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民事判决书-中英对照模板 中国音像著作权集体管理协会诉北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司侵犯著作权纠纷一案 The case of China Audio-Video Copyright Association (plaintiff) v. Beijing Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Co., Ltd. (defendant) for copyright infringement 北京市朝阳区人民法院 Beijing Chaoyang District People’s Court 民事判决书 Civil J...

中国音像著作权集体管理协会诉北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司侵犯著作权纠纷一案 The case of China Audio-Video Copyright Association (plaintiff) v. Beijing Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Co., Ltd. (defendant) for copyright infringement 北京市朝阳区人民法院 Beijing Chaoyang District People’s Court 民事判决 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf Civil Judgment (2008)朝民初字第32044号 2008-Chao-Min-Chu-Zi-32044 原告:中国音像著作权集体管理协会,住所地北京市朝阳区呼家楼京广中心商务楼401室。 Plaintiff: China Audio-Video Copyright Association, Room 401, Jinguang Center Business Building, Hujialou Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 法定代表人:王化鹏,总干事。 Legal representative:Wang Huapeng, Director-general 委托代理人:周亚平,男,汉族,1954年1月8日出生,该协会理事,住北京市朝阳区惠新西里601号。 Designated agent:Zhou Yaping, male, born on 8 January 1954, of Han nationality, director of this association, No. 601, Huixinxili, Chaoyang District, Beijing 委托代理人:勾蒲亮,男,汉族,1985年1月16日出生,该协会职员,住北京市大兴区庞各庄镇丁村。 Designated agent:Gou Puliang, male, born on 16 January 1985, of Han nationality, staff of this association, Dingcun Village, Panggezhuang Town, Daxing District, Beijing 被告:北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司,住所地北京市朝阳区东三环南路15号。 Defendant: Beijing Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Co., Ltd., No. 15, East 3rd Road South, Chaoyang District, Beijing 法定代表人:赵良斌,经理。 Legal representative:Zhao Liangbin, Manager 委托代理人:陆君,女,汉族,1967年10月19日出生,该公司主任,住北京市朝阳区团结湖南里。 Designated agent:Lu Jun, female, Han nationality, born on 19 October 1967, Director of this company, Tuanjiehu Nanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing 原告中国音像著作权集体管理协会(简称音集协)诉被告北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司(简称远洋名都娱乐公司)侵犯著作权纠纷一案,本院于2008年10月27日受理后,依法组成合议庭,于同年12月2日公开开庭进行了审理。音集协的委托代理人周亚平、勾蒲亮,远洋名都娱乐公司的法定代表人赵良斌到庭参加了诉讼。本案现已审理终结。 This court, after filing on 27 October 2008 the case China Audio-Video Copyright Association (hereinafter referred to as “CAVCA”) (plaintiff) v. Beijing Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company” ) (defendant) for copyright infringement, duly formed a collegiate panel and held an open trial on 2 December 2008. Appearing at the court for debate were Zhou Yaping and Gou Puliang, attorneys of CAVCA, and Zhao Liangbin, legal representative of Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company. The case has now come to a close. 音集协诉称:我协会是经国家版权局正式批准成立的唯一音像著作权集体管理组织,依法对音像节目的著作权及与著作权有关的权利实施集体管理。2008年以来,我协会先后与权利人签署了《音像著作权授权合同》,以信托方式获得了权利人多首音乐电视作品的放映权、出租权、广播权、复制权,我协会有权以自己的名义对该音乐电视作品遭受侵权的行为提起诉讼。经查,远洋名都娱乐公司未经权利人许可,也未支付费用,而在其营业场所的点唱机中完整地收录了我协会管理的45首音乐电视作品,侵犯了权利人的放映权、复制权。现我协会提起诉讼, 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 远洋名都娱乐公司停止侵权、删除涉案音乐电视作品,赔偿经济损失及合理费用共计20万元。 CAVCA alleges that: our association is the unique audio-video copyright administration established with the formal approval from National Copyright Administration and shall perform collective administration of the copyright of audio-video programs and the rights related to copyright as per law. Since 2008, our association has successively signed Audio-Video Copyright Authorization Contract with the right owner and obtained the right of playing, renting, broadcasting and reproducing many TV works of the right owner. Our association is entitled to lodge a complaint against the tort of the music TV works in the name of our own. In accordance with investigation, Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company has completely recorded 45 music TV works in other business places without approval of the right owner or paying any expenses, which infringes the right of playing and reproducing of the right owner. Hereby our association lodges a complaint to require that Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company to stop tort and delete the involved music TV works as well as compensate RMB 200,000 Yuan in total for our economic loss and proper expenses. 远洋名都娱乐公司辩称:我公司并不知道存在音集协这个组织,其向我公司收费没有依据,且收费方式不合理。音集协起诉我公司使用的曲库是刚刚安装试用的点歌机,其索赔金额过高。因此,我公司不同意音集协的诉讼请求。 Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company contends that its company doesn’t know the organization of CAVCA, which charges without gist and in an improper way. The song database claimed by CAVCA is the karaoke machine installed just for trial use. The amount demanded is too high. Thus, our company fails to agree on the claims of the CAVCA. 经审理查明:音集协是经国家版权局批准成立的著作权集体管理组织,成立于2008年6月24日。2008年7月22日至2008年11月13日,音集协先后与北京鸟人艺术推广有限责任公司(简称鸟人公司)、佛山市顺德区孔雀廊娱乐唱片有限公司(简称孔雀廊公司)、北京天中文化发展有限公司(简称天中公司)、正大国际音乐制作中心(简称正大中心)、北京星工场音乐娱乐有限公司(简称星工场公司)、广州市新时代影音公司(简称新时代公司)、中国唱片广州公司(简称中唱广州公司)、北京太合麦田音乐文化发展有限公司(简称太合麦田公司)、北京竹书房文化传播有限责任公司(简称竹书房公司)和北京九雨天下音乐文化发展有限公司(简称九雨天下公司)签订《音像著作权授权合同》。根据上述合同约定,鸟人公司、孔雀廊公司、天中公司、正大中心、星工场公司、新时代公司、中唱广州公司、太合麦田公司、竹书房公司和九雨天下公司分别同意将其依法拥有的音像节目的放映权、复制权等权利信托给音集协管理,其中包括音集协主张权利的45首音乐电视作品(详见附表,简称涉案音乐电视作品)。 The court identified facts by trial as follows: CAVCA is an audio-video copyright administration established on 24 June 2008 with the formal approval from National Copyright Administration. From 22 July 2008 to 13 November 2008, CAVCA successively signed Audio-Video Copyright Authorization Contract with Beijing Niaoren Art Promotion Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Niaoren Company” ), Kongquelang Amusement & Record Co., Ltd. in Shunde District, Foshan City (hereinafter referred to as “Kongquelang Company’ ), Beijing Tianzhong Culture Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Tianzhong Company” ), Zhengda International Music Composition Center (hereinafter referred to as “Zhengda Center” ), Beijing Xinggongchang Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinggongchang Company” ), Guangzhou Xinshidai Audio-Video Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinshidai Company” ), China Record Guangzhou Corp. (hereinafter referred to as “CRGC” ), Beijing Taihe Rye Music Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Taihe Rye” ), Beijing Zhushufang Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Zhushufang Company” ) and Beijing Jiuyutian Music Culture Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jiuyutian Company” ). In accordance with the agreement under the contract mentioned above, Niaoren Company, Kongquelang Company, Tianzhong Company, Zhengda Center, Xinggongchang Company, Xinshidai Company, CRGC, Taihe Rye, Zhushufang Company and Jiuyutian Company agree to entrust their rights of playing and reproducing to CAVCA as per law, including the 45 music TV works claimed by CAVCA (refer to the attached tables for details and hereinafter referred to as involved music TV works). 远洋名都娱乐公司的经营范围包括:自娱性演唱、体育运动项目经营;销售定型包装食品含乳冷食品。远洋名都娱乐公司共有KTV包间53间,按照包间大小每小时收取6元至30元不等的费用,其中使用的点歌机中含有涉案音乐电视作品。音集协申请北京市长安公证处对远洋名都娱乐公司使用涉案音乐电视作品经营KTV的行为进行了公证,支出公证费3180元。远洋名都娱乐公司没有就使用涉案音乐电视作品支付费用。 The business scope of Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company includes: self-service amusement, sports items and cold products containing milk. Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company owns 53 KTV rooms, charging RMB 6 to 30 Yuan per hour in accordance with the size of the room. The used karaoke machine includes the involved music TV works. CAVCA applied Beijing Changan Notary Public Office for notarization of the tort of Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company in terms of using the involved music TV works and paid RMB 3,180 Yuan for notarization. Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company failed to pay any expenses for using the involved music TV works. 上述事实,有《音像著作权授权合同》、音像制品、公证书、公证费发票,及当事人陈述等在案佐证。 The fact mentioned above is proved by Audio-Video Copyright Authorization Contract, audio-video products, notarial deed, notes for notarization expenses and the statement of the party. 本院认为:根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》及相关法律的规定,著作权集体管理组织,经权利人授权有权以自己的名义进行诉讼。音集协是依法成立的音像著作权集体管理组织,通过《音像著作权授权合同》取得了以信托方式管理涉案音乐电视作品的放映权、复制权的权利,其有权以自己的名义向侵犯涉案音乐电视作品放映权、复制权的侵权人提起诉讼。 Our court holds that: pursuant to Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China and regulations of relevant laws, with the authorization from the right owner, the copyright collective management organizations are entitled to lodge a complaint in the name of their own. CAVCA, as an audio-video copyright collective management organization established as per law, has successively signed Audio-Video Copyright Authorization Contract, which endows it with the right of managing the playing and reproducing of the involved music TV works. It is entitled to lodge a complaint against the tortfeasor for his/her tort of right of playing and reproducing the involved music TV works in the name of its own. 远洋名都娱乐公司在点歌机中使用涉案音乐电视作品进行KTV经营,但未征得许可,也未支付报酬。因此,其行为构成侵权,应当承担停止侵权、赔偿损失的责任。就具体的赔偿数额,本院将综合考虑涉案音乐电视作品的数量、远洋名都娱乐公司的使用方式、经营模式和规模等因素,酌情判处。 Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company applied the involved music TV works to its KTV operation, without license or paying. Thus, its act is a kind of tort. It shall stop tort and compensate the loss. In terms of the detailed compensation amount, our court will judge and decide with comprehensive consideration into the quantity of the involved music TV works, way of use by Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company and its way and scope of operation and etc. 综上所述,依据《中华人民共和国著作权法》第八条第一款、第四十七条第(一)项、第四十八条的规定,判决如下: To conclude, pursuant to Clause 1 of Article 8 and Item (I) of Article 47 and Article 48 of Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China, we hereby decide as follows: 一、北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司停止使用涉案四十五首音乐电视作品; I.    Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company shall stop the use of the involved 45 music TV works; 二、北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司于本判决生效之日起十日内向中国音像著作权集体管理协会支付赔偿金七万元; II.    Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Company shall, within 10 days since the date when the judgment comes into effect, pay RMB 70,000 Yuan (SAY RMB SEVENTY THOUSAND ONLY) to China Audio-Video Copyright Association as compensation; 三、北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司于本判决生效之日起十日内赔偿中国音像著作权集体管理协会为制止侵权行为而支出的合理费用三千一百八十元; III.    Beijing Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Co., Ltd. shall, within 10 days since the date when the judgment comes into effect, pay RMB 3,180 Yuan (SAY RMB THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ONLY) to China Audio-Video Copyright Association for its proper expenditure for prohibition of tort; 四、驳回中国音像著作权集体管理协会的其他诉讼请求。 IV.    Other claims of China Audio-Video Copyright Association are rejected. 如果北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司未按本判决指定的期间履行给付金钱义务,应当依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百二十九条之规定,加倍支付迟延履行期间的债务利息。 Should it fail to perform the obligation of payment within the period appointed by this judgment, Beijing Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Co., Ltd. shall, pursuant to Article 229 of Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, pay double liability interest occurred during the delayed period. 案件受理费4300元,由北京远洋名都娱乐有限公司负担(于本判决生效后7日内交纳)。 The cost of this lawsuit is RMB 4,300 Yuan (SAY RMB FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ONLY), which shall be paid by Beijing Yuanyang Mingdu Entertainment Co., Ltd. (within 7 days after coming into effect of the judgment). 如不服本判决,可在判决书送达之日起15日内,向本院递交上诉状,并按对方当事人的人数提出副本,上诉于北京市第二中级人民法院。 Either party that refuses to accept this judgment as final may, within 15 (fifteen) days after service of this judgment, appeal to Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People's Court by submitting an appeal petition to this court together with a sufficient number of copies for each party to have one. 审判长:谢甄珂 Presiding judge:Xie Zhenke 人民陪审员:丁京莉 People's jury: Ding Jinli 人民陪审员:张燕琴 People's jury: Zhang Yanqin 二OO八 年 十二 月 十九 日 29 December 2008 书记员:薄雯 Court clerk: Bo Wen
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