲话策略(strategy)、人际关系、语言 含蓄(implication)等方面考虑,不愿道出施动者,采用被动句表达,从而避免语言锋芒,起到缓和语气、言词委婉、不失礼貌的交际效果。 (1) The place has been taken (by Joe). Cf. Joe has taken my place. (2) The dishes must be washed up. Cf. You must wash up the dishes. (3) The journalists were told not to enter that area. (4) This proposal was generally considered as not very practical. 从文化与交际(culture and communication)角度来看,这是一种 迂回、间接的表达方式。因此,有的专家认为,被动语态是一种语用变体(The passive is pragmatic variable)。(See, p. 171, b) 5. Passive and information focus(信息焦点) 从语法形式(句法结构sentence structure)来 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,英语句子有主语、谓语、宾语、状语等成份。大家知道,语言是信息的载体,从传递信息的分布(信息结构information structure)来看,英语句子有主位(theme)和述位(rhyme)两部分。 句首、句子前位,即主语部分是主位,主语后的部分是述位,分析如下: He bought a new coat. 主位rhyme (述位) The new coat was bought by him. theme(主位) rhyme(述位) 主位(theme)是句子交际的出发点、交流的主题,交际的话题,传递的是已知信息(old/given/known/information),述位是句子叙述的核心内容,传递的是未知信息(new/unknown information),述位是信息中心(信息焦点information focus)。在语境框架(situation frame)下,动作承受者作为信息焦点,通常采用带by-phrase 的被动句。比较如下二例: (1)The rain destroyed the flowers. (2) The flowers were destroyed by the rain. 句(1)destroyed the flowers是述位部分,这是突出强调“花落”,可释义为:It were the flowers that the rain destroyed. 句(2)were destroyed by the rain是述位部分,这是突出强调“雨打”,可释义为:It was the rain that destroyed the flowers.由此可见,动作承受者作为信息焦点,通常采用带by-phrase 的被动句。 (3) Who invented the telephone? It was invented by Graham Bell. (4) How was the dam damaged? It was damaged by a flood. (See, P .172, paragraph 2; p.171, c) IV. Marker of passive voice 被动语态的标记,多数情况,用be作被动语态的助动词(auxiliary),即:Be-passive (be + done)。少数情况,也可用get 作被被语态的助动词,即:Get-passive(get + done)。 1. Be-passive Be-passive (be + done),在结构上与系表结构很相似(在形式上完全一样),怎样辨别,其根本区别是:强调动作是被动语态,表示状态是系表结构。 (1) The tree was uprooted by the wind. (passive) Cf. The tree was uprooted when we saw it. (系表结构) Be +过去分词(be + done)构成的系表结构本来就是一种表示状态的被动语态,是从被动语态派生出来的亲姐妹。因说话人是从两个不同的侧面进行强调,当说话人只强调动作,不考虑动作后造成的状态,就是被动语态,过去分词就是行为动词表示动作。当说话人只强调状态(动作后造成的状态),不考虑动作的发生,就是系表结构,过去分词转化为形容词作表语描述状态。因此,有的专家将强调动作 的称为表示动作的被动语态active-passive,将强调状态的称为表示状态的被动语态stative/ quasi-passive。 (2) I was surprised by a knock at the door. Cf. I am (very) surprised at your behaviour. 过去分词已转化为形容词,当然可用副词修饰。 强调动作时,会有语境暗示who//agent(动作是谁执行的), what(发生何事),when/ time(动作发生的时间),how /manner(动作发生的方式) where/ place(动作发生的地点),这类暗示表明,被动语态是动态的,而系表结构是静态的。比较: (3) I was interested by what you told me. (因某一事引起) Cf. I am (very) interested in chess。(早有习惯) (4) The door was shut when I went by, but I don’t know when it was shut. (5) The lamp was suddenly blown out when the enemy came near. Cf. The lamp was blown out when the enemy passed by. 动态与静态的感悟,动态体现动作和行为(暗示who what when how where),展现一种动态画面,静态呈现一种静止状态(动作后造成的一种存在的状态,其状态是静止的),展现一种静态画面。 (6) The door is locked every night by the old man. Cf. The door is locked at present. (7) These walls are painted every year. Cf. The walls are newly painted. (8) The cart was carefully loaded with bricks. Cf. The cart was loaded with bricks. (9) The enemy was soon surrounded by us. Cf. The house is surrounded by/with trees. Cf. A tree is known by its fruit. 有时使用by-phrase并不完全是被动语态,而是系表结构,使用with也并不完全是系表结构。 2. Get-passive Get用作被动语态的助动词,侧重突发性、出乎意料的偶发事件或事故。如: (1) He got killed by the bus. (2) He got caught by the police driving at 60 kms through Cambridge. (3) Hundreds of people get killed every year by traffic on the road. (4) The picture got damaged when we were moving. Cf. She got married. (系表结构) (5) He got wounded in the battle of eastern Hopei. Cf. He got wounded in the arm.(系表结构) Get用作被动语态的助动词,其构成否定句、疑问句,还要使用相应的助动词,因get不能独立充当操作词(operator)。 (1) How did the window get broken? (2) It didn’t get broken. (3) More and more people are getting attacked in the underground these days.(进行被动) (See 177, 3) V. Active-passive transformation 1. With object clause 某些带宾语从句的主动句(含宾语从句的主动句),变被动句可有两种被动句式(two passive patterns)。 (1) People think that he drives badly. Passive: Pattern I: It is thought that he drives badly. Pattern II: He is thought to drive badly. Put into Chinese,把握汉语惯用习惯表达: 大家认为/有人认为他驾车很差。 Pattern I,变为被动句,宾语从句就成了主语从句,为满足末端重量(End-weight)原则,将主语从句后移(postponed),用先行词it(anticipatory it)作形式主语(formal subject),这种被动句式是最常用,最地道的英语语言,故称习惯被动式(idiomatic passive)。 Pattern II,将宾语从句缩短为不定式结构,其不定式结构在被动句中作主语补足语(subject complement)。 二种被动句式可归纳为: Pattern I: It + be-passive + that … Pattern II: S + be-passive + to-infinitive (2) People suppose that he is in Paris. Pattern I: It is supposed that he is in Paris. Pattern II: He is supposed to be in Paris. Put into Chinese: 据估计他在巴黎。 (3) It is expected that the President will speak today. Pattern II: The President is expected to speak today. Chinese translation: 大家盼望/人们希望…… (4) It is feared that all the miners are dead. Pattern II: All the miners are feared to be dead. Chinese translation: 大家(人们)忧虑/担忧…… that-clause是一般现在时或表示将来,将从句缩短为不定式,用不定式的一般形式(to + do),因不定式的一般形式表示一般现在或将来。 (5) 据信/人们(大家)相信他在努力工作。 Put into English: Pattern I: It is believed that he is working hard. Pattern II: He is believed to be working hard. 。that-clause是现在进行体,将从句缩短为不定式,用不定式的进行形式(to be doing),不定式的进行形式表示不定式的动作正在进行,若是转移性动词,不定式的进行形式也可表示不定式的动作即将要发生,如: (6) It is thought that he is coming. 转移性动词用进行体,表示动作即将要发生。 Pattern II: He is thought to be coming. 若是转移性动词,不定式的进行形式也可表示不定式的动作即将要发生。 (7) It is thought that he made a mistake. Pattern II: He is thought to have made a mistake. (8) It is understood that both sides have agreed to a settlement. Pattern II: Both sides are understood to have agreed to a settlement. 据悉/不言而喻/大家明白…;.. (9) It is supposed that the ship has been sunk. Pattern II: The ship is supposed to have been sunk. 据估计/人们(大家)估计…… (10) It was believed that he had been a reporter. Pattern II: He was believed to have been a reporter. 据信/人们相信/大家相信…… that-clause的动作先发生于主句的动作,将从句缩短为不定式,用不定式的完成形式(to have done),因不定式的完成形式表示不定式的动作先发生 (11) 据说他们一直在云南收集民歌。 Translate into English: Pattern I: It is said that they have been collecting folk songs in Yunnan. Pattern II: They are said to have been collecting folk songs in Y unnan. (12) It was known that the struggle had been going on for over twenty years. Pattern II: The struggle was known to have been going on for over twenty years. 据了解(获悉)/众所周知/大家知道…… (13) It is reported that he was driving carelessly. Pattern II: He is reported to have been driving carelessly. 据报道/报道说…… that-clause的动作先发生于主句的动作,并一直在进行、在延续,将从句缩短为不定式,用不定式的完成进行形式(to have been doing),因不定式的完成进行形式表示不定式的动作先发生,并一直在进行。 总结不定式的四种形式:1)to +do(不定式的一般形式),不定式的一般形式表示一般现在或将来;2)to be doing(不定式的进行形式),不定式的进行形式表示不定式的动作正在进行或即将发生;3) to have done(不定式的完成形式),不定式的完成形式表示不定式的动作先发生;4)to have been doing(不定的完成进行形式),不定式的完成进行形式表示不定式的动作先发生,并一直在进行。 (14)据说边境有军队。 Put into English: It is said that there are troops on the frontier. Pattern II: There are said to be troops on the frontier. that-clause 是一个存在句(Existential sentence/There be-pattern),将从句缩短为不定式结构,整个被动句的框架是there be-pattern。 相当于:There (are said to) are troops on the frontier.若拿掉被动结构,只是少了一层“被说”的被动意义。 (15) 大家曾盼望(希望)将有更多的讨论。 Pattern I: It was expected that there would be more discussion. Pattern II: There was expected to be more discussion. 总结二种被动句,关注这类被动句常用的动词、英汉惯用习惯表达: Pattern I: It + be-passive + that … Pattern II: S + be-passive + to-infinitive think(据认为/大家认为/人们认为…;..) know(据了解/据获悉/众所周知……) say(据说/有人说……) report(据报道/据悉……) understand(据悉/不言而喻/大家明白……) believe(据信/大家相信/人们相信……) suppose(据估计……) expect(大家盼望/人们希望……) (See P 172, 2; 175, 1) 2. Passive of verb with two objects 带双宾语的主动句( S V o O) ,变被动句可有二种办法,既可用间接宾语(indirect object)作被动句的主语,也可用直接宾语(direct object)作被动句主语。 (1) She gave the car a wash. Passive: The car was given a wash. A wash was given to the car. 用间接宾语作被动句的主语,直接宾语在被动句中作保留宾(retained object)。用直接宾语作被动句的主语,间接宾语在被动句中作保留宾语,但要在保留宾语前用介词to或for。 (2) Some assistance was offered (to) him Cf. They offered him some assistance. 带双宾语的主动句变被动句,其中一个宾语用来作被动句的主语,另一个宾语在被动句中作保留宾语。 当直接宾语是一个介词短语、不定式短语、从句时,变被动句时只能用间接宾语作被动句的主语。 (3) He was rubbed of all his money. Cf. The burglar rubbed him of all his money. (4) I was showed how to do it. Cf. He showed me how to do it. (5) I was told when the accident had happened. (See p 161 c) 3. Passive of verb with complex object 带复合宾语的主动句(复合宾语由宾语+宾语补足语(S V O C)构成)变被动句时,宾语用作被动句的主语,宾语补足语在被动句中作主语补足语(Subject complement)。 (1)You must start the machine running. Passive: The machine must be started running. 句中是现在分词作宾语补足语,说明宾语的动作,其动作是由宾语发出的,故宾语是宾语补语的逻辑主语,宾语与宾语补语之间有逻辑主谓关系。可见,动作性的成份作宾语补足语说明宾语的动作,宾语与宾语补足语之间有逻辑主谓关系。 在被动语态中,宾语补足语成为主语补足语说明主语的动作,被动句的主语是主语补足语的逻辑主语。 (2) Contrast: They waste a lot of time discussing unimportant things. Passive: A lot of time is wasted discussing unimportant things. 现在分词与宾语之间没有逻辑主谓关系,现在分词的动作不是由宾语发出的,而是由句子主语发出的,从而说明宾语不是现在分词的逻辑主语,句子的主语到是现在分词的逻辑主语。因此,这是现在分词作状语。变成被动语态,现在分词在被动句中还是作状语,其动作发出(其逻辑主语)是暗含的施动者。 (3) We asked the teacher to explain the difficult sentence again. Passive: The teacher was asked to explain the difficult sentence again. 不定式作宾语补足语说明宾语的动作,其动作是由宾语发出的,故宾语是不定式的逻辑主语,宾语与宾语补足语之间存在逻辑主谓关系。在被动语态中,不定式的动作是由主语发出的,其主语是不定式 的逻辑主语。 (4) We should keep them informed of what we are doing here. Passive: They should be kept informed of what we are doing here. 过去分词作宾语补足语,宾语与宾语补足语之间是被动的逻辑主谓关系。在被动语态中,整个句子是一个被动句,被动句的主语与主语补足语之间也是被动关系。 (5) He has painted the door white. Passive: The door has been painted white. 相当于: The door is white. The door has become white. 句中是形容词作宾语补足语说明宾语的状态,宾语与宾语补足语之间有逻辑主表关系。从而说明,非动作性成份作宾语补足语说明宾语的状态、特征、性质,宾语与宾语补足语之间存在逻辑主表关系。 在被动句中,主语补足语说明主语的状态,主语与主语补足语之间有逻辑主表关系。若拿掉被动结构(has been painted),就是一个系表结构,只是少了一层表示“被油漆”的含义,少了一层表示被动性的行为。 (6) We consider the matter of no importance/unimportant. Passive: The matter is considered of no importance/unimportant. 相当于:The matter is of no importance/unimportant. 句中是介词短语作宾语补足语说明宾语的性质(character),用介 词of的原因是,抽象名词作表语,要在名词前用介词of,其构成的介词短语作表语相当于形容词作表语。 上例,拿掉被动结构,就是一个系表结构,只是少了一层“被认为”的含义。 (See 162 d) 4. Passive of phrasal verb(短语/词组动词) 短语/词组动词与动词短语/词组(verb phrase)的区别:短语 /词组动词指的是动词的构成(verb-formation/construction, make-up verb)。就动词的结构来看,多数动词是由一个单词构成的,这叫单字动词(single-word verb),少数动词是由二个以上的单词构成的,故也叫多字动词(multi-word verb)。 1) v+ prep look after (=care) look into(=investigate) rely on(=believe) 短语动词尽管是由二个以上单词构成的,形式上是短语性的,但在使用上就相当于一个单字动词,如: The matter is being looked into. 2) v+ adv particle bring up(=educate) come out(=publish) put off(=postponed) The boy was well brought up. 3) v+ adv particle+ prep put up with (=stand) look forward to(=hope) do away with(= end) face up to They just have to be faced up to. 4) v+ n + prep take care of make a mess of take note of 动词+名词+介词构成的短语/词组动词,变为被动语态可有二种形式,如: They have taken careful note of your remarks. Form I: Your remarks have been taken careful note of. 将整个短语/词组动词当作一个及物动词来处理,短语/词组动 词后的就是宾语,宾语在被动态中就是主语。 Form II: Careful note has been taken of your remarks. 被看作“动词+宾语+介词”(v + o + prep)结构,变被动语态时,将动词后的宾语抽出来作主语。 The owner had made a mess of the house. Form I: The house had been made a mess of. Form II: A mess had been made of the house. 总结短语动词的特征:短语动词是由两个以上的单词组成的动词,在结构形式上是短语性的,故叫短语/词组动词,再由于这种动词是早期形成的固定搭配,具有成语性质,故也叫成语动词(verbal idiom)。 动词短语/词组完全不同,这个短语/词组是以动词为中心词(head word)构成的短语,其中心动词有时是单字动词,有时是多字动词(即:短语/词组动词)。 They will build the hospital.(动词短语中的动词是单字动词) They will set up the hospital.(动词短语中的动词是多字动词) We cannot stand such a state of things. We cannot put up with such a state of things. 变为被动语态,短语动词被看作一个及物动词来处理,其后的介词、副词不可省略也不可分开,如: Such a state of things cannot be put up with. She soon realized that she was being made fun of. His books were taken great care of. (See p 165, 1—2) 5. Passive of semi-auxiliary verb 观察下列半助动词,总结其特征: 常用的半助动词有:1)be going to be about to be to be apt to be certain to be sure to be (un)likely to be bound to be able to be supposed to;2)have to have got to had better/best(其后直接用动词,即不带to的不定式);3)happen to chance to appear to seem to turn out to 半助动词的特征:半助动词介乎于助动词与实义动词之间,既有助动词特征也有实义动词特征。从使用位置上看,它们通常处在助动词的位置上,总是位于主语之后,实义动词之前(实义动词是以不定式的形式出现,因半助动词均带有不定式的符号to),不能独立充当谓语动词,这是助动词的特征。从意义上看,助动词没有词汇意义, 而它们有词汇意义,这又是实义动词特征。 (1)You are to leave the bag here. Passive: The bag is to be left here. (2)They used to start these engines by hand. Passive: These engines used to be started by hand. (3) John seems to like Mary very much. Passive: Mary seems to be liked very much by John. Cf. It seems that John likes Mary very much. It seems that Mary is liked very much by John. (4)The boy happened to meet her in the street. Passive: She happened to be met in the street by the boy. Cf. It (so) happened that the boy met her in the street. It (so) happened that She was met in the street by the boy. 带半助动词、情态动词的主动句,变为被动句时,要在不定式上体现。(See P 161, b) VI. Active form used in passive sense 在英语中,有许多动词的主动(形式)结构表示被动意义(passive meaning),通常是某些及物动词用作不及物动词具有被动意义。 1.Present progressive of intransitive verb 某些及物动词用作不及物动词(intransitive verb),并用现在进行体,其主动形式表被动意义,主语通常指物,表示主语处于某种状态中,这是早期英语的残余。 (1) The film is showing in town. =The film is in a state of being shown. (2) The meat is cooking. =The meat is being cooked. (也可转换为相应的被动结构) (3) The book is printing. =The book is being printed. (4) Some articles are airing in the courtyard. =Some articles are in a state of being aired.(院子里凉着一些东西。) 2. Intransitive verb with descriptive adverbial 某些及物动词用作不及物动词,其主动形式表被动意义时,主语指物的居多,表示主语具有某种属性、特点、内在特性,并通常带有描述性的状语。 (1) The pen writes well. =The pen is of the type that is good in writing. (2) The cloth washes well. (3) Silk cuts easily. (4) The play reads better than it acts. (5) The novels translated well. =The novels are of the types that are good in translation. 3. Negation of intransitive verb 某些及物动词用作不及物动词,其否定形式表被动意义,否 定结构通常是won’t或doesn’t。 (1) The engine won’t start. (2) This box doesn’t close properly.(这箱子关不拢。) (3) This material doesn’t dye well.(这料子染不好。) (4) The middle house won’t let. Cf. The middle house will not be let. 这类句子若用被动结构,意义就改变了: 句(4),中间房子租不出去。原因存在于句子主语本身的内在因素和内在特征;其对比例句表示,中间房屋不出租。原因存在于外在因素,一个没有表示出来的施动者(执行者)。 (5) This novel doesn’t sell. 小说卖不出去/销路不佳。 Cf. This novel is not sold. 小说没有人买/小说不卖。 (6) The door won’t lock. 门锁不上,门自身内在原因。 Cf. The door will not be locked. 门不会上锁/门不锁,外在因素. (7) The door opened slowly. 门自动慢慢开了,好像动作是从事物本身内部发出来的。 Cf. The door was opened. 门被人开了,有外在因素,暗含动作执行者。(See P 175, 2)
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